F4F | Paula White Prophesy To It


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith on YouTube. We're going to chalk this up to our
Twistbusters series. If you've ever been told that Ezekiel 37, the
Valley of the Dry Bones, is about some kind of dryness in your life, yeah, hit the subscribe button and don't forget to ring the bell.
You've been deceived. That ain't what Ezekiel 37 is about at all.
In fact, Ezekiel 37, the vision of the Valley of the Dry Bones, the same chapter, the same chapter,
God gives us the interpretation of the vision. There are a lot of bad
Bible teachers, false teachers out there who like to use Ezekiel 37 to make it look like it has something to do with some dryness in your life.
But case in point, Paula White, yeah, Paula White, the televangelist Paula White, who's pretty much destroyed the band
Journey for me, just saying. But anyway, she's got a message titled
Prophesy to it, and this is just a classic example of what not to do with Ezekiel 37.
It ain't about any of the stuff she's going to make it about. So grab some popcorn. Let's just jump right into it, shall we?
Here's Paula White. Let's look at Ezekiel 37, 1 through 14 is where you're going to keep studying for a while.
The hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord. That starts out good.
May the hand of God, which means his power and authority, be upon you. And God carried out in the spirit of the
Lord and sent me down in the midst of a valley. Isn't it interesting that when God's hand is upon you, his power is upon you, that God will still allow you to be set in a valley.
What? I never have been set in a valley. I really have no idea what you're talking about, lady.
What do you mean? So isn't it strange, you know, when the hand of the Lord's upon you, isn't it weird that he drops you in valleys and stuff?
Huh? This is nonsense. I mean, you think, man, the hand of the Lord is upon me and he set me on the mountaintop.
That's awesome. But sometimes God's hand, you've got to understand there's prophetic purpose for that prison,
Joseph. There's prophetic purpose. Joseph's time in prison has nothing to do with the
Valley of the Dry Bones. It's not even a cross reference here. What are you doing?
That barrenness, Hannah. There's prophetic purpose for things that we don't understand why we go through sometimes for that prison,
Paul and Silas. There's reasons. And God takes what the enemy, I'm not saying God sent, but God used.
God takes what the enemy meant for bad and he does turn it around for the good. Not for everybody. For those who love.
Anybody love God who are the called according to his purpose? I declare that God is doing a turnaround right now in your life and Jesus.
God's doing the hokey pokey. You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you put your right foot in.
And then you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. Yeah, apparently
God's doing the hokey pokey right now. This name sits him down in the midst of the valley and it's full of bones.
Notice the music playing behind her. This is also part of the show.
It's part of the emotional manipulation going on here. So people have showed up to church and you know, and so they've got difficult circumstances in their life because I don't know if you've noticed this.
Life could really be tough at times. And so they're showing up and then a good percentage of the people, they're going through stuff and they think they're hearing from God because you know,
Paula White said that God plunked them down in the middle of a valley of dry bones and stuff.
Yeah. That's not what this text is about. Caused me to pass around about them and there were many in the open valley and low.
They were very dry. Notice the word of the Lord. They weren't just dry. They were very dry.
I'm in an impossible situation. Wait a minute. One more strike against my child. He goes away for good this time.
Yeah. That see the very dry thing that has nothing to do with whether or not your child's going to prison if he gets another strike.
That's not the dryness being referred to here.
I just don't know what she's doing with that. So let's take a look at the text in question, shall we?
Ezekiel 37, we've all heard it. You know, the hip bones connected to the thigh bone and you know, all that kind of stuff, man.
Now hear the word of the Lord. Anyway, Ezekiel 37, the hand of the Lord was upon me and he brought me out in the spirit of the
Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley. It was full of bones and he led me around among them and behold, there were many on the surface of the valley and behold, they were very dry.
They've been dead for a while, right? And he said to me, son of man, can these bones live? And I answered,
Lord, you know, right? And notice the safe answer there.
And then he said to me, well, prophesy over these bones and say to them, oh, dry bones, hear the word of the
Lord. Thus says Yahweh Elohim to these bones, behold, I will cause breath to enter you and you shall live and I will lay sinews upon you and I will cause flesh to come upon you and cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live and you shall know that I am the
Lord. Okay, so I prophesied as I was commanded and I prophesied and there was a sound and behold, rattling and the bones came together, bone to its bone and I looked and behold, there were sinews on them and flesh had come upon them and skin had covered them, but there was no breath in them.
And then he said to me, prophesy to the breath, the ruach, right?
And the prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, thus says Yahweh Elohim, come from the four winds, oh breath, and breathe on these slains that they may live.
So I prophesied as he commanded me and breath came into them and they lived and stood on their feet an exceedingly great army.
Okay, so far, so good. What's it mean? It's kind of quick because this is the vision of the valley of the dry bones.
Verse 11 helps us. Verse 11. So then he said to me, son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel.
Behold, they say our bones are dried up. Our hope is lost. We are indeed cut off. Therefore, prophesy and say to them, thus says
Yahweh Elohim, behold, I will open your graves and raise you from your graves, oh my people, and I will bring you into the land of Israel and you shall know that I am
Yahweh. When I open your graves and raise you from your graves, oh my people,
I will put my spirit within you and you shall live and I will place you in your own land and then you shall know that I am
Yahweh. I have spoken and I will do it, declares the Lord. What is this a prophecy about?
The resurrection of the dead. Right. Has this happened yet?
No. This will happen when Jesus returns in glory to judge the living and the dead.
That being the case, this is a prophecy regarding the resurrection, the thing coming, the new earth and stuff, you know,
God making his dwelling place with man. See the back part of the book of Revelation if you're unclear about the details.
