Giving That Glorifies God


Philippians 4:15–20 Pastor Rob Kimsey December 17, 2023


This is Philippians chapter 4 verses 15 through 20
Now we pick up in the close of Paul's letter so in the context
Really of a challenge for the Philippians to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Jesus Christ So we can read this last chapter and it's in in that light even starting back in chapter 3 verse 20
Paul is giving this challenge to them to live their lives in such a way that they would attain an eternal reward in light of Christ's return and future glory.
He says press on and so in in chapter 3 verse 20 Read along with me
He says for this reason for our citizenship is in heaven From which also we eagerly wait for a
Savior the Lord Jesus Christ who will transform the body of Our humble state into conformity into the body of his glory
By his working through which he is able to even subject all things to himself
He says therefore my brothers loved and longed for my joy and crown in this way
Stand firm in the Lord my beloved. I Urge you odia and I urge
Syntyche to think the same way in the Lord Indeed I ask you also genuine companion help these women who have contended together
Alongside of me in the gospel with also Clement and the rest of my fellow workers whose names are in the book of life
Rejoice in the Lord always again. I will say rejoice Let your considerate spirit be known to all men.
The Lord is near Be anxious for nothing But in everything by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving Let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all
Comprehension will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus Finally brothers
Whatever is true Whatever is dignified whatever is right?
Whatever is pure Whatever is lovely Whatever is commendable if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise
Consider these things the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me
Practice these things and the God of peace will be with you But I rejoiced in the
Lord greatly that now at last you have revived thinking about me
Indeed you were thinking about me before but you lacked opportunity Not that I speak from want for I learned to be content in whatever circumstances.
I am I Know how to get along with humble means and I also know how to live in abundance in any and all things
I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry Both of having abundance and suffering need
I can do all things through him who strengthens me Nevertheless you have done well to fellowship with me in my affliction verse 15 and You yourselves also know
Philippians that at the first preaching of the gospel After I left Macedonia no church fellowship with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone
For even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs
Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek the fruit which increases to your account
But I have received everything in full and have an abundance I have been filled having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent a fragrant aroma and acceptable sacrifice pleasing to God and My God will fulfill all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus Now to our
God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen Greet every Saint in Christ Jesus The brothers who are with me greet you all the
Saints greet you and especially those of Caesars household The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit
These verses before us this morning verses 15 through 20 are both practical from a human point of view and Divine from an eternal point of view.
It's really amazing if you think about it In this short section Paul's describing the history between the
Philippian congregation and himself He's obviously extremely grateful for their support
Having just brought this up and discussed what a benefit their gift was for him in verses 10 through 14
Paul really just starts to qualify what it means and He brings up the history between the two of them between the two parties
Paul in the church, of course It's practical in that he mentions Epaphroditus He mentioned some of their history and how he had been in Macedonia and Thessalonica He acknowledged their continued support, but there's a few things that just kind of like pop out of the text
He says they were in fellowship together He acknowledged they've been with him from the beginning and he's grateful for that He's grateful for the support
Just think about it when you start something new in life whether it's some new start in education or continuing education or Starting a new job and you can think about the people that support you
Whereas there's hardships along the way There's difficulties in the journey But when you look back
Over your time in school or over a career there there were the
Relationships that you've had that that got you through the difficult times or challenging times
There's always a deep bond of affection for those people that supported you You look back with love and affection and that's what
Paul's doing here in this part of the letter It's really astonishing how he concludes this section with an eternal perspective
Letting the church know that what they've done has not only benefited him, but it meant a lot
But it was also counted for them on their account. It was a credit for them It's a pleasing offering.
