A Plea for Justice


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What's going on everyone? This is Pastor Luke Pearson from Apology of Church and with End Abortion Now.
We are here live, special broadcast, on location in Mesa, Arizona.
So you're probably wondering what am I doing here holding this sign? Let me tell you. If you've been following us at all, you know that a couple weeks ago on January 22nd,
Representative Walt Blackman, he's a House Representative here in Arizona, dropped the bill,
HB 2650. We've been working with him for the last year about to help him drop this abolition bill here in Arizona to criminalize and end abortion immediately in Arizona.
You can actually go to HB2650 .com if you want to see more information on that.
There's a petition there. You can go and sign the petition to help as well and kind of follow what's going on with the bill. Well we're here and you can see it says
Speaker Bowers, excuse me, Representative Rusty Bowers. He's the Speaker of the Arizona House here in Arizona, has the ability to put this bill and HB...
Forgive me, I forgot the number. Let me look it up. There's another bill we dropped as well which I'm going to talk about here in a second.
Let me pull it up here real quick. HB 2877, sorry.
So HB 2877 is actually in the Judiciary House Committee right now and it needs to be read.
It needs to be seen. He's sitting on it. He has the ability to put that bill before the committee so that it can be read.
If it's not read by the end of this week, both bills actually, HB 2650 and HB 2877, if either one of those bills are not read by the end of this week then they will be essentially pronounced dead.
And so we wanted to give them a hearing. So the two bills that we're talking about here, and I should mention behind me we have volunteers from Red State Reform and Action for Life.
It's the 501c4 group that we have been working with closely to help put these bills into place here in Arizona.
So they're here with these signs. We're near Rusty's neighborhood. I don't want to give away his address.
But we're near his neighborhood trying to let him know that, hey, we know what's going on.
We need your help, Rusty, to get these bills into committee, to get these bills read so that they don't die.
So HB 2877, that bill is the second bill we dropped. I should say,
I say we, I mean Walt Blackman, he dropped that bill. And he, basically what that bill says is define
Roe v. Wade. See, and Roe v. Wade is not a law. It's a, it's a, it's a court decision.
And they don't, the Supreme Court doesn't make laws. So HB 2877 says we're defying Roe v.
Wade, and it's calling for the state legislature to uphold and enforce existing laws on the books.
So Arizona 13 -3603 is the existing law on the books that has been on the books since the 70s after Roe v.
Wade. It criminalizes abortion, and it's not being enforced.
And that's the problem. Because of Roe v. Wade, the state has not been enforcing the existing laws. So this bill,
HB 2877, calls for the legislation to, and law enforcement, the lesser magistrates, to uphold the existing bills.
How's it going? And so, again, that's before, it's already in the House Judiciary Committee.
We need it to get a hearing. There's a meeting with that committee tomorrow morning at 9 a .m.
And it's not on the agenda. The agenda's been published. It's not on the agenda. So we need that to get on the agenda so they can hear it so it doesn't die.
And then the other bill that we already had mentioned that was released at the rally on the 22nd is
HB 2650. That is the first law. That is criminalizing abortion immediately.
It's putting an immediate end to abortion in Arizona. So all the babies that are murdered every day here in Arizona, it would put an end to that immediately.
And Rusty Bowers is sitting on that bill and not allowing it to go to committee. So right now, that's why we're here.
We're asking Speaker Bowers to get this bill a hearing, to get it to committee.
He has the ability to end abortion immediately in this state. I've met Rusty. He's a really sweet man.
Really, really sweet man. I've met him. I've spent time with him. We explained to him our desire to end abortion and what we want to do.
And he was excited about that. He told me about his grandkids that were adopted and showed me pictures of those kids.
And it was really sweet. Had a really great conversation with him. I know he's pro -life. I know he doesn't want babies to be murdered here in Arizona.
So we're asking him to give this bill a hearing to end abortion immediately.
Representative Bowers, we want you to be pro -all life, not pro -some life.
All the anti -abortion bills that are going through the legislature here in Arizona are allowing for some babies to be murdered.
They're allowing some babies to be saved. But they're not ending the murder completely of babies.
And we need him to do that. So I'm going to give you some emails and phone numbers to call here.
So, for Rusty Bowers, you can email him. It's rbowers, r -b -o -w -e -r -s at a -z -l -e -g dot gov.
So rbowers at azledge .gov. And you can call him at his office, 602 -926 -3128.
