When Everyone Around You Is Giving In

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Happy Friday everybody. A couple of things here I wanted to just address really quick.
This is going to be a very brief video. I know I always say that and then I go 20 minutes. This can't be that way because I am definitely not.
Are you hearing this Alexa? Are you hearing this technocrats? I am definitely not going to the gun store to purchase another firearm.
Definitely not doing that. Anyway, I wanted to address a couple of things. Number one, you need to understand that there is a tidal wave of religious ceremonies coming your way.
You're going to have to do this at work. You're going to have to give the pinch of incense wherever you go. It's going to be coming from your church most likely.
It's going to be coming everywhere and I want you ready for it. Do not despair. I don't want you to be rebellious.
I don't want you to be just, you know, you know, saying that everybody's an unbeliever and you freaking out on people.
I don't want you doing that, but I want you ready to not consent, but we have to be shrewd too.
That's the other thing because your work is going to force you to sign some kind of compliance, woke statement or participate in some nonsense.
I had somebody that I work for a customer of mine, a customer of mine who sent out an email to this listserv, to his company and to a bunch of other people and stuff like that.
It basically just said, look, I know that everything's gone crazy. I know that our, our, our sales are down and people are struggling.
I get that, but, but just, you know, try to focus on the things that you can control. Very basic kind of rah, rah, go team.
Let's, uh, let's do business kind of message. Very basic, nothing controversial in it at all. Three days later, he sent out a,
I have to clarify what I meant because apparently a bunch of social justice warriors reached out to him and basically called them a racist because how this is our time.
This is our, you can't do business during our time. And it's just absolutely insane. I was walking through my neighborhood and I saw someone with a, with a, with a, with a rainbow flag in there, in their window, but also a sign that said, if you're not outraged, you are part of the problem.
And I'm over here like, well, there's like 10 things that I could potentially be outraged about. Which one are you talking about?
And I just laughed when I saw it, I laughed out loud. They probably heard me. It's just preposterous, absolutely preposterous.
And so you need to be ready to not consent, but at the same time, be shrewd, my friends be shrewd.
If you have to sign a woke statement of something or other to, to keep your job, you know what, maybe it's a good idea to sign that statement, you know, put your fingers like this and instantly start looking for another job.
Or maybe it's time to finally go into business for yourself because the reality is that you can't get canceled if you work for yourself.
And that's the re that's the reality of the situation. We need to be the opposite of fragile here. We need to be the opposite of fragile because these beasts, these profits of the other religion, these demons will try to destroy your life.
They will try to get you fired. They will try to make it impossible for you to get a loan. They'll try to get you deplatformed off of Patrion, whatever it is, they will attempt to do it because they are pagans and they spread their religion, much like Islam spreads its religion through war and violence and oppression and all that kind of stuff.
It's the opposite. It's the anti -gospel. You need to understand that. So if you decide to not consent, your life will probably be more difficult, but I don't think a life, a life bowing down to idols and worshiping demons and worshiping at the pagan altars of social justice,
I don't think that's a life worth living. I'd rather be dead. You understand what I'm saying? I'd rather be dead than sign your woke statement.
So shrewdness is required here, my friend. Be ready though, because the Lord is good. The Lord will provide.
We might have to start praying for our daily bread, but nothing wrong with praying for your daily bread.
You already pray for your daily bread. Some of us just don't know it yet. You know what I mean? Some of us just don't know how much we rely on the
Lord, and we do every single day. He's good, man. He will see you through this revolution.
He will see you through this tsunami, like Dr. James White used to predict, this tsunami of apostasy that we're seeing every day.
I can't tell you how many emails I've gotten. Oh my goodness. I can't believe it. I was not expecting this.
Now, all of a sudden, my conservative pastor is recommending Jamar Tisby. Jamar Tisby is about to make bank right now, because everyone and their mother is recommending his awful, awful, lying, evil, pagan book.
All right. But here's the thing. I'm in a good mood today, because this is the thing. I feel like my shrewdness has been vindicated a little bit.
A handful of you have sent to me this article that claims that the two guys that killed
Ahmaud Arbery, they were actually were racist, because someone on the scene heard them say,
F and N, and then on social media, they said the N word. Oh my goodness. They're racist.
