WWUTT 1895 Q&A Where We’ve Been, Before You Were Born, Theological Hot Takes

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Responding to questions from listeners about where we've been, did God choose you for salvation before you were born, and we run down a long list of theological hot takes. At the end, we mention what happened to Dr. Aaron Edwards that caused him to lose his job. To help support him and his family, visit the following link: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/writing-and-speaking-for-evangelical-free-speech


Did God choose you for salvation before you were born? What are some theological takes that might get you into hot water?
What kinds of Biblical opinions does the world hate Christian women for having? The answers to these questions and others when we
Understand the Text. This is
When we Understand the Text, a daily Bible commentary to help encourage your time in the Word. Be sure to leave a five -star review on whatever podcast service you use.
And tell your friends about our ministry. Here once again is Pastor Gabe. And here is my special guest,
Becky Hughes. Hello! Because I don't think you've been on in March at all.
Maybe not. Have you been? I don't know. So this is your first episode in March? It's been a long time. It's almost my first episode in March.
That's true. So we... You've been in trouble. We haven't been... I've been in trouble?
Yeah. People have been emailing. Oh, okay. Calling, texting.
Because I said a couple of days ago, hey, if you've been wondering where we've been at, where we've been at, then listen to the
Friday episode and we'll talk about it. So the first thing you say on this episode is, well, you've been in trouble.
I'm just kidding. So why has Gabe not been on? Well, he's been in trouble for something, apparently.
Oh, no. Not anywhere close. He's been busy. Yeah. It's been super busy.
It's been a combination of some different things. So if you'll remember back to the start of March, if you were listening to the episodes then, you'll know that my voice was really struggling to hang on.
Oh, yeah. I remember that. I wasn't able to get through entire lessons. I'd have to stop. You wouldn't know that because I just seamlessly was able to splice it all together.
Yeah. But it was rough. I was pretty froggy. So I'd have to stop and get some water and let my voice come back and then resume the lesson.
So I wasn't able to record ahead to get all the episodes done for when
I went to the Shepherds Conference. Right. And I took a recorder with me because I thought whatever house we stay in, maybe
I'll be far enough away from everybody else that I'll get to record. But yeah, even when
I was in California, I still had a hard time holding on to my voice. And the house that we were in was pretty echoey anyway.
Oh, yeah. And there were idols everywhere. Everything was covered. All religions were covered.
That's right. The bedroom that I was staying in, there was a little Buddha statue and there was
Our Lady of Guadalupe over here. I'm like, wow, whoever owns this house is just trying to cover all our bases apparently.
So anyway, yeah, while I was there for Shepherds Conference, I was gone for a week.
I obviously wasn't able to do any episodes there. And before we left, before I went to California, I had just finished putting the drywall up in my studio where we are sitting.
So we're at home. We are. Our first episode from home. We've been living in this house for two years.
We bought this house in March, two years ago. That's right. And finally, we're broadcasting from home.
Every episode I've done from my office at the church, but now we're home. Still carpeting the walls, still trying to get like the echo out of this room.
Yeah, the sound, getting it better. Not quite there yet. So you still kind of... If you're just driving in the car, you don't even notice.
All the noise that's going on around you, you can't hear the extra echo. But if you're listening to us in your headphones and you're probably like, okay, this...
You might notice a little more. Sounds a little more hollow. We notice. I can hear it really well, especially with how sensitive these mics are.
And I've got these ultra high tech headphones that I'm wearing. I've never...
I only bought these like a week ago. I don't know if I'm going to keep them. I might return them. But they still sound great.
I almost wonder if they're too good because I'm hearing more than I probably want to hear.
I can hear that bug buzzing right outside the door there. We're experiencing an infestation of mayflies right now.
Yeah, there's... All over the place. Crane flies. Crane flies. Yeah, there you go. That's what they're called. Anyway. They're huge.
I'm way off topic. Yeah. So all of that was going on. Anyway, I finished the drywall. That has nothing to do with why we haven't...
Yeah, none of that has to do with why we haven't... We've been carried away by crane flies. They're huge.
Anyway, go ahead. So what was I saying? Anyway, I finished the drywall.
Before California. I finished the drywall, went to California, came back. I had already moved the equipment out of my office.
And so I thought, okay, I'm not on the podcast right now. I'm going to use the time to finish the studio.
So for like it was almost two weeks, but not quite From 10 p .m.
To 2 a .m. For four hours after the kids went to bed and you went to bed
Uh -huh, and and now I've got four this is time that I'm usually spending recording, right?
But now I'm gonna spend from 10 p .m. To 2 a .m. Working on this room, right?
So I was I was you know, finishing the touches on the drywall I was getting the mudding up.
I've been cutting carpet and hanging that on the wall since I'm trying to carpet the wall I got a rug at Walmart and laying all that out and everything.
I mean hanging the door That was a bear. I Still really didn't even get it straight it closes.
So yeah, that works latches Anyway, there's my first time ever hanging a door and I don't think this door was exactly straight anyway
Usually they're they're not true to Exact but true to measurement.
Yeah, like Just like the floor wasn't even there's different things
So this is the first time I've ever studded a room and hung drywall like did the whole thing Yeah by yourself by myself
I've I've been at various processes of it with other people, but I've never done the whole thing by myself
And put a window in and all this other kind of thing So there are things when doing this that I that I'm going.
Okay, so next time I do this I Needed a stud there didn't think I was gonna need one, you know that sort of thing.
