The Is Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard From Andrew Wommack
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- 00:02
- I've heard a lot of dumb statements from Andrew Womack, but this one, bar none, is the dumbest.
- 00:16
- Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today.
- 00:22
- I want to thank you so much for joining me. I do want to begin by apologizing for how infrequent my video posts have been lately in the last couple of months.
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- It's just been an extraordinarily busy stretch for me, traveling, preaching, teaching, a lot of projects on my plate.
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- I'm also an elder at my home church now, Laurel Bible Church. I have been for about two months now, which pretty much coincides with the drop off of my video posts.
- 00:53
- But at any rate, it's been a busy stretch. I do apologize. Hopefully, I can be a little bit more regular here as we close out the last quarter of the year or so.
- 01:04
- Now to the subject matter at hand. Last night, I was eating a turkey sandwich here at my desk.
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- I looked over at YouTube and I saw this thumbnail from Andrew Womack titled, God Heals All, Not Just Some.
- 01:19
- Apparently, this video was posted just about six days or so ago as of this recording.
- 01:26
- I just watched it while I ate my sandwich, just to have something to do. He said something that almost made me choke on my turkey sandwich.
- 01:36
- It is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. It will literally leave your jaw on the floor.
- 01:42
- Even for the word faith preachers, this is mind -numbingly dumb.
- 01:49
- I'm going to play that for you, but then we will get into some more serious issues too.
- 01:54
- Dealing with healing and some of the things that he has taught. He teaches in this video specifically that it is always
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- God's will to be healed. No surprise there. That's a staple doctrine. As long as you have enough faith and you must have the kind of faith that says,
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- God, I know that you will heal me. Not the kind of faith that says, simply, God, I know you have the power.
- 02:16
- You are able to. We're going to delve into some of those more serious issues. We're going to use as the springboard into those issues, this statement from Andrew Womack.
- 02:27
- For context, he is talking about those people, myself would be one of them, who counter the word faith argument that you've got to have faith to be healed.
- 02:40
- Watch this from Andrew Womack and you will not believe it. I've had some people challenge me on this and say things like,
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- Jesus just went around healing people and they didn't have to believe. Again, I'm trying to condense a lot into a very short period of time.
- 02:56
- If I had more time, if you would get this book, this would answer these things in more detail.
- 03:02
- Quick station break. God Wants You Well, that is one of Andrew Womack's more well -known books.
- 03:08
- I have a copy of it myself and have read through it. It is typical word of faith healing garbage.
- 03:15
- Don't even bother, but I digress. What I'm taking right here on this program, there were times like he went and raised the widow's son from the dead in the city of Nain.
- 03:28
- You can look that up and some people say, so what faith did he have? It didn't take any faith on their part at all.
- 03:41
- First of all, you are assuming that a person who's dead doesn't have any choice in this matter.
- 03:47
- You're assuming that a person who's dead is just totally out of it and is not participating.
- 03:53
- You can't prove that. I can't prove that they do, but you can't prove that they don't. First of all, you are assuming that a person who's dead doesn't have any choice in this matter.
- 04:10
- You're assuming that a person who's dead is just totally out of it and is not participating.
- 04:15
- You can't prove that. I can't prove that they do, but you can't prove that they don't. Dear friends, when
- 04:21
- I heard that, I had to back the clip up to make sure I was hearing rightly.
- 04:27
- My ears were not deceiving me. And that's why I replayed the clip for you so you too could make sure that you were hearing correctly.
- 04:35
- Yes, indeed. Andrew Womack actually said that just because he was dead, you're assuming that he had no personal choice in the matter.
- 04:47
- Just because he was dead, you're assuming that he was totally out of it.
- 04:54
- Yeah, he was dead. He didn't pass out.
- 05:00
- It's not like somebody hit him on the head or he accidentally got hit by an errant baseball or something.
- 05:08
- He was dead. He wasn't mostly dead. Look who knows so much.
- 05:15
- Well, it just so happens that your friend here is only mostly dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead.
- 05:23
- Please open his mouth. Now, mostly dead, he's slightly alive.
- 05:30
- He was all dead. And we all know there's only one thing you can do if you're all dead.
- 05:38
- Now, all dead, well, with all dead, there's usually only one thing that you can do. What's that?
- 05:44
- Go through his clothes and look for loose change. Miracle Max from The Princess Bride has better theology and, quite frankly, more common sense than does
- 05:55
- Andrew Womack. And if you don't know who Miracle Max is from The Princess Bride, then you're probably not even saved.
- 06:02
- So at any rate, dear ones, that is astonishing to me.
