Pastor Mocks God, but THIS Happens…

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I was shocked to hear about TD Jakes, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Steven Furtick, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey, Breakfast Club / Charlamagne tha God, Paul Washer, Creflo Dollar, Kenya President, Justin Peters, Barack Obama, P Diddy, Huffington Post, Sarah Jakes Roberts, and Entire Breakfast Club Crew SILENCED By Christian Analyst! YouTube demonetized my main channel, so I made this second channel to fight back against censorship, in case one channel gets completely taken down. To help me in this fight, you can 1) subscribe, 2) watch the videos until the end, and 3) help fund the creation of more videos using these links: Patreon - Become a Member - PayPal - [email protected] Venmo - @TreasureChrist Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! I can't do any of this without you all!


Worldwide, there are 24 million Charismatics who belong to a group that can be called
Oneness Pentecostal. When my father died, I had a real experience with Christ and a real conversion in Christ and I had it in a
Oneness Church. What is Oneness Pentecostalism? Sometimes you see it as Jesus only.
It denies the Trinity. 24 million, they deny the Trinity. About one out of every four in America.
I'm not crazy about the word persons. Most people who know me know that that is really... My doctrinal statement is no different from yours except for the injection of the word manifest instead of persons, which you describe as modalist and I describe as Pauline.
What do they believe? They believe in what is called modalism. That there's one God and He appears in three different modes.
Sometimes He's the Father, sometimes He's the Son, and sometimes He's the Spirit, but He's never all three at the same time.
If you want to best understand the relationship between Christ and God, next time you have a glass of water, put some ice in it, and figure out which one of them is
H2O. You could look at the glass and say the ice is in the water, but if you look at it, it'd be three things.
Councils of Nicaea, 325, Constantinople, 381, modalism was universally condemned as heresy.
T .D. Jakes is one of the most popular pastors in the United States, but there is an enormous number of problems with Jakes' ministry.
Let's take a look at eight of these problems. Make sure you stick around to hear the last one. We already saw from the introductory clips that Jakes has never officially renounced his heretical, modalist view of the
Trinity. First, let's talk about Jakes' relationship with Oprah. Oprah has said that Jakes is her favorite pastor and has invited
Jakes onto her show numerous times. When you hold on to your history, you do it at the expense of your destiny.
Oh my God. Being on Oprah's show isn't a bad thing in itself, but Jakes has also said some extremely concerning things while on Oprah's show.
Listen to what Jakes says here about sea turtles, human nature, and human potential. The sea turtles are born on land.
The first thing they do is turn to the water because instinctively they know that they were created to be in the water.
What do you do instinctively? What is your sweet spot? And when you flow in it, it is natural to you.
And listen to what Jakes says about apples and human nature here. I've got these apples here because I want you to understand about this apple that now imagine the apple is you and you're trying to get your orchard out.
When you touch the core and you get down to the seed, you have then gotten to the place where you can find its fullest and best potential.
This is a self -help message that is completely antithetical to what the Bible teaches about human nature and what truly lies at our core.
And we're by nature children of wrath like the rest of mankind. Enemies of God, children of wrath who love the darkness and hate the light and therefore all we can do is continue to go to war with God.
And now watch Jakes tell Oprah that God chose her instead of recognizing the obvious fact that Oprah still needs to accept the true gospel of Jesus Christ and be saved.
I have a very special gift that I want to give to this little girl. You're going to try to break me down right now.
Seriously, seriously, it's from my heart. He chose her, called her. He made her a promise to protect her under the pinions of his mighty wings.
Second, it's not just Oprah who demonstrates that Jakes' version of the gospel is fundamentally flawed.
Listen to Jakes defend the idea that Barack Obama is a genuine Christian, even though Obama supports and promotes many ideas that directly contradict what scripture clearly teaches.
Reverend Franklin Graham has made some comments on several occasions as recently as three weeks ago, really questioning the faith, if you will, of the president.
I find it insulting. We didn't question the Christianity of President Bush when he said he accepted
Christ. And I'm disappointed in Reverend Franklin Graham in that regard.
I wish he had the diplomacy of his father who brought the gospel to people without being nuanced by politics.
Because when you do those things, you offend people that you're actually called to save and to serve. And I would hope that he would see the rationale in apologizing for such statements, because if the president's faith is suspect, then all of our faiths are suspect, because the
Bible is quite clear about what it takes to be saved. And the president has been quite open about his accepting
Christ and him openly confessing it before men. And if it's good enough for the Bible, it ought to be good enough for the rest of us.
