Relationship With Our Lord, Pt. 1 (08/01/2021)


Bro. Ben Mitchell


Relationship With Our Lord, Pt. 2 (08/29/2021)

Yeah, I was joking, Ron. I was joking with Ron last week about how I'm still kind of figured out, trying to figure out how
I got in this position exactly. And he said, Welcome to the club.
So he and I can empathize with each other at this point. But yeah,
I mean, this is, this is kind of funny not to make light of it, but just like, you know, it is what it is, it's happening.
So there's no going back at this point. Here, I don't know if anybody else,
I'm curious, does anyone remember this, the whole Bible with the Word document pages in it?
When dad first asked me to do this, and I like kind of knew that I said yes, it was like,
I was locked in. I was like, if I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna go old school. Not I know you're watching dad, not the PowerPoint.
Is it great? It's, it's especially, it's especially great for our online, our online crew.
But I knew I wanted to go old school. And when I did this, and I kind of missed that aspect of it.
Seeing dad in the back with his with his paper sermon, writing down notes, all the way leading up until he'd go up to preach.
I actually remember as a kid driving down Highway 14 in the suburban, with him driving, and with his
Word document on the steering wheel, writing notes as we were going. So I kind of missed that.
And not only do I have that, I'm literally like, I'm wearing dad's shoes today. I'm wearing his tie. I've got his watch on.
I've got my Parker pin. Now, don't worry, dad, I didn't go raiding your closet this weekend. These are these were things that you gave me, but trying to,
I don't know, maybe channel him to some degree. Not that that's what's gonna, not that that's what's gonna bring the message or anything like that.
But all right, let's see here. Well, since it's not, you know, this, this may be as close to David, at least looking like David Mitchell, as you'll get without actually being
David Mitchell. But since that isn't going to be what does anything for you all today, let's pray really quick.
Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, I don't yet understand why you've given me this very unique opportunity.
But I thank you for it. And I just ask that you please lead me throughout the day.
Throughout this morning. Lord, I just ask that every word that I say is from you.
And that this blesses everybody. And for now,
Lord, I don't know what else to say. So I'll say amen. And we'll get started. Now I didn't really know. I'll take it back.
So dad, dad asked me to do this. I had an idea of what I wanted to do. But I quickly, you know, started praying about it, because I certainly didn't want to do anything.
I want to have a piece about what I was doing. Like I had an idea, but I wanted to, like, feel really good about it. And I'll tell you what that is in a second.
But I was just kind of asking for that piece asking, if you will, and it's start part of that confirmation started with one of our
Wednesday night Bible studies we did with Dave, which has been fantastic, by the way, for those of you haven't been able to join yet, if you are able to, they are awesome.
And one of the conversations that just kind of sprung up toward the end of it, kind of fell on this topic, and we started digging into it a little bit.
And, you know, we kind of with Ron and Pam, Ash, Katie, Dave, we started talking about a little bit.
And so that was kind of the first like inkling of like, okay, you know, I'm feeling kind of good about this, this being a topic that we could talk about.
And then on the way to Waco, just a couple of days later, Ash and I were listening to a
YouTube video where John MacArthur was talking with this guy. Some of you guys may know
Ben Shapiro. He's a really conservative guy. He's an Orthodox Jew. And he's really awesome.
But it was really interesting hearing these two discuss Christianity, Judaism, but at one point,
I don't even remember if it was it had anything specifically to do with their conversation. But at one point,
John MacArthur gave this really succinct but really awesome quote, I'm actually going to going to quote it here just a little bit for you guys.
And that was kind of another little bit of just like, yeah, this is something I feel good about talking about.
And couldn't think of a catchy title for it or anything. It's pretty practical. But the topic is just relationship with our
Lord. And one of the things one of the things that made me think about this in the first place was at the beginning of the year,
Ashton had asked me to take part in Bible in a year. I don't know if you guys have ever done that before.
I had never done it before this year. Ashton did it last year. And I was kind of reluctant not that I not that I don't think it's an awesome thing to do.
But like, I've always had this thought of just like, you know, it's cool. But why do
Bible in a year, you're going through everything so fast, you know, several chapters a day in order to fit it in, you'll miss stuff.
There's so many important, you know, things. Hey, Nels to Betty, by the way, I don't think I've seen you until just now.
I'm glad y 'all got to be here today. But you know, you're going through it fast, you might miss stuff, right? That was always kind of my thought about it.
But I went ahead and did it. But as I was doing it, I was like, how have I never done this before? Because what's unique about it, or at least for us is being in this particular church with Brother Bill and with dad, we go through these passages, one verse at a time, one word at a time.
It's what we're used to. So we don't miss anything like that. We don't miss any of the details. But now going through the whole
Bible in the year and getting things in kind of a broad context, quickly at a time, again, several chapters at a time, you start seeing these little, not little, like the details we cover, but the massive doctrines in the detail that we're so used to hearing, you start seeing in this broader context.
And so that has been really cool, really cool for me this year. It's really made kind of an impact in that regard.
But in doing this, and going through it, we're still in the Old Testament right now. But in going through it,
I'm start, I just started noticing all of these unique passages about the relationship that God wants to have with his people.
And so that's kind of kind of the nature of this. This is basically, if you want to call it anything, because I certainly don't consider it a sermon, so to speak.
But if you want to call it anything, it's basically a Bible study, for lack of a better term that I started, and I'm still working on.
So again, we'll see what this turns into. This may be all over the place. I'm not sure yet. So again, relationship with the
Lord in terms of just being just a topic, right? It's pretty practical. I mean, it's seemingly an extremely basic part of the
Christian walk, but the importance of it couldn't really be overstated enough.
So what we're going to do as we go through this is we're going to take a look at how the Bible, I've got to slow down,
I've got to breathe. This has happened to me before. I've only talked, there's only been a couple of times that I've actually talked in front of groups of people.
This may be only the third or fourth time ever. And in a minute, I'll calm down, but the adrenaline is so high,
I forget to breathe. And then it gets really uncomfortable really fast. I also understand, by the way, which is not good for you guys, why dad has it so cold in here all the time, because he's always up here.
It like it has to be cold. I don't know if it's the adrenaline or what, but like, I would be dying right now, if it was any warmer.
So that's not good for y 'all. Because now I empathize with dad, and why the temperature is always so low in here. Okay, I think
I caught up with my breathing enough. So what we're going to do is we go through this, we're going to take a look at how the Bible illustrates the importance of the relationship between between God between Jesus between with us, why it's and so why it's so important, not only to us, but also to him.
And some of the ways of how we as individuals, but certainly as the church must do our part in order to please the
Lord. And what we'll see, as we kind of go through some of these passages that we'll look at, is, you know, being able to partake in what he intended from the beginning.
