BLM, Inc Compared to Christianity


Joe Gaona of 15/30 Apologetics explains the fundamentals of Black Lives Matters vs Christianity.


Okay, so I am Terri Camerizal and I'm here on behalf of Creation Fellowship Santee, and this is part of our virtually their 2020 fellowships on Zoom.
We're so happy tonight to have our friend Joe Gaona here as our speaker for the presentation of Black Lives Matters Inc.
Compared to Christianity. Joe is a devout Christian who has spent the last 30 years serving in many church ministry roles, including as assistant pastor,
Sunday school director, and Bible study lead director. Joe has dedicated his life to being immersed in theology and apologetics.
He has spent the last seven years faithfully witnessing on college campuses, beaches, malls, and at special events, and has taught classes and spoken at churches, schools, conferences, and camps.
Joe has been married to his wife Stacy since 1994. They have three grown kids and they are founders of Throughout All Ages Ministries, which is a non -profit entity.
Tonight, we are happy to have him present for us. So go ahead, Joe. Great. Well, how are you guys doing today?
We are going to be talking about BLM, or Black Lives Matter, and what they believe in as an organization like Terry had said.
Now, today, we will start engaging our conversation looking at their fundamental belief system of Black Lives Matter, and what do they believe compared to Christianity.
Now, I remember the day that I seen my first poster up saying
BLM, or Black Lives Matter, and my heart was taken. Yeah, it does matter.
Look what's going on with Floyd. So my heart was out. But as time went on, and I'm talking about a couple of days,
I began to go down to my foundation, what I've been taught as a
Christian, to question all things and see if they have justifiable answers and what do they believe in as a group.
So when that began to take place, I began to now have to question myself as I'm holding up that sign, and I'm doing it for the good because Black Lives do matter.
I began to ask the question as I'm holding up this sign, is it about individuals or am
I taking a logo for an organization and what they believe? So when people look at me as a
Christian, because that's what I am first, Christ -like Christian, how are they going to respond?
What are they going to see in me and is it true? Is it consistent, their values and their system of what they believe in?
This is where my starting point begin to be as I begin to think about Black Lives Matter.
Now, Black Lives Matter is an ideology. Although it's very close to a worldview, so we will treat it as a worldview mixed with many influential sects and groups and different ideologies.
But a worldview, when we're talking about worldview, we're asking the question, how did you get here?
What are you doing here? How should you live your life? Who is your
God? What is your salvation plan? Where are you going when you die?
These are the questions we ask for a worldview. But although it is not a religious institution,
BLM, much of what they say has ramifications of religious qualities all through it.
So I want to define some words first before we begin to talk about Black Lives Matter.
Let's define what they believe in social justice. Now, in BLM movement, it is equity, a redistribution to a minority oppressed group.
This could be race, color, gender, political, social, economic status.
The question that needs to be answered by the individual is, is this redistribution, this equality of opportunity, or is it equality of outcome?
Opportunity suggests something of freedom, of free will to be able to get to where you want to, and it has this freedom added to liberty.
On the other note, equality of outcome suggests that everyone is going to meet at the same quality, and now we begin to get into socialism or even dictatorship.
So a few points to consider in a framework of equity. This all plays a role when we respond to social justice, especially when it comes to the
Black Lives Matter. There's three points that I want you to consider as we look through the lenses of what they're telling us, who they are, and their worldview, really their ideology.
So number one, are people looking at BLM and social justice as a fundamental belief system through the lens that all men are equal and working towards that goal?
In other words, at times, people might do things right and they might do things wrong.
At times, politics might do good things or bad things. But the ideology is that all men are equal and that their rights come from God and not by men.
So that's the first point. When they're looking through their lens, do you see that? When we talk about redistribution, are they considering the social construct of subjectivism?
A subjectivism in the system that they live in?
What are they teaching the youth from generation to generation? You see, because ideals do have consequences.
Are we animals? Is hitting a woman or overpowering her wrong?
How about rape? Is murder always wrong? Can we justify murdering a human being if they can't defend themselves?
Number three, we look at when we're thinking about social justice is how about the culture that we're living in?
Because the culture I see now is running amok. We see that there's our families are more than ever.
And in the city streets, in the campuses, in the school, there is no right or wrong and they have pushed
God and chased them away from any standard or anything that they could think of.
So there is no wrong or right in the culture that we live in. And so we have to look at these three points.
When we talk about social justice in the Imago Dei, now we're bringing a different reference here.
The Imago Dei is that you're made in the image of God. And we must take the whole counsel of God if we believe that we're made in the image of God.
The Bible speaks of capital punishment, the protection of citizens against outside evildoers, a nation ruled by laws and authorities.
The social justice in the Bible recognizes that it's built on a standard of truth, that truth
God made for his glory and he made us for his glory.
And with this truth became or with this being made in the image of God for his glory, became this huge responsibility of wisdom and knowledge and fear and reverence of this
Christian God. Also, I want you to take note that the Bible speaks of actions contrary to the word of God and dismissing
God as the final authority. So that needs to be the backdrop as we're looking at to see what's right and wrong in a standard when they're telling us who they are and what they want to accomplish, what are they talking about and how are they living their lives in these areas?