It's a sacrifice. It's an offering that Pleases God and it brings glory to God and even more amazing he's saying in response to their gift that God is going to supply all of their needs and This isn't prosperity gospel nonsense
He says God's going to supply all of their needs according to the riches and glory in Christ Jesus But there's an aspect of the physical and spiritual as the
Heavenly Father supplies his children The passage teaches us something that I think is really important for our own lives
To acknowledge the people in our lives that have helped us along the way That's the practical side the divine side is to acknowledge that those people and the physical supplies are all from God and The spiritual enablement and strength that got us through are all from God the special people in your life
The special people in your life that you can think of when you reflect back on times of difficulty
Right, it may be the death of a loved one. It might be a strained marriage
Daily adversity Fighting the temptation to sin Climbing the ladder of life and getting that degree getting that certification getting that job
Going from point A to point B and you look back and there was support along the way financial earthly necessities things you needed and didn't have and Exactly at the right time
God Provided those things God provided the means and in God's common grace whether you're a believer or not
He provided he provided Ultimately for the believer God will supply all of our needs according to his riches and glory in Jesus Christ Our supply to the local church should be based on God's supply of grace in the gospel
Our giving should be done as an act of worship in response to God's gift of salvation in Today's passage the
Apostle Paul highlights three important aspects of giving so that you can support the church and gospel ministry and bring glory to God Number one faithful fellowship in the gospel means faithful giving
Number two freely giving is a pleasing offering to God and number three
Fulfilling his children's physical and spiritual needs brings glory to God Now up to this point in the letter
Paul had discussed his circumstances in getting arrested He spent the first part of the letter exhorting the
Philippians to stand firm in their biblical convictions amid persecution
Paul also gave them a strong admonishment to be united in humility by remembering and following Christ's example of humility.
He encouraged them to be lights in a dark world He gave an update on the circumstances of Timothy and Epaphroditus and more importantly commended the men as examples to follow in the theological meat of Paul's letter he warned the congregation against legalism and against lawlessness in Chapter 4 verses 1 through 9
Paul closed his letter with a final exhortation to the Philippians to live in unity
To be joyful in their circumstances and to continue in prayer in all things in verses 10 through 20
Paul stated that he was thankful and grateful for the Philippians generosity in their support for the spiritual and physical needs of Paul in his gospel ministry as Paul highlights these areas of the generosity
He gives us an extremely helpful window into the theological foundation
Forgiving and their consequences in the provision from God and glory due to God three important aspects of giving so that you can support the church and gospel ministry and Bring glory to God number one
Faithful fellowship in the gospel means faithful giving Faithful fellowship in the gospel means faithful giving this is verses 15 and 16
Paul says and you yourselves also know Philippians that at the first preaching of the gospel after I left
Macedonia No church fellowship with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone
Following Paul's mention of fellowshipping or sharing with him in affliction Paul now describes that fellowship the idea of sharing or fellowshipping with him is more than just the physical provision that was provided The fellowshipping
Paul describes in verse 15 is the idea of joining in a partnership with someone And this takes us back to the beginning of the letter and demonstrates
Paul's loving attitude Toward the believers there his brothers and sisters in Christ Go back to chapter 1 read read with me chapter 1 verse 7
So his comments here take us back to the beginning Philippians 1 7 for it is only right for me to think this way about you all because I have you in my heart
Since both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel you all are fellow partakers with me in this grace
The term translated fellow partakers is one word in the Greek It is the noun form of the verb to fellowship from verse 14
Chapter 4 so turn back to chapter 4 Look at verse 14 Nevertheless, you have done well to fellowship with me in my affliction
Sometimes translated sharing as in you have done well to share with me in my present difficulty
The Philippians are sharers with Paul in his ministry and his affliction the persecution
Verse 15 makes Paul's thinking crystal clear This is an emphatic use of the second person plural pronoun you the verb to know already has that in it
The verb to know already has the second person plural pronoun included But Paul attaches the pronoun on top of it, you know, you yourselves
Know Philippians see the emphatic use there, you know, you yourselves
Know this is significant because Paul is saying I don't need to call in other witnesses
No one else needs to come and tell me about this for you yourselves. Know that what
I'm saying is true They were present in the first preaching of the gospel in Philippi The historical account from the
Acts of the Apostles is helpful for Paul's reference of the events So he's talking about this first preaching of the gospel
Turn with me over to Acts chapter 16 So if you want to hear a little bit about the a good place to look in your
Bible for the Church of Philippi And Paul's early missionary activities Acts 16 is the place to go for the church in Philippi So put one finger in in Philippians.