Yeah That I got all the studs spaced exactly, right But they're still like, you know a stud could have gone there in the corner where the drywall joint anyway
All that other kind of help. Yeah, right So I figured things out that I'm like now I know what
I did wrong I could do this better next time right? But nonetheless, I've got a nice little 8 foot by 8 foot box
That he finally finished that I finally finished finished. Yeah, it's still working on Usable we can sit in and we can record in here
Yes The sound quality is not to where I want it to be yet to record scripts for what videos and to resume
Bible recording but it's good enough for us to be here and record this podcast
So here we are Recording from home and this isn't the final studio This is just something that I wanted to throw to get throw together quickly in the garage
So we sectioned off a point of the garage for this. I'm still gonna do the other one outside Under the deck, which
I did the video of for those of you had followed the YouTube channel Anyway, and when that happens
I get this room. Yes my craft room This will be Becky's room to do with whatever she wants to yeah
It'll be fun, but it's a great room. Thank you. It's coming together. Yeah, I think so This is not our final setup for the desk.
I'm using TV trays, right? They wobble a little bit we got the microphones on these
TV trays the desk that I'm gonna set up it Actually, I can't put the microphones on it.
So I'm trying to figure out something else that I got to do. Yeah anyway Yeah trial and error still working all this out this is the
Friday edition of the broadcast and we take questions from listeners and You can send those questions to when we understand the text at gmail .com
Now since we haven't done a Friday broadcast in like three weeks or something I don't have a lot of questions to pick from here
Oh, in fact, really all I've got are I meant to open with this, but we've already talked for 10 minutes
I'm not gonna do this over again Meant to start with these emails These are the kinds of emails that I've been getting over the last few days.
This is why I said he was in trouble, right? Yeah See that would have given backstory to your comment if I had started with these emails
Sorry, so this is I like to jump the gun. I Jump the gun
I think well, no you did that's right because you made the comment first. Uh -huh. Mr Kiyoki from Hawaii. Aloha pastor
Gabe. None of my podcast apps have anything from what newer than March the 6th.
Are you all taking a break or should I get a new podcast app? Oh, don't get a new podcast Now if we're still here and and really even podcast app
Even if we were to change the podcast service, which I'm using pod bean not planning on changing
But even if I were to change it You would still be able to get it on like iTunes or if you're listening on Spotify Only if you're using pod bean, would you have to change your podcast app?
I gotcha, but if you're using any other podcast app should still work on any of those apps Sorry, I'm having to check my mic here for some reason next one.
This is from Deb and Duluth, Minnesota Hello pastor Gabe and Becky. I'm writing because I'm concerned about how you're doing
You have not posted to your podcast since March 7th, I am NOT on Twitter but in doing a search
I believe the last Twitter post I saw was around the same time. I don't know
I guess was I not posting from Chevron? I thought I was posting Twitter pretty sure you were
Yeah, anyway, but I mean that might not have pulled up for her. Oh could have been
I don't know I have checked your Facebook and your blog and website, but I don't see anything that says you were going on vacation or anything well, if you check my
Facebook page, you don't see anything on there since 2020 Because I don't have access to that Facebook page anymore, so there's a
Gabriel Hughes Facebook page out there I think she might have been the what maybe the what Facebook page.
Yeah. Yeah could have been that one She said when I on March 7th. Yeah, when
I listen to your podcast on March 7th You didn't say anything about taking a break I'm a regular listener and your podcast is one of my favorites as well as your
YouTube videos I was feeling concerned. So I thought I would drop you an email I am praying for you and hope all is well with you and that I somehow missed an announcement that you were taking a break
If I knew that I was gonna take a break, I would have said so in that episode Yeah, it just kind of happened.
It just happened. And yeah Yeah took the time off with no warning
Even Fred our friend at grace to you even he DM to me and he's like hey And he saw me at Shepcon, yeah, so even he's going where are you?
Your plane crash what happened to you This is from sweet.
This is from Virginia in Alaska Virginia in Alaska. Okay, so she says hi.
I obviously do. Oh wait, by the way, she sent this to our church In the church
This email did not come directly to me. It went to our church and our secretary forwarded it to me
So she says I obviously do not go to FBC Lendale But I would if I was in the area just to listen to pastor
Gabriel Hughes Oh as I do listen to his podcast faithfully, I just wanted to ensure that he and his family are doing
Okay, he hasn't posted a podcast Bible study since March 6th I saw he posted a what
YouTube video about a week ago. Yeah, I posted that when I was I was actually Sitting at one of those tables where the
Cabana's usually are And I uploaded a what video from there. So nice.
Yeah, I was still doing stuff even though I wasn't on the podcast she says Anyway, I'm I'm just a concerned listener reaching out and praying that he's doing.
All right. I also miss his Bible teachings Thank you, and God bless. Oh, that's so sweet So the secretary forwarded that to me and said
I thought you might want to respond to one of your listeners It's important. Thank you, Virginia.
We sure appreciate your care and concern. Obviously, I'm fine Just Been on a on an unexpected hiatus.
Yeah, but hopefully I'm caught up and now that I'm home It'll be the sort of thing where the kids go to bed
Becky goes to bed Yeah, I pop in my studio and record like we were doing when I was in Kansas.
It'll be a lot more convenient Yeah, so you have no excuses now to miss any I don't
But it's still it's still extremely annoying how echoey it is in here I know so it is like they're like the
Isaiah study from yesterday was late Because I can't tell you the number of times I sat down here and started recording it
I'm just super distracted by all the echo Yeah, I'm just like I can't do this.
