Ed Litton Is a Blessing From God

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All right, in this video, I do want to talk about what a blessing from God the election of Ed Litton to the
Southern Baptist Convention presidency is and has been. All right, but before we get into that, let me just say this.
I hope you've had a good few days. It's been a while since I made a video, at least by my standards, and I hope you had a great
Fourth of July weekend. I definitely did. My day started, I had a chance to visit a
CREC church in Martinsburg, West Virginia, which is somewhat close to where my mother lives, and it was a fantastic time.
It just so happened to be their week of, they do a fellowship meal once a month, and it just so happened to be that week, and so we had a chance to hang out and talk to some of the brothers from that church for a little bit, and it was just such great hospitality, great food.
It was all barbecue, so they had prepared it prior and heated it up for the day and all that kind of stuff, just for all you
Sabbatarians out there, but anyway, it was really good, and I actually, the worship service itself, it was the covenant renewal thing that a lot of the
CREC churches do, and just was such a blessing to have a worship service where the kids could participate, and there's a lot of interaction with the congregation and all of that kind of thing.
I have a great church here in New England, but sometimes it can be tempting to think, oh man, my church is one of the only faithful churches out there.
No, God's people are everywhere, man. God's people are everywhere, even in West Virginia, so thank you, brothers, for your hospitality.
I think some of you guys watch the channel, so thank you so much again. I can't wait to come back and visit again.
But yeah, so I wanted to talk about Ed Litton again, and I was kind of over the weekend with my family, and I was like, oh man, this
Ed Litton story's blowing up, and I can't do a video, and I'm like, oh, I'm chomping at the bit.
I almost recorded one while I was on vacation, but I'm actually glad that I didn't, because I think
I needed a little bit of time to really consider what is happening and all of that. I was talking to Joel Askell, and I was telling him that when
I first heard about this plagiarism thing, it didn't seem like all that big a deal. I heard about it, and I was like, yeah, this happens all the time.
I mean, it's not good. I'm not saying it's a good thing. I'm not saying it's something that you shouldn't look into, but whatever, you know what
I mean? But when you see the videos, though, when you see the videos, it's, man, it is something.
And I wanted to play this one. This is one that Justin Peters put out. It's pretty brief. He put this one out just the other day, and look, guys, this is what, there's just like,
I don't know if it's literally hours, but I think it's literally hours of exactly this kind of thing that's out there.
So let's let's take a look at this. You know, when
I took Driver's Ed, I was thinking about this the other day because my daughters are about this age where they're getting into this, and Driver's Ed, I had,
I don't, I think they still do it, but the car that I took Driver's Ed in had, the guy sitting next to me had this big old brake.
That's all he had. Do y 'all have this, the big old brake coming out? And it meant that he could stop that car anytime he wanted. In fact, he did it like after we'd been out about five minutes just to show me that he had it.
So I wanted to turn, and he just like slammed on that brake, and I just, you know, slam in there. And what he was showing me was, you think you're in control of this car, and I'm letting you drive, but I can stop this car anytime
I want to. I took Driver's Ed in high school. Let's just stop there before we hear, you know what, let's just listen to the whole thing. That was a trip.
I'll never forget the guy who was teaching me. I noticed he had a strange thing over, just underneath the glove box, there was this brake.
And when I first pulled out of the parking lot, he stomped on it to show me who really boss was.
And I'll never forget that. When you come to Christ, you didn't come, you basically turn over the brake.
And you're like, because I would describe probably some of our spiritual lives that way, is that Jesus is speaking to you.
And you're like, yeah, yeah, let's do that. Let's go over here. That sounds awesome. I'll do that. But every once in a while, you're like, nope. You push that brake in, and the car comes to a halt because you've never actually surrendered it to him.
You've kept that brake right in place. To be surrendered to Jesus means you take the brake away. Many of us see our relationship to Christ that way.
And I'm not talking about you're the student driver. You're the guy with the brake. And to come to Christ and to surrender to him means that you give him the steering wheel.
But you need to uninstall that brake, dude. You need to stop slamming on it every time God starts moving in your life.
But ultimately, he had the veto power. He had not surrendered the car to me. Until you surrender your brake to the
Holy Spirit of God. Friend, you're vetoing God. Who do you think you are? Oh, man.
All right. So, you know, look, a lot of us went to driver's ed, right?
A lot of us had a similar experience with driver's ed. And that's not what this is about.
I mean, yes, theoretically, they could have both had driver's ed and all of that. But the problem here is that this application, this example, which, you know,
I heard James White yesterday say that this this is such a lame example, right? I agree. This is it's totally lame.
