Al Mohler is Rebranding - Relatable.

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This is a D. Robles, right? Well, let's jump right into it today. Let's get right into it I have something funny that I want to talk about but but but I but I do want to talk about something serious upfront just because this show is an all -humor the show was actually a very serious show and Want to make sure that I do my best to be as serious as I possibly can be now before we begin
Let me just say that I've I've gotten a lot of feedback about the code switching content And I have to say
I have not laughed so much in a long time you guys Put the code switching man.
It's just too good I had one one lady who who actually proofread my first two chapters of my book before I sent it to publishers
She would shoot she had me rolling. She said that that if I could hear her speak
That I would never have had her proof read proof read my book because she speaks like a redneck
And it's just so funny like these like these these woke people are trying to make this like a thing where it's like Well, I'm so impressed.
I have to change how I speak. I can't talk like I'm talking to the homies all the time This is this not that's not affirming me as a person and it's like every white person code switches
Well, not every white bird Some people insist on not code switching and and and it more power to them if you don't want a code switch and you think
You can get by in life just fine without code switching and and some people are successful, you know, nothing nothing nothing against them
I I mentioned Snoop Dogg, you know, he he talks like a like a thug all the time He's made a lot of money good good for him but But yeah
It's just it's just a it's one of the most childish things where everyone has to change So that I can do whatever
I want to do It's just like a child that just insists that everyone bends to their will not the other way around I'm not gonna change everyone has to bend to what
I want to do It's just so childish. But anyway the code switching stuff aside I wanted to shout out
Michael Foster again, because you know, he's got a way of speaking that You can always tell someone's really smart if they can say something very succinctly that takes you an entire 20 minute video
And this is an example of that. I did a video. It was like 20 minutes after the election and It was about this exact topic.
So I'm just gonna read the tweet He put it very well, and I want to explain a little bit about why I think this is so helpful
Especially for the people of God this week He says the propaganda is so thick and coming from every single angle
Maybe you can discern what is happening at a national level, but I can't tell what is what at this point
So I'll just focus on where I do possess clarity and can take real action This is really good advice.
And I think what what I'm not sure about this So don't quote me on this but I think what motivated him to write this tweet was the stuff that Lin Wood was saying about Epstein being alive and he said a few other weird things and it's just crazy and it's just like Like there's so much disinformation out there intentional disinformation
It's just like you're getting propaganda from every angle And it's just like you don't really even know what the what the what the end goal is a lot of the time like I was
Talking to someone just the other day about the alien stuff people the information about aliens and UFOs has been coming out non -stop
And you know me I've always believed the UFO phenomena was real But I don't believe in aliens obviously
But you're getting a lot of information from somewhat reputable sources about how aliens are real and they're coming this and that and so it's like I don't know why they're doing that.
I know it's propaganda, but why well, it's a psyop Obviously they're trying to do something to you, but you don't know what it is
And so it's like all this propaganda, and I did a video the night of the election if you remember I was in my backyard.
It was dark It was the night of the election and then I also did a video two days later where I said look Obviously the media is is putting all kinds of propaganda out there.
You don't know. What's what don't be a fool and just React to the media instantly because that's what they want they want you to just react
I saw some idiot on on Twitter who said is a big Eva You know D -list celebrity
And he was saying what if those that were alleging voter fraud are the ones trying to commit voter fraud?
And he's basically just buying hook line and sinker the the story about Trump supposedly trying to steal the
Georgia election It's just all nonsense obviously, but don't be that guy don't be an idiot like that guy so the point is
You don't know what's what a lot of the time now there might be some of you who do Some of you might be able to decipher the propaganda and might be able to know what's you know?
What's true? And what's not and stuff like that and if you can do that then then more power to you I can't and most of us can't but just because all of what you see on social media and media in general is
Propaganda and likely fake does not mean that life is fake Chances are you have a lot within your immediate circle that you know that you've seen with your own eyes that that you know to Be true right so focus on where you do have clarity is what
Michael says and take action based on the clarity that you do Have that's that's what you got to do because when you know you're being lied to by the media constantly
Don't play into their hands. We just have to do that We have to focus on that which we know what you see on social media at nine times out of ten is fake
So but that doesn't mean life is fake life is actually real life is wonderful It's real focus on what you know and improving your situation what you know focus on what you know from the scriptures, right?
Because God has revealed certain truths to us that we can know with certainty We don't have to worry about propaganda and all that kind of stuff
We can read that scripture and we can know certain things with certainty focus on that good news of Jesus Christ And what he's done for his people and and what our mission is right we make disciples of all nation.
Those are real Commands that have real content and we can focus on doing those things
So so, you know, that's what no despair is all about It's focusing on what you know what you can control to a certain degree and acting on that stuff
Right, like the propaganda that we're getting it's very hard to decipher for most of us chances are by the way
You're an expert in a certain field So focus on that stuff like for me like I'm an expert in the recruiting and staffing field, right?
So I can see anomalies and know when something's fake right when something's false news or a false
Suggestion or something because I'm so such an expert in it chances are you've got a field like that as well So focus on that stuff right and some of you that field might be
Deciphering national news and if that's the case then great right, but just don't get sucked in the rabbit holes. That's my point
I'm not saying you can't consume news. I'm not saying that you can't Pay attention to what's going on at a national level
I'm not saying that but what I am saying is keep an eye out for things that are obvious Distractions like this alien stuff is obviously a distraction
There's so many things that are obviously distractions keep an eye out because you don't want to get sucked into their world, right?