So I'd One o 'clock in the morning. I climb into bed with Becky's like I didn't record anything
So since we don't have any other questions from listeners to respond to as we've not been on for a while I'm gonna jump to Some Twitter things here.
I did a Twitter poll Okay, so here was the the Twitter poll the question that I asked
Christian. Do you believe that God knew you and placed his affection on you and Chose you for salvation before you were born
Knew you and placed his affection on you and chose you for salvation before you were born.
Of course. Yeah So I had one thousand nine hundred and four votes. Oh Wow, that's quite a few 95 %
Answered. Yes. Wow. I had no idea. I had that many Reading on Twitter who were
Calvinist 95 % out of 1 ,904 votes
I would I you know, I expected the answer given my followers that it was gonna swing in the answer of yes
Mm -hmm. I didn't think the gap was gonna be that wide. Yeah 95 % answered. Yes 5 % answered.
No now I have been guilty of trying to Scroll up and accidentally clicking on one.
I didn't rim. I didn't want to click on yet I wanted to well I did somebody did comment.
I clicked on the wrong one, but the answer is yes. Yeah Totally been there. Yes, so it's probably 96 % said yes and 90 and then 4 % said no.
Yeah, probably what it was Yeah, that's probably accurate Some of the other comments just a nobody said
I don't understand it, but I believe it because God said so amen Nathan the unworthy prodigal said well the
Bible says almost exactly that so Ephesians 1 4 through 5 among several others and here's what we read in Ephesians 1 verses 4 through 6
He chose us in him before the foundation of the world That we would be holy and blameless before him in love
So not just He chose us. Mm -hmm for salvation, but he chose us that we would be holy and blameless before him
Yeah, if you've been justified you're gonna be sanctified, right? verse 5 by Predestining us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to himself
According to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace
Which he graciously bestowed on us in the Beloved Amen, cage -stage
Calvinist said yes, and then quotes Titus 1 2 in hope of eternal life
Which God who never lies promised before the ages began. Mm -hmm.
I told him well you missed the first verse Titus 1 1 for the sake of the faith of God's elect
Paul an apostle for the sake of the faith of God's elect. Yeah Jake from Raleigh, North Carolina Well, if he didn't
I know I couldn't have chosen myself So true me too Rick from Atlanta.
He has saved us and called us to a holy calling Not according to our works
But according to his own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began 2nd
Timothy 1 9 Dennis from Chicago you are violating the complex question fallacy
But by and large the answer is no in that yes leads to a deterministic system remember then the opposite must be true that renders humans without free will strips away justice and makes the creation a
Mechanistic toy, okay So he was definitely a no
How do you reason that biblically Or does that come from in Scripture? Yeah, Wayne in Australia says if God is truly eternal and omniscient then the answer is yes
So, there you go there was there was my Twitter poll question I got a couple of other
Twitter things uh -huh and some responses to these Twitter things to go through But but before I get to the one that I asked
I got to set this up a little bit here So there's a there's an account on Twitter named smash bales
Okay, so smashing like smashing idols. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay, but smash bales.
Oh, I was thinking like hay bales You're not from Kansas no
You ought to come up with a parody account Smash hay bales
We call them bail be a ALS males, yes, that's so much more clear
All right, anyway so, you know the the image of You know, we generally don't talk about movies
We don't endorse TV shows or anything like that on the broadcast, but here I'm gonna have to to set this up But you know the movie tangled yeah the
Disney film yeah about Rapunzel Uh -huh. Now the the male character in that show
Eugene Fitzherbert Goes by the alias Flynn Rider, right? now there's the scene in that movie where they're in the the snuggly duckling, which is a bar and There's there a lot of you know ruffians and and thugs.
That's that thugs and ruffians. That's what they call them and And Rapunzel sings this song about this dream that she has and So they tell
Flynn that he needs to sing and he says no I don't sing and he sits back and crosses his arms and then they draw their swords on him
So you've seen this image of Flynn Rider? With the swords drawn like like dozens of swords that are pointing right at him
And then he then he breaks into song after that too because it kind of has to write avoid being slain so there's this still image of Flynn with all those swords pointing at him and this has become a meme
Uh -huh And so people will use that meme whenever they say something controversial because I know it's gonna mean
People around them are gonna draw their swords. Sure. So smash bales Posted that image of Flynn Rider with the swords on him
And he said what's your theological stance that would get you in this position?
Oh, yeah Okay. Now this was hugely responded to on Twitter. Yeah, I remember a little bit about it
In fact not the bee grabbed it And they did like a whole huge thread of just a ton of responses
Oh, wow, and was pretty interesting. I'm gonna read some of the more positive ones I think
I have a few negative ones in here or those that I wouldn't agree with Okay, but here's here's some of some of those comments.
Oh here. First of all, here's what I said So I shared that meme from smash bales
Uh -huh and responded to it and I said the chosen is unbiblical and blasphemous Sowing division and confusion
Causing more harm than good the writers have little regard for the text and they have shown no understanding of the gospel.
Hmm Sure got about a thousand likes on that one. So it was a one of the more liked responses to that particular meme
Pastor boy a from Nigeria said pastors are first brothers in Christ before they are pastors
Whenever the clergy stop seeing themselves as firstly brothers before anything else we breed a culture of Lack of accountability the church needs to be taught to see the clergy as both brothers and then leaders
Okay, I can kind of see that. Yeah establishing accountability. It's a good take right? That's a good take
I don't know that that's necessarily a sword drawing take among Big Eva people I mean
Maybe that's that way in Nigeria could be and in fact, there was another comment here thing
Yeah, this this other comment here from imagine Nigeria He said the goal of evangelism is to reconcile people to God.
