Only 5% voted for THIS!

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This NOPE had a lot of people wondering just what was going on. I hope this brings some helpful clarification! Side note regarding Jeremiah Johnson: If prophesying falsely doesn’t make you a false prophet, then what does?


I took a poll asking my followers on Instagram what they think is happening in the clip that I'm about to show you.
The options were self -baptisms, communal birthing pool, anointed healing bath water, or the
AC went out so they had an impromptu pool party. And they just keep an indoor pool filled in their sanctuary just in case.
After over 4 ,000 votes, the results are in. Only 5 % of you thought this was a communal birthing pool, and honestly,
I'm a bit disappointed because you probably didn't consider a spiritual birthing.
You ever think of that? No? You're too carnal. If you don't think that spiritual birthing is a thing, you are sorely mistaken, and if you think that spiritual birthing is only for women, you're definitely a narrow -minded bigot.
If TD Jakes can do it, anyone can. Coming in third place at 17%, you chose the anointed healing bath water, the idea being that people go into the water to receive healing, which
I guess could be physical or spiritual, perhaps. In second place, at 31%, you guys guessed the least ridiculous, an impromptu pool party.
Do you think that's the right one? We'll find out in a minute, but first place, getting 47 % of the votes, we have self -baptisms.
No need for the administration of the sacrament by elders of the church, no need perhaps even for credible professions of faith,
DIY baptisms. Just do it! Make your dreams come true!
So what's actually supposed to be going on here? This is Christ Fellowship Church in Dawsonville, Georgia, pastored by Todd and Karen Smith.
Well, they are the senior pastors, and there's also an executive pastor, and then man and wife children's pastors, and then man and wife youth pastors, and man and wife online campus pastors, just like Paul had set up in Ephesus in Acts 20.
They're a non -denominational church. And according to them, a revival has been going on for over 297 straight weeks.
While they are fairly orthodox in their statement of faith, they do profess to believe in modern day apostles and prophets.
For example, here is a recent ad for a visiting prophet and best -selling author, a globally recognized prophet.
I guess that means he's the real deal, just like the prophets of old, who everybody loved. This is Jeremiah Johnson.
Now, they also believe that physical healing in this life was purchased in the atonement.
This is a common belief in charismatic groups. It's an over -realized eschatology that posits that it is always
God's will to heal you physically. Now, how this particular church would explain that, and how they would explain why people don't get healed,
I don't know. You gotta ask them. But this is our segue to the pool. Now, on the original video, there is no explanation of what's going on.
It just says, the water broke. This is the service in which this pool party took place. Interruptions of the spirit in a sweet and beautiful way that the water is about to break.
Now, what seems to be happening with this pool is that it is an act of faith to go into the water for spiritual and physical healing.
This has been done before. It seems to be something that is regularly done in the church.
A man preached from Genesis 26 about the wells that the Philistines stopped up and how
God blessed Isaac, and we are like Isaac, and over time, others with the
Philistine spirit have come and stopped up your wells, and we need to keep digging.
And if we're not hearing from God, it's probably because we stopped digging. He said it's very important to understand foundational truths like salvation in Christ alone.
Foundational truths such as salvation through Jesus Christ only.
But if we keep on digging deeper, that's where we'll find the deep things like praying and unintelligible speech.
But you got to keep on digging, amen, but when I kept on, and when you get down here to Rehoboth, things just began to open up.
When it was once up there, praying, you get down to Rehoboth, and it's shara -ra -ra -bo -ko -shen -de -de -be -hey.
Ha -ra -bo -ko -shen -de -he -ra -ba -ka -ra -ba -so -de -de -be -key.
Maybe there's a connection between the water breaking and baby talk. He concluded by getting into the pool, which is meant to represent the well of salvation and all the benefits accompanied with salvation, including physical healings, with the invitation to claim these things from the well of salvation that is in you as a believer.
Wells of strength, wells of wisdom, wells of authority.
The senior pastor didn't know what to do, and he said as much, you know, because the Holy Spirit's leading the service, obviously.
So the band got up, started singing, We Come Alive in the River, and the senior pastor then started speaking in tongues, because what else are you going to do when you don't know what to do?
And then he came up with this. Here's what I saw. Some of us need, just as you are, to walk through, walk up those steps, immerse yourselves in yourself, and walk up the other side, and down those steps.
And so that's what they did, and here's another angle of the clip that I noped. They then proceed to sing
We Come Alive in the River for the next half hour, while people had experiences in the pool, and others got baptized in the pool.
But it doesn't look like any self -baptisms took place, you Pharisees. The service continued for another hour and a half, with singing and baptisms, which appeared to be primarily spontaneous, and the pastor baptizing, not in the pool, but in over what
I think is their baptismal, did seem to be giving an explanation of what baptism means before putting them under the water, but there was no audio, so I couldn't hear.
Now I take issue with spontaneous baptisms, and I think the case of the Ethiopian eunuch in Akshate is descriptive and not prescriptive, but that's another video.
Anyways, the correct answer is closest to the third option, anointed healing bath water, which only 17 % of you voted for.