And honestly, and again, this kind of came out in some of those conversations I was talking about in at that Bible study is what
I believe may be one of the most our most important purposes of being created in the first place.
So the word relationship, it's not found in the Bible, at least in the KJV. But a lot of the way like the concept of it, the ways that we can have relationship with the
Lord, it can be found in a lot of different ways. So it can be found in passages where, you know, we're being his friend, we're talked about as being his friend, certainly in obeying his commandments, we're gonna be looking at scripture in a few minutes, kind of back up some of these ideas, seeking his presence, this is certainly a way that we can have relationship with him, being thankful for what he's given us, right, showing gratitude, and like enormous amount of blessings that we all receive just about every day, going to him in prayer, hearing his word, a lot of examples like that.
So before we start getting into some of that stuff, though, start looking at why we should be continually seeking this intimate relationship with him and how we can do that.
Exactly. What I want to do is I want to start at the beginning, or arguably even before the beginning, and see why this is so important in the first place.
So we're gonna be jumping around a whole lot today. We're going to start with john chapter six, verse 37.
But we're certainly not going to stick around there the whole time we're going to be really jumping around a little bit.
So let's see here. Okay, so again, we're kind of, I kind of want to just to the best of my ability, go through a few passages talking about, again, what, what could one of our greatest purposes of being created in the first place be?
And how does that translate into this seemingly practical, you know, topic again, relationship with the
Lord, you know, got it, check, you know, we can check that off. That's kind of, that's kind of the perception of against just, it's seemingly a basic part, but let's let's really dig into it here.
So, verse 37, here in john chapter six, it starts with all that the Father have all that the
Father have given, gosh, let me start over again, I've got to slow down a little bit, all that the
Father giveth me shall come to me. And him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out, for I came down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me.
And this is the Father's will, which has sent me that all of which he had given me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day.
And this is the will of him that sent me that everyone which seeth the Son believeth on him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up in the last day.
Now, we know that this is one of the best passages regarding our eternal security, obviously, he's going to raise up everyone that's been given to him.
That is a verse we we go to pretty often here, regardless of the context.
It's one that that just hits a lot of bases. So we know that that's one of the best passages regarding our internal security.
It also gives us a glimpse, though, and kind of where I'm wanting to get started here from what I can tell into something, you know, pretty spectacular that took place even before creation happened.
Now, in many passages throughout both Testaments, both the Old and the New Testament, there's this unique implication and possibly even more an actual explicit mention that you may know where this is, or Brother Bill or anybody, if there is a more explicit mention of it.
But there's certainly, it's certainly implied in a lot of a lot of different passages.
And that is of this of a great council, if you will, that took place before the foundations of the world, between the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit between the Trinity, where, you know, they they made the plans, you know, were this sovereign plan, which we all live out every single day, that the prophet spoke of, that Jesus himself taught where it was determined and eventually spoken into existence.
So again, there's, it's implied that that they got together, and that they they kind of started putting things in motion, even before it was spoken into existence.
Now, I'll explain why this is so important here just a second. But we'll really quick, we'll see the very first verse, where we is again, individuals, and as God's children start coming into the picture for the first time.
Genesis chapter one, verse 26, even though in reality, we were already there, he says, and God said,
Let us make man in our image. So first of all, obviously, it's so interesting that the way that's phrased, let us make man in our image.
So the Trinity, you know, the Trinity has been explicitly talked about, from the very beginning.
Now, here's the john MacArthur quote that I heard just in the middle of a big, you know, like our 20 minute video, it's an awesome video, if y 'all ever, he literally presents the gospel to this, you know,
Orthodox Jewish man, in a way that was, like, so graceful.
And the Ben Shapiro, the guy that was listening, literally just let him just talk and just present it.
And didn't interrupt. So it allowed john MacArthur to hit like all the points. And it was just so awesome.
But in the middle of that, he said relationship from a God, I'm sorry, relationship comes from a
God who has relationship within himself. Like I said, just it's very succinct, very, very cool quote.
And but we're gonna we're about to look at some passages that that back up that statement, because it sounds cool.
But we'll see kind of where he's getting that from. Okay, I just thought of something that dad,
I don't think you thought of, because now I get to give my side of the story. So you guys know, you dad uses this just about a couple times a the cool preacher thing.
Y 'all know that he always has been you back there. You know, there's a cool preacher saying he tells the story of how
I, you know, dad was like, they get this by hearing it from a cool preacher. And then I step in and my dad, there's no such thing as a cool preacher.
Okay, so here's what actually happened. So in that I'm not this, you, you didn't necessarily, you don't necessarily tell it wrong.
It's just a little bit, there's a little bit more detail. So what happened was dad did say, you know, some cool preacher said it.
And in my mind, I was thinking, now, obviously, dad doesn't know what I was thinking. So that's why I'm having to fill in the story here.
I was thinking, you know, while I certainly believe there are some cool preachers, john
MacArthur being one of them, Arthur pink, Whitfield, Spurgeon, I mean, you go down the list, I definitely think these guys are awesome.
They are cool. But the phrase cool old preacher sounds like an oxymoron.
And so I and so I was like, Dad, that's a funny phrase. That doesn't it sounds contradictory, like it doesn't go together.
And so he laughed, we had a good time and things like that. But he took that to mean that I said, Dad, there's no such thing as a cool preacher.
So just to clear that up. I do think old preachers are awesome.
They are cool. Even though it does sound like a contradictory statement. So anyways, this quote is cool.
But let's kind of back it up a little bit. And again, kind of where I'm getting with this. I and so even this first passage that I read in john chapter six, all that the
Father hath given me the will of him that sent me all which he hath given me.
These are some of the key phrases we're going to look at because the fact that we were given to Jesus as a love gift before the beginning before the foundations of the earth, or what is going to really set the stage for this.
So again, john MacArthur's quote, relationship comes from a God who has relationship within himself, john 17, five, and we're going to be coming back to john 17, a lot, but in different parts throughout this, it says, and now
Father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with the before the world was.
So we start to see already this this relationship that they have had together.
Since before the world was even created. It is a God that has relationship within himself.
Now Colossians 115 says, who is in the image of the invisible
God, the first born of every creature in the context of that particular verse. You know,
Jesus was just giving thanks. I'm sorry. This is
Colossians 115, the context of, you know, him being the firstborn of every creature, just prior to that, in the first verses of that book, it's giving thanks to the
Father who gave us redemption through his son, the incomparable son.
And then, you know, who is made in the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. And you can compare that with with Romans 829, he that might be the firstborn of many brethren.
So before we were created before, before, again, time started in the way that we know it.
One, the Trinity was there and they did have relationship within themselves. As we saw in john 1517 five a second ago, but they were already thinking about incorporating us into the picture and allowing us to take part in that relationship and reciprocate it.
