Creationism, Darwinism and Intelligent Design



Well, good evening everyone It's It's good to be back in our time of study and We are now officially beginning The second course in apologetics here at Sovereign Grace Family Church We did I think nine weeks in our first course We're calling that apologetics 101 So this is apologetics 201 and in our first series we engaged The question of the what and the why of apologetics and we dealt a little bit with the how But as we start tonight on your worksheet I want to just remind you of some of the things that we learned in the first series some of you were not here for that Some of you were and I know how easy it is for things to kind of be forgotten And so I would just want to just and in a very brief amount of time Just sort of reiterate some of the things that we've learned in the first series the first thing to remember is What the word apologetics means? And you'll notice this on your worksheet I put there What is apologetics? Well who wants to answer that question? What is apologetics? Yes That's right an apologetic is a defense and particularly Christian apologetics is Giving a defense for the faith.
There is a Bible verse it is in first Peter 3 15 which says what? Always be ready to give a defense For the hope that is within us if anyone who asked for the hope that is within us It's a sanctified the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart always being ready to Give a defense and that word give a defense in Greek is apologia apologia was the term that was used when in court someone defended their case and Obviously most people when they hear the word Apologetics think of the English word apology but apology in modern terms normally means to say I'm sorry or To say that I've I've done something wrong And that's why a lot of people get confused when they hear the word Christian apologetics.
They think that Christian apologetics is somehow Saying I'm sorry for being a Christian.
That's not what it is Christian apologetics is to make a defense as if you were on trial and Someone was Standing before you and said make your case for your faith Give your defense For your belief.
That's what Apologetics is and again it is told to us in the Bible first Peter 3 15 that we are to always be ready to do that To anyone who asks I've always thought that's an interesting part that's often left out because Apologetics really happens when people ask us questions about our faith when I'm proclaiming the gospel.
I don't begin with arguments I begin with the truth But then almost always when I begin with the truth Somebody asks a question about that truth and therein becomes the opportunity for me to defend that truth That's where the apologetic comes in because they ask about the hope that is within you then you have the opportunity to give your defense We examined there are three main schools of apologetic thought The first one is classical apologetics.
You have this on your list classical apologetics reasons to the existence of God from logic that's the the basis of classical apologetic is to give a reasonable A belief in the existence of God from the from logical and reasonable Positions like for instance if someone were to say the earth is demonstrates order and design order and design don't come out of chaos and So we look at the order of the world and we see this demands an orderer So there there's the reason why we believe that there's someone who ordered the universe because it didn't come about out of chaos So that would be one of the classical arguments for the existence of God the second one is evidential evidential Seeks to begin from a neutral position and examine only the evidence You'll hear people say this they'll say well when when you talk to an unbeliever We want to start on a neutral ground and we're just going to look and see where the evidence takes us That would be an evidential approach Oftentimes that's considered a scientific approach Because it's trying to eliminate any type of presuppositional bias We're going to just look at the evidence and go where the evidence takes us the third is presuppositional This recognizes the existence of God as the great axiom of all other knowledge You know what an axiom is an axiom is a necessary precursor to everything else.
It's something that you have to believe Before you can believe something else in science it is axiomatic that we exist If we didn't believe we existed we couldn't do anything else So there's a there we don't really have to prove that we exist.
We assume that we exist It's a presupposition.
We we we sort of like Descartes said I think therefore I am and So that's his axiom.
I'm beginning with that.
