How to Have a Quick Gospel Conversation with Mormons

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In this video, Deacon Eric Collins of Apologia Church Utah gets into a Wonderful Quick Gospel Conversation with a Young Mormon on the streets of Provo. Eric does a wonderful job showing how to Have a Quick Gospel Conversation with Mormons.


Who the LDS organization says that Jesus is and what the Bible says, which is the previous revelation that we kind of go back to Have you heard kind of those differences at all between like what a
Christian Bible believe in Christian would believe I feel like a lot of people think certain things about my church
Because there are differences right but it gets like weirdly out of proportion But in all in all we still believe in a
Savior right who came to earth, right? To Save us from spiritual and physical death.
Yeah, we use the Bible and the Book of Mormon, right? And there's just differences it doesn't it's not like we're all worshiping different gods.
You know what I mean? It's all it's all based off of like believing in Jesus Christ My mom said is
Jewish so a lot of the time I attend Jewish things as well because my blood I'm actually a Jew and again,
I'm just like it's not like it's a different religion We just have different ideas of different things. It's really cool With that I don't know that's why
I say we all believe in Jesus Christ we all believe in following Although maybe different doctrines or whatever to different religions and different things we all have a common purpose
I guess so, but I appreciate your I am Christian pamphlet. That's really cool. I'm on my way
I don't have a long time again discussion I feel like when we get this discussion sometimes they come a ride and it's like yeah.
No, we don't want that We want to have respectful conversations. I get that. What's your name? Natalie Eric good to meet you
So, can I give you something to chew on just as you go? So would you say that the Muslim who we would both disagree with what they say about God?
They say that God is Unitarian and Absolutely monotheistic there's only one
God and he exists in one Person there's no try you like I said, I believe in a Trinity and you believe in Multiple gods because God was once a man and became
Yes, so but you believe three separate beings But they're all they each are their own being right
Their own being but they're one in purpose, so I think that's the only difference you believe yeah one God It's the same thing still believe in Jesus Christ Heavenly Father in the
Holy Ghost, but you believe it's all one thing But do you believe that they're all
God yeah, so that that would be three different gods, right? Realistically, that's three gods.
Okay, and then I believe there's only one God But I believe he's trying and the Muslim says no.
No God is you know singular and Monotheistic so we both would kind of say well
That's a different understanding than what you had and a different understanding what I have but then the Muslim goes on to say that Also, Jesus didn't die on the cross like I've had a
Muslim tell me that it was actually Judas But he was made to look like Jesus Because Judas yeah
Exactly and so they denied that Body right so I put me pray to God like we get
Our potential to be like him and then he has a son Jesus Christ also
Savior right he died on the cross resurrected He's here, you know to save us from spiritual death and physical death obviously
I'm sure you still believe in a resurrection and I do yeah, and so I think we have a lot of course
That's okay. Not a big deal for similar values and understanding who Jesus Christ and who
God is as well I don't think it's a lot of difference between what some people call the Trinity and what other people call the
Godhead I think it's very very similar. I think there's it's similar, but I think the differences are pretty crucial
Yeah, and then just kind of the other one that I see as like Pretty significant is kind of how we define grace and how do we define the gospel?
Yeah, like from in my understanding The third article of faith is kind of like a pretty good description of what of the gospel that the
LDS organization teaches right it says that through the atonement of Christ all men may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel
Yes So that's the gospel by which you're saved so like number three talks about all men may be saved through because of because of what
Jesus did all men may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel and then the
Number four explains what that means So they're talking about faith repentance and baptism like you must be baptized to be saved.
So you're so Yeah, it's an ordinance exactly I do but I don't think that it's necessary for salvation
So I think that it is an outward sign that declares to the world that I trust in Christ as my
Savior But when you say that you are saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of that gospel and Then one of those includes a work that you have to submit yourself to and be baptized
I think it goes against what Paul says in the book of Romans where he says that If or I think it's
Galatians if he said he says if you add any one work Are you familiar with the book of Galatians in the Bible? That's fine, it's it's a struggle for all
I think that to add any work.
So what Paul's saying in Galatians? The the context like what's happening? So Galatia was a city that Paul formed a church in he's he planted a church and he pastored it for a time and then
He's writing them a letter. And so what was happening was they were having men called the
Judaizers who were Jews and they were coming in and saying yes, you have to believe in Jesus to be saved
But first you have to become Jewish and you have to be circumcised you have to be circumcised first then you believe in Jesus and then you can be saved and so they're adding that one little work and Paul says if you add any one work of the law
You've know you've fallen from grace and Christ is no of no value to you So I think if you're adding baptism as a work, you must do to be saved then you have a fundamental
Misunderstanding of what the Bible teaches grace to be and that's our concern He was baptized.
So we do that to follow Christ, right? Yeah, and so we have certain ordinances
But they're not necessarily like trying to be like works of like earning our way into heaven It's just kind of specific promises we make with God and then we try to keep them and with the whole works and gracing as well
I don't know how the S -numbers feel Well, I'm like we have to do works because there's this whole thing about like you're saved up for all you can do or whatever
Yeah, but I think So I would like I would I have a Agreement with with a lot of Latter -day Saints where like if you have someone who says they're a
Christian But then goes and lives in wanton sin I would say there's reason to question whether or not their profession of faith is true
No, God's the judge ultimately, yeah God's the judge ultimately but then like the Bible tells us
I Understand but I think that that Fundamentally God is different in because you believe that he was once a man and we are of the same nature as God himself
Whereas I believe that we are of a totally completely separate different nature God talks about his holiness a lot in the
Bible and and Part of the meaning of holy is separate or other and he clearly says multiple times.
I am NOT I'm God I'm not a man that I should you know, I'm ever -changing everlasting But of the same of the same essence of the same nature, you know what
I mean like like you The I think they use the term like God's in embryo
Like you believe that Yeah, I think it's just it's one
I have heard so like It's It's not like you have to fundamentally change to become something different you just have to get better at being what you are
I want someone Yeah, they're doing rights they're doing things
Yeah, so the way I understand any priesthood is that like you had the prophet who was who would go?
Before God or he would go before men on behalf of God and then you had the priest who would go before God on behalf of men so like If you
Yeah, well, yeah, so that's I mean Judaism is the first half of my Bible essentially so like So like in the
Old Testament when when they were doing the animal sacrifices on the Day of Atonement What would happen is that the the priest would sacrifice?
An animal for himself for his sins and then he would sacrifice on behalf of the people So he would take the sins of the people put it on this animal
Slaughter the animal and then take the blood into the holiest of holy places and put it on the altar.
He would sprinkle that blood Yes, absolutely So he would he would do that but he was doing that before God and if you actually go to Hebrews It talks about Jesus taking and offering his own blood in the heavenly holy of holies.
So he went to Like not just the one on earth, but he actually ascended into heaven and presented his sacrifice before God the
Father Like and it talks. It's if you read through like Hebrews like 7 through 10 it's an it's a beautiful picture about Jesus being a better priest and a better Mediator and we have no need to go back to old sacrifices.
We have no need to go back to that that it's through Christ alone Yeah but like So that's just how
I understand the priesthood and then I lost our train of thought I don't know where You said