And we'll see more of that pretty soon as well. john chapter one, one and two. I mean, again, these are passages we're all so familiar with.
But in this context, like it's just so awesome. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God.
There's relationship just between within the Trinity. From the beginning, the word was with God and the word was
God. The same was in the beginning with God. john chapter 530 through 32.
I can have my own self do nothing is I hear I judge this is Jesus talking and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will, but the will of the
Father which hath sent me if I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.
There's another that bears witness of me. And I know that the witness which he witnesses of me is true.
That can't be possible without a pretty close relationship within the Trinity themselves.
Now that strong relationship, it's reaffirmed over and over again. But even just later in john chapter 10.
Verse 27, my sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
My Father which gave them to me, which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand.
So again, we're looking at the passage that is incredible, not only for our eternal security, but for just reaffirming the close relationship between the
Father and the Son, and how that directly impacts us as well. So again, we're kind of setting the stage here, just taking a look at the close relationship between the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for now. So that's, that's where I'm kind of coming from with these particular passages.
And then he ends it by saying that passage, I and my father are one. So that's kind of the key.
The key phrase there, the relationship is strong within the Trinity. Now, this is an interesting one,
I went, I went ahead and stuck this one in. But again, it's it's just reaffirming this relationship.
The context of this is talking about the future reign of the Father's anointed one. And this is a passage that Brother Bill has talked about numerous times in past but but Psalm two, just absolutely incredible Psalm, but starting in verse seven, he says,
I will declare the degree, the Lord has said unto me, thou art my son, this day have
I begotten me. So already, I mean, again, you can start seeing just how intimate this relationship is, between the
Father and the Son, ask of me, and I will give you the heathen, I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, in the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession, thou shalt break them with a rod of iron, thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
So it's clear that God has relationship within himself. You know, the quote by John MacArthur, again, it was awesome, but it's backed up by a verses, he is a
God that has relationship within himself, and a very close, intimate one at that. And that, again, cannot be, that can't be overstated.
And it plays such a big part. And everything we're talking about today, Jesus continually pointed out just how close he and the
Father were. But we have examples in the Old Testament as well. And we just looked at a couple of them.
But it is this model relationship that sets the standard for us to follow, but also sheds light on perhaps one of the main reasons we were created in the first place, which
I already alluded to a couple of times. So now, yeah, okay, so we're, we're still in the introduction here.
So we see, we see relationship within the Trinity. So now we're going to start taking a look at why exactly we were created.
One of the, one of the main purposes we were created in why relationship is so important, not just for our sakes, but because it's such a big part of that purpose that we need to be serving.
So we're going to look at some passages here that specifically talk about the elect being given as a love gift to the sun.
And we already kind of hit a couple of these. But here's a few more. So Matthew 1334, says all these things spake
Jesus into the multitude in parables, and without a parable spake he not into them. This is super fascinating.
Verse 35, that it may be fulfilled, which was spoken by the prophet saying, I will open my mouth in parables,
I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. So first of all, here we are, once again, looking at this idea of things being planned out before the foundation of the world from the foundation of the world, from the beginning.
And what he's saying here is he is uttering these parables. The things he is uttering through these parables are things that have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
Now the context of that is Jesus just finished speaking a bunch of parables, right up earlier in chapter 13.
And one of the parables that he spoke of was the parable of the wheat in the tares, where he talks about how basically, you know, he planted his own and the enemy came in and tried to mess things up and put in a bunch of tares in there just to make it messy.
And, you know, the disciples later when he's explained the parable,
I believe, is when this takes place, they ask, you know, someone asked,
Do we need to go harvest your wheat for you? And he says, No, or I'm sorry, should we go remove the tares? He says, No, because you may damage one of my wheat.
And then later he sends in the reapers, he puts the wheat in his barn, he burns the chaff. So one of those parables that was kept secret, one of the things that was kept secret that he later spoke through parables before the foundation of the world was us.
And there's a couple other examples of it. But that's obviously one that we talked about a lot. And it's a really, really unique one at that.
John 17, to again, we're going to be coming back to john 17. A lot. He says is thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.
So remember, right now, we're, we're trying to get a grasp on the importance of the fact that we were given to Jesus as a love gift.
Okay. And in some cases, it talks about how that was the case, even before the earth was created.
Later, later on down verse 17. I'm sorry, chapter 17, verse six, I have manifested my
I have manifested thy name into the men, which thou gave us to me out of the world, thine they were, and thou gave us to me and they have kept thy word.
And then later down in chapter 17, verse 24. Father, I will that they also who now has to given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory, which thou has given me for thou lovest for thou love lovest me,
I think he's gonna say that that loves me before the foundation of the world. So again, we see relationship there between the
Father and the Son, but also in the context of us being given to him before the foundation of the world.
Hebrews chapter two, starting with verse 10, for it became him for whom are all things in by whom are all things in bringing many sons into glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings for both he that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one.
For which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren saying I will declare thy name and to my brethren in the midst of the church,
I will sing and to thee. And again, I will put my trust in him and behold. And again, behold,
I and the children which God hath given me. So the context there. Let's see here.
Yeah, the context of that passage giving thanks to the father who gave us redemption through his incomparable son.
No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is for the context of this next chapter. We're looking at Colossians. We're going to go back to Colossians 1 15.
I read that earlier, but I have it back in here for four. We're going to go a little bit further than that.
But in this Hebrews in this Hebrews passage here at the top verse 10 that we started with for whom are all things.
And then he finishes it by once again reaffirming the children which God hath given me.
OK, so again, us being given to the Lord as a love gift plays such an important part in this in this whole topic here.
So again, back to Colossians 1 15. We read this one earlier, but we're going to go down a little bit more. Again, it says who in the image of the invisible
God, the first born of every creature. It's the context of this where, again, the writer of Colossians is giving thanks to the father who gave us redemption through his incomparable son.
Verse 16 for by him were all things created that are in heaven that are in the earth invisible.
I'm sorry, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created by him and for him.
We certainly fall in that basket. And he is before all things. And this is one of the coolest verses.
And by by him, all things consist. We're going to jump over to first Corinthians eight, six, just this verse.
But to us, there is but one God, the father of whom are all things.
And we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things.
And we buy him. Titus 2 14 says, who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself.
Because that's what we're here for a peculiar people, zealous of good works, we certainly want to be peculiar.
Now to reiterate MacArthur's quote, relationship comes from a guy who has relationship with him himself.
It's certainly true there was relationship within the father, the son of the Holy Spirit before the foundation of the earth.
Again, there's passages that imply that the great counsel just of them being together and determining what we now know as the sovereign plan that we are literally living out every single day.
But that's followed up with all of these passages where we are told that we were given to Jesus as a love gift.