I Exist and thus I can study existence and that's and that's called axiom or Presumption something that's not proven but something that's used to prove other things Presuppositional apologetics Says that the existence of God is the is the axiom of all knowledge and I like to I like to point out that We determine where we are on this list ordinarily by how we talk to someone Whether you're a classical apologist whether you're an evidential apologist or whether you're presuppositional You can usually determine that by how you approach the unbeliever the classical apologist approaches the unbeliever on the basis of reason and logic and begins to logically deduce the existence of God based upon human understandings of the universe The evidential apologist believes that the the unbeliever and the believer are both on a neutral playing field and thus we simply need to Examine the evidence to see whether or not God exists but the presuppositional person Looks at the unbeliever and says this He already knows that God exists and My job is not to prove to him that God exists, but to demonstrate that he already knows it Because his arguments are based on a world that was created by God And you say well, what do you mean by that Romans chapter 1 says this it says for the invisible attributes Namely God's eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world and the things that have been made So the person is without excuse Romans chapter 1 verse 20 And it goes on in verse 21 to say for although they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him But they became futile in their thinking and their foolish hearts were darkened claiming to be wise they became Fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things It tells us that what can be known about God is plain to them They know it.
In fact, it says they're going to be judged for it.
I Don't believe in atheists See if you say I don't believe in God say well I don't believe in you and what I mean by that is I believe somebody can say they're an atheist But I can also say this when you face God at judgment You will not be able to say I did not know you existed because this scripture tells me that they knew God existed in their Heart and they suppressed that knowledge and unrighteousness So when I'm talking to the unbeliever, I'm talking from a presupposition that not only do they know it, but they're suppressing it It's like it's in their heart and they've pushed it down whether they pushed it down with any type of scientific jargon Some people push it down with drugs and alcohol Some people push it down with lustful activities sex and everything else But they've suppressed that knowledge of God and my job as an apologist is simply to point out what they already know is true And to point out the fact that they argue for things That wouldn't be logical in their worldview The atheist says and we talked about this in the last series The atheist says I can't believe God exists because there's so much evil in the world and you say but yes But you're making an assumption that without a God who created Good and evil that there is such a thing because in evolutionary Biology there is no such thing as evil.
There is just life and death and death brings more life and you know Evolution creates change but evolution depends on death Why is it that what Hitler did was evil? Do you remember what Gordon Stein said? Gordon Stein debated Greg Bonson back in the 80s We talked about this last time Greg Bonson said why is what Hitler did evil and Gordon Stein said because it went against the mores of society and Bonson said so what you're telling me is the only thing that made killing six million Jews evil was because society said so Yes, so if you so if society didn't say it was wrong Would it have been right? So Presuppositional ism is obviously my approach of The three schools I take a presuppositional approach and I want to quote something that CS Lewis said this is one of the things I always have somebody says why do you believe in God? This is my answer.
I Say that suppose there was no intelligence in the universe That means no one created my brain and if no one created my brain that means it wasn't designed for thinking and if it wasn't designed for thinking why should I trust what it tells me and If I can't trust what it tells me then why are we even having this conversation? Let me read the quote exactly he says supposing there was no intelligence behind the universe No creative mind in that case.
Nobody designed my brain for the purpose of thinking It is merely that when the atoms inside my skull happened for physical or chemical reasons to arrange himself in a certain way That gives me as a byproduct a sensation called thought So if so, how can I trust my own thinking to be true? It's like upsetting a milk jug and hoping that the way it splashes out will give me a map of London But if I can't trust my own thinking, of course I can't trust the arguments leading to atheism and therefore had no reason to be an atheist or anything else unless I believe in God I cannot believe in thought so I can never use thought to disbelieve God I have to presume my mind was created for thinking to trust my own thoughts There's a lot to this and I'm taking nine long lessons and shoving them into five minutes.
So forgive me As I said simply speaking if my brain wasn't designed for thinking why should I trust my own thoughts? And if you say my brain was designed for thinking who designed it? The universe did the universe has a will No, the universe has intelligence no so that which out without will and intelligence created that which is willful and intelligent no see the ultimate presupposition is I actually am able to think and reason and Logic and this is why I'm not a classical or evidential apologist because I think those things follow out of the presupposition That my mind actually works The way it does because God created it to work Now that's not saying though that I don't appeal to evidence as I do that doesn't mean I don't appeal to logic I do But I always begin with the presupposition when I'm talking to the unbeliever that not only do I know God exists So do you and every argument you make against God is I'm going to use it to prove that actually God does exist because your argument Wouldn't work without him you have to steal from my worldview to make your worldview work You have to rob from me to make your argument Because outside of a theistic worldview all of the arguments about morality all of the arguments about ought and ought not Vanish it's like the great theologian said he says without God all things are permissible So that's presuppositional apologetics wrapped up in a nice little boat.