The goal is not to get people to speak in tongues See, I think that's
I mean we have that in America too. We do it's just not that prevalent Yeah, like if there's plenty of circles
I can say that in nobody's gonna draw a sword against me on that, right? But maybe in Nigeria, it's so prevalent.
Mm -hmm that that's a really controversial take for them to make Yeah, and you you can see some agree with it.
Yeah, absolutely You see some commonality between both statements when you look into that word faith and that heavy
Pentecostal movement Pastors are elevated to this position of like don't touch my anointed, right?
And it's also that same group of people that will say to prove that you really have the Holy Spirit you have to show that you're speaking in tongues so I can see how how
Prevalent that Pentecostal ism is in Nigeria would prompt both of those comments. Yeah from pastor boy a and from mash man.
That's sad Yeah Abe not Lincoln Said Christians put way more faith into demons and evil than angels and things that are good
Huh? That's interesting. I Don't know. I don't know that I agree with it, but it's gonna make me Kind of like tune into that a little bit more
Yeah, you hear people talking about the presence of demons and evil things more often than you hear them talking about Like the good things that God is doing for us and I don't know.
I mean in the part of country that we're in There's a lot of both Well, yeah, we're in East Texas where everything is very optimistic.
Yes Very as far as far as our surrounding Christianity is concerned.
Yeah Which is great, yeah, but But I can I can see I can see that I would have to yeah, like you said, it's thought
Provoking. Yeah, it's gonna make me listen to it a little bit more Yeah, see if I hear that more I do people are people talking about, you know
The devil oppressing me more often than they're saying but the Lord is protecting me, you know that sort of thing.
Yeah Duke in Georgia Every human is a creation of God But only a born -again believer can be considered a child of God That's right.
Yeah As we were just talking about being adopted into the family of God when I was reading from Ephesians 1 earlier that's that's
Something that a lot of people don't understand Everybody is like, oh, everybody's a child.
Oh, yeah. Sure. Everybody Oprah said that yeah, that's that's from the Church of Oprah It's a popular thing.
Everybody's a child of God Bryson from Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I don't think I ever say that right
The first time I try Bryson said God doesn't love everyone.
He hated Esau. Mm -hmm. Yeah, that'll get a sword drawn on you saying that That's a toughy to Matt who's a
Methodist pastor in Alabama said The New Testament does not forbid women from preaching and serving as pastors
Yeah, that'll get a sword It'll get a sword drawn from Orthodox biblical
Christians. Yeah, that's That's where the sword will come from And by drawing a sword,
I mean they'll draw their Bibles. Uh -huh and say, uh, no It says explicitly that a woman cannot teach or have authority over men
Yeah, first Timothy 2 11 and 12 and isn't the Bible referred to as the sword?
Yeah, right Okay, it is the sword. It's a sort of the spirit in the Bible like yeah, so I'm drawing that sword on Matt I mean, it's astonishing how clear it is
And the Bible even goes further than saying women can't be pastors.
They can't even function in the role That's the description that you have there in first Timothy 2 11 and 12
So it's really astonishing that there's still anybody that insists that according to the
Bible Like like I get that there's people out there that will say well that's dated Anyway, like that's not relevant to us now
Okay, see that that logically that makes more sense that you're trying to downplay We'll see that was 2 ,000 years ago where it was only in Timothy's context or whatever else but for somebody to outright say that the
Bible does not Forbid women from being pastors that that's astonished anybody even attempts that.
Yeah well, I mean didn't one of the the translations try to make everything
Oh He she him. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean there's plenty there's several translations doing that Yeah, so I mean maybe they have that trans neutralizing the pronouns.
Yes Yeah Maybe they're reading that one. I don't know no idea.
No He's just Methodist. So And I highly doubt
I have many Methodist listeners, but anyway Tom from New York Modern Israel is a pagan nation and Christians should not support it
Hmm Yeah, that'll get a sword on you Definitely plenty of Zionists out there is not gonna take to that one
No, Joel webbing who is from right response ministries, by the way I just was a special guest on Joel's podcast.
Oh, yeah earlier this week So look up right response ministries. He did do a podcast. I did do a podcast not my own.
I was on somebody else's but we talked about We talked about the chosen
Some of the problems with the chosen. Yeah, so I talked about it with Joel So I wouldn't have to talk about it with you again on the fun.
Yes We can give the chosen a break for a Friday episode I'd like to sleep after the podcast.
I think it all worked up and not get all cranky about it So Joel said it is shameful for a woman to speak in church, even if it's just making the morning announcements
What yeah, like like, you know, if a woman comes up and makes the announcements in church Okay, like she leads the announcements.
Uh -huh. Yeah, he's saying it's shameful for a woman to speak in church Even if she's leading the announcements shameful
Well, that's what it says in 1st Corinthians 14, it's shameful for a woman to speak in church She should ask her husband at home
We're gonna get to some more of that coming up because cuz like I said This is actually building up to the question that I asked on Twitter.
