Welcome to My Patreon

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My name is Jon Harris. I create podcasts and blog pieces designed to promote critical thinking in the areas of theology, culture, and politics. I am a reformed Christian, and traditional American conservative. Currently, I have been providing content examining the social justice movement in Christian circles. I try to use my background in theology, history, and apologetics to provide unique and helpful content. www.worldviewconversation.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/worldviewconversation Subscribe: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/conversations-that-matter/id1446645865?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Like Us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worldviewconversation/ Follow Us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/conversationsthatmatterpodcast Follow Us on Gab: https://gab.ai/worldiewconversation Follow Jon on Twitter https://twitter.com/worldviewconvos Subscribe on Minds https://www.minds.com/worldviewconversation More Ways to Listen: https://anchor.fm/worldviewconversation


Welcome to my Patreon account. My name is John Harris and I'm producing content at worldviewconversation .com.
That's the Conversations That Matter blog. Sometimes it'll be a post, other times a video, more often than not a podcast.
And you can go there and find out all about the social media links that I have up if you want to know more.
But I want to take this opportunity to explain a little bit about what I do and who I am. So for those who don't know, lately
I've been producing content regarding the social justice movement infiltrating the church. And I seek to do that in an original way, approaching it from an angle that I do not see other responses approaching it from.
And that, I guess, is a good segue into a little bit about myself. Because the angle at which
I approach it is, I attribute it at least, to my understanding of presuppositional apologetics, history, and theology.
I have a presuppositional apologetics curriculum that I've created that I like to teach at churches and college groups.
I was in college ministry for many years, did debates there, formal debates with an atheist group.
I'm the kind of weird guy, I guess, who likes to go up to protesters and talk to them about what they're protesting and get into interesting conversations.
And so an environment of opposition does not necessarily bother me. And apologetics is a passion of mine.
And so you're going to find that angle coming out in, when I talk about even a social issue, I'm going to bring that perspective to bear.
I also have a degree in history. I am pursuing another degree, a graduate degree in history.
So I'm a little bit of a history nerd, and I like to look at examples from the past. I also think neo -Marxism has made so many inroads to the discipline of history that I like to point those things out at times.
But I also have an MDiv, and I enjoy looking at scripture from a grammatical, historical lens.
I apply that hermeneutic, and I like to exegete scripture.
And so all these things, I think, come together to give me the perspective that I have.
I'm interested in the root assumptions. I'm interested in really getting at those deeper ideas.
And I think not having a surface -level discussion about issues is important to me.
And so if you're someone who wants to go a little deeper, perhaps, and look at things from a more philosophical, more theological perspective, then hopefully you enjoy the content that I have out there.
Now, not all of it is on the social justice movement. I just think right now that's a key issue.
I remember years ago there was a friend of mine who went to the same church as me, and he was a little bit upset that people in the church—I'm not saying the church universally.
I'm not saying this is a church problem, but the church that we went to—he thought, you know, they're not really that concerned about losing their right to bear arms, for instance.
And he was passionate about this. And one of the things I remember saying to him was, I said, you know, I don't think—I think you should talk about those things.
I think it's important for Christians to be conservatives, and I think it's important for conservatives to be Christians. And I still believe that.
I think the intellectually fulfilled conservative is a Christian, and the intellectually fulfilled Christian is a conservative.
I just—I think there's a problem when we separate the two, because they're not really that separate. The principles of conservatism really flow from that Christian understanding.
And so I seek to—I am a conservative, I am a Christian, and I seek to show how that is true.
Now, if you are a Christian, I'm hopefully giving you some apologetics to think about and use, and I'm passionate about that, thinking rightly.
But if you're not a Christian, hopefully some of the content that I'm putting out there can help persuade you that the truths of Christianity are real, and they are true.
And, of course, the most important decision, the most important issue is whether or not you will be in a right relationship with God.
And so repenting of sin, putting one's faith in Jesus Christ is the number one thing.
It is the most important thing to me. But the lordship of Christ does mean that his law applies to everything.
And so that's what I'm doing. That's some of the content that I'm creating.
And if you want to know more, then you can go on those social media websites.
You can find them at worldviewconversation .com. If you are thinking of supporting me, then—I haven't worked all this out yet, but you will have greater access to me.
So if you want to suggest an idea for an episode, I'm all ears. If you want to be part of what
I'm thinking I'm going to do, which is a monthly chat with supporters, like a video conference where we'll discuss a topic and take questions or something, then you will have the opportunity to do that.
But there will be some special privileges for supporters in due course. So that would be,
I guess, your advantage if you wanted to be closer,
I guess, to me and to what I'm thinking.
It will also—this is probably more important—it will also benefit, hopefully, more than just those who are supporters for you to support.
The reason for that is I am a graduate student. I don't have a lot of time on my hands, but I do have a lot of things.
I'm not worried about running out of content because I have a lot of things I'd like to get to. I have a long list. In fact, there's a cult right now that I'd like to address that has not really been addressed by other apologetics ministries.
And I do have guests. I do try to get experts. I do already have something lined up as I make this video for tomorrow, which
I'm really excited about. So I want to provide helpful information to everyone.
And time is money. So if you would like to support what I'm doing, that will enable me to make more content.
And so I'd appreciate that. If not, if you just are here and you just want to enjoy some of the things that I put out there, then praise
God. I'm glad you're stopping by. And leave me a comment or something. I'd love to hear from you.
So that's really, I guess, all I had to say. If you have any questions for me,
I would suggest, I don't know when I would get to them. I would suggest becoming a fan and supporting me because you'll have more access.
But if you don't and you still have a question or something, you can find me on YouTube and on Facebook and Twitter and all the other platforms.
Go to worldviewconversation .com and check those out. So God bless and thank you for listening.