Suppressed Footage (LANGUAGE WARNING!)

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I just heard that the mainstream media said that we are storming the Capitol, tearing stuff up, and no we're not.
We're just waiting. This guy saw what just happened. He claims that it was
Antifa dressed as Proud Boys. So I wanted to sort of get his story. Trump supporters. Trump supporters.
They were dressed as Trump supporters. But I could tell by their conversation that they were looking to do, and I heard them say, we gotta shake this up so that these people look bad.
That's Antifa. We already knew about you.
Fake MAGA gear. Camel hats,
MAGA gear. And I saw them break a window on the Capitol. I'm an emergency management coordinator in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.
And these people were talking amongst themselves. And I was standing listening behind them, what they could do to make
Trump's people look bad. Unmarked state trooper vehicle. Two black SUVs.
There's three state trooper vehicles escorted. Four Antifa shuttle buses right here, front and center.
There was actually five vehicles total. There was three up front, two in the back. They escorted right here, waited for them to get off their buses, and they had the state troopers unloaded and took their positions.
America, we are under attack. Not by these police officers necessarily, but by the deep state.
Here we are in the middle of a militant, leftist, deep state, globalist operation trying to make
Trump supporters look like idiots and that we're violent agitators. With truth in fact, there are people dressed up in MAGA hats and other gear that are pretending to be
MAGA supporters and they're instigating. And they're preying on the emotions of all Trump supporters.
Listen to this. Listen to this. These are people that love the cops. We love the police.
But a few Antifa dressed up as Trump supporters. What happened?
You went to the Capitol? You just made your way to the front? Yeah, so we listened to the president's speech over at the
Ellipse in front of the White House and we made our way down Constitution and Pennsylvania Avenues and walked up to the
Capitol building. And by the time I got there, there were people already way up, climbing scaffolding up there, climbing up the stairs.
There wasn't even any barricades to keep us out. Like maybe there were before I got there, but they were gone by the time
I got there. Oh, there we go. And they just reached the
Capitol again. We're going in. They're saying we're going in. We're going in.
We're going in. Fucking traitors! Fucking traitors!
They're going to lock us in. They're going to lock us in. You can disagree with him, but you're inspecting the
Capitol. Come on. Hey, Cap.
Hey, Cap. Hey, Cap. Hey, Cap. I wanted to see what was going on, so I just kept climbing as far as I could.
You just have to understand there are so many people out there. You can only move so fast. What made you decide that you wanted to go inside the
Capitol? That's an interesting moment. I think I just saw it happen, and I was like, there's something going on here.
This is a moment in U .S. history that it's not unlike the days of the beginning of the country.
You reach a point, and you just say, well, none of my institutions are working.
It's just, what am I supposed to do? How long were you in the Capitol? It seems like such a long time, because all senses are go, and you're paying attention to everything.
I would guess between 30 and 60 minutes total. Wow. And how many people were in there?
In the hundreds that I saw, but it was just such chaos, because there would be me and a group of people that are blocked by a line of law enforcement officers, which, by the way, in most of my interactions with them, they were professional, trying to fulfill their duty, and the people in us were just mostly respectful, as respectful as you can be when you're really pushing in on somebody's space like that.
But then there'd be us, and there'd be a line of police officers or whatever law enforcement, and then behind, you'll see other people just running around.
It was just absolute chaos. The Capitol building is huge, and it's kind of weird.
You get in there, and you're like, oh, now we're going to go make our voices heard on the floor of the
Senate, or the floor of the House, or whatever. And you went all the way to the Senate floor. I did. I did. I did. And we said a prayer in there.
There was a guy up there. Actually, there was one guy up there who just said we should pray.
Some of us did, and he was on his bullhorn microphone thing, and he just consecrated it to Jesus and said,
That, to me, was the ultimate statement of where we are in this movement. There's a flag that goes around out there, the
Appeal to Heaven. That was one of the original movements in what became the United States is we appeal to heaven because we, as individuals, were powerless.
We've been betrayed by Congress. We've been betrayed by the Judicial Ranch. We've been betrayed by our local governments, our mayors and everything.
