Don't Be Like Samuel Sey

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the devil at every hand by the power of Jesus name well it's our turn now that's a great song that is a great song did you ever notice how
Carmen you know the singer right that was a Carmen song with Petra so good an amazing song our turn now look it up right now you'll love it ever notice how
Carmen looks like Carmine Lupertazzi from the Sopranos look them up Carmine looks like Carmen Carmen looks like Carmine I don't make the rules it's just the truth all right let's get into it today
I just want to start this video by saying Samuel Say is in many ways many ways someone we could all strive to emulate he is bold if nothing else he is bold and I gotta say we need more boldness from Christians in our time and this man right here
I'm not joking this is a hundred percent serious you know me you know me I joke a lot
I'm dead serious here this guy has so many fine qualities that any
Christian would seek to emulate I haven't heard someone just more sold out to the cause for saving babies that are killed through abortion he is so dedicated to it
I don't know every nuance of his position there so obviously I can't endorse literally everything the man says about the issue but there's a boldness there and there's a fearlessness that is something to emulate no question about it even with the gay stuff because a lot of Christians are pretty strong on the abortion stuff but sometimes they shrink back from really kind of telling it how it is on the gay stuff but I've seen him say some things that are truly awesome on the gay stuff and those are the two big issues right now in my opinion that God has placed before us in his providence and Samuel Say is very strong on those issues there's no question about it many ways you should emulate
Samuel Say and honestly I kind of personally I feel sort of a kindred spirit with Samuel Say I feel like in many ways he's me and him are similar people obviously he's a whole lot nicer than I am let's just put it that way but I honestly and I like the guy
I do and I honestly I think I think I resemble him a little bit I don't know I mean except for the chocolate skin
I feel like if you if you if you if you if you if you put our skin colors closer together we resemble each other a little bit and it's no surprise
I believe he's Nigerian and I've got I don't know something like 20 % Nigerian blood in myself and so probably good reason why we have similar features and all of that kind of thing this is him and his lovely bride as you can see he's in an interracial marriage which we'll talk about in just a moment and they look very happy and God bless these two man
I hope God grants them a boatload of children and so there you go there you go all right what
I wanted to say though is that there is one way where you definitely do not want to be like Samuel Say and we're going to talk about that today
I mentioned he's in an interracial marriage and lately he's been talking about how there's only one race there's no such thing as an interracial marriage and that's a position that a lot of people hold it's a very respectable position to hold but you know a lot of people have kind of been questioning him on that because in years prior and I'm talking
I don't know five years maybe more maybe less I something like that in multiple years he's talked about the challenges of being in an interracial relationship and he was using that terminology you know really without qualifying it at all and it certainly seemed to embrace that he was in an interracial marriage and whether that's the right thing or the wrong thing
I really don't care about that but it's interesting because he's kind of gone back on that and he thinks that now to use these terms it's inappropriate right it's inappropriate and the whole reason
I thought about this here by the way here's him saying that they're not in an interracial couple and all of that kind of thing which is fine
I mean you hold that belief I really don't have an issue with you what brought my attention to all of this though is
Samuel Say was one of the ones who lost his mind when it came to this
Stephen Wolfe tweet here's what he said about the Stephen Wolfe tweet where Stephen Wolfe said white evangelicals are the lone bulwark against moral insanity in America Samuel Say's response was
I enjoyed meeting you last year sir I'm also looking forward to finally sharing my review of your book but I won't mince words this is pathetic and racist this is what happens when we attempt to create an identity or a tribe based on ethnicity instead of Christ now of course he wasn't trying to do that that's that's not what the point of the tweet was a point the tweet was about voting and how white evangelicals vote and things like that and Samuel Say wasn't the only one to do this
I'm picking on Samuel Say a little bit here because to be honest Samuel Say is a bit of a sacred cow in some of our circles and I'm not that bright so I'm going to go ahead and try to slaughter that sacred cow because Samuel Say he's a good guy he's a good guy and as I said
I'm not kidding there are many ways that you would want to emulate Samuel Say I know that people use this strategy a lot to butter someone up that they're about to rip to shreds but I'm not
I'm not making this up I really do think that there's tons to emulate about Samuel Say there's some things that he does and says that I personally would like to see more in myself and so I'm not kidding
I'm not just using this as a tactic but I do want to point this out because lots of people it wasn't just Samuel it was a lot of people that really took issue with the fact that Stephen Wolfe used the term white evangelicals now again
I don't really care if you like the term or not but people flew off the handle and they said this is an evidence of racism that's what
Samuel Say says here this is racist to use that term to to to to to to to to try to create an identity or tribe based on ethnicity instead of Christ that is racist but the problem is that Samuel Say has himself used this term this was back during you know the early years of of Trump and and and all the craziness that that that ensued there and here's what