Now, when we talk about CRT, that's critical race theory, critical race theory says that America globally, that they are the oppressor and CRT would be divided as the oppressed and the oppressor and anyone that is a minority is being oppressed globally by America.
And when we dive into USA, when we dive into the
United States, we found that as our founding fathers colonized
America, that they were white. And so everything they ever did in America had racism attached to it.
So racism says it is an ideology that is within them that this is their ideology and it comes from within them.
Their whiteness and because of their whiteness and the color of their skin, that systemic racism is embedded in all social institutions and is embedded in all structures and it permanence in every scenario that surrounds them.
This is critical race theory. Now, when we talk about intersectionality, intersectionality was something that was coined in 1989 by Kimberly Crenshaw.
And intersectionality says this, that it is a theoretical framework for understanding how aspects of life from persons with social and political identities.
Now, again, this could be gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, height, and they combine to create these unique modes of discrimination and they live their lives and they intersect with the oppressor, the white man, right?
The white people. And for example, you need to see that when they see a white woman on a tatum pole, that if you put a black woman on top of that tatum pole, that they have increased the value, the black woman, that she has been victimized.
She's the minority that has been victimized by the white woman. But if you compare, for example, a gay white woman compared to a gay black woman, now that has a spectrum on the pole that they've been victimized, that black gay woman.
So if you have, for instance, a gay black woman and we take it up a notch and now you have a black trans woman, well, that black trans woman on that tatum pole trumps the black gay woman.
And then if you have a black Muslim trans woman, they will have more say and they have been deemed more victimized on this tatum pole.
So ultimately, the white privilege or the white person is at the bottom of the pole and where to recognize everyone else that is in these minority groups, that this intersection takes place with the oppressed and the minority groups.
And when we think of white privilege, well, white privilege comes with this narrative that commands white people to sit, be obedient and listen, to understand that they are racist, that they might not know that they are racist, but they are.
And the white supremacists must sit in obedience, listen to the arguments of their unjust gains, as well as their obligation to redeem the remedy that has taken place, to redeem and bring a remedy, should
I say, of what has taken place. And while we're doing this, right, as a white racist group in America, the talk must be the realm of emotionalism.
My story, says the BLM organization, not so much the facts or statistics, but more about who
I am, my feelings, what I've been through as a victim. And your stain for being white will not go away.
It will never come off of you as a white person. That's pretty heavy when we're talking about white privilege.
Now, I wanna talk about social justice, critical race theory, intersectionality in white privilege.
But before we do this, I wanna ask, does anyone have any questions just about the definitions that we're talking about?
We are gonna get to what they believe, but I'm just talking about some of the definitions that we were talking about.
And if you have any questions, you can post them in the chat here on Zoom, or even in the chat on Facebook, although there's a little bit of a lag, so we might have a hard time catching up with your questions there, but feel free to post them in either chat, or also here, the people on Zoom, if you wanna raise your hand,
I can call on you. If you'd like me to unmute you, you can ask. Jeff is asking, what is systemic racism?
Yeah, so systemic racism has started since the beginning founding of our fathers.
And it's actually innated, and we will talk more about this, but it is this innate in them, and their only response is, as a matter of fact, if I took, for instance, the
Asian population, and we were to do the same thing we did in America, which they have done in the
Asian population, they would become systemically racism because everything came innated from them.
And so Black Lives Matter says it's innated in them. They were born with this stain, and it's always a part of them.
Whether they know it or not, they're putting them in first place in every decision they make, in everything they do, in every structure.
And so as time goes on, it becomes systemic that you begin to see this take place over generations and over generations.
Okay, it looks like that might be the only question at this point in time. Okay, sure.
So our starting point as a Christian, I wanna talk about this. It's very important as an apologist, as a
Christian, to have a starting point because your starting point can't be emotional.
Your starting point can't be just to listen. The starting point has to be where is truth, and this is what we have to ask.
So the first question is, on our starting point, well, let me say this. I talked about five ways, five criterias that we can look at.
Any religious group, any ideology, any secular institution, and see if it's consistent.
The reason why I say we need to ask, who is your God? Because their God could be someone or something or a group or a society, and so they identify with something.
That could be their God. So we need to ask the question, who is your God? Who do you put up on the top of your list as you talk with everything that you do in your life?
Who is your God? The other thing is, what is your salvation plan? You see, every group, doesn't matter who they are, has a salvation plan.
In this salvation plan, they're either trying to redeem something or attain something.
So when you look at these groups, religious ideology and secular institutions, what are they trying to redeem?
What are they trying to attain? That would be their salvation that you can begin to pin down and say, let's talk about salvation.
When we talk about how did you get there? How did you get here, should I say, not there, but how did you get here in this universe?
How did you get here? We need to hear what they talk about because this is gonna amplify how they believe, what they believe in as they begin to talk.
It's a presupposition when they begin to say how they got here. So we need to ask that question and hear what they're saying.
The other question is, what's their purpose in life? When we ask these groups in BLM, what is your purpose in life and what are you doing here?
And sometimes all these groups will relate to one another. Soon as they say who their
God is, it might relate to their purpose here in life. And so we need to listen carefully because different people have different beliefs in what they think.
And so we shouldn't package it all tightly, but like any other group, we should look at, ask the question, well, what is your salvation plan and what is your purpose here in life?
And the next question is, how are you to live? That's a huge question.