But look, that's just a matter of taste. You know, whatever. I don't really get much out of preaching like this.
And by the way, you got this. J .D. Greer is essentially like the Dane Cook of preaching. You just just like over exaggerate.
Oh, you know, like it's just he's just a joke. Right. But but anyway, all that aside,
I mean, it says something about Ed Litton that he would steal from the Dane Cook of preaching.
I mean, it's just it's just preposterous. But but anyway, that's a side issue. It's not just the example.
It's the word choice. It's the exact application at the exact point in the exact same sermon that he's teaching.
It's everything is stolen from J .D. Greer or another source. And I don't know if it was stolen necessarily from J .D.
Greer. That's the story that's being told. But it could be from somewhere else. It could be that they bought a lot of people are saying, well, maybe they bought a service.
And, you know, their service writes their sermons and stuff like that. And OK, OK, maybe maybe.
But you see, this is this is the point, though, that that that Ed Litton's stealing is his plagiarism.
I mean, there's no question that this is plagiarism. He doesn't attribute this to J .D. Greer or another source. He attributes this as if it's something that he thought of as he was deep in study.
He was deep in study on the book of Romans and just so happened to come up with the exact same story, the exact same example.
And by the way, this is not even the worst one. There's there's ones that are way worse where he tells a story as if it happened to him.
And J .D. Greer had told that story a year or whatever before as if it happened to him. And it's like, did it happen to any of them?
Well, who knows? I mean, nobody really knows. But that's the story. And they're sticking to it. You know, they just started working.
I just borrowed some of this stuff. And it's plagiarism. It's stealing. It's something that Big Eva, you know, evangelical leaders have raged against in the past, including
J .D. Greer, including people that are usually pretty milquetoast like Jared Wilson. You know, he says that it's it's disqualifying from for a pastor if they start stealing their sermons and preach a sermon as if it's their own and all that kind of thing.
And I would agree. I think that that probably is disqualifying as a pastor, especially especially when you do it and you're essentially unrepentant about it.
As far as I know, I mean, I could be wrong at this point, but the only message I've seen from Ed Litton is just a, you know, my team did it.
And, you know, we had we had we had really appreciated J .D. Greer. And, you know, we borrowed some of the stuff with his permission.
And, you know, I'm sorry about that. I'm going to be more transparent in the future. And then they delete 140 sermons from their website in an effort of being transparent.
You know what I mean? It's just it's just absolutely preposterous. And the fact that this is all coming to light, you know, mere days after Ed Litton's election to the presidency, to me, this this is something that God has done.
God has has done this. This is God is making a mockery of the
Southern Baptist Convention. That's right. God is up in the heavens and God is laughing at those who have raged against him for years.
And they elected Ed Litton to be their social justice king of ceremonies and all of that kind of thing.
They've rejected what God has said about female pastors. They've rejected what God has said about justice and righteousness and partiality and stuff like that.
And they're going to do their own thing. They prefer Jamar Tisby. They prefer Kyle Howard. So they're going to go because that gets them the pats on the back from the world.
And they can go on CNN and MSNBC and talk about how racist their denomination is. And they get all the accolades.
They get the book deals. They get the articles written about them. They get the applause of the world. That's what they've preferred.
And if you're in the SBC, I'm talking to you now. I'm not saying you specifically, but this is your denomination that has chosen to go with what the world is up to as opposed to what
God has said. Okay. So they've rejected what God has said as a group, as a group.
Now, again, not talking to you as individuals, but the convention has made their position very clear.
They're going after liberalism and that's all there is to it. I mean, theological liberalism as well as political.
And so God has made a mockery of that instantly. I mean, it's just, it's just, it just boggles the mind how quickly
God has turned this around and shown you that Ed Litton is an empty suit, right? He's J .D.
Greer 2 .0. And I think J .D. Greer is probably an empty suit as well. I have no evidence of that, but I'm going to say right now that J .D.
Greer is probably not going to come off that clean when this is all said and done. Let's just put that in the mix a little bit, let's just say.
And so why do I say Ed Litton is a blessing and has been a blessing to the church in the
United States? Well, it's very simple. It's very simple guys. This is an opportunity and God has provided his people in the
United States a tremendous opportunity to say no more of this nonsense, no more of this big
Eva machine. I'm not going to circle the wagons with you anymore. I am breaking ranks with this evil organization, which loves just absolutely loves to downplay sins that are popular in our culture.
And they absolutely love to imagine sins where they don't exist. When it's popular with the culture, they are more than willing to drag the name of Christ through the mud.
Oh, the church is racist. They worship Trump because that's exactly what CNN wants to hear. MSNBC wants to hear.