That's part one part two begins tonight and Tonight we are going to begin looking at one of the more I Don't know if I'd say the more difficult, but certainly one of the more argumentative aspects of Apologetics and that is the question of origins We're going to be taking a closer look at some of the critical questions of apologetics and the first one of tonight Which will go into several weeks.
I wrote one lesson and I had to break it in half because it was so long I knew I wasn't gonna get through in 45 minutes.
So I said, you know what? I better just break this one in half already But we're going to be talking about creation versus evolution But I want to change something.
I thought about this today actually and I'd already printed the notes I didn't go back and change it I Want you to take your little ink pen and I want you to go up at the top where it says evolution and I want you to I want you to strike that and I want you to write Darwinism Darwin Because as we're going to see in this Section of the course which would take at least three weeks probably four or five weeks Is that the debate isn't really creation versus evolution? But the debate is creation versus Darwinism Because and and I don't want to surprise you and I don't want to start a fight The there is nothing wrong with believing in a form of evolution Which we would call adaptation or the ability for one species to be able to become varied to the point that there would be Speciation within a species or or change to the point where you would have different types within a species for instance the Chihuahua and the Great Dane Both have the same ancestor There's no reason to believe they don't but the Chihuahua is this big and the Great Dane is huge So yeah, we believe in one Ancestor one canine ancestor that kind So when somebody says I don't believe in evolution It depends on how you define it and we're going to talk about that more next week, but that is important So when we talk about evolution, we need to be clear.
We're talking about Darwinian evolution which believes that a single-celled organism is the ancestor of all life on the planet and Essentially, it's what we call particles to people evolution Particles to people a single-celled organism through billions of years of random chance and Mutation became all of the variation of life on this planet.
That's Darwinism.
That's different than simply saying evolution generally That's a specific doctrine of evolution and it's what is taught in our schools It's what's taught in our colleges.
And so when I said creation versus evolution, I thought about it later and I said no It's really not creation versus evolution.
It's creation versus Darwinism So keep that in mind for this part of the series now It may seem to some of you That the question of creation versus evolution or creation versus Darwinism is relatively new Because it's really popular right now You see it everywhere.
I've seen it even on like Sesame Street They're talking about creation and evolution and the fact that we evolved and where we came from and and and Fossils and everything else.
There's the television show friends, which I realize is quite old now There was an episode where one of the people in the episode didn't believe in evolution and the ones of paleontologist Got all riled up because she didn't believe in evolution and he spent the whole episode trying to prove that evolution is a fact Darwinian evolution is a fact.
So this is this is something we all know is out there Bill Nye and Ken Ham Did that debate last year huge debate where both of them? Gain national attention by coming together and arguing the subject of creation versus evolution So obviously it's huge.
But here's the thing that most people don't realize this is not new.
This is not a new conversation In fact, I want to share with you some things you may not know Actually, you may know them.
Well, I'm gonna take a quick survey.
How many of you have ever heard of the scopes trial Okay.
All right, so we're seeing a few hands up scopes scopes Scop like what you wash your mouth out with scope, but it's the scopes trial.
You're not heard of that.
Okay It's sometimes called the scopes monkey trial Let me ask you this question.
How many of you ever heard of a man by the name of? Oh, wait, let me lost it.
Let me find it here just for a second Clarence Darrow Or William Jennings Bryan All right The scopes trial happened 1925 So we're coming up on the 100 year anniversary Seven years eight years from now.
We'll be having the hundred-year anniversary of the scopes trial.