You don't want to get sucked into the world Look, we have to understand what's going on at a national level to some degree to act in our day -to -day lives
But that degree is often I think over exaggerated, you know what I mean? Anyway, I don't know if that's clear or not
But but I think Michael Foster put it very succinctly good on him. God bless you brother and all of that now
Let's get to this because this is spicy Al Mohler, it looks like he's rebranding a little bit.
He's got a very kind of off -the -cuff just sort of Casual video that he did and I personally
I I like this format Fights and it's it's only a minute long. So so let's just listen to Al Mohler He's he's trying very hard to identify with the
Millennials. I got to give him some credit I mean that this is pretty innovative this video. Let's just watch it. Let's watch it
It's Monday, January 4 2021 what is the Christian Church's historic position on abortion?
That's I you know, I'm curious about that too. What is it? What is the Christian Church's historic position on abortion?
That's a good question. Now. This is so funny though because he's got He's got the very casual sort of I've done videos like this before and they did not turn out
Well, in fact, I think Al's is better than mine I've done videos like this where it's kind of off -the -cuff and it's on my cell phone kind of thing and in fact one of the times that I did a video like this it turned out so poorly that Non -tenant from it's good to be a man thought
I was drunk It's just I was trying to be like edgy and stuff edgy boy, you know, and it didn't work out
But Al does definitely doesn't look drunk definitely not his video is much better He's he could see doesn't have the suit on no bow tie.
He's just got very casual Al He's in and you know, he picked a nice green screen background where it's like the slightly off -centered window
It's just so this is very relatable and and he's gonna talk about what the Christian position on abortion is
There's a lot of confusion about that. Of course the Christian position on abortion is very confusing So he's gonna do it's gonna do an episode about it.
The briefing is a very valuable show the briefing and So let's let's just listen and see see how's it going urgent question
And there's not a lot of nonsense being paraded around the mainstream media these days. Oh, yes, that's right
So so so not only is he doing the the edgy boy sort of content where he's got, you know Selfie going on but he's also gonna bash the mainstream media that see that's effective, too
I think it certainly seems to me like Al Mueller's done a little bit of a focus group study on what What are the kids like these days?
They don't like them. They're like the mainstream media. So let's just talk about the mainstream me Heard straight and give historic evidence on the briefing today
I can't wait to look at the relevance of this question and many I can't wait for the briefing today How many of you guys watch the briefing?
But let me know in the comments below if you watch the briefing I don't think I've ever listened to a single episode in its entirety never never happened
To the special Senate elections upcoming in Georgia tomorrow much of our political future
Especially for the next two years hinges on the outcome of those two elections. The worldview issues are very they're very important And you can be sure that the elections will be free and fair and there will be no shenanigans
And it'll just be and it's not not political theater in any way. You could be sure of that The consequence of that election will be long lasting we'll be talking about these issues and more especially in unfolding days this first week of 2021 thanks for joining me for the first daily edition for this new year.
You'll find a brief. It sounds so casual, doesn't it? Thanks for joining me in the first daily There's no way this is a script.
No way. This is not a script for sure You could just tell he's just this is how Al talks probably in regular conversation, you know
He's just he's just very off -the -cuff. That's why I appreciate about this. It's almost like a candid camera It's almost like I'm not supposed to be seeing this like almost like we're just friends.
You know what I mean? This is good stuff. I mean, honestly Al I commend this change in style. I I hope that you embrace this more
This is doing very good. We got we got a few more seconds. Let's just listen to the whole thing Al Mohler couldn't possibly just be doing self -promotion that that's what people always say to me
They're like why you do you're just you're just you're just trying to get self -promotion out there You're just trying to get attention to yourself and I'm like, well, yeah,
I mean Is that it's that is supposed to be an insult?
I don't Understand. Yeah, I'm promoting myself What's the problem with that? It's never a problem when it's someone you like to promote their website or their books and like that But when someone you don't like it's like well, you're just you're just promoting yourself
I'm like, it's just that that's it That's one of those things that like it's it's you can see it when it's someone you like But when it's someone you don't like then all of a sudden you think it's the worst thing in the world
It's just it's one of those things. Don't don't don't be fooled by that kind of stuff And as you're listening, let me know what you're thinking.
I'm Albert I Maybe I'm just enough, but I think that's hilarious.
Let's watch the last few seconds again, especially in so casual. He's so casual 2021 thanks for joining me for the first day
It's like you know what? It's like It's like when you do jump cuts and YouTube videos like I'll be over here and all of a sudden like I'll cut and I'll Be over here cuz
I cut out like a little section Maybe like I coughed or something and like you get these jump cuts, right? He's like a jump cut like he's speaking like they're doing jump cuts, but I don't think he's doing jump cuts
Like it's all one shot, but he like changes how he's speaking as if it's a jump cut.
It's just so weird and robotic Holding days this first week of 2021.
Thanks for joining me for the first this folding week of 2001 Thanks for joining me. You see what I mean?
Like am I am I wrong about that? We addition for this new year, you'll find the briefing and other resources at albertmuller .com
I want to thank you again for listening. And as you're listening, let me know what you're thinking. I'm Albert Moller.
It's Monday I'm sorry. I don't know. I I know I get criticized a lot for being too critical.
That's funny I get criticized for being too critical that I always find that to be hilarious, but um, I think this is really funny
I'm sorry. I maybe I'm being mean but he's trying I get it. He's trying but I actually think
Al Moller is One of the biggest If the problems of the evangelical church could be distilled into one personality,
I think it would be Al Moller I think Al Moller is one of the prime movers of this whole thing
And so I'm gonna laugh at his stuff because I think this is pretty funny And if you don't agree, you don't like when
I make fun of Al Moller totally fine. I get it But anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless Tune in to the