How Jesse Duplantis DISTORTS The Bible!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about Jesse Duplantis. Now, as many of you know, Jesse is a prosperity gospel teacher and one of the foremost proponents of Word of Faith theology.
Essentially, the idea is that if you follow Jesus, you will receive health and wealth. All you have to do is take it for yourself by faith.
At least, that's what they say. And today, we're going to be analyzing a sermon from Jesse entitled, quote,
If you keep the faith, everything is yours. And in this sermon, he will attempt to use a few specific passages of Scripture to prove his
Word of Faith theology. And interestingly, these aren't passages that you would expect. In fact,
I don't believe we've ever made a video about these. So without any further ado, let's see the first clip.
Watch this. But I've learned something about the Word of God. It is true every time, not some of the time.
So according to Jesse, God's Word is true all the time, not just some of the time. And on this channel, we would wholeheartedly agree with that statement.
Scripture is undoubtedly the Word of God, which makes it absolutely true. Proverbs 30 verse 5 puts it this way, quote,
Every word of God proves true. It couldn't possibly be more clear. And of course, I want to recognize that all
Christians are still fallible human beings and capable of making an error in how they read or understand the
Bible. In other words, you can believe Scripture is absolutely true and still not properly interpreted.
It's not the Bible's fault, it's ours. That's something to be aware of and hopefully avoid. But as you're about to see, what
Jesse Duplantis does is much more concerning than a casual misunderstanding of the text.
You see, Jesse has a distinct pattern of consistently manipulating the Bible for personal gain.
And part of the proof for this will be shown to you today. So with that said, let's see what Jesse's main point is here in the sermon.
Watch this. You don't debate this. That's a discussion. A decision makes a choice.
If you keep the faith, everything is yours. That's spiritual, that's physical, that's financial.
People say, I don't believe that. That's why you struggle so much. So there it is. If you keep the faith, everything is yours.
That's spiritual, physical, and financial. This is Jesse's main point. And let's just highlight those last two concepts.
The physical aspect here in Jesse's Word of Faith theology, of course, refers to healing, and the financial aspect refers to wealth and prosperity.
So we could rightly rephrase this and say it a bit differently. If you keep the faith, everything is yours.
That's spiritual, but it also refers to health and wealth. That is essentially what Jesse is trying to tell us.
But many of us discerning Christians are quick to disregard this, thinking that it's just the opinion of Jesse Duplantis, unaccompanied by Scripture.
But shockingly, Jesse's sermon here, including his main point, is actually based on a real biblical text.
Let's see what that text is. Watch this. To be offered at the time of my departure is at hand.
Verse 7 is where I want to get to. I have fought a good fight. I like that. I have finished my course.
I have kept the faith. Notice that. Now, if you recall, the title of this sermon is, quote, if you keep the faith, everything is yours.
And remember that Jesse told us this word everything also refers to health and wealth.
And what exactly is the text used to support this idea? 2 Timothy 4, 7, in which
Paul says this, quote, I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.
Now, what does Paul mean by this statement? Well, let's look at the verses which come before and after an established context.
That's very important. In verse 6, just before he says, quote, for I am already being poured out as a drink offering and the time of my departure has come, end quote.
And then in verse 8, just after he says, quote, henceforth, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, the righteous judge will award to me on that day. And not only to me, but also to all who have loved his appearing.
So what's Paul talking about in context? He's saying that his death is quickly approaching.
He says that he has finished his race and first Corinthians nine. It's worth noting also written by Paul refers to the
Christian life as a race. So Paul is saying that his life is coming to an end, but he has kept the faith and run his race diligently, of course, by the grace of God.
So far, none of this has anything to do with healing or financial blessing, as Jesse Duplantis said.
But what about that last verse, the one where Paul talks about receiving a crown? Does this mean that Paul is talking about receiving financial prosperity in this life?
Of course not. It can't mean that. First off, Paul has already spoken of this as something happening after his death, which means by definition, he will no longer be in this temporal world.