What was the significance of the scopes trial? Let me read to you.
Just give you a little history in 1925 Tennessee State Legislature, so legislature banned the teaching of evolution in public schools Could you imagine today? If it were banned Tennessee public schools banned the teaching of evolution in schools the law made it illegal for teachers to discuss quote any theory that denies the story of creation of Man as taught in the Bible in quote You could not teach in school Anything that contradicted what the Bible said about man's divine origin Also It was illegal to teach quote that man had descended from any lower order of animal in quote Those two things were illegal to teach in Tennessee couldn't teach Any theory that didn't line up with the Bible? Certainly couldn't teach any theory that would allow a man to be a grown-up animal the ACLU That is They are not new either They've been around for quite some time the ACLU Representing teacher John scopes.
That's where the name comes from Sued to overturn the law The creationist position was upheld and the law was upheld in Tennessee that you could not teach anything That went against the Bible you could not teach evolution but many Evolutionists even though they lost in court considered it to be a win Why Because they got their message out Even though they lost in court they won in the court of public opinion Part of the reason why they did was because Clarence Darrow Put William Jennings Bryan on the stand as it were as if he were having to defend the creationist position and he hammered him with questions and They consider that cross examination portion to be a win for their side.
I want to read just a little bit About this it says an area of questioning involved the book of Genesis including questions such as if Eve was actually created from Adam's rib where did Cain get his wife and how many people lived in ancient Egypt Darrow used these examples to suggest that the stories of the Bible could not be scientific and Should not be used in teaching science With Darrow telling Brian quote you insult every man of science and learning in the world because he does not believe in your foolish religion and quote That's part of what was said in direct testimony in court Brian declared in response quote the reason I am answering is not for the benefit of the superior court It is to keep these gentlemen from saying I was afraid to meet them and let them question me And I want the Christian world to know that any atheist agnostic Unbeliever can question me anytime as to my belief in God and I will answer him Yeah That's good answer, and it's true.
He said I didn't get up here to convince you I got up here to prove I wasn't afraid anyhow More things happen, and I have a lot of things here I'm not going to read it all, but I encourage you to look that up because again It's almost a hundred years ago same thing was happening then Yes was scientific advancement much less than it is now Absolutely and not in 1925 they didn't even have the type of antibiotics we have to have a whole lot of things we have today Certainly a different time, but they were still asking the same question They were still discussing the same issue.
It's man a special creation of God or not And should this be taught to our children should this be imposed? Upon the intellect of our young people the scopes trial was not alone but it was a landmark case because it introduced the subject in the issue in 1965 Arkansas Arkansas still had a law Also dating back to the 20s forbidding the teaching of evolutionary biology.
This is in 1965 How many of you were around in 1965? Okay, how many of you around in 25 anybody okay, okay, but I Don't want to get don't raise your hand, but 1965 not really that far back.
I mean it's a generation right so we 1965 Arkansas still had the law She couldn't teach evolution But that year the Arkansas Education Association allied with the science teacher Susan Epperson Challenged the measure and after a brief trial the presiding judge found the anti-evolution law to violate the US Constitution which this Says that you shall make no law respecting establishment of religion and the verdict was to overturn the Arkansas Supreme Court The the verdict was overturned by the Arkansas Supreme Court in 1967 and on appeal the US Supreme Court agreed with the original decision so in 1968 it was declared illegal to ban classroom science for reasons of conflict with a particular religious doctrine essentially by 1968 the law was put away The law that had stood since the 20s and said you can't teach evolutionary biology was put away So in 1968 and Arkansas it began to be legal in 2005 how many were alive then? No, I'm just kidding.
Yeah in 2005 the school board of Dover, Pennsylvania Mandated that classes on evolutionary science commence with an announcement supporting the study of intelligent design the idea that life is too complex to have evolved due to purely natural causes a Group of parents filed suit to overturn the new policy and after a lengthy trial presiding judge John Jones found for the parents declaring that intelligent design is a religious view a mere relabeling of creationism and Not a scientific theory.