And in a few places from the foundation of the earth. Now, now that we know that biblically,
God does have relationship within himself in that we were given to him as a love gift, I'm sorry that we were given as a love gift to the sun.
Specifically, we can start to see that a very important purpose, we should be doing a very important purpose that we should serve.
And that is having that relationship with the Lord ourselves reciprocate the love and the focus that he gives us.
Because as we're going to see, and what I will again, kind of reiterate later, the ball is certainly in our court.
I mean, we could we could talk about so many examples just within our own lives here of him reaching out him wanting to give us that relationship all the time.
What is the common denominator? It's us? Well, that's the common denominator. But then what we like the next part, the reason that that makes this topic so important to talk about that it couldn't be overstated is that we do have to think about it, we have to put forth a lot of effort as you know, in your relationships with them within among friends, spouses, siblings, parents relationships, if you want them to be solid set on solid ground.
If you want them to work, you have to put in a lot of effort, right? So as we'll see in even more detail, without putting the focus in the right place, what we're going to see is we're not going to be in a very good position.
If we don't put the focus in the right place, we are not going to be in a very good position with the one whom we should care about the most and we should yearn for that relationship more than any other.
And this is so crazy to me, even in the Old Testament. With Moses talking even in the
Old Testament, circumcision of the heart was necessary. We just got finished, we just finished up, you know,
Romans chapter eight with dad even even nine, I think it was eight where Paul talks a lot about circumcision of the heart.
I mean, that's a theme throughout all of Romans. But in Deuteronomy, chapter 10, verse 16, even in the
Old Testament, with the one by whom the law was given to deliver to us, it's still necessary.
Circumcise, therefore, the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiff necked for the Lord your
God is God of gods and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty and a terrible which regardeth not persons nor taketh reward.
So there you have a good dose of a couple of things. One, it's not it's not you have to circumcise, you have to circumcise your heart, you have to have your heart in the right place, you have to want and desire that relationship as well, as you know, going through the motions doing the things that he commanded us to do.
And it's followed up by saying, you know, the Lord, your God is God of gods,
Lord of lords, a great God and mighty and a terrible, which regardeth not persons nor taketh reward.
That is someone that you want to be in solid relationship with not whom you want to be ignoring.
Now the context of that Deuteronomy chapter 1016 through 17. Okay, so the tablets, the 10
Commandments have had already been destroyed by Moses because of his anger at the people who were who were certainly not doing their part, just to put it lightly.
I mean, we can talk about that for quite a while. Moses destroyed the tablets, they've been rewritten.
Moses went up to the mount for 40 days and 40 nights leading up to this verse where he says circumcised the foreskin of your heart.
He goes up to the mount for 40 days, 40 nights and to basically plead with the Lord not to destroy his people because of them being absolutely awful.
And then they are required by God after Moses pleads with him for 40 days and 40 nights, the tablets being rewritten,
Moses comes back down. His people are then required by God to walk in his ways, love him, serve him.
That's the context of that passage where he says circumcised, therefore, the foreskin of your heart coming from Moses.
I don't know why I find that so fascinating. I mean, obviously, this is what Paul was quoting in the
New Testament was this passage. But, you know, we associate the law, we, you know, with Moses, obviously, and the law being very much a going through the motions type age, if you will, not that, you know, the relationship wasn't there in so many cases.
That's what's unique about this dispensation we're in now is we have the ability that they have the ability then to in Moses even told them what you're doing over here isn't enough.
So throughout the Old Testament, we see the Lord giving his people countless opportunities, which we just alluded to, to have relationship with him.
But due to their failure in preference in just about every case for the idolatry that we read about, even self worship, which is so prevalent today, when he sees this, he adjusts the parameters, if you will, by which they can have relationship with them.
And we'll kind of dive into this a little bit in a couple of pages, I think. But so what we're going to look at now are some passages where, again, the opportunity is given.
And, you know, what do they do with it? What do his people do with it? Now, Isaiah chapter 43, verse 21.
It says, This people have I formed for myself. So once again, we were created for him.
And it just begs the question just right off the bat, if we were, if we were created for him, yet before we were created, we see this very intimate relationship.
Remember the MacArthur quote, God has relationship within himself, it makes sense, just on the surface level that we would be that he would, in creating us, he would want us to take part in that kind of relationship to know what it's like, but to also, again, reciprocate what he gives us just about every day, the people, this people have
I formed for myself. And I would argue, to give him to take part in relationship with him, they shall show forth my praise.
Now, here's what's interesting about it. So there's verse 21. This people I have formed for myself, they shall show forth my praise.
Look at what's about to happen. This is immediately followed by Israel shortcomings, not calling on his praise, even though he just said they shall do it.
I have formed these people for myself, verse 22, but thou has not called upon me.
Oh, Jacob, thou hast been weary of me. Oh, Israel, thou has not brought me the small cattle of thy burnt offerings, neither as thou honored me with thy sacrifices.
I have not caused thee to serve with an offering nor weary thee with incense. Thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money.
Neither has thou filled me with the fat of thy sacrifices, but thou has made me to serve with thy sins.
Thou has wearied me with thine iniquities. And it's immediately followed by that verse 21.
These people have I formed for myself that they they shall show forth my praise. Again, what are we looking at here?
The opportunity and the failure on our part. Jeremiah chapter two, starting at verse five, and we'll cover a few verses in this passage.
Jeremiah 2 .5, Thus saith the Lord, what iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me and have walked after vanity and are become vain?
Neither said they, where is the Lord that brought us up out of the land of Egypt and that led us through the wilderness?
Let's see here, that led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drought and of the shadow of death, through a land that no man passed through and where no man dwelt.
