Top 3 BEST Moments of @WesHuff on Joe Rogan Podcast | Pastor Reacts

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Wes Huff sat with Joe Rogan in studio and it was everything you hoped for! Let's go over the Top 3 BEST moments from that interview -- and why they're so good! Link to original interview: Subscribe to Wes Huff: @WesHuff  Support me on Patreon: Don't miss the FREE offer from Logos! Expires in 3 days: Use WISEDISCIPLE10 for my discount at Biblingo: Get my 5 Day Bible Reading Plan here: Get your Wise Disciple merch here: Want a BETTER way to communicate your Christian faith? Check out my website: OR Book me as a speaker at your next event: Check out my full series on debate reactions:


It finally happened, y 'all. Wes Hough sat with Joe Rogan in studio, and frankly, it's everything you would hope it would be.
As a Christian rooting for another Christian, getting on one of the biggest platforms in the world, there is so much wisdom and goodness in this episode.
You have to see the whole thing for yourself. But right now, let's go through the top three moments of this particular episode and why they're so good, amen?
Before we do that, welcome back to Wise Disciple. My name is Nate, and I'm helping you become the effective Christian that you were meant to be, which entails being ready for conversations like the one
Wes just had with somebody like Joe Rogan, amen? Make sure to like, sub, and share this one around, but only if it blesses you.
All right, let's get into it. So this is a three -hour conversation where there's nuggets of goodness all throughout it, okay?
So they start talking about the whole Billy Carson debacle, which, by the way, shout out to Billy Carson for making this all happen.
I believe Carson was used by God to platform Wes at just the right time. So there's no bad blood here, actually.
If you're a Christian, keep praying for Billy Carson, you know what I mean? It's not too late for him while he has breath in his lungs.
But they talk about Carson, they talk about Wes's childhood, which, by the way, did you know that Wes was a paraplegic as a child and that he was miraculously healed?
Not his words, that's what the doctor said when he started walking again. It's an amazing testimony. But that leads to this robust conversation that travels through a ton of different topics, which leads to this moment, which is my number three best moment of the interview.
Take a look with me. Terrence McKenna had a great line that said that science requires one miracle.
The Big Bang. It requires a miracle. Well, I always say that when people ask me about the miracles in the
Bible. And I say, well, if the first miracle happened, if nothing became everything, then
Jesus turning water into wine. That's an easy one. Well, yeah. That's a party trick. Yeah, exactly. It really is nothing compared to the birth of the universe, but we're convinced at the creation of the universe and we're very skeptical at other miracles.
This is quite an admission from someone like Rogan. He has been upfront about his doubts about Christianity and his sort of alternative take on what it's really about.
And yet, this is what you want when you get into conversations with someone. It's this person who can acknowledge the limitations of science.
They know where the drop -off is with regard to our scientific knowledge, and they recognize that it falls short of our full experience.
It's interesting because, and I've said this before in previous videos, but certain atheists will use a term that is meant to be a pejorative, which is the
God of the gaps, right? You ever heard that phrase before? And it's meant to diminish
Christian claims as if we're just positing God for every single gap of knowledge that cannot be currently explained by science.
The problem is most people miss the fact that materialism is the view that creates these gaps in the first place.
If you wanna say that God does not exist, now all of a sudden, you are the one who has created gaps for yourself, not the
Christians, you know? When it comes to knowing things about the universe, the Christian does not have gaps in their worldview.
So again, whenever you see someone who is intellectually honest enough, like Rogan here, to acknowledge, yeah, science doesn't tell us everything, that kind of person is a great person to engage on behalf of Jesus Christ.
Because look, what happened right here was Rogan just admitted in his own way that the beginning of the universe is a miracle.
And Wes just used that admission as a springboard to start talking about the miracles of Jesus Christ.
Yeah. It's very odd. Yeah, I mean, I think there's an inconsistency there. And you do see when the
Big Bang is first hypothesized that there are individuals who are uncomfortable with that sounding like in the beginning.
Because before that, the idea was that the universe was eternal. And if you propose a point in time where everything starts to exist, well, that for, and you see some of these people are pushing back on it.
They say things like, well, that sounds too religious. That sounds like a beginning point in time.
Right. And at that point, if there's a Big Bang, you have to figure out, okay, well, what's the Big Banger? Right. Well, that's exactly it, right?
Let's not pretend, ladies and gentlemen, that the idea of an eternal multiverse that then gives birth to new universes like our own are completely divorced from the biblical implications of a beginning to the universe.
Scientists are aware of what the Bible says. They know what it means to recognize that the universe appears to have been created ex nihilo.
Arthur Eddington famously pushed back on this idea, right? He said that he wanted to find a genuine loophole to the idea of the beginning of the universe because it made him uncomfortable that the cause may be something out of the realm of the natural.
Heck, Hoyle, right? Fred Hoyle, the guy who famously coined the phrase Big Bang also did not like the idea of a finite universe because it appeared to parallel the
Bible. I mean, the phrase the Big Bang, it was meant to have negative connotations when he coined the term.
