F4F | Counterfeit Kingdom


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Welcome to a brief installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, I don't do a lot of product promotion.
It's something I'm not really that interested in. And oftentimes when people ask me to promote things on the channel, it's not anything that I would promote.
It's oftentimes things that I would, or books or resources that I would speak against. But that being the case,
I was sent an advanced copy of a book that has just recently come out. And the name of the book is
Counterfeit Kingdom. And it's written by Holly Pivick and Doug Guyvet. And this book is amazing.
If you have been looking for a resource to kind of help you get your head around a lot of the things that you see here on Fighting for the
Faith, especially in the segments that we cover regarding the New Apostolic Reformation, as well as things related to Bethel, which is part of the
New Apostolic Reformation, otherwise known as the NAR. Yeah, I know that Dr.
Michael Brown takes issue with the existence of NAR, but NAR exists.
And boy, is this book a fantastic resource. In fact, what I wanted to do, let me do this. I'm going to whirl up the desktop and I'm going to open up my
Kindle. I just finished reading this book and thoroughly impressed.
Thoroughly impressed. Let me walk you through some of the content that you're going to see in this book.
And again, this is a great book for you, kind of mandatory reading for your pastor.
So, if you're looking for, what do you give your pastor for Christmas? He needs this.
Your pastor needs to be aware of what is going on because these churches,
I think they mentioned something in the tune of like 13 ,000 graduates of the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, aka Hogwarts, have been sent out into the wider body of Christ and they are bringing these
NAR practices and beliefs with them. So, the book itself begins,
I mean, it kind of hooks you like from the beginning. The tone is, I love the way the tone is. It's very, let's just say, it's non -accusatory, very helpful, but at the same time firm.
It's, you can tell that Holly and Doug really put some time in thinking, how do they want to document the things that they're going to document and boy, do they document it well.
So, it begins with the wake up all of incident and all the crazy things going on at Bethel and the fact that they've decreed and declared and all this kind of stuff.
It then goes on to talk about who are the new apostles and prophets, talks about their theology, talks about their claims regarding the restoration of apostles and prophets today and the need for churches to submit themselves to their apostolic authority and things like this.
It's an entire chapter dedicated to Hogwarts for Christians. That's the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. One of my favorite chapters, number four,
Jesus' overlooked warnings regarding false prophets and false teachers. And then this one was, this chapter is a tough one, but it's so important, talking about the spiritual abuse tactics and hostile takeover tactics used by people in the
New Apostolic Reformation. Long discussion on the counterfeit revival and their ideas regarding revival.
An entire chapter dedicated to the passion translation, translation of the
Bible. And it ain't no translation. No, not at all. And if you've been looking for like a good, succinct resource to ask, kind of explore the question, should my church be singing songs from Bethel or other churches that are influenced by NAR?
You know, I think of Elevation Worship and other things like this. This is a great chapter. It's well, well written and well argued.
And so I, again, so this is, this book is so well done.
Is it always God's will to heal? No, it's not. And they politely bring up the fact that Bill Johnson wears glasses and that his wife had cancer.
And in fact, when they wrote this, Benny Johnson was getting chemotherapy for her breast cancer. She recently died of it.
And so, you know, they go into the biblical text here, but also show the huge disconnect between what
Bethel preaches and the reality that they live in.
And it's just well done. But then the last chapters are really kind of dedicated to like, okay, now what?
What do we do? So how do you deception proof your children? Good chapter. And then the conclusion, it asks you to join the resistance against the
New Apostolic Reformation. I am absolutely convinced that the NAR is the greatest threat that evangelicalism faces today.
These out of control, you know, so -called apostles and prophets who have no accountability and their theology, boy, this book does a really good job of kind of laying out their kind of major tenets of the things that they believe, teach and confess, you know, from practices like sozo and healing rooms and things like this and the theology behind it.
In the discussion regarding NAR worship songs, they make a very good point and quote primary sources that show that these songs are intended to be a catechesis to teach your church to embrace the false teachings of the
New Apostolic Reformation. So I mean, great, great stuff here. So you can, it gives you steps on what you can do to join the resistance.
And then there's an appendix written by Doug Guyvet on miracles in the NAR. Again, this book, amazing.
I would say like mandatory reading for like everybody in the Fighting for the Faith audience.
And you need to get a copy of this for your pastor or pastors.
They need to read this so that they can kind of sniff out and be alert to the different ways in which your church may be the target of NAR apostles and prophets in order to kind of take them over, which is what they do.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to down below in the description, I'm putting a link, a link that will take you to amazon .com
so that you can get yourself a copy of Counterfeit Kingdom by Holly Pivick and Doug Guyvet.
And believe me when I tell you, after you read it, you will thank me and you will probably end up buying more copies and sending it on to other people.
This book is that important and I'm not overstating it. So hopefully you found this helpful.
If so, information on how to get the book, there's a link down below that you can click on and take you right to Amazon.
You can order a copy. You can get it on Kindle. I have an advanced copy of it. It's recently out now.
You got to get this book. I can't speak highly enough about it. In fact, I'm kind of hoping that I can have
Holly and Doug on Fighting for the Faith. I'll keep you posted to let you know how that goes, but I'm going to, I'm going to reach out to them probably the end of this week and beginning of next week to see if we can't interview them regarding this book because it is that good.
So hopefully you found this helpful. All the information is down below. And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.