We'll say we'll look at Acts 16 for just a second here Acts 16 even starting in verse 11
It says so setting sail from Troas We ran a straight course to some off race and on the day following to Neapolis and from there to Philippi which is a leading city of the district of Macedonia a
Roman colony and we were staying in this city for some days and on the Sabbath day
We went outside the gate to a riverside where we were supposing that there would be a place of prayer and sitting down we began speaking to the women who had assembled and a woman named
Lydia from the city of Thyatira a Seller of purple fabrics a worshiper of God was listening whose heart the
Lord opened to pay attention to the things spoken by Paul and When she and her household had been baptized she urged us saying if you have judged me to be faithful to the
Lord come into my house and stay and She prevailed upon us The first preaching of the gospel in Philippi, but then
Paul says after he left no church supported him Referring to the time he first left
Philippi approximately ten years earlier again acts is helpful here So you're still in chapter 16 go down to verse 40
Acts 16 Starting in verse 40 we pick back up and they went out of the prison and entered the house of Lydia And when they saw the brothers they encouraged them and left
Now when they had traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica Where there was a synagogue of the
Jews and according to Paul's custom He went to them and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the scriptures explaining and setting before them that Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead and Saying this
Jesus who I am proclaiming to you. Is that Christ? Including Philippi Paul also ministered to two other towns in Macedonia Berea and Thessalonica as mentioned in verse 16 of chapter 4.
So look with me go back to chapter 4 of Philippians Paul continues chapter 4 verse 16 for even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs
The gift was acknowledged and there was an extreme gratitude
And this is an important acknowledgment and a practical example for us to follow as Christians giving credit where credit is due
Sometimes in life we take things for granted You know, I think if we're often honest we could probably even use the word often, you know
Often we we do take things for granted. We may often take things for granted Or we may take for granted the people that God has placed in our lives
That have supported us and helped us through difficult circumstances looking at Paul's example of acknowledging and Giving credit where credit is due gives us a good example of how we can apply these verses
Today when you get home from church think about who God has placed in your life that has helped you
Thank God first you give credit where credit is due, but then sit down and call that person or those people
Make a phone call let the person know that you are grateful to God for having them in your life
Right, we write a letter and for the younger kids. That's that's something where you write instead of an email
You write something down on a piece of paper right You would you would normally write down your thoughts on a piece of paper put it in an envelope and then put a stamp on It and mail it
Now it's called snail mail because the because emails Instant make a phone call write a letter
Send an email or do all of the above if possible always go in person.
I Recommend reaching out personally and then sending something in writing as a follow -up let the person know that you are grateful to God for having them in your life and Do it today.
Don't don't wait do it today This gratitude must be genuine because it starts with God Think about the theological implication from verse 15
No church fellowshipped with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone
The word translated matter conveys a computation or reckoning as in the settlement of an account literally of giving and receiving of debit and credit
One commentator noted here Paul used three business terms matter of could be translated account giving and receiving refer to expenditures and receipts
Paul was a faithful steward of God's resources and kept careful records of what he received and spent
Only the Philippians sent Paul provisions to meet his needs That's helpful because it points out faithful stewardship in the gift
Also, it clarifies Paul's communication and gratitude but highlights the Philippians motive in giving faithful fellowship in the gospel means faithful giving
Faithful sharing in the gospel means faithful giving in the local church to support the gospel ministry
It's a wonderful way to use the monetary provision that comes from God in a way that glorifies
God The Christian should give as an act of worship to God in a practical way To support the local ministry of the gospel in the setting of the local church
God then takes it to another level and how the local congregation supports missionaries in the universal church all for the glory of God This eternal viewpoint on giving can help us to think more biblically about finances about money
Money is only a means to an end Money is not the end all But in our humanity in the fall and living in a fallen world parting with money can be difficult
What makes money so alluring and giving it away so stressful? Well, sometimes there's a comfort in money.
It could be a source of strength and trust money can be a measure If you will of our energy,
I would say to some extent that money can often represent our day -to -day security Think about it giving away our money is like giving away our security
Giving away money Puts our work and futures at risk. That's one way to think about it.
I would say that is the wrong way to think about it Our security does not come from the earthly provision of the money
Our lives are tailored and secured by the living and powerful God of creation
Trusting in God brings glory to God and we can sometimes have a wrong level of security in money
Especially if we take the resources for granted or forget that not one penny in our bank account does not come from God Every cent you've ever earned or accrued comes from God and belongs to God But I think discernment also glorifies
God and not being flippant in our giving and I mean discernment and thinking about who we're supporting
Paul knew the Philippians and they knew Paul there was a relationship and I'm not saying
Not to give but I'm saying know who you're giving to Not every charity deserves your attention.
