Matt Slick Q&A on Mormonism 7/12/17




So if God the Father and his Goddess wife were both divine in nature, and they had kids, physically, because they have flesh and bones, then wouldn't their kids be divine in nature as well?
Alright, I'll just be honest. Now you can record.
This microphone here, this seems pretty good. The radio microphone. What? The radio mic.
This mic. Well yeah, but how are we going to get people to ask questions? Believe me, it's that hard. You will be able to pick it up.
Okay. Yeah. If we put it there, we'll be able to pick both up. Okay. Good. That sounds good.
We'll be good though. He has no problem talking about it. Yeah. Alright.
Alright, next. Next! You're having a good time,
I can tell, man. Not having a good time? I have questions. You have a question?
You don't have a question? Weren't you paying attention? You want to learn how to become a god? Can you imagine becoming a god?
And what's your idea of a good time in heaven? Eternal sex. That's your idea of what heaven's going to be like.
Why are there going to be any women up there? They have to have babies. You know, the
Mormons have to have babies. That's what's good for the moms. I'm just saying, why would any women want to go up there?
Well, you know, women would want to be goddesses so they could have more babies. You can tell it's a man religion.
I think that's a good point. I mean, it's such a guy religion. They get to become gods, but they've got to bring forth their wife by calling their name, and she gets to have babies for heaven forever.
You know, it's just... It was Jesus who sat with the women, who loved the women, and he treated them well, and he honored them.
But, you know, when you get a religion that's developed by a man, women are degraded, and that's what happened to Joseph Smith, that's what happened with Muhammad.
You know, it's just ridiculous. Go for it. Alright. So, some of them believe that you can potentially become a god on your own planet.
Do they believe that you... So, what then? Do you... Once you become a god, do you create your own standards and your own laws to that planet?
Or do they believe there is an objective law that some past god made? I haven't been able to talk to any
Mormons about objective morality and absolutes, because there's, in my opinion, there's ways to totally demolish
Mormonism's view of God by using transcendentals. And it gets sophisticated, but to be honest, no
Mormon is up to the level it needs to be at in order to have that kind of discussion. Well, they wouldn't be
Mormons. Yeah, they probably wouldn't be Mormon. Not that you have to be super smart or something like that, but there's just certain concepts that they don't get, like absolute infinites, potential infinites, infinite regressions, things like this.
And how do you have universal abstractions, which require a universal mind, when you have minds that are gods?
Where does the laws of logic come from? How do you have that moral absolute? Is there a principle that each god in Mormonism must adhere to?
Then there's something greater than them. But that would be consistent in Mormonism, because the gods progress in knowledge, so the gods before them, before them, are greater and greater and greater.
How far back does it go? It goes back logically infinitely, but then they say there's spirits that inhabit the bodies, that there's intelligences that existed from eternity.
You can't have that. It's logically impossible. There's ways, and I've written an article on Karn with that kind of analysis, the infinite regression of uncaused causes, demonstrating the impossibility of Mormon theology.
I've only had, I think, one Mormon try to tackle it in years, a few years.
So do they not have any further teachings on what we do after we become a god?
Look, you either go to the bottom level, terrestrial, the middle level, celestial, or the upper level, celestial.
And if you make it to the third level of celestial heaven, you get to become a god. And then that's the idea of having fun.
But everybody else, they're going to have a good time in the lower heavens. It's going to be fun.
You get to visit your families and things like that. I don't know, picnics, whatever. With Jesus on level 2?
Wait, what? With Jesus on level 2? I think Jesus is on, I'll be on level 2. Right.
I'll be on level 2. Even though I'm an anti -Mormon, because I'm sincere and I'm mistaken in my sincerity, then
I'll still make it to, and I'm a nice guy and I'm honest and a man of integrity, then I'll make it to the terrestrial heaven.
You just won't see God. I won't be able to see God, yeah. I think I'll actually be in outer darkness, because I used to be in the
Mormon church. No, they didn't. No. Did they change that? They didn't. It's not outer darkness. I feel like you were correcting us on it.
I'm just saying that once you're in, you need to make it. Yeah. No. It's not the way it works.