We haven't even gotten there yet We're just reading responses to smash bails. Uh -huh. Okay, keep going. Okay, Adam page pastor friend of mine in Florida He said the existence of hell glorifies
God Mm -hmm. True. Adam also said tongues mean languages not gibberish
Actual known human languages not speaking in you know your own I thought about a key about a bottle
Honda So weird all I said was I thought I bought a Kia but I bought a
Honda, you know, yeah What was it where was I at? Okay, John who is part of the
Orthodox Church, okay He said marriage lasts in heaven all Sacraments leave a lasting stain on the soul and if we resurrect the body and were made one flesh in marriage therefore marriage lasts in heaven
I Thought it was until death. Do you part till death? Do you part right?
That's the vow. Why is that the vow? Why is the vow not forever and ever?
Because it was in the Bible somewhere. I don't remember where though. Yes Yes, Jesus said in Matthew 22 30 in the resurrection
They neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven So marriage is an earthly relationship that we have
That is to be a picture of the way that Christ loves the church Paul goes into that in Ephesians 5
So when we are in heaven and the church is consummated to Christ in glory
That's our marriage right so you're not gonna have the spouse that you had on earth and Remember what prompted
Jesus saying that was the Sadducees coming with this question of a woman's husband died his brother married her
He died then his brother married her So so whose wife is she when she gets to heaven and that's what that's when
Jesus responds You don't understand the scriptures right in heaven. There's not marriage and being given in marriage.
Mm -hmm. So it won't matter That's only a relationship we experience here. It's not a
Relationship that we continue in glory right now. I love my wife and I love you
I would spend forever with her and we will to a certain city, you know in a certain sense We just won't be married in heaven, but we will spend forever together short
But the Lord has decided marriage is just an earthly covenant It is not a heavenly one and I'll enjoy it while we
We're sanctifying each other. Yes preparing each other for that day. Yes, so amen to that But yeah, this is another example of John, you know, just I mean there's a verse that plainly states
There won't be marriage in heaven, right? And yet he's saying exactly the opposite Red letter because we get a resurrected body.
Yes, even in the red letters. That's right He's saying because we get a resurrected body therefore being one flesh the marriage, you know
He's trying to go he's trying to reason that with earthly logic
Instead of understanding what the scripture says Yeah Paul would have said you're foolish for saying that because the body that we are resurrected with is not like the physical body, right?
So read 1st Corinthians 15 on that Mike in Jacksonville, Texas, which is not far from here.
No, unless your local church is near the Jordan River You should not be baptized in the
Jordan River Also, if you've already been baptized as a believer, you should not get rebaptized anywhere even the
Jordan River Amen To that yes Samuel see our friend from slow to right he says what an anxious soul needs most is a preacher a biblical counselor not a psychologist so true
Amen, Samuel that that'll have some swords drawn on you even in evangelical circles
That'll get some swords drawn on you Michelle Leslie Minister of music aka worship leader is a pastoral position
Which only biblically qualified men should fill? Good job,
Michelle. Yeah, and in fact, she leads us into now this next part
Okay, so I took that concept with the Flynn Rider swords drawn And it was because somebody somebody had responded to that it was a woman that responded to that with with Flynn Rider and the swords pointing at him and Said I'm a woman.
So I'm not a guy in this position and then she answered a question Mm -hmm, and and when I read that I was like, yeah, somebody should make one with Rapunzel there
With the swords drawn on her and I thought who better to do it I've got 15 minutes to kill
So I took a I took a picture of Rapunzel and and put her in there now my girls
Aria who's eight and Mariah who's six? They were totally enamored with this. Yeah, so they see daddy working on his computer
They come over and they're looking over my shoulder and I'm doing something with Rapunzel on the screen and they're like, what is going on?
What is that? Why is there Rapunzel? Why is he replacing Flynn Rider with Rapunzel?
They're like, they're like talking they're going and telling mom because they're asking me. What are you doing? They don't know what a meme is.
I don't know how to explain this to him. Yeah, so they run to Becky Why is daddy doing this?
What is daddy doing? Why is he replacing? Mimou, what's a me move? like a meme
What's he doing? It's a sticker So they watch me do that and they're just they're just enthralled with it
So yeah, I made the picture of Rapunzel now in the in the place of Flynn Rider with the swords
I always think of memes is like your virtual bumper sticker, you know, exactly. Yeah, it's like bumper stickers
So it's good a sticker We're all bumper sticker makers now.
Yeah these memes So I put Rapunzel in that spot and I asked this question Christian ladies
What's your theological stance that would get you in this situation? Uh -huh Now in hindsight,
I actually wish I would have worded it different. I wish I would have put what's your biblical stance? Because there were plenty that were coming up with unbiblical answers.
I'm sure Yes that you could just respond with no that's unbiblical I said what's your biblical stance
Yeah, I could think of quite a few it like the homeschool groups that I've been a part of in the past that You know some of the things that I want to say won't go over.
Well, yeah, right But as far as biblical, that's a whole nother subject. So So theological positions.
Yes. What are your theological stances? That'll get these swords drawn on you Lauren from Jackson, Mississippi Parents should not force their daughters to get a job or go to college instead they should allow them the freedom in and time to learn how to keep a home and or volunteer within the church
Fathers should care for their daughters until they marry and if they don't for life
Okay That's not terrible. Yeah, well said Lauren. Yeah, that's gonna get some swords drawn on you.
Yeah, not a popular concept Lizzie from California Bathsheba chose to commit adultery.