When they're living their life, when they're recommending how to respond to society, it's telling you how they live their lives.
And you can begin to question that by your worldview and see if it weighs out, if it's consistent and does it make sense?
And the other question is, is where are you going when you die? And that's a question.
And if they say nowhere and they say they just die and that's it, well, you can attach something to that, something of skepticism, something of atheism.
They might even tell you what they believe in if you ask them and you can go from there.
So these are five huge criterias that we need to look at.
They're essential for looking at worldviews. Now, let's get to our starting point.
This is the question that you ask, who is your God? As a Christian, you have fundamental rights that were given by our creator.
We call them inalienable rights. Why do we call them inalienable rights?
Because they're outside of our minds. It's out, he, God is outside of our mind.
He transcends. People seem to have the same type of talk that can only get from one to another.
And we can examine each other, but how do I know I'm right? Or how do
I know I'm wrong? The only way to do this is to go to someone who knows everything.
And this is why we look for inalienable rights, something that transcends us.
So the Christian fundamental rights has this inalienable rights. He told us as we begin to hear from God speak to us through his letter, the manuscripts, the
Bible. He said in Isaiah 43, 10, he says, understand and know that I am he,
I am God. Before me, there was no God form, nor shall there be after me.
So here our Christian God is saying there's only one God and there is no other
God. Now, God does not lie in Numbers 23, 19. Remember, this is our starting point.
God is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent.
He has said, and will he not do? Or has he spoken and will he not make good?
So we know that everything that God tells us, not only verbally, but written in his manuscripts, that he does not lie.
That's huge when we're talking about worldview. We know that Jesus said in John 14, six,
I am the way and the truth and the life. And no one comes to the father except through me.
So we know that our starting point, that we can look at God's written word of what Jesus has told us.
And that everything we do and everything we think about life comes from the lens of the one who is faithful and true.
And that would be our Christian God. Jesus went on to say that you cannot serve two masters.
Think about that. He tells us that you cannot serve two worldviews or you cannot serve two ideologies.
He tells us you will love one and you'll hate the other. Now, why is that?
Why is it that you will love one and hate the other? Because as you begin to have two worldviews, if you're going to be consistent, you will begin to find inconsistency.
We call those contradictions. As the contradictions begin to clash against one another, you're having to make a decision on which way you're going to go and you will love one and you will hate the other.
This is so true. What God said, what Jesus told us 2000 years ago.
Now, what are we comparing here? What we are comparing is knowing, right?
What we know. The epistemology of who God says he is, what he knows and the epistemology of what
Black Lives Matter has about who they are. Now, if God is saying something about who he is and his word is true, what that means is his word is absolute.
His word is absolute. So when we look at it with the lens of Christianity and we're weighing it out, right?
The topic today is BLM compared to Christianity.
Here, God says you are made in my image and he tells us how we ought to live our lives.
And he gives us a prescription. Now, we will talk more about that later on, but I want you to know a prescription means that it's a goal, an end goal, that in every human being,
God has put a goal, an end goal on how a person ought to be.
Whereas most people today, especially the evolutionists, the atheists, the skeptic, they're living on a description, what it looks like.
This is what it looks like. This is our description and there is no end goal to it.
They don't know what the end goal or the end outcome is gonna be. Telos, the end goal, this is where we get the
Greek word telos. When you talk about the Christian worldview, there are two points to talk about here.
And it's this, one worldview says that you are in the world. Now, if BLM will say that they're in the world, which
I believe they are in the world from what I heard from their founding co -founders and their founders of the
BLM movement, that they are of the world. And what I mean of the world, that they are not
Christian, right? And so we make this distinction and those who are of the world, and then you got the
Christians. So once you say you're in the world, your ideal is the same way as this infamous atheist called
Richard Dawkins. And he said this, when we observe the universe, it has precisely the properties that we should expect, bottom up, no design, no purpose, no good, no evil, and just pitiless indifferences.
So if there is no God to hold you accountable, then that is where you should be, bottom line, no purpose, no right, no wrong.
And so if there is no God in your worldview, especially the Christian God, what are we arguing about?
There is no right, there is no wrong. You're just living your life as an animal, right?
But if you believe, the second point, if you believe in God and God made you in his image, he has given you these inalienable rights that we talked about.
And one day God will judge the whole world on how they live their lives, because he is a just God.
And because he is a just God, he has given us a standard for us to follow.
And that's awesome, guys. No other worldview is like this, but the Christian worldview. This is why we hold these truths to be self -evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with these unalienable rights.
And among these is life, liberty, and the pursuit of peace. Some say happiness, but it's really peace.
The Bible talks about a peace. Remember, we are talking about who is your God and how did you get here and what are you doing here?
Now we know from the founding founders of BLM that they are Marxists, they have declared that.
And as a Marxist, tearing down religion and God is necessary to build up their new society.
This is why statues have to come down. Even if the statue represents someone who has went all out on freeing slaves, that they would still, you would see them knocking down their statue, why?
Because they realized that a white man has put that up and that we have to tear everything down to the ground in order to forget the history.
We see this a lot in the way Muslims react in the Middle East. Anytime they get a territory, and this happened a lot in the primitive days, that they would demolish an area, burn it down, bring it down to the ground, doesn't matter what it was, because you're bringing up a new society and you don't want the people to remember the old history.