But take a look at Obama's clash with the president of Kenya over an issue that the Bible is extremely clear about.
If somebody is a law -abiding citizen who is going about their business and working in a job and obeying the traffic signs and doing all the other things that good citizens are supposed to do and not harming anybody, the idea that they are going to be treated differently or abused because of who they love is wrong.
Full stop. Just like President Obama, I think we also need to be able to speak frankly about some of these things.
And the fact of the matter is that Kenya, the United States, we share so many values. Our common love for democracy, entrepreneurship, value for families.
These are things that we share. But there are some things that we must admit we don't share. Our culture, our societies don't accept.
It's very difficult for us to be able to impose on people that which they themselves do not accept.
Similarly, Jakes essentially does the exact same thing with P. Diddy, a rapper who is obviously not a true
Christian. Here is Jakes not only treating P. Diddy as if he were a Christian, but also singling him out and praising him in front of the entire congregation.
And take a look at this conversation between Jakes and Steve Harvey, where Harvey assumes that he is right with God.
I expect, though, that God got something really great in store for me. So, you know, when doors...
Let me jump in there. Come on. You're not supposed to know. You're not supposed to know. Life is a mystery.
If you take away the mystery and everything was certain, you wouldn't need faith. Jakes does not speak to Harvey as someone who needs to repent and submit to what the
Bible clearly teaches, since Harvey rejects the idea that Jesus is the only way to God. There's no one way to heaven.
Now, it's over 800 channels of cable, and they're all pretty entertaining. So, I'm pretty sure, man, that to get to heaven, there's got to be more than one route.
Because somebody watching another channel or taking another channel than you, they're still getting entertained, and they're probably still getting to heaven.
It's very disturbing that there seems to be pretty much no distinction between Jakes and non -Christians within the world.
Here's a video that Jakes put on his YouTube channel of a conversation with Charlemagne the God, who stands firmly against much of what
Scripture clearly teaches. In the absence of truth, everything has become ambiguous.
And with that comes an attitude of hostility. So you don't want to be so creative that you become destructive rather than disruptive.
So how do you know when that shock is protecting you from, you know, hurting yourself? In an interview with Christian sports analyst
Chris Broussard, Chris defended what the Bible clearly teaches against Charlemagne, who pushed back against and challenged what
Chris was saying. Clearly, Jakes does not understand the
Bible's clear teachings about what it means to be regenerated and born again. And it is extremely concerning that Jakes treats so many celebrities who are clearly not
Christian as if they are Christian and do not need to accept the gospel to be saved. Third, Jakes is a pretty radical charismatic who teaches and performs things that are very unbiblical and concerning.
Here's Jakes pretending that speaking gibberish equates to having the gift of tongues. And watch this unbiblical ritual that Jakes does with his daughter,
Sarah Jakes Roberts, where he lays hands on her and she falls down. Of course, there is absolutely no biblical support for doing something like this.
This is all for performance and to impress the audience. And now, watch as Sarah just stands up after a little bit.
Charismatics like Jakes are more interested in performing for and impressing the audience rather than submitting to what scripture actually teaches.
This next clip is just really weird. Watch Jakes scream during the service as if this was a biblical and spiritual thing to do.
Fourth, Jakes supports and promotes women pastors, which is clearly forbidden by scripture. Jakes is perfectly happy for his daughter,
Sarah Jakes Roberts, to be pastor of a church. Not only is
Sarah preaching to men, she is also throwing in gibberish tongues just like her father to impress the audience and congregation.
Fifth, Jakes partners with other Christian teachers who are also wolves who should also be avoided by Christians.
Jakes is very good friends with Joel Osteen, who teaches the prosperity gospel, and a self -help version of Christianity that is lacking numerous fundamental
Christian teachings. Jakes is also good friends with Stephen Furtick, whose teachings, just like Joel Osteen, are extremely man -centered and do not include any mention of sin, hell, or God's wrath.
The process of discipleship is not God changing you into something else.
It's him revealing who you've been all along. And, Jakes is more than happy to invite other
Christian teachers who teach heresies, such as Joyce Meyer and Creflo Dollar, to his megafest event. You know, it's like the people who don't fall out in the spirit until they see if there's a catcher behind them.