Samuel Say said during that time again this is years ago right this is this is years ago so you're allowed to change your beliefs right this is not a knock on changing beliefs
Samuel Say said this years ago white American evangelicals who gleefully supported
Trump should examine themselves however a completely safe and approved opinion this is the approved opinion you should examine yourself if you gleefully supported
Trump if you're a white American evangelical so obviously when he wrote this tweet he didn't have a problem with using that term to describe a subsection of voters right it was in the exact same context except he was using it as a rebuke and Stephen was using it as a positive right so so so so somewhere along the line
Samuel changed his mind right and he now thinks because he got to give the guy the benefit of the doubt he's bold and he is and he is and very thoughtful a lot of the time doesn't doesn't mean that he's to fits of emotions taking over what he says
I'm not saying that but what I'm saying is the generous thing that the the generous assumption the charitable assumption is that somewhere along the line
Samuel changed his mind he no longer think it's thinks it's appropriate to use the term white evangelical in this particular context talking about voters and whatever but this is where you should not be like Samuel because if that's the case then then this comment you really got to measure it a whole lot more because this is the thing this is what people call the cage stage
Samuel say is in the white evangelical cage stage let's call it right where you you used to use this term you didn't think it was a problem in this context and now you do think it's a problem so much so that it's actually racist empathetic to use this term in particular context
I would suggest that if you recently changed your opinion or you or you you used to use it
I mean I'm assuming Samuel wasn't a racist and pathetic at the time when he used to do this maybe a little bit of grace guys maybe a little bit of grace we've all seen it too right we've all seen the guy who used to be
Arminian and then he turns into a Calvinist and like the next day he's talking about how
Calvinists are all in outer darkness now when yesterday he was one of them right yesterday he and vice versa too
I mean it happens from the Calvinist Arminian side although you know I don't really pay attention a lot of those people but I have seen it where someone used to be a
Calvinist and now all Calvinists are going into outer darkness a little bit of grace a little bit of great guys it's so easy to fall into this trap in fact
I saw somebody that was going through the people that like Samuel flew off the deep end about Stephen using the term white evangelical and almost to the man almost every single person who said it was inappropriate and racist and evil for Samuel Wolfe to recognize white evangelicals as a voting block every single person has done it before whether it's been white evangelicals or black evangelicals even some of these guys bring it into the church and divide up the church
Stephen wasn't even doing that some of these guys have even done that though and so how about a little grace if you weren't a racist and pathetic when you use this term you weren't using it in that way maybe just maybe
Stephen Wolfe isn't using it in that way either and in this way a little bit of grace would go a long way and in this way you should not be like Samuel say this is not to not to single him out necessarily he's just a really good example because you know he actually went so far as to say this is racist this is pathetic and he actually used the term in pretty much the same context except to Stephen Wolfe's point which
I think is a good point if you use white evangelicals and you're you're trying to browbeat them and and and and rebuke them that's okay but if you use white evangelicals to try to praise them that's off the table
I think that's a pretty good criticism in my opinion and so I think that a guy like Samuel say in this quite frankly this is an example of gracelessness he's kind of shown that that that that initial critique is accurate because I'm assuming
Samuel's not going to say he was racist back when he said this maybe he was maybe he would maybe he would and that would be that would be
I mean that's the case and that would be pretty remarkable but in any case let me just end this by saying no shade
Samuel say's way we all make mistakes we all say things we should not have said and we all have fallen victim to the the gracelessness it's just so easy to be graceless it is it very much is and Stephen Wolfe is an easy target and so it's it's very easy to do that with easy targets
I get it I totally get it I've done it I've been there Samuel say is is a bold guy he's a bold guy he's on the side of the angels nobody should be casting him into outer darkness for hypocrisy and things like that especially in this issue it's so easy to be a hypocrite in this issue so easy and we need to recognize that in ourselves and maybe the next time someone says something that everyone and their freaking mother is saying oh it's a racist get him maybe don't do that and just wait just wait it out and see and try to figure things out and see the arguments for against and what the explanations are let them expand just a word of advice
Samuel brother Samuel I love him hey I love you is what I meant to say um by the way his most recent article um that he pinned to his uh his thing he's looking for some financial support because he's looking
I mean he he does a lot of work in these areas and it looks like he's uh trying to be a career writer if you're the kind of person that supports people like this um
I would argue that Samuel say he's probably a good person to support I mean in general you're going to be able to fully get behind much of what he says in my opinion um anyway hope you found this video helpful