I Believe based on the passage before us and Paul's intimate relationship with the local congregation
It is wise to scrutinize missionary appeals as well Think about it like this determine that a gospel ministry or missionary project honors the
Lord first Pray and don't hold back Give generously and joyfully to the local church to support those who labor in the gospel and qualify biblically sound missionaries through their affiliation with the local church or other known faithful churches that support missions like the
Philippians you'll be establishing an eternal partnership that glorifies
God because faithful fellowship in the gospel means Faithful giving and that is a significant aspect of giving so that you can support the church in gospel ministry and bring glory to God Faithful fellowship in the gospel means faithful giving
But our level of giving is always going to depend on how we see our possessions or the money that we have
Do they belong to us or do they belong to God? I?
Read a helpful illustration on giving So this is an illustration on giving and this is one one idea or heart motive here
The story is that a little girl was given two dollars by her father. So this little kid little girl
She's given two dollars by her father He told her that she could do anything.
She wanted with one dollar and the other Was to be given to God on Sunday at church
So the girl nodded in agreement and asked if she could go to the candy store because one dollars
God's one dollars mine Let's go to the candy store So with visions of all that she could buy with her dollar she happily skipped toward the store holding tightly to the two dollars in her hand and As she was skipping along she tripped and fell and the wind blew one of the dollars into a storm drain at the curb
Picking herself up the little girl looked at the dollar still in her hand and then down at the storm drain and said well
Lord, there goes your dollar It's a funny illustration, but sadly many of us as Christians have that same attitude towards giving
First me then God first me then God and Paul says it's all from God.
It is all from God God is the one who has given us everything we have and That is important in thinking about what we have and what we are going to do with what we have three important aspects of giving number two
Freely giving is a pleasing offering to God Freely giving is a pleasing offering to God verse 17
Not that I seek the gift itself Paul says but I seek the fruit which increases to your account
Paul makes it clear in verse 17 that he is not in ministry to receive the gift and this demonstrates
Paul's heart motive His motive is not gain not just with the Philippians but in ministry to any church
He's not in it for the gain He wrote about this earlier in his ministry career in his correspondence to the church in Corinth He said something similar in 1st
Corinthians 9 11 when he wrote if we sowed spiritual things in you Is it too much to if we reap material things from you?
The fruit which increases to the account of the Philippians is their spiritual growth. That is
Paul's motive Paul started the letter saying as much so just go back to the beginning of the letter in chapter 1
Put one finger in chapter 4. Yeah, look at chapter 1 starting in verse 21 He says for to me to live is
Christ and to die is gain But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me, and I do not know what
I will choose But I am hard -pressed between the two Having the desire to depart and be with Christ for that is very much better Yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake and Convinced of this
I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress in joy in the faith So that your reason for boasting may abound in Christ Jesus in me through my coming to you again the whole point of Paul's life at this point is
Glorifying God in Christ through the spiritual growth of the churches that he planted the gift is a consequence
He is extremely grateful for but not the reason for the ministry or the work
The reason is his earnest desire for their spiritual progress and joy in the gospel
So let's go back to chapter 4 The word Paul uses in chapter 4 verse 17
Translated seek is also the Greek word for wish wish to be seriously
Interested or have a strong desire for to wish to wish for something
He's making it very clear that he has no interest nor desire for the good gift
They have provided he says I'm here for you The fruit is more than the product or outcome of their faith
It is the gain or profit that is increasing more and more as to be in abundance to their account
This is a positive credit on their spiritual account This is the storing up of treasure in heaven that Christ preached about in his
Sermon on the Mount the physical gifts the Philippians gave to Paul were Accumulating spiritual earnings in their eternal account in heaven
One of the Puritan commentators paraphrased the verse like this It is not that I seek after the gift, but I do seek after the fruit that aboundeth to your account
Paul here says what I do seek is your spiritual good in the abounding of fruits of your faith
Which shall be put down on your account against the day of reward And this is a reference to Hebrews 6 10 for God is not unrighteous
So as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward his name in having ministered and continuing to minister to the
Saints Now in verse 18 Paul says their gift was a pleasing sacrifice to God When we give to those serving in ministry it not only benefits the receiver
But it benefits us as well and this applies to all areas in giving to those in need
We see this from the Acts of the Apostles when Paul gave his emotional farewell to the elders at the church in Ephesus Paul said
I have coveted no one's silver or gold or clothes You yourselves know that these hands ministered to my own needs and to those who were with me in Everything I showed you that my laboring in this manner
You must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus that he himself said it is more blessed to give than to receive
That's Acts chapter 20 Paul was grateful for the gift and he was joyous that the
Philippians were storing up treasure for themselves It was not the Philippians gift but their spirit of love and devotion that Paul appreciated most and He wanted them to know that their giving was an act of worship to God Look at what he says in verse 18, but I have received everything in full and have an abundance
I have been filled having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent a fragrant aroma an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to God Paul says he received in full the complete totality of what is due.
