65. It's "Very Good" To Be A Woman (Marriage Series Part 3)



“Dear sisters, daughters, mothers, and wives, embrace the beautiful, glorious, and domestic calling God has given you. Rejoice amid the mess and the stress of a burgeoning home. Find joy and laughter when the markers decorate your walls, the spaghetti gets flung on your ceiling, or when the task of doing it all seems too big for you. It is too big for you, in your own strength. That much is true. But let that truth remind you of a better truth. You are needy in your role because the Lord designed you to ever be in need of Him!” --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/support


66. Division Is The Point

Welcome back to the podcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf. This is episode 65.
It's very good to be a woman. You can't talk about that.
Well, watch me. In clown world, you cannot speak to anyone unless you agree with them, and you certainly cannot speak intelligently on a topic unless it comports with some personal experience.
For instance, a white person could not possibly and should never opine about the topic of racism in days like these because they obviously have no experience with being oppressed as assumptions go.
At best, she is a closet white supremacist or he is clearly sitting at advantageously atop of oppressors mountain as assumptions continue.
And according to our new class of social and moral philosophers, the melanin challenged among us, aka whitey, could not possibly have anything to add on such a subject because they've been blinded by decades and centuries of toxic advantage and privilege.
If you disagree with such pitiful logic, then it's just your white fragility barking.
Well, the same is also true when it comes to a man opening up his Bible and studying a topic like biblical womanhood.
He may be learning truth from the very designer of women, but his opinions are somehow invalid because he has no experience of being a woman.
This kind of abysmal logic, however, comes from a feministic culture that no longer knows what it means to be a woman.
Now, women can have penises, men can have babies and groomers can wear dresses and disrobe and flash their male genitals in front of little girls, all in the name of womanhood.
That's what womanhood means today. Well, perhaps, you know, maybe possibly even a white male pastor looking at what the author and perfecter of biblical femininity has to say about the topic, maybe perhaps could offer a clearer picture of what a woman is than the so -called experts.
Maybe just maybe. Putting forward the question, what is a woman?
The question about what is a woman has more recently become a viral topic on social media since the
Daily Wire decided to make their signature documentary. What is a woman by Matt Walsh free on Twitter, and it was free all weekend.
I'm not sure if it still is, but I know that it was last weekend. Now, in the documentary, it explores that very question.
What is a woman? And it allows various representatives from clown world to entirely hang themselves with utterly ridiculous propositions that make no sense.
For that reason, the documentary is a must see. But other than a last second quip from Matt's wife that a woman is a human biological female, the documentary utterly fails to answer its own question with sufficient evidence.
It does plenty to define what a woman is not, does that quite well, but it actually never gets around to answering the question what a woman is.
Therefore, I would like to offer a biblical case for what a woman is and why womanhood is such a very, very good thing.
What is a woman? From the moment we open the Bible, we are bombarded by what a woman is.
According to scripture, a woman is a special creation made by God, Genesis one twenty six, and she is endowed with blessing, significance and value by the creator who sculpted her in his image,
Genesis one twenty seven and twenty eight. In that image, she has been made equal in personhood to the male that God called her to correspond with, yet she is also made distinct from him in her body, in her role and in her rank.
Now, in the following section, I'm going to detail the biblical case for what a woman is by her body, her role in her rank, and the scripture verses are included in the blog.
If you want to go trace those down, you can find those in the blog. I'm not going to read the scripture verses in the broadcast just to help the flow of the episode move along.
But those scripture verses are included in the blog. You can find that on the shepherds church, the shepherds website, the shepherds church.
Part one, the woman's body. Regarding her body, she was made to be visually stimulating to her husband.
The Bible does not present an androgynous woman who binds her breast and wears men's clothing. In fact, it forbids that.
This is because feminine sexual beauty, when rightly expressed in the confines of covenant marriage, is a beautiful and a glorious thing.
Take for example, Adam. When he stirs awake from a deep garden siesta that the
Lord put him in, he awakens with a blissful delight to behold a woman's naked body.
She was lovely with softened curves and rounded thighs that intoxicate her man and leave him ever satisfied with her breast all his days.
Far from being a repulsive aspect of masculinity, male sexual attraction for his wife is a part of the woman's glory.
The man is not deviant for desiring his wife and she is not sensate when she flaunts her naked body in front of him to cultivate his desire.
None of that. She receives affection and attraction from her husband in a way that no one else can.
He covenants to cling to her, protect her, provide her, and to love her all his days.
That is why the Bible says that it is not good for the man to be alone. Because when the man is alone, the woman is alone.