At least you'll be with Jesus, though, on level 2. Yes. Yeah, Jesus is on level 2. Yeah. Yeah, but you won't be able to see
God. So I'll be able to see Jesus and hang with, and they would say, with my bro, because he's literally the brother.
As is Satan. As is Satan. What a family dynamic.
See, the problem with being Satan, you get blamed for everything. That'd probably be true.
But he did it. He didn't lie, though. Gosh. It's so obvious that Mormonism is false.
Okay, if you have any questions online, Facebook and or YouTube, we're going to check it out. We were working on a mic issue.
Well, if you just use that camera, it'll be fine. It's a pretty decent mic for picking stuff up. We good?
Test 1, 2. What? I got one question. You're going to take it in a totally different direction, right?
Stand behind the tape, please. Behind the tape, that way. Quick on the camera, Phil. Okay, good. Perfect. Thank you. So. No.
No. The Mormon Bible was written by someone who was inspired by God.
What they call God, right? How is that different from our Bible as Christians, yet they were all inspired by God the
Father? You know, that's a very good point. I've never thought of that. Is the Book of Mormon inspired?
I don't know of anything in Mormonism that says it's inspired of God. It's just a history book.
But the Bible says it's inspired. Now, maybe a Mormon can go to 2 Timothy 3 .16. All scripture's inspired.
You could say that retroactively. It means the Book of Mormon's inspired. But that's a good question. Does anything ever say that the
Book of Mormon is inspired? Hey, I like that. And you're in the military?
Wow. The Marines. Oh, wow. That's a good question.
That's a good question. I'm going to think about that. I'm going to find some research on that. Is the Book of Mormon supposed to be inspired?
If so, how did that work? You know, it's interesting to play with that one.
I'm going to think about that. Good question. Yeah, I like that. All right.
Come on, is it dead? Well, the kid you said he was going to come back for a Q &A. How about anything?
You can talk about anything. Any questions? Yeah, we had some from the kid from earlier. Yeah, from earlier. Yeah, from earlier.
He didn't come back. He said he was going to come back, but he didn't come back. All right.
We'll see how it goes. It'll be slow. We'll end up quitting early tonight. I'm not completely sure
I understand this from the context. I might have to help a little bit. Okay, yeah. She knows the context of the questions in the dialogue.
At first, do you want to do it? Just because I don't understand. Yeah, she's about to explain a little bit.
Sorry. Okay, sorry. We had a guy on YouTube who was arguing profusely about all the things you're saying, and so he claimed that in the
Bible it says that Jesus and Satan are brothers. Where in the Bible does it say that he's not
Satan's brother? Where does it say in the Bible Jesus is not from the planet Mercury?
You don't argue from what it does not say. You argue from what it does say. So, you know, to say, where does it not say that?
It doesn't not say it or say not. It just isn't. When people ask that, it's admission on their part that their argument's very weak.
It's a negative claim. Yeah, proven negative, yeah. Okay, he says, you guys know nothing about the war in heaven.
Do you not even understand the book of Revelation? The book of Revelation may or may not have happened yet, if you're full preterist, partial preterist, or what.
But if they're going to talk about the war of heaven, they're presupposing the validity of Mormonism. That's all. And where the spirits had a little battle up there.
But if that's the case, then why did Joseph Smith say he saw the Father when the Bible says he can't? He lied.
So, Mr. Mormon, if you're so sure about everything, answer that. Why did Joseph Smith say he saw
God the Father when Paul the Apostle says you can't and Jesus says you can't?
Christopher says you can't? No, he's our resident Mormon. Christopher's a resident Mormon.
See, a Mormon can answer that. They can't. And during all the argumentation in the chat and what you were talking about, he said, so we're just going to act like we're not all spirit children of God when it says that countless times in the
Bible. So where does it say countless times in the Bible? Countless because you can't count them.
So give me one where it says we're spirit children of God. LDSU's, this is like an act saying we are heirs of...
It says we're children of God. Where does it say we're spirit children of God? Have the right to be children of God. Yeah, that's
John 1, 12. As many as are received to them, they gave the right to be called the children of God.
Where is it when Paul is debating... Acts 17. And he quotes a pagan philosopher.