So here's where we went in almost a hundred years in the 1920s it was illegal to present anything but the biblical view of creation by 2005 it's illegal to even mention that the universe might Have an intelligent designer that's a huge I mean has to be God and not only God It has to be the God of the Bible the only true God Less than a hundred years later Can't even mention that it might have an intelligent designer.
That's a slope of immense proportions going down And like I said in your notes Court cases are not the only thing public education Absolutely has been Inundated I have I've sat in the classroom of Many teachers as a substitute teacher for eight years running.
I was a substitute teacher in the schools in Ulee in Nassau County and I've sat in many science classrooms and the con the conversation isn't even up for debate in many places you'll simply see the posters of the ascent of man or man starts as a for you know knuckle-dragging ape-like figure all the way up to the fully erect homo-sapien So as I was teaching and and Sitting in the classroom I look around and I see That this is what's being taught.
You know you open up the science textbooks.
I remember when I was in college You know when I was doing my degree work, and I went to secular I went to a seminary, but also went to a secular college I have a secular degree in social science and one of the first books I opened was on psychology and it said We used to believe Or mankind used to believe that humans were born with original sin, but now we know you know that we're a product of our genetic and cultural makeup I Just remember those words, but now we know You know we used to believe, but now we know That's the idea of science right there, that's the but now we know It is So it's court cases We see Evolution has lost in the last hundred years.
We've gone from standing on the Word of God to Absolutely denying that the universe has any intelligent designer at all public education Absolutely gives way to evolutionary theory Pop culture now I got I got little ones and They will at times watch Sesame Street, I mentioned Sesame Street, and it's not bash Sesame Street Day but Sesame Street does a lot to talk about the millions of years of the history of the earth and the Dinosaurs and all of these things and really goes to a lot of effort to put forward paleontologists and different people as being experts in these fields to talk about these things and you haven't we Even some of the cartoons that sometimes I'll be hearing the cartoons That they'll be singing songs about the millions of years and singing songs about when the dinosaurs Roam the earth and and all of these these other things popular culture television shows, huh dinosaur train television show but other things too and Popular culture creationists are looked at not only as foolish, but dangerously foolish Bill Nye said that for a parent to teach his child creation is tantamount to child abuse To teach your child that they're created by God is to abuse your child and that we're robbing them of having any value in society Because we're robbing them of a scientific education Yeah, that's absolutely he does and that's what they're doing.
So we have a Popular culture.
We also have film and media and obviously, I don't have to get into all that but much of film and media put forth the idea of of evolution and Museums and libraries do as well.
And again, I mentioned earlier about Bill Nye There's also a man by the name of Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson is the modern Version of Carl Sagan a lot of you guys grew up on Carl Sagan and his Television show cosmos where he would go on and he would talk about the origins of the world and the universe I may not know Carl did see y'all know who Carl Sagan is Just a few okay If you haven't say a few folks kind of good looking at me Carl Sagan was very popular on like PBS back in the 70s and he would put forth the idea of these Millions of years and now Neil deGrasse Tyson is sort of the modern version of Carl Sagan And they oppose creationism To a point that they mock it as an absolute slam-dunk for their side.
Nobody who believes in science would deny Evolution or Darwinian evolution according to those who hold to it And one of the most frustrating arguments to come out of the conversation regarding creation evolution is that those who believe in creation are Unscientific and ignorant those are two words that will be thrown around a lot if you go on to any type of a Web media or anything where you're interacting with other people and you put forward the creationist view People will come at you as I unsigned you're either unscientific.
You're ignorant or or or both How many of you yeah, how many of you know John MacArthur why even ask you know, John MacArthur He wrote a book called battle for the beginning in that book.
He talks about Creation and the beginning it battle for the beginning actually is sort of two parts Not only the beginning of the Bible, but the beginning of the world.