But this isn't about dryness in your life or your son going to prison or you not being able to pay your credit card bills or you having, you know, some kind of an ailment, you know, plantar fasciitis and stuff like that.
It ain't about that. But see, Paula White, number one, she shouldn't be doing what she, yeah, she shouldn't be doing what she's doing right there.
No, God's word forbids women to preach. So she's preaching. She shouldn't be.
And not only is she preaching, she's twisting up God's word. And boy, she sure does like, you know, let's say she likes the very expensive clothing to wear as part of her wardrobe during her sermons and stuff.
We continue. This is very dry. Yeah. One more time, I don't pay that bill.
I'm going into bankruptcy. This is. Yeah, it's not talking about that either. Very dry. Anybody been in a very dry?
I mean, it's not just it's one thing to be dry. It's another thing. You're looking like, man, I'm right there on the edge.
Very dry. Yeah, it's as dry as Paula White's church when it comes to having a drought of the word of God.
Notice the arid desert like climate in there. It is the reign of the of the word of God is clearly passing over them and they will not be getting the life giving reign of God's word properly taught.
It's a very dry situation. And so he says, it's very dry. And he said to me, son of man, can these bones live?
And that's the question that God's asking you right now. No, no, no, no.
God's not asking you or me. Can these bones live? You're looking at something that has the ability to bring forth structure, which means reformation, which is great.
Greater than revival. Bring forth structure, which is greater than reformation, which is greater than revival.
That's word salad right there. That didn't mean nothing. Yeah. It means that literally you're an agent of change.
So I know I'm preaching. So I what what being an agent of change.
Okay. A little while you're standing, too. But it's like when Isaac was in Genesis chapter 26, remember, it was famine in the land.
Yeah. And Isaac goes and said, should I leave? And God says, what? No, don't leave.
Why? Because what he wanted to know is your sin as an agent of change. So I. So you notice the guy playing the keyboard in the background there, that that's
Jonathan from Journey. Like I said, Paula White's ruined Journey for me.
Yeah. I put you in a famine and I'm keeping you in that famine, not because I want to hurt you, not because I'm a mean
God, not because I'm abusive, because there's so much power on the inside of you through my spirit that you are sent in a famine time to be an agent of change.
So that famine. Is she talking about sent to the famine time to be an agent of change, you know, during those dry seasons.
Right. I'm going to change you, Isaac. You're about to change it. I don't know who I'm here for, but somebody is there for their money.
You're not there for them. You're there to basically lift dollars out of their wallets and put it into yours.
And as an agent of change in their family, an agent of change in their nation, an agent of change, you've got to have a different perception, a prophetic perception, the knowledge, the wisdom of God to begin to understand that God's not trying to hurt you.
He's a good God. He's saying you're not a victim to the famine, the famine. God is saying
I'm not a victim to the famine. More word salad here. Even cheese crumbles couldn't make this palatable to who
I am in you. And so you're an agent of change. You're about to bring transformation in that situation that looks barren.
I'm about to bring trans transformation in that situation that looks barren. Blue sleeps faster than Tuesday.
Yeah, totally solid as far as structure is concerned, sentence structure don't mean nothing though.
So we ask him, he says, son of man, what are you going to do? And that's the real question.
You're in a valley. It's very dry. They're bones. There's no structure. What do you know?
Structures, bones everywhere, man. It's like a Lego set.
When you first get it in the box and you open up the bag, there's no structures, just bricks.
Okay. You pastor Todd. What are you going to do BJ? What are you going to do? Nelson? What are you going to do?
Doc? You're Felipe. What are you going to do? Because the question is not what God's going to do. He wants to be glorified.
He wants to show off. So you're, you're ungodly. He then say, boo friends, come on, we're going to look back and they're going to go.
Did she say my boo friends? Okay. Look what the
Lord has done in a cynical, chaotic culture that we live in.
Look what the Lord has done. Where they think that God's not moving and people are just playing church.
God says, I have a remnant in the earth. I have a people. I'm not in trouble. They're going to stand back and say, look what the
Lord has done. And so he said, son of man, he said, can these bones live?
He puts the ball back in his court and he answered, Lord, you know, again, he said, well then prophesy to these bones, say to them, old dry bones, hear the word of the
Lord. So what he's saying to you is you've received the word. Prophesy to your home, prophesy to your children, prophesy.
No, no, that's not what
God said. You know, I read out the interpretation of the vision and it's about the resurrection.
Yeah. Is that weird? Prophesy to whatever is a dead structure. Come on, a dead bone.
Do you have any dead structures in your life? You need to prophesy to them.
Thus saith the prophetess, Paula White, while twisting up Ezekiel 37.
It don't mean nothing. So yeah, there's a bazillion different ways to twist up Ezekiel 37, but scripture gives us the interpretation of the vision of the valley of dry bones.
So, you know, all you need is good reading comprehension and you know what it actually refers to and means.
So yeah, hopefully you found this helpful so that you can protect yourself and others, because this is a famous passage that gets twisted up all the time.
And this is the technique that's being used, but now you know what it says, you know what it means. So if you're sitting in church and somebody tells you that you're in a dry situation in your life and you need to prophesy to it, you can prophetically walk out that door and never return to that church because you know you ain't being taught
God's word correctly at all. That's kind of the idea. So hopefully you found this helpful. Please share this video with others.
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We get two hours every weekday of this type of discernment work. So if you're thinking, I'd really like to be able to listen to this kind of stuff while commuting to work, that's a good idea to download the podcast.
Don't watch YouTube while you're commuting to work. You don't want to do that. You know, that would be, there would be bad results.
You'd end up in the valley of dry bones awaiting the resurrection, if you know what I mean.
So, all right, share this video. Until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ's vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.