But the thing is, where does it say in the Bible from an apostle that we are literally spirit offspring of God and his goddess wife?
That's what you've got to come to. Just because it says we're children of God, what does it mean we're children of God?
What's it mean? You can't just say children of God means the Mormon way. You don't know that. Children of God means by adoption.
Because if you go to Romans 8, we're adopted legally, and then we're called the children of God.
So how does that work in Mormonism? They're just not consistent. What Mormons do is blind themselves at the first possible interpretation of anything that might maybe mean something that might verify their feeling.
Then they stop and they see. They do not think. They don't. That's why they're lost.
But they say, I want to see a Mormon answer. How could Joseph Smith have seen God the Father when the Bible says he cannot?
He lied. Everything's on this first vision, folks. If you cannot answer that, you've got to give up your
Mormon faith. The Father wasn't even in the first vision. What? The Father wasn't even in the first vision that's documented.
The first first first vision. Right, the very first one. But the later ones, he came in, and in the official version, he's in the official version, the
Father's seen. Yeah. Oh, he's joined us. Yay!
He's here. Hey, Christopher. Welcome, Christopher. Hey, Christopher. Make it good. Really good.
And the last. Do you have a question? I got one. So when do
Mormons believe that Jesus... When do Mormons believe
Jesus what? Hold on. They believe that God the Father is God's wife. They have flesh and blood, right?
Yep. Flesh and bones. Flesh and bones. Whatever. When they created Jesus, did they believe that he had flesh and bones then, too?
They did. They... Now, Jesus is a spirit being. Right. Now, what doesn't make sense in Mormonism is that they have a body of flesh and bones, they get together, copulate, and then they produce spirit offspring.
So, I'd say John 1, 14, totally. The Word became flesh and built among us.
Right. That would be when... That's the incarnation. Well, that's the only time God becomes flesh.
Yes. Now, there are places in the Old Testament where he manifests, but not where he incarnates.
The incarnation is a single event by the second person of the Trinity, the Word. John 1, 14, Colossians 2, 9.
But in the Old Testament, when God is seen, it's a pre -incarnate Christ. And so it's not an incarnation, it's just a manifestation or an appearance.
Next. Okay, we're going to give Christopher some questions and break and go to Mosaic.
What happens to people who have never been... who have never even heard the name of Jesus or the idea of Jesus, like the lost tribes?
How will they be judged when they die? Well, we don't know because the Bible doesn't tell us. It doesn't say.
However, some people go to Romans chapter 2, verses 11 through 16, and in that perigee of Scripture it says those who die without the law will not be judged by the law.
And so some think that that might be an escape clause in that those who have never heard would judge a little bit differently, but they're still going to be judged through Christ.
Plus, there's no other name under heaven by which a man would be saved other than Jesus Christ, Acts 4 .12. So we can make the case that none of them will be saved if they don't hear about Jesus and confess
Christ. But then you'd say, well, what about the people before the Old Testament, before Jesus was born? Because they didn't do that.
How could they be saved? And they were saved. So there's something we have to explore about the nature of what they know about God, at the level that they know, and are they trusting in God at that level?
Particularly in the Old Testament when they had the true God, and they were trying to wait for the true Messiah to come. They had the expectation of a future
Messiah. But someone who's born without knowledge of God in any way, shape, or form, like on an island someplace, doesn't know anything, worshiped lizards.
Well, are they going to be okay because they're sincere? No. The Bible doesn't say they're going to make it.
So that's one thing. And whether people like it or not is irrelevant to whether or not it's true. And I was going to say one more point about it.
There's several points about that. I can't remember, dang it. Just lost it. But, oh,
I remember. So God has his way of communicating himself and his own existence to other people. That's throughout history.
There's lots of cultures where various aspects of the gospel message are embedded in their culture.
And so we can't say to what level God has or hasn't communicated to them about various things, or what level they would be at in their knowledge of whatever they understand
God to be. It's something we have to leave up to God. He doesn't tell us. We can't make a definitive statement.
But they need Jesus. And it can't be said without him. Christopher commented that the
Trinity is a farce and not biblical at all. Okay, why is it a farce? Why is it a farce?