They'll get an article in the Washington Post so long as they're ripping the church to shreds without any evidence either.
I mean, they love dragging a guy like Mike Stone through the mud without any evidence. I saw Griffin Goolidge, Gryffindor Goolidge talking about how
Mike Stone is just a big meanie. He just covers up sexual abuse. This guy doesn't know what the heck he's talking about. He's just saying it because, you know, that's what he knows.
He wants to climb the big Eva corporate ladder. That's what he has to say. So he'll say it. Doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter. They, you know, Russell Moore put out a letter, you know, I leaked it. It leaked tonight. He put that letter out and he just loves dragging people through the mud without evidence.
That's what he loves to do because he knows that's how he gets the gig at Christian Christianity today.
That's how he gets the articles or the spots on MSNBC. That's what he, that's what motivates a guy like Russell Moore and big
Eva has been motivated by this for far too long. But here's the reality guys. I think that God, I have no evidence of this because I am not in God's mind, but God shows plagiarism as the big deal here.
God shows plagiarism and not just potential plagiarism, like obvious, you know, if you've not watched the videos by now, go ahead and do yourself a favor and watch the videos.
Obvious run of the mill, just in your face, plagiarism for the president that's been elected to Southern Baptist convention presidency.
He chose plagiarism very carefully because God, I think knows that pretty much to the man, these big
Eva goons like JD Greer, Jared Wilson, uh, you know, all the presidents of the seminary, they've come out hard against plagiarism in the past.
And you can see it, uh, protest. See, I put out a hilarious article where they said that, you know,
Al Moller comes out hard against Lytton plagiarism, or I didn't say Lytton, but they said the plagiarism and everyone's thinking,
Oh man, he must've said something about Lytton. Well, of course he didn't at the time, but there was an article from years ago where he said it's basically disqualifying.
It's a major sin for a pastor. Jared Wilson has said the same thing, disqualifying so many of these big
Eva wagon, good old boy types have written articles, hardcore bashing plagiarism.
And so God chose plagiarism as the big sin for the new president of the
SBC social justice brigade. And so now they're all in a quandary.
All of the big Eva leaders are in a quandary. So what do I do? This is the question that they're all asking themselves right now.
Do I call out Ed Lytton for his plagiarism? There's a few different options that these big Eva goons have in front of them.
Some of them are going to go ahead and they're going to break ranks and God bless you guys. Let me, let me just pray for you right now that you have courage to do what must be done.
You need to call him out by name and you need to call him to repentance publicly because he has publicly shamed the name of Christ through this habitual sin.
And he has not at this point repented of yet. It should be disqualifying. He should be stepping down from his pastorate.
He should be stepping down from the Southern Baptist presidency, but I don't think he will, but that's what he should be doing.
And that's what you should be calling for. This is an opportunity guys. God has provided you a tremendously easy, a very low bar, something that you hate.
You hate plagiarism. Jared C. Wilson, you hate plagiarism. J .D. Greer, you hate plagiarism.
It's such a low bar. And now your guy has committed plagiarism, extensive plagiarism, not just a couple of times here and there, extensive plagiarism.
And so all you have to do is have scruples. Remember what you used to say about plagiarism and say it again and name him and call him to what must be done.
This is an opportunity guys. Let me encourage you. This is not an angry video. This is an encouraging video.
The bar has been set low. God has been so gracious to the Southern Baptist convention and really, frankly, to the church in America as a whole.
He has been so gracious to provide this opportunity for you to take a good look in the mirror and say, what have
I become? Why am I not immediately calling for this man's resignation?
Because you know full well if it was Mike Stone who had been elected president and he was caught in a similar plagiarizing scandal, you would have been calling for his head like that.
And so why will you not do it immediately now? Well, the reason why you won't do it is because you're scared of what the repercussions might be for your career.
And if that's you, where you're not so sure if you can name him or maybe you've even been told you can't name him, you can write a cryptic tweet about plagiarism and everybody kind of knows what you're talking about, but you don't name the name.
Maybe you've been told to do it that way. That's how we'll hold our integrity. We'll say that we don't think plagiarism is a good thing, but we won't name
Ed Litton. So that's how we maintain our integrity with the conservatives and at the same time still circle the wagons around our
SBC social justice buddies and all of that. But you're not going to get away with that, guys. You're not going to get away with that.
First of all, we can see through that a mile away. Obviously, anyone with a brain can see through that scam.
But God has more than a brain, guys. God can look into your heart, into your soul, and see what you're actually fearful of, what you're actually serving.