See, you idiot. You're an idiot. Are you ready to apologize for saying there was no evidence of racism? Are you ready to put your foot in your mouth?
And I'm like, nope. Nope, because I'm not an idiot.
Ever since the beginning of this, I said it could come out one day that they were the KKK grand wizard.
It could come out today that they were racist, and it would make no difference to me, because the thing is
I'm shrewd. And if you go back to my videos, when I first talked about the Ahmaud Arbery situation,
I said something a little bit like this. I said, there is no evidence of racism today on June 5th, 9am, whatever it was,
Eastern Standard Time, whatever it was when I said it. And the reason I did that is because I wanted to timestamp that, so that you knew that I was operating in a certain time.
And at the time when all y 'all were lying that this guy was a racist, because you had no idea, except based on skin color, that he was a racist, there wasn't any evidence of it.
This stuff just came out yesterday. Number one, this stuff just came out yesterday. So why would I apologize for saying there was no evidence of racism when there wasn't, except for skin color?
Number two, do you really want to do this skin? This sounds like it's your first rodeo where something comes out and you instantly jump on it because it fits your narrative.
So it has to be true. How much you want to bet that there's going to be probably another side to this story as well?
I'm not saying there is, but I'm not going to believe just a leak that happens to fit the narrative that everyone and their mother wants me to believe.
I'm not that stupid. The question is, why are you? It could come out that it's completely accurate.
It could have an audio recording of him saying effing, but maybe they don't.
And maybe you're just being fooled again, just like with the Covington kids, uh, you know, apparently mocking that native
American man who was chanting gibberish to his demon gods. The thing is about social justice words.
It's, it's, it's never having to say you're sorry. You never learned your lesson because you are slaves to a pagan demon
God who never, ever, ever, ever has anything bad to say.
So long as you're using his language of lies, you never have to say you're sorry.
As long as you're lying for in service of him, he doesn't care. He doesn't care. You can lie all day long.
You can be fooled again and again. You can be naive to the nth degree. You can just perpetuate lies and false narratives and all that stuff.
And you never learned your lesson because the demon God says it's okay. You've got a different law.
You've got a different religion. You've got a different system altogether. And the reality is guys, the reality is guys that you have to realize when you're dealing with a social justice warrior, facts don't matter.
What you say doesn't matter. People ask me, how do I reach these people? I'm sorry. There's really no real way to do it.
There's no tricks to it. Because if you look at social justice warriors, before there was evidence, so let's just take this narrative for a second.
Let's say that there is evidence that these two good old boys were flaming racists, right? Let's just accept the leaks.
Let's say it's 100 % accurate. So there's evidence that they were racist and they killed Ahmaud Arbery because he was black.
Fine. So there's evidence of racism, then it's racism. Before there was evidence of racism, it was still racism.
In fact, when there's no evidence of racism, that's the worst kind of racism at all. That's the hidden racism.
You see, it doesn't matter. If there's evidence of racism, it's racism. If there's no evidence of racism, it's racism. And it doesn't matter.
You don't understand, you can't reason with someone like that. You can't reason with someone who's willing to put themselves in that position.
It's a subhuman way to think. It is a pagan, evil way to think where no matter what,
I'm right. And actually, if there's no evidence, I'm even more right than I would be if there was evidence.
Because evidence, of course, is one of the master's tools. When I say masters, I mean, a tool of whiteness, a tool of Satan.
Evidence is a tool of Satan to these people. Guys, this is a different religion, and you need to understand that.
And so when you're, how do you reach these people? There's only one way to reach people that are members of a different religion.
And that's through that gospel, through that word. You have to preach the word to these people.
When they come at you and start talking about dividing up the church like a pizza, when they come at you and say that this little girl here, she's got to march for her life.
And you see how much of a lie that is. She doesn't have to march for her life. She could be drawing on the sidewalk and playing chalk and playing with toys and all that.
But Jamar Tisby says, look at her. She has to march for her life using this little innocent girl like a pawn in his stupid little game.
When somebody comes at you with that, you need to go at them with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There's a way out of this lie. There's a way out of this continual practice of evil.
And it's through the forgiveness available to Jesus Christ. And so I urge you to put away your sin.
Don't return to your sin like a dog returns to his vomit. Look to Christ and obey his word.
That's the only way to reach these people. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.