Jesus & Political Correctness (Part 3)

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Matthew 15:1-28 portrays Jesus, the King of kings, as the Lord of the heart. Tune in to see Jesus confront Pharisees and Scribes, but commend an ‘unclean’ gentile woman. #gulp


Jesus & Political Correctness (Part 4)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
My name is Mike Abendroth. If you are in central Massachusetts, we invite you to Bethlehem Bible Church, bbcchurch .org,
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bbc .org, bbc .org info at no compromise radio .com if you want to write us we have october 11th and 12th r scott clark is going to be here for a conference friday night 7 p .m
he's going to speak and then 8 p .m i'm going to interview him q and a formally in front of everybody and then 9 10 and 11 the next day october 12th some messages on the quest for illegitimate religious experiences what about biblicism what about a lot of this double justification essentially an attack on sola fide since you've been justified is there another justification after that anyway that's r scott clark bbcchurch .org
probably by the time you hear this there'll be something online so you can register if you don't have the money you can come for free but we're just asking 20 bucks a person because we've got some flight stuff to take care of and uh evian water in the green room and some green m &ms when i travel people regularly ask me you know you have any food requests i think what they mean is are you allergic to shellfish but i usually just say sushi no i don't say that if they really press it i say you know if i uh if i had some protein bars and uh some coffee i'd probably be happy and a road bike carbon fiber 58 cm size and not somebody else's water bottle i need a new one but i tell you what in all seriousness uh i and by the way well i i'm sure i've done dumb things but i i try not to do dumb things when i'm speaking and traveling i try to be low maintenance but if they have a bicycle i'm i'm extra happy right so i got a couple hours off and it can be i think once in poland i was i rode a woman's mountain bike i didn't care i was just happy to have it riding around i think i got lost didn't have any data didn't know where i was going tomek where are you but i uh spoke in hawaii recently they had a bike for me there i went to new zealand recently they had a bike for me there that was a lot of fun even in kansas years ago i remember there was a lemond no no no it was a trek madone full carbon fiber 58 cm i mean that's pretty nice mason was mason's an all right guy i don't know where he is these days we should probably have him back on no compromise radio he used to listen we're talking about jesus in matthew chapter 15 and as you know in this kind of little series that i've been using to think about offensive speech hate speech what happens when we're evangelizing and people don't where we're going that is to say we're going to look at how sinful the heart is of course with the will with the mind with the conscience with understanding i mean the whole body that's why we call it by the way if i were to ask you the question why do we call it total depravity right we're talking about an unbeliever and why are they totally depraved most people probably their gut knee -jerk reaction is going to be well that means utterly depraved well uh what about hitler when he was nice to people what about hitler when he was nice to the dogs what about people you know what about gang members that have you know loyalty um what about mafia when they're nice to their grandkids you know the people are nice right uh relatively speaking so we're not as bad as we could be that's that we utter depravity not everybody is as bad as they could be but total depravity means whole depravity w -h -o -l -e the whole is depraved in other words not just the mind is depraved but the will is depraved right there's not some kind of free will no it's a depraved will it's an enslaved will it's a it's a will in bondage same thing with the conscience the conscience is still there but it's not the same kind of conscience as in adams before the fall there's been an effect the fall has affected people in a whole way in a non -compartmentalized way does that make sense there you go that is total depravity whole depravity just sounds harder when it comes to tulip when it's a woolip i think aren't there football teams you know that say certain things you know hook them horns and um i don't know what do the seminals say are you allowed to call the state of people the seminoles don't they do that and is that somehow wrong in our day and age of of everything's an offense well jesus talked to the pharisees and remember the situation in matthew chapter 15 this this book about jesus the king spotlights on jesus remember on no one else that the key player is jesus the messiah the great king prophesied in the old testament and for jesus he doesn't want people to vainly worship just with their hearts and vainly worship by super uh seeding the bible with traditions made up by people who are supposed to be leading others and jesus says let him go let him alone let him be their blind guides and and he he blisters them with isaiah's quote about in vain do they worship me of course none of us want that and i was talking about self -righteousness that even today when you're talking to people and you're witnessing to them and you're evangelizing them then you have a desire for them to be saved they need to need to know what they need to be saved from right the wrath of god from sin's punishment from um sin itself right um they get offended when you call them a sinner right if you said today homosexuality is a sin people are offended by that right i