Mm -hmm That'll definitely get this Oh my goodness, yeah
Progressivists won't like you for that one Someone who goes by the name of Coram Dio in the in in,
Oklahoma Almost said the UK but I see I put okay there So, okay Coram Dio from Oklahoma women shouldn't be spending time on Twitter tweeting their disagreements with men all day
I agree Quite honestly because I know how much time you waste just arguing with yeah with guides with guys bad theology takes on I mean if I'm talking to a guy or guys more than my husband there.
Yeah. Oh, yeah just my thinking It's very problematic, especially especially not in DMS.
Yeah direct message private message Stay out of personal conversations in your
DMS Meg from the u .s Head coverings were about keeping hair clean because washing hair was hard Okay, that's her take on first first Corinthians 11 1 through 16 washing hair was hard Washing is hard now.
Yeah, I Don't think you'll find that in many commentaries, but there's her take
Sarah from Indonesia to be self -controlled pure working at home kind and submissive to their own husbands that the
Word of God May not be reviled. She's just quoting from Titus 2 there. Yeah, so be a
Titus 2 woman. That's right. That's a controversial take Olivia from a mountainous and beautiful area
You should be patriarchal not complimentary One is the way the
Lord made it the other is a middle -of -the -road response to an actually unbiblical teaching
Very true. I agree that that patriarchy is is more. I mean, it's biblical.
It's more in line biblically Complementarianism, it's like you got to explain that and and you a lot of self -professing complementarians right now
Really don't sound like complementarians They sound like like Yeah, egalitarians
Egalitarians are the ones that believe like women can be pastors and I mean complementarians are starting to sound like that.
Oh What were you thinking of I was thinking of like the This tends to be like the the argument tends to be complementarians versus egalitarians, but really the position needs to be patriarchy
Egalitarianism is not biblical at all feminist. Okay, that's what you're thinking. Yeah, but that doesn't
I Think my brain just went flat like what which one? Promoted the feminist.
Is that the ego? That's egalitarian. Yeah, right. I was misled I mean miss thinking if you believe women can be pastors.
You're egalitarian Okay, because egalitarian is the concept that women can do everything men can do right? Egalitarian is less about equal and more about women can do this.
Yeah, pretty much. I mean, that's why I think it's the feminist movement Yeah, just hiding in plain sight
Hiding in plain sight. Yeah, but this complementarian direction of You know, even some complementarians are thinking well, the senior pastor has to be a man
But the assistant pastor can be a woman Complementary right? Yeah, and they'll still call themselves complementarian, huh?
But that's an egalitarian position Interesting. You're putting the woman in a position of a pastor because again the instruction there in 1st
Timothy 2 11 and 12 Is that she can't even function in that role? Yeah, it doesn't just say she can't be a pastor
It most certainly doesn't say she can't be the senior pastor, but she can you know, right fill this role and Right.
Yeah, so Complementarians are starting to sound this way. That's not a compliment. That's not the patriarchal position, right?
That's an egalitarian position. Mm -hmm, and you can thank Beth more for this because she was the one that called herself a soft complementarian
Well a soft complementarian is a soft egalitarian. Yeah, exactly Yeah, I just there's not middle -of -the -road area here.
It's one or the other She she just never likes to say anything that will get her readers to like throw her books away.
Oh Of course, she's gonna say whatever makes you Yeah Olivia or that was who
I read that was so this one This is a plus from an oceanic and beautiful area
Olivia was from a mountainous and beautiful area a plus is from an oceanic and beautiful area Okay, so she said make love with your husband often first Corinthians 7 1 2 9
I agree Well, I'm not gonna compliment any further on that this is a family show
But I'm glad you agree so Lindsay from New Zealand Says the fact alone that I walk in faith.
No. Yeah that can get swords drawn on you just because you're a Christian Yeah, Beth with a lightsaber
Said women were not biologically created to be leaders or providers we are created to be homemakers raise children and be a
Submissive yet highly valued partner to our husband while being a witness of biblical femininity not conforming to worldly feminine standards exactly good long answer a
Nurse from South Carolina said your kids are your responsibility to raise not the government Oh my goodness
I so agree with that this next gal Aaron a comment that goes right along with that one Homeschooling should be the norm for Christian parents with few exceptions
That'll get a sword drawn and that'll get a sword drawn on you in your own church. Yeah, say something like that Laura from the narrow way
She said it's inappropriate and sinful to work out at the public gym wearing spandex or what they call tights
Long or short and a sports bra It Yeah, you think
I get in trouble for saying leggings aren't pants Comment like that will get a sword drawn on you to Lindsay the hillbilly homemaker
The worship leader while not a pastor by definition has a major role in shepherding the flock through music thus the worship leader
Should be a male Hey, there you go, Michelle Lindsay agreed right with you there
There you go a lady from Memphis whose name I cannot pronounce mom's
Mom's primary responsibility is being home with their children Mm -hmm
That's a good place to be that is a good place to be Not enslaved by some employer making money for him.