He can look into your soul. He's not going to be fooled by that, guys. Neither are we because it's one of the most obvious scams that I've ever seen.
I've seen a couple of people do this already where they say, oh, yeah, plagiarism is just bad. It's evil. They don't name him.
They don't call for his resignation. They don't call him to repentance because that's the dirty work that they don't want to do.
Some of them have been told not to do that dirty work. God's not going to be fooled by that, guys.
And neither are we. We're not going to be fooled by that. But this is an opportunity, guys.
I'm speaking mostly to the rank and file. The big Eva goons, they're going to do what they got to do because their careers, their financial situation, their whole brand depends on the big
Eva machine moving forward. So they're likely not going to break ranks. The leaders are not going to break ranks.
But I'm speaking to the rank and file who have looked up to guys like Al Mohler, who have looked up to guys like Jason Allen, who have looked up to guys like Jared Wilson, who have looked up to guys like J .D.
Greer. And they've seen in the past, they've written these articles. Guys, you can pull them up. They're still out there.
They're still online. I'm surprised some of these guys haven't deleted those articles. They probably will at some point. Let's get them on the
Wayback Machine. Those who know how to do that kind of stuff and archive things, archive all those articles. I'm sure it's already been done.
I'm talking to those of you who looked up to these guys and you thought that they were just these ferocious like lions for the faith, men of integrity.
And you've been a little bit hesitant about their social justice positions. But overall, you give them the benefit of the doubt.
And watch what these people do. Watch if they circle the wagons around Ed Litton or at least don't name him to hope it goes away.
Or watch if they have courage and they'd say what needs to be said. They do what needs to be done.
This is an opportunity, my friends. This is an opportunity to break ranks.
You don't have to these political games anymore. Look, there's nothing in the
Bible that says you need to support the Big Eva machine. When they're wrong, you don't have to.
I'm not telling you you have to hate them and turn your back on them as friends. I'm not saying you have to treat them like a
Gentile at this point. I'm not saying that. There will come a time where someone walks away from the faith enough, fears the world enough that you may have to break ranks with them.
You may have to treat them as a Gentile. There may come a time like that.
I'm not saying you have to do that immediately. But what I am saying though is that you can point out that the emperor doesn't have clothes anymore, guys.
You can point out that you can't support Ed Litton anymore. You guys were all about this being evil, this being disqualifying.
And yet you're not going to call for what must be done at this point. You're going to leave it to guys like J .D. Hall, guys like me, guys like John Harris, guys like the
Fight Laugh Feast Network. Guys, this is an opportunity to break ranks with this machine.
I know many of you, you know, you kind of don't know what to do. You love a lot of these guys. And I'm not saying you can't love them.
In fact, I love these guys. I love these guys. But I have seen so much at this point.
And I know that some of these guys simply do not serve the Christ that we serve. They simply do not love the
Christ that we love. They simply do not understand that, yes, forgiveness in Christ is great.
We love it. We depend on it and all that kind of stuff. But Christ is not just our savior. He is also our
Lord, our master. And what does the Great Commission tell us? It tells us, baptize them in the name of the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit. So they're converted to the Trinity. They convert in the name of the Trinity, I should say. And then what is it?
Teach them to obey everything that I commanded. And that part is the part that is left out so often when people present the
Great Commission. We are required to behave according to how God says we shall behave.
This is not work salvation. This is just a requirement for people that have been redeemed by Christ, that have been forgiven through the grace and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
They've been forgiven only through his merit. And now we are required to fear
God and keep his commandments. That's what it says in Ecclesiastes. We shall not fear man.
We shall not fear MSNBC or the woke mob or any of these things. Guys, this Ed Litton situation is such an opportunity.
God has exposed the Southern Baptist machine, and I would argue the liberal
Christian church machine in the United States. He has exposed it for all to see.
I mean, even the pagans are looking at this situation like, that's a little weird, you know what I mean? Like, they're obviously not going to drive the point home because they have no scruples, but it's a little, it's even weird to the pagans.
This is such an opportunity, guys. Don't waste it. This is the time to take the stand. I'm not saying you have to turn your backs on all these guys for good.
What I am saying, though, is you must obey God rather than men. If this was a disqualifying sin two years ago, it's a disqualifying sin right now.
And if you're going to change your opinion on that, you better have some epic, world -changing stuff for the reason why you're changing your opinion on that.
Because we're all going to see through it. God's definitely going to see through it. And so it's going to have to be some pretty epic stuff that you come up with to change your mind on this.
Guys, I've been spending my last three years on YouTube exposing a lot of these kinds of duplicitous beliefs within Big Eva.
