SJW Christian Magazine Calls For Segregation

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Here is a response to a "christian" magazine article that calls for segregation (even though it says it isnt). Here is the article:


Hi, this is Adam Robles and I found an article today. It's not a new article
But I found it today and it is written by a professed Christian published by a professing
Christian magazine and It advocates for racial segregation or at least a form of it
You know and this is honestly it's it's not it's not a new idea to have to advocate for these black -only spaces where black people can can
You know talk about black issues and be concerned about black things and no whites allowed because otherwise they'd have to confront white
Supremacist ideas and things like that. This is nothing new But it's it's I haven't really seen too much of it from professed
Christians as if it You know put out there as if it's a good thing So I wanted to go over this really quick and this one particularly caught my eye because The author makes a weird claim in it, let me let me take you to this article here
This is it's faithfully magazine. I do not recommend this magazine, obviously, but it's a social justice warrior magazine
Most every article that I've ever read in it is full of biblical and theological errors
I Don't know the perspective that they're coming from besides that they claim to be Christian But you really really have a hard time understanding that it was
Christian if you just read the articles if you you know If you didn't know that they profess to be Christian, you really wouldn't be able to tell based on the articles
They're just pretty bad. But anyway, here's the article. It's called black -only spaces harm No one so why are white people so upset and I'm not gonna
I'm not gonna read the article it's by this he's a deacon in a church Danny Cardwell and You know, you can read it if you like and get the idea
He presents this idea of black -only spaces and he's he's kind of wondering Why is it that that white people have such a problem with black space black -only spaces?
Anyway, but but here this is the sentence that I thought was so interesting or the section Here he says he says white
America is in no way negatively impacted by black -only spaces Contrary to popular belief black -only spaces aren't a form of segregation
So, you know, I don't have every definition of words memorized and I could be wrong about what
I think a word means But let's just do what I did when I first read this article.
I'll show you what I did and anyone can do this Go to Google you type in definition segregation
I Okay, and it'll give you a definition here this is this
I don't I don't count this as official We got to go to the Merriam -Webster. It's the standard dictionary of the
English language And here we go the definition of segregation the second definition the separation or isolation of a race class class or ethnic group by enforced or voluntary residents in a restricted area
By barriers to social intercourse by separate educational facilities or by other discriminatory means
So if you advocate for spaces that are black only no whites allowed by Definition of the
English language something that we can all agree on that is a form of segregation so when this author says that he is not advocating for a form of Sorry when it says that black spaces is not a form of segregation
He can say that but it don't make it so you know what I mean? He's literally black only spaces are a form of segregation.
That's it It's just by definition they are so you can say that it's not all you want, but it is that's that's the problem
Let's go back to this article here You see here's the thing black people seeking to create spaces where our thoughts and feelings are a priority harms
No one yet this enrages white conservatives isolates white liberals and progressives and hurts blacks in a grip black integrationists irrespective of their political leanings
You know so so here's the thing right? There's no sin in the Bible called the sin of segregation, right?
if you want to spend time with other people of your ethnicity or your Skin color or melanin count if that's how you want to spend your time
Worried about who how much melanin you know your friends have or your people have that's up to you, right?
You want to do that? That's fine, but there is a sin in the Bible called the sin of partiality and so if you say
That I'm going to treat you partially because of whatever factor It is it could be melanin count as stupid as skin color.
It could be whatever you want. That is a sin Okay, and so this article Presents this idea of black spaces as if it's a good thing as if it what's everyone's problem with this
This is a Christian article everyone's problem with it is that it's demonstrating the sin of partiality
That's everyone's problem with it Going back to the article for a second At the end of the article he he kind of says look, you know
Segregating it, you know here Here's this last sentence the only space we can truly make a black only is the space between our ears and that's much more difficult
Than segregating an auditorium for a few hours. So he's asking you to think black, right? He wants you to think in the black mentality rather than worry about just the physical location or have an auditorium
Of only black people. This is this is this is just flat -out I'm sorry, this is racist.
You know what I mean? And I think the church needs to call this kind of stuff out I would I'd be willing to bet I've got a lot of white friends who would not call this kind of stuff out
And I think they do it because they're afraid of being called racist I'm sorry. This is the sin of partiality.
This article presents the sin of partiality as if it's no big deal And That's that's unfortunate and that's wrong.
You shouldn't do that, especially as a Christian especially as a deacon You should know better and so I'll call this stuff out and I have a lot of cover because I'm not white
I get why a lot of white people don't do it, but I'll call it out. You know, I encourage you please if Guys, if you care about what truth be courageous and call this stuff for what it is
It's the sin of partiality you would do it You would call it out if a white person was doing it if a white person said, you know
We need to create white only spaces Here's the thing the author of this article would say yeah, but every church is a white only space
He doesn't I don't know if he would say this but people like this tend to think that like oh There's white spaces all over the place.
Everything's white supremacist everything. Every church is a white only space Well, look even if that were true, which
I do not buy for a moment But even if I did you cannot fix sin with more sin, especially sin of the same type, right?
So if you're saying that the churches are segregated already, you don't solve that by further segregating them
And this is a call for further segregation So I urge you man my white brothers and sisters my brown brothers and sisters stop with this
Call it out for what it is This is the sin of partiality put on display as if it's no big deal and it is a big deal
Be courageous don't worry if they call you racist don't worry if they call you white supremacist because if you're advocating for People to not show partiality.
Let them call you whatever you want What are you more worried about people calling you racist or sexist or misogynist or white supremacist or all this stuff?
Or are you more worried about what God says? That's the question. I hope I hope that you take that advice.