They're not saying that even though it happened and he did it to put them in a better place and then again we're gonna we're gonna look at a few examples of the different time periods that history where where the
Lord we failed so he gives us kind of new parameters for life better term in which we can have relationship with him he brought them out of Egypt he did these things for him and yet where are they asked what you know are they asking neither said they where is the
Lord that brought us out of the land go down to verse 7 and I brought you into a plentiful country to eat the fruit thereof in the goodness thereof but when ye entered ye defiled my land and made mine heritage an abomination they're doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing and again what
I believe they were intended to do which is simply take part in a relationship with them now you you know you can say in the
Old Testament there were so many stipulations you know they the law and it was so complex the reason they were having to operate within those parameters anyway is because they didn't simply you know take part in a relationship in the in the most simplest terms at the beginning
I mean think about the Garden of Eden all they had to do was walk with him in the cool of the day they had one rule that they needed to keep but aside from that it was everything was fair game he was right there with him and then the dominoes start to fall from there and it gets more and more intricate in just a lot of just a lot of interesting interesting things going on throughout the
Old Testament obviously relationship was there like they had the opportunity for it yes they had to keep a number of the laws which the
Lord gave Moses which he then gave them but again
I mean the reason they were even in that position is because of their shortcomings verse 8 that Jeremiah passage to a the priest said not where's the
Lord let's see here the priest said not where's the Lord not even the priests are saying it and they that handle the law knew me not they are literally just going through the motions the pastors also transgressed against me and the prophets prophesied by they all and walked after things that do not profit wherefore
I will yet plead with you sayeth the Lord and with your children's children while I plead for Passover the
Isles of Chittim and see and send unto Kadar send it to Kadar and consider diligently and see if there be such a thing hath a nation changed their gods which are yet no gods but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit it's crazy looking at the contrast and what they chose despite that be astonished oh ye heavens at this and be horribly afraid be very desolate sayeth the
Lord for my people have committed two evils they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters and hewed them out cisterns broken cisterns that can hold no water so this is already kind of touching on something we're going to get to later which is the results of neglecting the relationship that we are given in these many opportunities the results are be horribly afraid and be desolate let's go down to Jeremiah 15 verse 6
I'm just reading one verse here and then we're gonna hop over to Psalms thou hast forsaken me sayeth the
Lord thou art gone backward therefore while I stretch out my hand against thee and destroy thee
I am weary with repenting so it certainly doesn't look too good when that neglect starts taking place and we start choosing things beyond beyond the opportunities were given to have close relationship with him
Psalm 78 verse 40 says how oft did they provoke him in the wilderness this is just kind of this is just kind of you know touching base on their shortcomings the
God's people's shortcomings how often they provoke him in the wilderness and grieve him in the desert all the time is the answer yay they turned back and tempted
God and limited the Holy One of Israel okay now I have this in here hopefully this makes sense so you know growing up in this church you know we've heard dad talk about different dispensations right well
I wanted to I wanted to incorporate something like to my knowledge what you know what that was is you know the
God handling people his people differently throughout time that's kind of how how dad has taught us and so I wanted to incorporate some of like maybe what those dispensations were and I was aware of you know the whole concept of dispensationalism and it's kind of like it's a thing you know people with many things can move too far to one end of the spectrum and they so there's this there's this doctrine of dispensationalism it's broken down into seven when you look it up they break it down into seven very specific dispensations again dad hasn't again from what
I can remember it's just a matter it's just simply because we know that God's immutable we know that he doesn't change what this simply is is what is will go through these kind of past these references in the second it's just simply
God dealing with his people in a different way because they failed in the in the in the way that they gave him to have a relationship with him prior that was way too much of a mouthful it's really hard to articulate that it's it's
I started that was simply by the way I messed that up okay let me try again simply him dealing with his people in different ways so God is immutable
God doesn't change he is simply dealing with his people in different ways in different points in human history that's how we look at these dispensations so I'm just gonna go through these because remember what we're looking at here is the shortcomings of the failure that we have had time and time again in just taking part in this relationship that we were created to take part with him in so the first dispensation and this is the list you know that I found these are these said the seven dispensations the dispensation of innocence so Genesis 1 through 2 you have
Adam and Eve in the garden you have them with the Lord right there walking with them they're innocent totally they have one rule that is don't eat of the tree of course aside from that again like I said earlier it's fair game
I mean it was one of the most it was one of the best environments that any human has ever had in having a personal relationship with Lord he was there with them and they failed they messed it up they sinned so they were cast out of the garden and a new you know dispensation a new way in which the
Lord dealt with his people began and so the next dispensation on the list it's called the dispensation of conscience and this is from Genesis 3 through 6 we know how that turned out
I mean you know with it ending in 6 that's the flood that's humans being destroyed for every thought being evil continually so God gave them the ability to operate and to have relationship with him and again a pretty simple way you know allow your you know let me have relationship with me let me lead you your conscience is there and basically what happened was it got to a point where there was there was only eight humans on left on the earth that were even worth saving because of how bad and how far from God everyone else got they certainly again just kind of push the relationship the opportunity for relationship aside again the point of me going through these is interesting because the the fact that the people here the
God's people are pushing relationship aside is seemingly kind of what initiates the next age the next dispensation where God starts having to handle them a little bit differently because of their failure to just simply have relationship with him in the first place the next one is the dispensation of human government from 8 through 11 dispensation of promise when he gives
Abraham the Abrahamic Covenant and then of course law comes in into play from Exodus all the way to the resurrection of Jesus we have we have an idea of how that plays out the law is there they certainly went through the motions but where was the circumcision of the heart as Moses Moses said in so in so many cases we have the dispensation of grace we'll talk a little bit about our unique our unique opportunities that we have and then that follows the
Millennial Kingdom so the whole point and even throwing that in there because I know that maybe kind of out of left field is just that a lot of the reason why the
Lord had to deal with his people differently in the first place in these different you know dispensations if you will for the most part is because we we just we wouldn't go along with with the simple act of reciprocating of taking part in the relationship we were created to take part in and in fact in so many cases doing the exact opposite of that and getting getting pretty bad again to say it lightly so even when his people now what's interesting though throughout the
Old Testament even when his people rejected a personal relationship kind of as a whole even when they rejected that personal relationship with him he still drew near to his called men so in Exodus 33 11 the
Lord spake unto Moses face to face is a man speaketh into his friend so I mean we know even though collectively his people and even now his people fail time and time again
I mean the church a lot of what dad's been talking about lately kind of hits on the reason we're at we are where we're at and most likely the reason that is setting off what it will eventually become you know the need for his return is our absolute failure to have the relationship with him and let him lead us again we're gonna we're gonna talk about some of the results of why it's so important to have this the results of actually doing that and the results of not doing that well we'll get to more of that in a minute it's already after 1215 when did
I start how long have I been up here it doesn't feel like it's been that long I'm not even halfway done yet this is not this is bad like father like son
I suppose are we even out of the intro yet I'm not sure
I guess so I was not I was not expecting this
I expect to get up here and talking a million miles an hour and being done in 15 minutes that's not happening for sure it may have if I hadn't slowed down earlier but then