This is what Marxists is doing. So when you see them doing that, this is what they're doing with the abolitionists.
They'll just tear down their statues. The BML founders have came out to say that they're spiritists, right?
How many of you guys heard that when they were talking about that? These are some things that came out that they call on the dead and they like to talk to the spirits and they have made that clear.
Now, God has made some things clear too. As we're comparing, it tells us in Deuteronomy 18, there shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, right, through the fire of Moloch.
Do they want to get rid of the baby? They would put it on the fire and boom, they would just murder him.
And we see the same thing happening today. But hear the passage as we talk about spiritists, it's gonna go on and it says, there shall not be found one who practices witchcraft or a soothsayer or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer or one who conjures spells or a medium or a spiritist or one who calls up the dead.
For all you do these things, it's an abomination before God. And unless you think that maybe this was just Old Testament, we have
Galatians 5 .19. Now the works of the flesh are evident, idolatry, sorcery, which sorcery would include all those things, hatred, contentious, jealousy, outbursts of wrath, of which
I tell you beforehand that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
So the question is, who is your God? When we look at BLM movement, we see they have made a
God in their own imagination. They have built them up to be their
God. So by default, because they have made their own God, how they got here and what they're doing here are all under the guise of atheism, skepticism, and any other worldview that would have
Christianity outside of it. You see, it's not enough to say, I believe in a higher power.
Demonstrating who you believe in and showing it in your life demonstrates the very
God you believe in. And so we can identify that as Christian.
Now, what makes Black Lives Matter religious in their connotations is that they're very close, similar to things of religion, even of Christianity.
So we see that, of course, with a slight hint of difference, right?
So when we look at Christianity, they have original sin. And so we all are running from God and we need someone to redeem us as we are sinful creatures.
Whereas we see with the BLM movement that there is this innate that what we were talking about.
Innate in all white people is this stain of racism, which is an original sin to them.
You cannot take that off of you. You need something or somehow or someone to redeem that.
And we will talk more about that later. But that is their original sin that white people are stained with white privilege.
Now, the epiphany. The epiphany is that we're born again as Christians. We are created as new people in Christ Jesus.
For BLM movement, their epiphany would be woke. You're woke, you're awakened, and now you understand there is the oppressed and there is the oppressor.
And there's no middle ground. These are the two sides that you have when you're woke.
Christians and sanctification. In sanctification, the Christian will say that he's set apart for God to be more like Jesus Christ and to set his life and he will begin to act like Jesus Christ, our savior.
Or sanctification to BLM movement is activism. You realize that you are stained with whiteness.
And so your job, your sanctification, you're set apart for activism for the rest of your life and your virtual signaling.
Wherever you go, your job is to virtual signal to all people that you are active for Black Lives Matter.
And this is why you'll see them bowing down and kissing their feet. This is virtual signaling that they understand who they are.
Now, God, the Bible has been the Christian orthodoxy, right?
We got this Bible that we can look at the doctrines that we hold to be true. Well, for BLM, they got another word.
They got another Bible. It's political correctness, a new canon, a new
Bible called psychology. And they have books aglore with different nuances that begin to tell you who you are as a person.
And as a white person, this is who you are and you are racist no matter what.
And the end result, when we compare a religious attitude, Christianity has a redemption taking place that one day as God would change us, set us apart from the inside, that he did redeem us and he is redeeming us for the day that he will come and get us.
Whereas for Black Lives Matter, their religious attitude is a perpetual penance.
You need to always ask for forgiveness for who you are. This is some heavy stuff when you start thinking about what they're trying to dictate to America right now.
And many young people are falling for it. So we got to show them why our justification is why we believe in what we believe in, in the
Bible. And our standard, our starting point is to look at them and identify who they are with their ideology and their religious attitude, who they are and who they are secularly, how are they acting and who are they trying to be?
And we can see a lot of this taking place. I want to start talking about salvation.
What is salvation? Now I told you that salvation is something redeemable or something that you can attain.
Now the Bible tells us that man is betrayed and desperately wicked, not because the basis of the color of their skin, but it is the action of the will that will run from God to become your own
God, to become your own God as it were, right? God gave us a verse for this, very simple verse in Romans 3 .23.
It says, that's right. It says, all have sinned and we've all fallen short of the glory of God.
So you cannot take a race out, a minority group, a black colored group and say, hey, they are the ones that have not sinned.
They are the ones that have not fallen short. They are the ones that could never be racist. No, God is saying all have sinned and all have fallen short from the glory of God.
And you begin to tell that to especially youth or students going to college and they believe in Christianity.
They say they believe in the Christian God. This is something that they need to see that there are contradictions to what
BLM is trying to put out there. It tells us in Psalms 14 .2,
that the Lord has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.
They have all turned aside. Together they have all become corrupt. There is no one who does good, not even one.
Wow, what a manuscript. What a Bible verse, Psalms 14 .2.
Now, Black Lives Matter says explicitly or inexplicably that there is a race that is depraved with racism, white privilege.
And Black Lives Matter, we have this condition. They say we have this condition inherited in us, innate in us, inborn, that it's a hereditary which is the sin of whiteness.
This whiteness condemns us with a stain that cannot be washed away. This whiteness cannot be get rid of.