There's so much hypocrisy, there's so much inconsistency with the social justice movement in Big Eva.
And this Ed Litton stuff, it's not really social justice related, although Ed Litton is the social justice king at this point.
So it is kind of related. If you want to find out more about this stuff, I know you've probably heard a lot of things about me, a lot of negative things.
He's just an accuser of the brethren. He's just full of hate and anger. I'm really not. So, you know, if you've heard that, you've heard people lie about me.
It's just that simple. It is just that simple. And so I want to encourage you guys, if you're interested in finding out about the biblical foundations for why this social justice movement is such a problem, it is so anti -gospel.
I said anti -gospel. The social justice movement is anti -gospel.
It is more akin to the Pharisees than it does to Jesus Christ. If you want to find out more about that, my book is on sale right now.
adrobles .com. That is A -D -R -O -B -L -E -S .com. You can get it on eBay, and I'm going to reduce the price this week for all of you who have been kind of dazzled by some of this stuff.
You're Big Eva celebrity pastors, you know, you weren't quite sure about it, but you kind of gave them the benefit of the doubt.
Guys, these people who do not call out Ed Litton by name, I don't think they should be given the benefit of the doubt anymore.
Their scruples are tremendously in question. This is an opportunity given to you by God to see the
SBC for what it has become. And it's become a joke. That's right.
It's become a joke, and Ed Litton is the key jester in this joke. adrobles .com.
You can buy it on eBay. You can email me at ad at adrobles .com. ad at adrobles .com.
Mention Ed Litton, and I will give you the book for $15, shipping included.
Email me at ad at adrobles .com, and I'll get you the book for $15, shipping included.
If you mention the Ed Litton situation and this opportunity that has been given.
Guys, don't waste it. This is this is tremendously shameful for the
SBC. And if you're in the SBC, this is an opportunity to, this is a real opportunity to lament what the convention has become.
But you don't have to stay in lament, you don't have to stay in shame all this time. What you do have to do, though, is it's time to break ranks from this machine.
Do not circle the wagons like all the big evil leaders are going to do. Do not pretend to be against plagiarism, but you're not going to really name him.
That's the weasel. That's actually worse, in my opinion. That's the lukewarm sort of style that many of these guys are doing and are going to continue to do.
I think probably all the seminary presidents will do this. I think many of the professors will do this. And it's just absolutely embarrassing.
I mean, I can't think of a worse strategy to deal with this kind of thing. Anyway. But yeah, get the book,
Social Justice Pharisees, Woke Church Tactics, and How to Engage Them. Guys, I'm praying for you guys, for those of you who have been on the fence this whole time.
You don't really know what you're really thinking about the social justice stuff. But you love these guys in the Big Eva.
Look at what's happening right now. God has given you an opportunity. This is the opportunity of the year,
I think, to break ranks here. It's such a low bar. It is such a low bar. We can provide you so many articles from your favorite
Big Eva leaders about plagiarism and how serious it is. And those same people right now, crickets, circling the wagons.
Guys, if you know of people that are in Big Eva that are not doing that, that are not saying nothing, but they are naming him by name and saying he must step down, he must repent, all this kind of stuff, please let me know.
Because I want to shout those guys out. That's courageous. It takes some courage to do that. Some of us, we don't mind how the world sees us.
J .D. Hall, you just expect it at this point. Myself, John Harris. We're not trying to go up the ranks of Big Eva, so it doesn't matter if Big Eva hates us or not.
We're not even trying. But those in the system that they are trying to further their career, they are trying to protect their source of income.
If they're willing to call out Ed Litton by name and demand that he step down for this habitual sin,
I want to know who they are. I want to shout those guys out. I want to encourage them and all that kind of thing. God bless you guys.
By the way, this is an encouraging time to be a Christian in the United States. The PCA just took a step forward in fighting against the
LGBT nonsense. It's not over yet, the fight, but they essentially said, no, if you like guys and you're a dude, you can't be a pastor.
I mean, it's the most obvious thing ever. It's amazing we have to celebrate these small victories, but we do have to celebrate these small victories.
It does take some courage to do that. It's not over yet. The liberals are going to come back and we're going to fight this out.
But the PCA did get some good news this General Assembly. Very welcome good news. So anyway, I hope you guys find this video helpful.
Reach out to me, ad at adrobuzz .com. I'm going to lower the price on eBay, but if you email me for a copy of the book, $15 if you mentioned this
Ed Litton opportunity that I believe God has given people to break ranks with Big Eva.
This is the time, guys. This is the time. If you are thinking about doing it, this is the time to find your courage and do it.
God has given us an opportunity through this Ed Litton stuff. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.