- 00:08
- Here's what I think is the key to this. Marriage involves encountering the other.
- 00:16
- Compatibility, not sameness. It is the union of male and female that not only is like one man with many women, one woman and many men, one human of any kind.
- 00:44
- The uniqueness of this, deep down inside, we know of a man and a woman in marriage.
- 01:38
- To take my children and to celebrate with my people. What do we see in this?
- 04:04
- When he sees the orphan and the widow, biblically, we are to stand with them.
- 04:10
- My first observation is exactly what
- 04:51
- I thought, which is, I agree on the importance of marriage.
- 05:10
- I guess the most important thing is that he is from heaven.
- 06:04
- Isn't it true? In a minute and a half,
- 07:21
- I do not believe that there is any question of that today.
- 08:03
- All across the scriptures and historically study, that it is used to describe.