Sixth, listen to Jakes' compromise concerning what scripture clearly teaches when interviewers bring up controversial subjects.
Here is Jakes essentially dodging and equivocating during an interview with Mark Lamont Hill from the
Huffington Post. And here's
Jakes being extremely vague and unclear to Oprah about whether non -Christians can be saved. First, watch
Jakes start by saying something completely unrelated to Oprah's question. Great question.
Let me answer that this way. First, I believe one of the great lessons I think that we have today is to live in a country that allows us to have various religious notions.
Then, I think Jakes basically gives the correct answer, but he gives so many qualifications and sounds so apologetic that it's kind of hard to tell exactly.
Are all the religions leading to that path or is only Christianity leading to that path? Well, I think you can get in Christianity and miss that path if you're not careful.
Seventh, Jakes is one of the worst promoters of the prosperity gospel in the entire world.
The blessing isn't in what you lost. The blessing is in what you got left. And if you will sow what you got left,
God said I'll give you back. You can serve me and need not serve you.
The more you give to me, the more I give back to you.
I started giving on that level so that God would owe me. Oh, y 'all don't hear what I'm saying. You can't handle that.
I started giving on the level where I put God in debt. And God said I'll owe no man. I started giving on the money that I wanted to make.
I started giving on a deal that hadn't closed yet. And that God had to open up the windows of heaven and pull me out of blessing because he wasn't going to be in debt to me.
Here's what Vodie Baucom has said about TV Jakes and the heresies Jakes promotes. The Christian Post summarizes a blog post that Vodie wrote about Jakes.
Baucom also noted that the word of faith gospel that he believes Jakes preaches is heterodox and harmful.
The Southern Baptist minister also claimed that Jakes' influence in the Dallas Metroplex has been negative at best and that the
Powders House Bishop is an example of the worst the black church has to offer. He has brought a charismatic, theatrical, excessive word of faith flavor to the city that permeates many churches, especially black churches.
Baucom elaborated saying that he has seen firsthand the influence Jakes has had on Texas communities. Even if Jakes had come out with a statement on the doctrine of the
Trinity, it would not have done anything to change the fact that he preaches another gospel. Having studied the word of faith movement and seen the devastation it leaves in its wake,
I was disinclined to stand shoulder to shoulder with the man who has been this country's most popular purveyor of this heresy in the past two decades.
The pastor continued, In another flagrant display of the prosperity gospel and a strange charismatic performance, watch what
Tyler Perry does at Jakes' church in this clip. In the service and I leaned up toward him and I said, I've just been touched to give a million dollars.
So when you got up here and you said a million dollars, I said, God, I don't know what you're doing, but I know I heard your voice.
Jakes' ministry is extremely focused upon both giving lots of money and getting people emotionally excited through unbiblical performances like these.
Eighth, listen to Jakes try to warn people not to criticize him. When God anoints a person, no matter what they do,
Jakes assumes that God has specially anointed him. But of course, nothing could be further from the truth. He's anointing people.
We hear a lot about different anointings. Could you please define for us biblically what is the correct understanding to be anointed and can we be today?
And if so, how do you want to say something? Just sure. Well, Scripture teaches that if you are a
Christian, you're anointed. If you have been regenerated by God's Holy Spirit, you are anointing.
You are anointed. It is not a feeling. It's not a buzz. It's not an experience. It's a reality.
Jakes continues. So all of these bathroom prophets who got you pulled off at a corner and these parking lots who say they got a word that's aimed at God's anointed, you are unbiblical, unscriptural, and unholy.
Christians, let's not be deceived by T .D. Jakes' eloquence, charisma, or popularity in the culture. False teachers have the appearance of having some nourishment, the appearance of having some sustenance, but nothing ever falls from them.
It leaves the ground below them dry and parched. Jakes teaches heresy and a false gospel that does not save.
And as Christians, we must fight against Jakes' immense influence by proclaiming the true gospel of Jesus Christ that is found within Scripture.
You see, Earth's problem is how can God judge. Heaven's problem is altogether different. How can God save, pardon wicked men, and still maintain
His righteousness? And the answer is in the gospel where God becomes a man and goes to a tree and bears the sin of His people.
And with that sin, the curse, and with that curse, all the holy hatred, all the righteous judgment of God is poured down upon the head of God's Son and He absorbs it.
He satisfies justice so it no longer has a demand against God's people.
And God can be just and the justifier of wicked men. Never put anything above the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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