I would be on the floor because I wouldn't been breathing so okay so he even even with time and time again just this collective this collective moving away from the relationship he still had relationship with his called men with Moses he spoke face to face with him like a friend speaks to him and think about that for a second the
Lord even on Mount Sinai gave his people the ability for them to come and to be with him and they were too afraid to do it so you know
Moses became the guy Moses got to benefit from one of the most intimate relationships any human has ever had with the
Lord because he wasn't afraid Jonah chapter 3 8 through 10 it says but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth and cry mightily unto
God yea let them turn everyone from his evil way and from the violence that is in their hand now this is the king in Jonah talking to his people after Jonah witnessed to them and he's telling them let every man beast be covered sackcloth cry mightily to God yea let them turn everyone from his evil way and from the violence that is in their hands who can tell if God will turn and repent let's hope he does is what they're thinking and turn away from his fierce anger that we perish not in God so this is him stepping in relationship was still possible and you can see they're starting to repent and actually yearn for the relationship they should have been having in first place
God saw their works and they turned from their evil way and God repented of the evil and he had said that he would do unto them okay
God repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them and he did it not so thanks to Jonah's very unique message gospel message to them they did repent and they did turn away and they did start hearing that relationship and that so they were again kind of reciprocated the opportunity that all humans have to some degree
I'll clarify that a little bit further down and because they did
God turned away his wrath and they were able to partake in a relationship there with him for a time none of it became you know they got bad again later but Nahum one six through seven says who can stand before his indignation who can abide in the fierceness of his anger his fury is poured out like fire and the rocks are thrown down by him the
Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him so once again you have a pretty good kind of double dose of you know relationship is possible he knoweth them and that is again that intimate knowledge that we talked about so often here when you really dig into the into the
Greek and Hebrew he knoweth them that trust in him so it is possible but you do not want to be those who refuse to take part in it who can stand before his indignation who can abide in the fierceness of his anger that is right before him saying he knoweth them that trust him be strong stronghold hold strong in the day of trouble so in the
New Testament so there's you know there's a couple of Old Testament examples in the New Testament us today now in this dispensation of grace going back to kind of that that list we were looking at we are truly given the ultimate opportunity to have a very close relationship with him while I'm getting ahead of myself so that is where we are now but looking at the
New Testament when Jesus was on earth I put we which is what confused me here in my notes
I should have been talking more past tense in the New Testament those who were with him when he was on earth in the flesh they were given yet another ultimate opportunity to have relationship with him while he was with us in the flesh with them in the flesh
I'm confusing myself big -time this was possibly the closest he got to any group of people in that way again physically being there communing with them talking with them having relationships since he walked with Adam in the garden and so again he gave like just this crazy opportunity of course many did take advantage of it but a large majority of people didn't in it and to the point of not wanting that relationship so much they ended up killing him the common thing we keep running into time and time again whether it be
Old or New Testament is that man's rejection of that intimate relationship that he is in Jesus wants to have with us so it's there he wants it yet we constantly reject that relationship so at this point in history where we're at now which is
I was getting ahead of myself earlier where we're at now and since the church began we have possibly the easiest opportunity to have constant relationship with him those that were with him in the flesh that was incredible but Jesus while he was in the flesh wasn't everywhere at once you had to go seek him you had to be with him at this point regardless of where you're at on the planet you have the opportunity to have that constant relationship with him but as I mentioned earlier the ball is continually at our court we have to reciprocate what he already shows us every day so now with that being said introduction is over let's look at some ways and I won't go too crazy this is nuts may this part may be faster
I'm not sure we'll see in a few minutes let's look at some ways that we can quote to do our part you know so to speak and take part in this you know what can be a divine relationship with the
Lord that he has always wanted to have with us so I know
I'm not gonna be able to finish now now that I'm looking where I'm at which I did not expect at all let's just cover this let's just cover this and then we'll see what happens after that so the first one of the ways we can have relationship with them because remember at the beginning the word relationship isn't necessarily in the
Bible at least in the King James Version but some of the ways we can we can have relationship with them obeying his commands so relationship through obedience you know it's kind of funny because you think yeah we need to obey the
Lord of course but thinking about it in line with the fact that that very obedience opens the door for a far more intimate relationship really makes it more spectacular
I mean I think about me with my kiddos and probably any any parent with their kids
I mean when you say something to your kids ask them to do something even the most simplest even the simplest of requests or obviously take it to the extreme and you know tell them they need to do something they wouldn't necessarily want to do when they obey and when they you know say yes sir and they go start doing it it's just like I can't even describe the amount of joy that you know it's just like that is you know that is just an incredible feeling when when they are showing me that that they want to do what
I ask them to do in the reason that's the case is because they know you know they are aware even if it's subconsciously but they're aware of the kind of relationship we have together in through obedience it brings an overflow of joy and love for me toward them and I know that's the case
I know that's the case for other parents and their kids obedience again as simple as it may sound and is obvious it is that we need to do in conjunction with that relationship is just absolutely crazy so Exodus 19 5 -6 says now therefore if ye will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant then you shall be a peculiar treasure and to me above all people for all the earth is mine and he shall be into me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the words which thou shalt speak into the children of Israel not telling
Moses to tell them so again think about the results of first of all not only drawing close to him through obeying his voice but again him making us to be set apart him giving us earthly blessings as well
I mean these are all results of you know that kind of really really close relationship
Deuteronomy chapter 28 says and it shall come to pass if thou shalt if thou shalt hearken diligently into the voice of the
Lord by God to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the
Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come on me and overtake thee if thou shalt hearken into the voice of the
Lord thy God it's one of the best ways that we can start to take part in that relationship and and you know again it's one that can be the most intimate relationship that anyone can ever experience it can start by simply obeying his voice for 1st
Samuel 15 22 says in Samuel said hath the Lord as great hath the
Lord as great delight in birth in burnt offerings in sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the
Lord once again is it just about going through the motions are you really taking it a step further behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams then jumping into the
New Testament Luke 11 28 says but but he said yea rather blessed are they that hear the word of the
Lord and keep it again just it can't be overstated the importance of obedience in that being a door that we can that we have the opportunity to walk through at any point in establishing this relationship
John chapter 14 starting at verse 13 it says in whatsoever you shall ask in my name and that's what
I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you shall ask anything in my name
I will do it if you love me keep my commandments so there's a challenge for Jesus himself obey my voice keep my commandments if you ask anything in my name
I will do it I mean he's giving us a glimpse at what this relationship can look like right there with him the things that he will do for us and he does he gives us he gives us some parameters in which we do that keeping his commandments loving him again it's for lack of a better term you can call them parameters is what
I'm calling calling them but just the ways in which we can take part in this relationship same chapter but further down John 14 at 23
Jesus answered and said unto him if a man loved me he will keep my words and my father will love him that takes it on another level to another level my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him there's the relationship that is possible if a man loved me he will keep my words if that happens the father in me will abode with him the father and I will abode with him just one chapter over John 15 14 through 15
John chapter 15 ye are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you you are my friends if you do whatsoever
I command you henceforth I call you not servants for the servant knoweth not what the Lord doeth what his