Yeah Because you get to be home working for your kids out the window anyway, yeah, right to pay for somebody to watch
Yeah, that's right children. Yeah, I mean a friends of mine I remember we were counseling a couple friend of ours is five or six years ago
But they were both working both the husband and wife were working outside of the home one of their salaries
Was just paying for childcare. Yeah Yeah, so they don't they don't have their kids at home
Their kids are being raised by somebody else basically. Mm -hmm, and they're working just to pay for somebody else to raise their kids an
Entire salary of one of them was paying for their childcare. Yeah, and I am we counseled them. We're like Quit your job
Go home and be with your children. Yeah, it'll be fine. Yes, you will love it
Quit your job and go home and be with your kids. They had two kids at the time. I think they have three now so anyway
Continuing on this is Aviary Avari however, if you
Aviary is a place where birds fly away. I don't think it's a bar. He might be the pronunciation
Modesty is not a suggestion stop wearing exposing clothes Mmm, yes, even if that's all they're selling
Charity from Wisconsin unmarried adult women ought to be under their father's authority
Yeah, that one agreed with that's a hot tape. Oh, yeah, that's true. Right? Yeah, cuz we read one earlier of Living at home and being taken care of by your father by your father.
Yeah, if you're unmarried, yeah, okay from elsewhere While I do think it's okay for a wife to bring in income
The job to provide is the husband's and all efforts and sacrifices should be made so that a wife
Can primarily be a keeper of the home? There are a few exceptions like health or you know physically unable
Yeah husbands, which that's a whole nother circumstance. Oh sure
And we've known families in that situation to definitely so where I'm not to knock the people who are not able.
Yeah, correct, but Ideally that is the situation.
Yes, so I pastored a church that was primarily Military. Mm -hmm. And yeah, you had situations where the husband is disabled
Yes, and so the wife has to be the one to work now They were bringing in military income too, but she is not able to cover all of that, right?
They're not able to cover all that with their military income. So she's even working a little bit to provide for the family
Hey understand that sometimes the situation has to call for that Uh, what is that one autumn autumn is the name it's just spelled different it's a
TUM it's not autumn like the season Yeah, I don't know autumn from the land of milk and honey.
I love pagans just as I love Christians We should not be enemies. We have bigger fish to fry.
I have no idea what that means I don't even know why I copied that and put that on the list. I Don't know either other than they love everybody and don't treat him any differently.
I mean, hey, I love everyone too we have to love everybody to share the gospel with them, but I do treat him different because the the pagans don't have the same understanding of Scripture and God and or even how the world works
Yeah, what we're here for how things were created what they were created for. So I do treat them differently
We're not on the same team. No, we're not fighting the same battle. No, they're on the other side
The battle that we fight is not against flesh and blood right so So pagans we we were all once lost.
Yeah, we were all once Children of wrath like the rest of mankind Ephesians 2 3 so we were all there.
Yeah now we're in that's not That's the one thing we have in common with pagans, right? They're still children of wrath
Yes, we once were children of wrath, right and it was the gospel that won us out of that, right?
So share the gospel with them that they may come to faith and believe and then we'll be on the same team
Yes, but we're not together on the mission field. They are the mission field.
Yes, so I don't know what how in the world Yeah, how could we possibly have bigger fish to fry?
I Don't I don't know other than the answer for your eternity. I Mean first things first is the third the first save the first thing
I'm gonna tell you if I know that you're an unbeliever is gonna be the gospel. Yeah, not hey
Let's go work together to fry bigger fish. I don't even know what she's referring to. I don't either Wokeness transgenderism, you know, those are certainly bad things, but we're not allies in that fight
Yeah, the pagan the pagans got us into this problem, right? Yeah, you're not gonna help us get out of this problem the solution is
Christ no matter what the solutions Christ Mm -hmm So, let's see. That was autumns.
Mm -hmm patriarchy princess who lives in the u .s Okay, if you can't find a man worth the reverence
God calls us to have for our husbands You're probably being too much of a feminist to find a man that will love you like Christ loves the church
It's possible Jessica O'Donnell the Jessica O'Donnell who writes for the blaze
Okay says women should submit to their husbands who submit to God also Bring a oh, sorry being and that's a typo
Being a Christian is seven days a week. Not just on Sunday. Yes, and yes
Well said Jessica Amy from Kentucky Husbands leading their wives and wives submitting to their husbands is beautiful Very true.
That'll get a sword drawn on you Definitely, but it's absolutely true J Val in the u .s.
A woman's behavior slash demeanor Reflects her husband and his headship in the home.
She would be wise to keep that in mind in all interactions even on Twitter so true
That's what I'm saying. I love that My wife has a good reputation even when she's not with me and I think that does reflect on me
Yeah, so I appreciate it, babe You're welcome Thank you for being such an awesome woman, that's what
I'm saying Hannah for biblical patriarchy
It's part of the husband's job as the leader of the home to call his wife to repentance when needed so true
Sydney God can call a woman to preach and teach There should be both a male and female youth pastor on Sunday So that girls aren't alone with their male pastor and vice versa
Churches automatically stink when it comes to protecting innocent women and children from predators
None of that is biblically based. No, I mean you you do need to have accountability. I Do not go in rooms alone with women that I'm not married to with a woman that women
I'm not married to That's not in Mormon I'm not gonna be seen alone with another woman who is not my wife.
Yeah putting it that way So yes, if I ever have to talk with a woman one -on -one
There's gonna be some accountability there. Somebody else will be with me in that we can say that that's wise
Biblically without saying that there has to be a youth pastor Which by the way is not a biblical category for a pastor
Right and then that youth pastors wife must also be ordained so that she's with him in the room whenever talking to a youth
Those things are not required to talk to a teenager You can have an adult talking to a teenager even a member of the opposite sex as long as somebody else is there to provide
Accountability, right? In fact, I would say that in any sort of a situation where an adult has to speak to a minor
There has to be accountability in the room. I agree Especially nowadays, that's just a matter of wisdom.
Yes Because anything can be said anything to be said any accusation could be made.