It's a curse. It is a curse privilege. That is, it is a stain that you cannot and will not go away of salvation that is impossible.
This is where they stand. Now, what is the cure for Christianity? Well, we know, for as in Adam all died, so also in Christ all will be made alive.
That's 1 Corinthians 15 .22. The Bible says you are a new creation in Christ Jesus.
And he gives you a new way of thinking. There's no reason for us to have systemic racism built in us as we are new creatures in Christ Jesus.
And for the cure for Black Lives Matter ideology, there is no redemption.
There is no power of regeneration. This is why it's everlasting repentance that you do.
You can never get it right as a white group, as a white person. There is no hope.
There is no eternal life. On the contrary, it's a system that one places a crushing guilt on an individual that will ironically be built upon an ideology of partiality and prejudice.
And there is no salvation in the BLM movement. So even when we look at their movement in their ideology, guess what?
It's built on partiality. It's built on prejudice, but they wanna tell us that it's not.
So how are we to live our lives? Well, first of all, let's talk about where racism,
I mean, where did the race come from? And I'm just gonna go through this with one verse and I think it clearly makes an understanding of what we believe, where we all came from.
And this is Acts 17 .22. I'm sure I'm singing to the choir here, those who are
Christians, but it says this. It says that, so Paul stood in the midst of Aragapagus and he said, men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects.
The God who made the world and all things in it, since he is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.
And here's the point guys. And he made from one man, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.
So we know from one man became all the races, all the nations.
So how can there be built racism inherent if the gene pool goes out to every human being, starting with one man?
And so we can see it flawed. We can see the inconsistencies in it.
When we talk about social justice, as far as the family, this is what it says in their website.
Now you can go to their website right now and they won't say that. They actually took it out, even though they still believe in the same things because they were getting hit by it.
So many people were talking about what they wrote on their website. And this is what they said.
It says that Black Lives Matter is opposed to the nuclear family structure.
And it says this, we disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family structure.
This is an important confession that Black Lives Matter makes. You notice that they call it a prescribed nuclear family structure.
They call it a prescribed because they're saying our forefathers prescribed this. The ones who started the colonies, that it was in them, that they prescribed this nuclear family structure of Western society.
The problem with this statement, we oppose Western prescribed nuclear family structure is according to God's word, the
Bible. This is the vital answer to this worldview or this ideology.
And as a Christian, you need to stand on God's word. This is your starting point. And there is no room to change
God's word. You see, because here they are opposing the nuclear family structure that God has ordained.
So let's lay this foundation framework that BLM intentionally uses the word, we oppose this prescribed nuclear structure.
God's framework is not a theory based on assumption. Critical race theory is assumption.
That's one thing. But God has laid out a prescription. This is the prescription that they're talking about.
They don't realize it, but God had laid out this prescription. And as a righteous
God who created all people in his image to live and to act a certain way.
These are absolutes. They cannot be changed. It tells us in Genesis 1, 27, think about this.
Very primitive. Here we are 6 ,000, we can go back 6 ,000 years, really 1 ,500 years before Jesus came, when
Moses began to write these manuscripts down. And it tells us in Genesis 1, right on the first chapter that God created man in his own image, in the image of God, he created him male and female.
And he created them and blessed them. And God said to them, be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.
And then it tells us in Genesis 2, for this reason, a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh.
So we see God prescribed an order that he made for his creatures, man and woman.
And he said that the two shall become one. But we find out in scripture that Jesus identifies with this as the rulers of the day, as the religious rulers of the day begin to ask
Jesus a question about Moses and listen to what he says here as he talks in Mark 10 verse four.
It says this, it says, they said, Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.
But Jesus said to them, because of the hardness of their heart, he wrote you this commandment.
But from the beginning of creation, so here Jesus points back to Genesis 1, God made male and female.
And for this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and the two shall become one flesh.
And so they are no longer two, but one flesh. And I like what Jesus puts here.
Jesus said, what therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.
It's a prescription that BLM is against. They wanna take away, they wanna really dismantle.
And when they say they wanna dismantle the family conditions of the
Western society, they actually call it the pre prescribed nuclear family structure.
They are actually going against the very thing that God prescribed for his people.
Now I want you to know as we talk about family is that God is a God of order. It tells us that in 1
Corinthians 14, 33, for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all the churches of the saints.
So throughout scripture, we recognize that God prescribes man and woman.
And he says from the very beginning, what God has prescribed, let no man put asunder, let no man separate it.
We also find that in this prescription that God tells us in 1 Corinthians 11, 13, as he prescribed this order.
Now, before I give this verse, I wanna say this. We know God is a God of order because everything that God does has an order in it.
Even our system, when we look around, has an order to it. When we talk about natural science, there's an order to it.
When we talk about laws of nature, there's an order to it. When we talk about physics or biology or chemistry, there is this order to it that baffles the scientists because why is this order here?
Well, when they say that we live in a world of random chance and chaos, but here in Ephesians 5, 23, and I wanna end with the family talk here.
It says here, for the husband is the head of the wife. And look at this order that God has prescribed. He says, the husband is the head of the wife.
As Christ is the head of the church, he himself being the savior of the body, as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husband in everything.
So husband, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it.