It's a battle for Genesis and in that book if you go to Amazon You know how at the bottom of Amazon they have all those reviews You'll see in those reviews the attacks unscientific ignorant dangerous.
Oh Absolutely Do I get angry Yes, I mean I don't I don't it doesn't keep me up at night I'll tell you this.
I'm more concerned with their souls than me being angry about their arguments.
I Get upset when I get upset when I think someone won't listen to reason then I think about the fact that I went 19 years unwilling to listen to reason so God is going to God is going to change hearts how he wills and I'm just going to preach the truth So, but yeah I'm not going to say that I don't get emotional sometimes when I hear somebody defaming the Lord or defaming the truth or calling People who believe in God ignorant or unscientific Well, there is a God don't ever put an if in front of that but Because there's a God they are in Dire trouble and so we pray for their souls, obviously But here's the thing that really gets me and this is the thing I try to point out to them is that anytime they make that statement such as here's a quote from a Website attacking intelligent design it says intelligent design is not backed by any standard scientific research or evidence from experimentation It's just not true It's just absolutely not true In fact, if you look into creationism and you look at the men who believe in creationism, they're legitimate scientists We've had some at this church Some of you haven't been here long enough, but we've had dr.
Jonathan Sarfati here at our church PhD Highly credentialed PhD to come here and teach on the subject of creation.
Jason Lyle Very recently is sort of risen to some notoriety having written some books on creation astrophysicist PhD to astrophysicist who believes in the Genesis account of the Bible and defends it.
In fact, he wrote a book on Stargazing which I'm buying I haven't got it yet But I'm ordering it and I want to read it and then I want to give it to my atheist Relative who I know is at least willing to read things I give him So I'm going to take it and read it and then I'm going to get it's a beautiful book It's color photos and everything very nice and I want to I want him to have it Because even though I know evidence can't change his heart only God can change his heart I can still put the evidence in front of him.
I can still say here is the truth and That's what I plan to do, but I'm gonna read it first You know But there are men like dr.
Sarfati dr.
Jason Lyle, who is the gentleman we had here just a few months ago Don would know we had Eric Hoven here, but we he's not a scientist He's he's a creation speaker, but he's not PhD who we had a don't worry about it You have to look it up, but we had another gentleman here who and he made a point He said there's a lot more people in the scientific community that believe in creation, but they're not willing to say anything Because of what it can do to their Livelihood same with global warming.
Yeah, I mean there's a lot of there's a lot of things out there that people just won't speak about because it deals with their And like I said, we've already lost the court of public opinion in the last hundred years We've lost the battle in the in the court the actual legal system Exactly So we're in a situation where when someone says it's unscientific I'm not a scientist.
I don't play one on TV so I I don't stand here as a Evolutionist a biologist or evolutionary biologist.
I don't stand here as a geologist.
I don't stand here as a astrophysicist All I can do is tell you what they've said the men have written about this But I can I I stand here as a man who believes the Word of God and I can tell you what God has said And I can tell you that everything that we see in the world is compatible with what God has said That's the point is nothing that we see in the world is incompatible with what God has said So what I want to do tonight as we begin to draw to a close and that was pretty lengthy introduction because that was introduction I Want to I told you I wasn't gonna get because here's the rest of the notes I told you I had to break it in Half what I want to do is I want to give you three terms that you need to understand The terms are on your list is Darwinism Intelligent design and creationism Because in the weeks to come as I'm teaching on this These three subjects these three words are going to be thrown around and if you don't understand what they are Then you you may get a little lost in what I'm saying So it's important that you understand what Darwinism is what intelligent design is and what creationism is? Number one Darwinism is the belief that life came about Independent of a supernatural creator Life came about independent of a supernatural creator Life came about Independent of a supernatural creator That's the key to Darwinism is that you don't need a creator or even an intelligent designer That the universe itself Has life in it Apart from any act of an intelligent or superior being I Want to quote you don't have to write this but this is a quote on Darwinism all Species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small inherited variations That increase the individual's ability to compete survive and reproduce.