So again, it's important to acknowledge these things and not push science beyond its limitations because that then becomes scientism and it's very difficult to engage someone who is swept up in scientism.
It's interesting to me that there are certain things that we think of in terms of unexplained phenomena that we'll accept because we have some sort of a scientific definition of what this unexplained phenomena is, like the
Big Bang. And you can say that there's theories, it's not completely unexplained, they kind of get it, but you kind of don't.
Something that's smaller than the head of a pen that becomes the entire universe that we see is pretty fucking crazy.
And just to say that that just happened and you don't really, I know you don't want to say you don't know, but you really don't know.
There's no way you could know. It's not really possible to know. There's no working theory where you can convince me that the whole universe gets compressed into something smaller than the head of a pen and then instantaneously becomes everything that you see.
Well, I think that's why you see natural materialism being woefully inadequate, to really explain the ultimate worldview questions that we have.
And that's it, right? This right here is a powerful moment.
You want to know why? For too long, the average person going to work, living their lives, engaging social media, have been inundated with scientistic hubris.
So I'm trying to choose my words very carefully here. The confidence from these types of folks has overplayed the hand of science.
But when you honestly understand where science's limitations are, that's the beginning of a great conversation about God.
Amen? This was the number three best moment of the interview. Now let's go to number two.
So what is your personal belief when it comes to the resurrection? What do you think, do you have a belief or do you just try to interpret the text and try to see what is the message?
Well, I think, so as a historian, I do think it is a historical question. You have a guy who objectively lived, he objectively died, and then individuals close to his inner circle claim that they see him not dead.
Minimal facts of the resurrection. Minimal facts, Gary Habermas, William Lane Craig, Mike Lacona, right?
Wes is giving the minimal facts, but guess what? The minimal facts has gotten bad
PR, you know, from internet atheists, but the bottom line is it's built from the principles of assessing historicity.
In other words, historical scholars, and Wes is one of them, they trade in this kind of interpretive analysis when evaluating all ancient claims.
But guess what? The historical narrative surrounding the resurrection is compelling because it passes through this analysis and leaves you with one conclusion,
Jesus did actually rise from the dead, again. This is a highly unusual activity.
Highly unusual. Right, so, but it's hard when you're dealing with illiterate populations, you're dealing with thousands of years of time, you're dealing with an oral tradition, and then you have us sitting here talking about it in 2024, trying to figure it, at the end of 2024, trying to figure this out, literally the end.
Yeah. The last couple days. It's very difficult for anybody who thinks of themselves as an intelligent person who's secular to even entertain the possibility that someone died and come back to life.
And I get that, but we've already talked. It's only difficult if, and you know, that's a big if, you are committed to certain materialist presuppositions before you hear about the claim that Jesus came back from the dead.
If you are not committed to these presuppositions, you can look at this and say, well, you know, it's uncommon, but certainly possible.
And that's the starting point. Again, so, you know, the intellectually honest starting point for folks who are not trying to play semantic games to win debates online, right?
But someone who is actually seeking the truth and wants to know not just whether Jesus rose from the dead, but the nature of all reality.
Paul Copan said it best. The world is haunted, ladies and gentlemen. It's haunted with a supernatural realm that intersects our own and also stands apart from it.
That explains the human soul and near -death experiences. That explains what's going on in our skies with some of the
UAPs, right? And of course, all of the alien abduction cases. It explains spiritual manifestations and demon possession.
It's because there is more than just this physical dimension. There is another one. And that's where God, the
Bible, and Christianity have answers to give. Talk about the fact that we don't think that the only thing that exists is matter and motion.
We as in you and I, right? We believe that there's something else going on in this world that's a little bit crazy.
There's something else, yeah. And that to, I think, exclude that, I think excludes something that you're kind of putting blinders on.
I don't think we appreciate the moment for what it is, okay? Because it happened very quickly, right?
And if you weren't paying attention, you missed it. But again, here's why this moment matters.
Top number two moment here. Wes spoke in the first -person plural. And he's doing it because he realizes that Rogan is making some important admissions right now.
So again, Rogan just said, well, you know what? There is more to life and to us as human beings than just the material.
That's a big admission. That's a big deal. And Wes realizes that.
And so he says, yeah, you know what? We agree that there is more going on here. That's the first -person plural, right?
And what that does is it opens the door now. Actually, I think it leaves the door open for Rogan to circle back around later and say, hey,
Christianity is the best explanation for the way things are. Why is that? Well, because there is more than just matter and molecules, right?
Again, once you leave that door open, it raises new fundamental questions to the nature of reality.
And Christianity gives you the best answers to those questions. Love it, love it.
Top number two moment here. And finally, here is the number one best moment of the entire interview. In all of this, what do you think of Jesus?
Like in terms of your own like journeying and trying to find answers to ultimate questions.
What do you think of the historical person of Jesus? Well, it's - Ah! Ah! Ah! Love it.
Love it, guys. Absolutely love it. Wes has just done to Joe Rogan what
Jesus did to his own disciples. Now, we're gonna get into Rogan's answer, okay?