Because if he says the Trinity is false, it must mean he understands what it is. Okay, so what is the
Trinity? And then he's going to say why it's a farce.
And what does he mean by farce? It's not true? How would he know it's not true? You know, when
I talk to Mormons, they'll say things like that, or Muslims, they'll say things like that. The Trinity can't be true. I say, why not?
Well, because God isn't three. He isn't three what? He isn't three gods. He never said he was three gods.
Well, he's not three. Why not? How do you know? Three persons. How do you know? Because he can't be that.
How do you know? Because he can't. How do you know? Because it doesn't make sense. To you? I mean, what they give me is always a subjective preference according to what they understand.
They never cite a law of logic. They never say, this leads to this, leads to this, and this is why it can't be. They never do that.
And then they don't understand how the doctrine of the Trinity is arrived at scripturally. It's arrived at systematically. So if it's a farce, that means they further understand how the doctrine of the
Trinity is arrived at. So what I'll do is I'll say, so the doctrine of the Trinity is arrived at exegetically by looking from Genesis to Revelation.
All the scripture. That must mean for you to know that it's false, you have to know how it's arrived at because that's how we determine that it's true.
So that means you can tell me what it is, the system that we use, and then you can pick it apart from there. Go ahead. They don't do that.
I've only had one Jehovah's Witness do that, and I believe it was because he heard me explain it.
So when they say it's a farce, all they're doing is blowing smoke. It's not true.
Okay, whatever you want to say. Like that's going to stand up when you get to God, facing God. Well, I said it wasn't true.
That makes it true? Makes it false? Whatever? I don't know. I want to do better than that.
Another question? From the last conversation in the Mormonism class,
Christopher said that Elohim is God the
Father. He obviously doesn't know what the word Elohim means. Elohim is the Hebrew word for God.
So, Christopher, go to 1 Kings 8 .60. In 1 Kings 8 .60, it says the
Lord is God. In the Hebrew, it says Jehovah is Elohim. In Mormonism, that can't work, but the
Bible says, 1 Kings 8 .60, Jehovah is Elohim. Okay, so Christopher's next question is, is it okay to have sex when you're married?
He's encouraged. He said, is it okay to have sex when you're married?
Christopher's question is, is it okay to have sex when you're married? Well, it depends. Who are you going to have sex with?
I mean, I'm married to my wife. I'm not going to have sex with anybody but her. So, in one sense, yes.
In another sense, no. Mormons do believe that sex is sin. Every sexual act is sin.
They believe sex is a sin? So, God the Father sins when he has sex with his
Goddess wife? Impure thoughts? What are you thinking, dear
Mormon? Jeez. Man. Song of Solomon.
Oh, yeah, that's a good book. First time I read that, I actually closed the Bible and went, it's in the Bible. Opened it back up and what does it say?
Song of Solomon? Yeah, they don't like the word of God. They're just so tired of this.
But, no, sex is not a sin. Inside a marriage, it's great. But, that's it. What's your struggle of the verse?
So, that's what the verse says. Generally, the struggles that go along with it. So, does it mean you have to be baptized to be saved?
No, it does not mean you have to be baptized to be saved. Some people say that Acts 2 .38 is a formula for salvation.
If it's a formula for salvation, then why is faith not mentioned in there? Faith and believing is not mentioned because here's the verse again.
Repent and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sin and you shall receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit. So, there is no faith mentioned in the text. So, it cannot be a formula for salvation.
So, when they say it is, that's not true. Then what they say is that you get baptized in order to receive the
Holy Spirit. Now, in John 20 .22, I believe,
Jesus breathed on them after the resurrection and said, receive the Holy Spirit. And so they did and they hadn't been baptized yet.
So, there's that. Then you go to Acts 10 .44 -48 where people are, the
Gentiles have heard the gospel message, they believe, they're exalting God, speaking in tongues. And then Peter says, we can't refuse the water for them to be baptized who have received the
Holy Spirit just as we have. So, in Acts 2 .38, it's baptism and receiving the
Holy Spirit. In Acts 10 .44 -48, it's the Holy Spirit and then you get baptized. So, Acts 2 .38
cannot be in contradiction to Acts 10 .44 -48.