That's the definition of Darwinism and It's useful Tool the useful tool of Darwinism is called natural selection That the reason why we are where we are today is because the nature that exists the laws of nature and physics selected certain organisms to survive and certain organisms to not survive and we are at the highest point now of the Evolutionary chain, but one day we'll go away and there'll be a higher evolved species than us Um, how many of you ever saw Jurassic Park, uh-huh.
Okay now we're getting somewhere In the movie Jurassic Park Dr.
Ian Malcolm one of the characters played by Jeff Goldblum said in the film that it was wrong to bring dinosaurs back to life the movies about taking the DNA from a Fossilized dinosaur and using it to create a clone of a new dinosaur and he says it's wrong to bring dinosaurs back to life because nature chose them for extinction I Remember that quote very specifically because it identifies nature with a personality Because nature made a choice You understand though how how? Even Darwinian ism has to impose some type of choice on an unintellectual force Called nature.
Why don't we call it mother nature? Because we have to identify something Darwinism looks at the driving force of evolution as being nature as the driving force of evolution and It's with it's a side apart from God it's apart from any Inherent supernatural being our intelligent supernatural being in fact, dr.
Richard Dawkins the leading evolutionary atheistic biologist in the world stated that Darwin Made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist He said because before Darwin Atheists always had the question of where do we come from and before Darwin? Atheists always got tripped up by the question of where did we come from? So Darwin comes in and says we came from that single cell that original cell gave birth to everything And as a result of that single cell giving birth to everything now We know where we came from and now we can be intellectually fulfilled as atheists So that's Darwinism The second thing Jack did you want to say something? Exactly we're gonna talk about that next week because evolution doesn't answer the problem.
No, that's exactly right.
Thanks for getting ahead of me It's exactly right and like I said, I don't want to get into it tonight because I'll start a whole new can of worms but but the reality is Evolution doesn't answer the question of origins because evolution means to change and for anything to change it has to exist and for it to Exist it had to have come about some way evolution only deals with what exists.
It doesn't deal with what? Caused it to exist So evolution doesn't really answer the question We're going to talk about that more next week because that's one of the major Problems with the evolutionary idea is it doesn't really answer the question.
It doesn't answer the question of origin All right, so Darwinism we've defined the second thing on your list is intelligent design Intelligent design is the belief that life came about as a product of some superior Intellect I'll say it again the belief that life came about as a product of some superior intellect And I'll quote About intelligent design the theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are Best explained by an intelligent cause not an undirected process such as natural selection in quote So here's where they differ Darwin says or Darwinism says that there is no supernatural creator That all of the order we see came about naturally chaos into cosmos Darwin Intelligent design says no, there's too much order.
There's too much evidence of intellect And so because we have evidence of intellect we must believe that there was an intellect behind it all Right, that's intelligent design.
Good night, brother.
Love you, brother No, that's not God and you you hit the nail on the head Because people confuse intelligent design with creation.
It ain't the same thing You can be intelligent design and still believe in evolution.
You can be intelligent design and still believe in Darwinism You just believe that some intelligence started at all Intelligent design is not creationism now a lot of people who hold to intelligent design Hold to creationism but you have to understand if you go to the the primary side of intelligent design just type in intelligent design and Google go to One of the websites the very first thing it says on their main website.
This is not a creationist site It's different because here's what intelligent design says We believe that the earth shows evidence of intelligence, but we don't know who it is and we don't know why he did it We don't know anything about him, but there's evidence that he's there or it's there That's the danger of intelligent design Intelligent design can only take you this far the greater preponderance of the evidence points to the probability That an intelligent designer might exist That's dangerous But it is popular It's pathetic Intelligent design has some things to offer But intelligent design is not creationism So we need to again in the weeks to come when I talk about ID I'm talking about not what you're what not what's in your pocket with your photo on it.