But look at this. So this is Matthew chapter 16, starting in verse 13. It says, now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, who do people say that the
Son of Man is? He's asking about himself, right? And they said, well, you know, some say John the Baptist, others say
Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets. And then he said, who do you say that I am?
Jesus confronts his disciples in order to get them thinking about who he really is. Is he just a man?
Or, you know, I don't know, some great teacher sent by God, or is he something else entirely?
And Peter apparently is the only one who gets it right. Look at this, verse 16. Simon Peter replied, you are the
Christ, the Son of the living God, right? Jesus is divine.
He is the Son, the Word of God become flesh. That's what Jesus wants, not only his disciples here, but all of us to be confronted with, the question of who he truly is.
Because guess what? You can talk about the great things that Jesus has done and said all day long, but salvation comes through knowing and believing in who he says he is, right?
And what he came to accomplish in this world. And that forces you to confront his divinity.
So good for Wes for asking this question. Now watch how Rogan responds. Certainly seems like there's a lot of people that believe that there was this very exceptional human being that existed.
So the question is, what does that mean? Does it mean he was the Son of God? Does it mean he was just some completely unique human being that had this vision of humanity and this way of educating people and spreading this ideology that would ultimately change the way human beings interact with each other forever?
So is he the Son of God? Well, are we all? That's another question, right?
Uh -oh. Uh -oh, Joe Rogan. I mean, danger, danger,
Joe Rogan, Will Robinson. This sounds like New Age mysticism, be careful. This sounds like prosperity preaching and it's worse.
Be careful here. But do we all have that inside of us? Do we all have that ability to change everything around us, inside of us?
Do we all have that unique connection to the divine? And is he a representation of the best version of that?
Or was he an actual person that was the Son of God? Hmm. And is it important?
Yeah. I don't know. I mean, what is it? And that's it, you know? I mean, that's essentially Joe Rogan's answer.
I don't know. But man, what a question to be confronted with, particularly after all of the information that Wes has given him, you know?
And it's not just Wes. I mean, this is not the first time that Rogan has engaged a serious
Christian. But honestly, I think this is the first time where the Christian message has been given the most space to be clearly articulated.
And Wes Hough was just the man for the job. Rogan is so close, man. Like, how many times does he need to engage with strong Christians before he realizes the truth?
Amen? Look at what else he said here real quick. I know a lot of Christians that are hardcore Christians that are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet in your life.
So it does work, right? Like, if you do live like a
Christian and you do follow the principles of Christ, you will have a richer, more love -filled life.
So it is true, right? But you have to submit to this concept that this guy was the child of God who came down to earth, let himself be crucified, came back from the dead, explained a bunch of stuff for people, and then said, all right, see you when
I come back. He's so close. He's so close, guys. But then he gets up to the line and then he stops.
And it sounds like it's the supernatural claims of the divinity of Christ that stop him, right?
Well, I don't know. Let's keep praying for Joe Rogan, amen? I mean, golly, after this, he cannot say that he never heard, right?
That he was unaware of Jesus Christ and the message of Scripture, right? And Wes Hough, oh my
God. Wes, if you're watching, I praise the Lord for you, my friend. What a treat to finally see what we've been waiting for for so long.
And you know, so when we thought, well, I don't know about you, but when I thought about this moment happening for someone like Joe Rogan, right?
Sitting across from a Christian, really, truly hearing the gospel, the message of Christianity, the whole thing, right?
Running the gambit. I didn't think of Wes Hough to be the one to do it. I didn't even know about Wes, right?
And maybe when you thought about it, you know, maybe you thought about your favorite Christian philosopher or theologian, but no, and this is what's so wonderful about the
Lord. It was the Lord's will to take someone like Wes that had, yeah, what was the number?
It was like less than 10 ,000 subs like a month ago to elevate him to the point where he sits across a
Joe Rogan. I love it. I love stories like this, you know, and the way that God works.
You know, Wes reminds me of this passage in scripture. Take a look at this. Jesus has this one off in Luke chapter 16, where he says, one who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, you know?
Wes was faithful in the work that God had placed on him to do for that season. And when the time came,
God said, okay, now. And he gave Wes much. I love it.
I love this story, man. It just gets me so amped up. Wes is an example for us all to be faithful at all times, because you know what?
There may come a time, there may come a day when God gives you more than you could possibly imagine, right?
I mean, that's my story, and I know that's a lot of your stories, right? And praise the
Lord whenever it happens, because he is the one who gets ultimate glory. Amen? All right, well, that's enough out of me.
If you saw this interview, what was your favorite moment? Let me know in the comments below. Or if you just resonated with something you saw here, let me know in the comments.
If you have not seen the interview, my goodness, go watch the whole thing. I've barely scratched the surface. They talk about the creation account in Genesis.
They talk about evolution. They talk about how the biblical canon was formed. They talk about Constantine. They talk about church history.
Wes even talks about his problems with Jordan Peterson. The link for the whole interview is below.
You gotta watch it. Hey, if you made it this far, don't forget about the Logos offer. Time is running out to try Logos absolutely for free for a whole month, okay?
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