And secondly, the crown is referred to as a quote, crown of righteousness. So there's no reason to believe that the crown could be a metaphor for earthly finances, especially considering the fact that it's not earthly and it's not financial.
And if you read the entire chapter, you'll find that there is no guarantee of earthly riches in there at all.
So to put it simply, Jesse Duplantis has mangled and manipulated this biblical text.
He's ripped it out of context in order to promise health and wealth, when the passage actually has nothing to do with either of those things.
But this isn't the only time in the sermon that he does this. As I mentioned earlier, this is a pattern of his.
In this clip, he introduces the next passage that he wants to preach from. Watch this. First John chapter five.
I will show you this now. This has been here for thousands of years. First John chapter five.
Verse 18. We know. Everybody say we know.
So he has just introduced first John 5 18, which says, quote, We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning or keep sinning habitually and unrepentantly.
But he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him, end quote. But let's take a look at what
Jesse does with this passage. It's truly shocking. Watch this. So now
I say we know. They say, how can you travel all over the world and not charge expenses?
You know what you cost to fly a jet a lot? Maintenance it, all the different things. We know.
What do you know? He didn't ask me to pay for it. He asked me to believe for it. So Jesse says that people ask him, essentially, how can you afford to travel in the way that you do using his private jet?
Because that's very expensive. And Jesse's response is because, quote, We know. You see, he's referring to the first two words of first John 5 18, which indeed are we know.
But this topic has nothing to do with the actual text. Let's read it again. Quote, We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning.
Again, that is sinning habitually and unrepentantly. But he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him.
End quote. You see, the passage is assuring us of our sanctification, and that the evil one will not have dominion over us as he once did.
It is a beautiful assurance, then, of God's provision over our walk with him. But there is nothing,
I repeat, nothing whatsoever in the passage that has anything to do with owning a private jet or gaining massive amounts of money.
That's obviously not what the we know is referring to. So once again, Jesse Duplantis has ripped a section of the
Bible out of its broader context on purpose so that he can assure his audience of health and wealth.
But that's not all. Look at what he says next. Watch this. He didn't ask me to pay for it.
He asked me to believe for it. I'm setting this theme. Listen to me. If you listen to me, it'll be the greatest year of your life.
I'm telling you, we know. So Jesse says that if you listen to him here, this will be the greatest year of your life.
This is a method of preaching that I have come to refer to as fill -in - the -blank preaching. Seeker -sensitive and prosperity gospel churches use it all the time.
First of all, they make vague assurances to their audience. Things are going to turn around. There's going to be a breakthrough.
God says that this will be the greatest year of your life so far. Expect things to get better just around the corner.
These are statements that the hypercharismatic church might call prophetic. The problem is that none of them are specific at all.
So these people have been given a vague promise of better things to come. And now, this is key, it's the job of the audience members to figure out how this is true in their life.
If you're not blessed, then you must not have listened properly. Or maybe you didn't have enough faith. Maybe you didn't believe the message with enough emotion.
The word -of -faith worldview is really an exhausting one. Contrast this with what Jesus says in John 16 -33,
See, the Christian life is defined by a peace despite circumstances. There ought to be a transcendent and deeply rooted peace in the
Christian's life. And it's hard to see what could possibly be peaceful about a constant search for blessing and breakthrough just around the corner.
You see, Jesse Duplantis makes these grand promises, but what are they actually rooted in? At the beginning of the sermon, he paid homage to God's Word, declaring that it was fully true.
Yet at the same time, in this sermon alone, he completely manipulated two Bible verses.
He ripped them completely out of context to make them all about health and wealth, when the passages had nothing to do with that.
So the fact is, what we are left with in the word -of -faith movement is this. Huge, exciting, and emotional promises that are utterly lacking in any real
Biblical foundation. So please, stay away from this movement. Their teaching, including that of Jesse, is false, unbiblical, and dangerous.
And we hope this video has demonstrated that to you in some practical way. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather, as a
Biblical critique. Please, pray for this channel and for anyone discussed in the video. And if you're looking for teaching resources or trying to find a new church, check out the teaching ministries and church networks linked in the description.
And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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