In other words, Acts 2 .38 is not giving us a formula for salvation or necessity for certain order in order to do things because there's different orders in different parts of the
Bible about it. So, Acts 2 .38 does not teach a salvation formula. Furthermore, when it says baptized in Jesus' name and they find out that people are baptized in Jesus' name and have that also in Acts 10 .44
-48, and yet Jesus says in Matthew 28 .18 -20, he said to the disciples, he said that you are to baptize them in the name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, Jesus said to do it one way and then we have writers in the New Testament saying they got baptized in Jesus' name.
Why? Do they get baptized quote -unquote in Jesus' name or do they get baptized quote -unquote in the name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Well, the Didache, which is written around 60 -70 AD, it's not inspired, talks about getting baptized in the triname formula,
Father, Son, Holy Spirit. This is the only document that I take seriously because it's written before the close of the first century.
It's right there and it says how things were done. So, it's a very important historical document, the Didache. And so, anyway, if you go to Acts 4 .7,
you'll see in Acts 4 .7 they were doing various things, casting out demons and doing stuff and healing people, all that kind of stuff.
And the Pharisees said, by what authority, in what name are you doing this? And Peter says, in the name of Jesus we're doing this.
So, the phrase, in the name of Jesus, is a phrase that means to do it in the authority of Jesus.
That's what it means. So, they ask him, what authority, in what name are you doing this? In the name of Jesus we're doing this.
So, when they baptize in the name of Jesus, they're baptizing with the authority of Jesus. So, when you baptize in Jesus' name, in the authority of His name, like stop in the name of the law,
I baptize you in the name of Jesus, and you then say, I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which is what we did.
We baptized you guys in a freezing river. Wasn't that cold? Oh, it was cold. You came up shaking and you were almost in shock.
And I was only up to here and I'm like... But it was fun. What a story.
It's a good story, though. Okay, the next question is from Jose Rodriguez. Hey, Jose.
Are near -death experiences biblical, or are people who claim to meet Jesus when they die being deceived?
I'd have to look at each one of those. Are they biblical? It looks like in 2 Corinthians 12, 2, it says, 14 years ago,
I do not know whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know, but such a man was caught up in the third heaven. So it looks like that's an
NDE. And some people think that that was when Paul was being stoned, possibly. And he was cast outside of the city and he had an
NDE. So there's that. 2 Corinthians 5, 8, to be absent from the body, to be home with the
Lord. And it seems, you know, and I know that annihilationists, who are watching me probably more now because of my studies, my announcement of my studies in that, teach what's called property dualism, which
I deny as being true. Basically, these scriptures are out of reasons and things. But they will say that these
NDEs can't exist or can't be true because the body and the soul are basically one and the same.
And when the body dies, the soul ceases. Basically, that's what they're saying. So NDEs are not possible. They have to be chemical reactions in the brain.
That doesn't work as an explanation. And here's why. I've got a book at home, which
I stopped reading because I've got eight other books I'm reading. But on NDEs, and it was written by a non -Christian.
And this happened to be a book I was reading. What convinced me that these
NDEs are actually real, real near -death experiences where they really see stuff, is when people born blind have
NDEs. Not everyone of them does, but there's many cases where they're born blind, they have never seen.
They have a, on the table, whatever, ER, whatever, they are dead and they're being worked on.
They bring them back to life and then they wake up and they say, I saw this and this and this.
I went down the hall, I know what a hall is now. I know what this looked like. So and so is over here. I saw the people doing this and they're verified.
So this cannot be just an illusion of the mind. That's the one thing that convinces me these things are legitimate.
So when they see Jesus, is it real? Well, in my book, The Influence, I borrowed a story and I put it in the book.
I read it years ago, I adapted it. And the story that I read years ago was about a biker guy driving his motorcycle along a night road and a truck or some vehicle passed him and he felt it in the back of his neck.
And he just kept going and he wiped out. He'd been shot. And so a trucker saw what he thought were some headlights or taillights going off the side of the road but wasn't sure, the vibration of the mirror and stuff.