- 06:08
- I am absolutely gobsmacked that Andrew Womack would say something like, look you in the eye and say something so incredibly mind -numbingly stupid as that.
- 06:25
- And it is absurd. It is ridiculous to the point of being just laughably comical.
- 06:32
- But there's something more serious at work here. And I'm going to save that for the very end of this video.
- 06:40
- Because that does show a very dark underbelly to this movement and its theology.
- 06:48
- So stay tuned to the end of this video. It won't be long, and we will get to that. But in the meantime,
- 06:54
- I want you to watch this clip from the very same video as Andrew Womack is talking about the necessity to have faith in order to receive physical healing from God.
- 07:06
- Watch this. So it's God's will for every person to be saved. Likewise, it is
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- God's will for you to be well. And if you ever doubt that, it's just exactly the same as if you doubt that God would save you.
- 07:20
- You don't doubt that He could do it. You just doubt that He would do it because you are too bad of a person. You fail too much.
- 07:27
- It'll keep you from being saved. And you can believe that it's God's will to heal or that God has the power to heal.
- 07:34
- But if you doubt that He's going to heal you, then that'll stop the supernatural healing power of God in your life.
- 07:41
- So Andrew Womack says that in order to receive physical healing from God, you've got to believe that it is always
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- God's will to be healed. And you've got to believe that God will heal you.
- 07:54
- Now, they're not entirely consistent on that latter part. And I'm going to save that for another video,
- 07:59
- Lord willing, coming up in the near future. But suffice it to say, the theme of this whole video on his website, you've got to believe that it's always
- 08:10
- God's will to be healed and that God will indeed heal you. And if you don't have that kind of faith, well, then you really don't.
- 08:18
- You're going to stop the supernatural. You have no hope of receiving your healing that you so desperately need.
- 08:24
- Now, is faith required for us to receive physical healing from God?
- 08:31
- There are occasions in which faith did seem to play a part in the healing of different people, both in the ministry of Christ himself, as well as in the ministries of the apostles in the book of Acts.
- 08:48
- There are times when faith was a component of that. However, there were other occasions in which there was apparently no faith at all required on the part of the person being healed.
- 09:00
- One of these examples is in John chapter five. You probably remember this story. The pool of Bethesda says that there was a multitude of the sick laying there at the pool of Bethesda.
- 09:12
- And by the way, how many of that multitude did Jesus heal? One. One out of a multitude.
- 09:21
- So that kind of is a bit of a problem for the doctrine that it's always God's will for everyone to be healed.
- 09:27
- Jesus left the entire multitude save for one man sick.
- 09:33
- He didn't heal everybody, just healed one. And further for John chapter five, the man who was healed, he had been sick for 38 years.
- 09:43
- Remember that? The man had absolutely no idea who
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- Jesus even was. And yet Jesus healed him. Look with me in John chapter five, verse 10.
- 09:57
- This is after the man was healed. So the Jews were saying to the man who had been healed, it is the
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- Sabbath and it is not lawful for you to carry your mat. But he answered them, he who made me well was the one who said to me, pick up your mat and walk.
- 10:11
- They asked him, who is the man who said to you, pick up your mat and walk? But the man who was healed did not know who it was.
- 10:21
- For Jesus had slipped away while there was a crowd in that place. The man had no idea who
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- Jesus was. All he knew was that this some man walked up to him and asked him if he wanted to be healed.
- 10:36
- He replied, yes. And Jesus said, pick up your mat and walk. And he did. Instant healing.
- 10:42
- Verifiable. Instant. By the way, that's real New Testament healing. Very unlike what we see from today's modern so -called faith healers.
- 10:50
- The guy didn't have a clue as to who Jesus was. He didn't know Jesus from Adam's house cat.
- 10:56
- Had no idea and yet Jesus healed him. In Acts chapter eight, the apostles healed people who were unbelievers.
- 11:06
- They had no faith at all in Christ or the apostles. They were unbelievers and yet the apostles healed them.
- 11:14
- Again, miraculous, genuine healing. Very unlike what we see today with today's modern so -called faith healers in the charismatic movement.
- 11:25
- Now, Matthew chapter nine, 28 through 29.
- 11:36
- And when he entered the house, the blind man came up to him and Jesus said to them, do you believe that I am able to do this?
- 11:44
- They said to him, yes, Lord. Then he touched their eyes saying, it shall be done to you according to your faith.
- 11:53
- Notice the question that Jesus asked these blind men. He didn't say, do you believe that I will do this?
- 12:00
- He said, do you believe that I am able to do this? Literally in the Greek, do you believe that I have enough dunamai, enough power to do this?