That's not ID Intelligent design is ID.
Let's talk about Darwinism and intelligent design One says all the order came naturally The next one says all the order came Supernaturally, there's an intelligence out there that caused it, but it doesn't tell you who or why or what? the third view is creationism This is the belief that life came about by a direct action of a personal God life came about By a direct act or action of a personal God three views Darwinism life came about independent of a supernatural creator Intelligent design life came about as a product of some superior intellect or creation Life came about as a direct action of a personal God specifically Biblical creationism Is what God said in his word Now I want to I want to end with this last you notice at the bottom.
It says OEC and YEC OEC stands for old earth creationism and YEC what do you think that stands for? young earth creationism because within the within the view of creation Those of us who believe that God Created the heavens and the earth as it says in Genesis 1 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was formless and void and darkness was over the face of the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters.
We know Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 and 2.
We know what it says But there are some Who believe that there's a gap? they believe that there's a gap between the first part of Genesis 1 and the last part of Genesis 1 Now where that gap is there's some debate, but they believe there's a gap of millions some believe billions of years where God created the world and then he Formed it over billions of years to be the way he wanted it to be so that he could then put man on it That's called old earth creationism and they agree with the Darwinists that the earth is 4.5 or so billions of years young earth creation young earth creationism Believes that Genesis 1 flows right into Genesis 1 2 Genesis 1 1 goes right into this 1 2 and right into Genesis 1 3 and that the seven days of creation were seven days and that the earth itself at That rate is at best around 10,000 years old but at least 7,000 because if you count the genealogies from Genesis 1 down to today There's about a 7,000 year timeframe so in the weeks to come I'm going to explain what position I hold why I hold it and what we're going to be teaching but simply to say this The issue at hand Is what says the scripture, what is the Bible saying? What do we want to know? We want to know what God has said? and Is it compatible with what we know about the universe? Yeah, I want to give you a little sort of just anecdotal thought Right now there is a rise in something called flat earther Thinking Does anybody know what flat earth is? It's a belief that the earth isn't a globe It's a belief that the earth is simply a disc.
It's flat and It isn't a sphere And if you think that I am crazy Go home and spend some time on dr.
Google and And look up flat earth and you will see that even some MBA personalities have recently come out and Argued that they believe that the earth is flat Here's what I'm trying to say By saying that we believe the earth is seven to ten thousand years old that it's young There's a lot of people in the scientific community that would look at me who believes that and would say you're as dumb as a flat earther I Hope to show you over the next few weeks.
It's not ignorant to believe that the earth is young and You said well, what about flat earthers, you know, the Bible doesn't teach the earth is flat You know, the Bible does teach It teaches that it's a globe and it teaches that it hangs on nothing That's not what flat earthers believe but that's what the Bible teaches thousands of years before Well hundreds of years before Science really understood the whole hangs on nothing idea.
The Bible wrote that or the Bible that was written in the Bible The Bible is true The Bible isn't a scientific textbook.
But what it says about the world is true and we can trust it So I hope to show you in the weeks to come that we can in fact know That the Word of God is true not because we look at the world and we compare it to the Word of God But we compare the world we we look at the Word of God and then we look at the world and we say yes This makes sense because this is what God has said.
I hope yes But you understand Yeah, yeah the the those who disagree are Going to continue to disagree, but it's almost always based on a faulty presupposition What is that what is the ultimate presupposition of the Darwinist The ultimate remember we talked about presuppositions earlier.
What's the ultimate presupposition of the Darwinist? anti supernaturalism nothing nothing Exists except the natural That which is part of the created order That's the presupposition of Darwinism and that's their downfall And I hope to show that over the weeks come boy I got a lot more to say went a little longer and I thought let's pray father I thank you for tonight.
I hope this was Lord I pray that this was hope helpful and and encouraging and I pray in the weeks to come that it will just be more and more clear The importance of what we're trying to say and we pray all of it in Jesus name.