She's left unprotected, unloved, unprovided for, and uncovered. Instead of that, her radiating beauty is meant to allure him and then, after he's been allured, to tame him, to make him become more than just a man.
In her love, he becomes a gentleman, a provider, a father, and a companion. Through her womb, she will bring forth legacies of people who will subdue the earth according to God's perfect vision and bring manifold blessings back on top of him.
Neither the man nor the woman could accomplish God's plan independently, but through distinct yet equal giftings, they cling to one another in blessings.
She becomes the man's helper, and together they become fruitful, multiplying, ruling, and subduing to the glory of God.
In this sense, she was made for man to help execute the vision that he will be accounted for to the
Lord, not vice versa. Women are made with a body that is pleasing to her husband and brings blessings to her family, and that can be seen in the way that she produces children.
She has a monthly menstruation that men cannot have regardless of the fact that society now purports that men can have periods.
That menstrual cycle that only she has signifies her ability to bring life even out of the throes of death.
Even during ovulation, a woman's sexual drive increases as a way of helping her become pregnant because she's a life giver.
During conception, she takes a single sperm cell and she transforms it into a living, eternal being, which demonstrates one of the greatest miracles of what womanhood actually is.
She takes the smallest, most meager blessings that a man can give her, and then she multiplies them across the entirety of her life.
And while the delivery of that child has become arduous and painful because of sin, the woman has this unique and hormonal ability to forget the most excruciating pain the very moment that the child is born.
After the delivery and the joy of motherhood rushes upon her, those breasts that were used to satisfy her husband now also nourish her infant babies physically from the milk that God destined her to produce.
And in her mothering, she develops an extraordinary, unimaginable, and unbreakable bond and love for her children that even the father cannot fully comprehend.
That will cause her to give up everything for the blessing of her children. Her body was made for her husband and her children, and from her body, a multitude of blessings flow out to everyone around her.
That is what it is to be a woman. Part 2. The Woman's Role While many would like to deny it, a woman's role is not to compete with men in the workplace.
She was made physically weaker than him, and she cannot compete with him in his domain. Yet, just because she is physically weaker than the man does not make her inferior to him.
Take for example, fine china. Only an idiot would attempt to use fine china to hammer in a nail.
It was not made for brute strength, but for something precious in the same way. Women were not made to compete with the power of men, but they were made to use their unique and delicate bodies and giftings for a precious purpose.
The Bible tells us that the woman's worth is not compounded by her raw power like iron or steel, but by her value like rubies and diamonds.
She is the reason that her husband is well known in the gates, and she is a powerful demonstration of the
Lord's goodness and favor upon his life. She brings value everywhere she goes.
The reason for this is simple. She takes the raw materials and resources that a man can procure in his strength, blood, sweat, and tears, and then she multiplies them to the glory of God in order to build something, a home that is teeming with life.
Without her, life, vitality, and flourishing would not come upon people and the world would be a barren wasteland of a place.
Yet, when a woman is functioning in the way that God designed her, gardens pop up all over the place, life bursts forth, and people are nourished, flourished, and blessed.
Again, the man produces and extracts the raw resources from the ground and he gives them to the woman.
Once she has them, she takes those materials and multiplies them, making them valuable, usable, and advantageous for life.
Take the vision of womanhood that's provided for us in Proverbs 31. The husband never lacks in gain because the wife's ministry of multiplication.
Every time he gives her something, she takes it and reproduces it so that he becomes inestimably blessed.
She works with her hands as a delight. Strength and dignity are her covering. She brings food from afar to her people.
She wakes early in the morning to provide for the needs of her home, and then she goes to bed late providing for their future.
She's strong, she's prudent, industrious for the good of her family, and she's even generous to those who are outside of it.
She smiles at the future and she plans for calamity. She ensures that her and her family are royally clothed, and she makes a profit on whatever is left.
She opens her mouth to bring wisdom into her residence, and she looks well to the building up of her house.
And for all of that, the reward for her labors. She has a husband who cannot stop praising her, and children who will rise up and call her blessed.
This is what a woman is. That plan is so central to the heart of God and so necessary to the purpose of woman, that God advises older women in a community to intentionally and deliberately teach that vision to younger women, unless, because if they don't, they will become guilty of blaspheming the word of God.
Now while most modern translations of Titus 2, 4 -5, which is where that verse comes from, do not have the stomach to translate the word blasphemity as blaspheme, that's exactly what it means.
Now, I want you to let that sink in for just a moment. When a woman does not, according to Titus 2, 4 -5, love her husband and children, act with sensibility and purity, work diligently in her home, along with being kind to her family and being subject to her husband, if a woman does not do that, she is blaspheming
God's word. To say that a different way, when a woman spurns her creator's vision and design for her life, she curses her
God. That is not what I say, that is not what theologians say, that is what scripture says.
