Spiritual Transition Game from the Elections to the Gospel

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. The Spiritual Transition Game is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This game is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from, and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Alrighty, well, welcome to another edition of the Striving for Eternity Spiritual Transition Game.
This is a game we play for Christians to practice transitioning from the natural to the spiritual, going from transitioning in any kind of conversation that you may have to a gospel conversation.
That way we play this game is this way, we usually like to play it in a group of people, and what we do is we play where you may call out a person, so someone's going to call me out.
They're going to say, Andrew. They're going to give me something, whatever the thing is. I don't even know what it is yet because it hasn't popped up in the chat for me, but I then transition to whatever they say, either a spiritual transition or more specifically to the gospel.
Now folks here like to make it harder for me, so I always have to transition to the gospel, not just anything spiritually related.
So, we're in this spiritual transition game, and my topic tonight is the election.
This will be a fun one. Alright, so can you transition from the election to the gospel?
Now if anyone has maybe not had their head in the sand or something, they don't know that there is an election in the
United States coming up, and we have two wonderful candidates. We have
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Yeah, so what do we see?
One of the things I find interesting about this election out of any other election cycle that, at least in my lifetime, it is the first time
I've seen people on both sides not excited about their candidates. Usually you get one or sometimes even both sides of the political parties that are excited about their candidates.
Not this time. There seems to be nobody that's really just excited to get in there.
People really seem to be voting against the other candidate. Hillary supporters want to vote against Trump, Trump supporters want to vote against Hillary, but no one seems to be really voting for Trump or Hillary.
And you know, the reality of this, when we look at this, when we look at the candidates, we look at both these candidates, neither one of them are really qualified to be president.
They both have so many problems, legal issues, that both of them should probably be in prison.
But the reality is that they're running for president. And people are not batting an eye and outraged that we have two people that should be in prison that want to run the country.
You know, that really does point to something. It points to God's judgment on this country.
We have turned away from God so much that we can see His judgment on this country.
He has removed His hand and given us over to our own desires, our own sinful, hating
God desires that we have these candidates. This is the sign of God's judgment on America that we have these two to choose from.
The reality is, is God has a day. He is long -suffering. He holds out.
But there is a day that a judgment comes, and you know, whether it's for a nation or individuals.
See, we could look at this, and we could look at the sin and the vileness that we see across the land, and we see this and we say,
God is judging America. He's given America over to their own, to their sinful desires.
But the reality is, is on a personal level, we do the same thing. God can give people over to their own desires where they constantly are turning away from God, turning away from God, turning away from God.
What kind of things? Things like lying, stealing, hatred in our heart for God, not putting
God first. He created us and gives us the breath in our lungs, and we use that breath to deny
Him or even worse, curse Him. And yet, He still gives opportunity for us to repent.
The reality is, is that God will judge one day, and that judgment is going to come in a form of an eternal consequence.
Whether good or bad, we will be judged. And if it is bad, it will be for eternity. And if it is good, it will be for eternity.
How would you stand? Would you be guilty of lying, stealing, breaking God's law? Would you be under God's judgment?
Or have you recognized that you needed something outside of yourself, someone outside of yourself?
You could not save yourself. You could not do good works like every false religion teaches.
You needed God Himself to do the work. On the cross, when He became a man, died in the place of sinners.
God Himself became sin that we may be forgiven, that we may become the righteousness of God.
We have to turn from our good works, turn from trusting ourselves as a good person, and trust in Jesus Christ alone.
That's how I would transition from the elections to the gospel. How would you go about doing that?