Now, I was gonna read some other verses for this, but what it's actually saying is you have
God the father and you have the son who submits to God the father, especially when he came down on this earth.
But the headship of the son is that the man would be submitted unto the son and that the wife in order would be submitted to the husband.
When we mean submitted, we mean that they work together in a relationship, but there's always this order that takes place as we live all in society and that the family structure would be the kids underneath the mom and dad, underneath Christ and underneath God the father.
And so we see this order that takes place and we want to look at BLM and say, this is what they want.
They worked hard to tear it apart, to dismantle this. And so we have to say as Christians that this organization is far from what
God has asked us to be as Christians. And so this is talking about the family structure.
Let me read one more verse and I wasn't going to, but I need to sum this all up. So I should read this last verse here.
It's a very awesome verse. It's in Galatians 3 .28. Think about this verse.
There is neither Jew nor Greek. There's neither slave or free. There's neither male or female for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
So in one hand, God has an order that he's put not only on all the universe and everything we see, but also on the family structure.
And he says, this is how it ought to be. And on the other hand, he said, but I want you to know that I see you all equal in everything you do, but this is just an order that I give you.
And I think that's awesome that God would put that in scripture so we can weigh it out and balance it out and see that there is no inconsistencies when we talk about God's word and the family structure.
So I wanna talk a moment about, as we come down to the end of our 10, 15 minutes here, is human sexuality.
BLM teaches that we do the work required.
This was on their website. We do the work required to dismantle. There's that word again.
Dismantle cisgender privilege. When we look at cisgender, cis means another.
So if the doctor has told you your sex biology, your biological sex is male or female, that your cisgender is that you like the other kind, which is male likes female, female likes male, just like the
Bible is talking about. So the biological sex was not invented by men.
This was invented by God, created and assigned by God. To oppose the ideal of biological gender is to oppose
God. Now, what BLM says, and most of the world as we see it now, as they do look, though they don't like it and they wanna take it away, they do believe in a biological sex of male and female.
And sometimes 1 % of the society has this intersex that we talk about, but we'll get to that in a moment.
But they agree that biology has found, science has proven that there is male and female.
And so what they like to call it is gender. What is your identity gender?
So if your sex is a boy, your identity, who do you feel you are in your identity?
And so they tried to get away from it by talking about their feelings. What do they feel like?
Today, I feel like a boy. Tomorrow, I feel like a girl. Next week, I feel non -binary.
I don't feel like a man or a girl. So their identity gender tells them who they are.
But biologically, they agree still, because we have ample proof that it is male and female.
Now they'll fight you tongue in cheek all the way to the very end to try to get you confused about that.
But we know this to be true. And they're fighting harder and harder to say that there is no biological gender, that it's just all binary, it's just all out there.
But we look at that and it says that they want to dismantle the cisgender privilege.
Now, what does God say about that? We can see that God invented it and created it. When we talk about heteronormative, heteronormative is heterosexual men attracted to women and women attracted to men.
But they say this, we foster a queer affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, of heteronormative thinking, or rather to believe that all in the world are heterosexual.
So here they are opposing God once again, when it comes to students, when it comes to children, when it comes to sons and daughters.
And we got to look at this and say, what is this? Let's have a justifiable answer to this.
Well, I think even science at this point has a justifiable answer to it.
Do you realize that when we talk about feelings here, you know, sometimes we see men and women, men want to, we find out that sometimes men are acting more feminine and sometimes feminine women will act more masculine.
Do you realize that they say in science that this has to do with when you're in your mom's womb, when you're in your mom's belly and the testosterone that's in there, that there has to be this, women usually get less and men get more.
And when it's vice versa, that it messes up their system.
And when they come out, that they'll tend to be more attracted to guy things.
So because of this hormone that's built in them now and because of the testosterone that they were in the womb that was in there at the time, science said that they begin to act more this way because of the testosterone.
And so we can see that happening, but the Bible has more to say about this identity, this gender identity of masculine and feminine.
In fact, our starting point needs to be on this when we talk about this is we need to see that first of all, for almost a hundred years now, that it was called gender dysphoria, right?
That it was something that would happen in the mind that they were confused about. And they called it gender dysphoria because they saw that scientifically, you had male and female.
And so they knew it was something that was wrapping. Well, we can find that the chemicals in the body will cause people to act certain ways.
But we know from looking at around us, the environment, that more from society, now more from schools and their agenda, more from the
LGBTQTA and plus, that it's because of the environment of hanging around these people that it gets into their minds.
And because they feel a certain way and they start maxing out with that identity.
And God talked about these desires of your identity. So we're gonna talk about this for a moment.
It tells us here in Galatians 5 .19, which is a key verse.
First, I wanna start with James 1 .13 because James 1 .13 says this, when we're talking about desires, our identity, our lust.
God says it comes from the lust and our desires that our identity is built on that.
So biologically, we're male or female. But as we begin to live our lives, our identity begins to come from our construct and the things around us and how we live our lives.
And so this is what the Bible has to say with this. Galatians 5 .19. Now the works of the flesh are evidence, which are these.
These kind of things of the flesh promote your identity. Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, adultery, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousy, selfish ambitions, heresy, envy, murder, drunkenness, revilers and the like, which
I tell you beforehand, as I told you in past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
These identities of these lusts and desires, I want you to know that God says, don't ever say that you were tempted by God by these lusts and these desires.