Lord doeth but I have called you friends for all things that I have heard of my father I have made known unto you that is only possible if we are his friends if we are taking part in that relationship first John 322 says in whatsoever we ask we receive of him because we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight so those are just a few examples
I mean I feel like it's barely scratching the surface of how obedience can lead to the kind of relationship that he is certainly seeking to have with us every day we can see we can be seeking it we just we have to do our part through obedience is one of them another way we can do this is relationship through prayer again it seems so simple obviously is so practical but coupled with the ability to have that kind of intimate relationship with him it takes it to another level mark 1124 says therefore
I saying to you what things soever ye desire when you pray believe that you receive them and ye shall have them so prayer is a big part of it but you know if we have something we desire if we pray if we ask him that is our way to talk with him actively now we shall and if we believe we're gonna get him we'll have him but I will say this
I mean it's one thing to pray and ask for stuff that you want it's another to to have the to have the relationship first to be doing our part in taking in and taking part in that relationship in order to reap the blessings that come with it
I'm struggling with articulating I'm trying to say there but maybe you get the picture you know it's not just praying it's praying coupled with having desiring to have this relationship with him you know genuinely wanting to wanting him to be a part of it him wanting to be you wanting him to be a part of the things you're asking for not just asking for stuff
Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 says be careful for nothing be don't be anxious in other words be careful for nothing don't be anxious but in everything by prayer and supplication by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving that comes back to one of the points we said what is one of the ways that we can have relationship with him being thankful being grateful for the blessings that he gives us with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto
God in the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus it's funny we were just in John 15
I should have put this back here so I didn't have to have you flip back but going back to John 15 verse 7 says if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done into you this is hilarious
I obviously didn't think about y 'all's end flipping
Bibles and stuff I had John and then first John and then John again now first John again I should have put those together a little more thoughtfully for y 'all's sake back to first John chapter 5 verse 14 and this is confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hearth us see verse 15 here and if we know that he hear us that he hear us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him
James chapter 1 5 through 7 some stuff that brother
Bill has just started covering it any of you lack wisdom let him ask God and giveth to to all men liberally and abradeth not and it shall be given him but let him ask in faith let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed for let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the
Lord if we are going to come to him and we are if we are going to ask him of things it has to be in faith faith is certainly only possible if you really think about it the true kind of saving faith but also the faith that constantly gives us the confidence in our eternal security and the things we are working toward that only comes from a pretty close relationship with Jesus if we don't have that we're wavering we're like a we're like a wave with the wind tossing it to and fro and that person won't receive anything of the
Lord going back to the Old Testament one more passage here for this particular little section
Jeremiah 29 11 starting verse 11 for I know the thoughts that I think toward you saith the
Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end then shall you call upon me and you shall go and pray to me and I will hearken to you again we're just opening up the door to allow that relationship to happen and you shall seek me and find me when you shall search for me with all your heart man
I mean again it's pretty it's pretty practical it's pretty simple but it's certainly because of our nature even for those of us even if even if you are saved even if you are called one of God because of our absolutely terrible nature it's it's a lot harder than it sounds to seek him into searching with all of our heart to hearken into him the reason again it's because of our nature that it's harder and it's because of that because of that barrier that we do have to actually put forth some effort it's not as simple as we are now saved and you know life is is great from this point forward if we want the kind of blessings that he promises his kids you know we have to have relationship with him and in order to have relationship with him we have to put forth quite a bit of effort or it makes searching for him with all of our hearts again way harder than it sounds and then further down in Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 it says calling to me and I will answer and show the great and mighty things which thou knowest not so that ends just a little section on prayer being one of the ways that we can have relationship with them yikes got a number of pages here well here's what we can do
I will I'll kind of give you I'm just gonna give you a summation of kind of what we were going to go through which
I think would take way too long it is it is like 1236 right okay yeah all right so the next thing we're gonna look at was relationship through meditating on his word so you know prayer is awesome prayer is awesome that is how we talk to him what about allowing him to talk to us so meditating on his word is absolutely another way that we need another thing we need to tap into or another thing we need to do so that we can tap into the relationship that we are created to have and that we need to have so we were gonna look at Psalm 19
Joshua 1 some passages in Romans let me see here do something really quick Leviticus I mean again just a lot of different passages in Old and New Testament we were gonna look at relationship through faith the only
I'll just read this one really quick because this one you know this is absolutely you know
I was just talking about faith how is it even possible for us to have not only true saving faith but the kind of faith that allows us to operate as Christians and work for things that we have not seen but without faith it is impossible to please him it's something we have to have pleasing him obviously is something we need to do in order to reciprocate that relationship for without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him so seeking him constantly diligently having faith certainly plays a big part of us being able to have that relationship and then
I was going to talk about the results of close relationship so again so many blessings that he openly that he gives us seemingly to no end on earth earthly blessings as a result of simply keeping him at the forefront all the time taking part diligently seeking him taking part in that relationship when we do it he will bless us and in ways that you know go beyond our understanding in so many in so many different cases one of the passages
I had here first Peter 5 6 humble yourselves therefore into the mighty hand of God he may exalt you in due time casting all your care on him for he cares for you so he cares for us if we show that we care for him as well he will exalt us in due time let's see here have a lot of verses for this one and so then
I go into the results of neglecting that relationship it doesn't look too good for sure
I'll let me okay so I mean this is a pretty potent one here
John 1 10 through 13 he was in the world the world was made by him and the world knew him not they did not have that relationship they did not have that loving knowledge that intimate knowledge of him he came down I'm sorry he came and to his own in his own received him not again they rejected relationship to the point of killing him when he gave them one of the utmost opportunities one of the ultimate opportunities to have physical face -to -face in -person relationship with the creator of the universe verse 13 which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor the will of man but of God wait a minute okay
I skipped a verse so verse 11 he came into his own and his own received him not verse 12 but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name which were born not of blood nor of the will of flesh nor the will of man but of God so you know neglecting the relationship has certainly been a common theme and just not enough closure let me let me read this really quick at a
Deuteronomy chapter 30 starting at verse 15 again results of neglect see I have set I have set before thee this day life and good and death and evil and that I command thee this day to love the
Lord thy God to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments that thou mayest live and multiply earthly blessings come from relationship keeping his commandments obviously but having a relationship with him and the
Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land whether thou goes to possess but again the neglect the results of neglect if thine heart turns away so that thou will not hear but shall be drawn away and worship other gods and serve them the opposite of relationship with the
Lord going off an idolatrous nation I denounce unto you this day that you shall surely perish we're looking at the results of neglect here the results of neglecting a relationship with him you shall surely perish you should not prolong your days upon the land whether thou whether I'm sorry whether thou passes over Jordan go to possess it you know in the
Old Testament he's talking about his people his people as a whole obviously we understand the sovereignty of God you know the doctrine of election you see his people in the way they did reciprocate the relationship the