So two hours later, he gets to town and says to a cop, I think I may have seen something. I'm going to go check it out. They went out there, found the guy, you know, he was still dead or alive, whatever it was.
The man is a quadriplegic. He's the happiest guy on the planet, he said, as a quadriplegic.
And he said, all this to this, that what happened was he woke up in a green field and the clarity of seeing miles was incredible.
And I can understand what he means. I used to have 2010 vision and I was in seminary and this guy has these pair of eyeglasses and we'd just fool around and put them on and I could see even better.
And I could see about a mile away in the individual branches on trees and I was stunned at the clarity
I was able to see. 2010 vision means I can see at 20 feet when you can see at 10 feet.
That's what 2010 means. And so now it's like 28 ,000 and I can't see anything. I've got glasses.
And so anyway, it just reminded me of that. But anyway, he said that it was really incredible. Okay, so here's the setting.
And I wrote this in the book and this is a basic story. I borrowed it. In this field, he said he saw this man coming and you just tell.
It was a man and the closer he got, the more holy this person was and the worse he felt.
And it was Jesus. And he could not bring himself to look up above his feet which had holes in his feet.
And then he realized who it was and without talking, Jesus said, come to me.
Come with me. And took him to an edge and he started going down and the further he went down, the warmer it got and the hotter it got.
And he didn't like what he saw. And he realized he was going to go down into hell or damnation.
And he went down to this place and I wrote this in the book and he said he could see people in varying degrees of decay and torment in their existence just out from where he was and the stench was unbearable and the heat and everything.
And he was clinging to the mud, the filth of the ground at the feet of Jesus with every ounce of his existence hoping in desperation he wouldn't be cast into that.
And then Jesus turned around and said come with me and went up to the hill and said your time's not done yet and he woke up in the hospital.
It left an impression on me. Is it true? I don't know. Good story. But it changed him and he became a
Christian. I know a guy in Salt Lake City who was shot seven times and saw
Jesus. We sat and I looked into his eyes and said you saw him? He says yes. What was it like?
And he said I really can't tell you. It wasn't like this I can't tell you.
He said it was too much. He said he was there, he saw him and he was wonderful, he was glorious and he says
I just can't bring myself to talk about it very much. And I have no reason to doubt him.
He's a good godly man. And he's real? I believe they are. The next question is from Amy Betancourt.
Are you in agreement with Calvinism? I am a Calvinist. I believe in all five points. I can defend it very well.
The next question is from Christopher. He's the Mormon guy. See you apostates later.
Matthew 5 .48 Therefore be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. The context starts in verse 43.
Love your neighbor as yourself. Basically what's going on there. You love those who love you.
What good is it? Let God bless the rain. Shine on the good. The rain fall on the good and the bad. But he loves them both.
Therefore be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. The context is loving others. That's what it means. It doesn't mean becoming gods.
The next question is from Mark Roman. He's asking do you believe that the
Roman church became apostate? Yes I do believe that it became apostate.
I think it was about 454 on May 31st in the year 387 387 was a good engine and 454 is a good engine too.
383 That's a Mopar isn't it? So 321 would be good.
March 21st I like that in the year 383. That's a good motor. 454 was a quick crank.
What? Don't you think around 330 seriously when Constantine 325
I don't know when the Roman Catholic church became apostate but I'm not a historian.
I'm a theologian. All I have to do is check with the Roman Catholic doctors and clearly see
Roman Catholicism as apostate false church and all who believe in its official Roman Catholic theology are on their way to hell when they die.
Next I'm so thirsty. Got more questions?
Lots of deleted comments. Lots of what? Deleting a lot of comments tonight.
A lot of comments. Deleting a lot of comments. Oh people are like atheists, cussing, swearing
All the mature group Disgusting, being disgusting. The Diperidians who act like babies
You know what Diperidians are right? They throw crap at you. What do they think they're accomplishing?
Nothing. By going on there and being vulgar It just shows you're depressed. All they do is confirm
Christianity. Exactly. What's the ECF? ECF Early Church Fathers Mark Ruhm says you've never read them.