He is satisfied and lacking nothing Abundance denotes the amount of something but also the plentifulness of the good things sent
The literal translation here is I have received from Epaphroditus the things from you
This verse goes back to the purpose of the letter the Philippian congregation Supported Paul they sent
Paul a gift and fellow believer Epaphroditus to minister to Paul when hearing of his imprisonment
He wrote to express his thanks for the Philippians gift and to inform the
Philippians why he sent back Epaphroditus Due to illness. So now Paul wants to explain the theological implications of their giving
He uses very specific language of the gift that it is pleasing to God This is an act of worship.
This is a pleasing sacrifice to God Now there is a biblical principle that it is right for the church to support those in ministry
About three years after writing the letter to the Philippians Which was about 62 Paul wrote to the young pastor and his dear friend
Timothy in 65 AD. This is the first letter It was before Paul was killed. He told
Timothy this he said the elders who lead well are to be considered worthy of double honor especially those who labor at preaching the word and teaching for the scripture says
You shall not muzzle the ox while it is threshing and the laborer is worthy of his wages.
That's first Timothy five Donald Guthrie of the London Bible College noted this on Paul's teaching in first Timothy Guthrie said the double honor is somewhat perplexing
It would seem that some kind of payment is in mind and the double could stand for generous provision on the other hand the use of the word honor may suggest that more than payment is in mind and That respect as well as salary is included but the quotations one from Deuteronomy 25 and the other paralleled in Luke 10 are intended to support the idea of reward for work done a
Principle which has not always been followed in the history of the Christian Church this linking of an
Old Testament quotation with a saying of Jesus is Significant since it reflects the high regard in which the teaching of Jesus was held yet Paul recognizes that more than financial support is needed an
Adequate moral standard must also be maintained This is an important biblical principle that it is right for the church to support those in ministry but there is a great theological implication here having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent a
Fragrant aroma an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to God Paul is highlighting that their act of giving is an act of worship in his language of a soothing aroma
Paul is indirectly referencing the Old Testament Genesis 8 then
Noah built an altar to Yahweh and took every clean animal and every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar and Yahweh smelled the soothing aroma
How about Exodus 29? You shall offer up and smoke the whole ram on the altar.
It is a burnt offering to Yahweh It is a soothing aroma and offering by fire to Yahweh Leviticus chapter 1 it's entrails.
However, its legs he shall wash with water and the priest shall offer up and smoke all of it on the altar for a burnt offering and Offering by fire of a soothing aroma to Yahweh So Paul's point is that in the
Old Testament it was a sacrifice that was offered with a correct heart attitude that was pleasing to God and he says that applies here to the
Philippians giving and The Old Testament reference is extremely helpful. But on the other side of the cross, this is even more profound
Let's think for a moment about the letter of Paul to the Ephesians As he concludes or in the middle of the letter
Ephesians 5 Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children and walk in love just as Christ also loved us and gave himself up for us and Offering and sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma
He's using very specific language and he's that's what he's saying. This applies to you
Your giving is a is a soothing aroma a fragrant offering our life as Christians is to model the life of Christ and one way we can live our lives as an act of worship is the act of giving as Christ freely gave himself for sinners
We can now respond by freely giving to the ministry of the gospel as an act of worship
Our giving is a response to the gospel and Paul is making this claim on the theological
Foundation that freely giving is a pleasing offering to God Giving so that you can support the church the gospel ministry and bring glory to God When I think of freely giving
I can't help but think about the widow with the two coins the widow with just two coins
These verses and Philippians made me remember the account from the gospel of Mark. It's in Mark chapter 12 it says and he sat down opposite the
Treasury and he began observing how the crowd was putting money into the Treasury and Many rich people were putting in large sums and a poor widow came and put in two lepta which amount to a quadrants and Calling his disciples to him.