Old Testament obviously this is a pretty extreme example you will perish will be drawn away your days will not be prolonged but there in some of these other passages just skimming it
I can't find one in particular but there I mean there are results even as believers you know things that we would all agree would not be good to you know to happen those blessings are withdrawn if we neglect the relationship even as believers our blessings can be withdrawn it opens the door in my opinion it opens the door to spiritual warfare if you are not having that close relationship with him allowing him to be your constant protector which he will only do if you're welcoming him into your life for everything else you can't just sit there expecting him to protect you from bad things happening if you're not willing to let him partake in all of the good as well and once again thanking him and being grateful for the good you have in the first place and so there are repercussions there are negative results of neglect even for us as believers as well even though that passage was was you know from Deuteronomy and what's really interesting and I'll end with this relationship is ultimately caused by him
I keep talking about us doing our part and it's certainly true and I think this is a good example of the parallel that you can have in the sovereignty of God and our responsibility because he wants us to play a part in it again
I think it's why we were created in the first place relationship is ultimately caused by him the
Lord thy God will circumcise thy heart think about that for a second we read earlier how
Moses was telling the people go circumcise the foreskin of your heart now later in Deuteronomy that was
I think Deuteronomy 16 we're now in Deuteronomy 30 and the Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart so I mean you know we play a part in it for sure but the
Lord again is going to be reaching out and is going to be he's going to be constantly doing his part again for lack better term to allow us to have relationship with him because he wants it he created us for it he wants us to have that relationship with him so he will circumcise our heart this is in Deuteronomy again in the heart of thy seed to love the
Lord thy God with on thy with all thine heart with all thy soul that thou mayest live
Psalm 65 for says blessed is the man whom thou choosest choosest and causest to approach him to thee he not only chose the man but caused the man to want to have that desire in the first place that he may dwell in nigh courts we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house even into thy holy temple first Corinthians 1 9 says
God is faithful by whom ye were called into the fellowship of his son
Jesus Christ our Lord so we were called into his fellowship so after that rapid -fire second half of the lesson there to conclude it is through constant effort and I have constant in all caps in my notes it is through constant effort that we have this relationship we have to do our part and it does take effort but the the the importance of it and the results of it could not be overstated it is through that relationship that we have our discernment that we are able to even like know whether we're dealing with good people whether we are listening to true teachers you did discernment in every point of life it is only through a a hand -holding relationship with him that we have any discernment at all that we have any testimony at all how on earth are we gonna live even close to a set apart life or or have the desire to do things that make us look different to everybody else that creates a testimony you're not gonna have a testimony unless you have that relationship it is through that relationship that we are holy in any sense of the word at all to be set apart that is only possible through again like a hand -holding type relationship with the
Lord it's only possible I'm sorry yeah it is through relationship that we are righteous in any sense of the word and that is because when we are righteous when we are holy it's actually
Jesus's righteousness his holiness which dad expounds has expounded upon so many times in so many eloquent ways we're all well grounded in that concept but without that relationship we are not ever going to be holy or righteous in any sense of the word because it's actually through him that we have either of those things in the first place and then it's through this relationship that we have blessings given to us and the blessings that that God has promised his people from the
Old Testament all the way through many of them if not all just talking about blessings here like earthly blessings hinge upon our desire to serve him to be thankful to want that relationship even in the hard times and blessings and blessings will come so it's interesting we talk about cause and effect a lot we talk about in the importance of that many of the things that set denominations apart split denominations up split maybe even religions up is is trying is trying to figure out you know the the causes of salvation in ways in which we keep our salvation we know again thanks to dad expounding on this and brother bill in Dave and brother
Myron got brother Raj guys that we have listened to in this very church that though many times those things are effects of the cause they are they are effects following the cause which was salvation now what's interesting about it is brother bill correct me if I'm I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure an effect so you have a cause and you have an effect an effect can in turn be a cause of or at least a casual factor for other effects is that is that correct which line its future so there's the cause there's an effect and that effect can be a cause for other effects now as we know our salvation is the cause of our good works of our desire to go to church to fellowship with each other to learn about the
Lord now obviously you can desire to go to church for reputation purposes but the true desire to go to learn about the
Lord you know that's an effect the desire to get baptized the desire to profess our faith almost done for a promise those are all effects those are all effects however if you want to get even more specific than that you can look at it like this you have salvation the ultimate cause the effect of that is the ability ok trying to be as specific as possible here the ability to have relationship with the
Lord what follows after that is or at least could be a relationship with the
Lord so first we have the ability to have it what can follow that is actually having it in what follows that are the good works the good testimony the desire to be set apart the desire to profess our faith all of those things are great and all of those follow the ultimate cause but all of those effects while absolutely absolutely rest on the ultimate cause which is our salvation they also rest on the first effect of our salvation which is the ability and I hope
I'm making sense here the ability to even have relationship with the Lord in the first place now what's interesting about that is that it's not necessarily a static or stationary effect it it has to be replenished by our our part like like the side of it that we need to do their reciprocating what
I'm getting at here is that if you look at that kind of order of ultimate cause and then effects is that if you take out that very first effect the ability to have a relationship with with Jesus in the first place you take that one out all those other effects start to disappear you are not gonna be doing that many good works if any you're not gonna have a good testimony if at all you're not gonna have any desire to be set apart you're not gonna have any desire to profess your faith you go out and be bold and so we have to tap in to our ability through our salvation we have the ability to have that relationship with Jesus we have to tap into it because without it it's a mess and we know or as we know he is willing and always he he is always willing and always desires that intimate relationship himself so as I've said a couple of times already the ball is continually in our court right we got to do our part and it's so important so I'm sorry
I had to like rush through the second half of all of that hopefully it made some sense some sense afterward but this was a lot of fun
I enjoyed this obviously I couldn't ask for a better church family to do something like this with to again
I don't this is this is just a Bible study and I feel like I'm barely I barely scratched the surface on this
I'm still you know I'm kind of going through this whole Bible in a year mixed with other passages that we hear at church and and have been kind of putting this together in my mind just the importance of it and how obviously it's so practical but the many levels the many levels of of the concept of being able to have a relationship with the
Lord so hopefully that was you know enjoyable to some degree or helpful to some degree but it was certainly fun getting to be asked to do this can't wait till you're back though dad because you know yeah
I mean this is no I don't know I don't know
I mean I already heard you already heard the conclusion so I don't know again this is this is obviously this could
I'm sure if you go through the whole Bible you could find a book's worth of passages that reaffirm this concept of the importance of the relationship so I'll leave it at that for now and I'll go ahead and close with prayer there only
Father Lord again I thank you so much for giving me this unique opportunity today and for just allowing us to have you know the absolute best church environment in family that speaking for myself
I could ever ask for you know just allowing us to get together feel the love feel the peace the harmony and the ability to kind of do this in a way that just feels like we're talking to friends and family which is absolutely the truth which may be unique to many many other churches out there and so thank you
Lord for putting me individually right in the middle of that and my family and allowing us to get to grow every
Sunday with this group of friends and family Lord thank you again for your many blessings and your constant protection and guidance for us