Again, that's 602 -296 -3128. And he's in room 223.
I also want to mention that Representative Frank Pratt, who's in a different district down in Casa Grande, he also has the ability to put 2877 through committee, or at least allow it to be heard.
So you can also contact Representative Frank Pratt. His email is fpratt at azledge .gov.
So that's f -p -r -a -t -t at a -z -l -e -g dot gov.
His phone number is 602 -926 -5761.
Again, that's 602 -926 -5761. And he is in room 113.
And Pastor Zach, I'm going to bring over Pastor Zach Morgan, also with Apology of Church and in abortion now.
And I'm going to let him talk here a little bit. Hey, brother, how's it going? Hey. So what are we doing here?
Well, it's pretty simple. Actually, one of Rusty Bower's neighbors just came by. Oh, really?
And I guess they had a huge protest. They were pounding on his windows and pounding on his doors. And so we're saying we're not doing stuff like that.
Was that for the vote and stuff, the recount? I think so. I think that's what it was. But the neighbor just told us, informed us, that his daughter just died,
I guess, a couple weeks ago. So, Speaker Bowers, if you can hear us, of course, our condolences go out to you for the loss of your daughter.
And we are here in no way trying to attack you personally. But we are trying to tell you to do the right thing, that you identify as a man who's pro -life.
And there's bills on the docket that are going to end the murder of innocent pre -born babies in the womb.
So you have to do the right, honorable, noble thing. And you have to give this bill a hearing. That's what we're asking you to do.
Again, you identify as being pro -life. Now we're just putting that to the test. So we're coming out here right close to your house.
And we're asking you to be the man that God has created you to be, a man that protects women and children.
And simply give this bill a hearing. Stop the bloodshed. It's that simple. Thank you.
Dusty, you want to come over here for a second? So this is Dusty Marshall, who goes to Apology of Church.
He's been helping out a lot with red state reform and Action for Life. Helping with some of the lobbying efforts.
So, Dusty, tell me what you've been up to today. What's going on over here? So we're just walking around the neighborhood, around where the house rep lives.
And we're passing out flyers to the neighbors in his community. Letting them know that this bill needs to be seen.
It needs to be heard. And we're just walking from door to door, passing out flyers, leaving them there.
And hoping that he'll do the right thing and protect the lives of the innocent.
The law that's already even on the books. And the new bill that we're introducing.
Thanks, brother. So, again, Representative Bowers, if you see this, please, sir, please help end the slaughter of our pre -born neighbors.
You have that ability and you have that power to do that immediately. So we're calling on you to please allow this bill, 2877, to get a hearing in the
Judiciary Committee. And please assign HB 2650 to committees so they can be heard there as well.
Representative Bowers, again, as Pastor Zak said, we give our deepest condolences to you for the loss of your daughter.
Very sorry to hear that. We will be praying for you and your family. But please, please, sir, we are pleading with you to do the right thing.
To be pro -all life. To end abortion in our state immediately.
We thank you for your service. We thank you for the time and effort you've put into the state. I know you've been serving here for a very long time.
And I know you've been faithful to that. So we call on you, please, sir, to do that. And if you're watching this and you are pro -life, please, please help us.
Please help us get these bills heard and into committee. You have that ability.
If you are a voter here in Arizona, you have that ability. Representative Bowers works for you.
You have the ability to say, hey, sir, I voted for you. I've given you my support. Please support this bill.
We want to see abortion ended immediately in Arizona. If you don't live here in Arizona, you're not a voter here, you can still let
Representative Bowers know. I gave you the phone numbers. I gave you his e -mails. You can let him know that he needs to do the right thing.
And so we need the pro -life movement. We need you guys. We need your help. We need your support. I know there's so many
Christians within the pro -life movement that desire to see abortion ended.
And you have the ability to do that by reaching out to your legislators and helping them know that they have your support and helping them to have courage to end abortion.
I want to thank Representative Walt Blackman as well, who again has put forth both these bills.
He's a very, very courageous man who I've had the pleasure of getting to know this last year. And thank you,
Walt, for your service. Thank you for putting forth these bills. So again, please, please, you can help us.
You can go to HB2650 .com. You can go there. You can click on the link to see the status of this bill, which right now, again, is just in limbo.
You can click on the link to sign the petition. That would be immensely helpful for what we're trying to do here in Arizona.
So again, thank you, everyone, for watching. Please, please help support us, even if you're not here in Arizona.