don't think do people get offended if you say adultery is a sin i don't know if you say fornication sex before marriage is a sin they'll laugh at you if you say homosexuality is a sin they'll tell you that you're homophobic and you have hate speech um people especially those in the religious community they think they're good because they've been baptized maybe circumcised maybe catechized maybe compromised confirmed but at the end of the day excuse me the word of the cross is foolish it's folly to those who are perishing is it not yes it's moronic it's shameful it's folly i mean people that are perishing they don't think the cross is to be commended to be worn as jewelry it's embarrassing it's shameful here's this man dying on a tree yeah sure that's going to work out for your salvation you mean to tell me i'm going to exchange all my self -righteousness excuse me and all my goodness and all my civil duties and everything that i've done in the past and say it doesn't count for anything it counts for negative it's sinful uh and what do you offer me uh some messiah uh who dies on a cross i mean cross we don't even talk about crosses we don't let our kids look at crosses cicero said we don't even want to say the word cross i mean if he if he died a martyr's death or something i mean hey we like martyrs um i i might admire that but i'm not buying the old rugged cross kind of sentimentalized stuff no no so so the lord jesus with these pharisees and scribes shows them and us as he exposes what they're really like their heart that's what he does you see in this passage heart heart heart we're getting back to the heart of worship and it's all about you that's actually true i just don't care for the song it's all about jesus that's true you jesus light up my life you make me sing is that how was the old debbie boone song huh all right and jesus went away from there matthew 15 verse 21 and withdrew to the district of i've never coughed so much and had to clear my throat on a show ever maybe i didn't ceremonially cleanse my hands properly and i got that shibda demon deal that the old testament um not the old testament but the pharisees and scribes warned about as they distorted the old testament jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of tyre and sidon zidane if you look at the mediterranean and you um work your way from galilee in a fashion that would be northwest you're gonna run into tyre probably gonna take you i don't know if it's about 30 miles ish or so i don't know how long it takes you know as you walk and then another 25 miles or so north lebanon think think lebanon you've got sidon what's the point the point is you should be thinking unclean these are gentiles what will the pharisees and scribes think about this as jesus goes from there and ends up in this gentile unclean territory full of unclean people and it's taking a while to get there i mean on purpose jesus goes you just don't say well i'm just gonna go over there for a second no no you've got to have a purpose to go tire by the way um means the rock and uh josephus said people in tire were the bitterest enemies of the jews and these are the people that would introduce bail worship in israel these are people that are obviously nobody's good but these are enemies of israel and you can see how the pharisees and the scribes might really think this is a bad deal for jesus but he is a man on a mission perfect plan of god to go do this very thing and right into the heart of bail worshipers right in the heart of ritually unclean people uh will jesus be unclean as he touches the gentiles eats with them eats food washed by them or will he in fact clean these unclean people's hearts since everybody's got an unclean heart it says in mark 7 he had entered a house he wanted no one to know of it yet he could not escape notice everybody knows when jesus is around one said like perfume betrays itself so he whose name is perfume poured out cannot be hid that that's that's an interesting way to put it and jesus he goes up there and people know about him so they've they've heard about jesus they've heard about who he is and what he's done and let's see if i can even find a verse here that i was looking for some people when i think when luke uh records the sermon on the plane i think there were some of these kind of people there anyway i'll have to look at i'll probably find that later in my notes jesus is in an unclean area and behold verse 22 a canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying have mercy on me oh lord son of david my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon now she knows quite a bit about jesus and she could have just gone three miles northeast of sidon five clicks and uh there was a pagan god of healing right there temple was right there e -s -h -m -u -n a pagan god of healing um why did she maybe she's already been there i don't know about that but she she is introduced with matthew's behold and look oh this is going to be interesting what's going to go on here it's already kind of out of the norm because you've got a woman a canaanite woman talking to a man talking to a rabbi uh and she i'm sure is saying this in an as what commentators would use an agitated way and it's an imperfect tense and he said what's that about well she just keeps shouting she keeps saying it she's saying it over and over and over and over she's crying this out have mercy on me have mercy on me oh lord son of david over and over and over have mercy on me take pity on me now now the way you're taking pity on her is to heal the daughter but that's what she's saying over and over and over lord that's interesting isn't it hmm son of david that refers to jesus the descendant of king david the messiah the one who establishes a mighty