I've never read the Church Fathers. What does that mean? I've never read every single thing all the
Church Fathers Anticene, Post -Nacene have stated. No, but have
I gone through and read a lot of their material? Yes. I've never read the Church Fathers. Go to my website, look under quotes from the
Early Church Fathers I've read them over and over and over again. Mark Ruhm is a rabid
Roman Catholic who couldn't think his way out of a wet, damp old paper bag that cats have been sleeping on.
That's a bad bag. It's a bad bag. I mean, you can blow. He's in it going, kick it out.
Christopher wants to know what you think you're accomplishing by bashing on Mormonism.
I'm trying to expose it for the lie that it is from Satan and hopefully people will not join Mormonism and come to truth in the
Lord Jesus Christ the true God of the Scripture, not the false God of Mormonism. That's what I'm trying to do.
As the Bible says, contend for the faith in Jude 3. And don't forget Mormonism started it when
Joseph Smith said that he in the First Vision said that God the Father said that all churches are false and all doctrines and creeds are an abomination.
I hold the Westminster Confession of Faith with a few minor exceptions. But I hold what the
WCF has called, and that was before Joseph Smith's time, so that means my creed is false. Hey, he started it.
He started it, so there you go. I like stupid questions and comments.
It kind of helps. We've got nothing. You're having a good time reading some of this stuff. It's called lame -ism.
Is the word whore a bad word? It depends. I mean, you know, if you could use that or another word,
I don't know. Read the question. That's what the question is. Is the word whore a bad word? Whore.
The great whore of Babylon, it's talked about in the Bible. The word's there, so it's not a bad word. Skubalon is the
Greek word for defecation. It has a negative connotation.
Don't give me that. Skubalon, you could say, but that's what it means. Like Polish guvna. I've got to slip these things in there somehow.
They're totally useless facts. And try and make them work. They're good for impressing your date, but once you get married, it doesn't work anymore.
Well, what's a useless fact you haven't been able to get in? I think it was in 1973.
Abu Dhabi was the richest nation in the world. Alright. That's one of the useless facts.
Do you know anything about the social justice warriors?
No. Is the term social justice supported by the
Bible? Depends what you mean by social justice. They have to...
What a lot of people want to do is use the Bible to change society quickly and permanently right away, but they don't understand that what happens is the gospel is not meant to do that.
The gospel is meant to change people and people, because they change, society changes. That's what's supposed to happen.
But we are supposed to be out there fighting for truth, justice, in the American way. In the biblical way, as you say.
What? I was going to say social justice warriors are after monetary and or social equality in society.
They've got something you don't have yet. It's communists. They're communists. They just call social justice as if their procedure is the right way.
They want to take from those who have worked hard and give it to those who haven't and call it equality.
It's justification of theft. That's right. And the haves and the have -nots and the class struggle by Karl Marx and all that kind of stuff.
That's all it is. If I have a bigger house than you, if I was to take a bedroom off and give it to you, come into my house and try that.
We'll see what happens. People just don't think.
I wish they would. I'm not a good thinker. It's slow. It's got to be because it's
July. People are on vacation. Maybe we should take another couple weeks off or something. You're in part two.
Are you in part two? Yes, so you can bring your books. I'll bring books. I will bring stuff next time.
It could be that we were off for two weeks and people just started back. That's true. But that's all right.
We have no way of really getting stuff out. I need to start putting announcements about Carmen's upcoming events and things like that.
Did you announce it on the radio show? I did announce it. But you know, it's hard to drive from New Jersey to get here, isn't it?
No, but at least they can come online. How many people are online watching? Like three? I mean, because of Roman Catholics, a couple of Streppers Mormons?
The people in the chat are pitting Mark Rome and Christopher the Mormon against each other.
That's good stuff. So which heretic is going to win? Whose church is truest?
I would think the Roman would win between the two. Roman Catholicism has more to go on than Mormonism.
They've got a lot more stuff there. Mormonism is more like Swiss cheese. Mormonism is whacked.
They can't defend it or nothing. At least the Catholics have a Bible and they believe some of it. Guess we're going to have to wrap it up here.
They're just being silly. Okay, let me just wrap it up then. No big deal. My wife doesn't like it, so I can't.
I want to do a goatee. No, she doesn't like it. I can't. Otherwise, no smooching.