But that it starts off, James tells us, that it starts off as a seed. And what does it produce?
It produces sin and it gets bigger and bigger until it brings forth death.
And we can see this in the reaction of any type of sin we're in. It doesn't matter what identity we're in.
Whatever identity that you call yourself, whether you're a liar, whether you're a drunkard, whether you're caught up in perversion, we can see it starts small and it begins to build and build this lust and desire.
And Christianity has an answer for that. Well, how does desire and how can it overrun us?
We can see this. We can see that in some states of America, that it's illegal to counsel a minor for unwanted same -sex attraction.
So if a minor has a same -sex attraction, that we can't counsel that person, especially in California.
That's one of the state's regulations. We can't counsel them. So let's say you're a 17 -year -old boy and you've been abused when you were maybe four or five years old.
You remember it as a young child and you're struggling with this identity crisis.
You're hearing everyone around you telling you who you ought to be. These are good feelings that you're having, but you wanna know and you wanna understand this identity that you're starting to build.
And so you begin to look at your life. You're saying, man, I wanna marry a woman and have children.
And as you begin to ask questions, they're saying, listen, we can't counsel you. It violates your religious beliefs if you're religious.
It violates your own preferences that you wanna figure out who you are. And they want you to get rid of the root of how you feel.
And so they will tell you that we can't give you counseling about these things, that this is just who you are.
Now think about that. You get a seven -year -old with two lesbians as parents. And he says,
I'm a boy. I feel like a boy trapped in a girl's body. They take him to the doctors, the psychologist.
The psychologist says, hey man, just act the way you wanna act. This is who you are. This is your identity.
And tells them to start wearing clothes and acting like it. And we'll start introducing hormones to you so you can start behaving by how you feel.
And when we begin to see that, we begin to see all the lust of the desires, how they can amplify who you are and construct who you wanna be.
And we see the madness that's going on. Why? We can look at some illustrations. For instance, pedophile.
The pedophile, the pedophilist says that he thinks it's okay that he should be able to go after the young, that he wants to fulfill his way that he was born.
It's his arousal, his gratification. And he should be able to fulfill that. And so, there was a day four or five years ago where we were talking about this.
We didn't think this would happen. And yet it's at the front of our door knocking. There's bestiality that's coming through this moment.
I should be able to sleep with what I wanna sleep with. This is my identity. This is what I'm born with as my identity gender.
I should be able to marry. I should be able to sleep with animals. Who are we to stop this once we begin to talk about the 80 different types of identities we have and counting, right?
Then all of a sudden, rape becomes available. And that's okay to do.
I want you to think about this for a second. There are these people who has this dysphoria within their mind.
They don't know what it is, but they're sitting there going, I don't like my left arm. It's not part of me.
It doesn't belong to me. Ever since I was born, it's not part of me. I don't like it.
And if the doctors don't cut that off, that arm, that left arm, that some of those people with this dysphoria, they'll actually go and cut their arm off.
And after cutting their arm off, they say they feel good now because that was never a part of their life.
Think about that. Instead of counseling them, instead of bringing them the true counsel that they need to hear, we're saying, no, that's okay.
That's okay to be that way. But guess what, guys? God is telling us it's not okay.
It's not okay. And for the last part of our conversation, I'm just gonna spend five minutes and talk about this, is that when we talk about social justice and civil authority, first of all,
I'm gonna make it short that when we talk about civil authority, they want to, this is what they say, we believe that prisons, police, and all other institutions that inflict violence on Black people must be abolished.
And replaced by institutions that value and affirm the flourishing of Black lives.
So first of all, let me just read this to you. I found this on an article, and I wish
I would have picked it up, but let me just read it to you. It says, the Lord Jesus Christ was the recipient of colossal injustice at the hands of law enforcement.
He was the object of the most unjust and corrupt arrest, trial, and execution in world history.
Prior to his crucifixion, Jesus was the object of extraordinary police brutality.
False witnesses were used to convict him. At his arrest, he was stripped naked, humiliated, mocked, spit, punched, beaten, scored by an angry mob of law enforcement.
Then they paraded him, carrying him on his own cross before a mob, during which he collapsed in the street from his injuries.
Finally, they laid him on the cross, nailed him to it, and raised it up for all to see.
Their law enforcement and other officials continued to mock him as he suffered the most horrific and humiliating of all deaths.
And yet we find God when he's talking about these things. He's saying, listen guys, give to Caesar what's due to Caesar.
When we talk about abolishing prisons, the Bible doesn't talk about the prisons to be a reform camp, a camp where you can give them education and schooling.
But actually, since the beginning of days, since Cain's punishment, when he murdered his brother, and we get into the civil laws, and I'm not gonna get into that today, but when we look at the civil laws of the
Old Testament, we see that God believed in authorities and justice.
And this is what he tells us in 1 Peter 2 .13. Submit yourself for the
Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority or to governors, as said by him, for the punishment of evildoers.
And the praise of those who do right, for such is the will of God that by doing right, you may silence the ignorance of foolish men.
Can we reform prisons? Yeah, we can reform them, but we can't abolish them.
Judgment is always meant to be judgment. If judgment wasn't judgment, like God has declared, he never had to come down to pay the price.
He could have just reformed us. But no, the price had to be paid.