kingdom who is the king who that's the book of matthew is about jesus the king he goes up there and she comes over and she keeps saying it over and over and over have mercy on me oh lord son of david oh have mercy on me oh lord son of david have mercy on me oh lord son of david sounds like those blind men in chapter 9 and blind men of chapter 20 and she keeps crying out over and over and over and over i think she knows who jesus is obviously she does and she knows how much power he has and his authority and he's king over just not the realm uh of of you know geographical thing but he's king over souls he's king over health he's just the king of kings he's the messiah of the old testament and her daughter one translation says she's wickedly demon possessed we don't know how old this little girl is um but demons do things to people and we see that in the old testament and then in the new testament they're dumb or they're blind or they're deaf or they're getting thrown in the fire and you can imagine what would you do for your daughter if she's sick or hurting this is a mother's love i don't know where the dad is maybe the dad's dead she and maybe the dad doesn't believe jesus is a messiah i mean i have no idea but this unclean person needs help with her unclean daughter and she's living in an unclean area and she is ceremonially unclean and better watch out jesus so you don't become unclean that's how the pharisees would think that's how the pharisees would think i mean come on it's you got all these rules about your hands and eating you're gonna go up there i assume you're gonna eat jesus if you go up there what are you gonna do and she just keeps saying over and over and over have mercy on me have pity on me lord son of david the messiah well jesus knows how to get to the heart of the issue he's dealing with this woman mark says she fell at his feet she's hurting she's recognizing who he is this is a worshipful posture is it not and the text says in mark she kept asking him to cast the demon out of her daughter now the woman was a gentile mark says this is scandal i like hughes when he he talks about bleeding and bruised pharisees and there was a sect called bleeding and blues blues pharisees bruise pharisees the blues brothers the brothers pharisees and if they saw a woman they'd have to cover their eyes right because they didn't want to look on a woman but then they bump into things and they get bruises and they were happy about it i got all these bumps and bruises why because when i saw a woman i just covered my eyes so what do you think jesus is gonna do are you ready are you ready for this but he did not answer her a word really now don't forget whatever he does is right he always pleases the father this my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased this is the my chosen servant that isaiah talks about he doesn't answer a word she's begging he's got the power to do it she knows that he's got the power to do it she believes him as to be the the messiah the king the son of david lord one who can actually give mercy and be pitiful no to give pity he doesn't answer her word you would not believe the commentaries they're trying to protect jesus in all this they're falling all over themselves to make sure that he he doesn't come across as somehow rude or but i just want you to know matthew doesn't tell us why he's silent explicitly but i think if you remember the old passage the passages before that these people the pharisees these people the scribes are worshiping in vain they've got lips that say they worship god but their heart is what far from them see where this is going she's saying these things and jesus is going to show us her heart matches her words that's what he's going to show us and no matter what jesus doesn't do r does do no matter what he doesn't say r does say she knows that she's sinful that she's a gentile that she doesn't deserve grace that she doesn't deserve mercy that she throws herself on the sovereign mercy of the divine messiah and whatever he does is right and she's just asking this is brilliant this is wonderful this is not jesus being rude we're going to show you disciples and everybody would ever read and show the pharisees and scribes because i know they've got their probably plants there they're checking it out show the people there show her and everyone else what's really in her heart and jesus has a way of bringing that out does he not yes as i would say in nebraska you bet he does he doesn't answer a word emphatically in matthew just so you get it now this is going on long enough then what do you think's going to happen any ideas and his disciples came and begged him saying send her away for she is crying out after us i mean she's shouting at jesus and then he's not listening listening with a response at least i mean he can audibly hear now they're going to yell at her i mean it's sorry it's the other way around sorry now that she's going to yell at them come on she's crying after us what what are they saying kind of would you would you do what she wants let's get rid of this lady he's ignoring her he's not speaking a word to her can you please jesus get rid of her this is jesus the messiah who's worthy to be praised as he's exposing her heart and we're going to see what happens next time mike abendroth no compromise radio .com
no compromise radio with pastor mike abendroth is a production of bethlehem bible church in west boylston bethlehem bible church is a bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of god's word through verse by verse exposition of the text please come and join us our service times are sunday morning at 10 15 and in the evening at six we're right on route 110 in west boylston you can check us out online at bbcchurch .org