See ya. I've had it before and she says she doesn't like it, tickles, itches, and she doesn't like to smooch.
So I'm like, dang it. That's it. There's some old videos out there where he's got the little thing like this.
I've tried it different ways. I see my wife would like it. She finally said no.
I shaved it off one day. It hasn't been back. Okay, here's a good one.
Is there an original Bible? Is it an original Bible? Oh. So what would be the oldest version of the
Bible we have with the present books? That, I used to know, I don't know. There's a term, a word that I don't remember.
There weren't any books left out of the Bible that belonged in the Bible. It wasn't supposed to be in the
Bible. I like that answer. I always hear about Enoch. What are the criteria for why the early church decided to...
The general criteria of why the early church would admit certain books into the New Testament canon was it had to have an apostolic authorship.
It was verified or have a very strong tradition of the verification of it. Plus the content, plus the witness of the spirit upon people as they would recognize it and the congruity it would have with the rest of the scriptures.
And if it deviated in some of those and other criteria, which I don't know too much about, then they just didn't consider it.
The Gospel of Thomas was never considered to be true. Just like the book of Enoch was not considered to be true either.
It was known by Christ and others, it just wasn't considered to be authentic. They didn't quote from it.
But just because someone quotes from a book and the quote is in the Bible doesn't mean that the book it's quoted from is inspired.
Just as Paul quoted Epimenides, Menander, and Erastus. These are three pagan philosophers. He quoted them but it doesn't mean that the entire philosophy of these pagans is correct.
So just because a book is referenced doesn't mean it's true. Just the book of Enoch is referenced.
On Karma I've got an article that lists close to 30 books mentioned in the
Bible that aren't even inspired. The book of the War of the Lords or the
War of the Chronicles of War is something in the Old Testament. Things like that. They're there. It's going down nicely.
Any more questions? Any more? Why would Jesus say that whosoever believes in him would have eternal life if he did not die for all of humanity's sin?
If he did not bear the sins of everybody and he says whosoever would then the whosoever who are going to are the ones appointed to believe by God Acts 13 .48.
They're appointed for eternal life. They're also granted by God to believe Philippians 1 .29 and they're granted repentance 2
Timothy 2 .25 or more and again not of our own will John 1 .13 So the whosoever are the ones appointed by God to believe.
That's all. He died for certain people and then those people are the whosoever who will believe.
Whosoever is like John 3 .16 God's love the world he gave his only begotten son. Whoever would believe people say. Whoever therefore means it can be to anybody with their free will.
It doesn't say that. It's just something that people just think it means. Furthermore, it doesn't say whosoever in John 3 .16
in the Greek. The word for whosoever is hos is not there. What is there is hapospistoum or haposhopstoum all the believing one.
It actually says the believing one not ones the one. And so that's what it literally says that all not whosoever would believe but all the believing one would have eternal life.
So all the ones who believe. Why are they believing? Because God grants that they believe. Philippians 1 .29
clearly says so. It's been granted to you to believe. Also they said what must we do to work the works of God.
And Jesus says this is the work of God that you believe on whom he has said. John 6 .20 and 29. Okay.
What's that? Can you please give your thoughts? Wait hold on. I can't hear you. Do you believe that at least 5 % of America is regenerate?
At least? I don't know. He says 5 % is probably too high. Probably. But I don't know.
Can you please give some of your thoughts about the Apocrypha? Apocrypha is not inspired in Tobit.
It has money given for forgiveness of sins. Maccabees has
That's interesting. Why would it do that on my phone? I don't know who that is. Because it's on I don't know.
We'll figure it out later. What was the question? I thought my wife would call because her brother is in the hospital for emergency surgery.
So I thought she might have got some news. That's why I was paying attention to the phone. For those who don't know emergency surgery just saves life because it's aorta.
From here down to his groin is dissected. So Okay, come on next week find some of your
LDS friends. I will come on here. Okay, I guess that's it, huh? What's a
Bonnerism? What's what? Bonnerism? Those who worship the lead singer of U2?
Bonno Bonnerism We're still alive.
We're still alive. I don't know what it is. Alright. Okay. See you.