He said to them Truly I say to you this poor widow put in more than all those putting money into the
Treasury For they all put in out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty
Put in all she owned all she had to live on There is an aspect that giving to the
Lord should cost us something We see this biblical principle in the Old Testament from from King David 1st
Chronicles 21 However, King David said to Ornan No But I will surely buy it for the full price for I will not lift up what is yours to Yahweh or offer a burnt
Offering which costs me nothing. I would say the widow understood that Old Testament principle
But I would also argue that her giving was an expression of faith.
It was an act of worship It was an expression of faith and it brought glory to God Do you think she thought for even one second that God was not going to provide for all her needs?
Of course she did she just gave the Lord everything she owned He says everything she had to live on It was an act of worship.
It was an expression of faith. She had faith and trusted God to provide because of her faith she could give freely and Jesus pointed out that her offering although it was two leptos two coins was counted more than the wealthy who gave it no cost
Freely giving is a pleasing offering to God three important aspects of giving number three
Fulfilling his children's physical and spiritual needs brings glory to God Fulfilling his children's physical and spiritual needs brings glory to God verses 19 and 20 in Verse 19
Paul continues. He says and my God will fulfill all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus Notice the first person singular pronoun
My he says my Paul's relationship with God is both personal and intimate
Paul is recognizing that he is God's possession Paul is his slave his servant.
He mentions God as his My God the significance is that Paul is saying it is not in his means to repay
But it is God who will reward their endowment to him Their recompense for their gift to Paul will come from God because Paul is the
Lord's slave The question we can ask of this verse is what is Paul referring to when he says my
God will fulfill all your needs Is it spiritual needs physical needs or both?
Well, the Greek word Paul uses here for needs means that which is lacking or needed hence need
This is a lack a want a difficulty This is specific of livelihood So it clearly refers to more than the spiritual the lexical meaning of the word conveys a physical aspect
Paul used a very similar wording in his second letter to the church in Corinth when he wrote this and God is able to make all grace abound to you so that always having all
Sufficiency in everything you may have an abundance for every good deed. That's 2nd
Corinthians 9 This kind of wording is comprehensive and it seems to be inclusive of more than spiritual things
Another clue is Paul's use of the adjective all pertaining to the totality of Everything together.
It's a focus of the individual components in the big picture each need every need any need
But what about the spiritual aspect? Well, how does Paul say God will make them full?
To fill up the Philippians or make them full of things God will do it according to the riches in the glory in Jesus Riches can mean an abundance of many earthly goods but Paul is using the word here is a plentiful supply of something a plentiful supply of something and that is the glory in Christ a supply from Jesus as in humans involved in transcendent circumstances
Paul is literally saying every need of yours will be supplied by God the riches in Christ One commentator noted this
According to his riches the measure of his supply to you will be the immeasurable riches of his grace thinking of Ephesians 1 7 in him
We have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our transgressions according to the riches of his grace
Glory is the element in which his grace operates and it will be the element in Which he will supply fully all your need by virtue of your being in not by in Christ Jesus the giver and mediator of all spiritual blessings
So this cannot be just physical but there is a physical element. So that means that this verse communicates a physical and spiritual blessing
The spiritual blessing is salvation and repentance as a result of the gospel at Hearing the gospel this gift from God the spiritual blessing
Paul explained it like this in his letter to the Romans Or do you think lightly of the riches of his kindness and tolerance and patience?
Not knowing that the kindness of God's leads you to repentance God's kindness the riches in God's kindness leads us to repentance
The physical provision means nothing without the spiritual provision in Christ Paul is giving
God the glory for the riches we possess in Christ Look at how he finishes in verse 20 now to our
God and father be the glory Now to our God and father be the glory forever and ever.