- 12:09
- And they said, yes. And then he said, according to your faith, according to that kind of faith, be it done unto you.
- 12:18
- Dear friends, I have all the faith in the world that Jesus is able to heal me of my cerebral palsy.
- 12:26
- He created me. He can heal me. Jesus spoke the universe into existence.
- 12:33
- Not only did he speak it into existence, but he actively upholds all things by the word of his power.
- 12:40
- I have complete and total faith that Jesus is able to heal me of my cerebral palsy.
- 12:47
- Healing me would not bring the tiniest drop of sweat to God's anthropomorphic brow.
- 12:55
- He created me. He can heal me. And so if you are watching this and you are sick or you have a disability, some sickness and disease, whatever it is, and you've been told that you don't have enough faith.
- 13:09
- Dear friends, hear this. If you know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, don't let anybody tell you that you don't have enough faith to be healed.
- 13:19
- If God has granted you the faith to be saved, you have certainly got the faith to be healed.
- 13:27
- Being saved is by far the greatest miracle. The greatest miracle is not when the blind see.
- 13:35
- It's not when the lame walk. It's when the dead are raised. And not physically dead, spiritually dead.
- 13:43
- Dead in trespasses and sins, raised to newness of life in Christ.
- 13:48
- And by the way, we are not merely sick in sin, we are dead. Tag on the toe, dead in sin.
- 13:55
- When God makes us alive in Christ, that is the greatest miracle. I have complete confidence that God could heal me of my cerebral palsy right now if He wanted to do.
- 14:07
- He could heal me before I finish this video instantly and verifiably.
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- And as incredible a miracle as that would be, and it would be, that miracle would pale in comparison to what
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- God did for me when He saved me from my sin. When He saved me from Himself, from His own wrath.
- 14:31
- That is the greatest miracle of all. Don't let anybody ever tell you that you don't have enough faith to be healed.
- 14:39
- And to claim that you've got to have the kind of faith that says, Lord, I know that you will heal me.
- 14:45
- That is presumption upon God. Let's go to James chapter 4.
- 14:50
- James chapter 4, beginning of verse 13. James, the half -brother of Jesus, says,
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- But as it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.
- 15:29
- Dear friends, the kind of faith that the faith preachers are claiming, you've got to have,
- 15:36
- Lord, I know that you will do this. That's boasting. Not only boasting, it's evil boasting.
- 15:43
- Look again what James says. He says, And so for those who say,
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- Oh, well, that's just talking about doing business or making a profit.
- 15:58
- No, he says, In other words, you and I don't even know if we're going to be alive tomorrow.
- 16:12
- And to say that we will certainly be alive tomorrow, that's boasting.
- 16:18
- You don't know that. I don't know that. The kind of faith for which
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- God asks of us is to say, Lord, if it is your will, please heal me.
- 16:34
- If it is your will, let me do this or that. Anything else is boasting and it's evil.
- 16:44
- It's evil. So not only is what Andrew Womack teaching comically absurd, but it's also, in fact, evil.
- 16:54
- And now I want to get to the point that is the dark underbelly of this kind of teaching.
- 17:03
- Andrew Womack being willing to say something so absurd that a dead man could actually have a choice and participate in what he's doing.
- 17:15
- And just because he was dead doesn't mean he was out of it. To say something that patently stupid shows you the links to which
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- Andrew Womack and all of his word of faith friends, Todd White, Kenneth Copeland, Bill Johnson, Jesse Duplantis, Joel Osteen, all these others,
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- Joyce Meyer, it shows you the links to which they will deliberately twist the
- 17:42
- Bible in order to rescue their bankrupt theology.
- 17:50
- You see, Andrew Womack doesn't truly care about Scripture. The only thing he cares about is twisting
- 17:59
- Scripture so that he can somehow rescue his bankrupt theology. And that, dear friends, is a sign of a false teacher.
- 18:08
- So run from Andrew Womack, run from all of these word of faith, prosperity gospel teachers.
- 18:15
- They're wolves, wolves in sheep's clothing. All right, dear ones, thank you very much.
- 18:20
- I hope this has been helpful for you, a little entertaining, but I hope it has helped to drive home some profound and deep and needed spiritual truths and God's sovereignty as it relates to our healing and our faith in Him.
- 18:35
- All right, until our next time together, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of His Holy Spirit be with you all.
- 18:43
- Well, first of all, you are assuming that a person who's dead doesn't have any choice in this matter.
- 18:50
- You're assuming that a person who's dead is just totally out of it and is not participating.