And this is why we believe in judgment in the judicial system.
It tells us in Romans 13, let every soul be subject to the government authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
Therefore, whoever resists the authorities resists the ordinance of the gods, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
Now, just to bring a small point as I close up here, we know as Christians, God is reigning, commanding chief of all the world globally.
And at any time a system goes against God, that we obey
God first. But when it comes to institutions here, we do our hardest to oblige to the commands and the authorities that are set before us and to live peaceable lives.
Now, I have a lot to say on that. I have a lot to say, but time doesn't permit me to talk about these things.
But I want you to know guys, last of all, as we look at all these ideals, the ideology from Black Lives Matter, that we really have to educate the people around us, our kids, our students, and let them know what's going on.
And not only for just this movement, but many other movements are gonna come on.
And whether it's religious or an ideology or secular institution, let's hold it up to the word of God as our starting point and see how it weighs out and see where they weigh.
And if there's inconsistencies in what they believe in. So let me pray as we end this session.
Father God, Lord, we just come before you. Oh, and how righteous you are towards your people.
How loving and kind. You told us who we ought to be and how we ought to live our lives.
And we resist it. We run from you, God. We're prone to sin. Lord, I pray that you would do a work in this world globally.
I pray you would do a work with your nation here in America and that the churches would rise and be a flaring bright light that says we're gonna trust in the
Lord than man. We're gonna trust more in the Lord than chariots.
And no matter what they take from us, that we will hold strongly to the word of God, to who he is.
Lord, I pray for every young person at that point. I pray for the parents to be able to talk to them and tell them where you stand on these issues,
Father. I pray that we see that in Christianity, we have answers for what we believe in.
And I thank you, Lord. Be with us in Jesus' name, amen. So I think
I went over my time, Terry. A little bit, but we'll see if there's any questions because we usually give ourselves about 30 minutes for Q &A.
So we went into the Q &A time, but if people have questions, we still have some more time for questions.
So does anybody have any questions? You can either type them into the
Facebook chat, which is a little bit on a delay, or you can type them into Zoom chat, or if you want to raise your hand using that little icon,
I can unmute you and you can ask your question yourself. Or if you unmute yourself,
I'll notice that and I'll call on you. Those are some choices. Well, I mean,
I wouldn't just call on people randomly. Sometimes I do start calling on people randomly. That was a great presentation though tonight.
Thank you. Thank you for sharing with us. Yeah, no, there's a lot. There's so much more, you know, but how do you put it all together in the time that you have?
What's relevant? What do you want to really talk about? And I keep on tending to want to talk about, you know, one thing that was important to me and I wanted to spend more time and I just couldn't at the end, but is that gender thing, gender identity.
And we have so many young people and so many adults that are buying into this when scientifically we know that, yeah, it might be their identity.
And I might agree that that's who they say they are, but there's reasons for your identity to be the identity that they are.
And so we need to talk about this because, you know, I've told in some of my talks,
I have told people, you know, I was born to love women and I do love them. And I used to always love them.
Does that mean when I get married that I should keep on going out with women and loving them?
Because that's how I was born. I was born to love women. Should you take that from me?
But we know there is this standard that says, no, there's something wrong with you just hoarding around with all these women instead of sticking to your love mate, the one that you have, you know.
But if I could use that as my identity, and, but it wouldn't be consistent with everything else,
I believe. No, it wouldn't. And there are plenty of people who do use that, but they're not, you know, their worldview isn't necessarily the same worldview as ours, or there is a lot of inconsistency in their worldview.
And they keep changing, you know, I mean, somebody put in the chat, I don't know if you heard about this today, you said that you were watching the
Senate confirmation hearings and one of the senators was going after Judge Barrett because she used the word, the term sexual preference.
And even Webster's decided to update their dictionary to include one of the listings as that it could be offensive to use the term sexual preference, even though as recently as within the last few days, people on the other side are using the term sexual preference.
But they wanna keep changing the rules because it, you know, of what's gonna offend somebody, it all goes back to that emotionalism that you were talking about.
Right, that's right. Yeah, I can't wait to go back. I heard pieces of that. I wanna go back and read up on the articles about that because yeah, that's something that it's gonna, that's hitting us.
It's a wave that's coming about this identity and they're trying so hard to not believe in science all the while telling us they believe in science, you know?
Yeah. Definitely lots of inconsistencies. Okay, well, any other questions?
I'm not really seeing anybody. So maybe we'll go ahead and close out the recording and close up the live stream and then we can see if people wanna turn on their cameras and fellowship with you off camera a little bit before we call it quits.
So once again, before we go, can you go ahead and tell us your website and how people can find you?
Yes, my name is Joe Gaona and I'm with Throughout All Ages. You can go on any
Google search and just put Throughout All Ages or 1530 Apologetics.
And we're looking for partners, people who can tell other people about what we do.
We believe there's 30 top questions that young America has to know intellectually as Christians before they get into college.
So they'll have an answer for what they believe in, a justifiable answer. And we wanna give them those 30 questions.
They're on my website. You can go there and look at them. And yeah, come and be a part, listen to our podcasts, like us.
And there's so many goals that I wanna do for this next generation, you know?
So yeah, come and be a part of this. Look at us in social media, Throughout All Ages and 1530