Let it be. So amen God gets the glory because he supplies the riches in glory in Christ Jesus Who gave himself for our sins so that he might rescue us from this present evil age
According to the will of our God and father again from from Paul Galatians chapter 1
Paul is saying Glory to our Heavenly Father and great God forever
Literally glory to our God and father to the ages of ages
Paul says my God is your God my God is our
God as Believers we can trust that God will always meet our physical and spiritual needs
Whatever need we have as Christians on earth God the Father will graciously supply
Think about Paul's need in the moment of persecution in the prison for the sake of the gospel
Even if it is the courage to face death as Paul did God will supply
Whatever spiritual need we have in relationship to heaven God will supply as Believers it is critical that we understand the difference between our wants and our needs
And this may be in the realm of belief and unbelief I think it's fair to say most unbelievers want to feel good and avoid discomfort or pain in the world.
I Think if we do a genuine self evaluation, we can admit that we struggle here as well
As believers, we often want to feel good and avoid discomfort or pain in our daily lives
We may not get all that we want This verse isn't saying that you're gonna just have everything you want there there are gonna be times of difficulty and through those times of difficulty
God is going to work in your life and Grow you and conform you more and more into the image of Jesus What are we going to do in response to the adversities in life?
By trusting in Christ We have everything we need Everything we need
He has promised to forgive all our sins when we turn away from sin and repent and return to God and believe in the gospel the riches of Christ are imparted to the believer our attitudes can change from wanting every earthly comfort when we give ourselves to Christ by believing in the gospel our
Appetites can change when we make God's glory and enjoying him forever the focus of our lives by Accepting the provision and power to live for him
The provision and power comes from God the Father in our response to the gospel
It is God's good pleasure to care for and provide for his children because fulfilling his children's physical and spiritual needs brings glory to God And that is a pivotal aspect of giving
Understanding God's glory in his provision should affect the way we live and the way we give
Again, this is not prosperity gospel baloney. This is gospel truth
Paul is infected with praise and glory to God and he is merely conveying the similar teaching
From our Lord Jesus in the believers living for God and the
Father's provision the words of our Lord Jesus from the preaching of the Sermon on the
Mount Our Lord Jesus said this for this reason I say to you do not be worried about your life as To what you will eat or what you will drink nor for your body as to what you will put on It's not life more than food and the body more than clothing
Look at the birds of the air what what that they do not sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet your heavenly father
Feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they and who of you by being worried can add a single cubit to his lifespan and Why are you worried about clothing?
Observe how the lilies of the field grow they do not toil nor do they spin Yet I say to you that not even
Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these But if God so clothes the grass of the field which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace
Will he not much more clothed you? you of little faith
Do not worry then saying what will we eat or what will we drink or what will we wear for clothing?
For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek for your heavenly father knows that you need all these things
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you
So do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself
Each day has enough trouble of its own. That's the Sermon on the Mount Matthew chapter 6
By trusting in Christ We have everything we will ever need being able to live for God and The father's provision may we give in response to this truth in Today's passage the
Apostle Paul highlights three important aspects of giving so that you can support the church in gospel ministry and bring glory to God faithful fellowship in the gospel means faithful giving freely giving is a pleasing offering to God and Fulfilling his children's physical and spiritual needs brings glory to God There is an aspect in the giving that underlines
God's sovereignty in the human means of provision The provision supplied in the faithful giving of the
Saints is an aspect of God's divine care for his creation Including his people the provision exists in earthly necessities
But there is a divine element because the supply ultimately comes from God There is a direct correlation in the earthly provision and eternal truth
Because the giving is a response to the everlasting life promised and supplied in the gospel
God gave his son that we might live and the son is the head of the church
Because of the gospel we can give to the church in a way that glorifies the Son Let me close today with just a word from one of the
Puritans on Paul's relationships With the the believers and specifically Paul's relationship with the the church there in Philippi with the
Philippians It's that he said this pride unbelief
Vain hankering after something we have not God and fickle Disrelish of present things make men discontented even under favorable circumstances
Let us pray for patient submission and hope when we are abased For humility and a heavenly mind when exalted
It is a special grace to have an equal temper of mind always and in a low state
Not to lose our comfort in God nor distrust his providence
Nor take any wrong course for our own supply in a prosperous condition not to be proud or secure or worldly This is a harder lesson than the other
For the temptations of fullness and prosperity are more than those of affliction and want
The Apostle had no design to urge them to give more But to encourage such kindness as will meet a glorious reward hereafter
Through Christ. We have a grace to do what is good and through him We must expect the reward and as we have all things by him
Let us do all things for him and to his glory