That is what a woman is, a woman who loves her husband and her children, acts with sensibility and purity, works diligently in her home, brings kindness to her husband and her family, and is subject to her husband unto the
Lord. Part 3, a woman's rank. Other passages continue to fill out her theology of what a woman is by describing not only her body and her role, but also her rank.
For instance, she is not called to be head over her husband, but to be the crown that sits atop her husband's head.
She is to submit to his leadership, in the same way that the church submits to the Lord Jesus Christ, because this is a demonstration of the gospel.
Even when a woman is married to an unbeliever or a man who refuses to obey the word of God, like Abigail was to Nabal, she is called to submit to that man, winning him over by her excellent and godly behavior.
This does not imply that all women are subject to all men, I want to make that very clear. The Bible does not say that.
In the context of the covenant marriage, however, a woman must choose a suitable and a godly husband to submit to all the days of her life.
This is why courting and dating are so critical, because that relationship must elucidate the kind and quality of a man that is worthy for a woman to submit herself to for a lifetime.
Courting is attempting to find out the validity of the man, whether he is godly or not, and it's so important so that she doesn't end up submitting herself to a wretch or a fool.
Yet, even if that were to happen, her godly femininity and submissiveness, first and foremost to the
Lord, can be used by God not only to win over an oafish buffoon, but also to make him holy by proximity to her, 1
Corinthians 7, 14. The picture that the scriptures are very carefully painting is a joyfully submissive woman who brings life to the world through her femininity.
She is beautiful and attractive to her husband. She uses her lips to speak kindness to the members of her family, and she gains great honor through her graciousness, and she displays a quiet and beautiful demeanor before the
Lord that makes her worthy of the greatest praise. It's good to be a woman.
In the same way a couple weeks ago that we celebrated how good it is that God made men to be men, we can also shout to the heavens how excellent and wonderful it is for women to be women.
And by women, we are talking about biblically defined womanhood. We're not celebrating the perverted, diminished, and hollowed out femininity that the world has championed.
We are celebrating the God -ordained, glorious femininity that is beautiful and wholly pleasing to God.
That femininity is expressed in her body, her sexuality, her motherhood, her role, and her rank within her home.
For all of that, she is described as supremely valuable and her worth far exceeding the most precious stones and metal.
She is a multiplier of life and the only reason her husband is ever called blessed. If man is the glory of God and woman is the glory of man, then she is being described as the glory of the glory, which makes her tremendously treasured.
Dear women, I want to speak to you directly. Do not buy into the disgusting lie that has been fomented by fairy tales and feminists.
You will never meet a happy feminist because their lumberjack view of the world destroys womanhood entirely.
Dear sisters and dear daughters and dear mothers and dear wives, embrace the beautiful, glorious, and domestic calling that God has given you.
Rejoice amid the mess and the stress of a burgeoning home. Find joy and laughter when the markers decorate your walls or the spaghetti gets flung upon your ceiling or when the task of doing it all seems too big for you.
It is too big for you. It's too big for you in your own strength and wisdom and ability.
That is true. But let that truth remind you, dear sister, of a better truth.
You are needy in your role because the Lord designed you to be ever in need of him.
In fact, that is the most glorious and beautiful part of womanhood, that you are lovely and submissive to your
God, Proverbs 31 30. Dear ladies called by the Lord Jesus Christ, invest in your home, invest in your community.
If you're a younger woman who is not married, spend active energy and effort preparing yourself for what it means to be a biblical woman and to enter into a biblical marriage.
If you are married, then take the things that are listed in this article and in this broadcast episode and put them to use and take them as your own.
They're from the scripture. They're not from me. They're from God to you. They're God's design of how he made you take them, embrace them, love them, and you will be blessed.
And if you're past the point of motherhood, and if you're now looking at the future of grandchildren and all of those things, be that older woman that Titus 2 describes where you're encouraging younger women in the church, younger women in your family, and younger women in your circles of influence to love their husbands, to love their
God first and foremost, to love their families and to seek the good of those things by building up their home.
Before you know it, this life will soon be passed and you will have a lasting legacy from that sort of work that will continue on for generations and generations.
This world right now is so confused on what it means to be a man and to be a woman and to have a biblical marriage.
We have the incredible opportunity as Christians to showcase to the world what that actually looks like by going back to scripture.
We don't have to be ashamed of what scripture says. We can be excited about what scripture says and showcase that to the world.
So until next time, I hope that you are blessed. I hope that you have enjoyed this episode.
And I hope that if you're not subscribed, you'll subscribe. I hope you'll share it with others so that we can get this message out to more people.