I mean, what are we supposed to do? You have some good officers in there, okay?
But then you have some very terrible officers in there that are taking shots at people as we're walking by, hitting us with sticks, trying to—
While you're inside. Yes, indeed. We weren't harming them. We don't have weapons. How did you get that on your hand?
Well, we had stormed into the chambers inside, and there was a young lady who rushed through the windows.
A number of police and Secret Service were saying, get back, get down, get out of the way. She didn't heed the call, and as we kind of raced up to grab people and pull them back, they shot her in the neck, and she fell back on me and started saying she was fine, it's cool.
And then she started kind of like moving weird, and blood was coming out of her mouth and neck and nose, and I don't know if she's alive or dead anymore.
Listen to this man! They just killed a girl! They just killed a young girl inside!
Sir. They just shot a young woman inside! Sir, can you just tell us what happened? You've got to go over there.
There's a man with a blue giant shirt on. There's another gentleman. A girl was coming. She was coming through a glass window.
We were in front of the speaker's office. We were in front of the speaker's office. Somebody fucking either shot through the glass or from the bottom.
I was in there. The moment they shot, everybody fucking backed up and fell. Almost a stampede. There was a puddle of blood, and they swept her away, and then immediately started lying that nothing happened in there.
This fucking cop, when he kicked us out. She was a protester? Nobody knows where the fuck she went. They swept her away.
They're going to bring a guy out. Now they're going to start to bring her out. They're administering
CPR. She's done. Oh my God. Now they're going to bring out a black man, and they're going to parade him around in handcuffs.
To distract. Yep. And then what they do is about 20 minutes later, they unhandcuff him and just let him go.
Right there? Right there. And they were pushing. They pepper -sprayed the gentleman. He had a drop -dead of a heart attack out front on the west gate.
We walked around the corner after we got there. We heard the loud bang and stuff. And I walked in there.
Somebody said, somebody's been shot and all that, and they're trying to clear the room out. They're all hunched over a woman in the corner.
I looked around the rails of the stands. They were all hunched over. She's probably dead.
Thank you. We stood right with this gentleman here.
We were standing right where she got shot. What was happening? What was happening?
It happened so quick with all the banging and everything. We didn't know whether it was one of the bang, you know, grenades.
Yeah. Or anything like that. But then she just hit the ground, and that's where it happened.
That's where we stopped. That's where we stopped. And who shot her? It was a dude in a suit.
Through the window. On the other side of the window. What type of suit? Like a Secret Service suit.
So... Was she doing anything at the time? No. She was just standing there? Yes, just standing there.
How did you get back out of the building? Riot police came in and started ushering us out with their sticks.
Where did you enter the building and where did you exit? Other side with the scaffolding. We tore through the scaffolding through flashbangs and tear gas.
And blitzed our way in through all the chambers. Just trying to get into Congress or whoever we could get into.
And tell them that we need some kind of investigation into this. And what ends up happening is someone might have ended up dead.
And that's not the kind of government we can have. People have to do something about it. If you need any help at all,
EMS is right there. I'm not injured. It could have been me, but she went in first. It was one of us.
Thank you for telling us your story. Just make sure people know. Because this cannot stand anymore.
This is wrong. They don't represent anyone. Not Republican, Democrat, Independent, nobody. And now they'll kill people.
Who are you saying will kill people? I don't... Police, Congressmen and women, they don't care.
I mean, they think we're a joke. $2 ,000 checks was a joke to them. You know, there's people filming us, laughing at us as we march down the street.
At the Department of Justice, there's a man in the window laughing at us, filming us. And here, it was a joke to them until we got inside.
And then all of a sudden, guns came out. But, I mean, we're at a point now it can't be allowed to stand.
We have to do something. People have to do something. Because this could be you or your kids. I wasn't even born in this country.
I was born in Germany. Why are you here today? Because our country is being ripped away from us. And if it happens here, it's already over for Germany.
Everybody knows that, right? We're the last bastion. If we give up, it's over for us.
Every futuristic movie that they showed, some dystopia or whatever like that, it's going to come true if we allow this to happen.