That's what I meant Yeah, any anything like yeah, right? DM from Wichita, Kansas God calls women to teach preach and lead in the church
Just like all the women deacons apostles co -ministers that Paul commends in the book of Acts and Romans No such role as pastor's wife in the
New Testament wife mother is not woman's ultimate purpose There are no women pastors or apostles in the
Bible period you're making stuff up And and Anastasia from Pennsylvania responds to that.
There's no such thing as a woman pastor You're here very silent there
Trying to not to like bust out laughing into the microphone. She's just sitting there nodding
Anna from the US lots of things Number one God will sanctify you out of feminism
Number and number two if you are married and purposefully remaining childless for an indefinite time you are in sin obvious exclusions of infertility healing from birth loss, etc
Number three women's ministry Bible studies need male headship
Yes Yeah, indeed. Actually, I'm the elder over all of that in our church.
So I oversee the women's ministry stuff that happens in our church It is under male headship.
Yep, the feminists turn housewife from Texas God commands women to be keepers at home
True this person named Tulip majority of women's Bible studies are just social clubs
There's a reason why women are told to ask their husbands at home if they want to learn more
That's In 1st Corinthians 14, by the way, Nana Akua Ananias and Sapphira are with the
Lord Whoa now we're now we're pulling out the big theological subjects So Ananias and Sapphira were the two that lied about the field that they sold and how much money they sold it for okay, yeah, yeah, and then
Ananias died and then Sapphira comes in and she dies right the children actually just covered this for they just did this story
Yeah, yeah And they're Wednesday nights So Nana Akua's argument is they're with the
Lord Mmm, I mean it could be we don't know for sure
But why would God strike them dead? Well, it says in 1st
Corinthians 11 that there were Corinthians in the church Who were dying because they were misusing the
Lord's table. Mm -hmm So that's the affliction the punishment that's coming upon them because they're eating and drinking judgment on themselves
Doesn't mean they're not saved. Okay, but there's consequences for their actions So I would imagine that Nana's argument here is that they did something that incurred the judgment of God Okay, but it didn't mean that they lost their salvation.
Okay, that would be her argument Okay, but is there enough to say that they were saved or not?
Right? See I would argue we don't know for sure Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. We'll get to heaven and find out right
But of course, she's making an argument that would have swords drawn on her. I understand that What's your theological stance that puts you in this position?
That's that's her claim. I could see that. Yeah Mrs. Bendel wary if a woman has a theological question, she should ask her husband about it before anyone else very true
Elsa from Canada women should not be limited to Proverbs 31 Also women should not be held to the standard of Proverbs 31 to be worthy of X Y &
Z Jesus is the standard you may be and should be a wife. Even if you're not a
Proverbs 31 woman Do you think I agree with that or disagree with that I'm gonna put you on the spot
You think I agree with what she said or do I disagree with what she said? Hang on I gotta like clarify what that last sentence means you may be and should be a wife
Maybe a wife you may be a wife and should be a wife Even if you're not a
Proverbs 31 woman So the description of what a wife should be according to Proverbs 31
She says even if you're not a Proverbs 31 woman, you may be a wife or you should be a wife
Do you think that I agree or disagree with that statement? She may well, I think she's separating it like Yes, Jesus is the standard but isn't the
Proverbs 31 woman an example of what Jesus? What would
Jesus would expect a wife to be right? So this is why I'm asking this question.
So do you think I agree with what she said there or do I disagree with it? And I think you would somewhat disagree because she's separating the two
Okay, separate separating Proverbs 31 from Christ being the standard. Yes okay, that those two are separated and then that if you're not a
Proverbs 31 woman, I mean you can learn to be sure you don't have to start out that way, right?
I mean, that's what yeah, they're going to yeah, and it's not all in one day. Okay, so Take a year, but you can be a
Proverbs 31. No, I mean like everything the Proverbs 31 woman does is not just in one day
Oh, right, correct That's not that's not the way you're gonna buy a field and sell it in the same day.
Yeah, that's right a week That's right, except for Sunday No So should not be held to the standard.
Um I mean, are you gonna? Should not be held to the standard.
That means that you're gonna be disciplined if you're not Like I don't understand. I think you should aspire to be
Well held to the standard is gonna mean if a woman is not meeting This description of what a godly wife should be a woman who fears the
Lord is to be praised That's the way that starts there in Proverbs 31 So is so if a woman is not doing everything that said there in Proverbs 31 then she's sinning somehow
So that's what she's talking about. You know, like she should not be held to this standard. Oh, she's not sinning Not fully.
I mean, like I said, not really. Well, then you are no no, no Like you work your way up there.
You you're not automatically You're being sanctified. You're growing and maturing into the
Proverbs 31 woman So, I mean, I guess you're sinning but because we're all sinful I don't
I don't Okay, so my brain is too mushy for me to like spell this out for you originally question originally the question is
And now I'm all muddled. Do I agree with this or disagree with it? And I said disagree because she's separating the two.
I agree. I agree with her statement. Yep fully agree with okay Here's the reason why because the
Proverbs 31 woman is a matter of wisdom Okay, it is not an exact description it is it is a general right?
So not every woman is gonna meet that standard. Have you ever bought a field and sold it?
No, but I bought stuff and sold it sure right today standards, you know different Yeah, so generally what you see there in Proverbs 31 is what a godly woman who fears the
Lord Should aspire to mm -hmm, but each one of those things is not fully descriptive
Of a godly woman, right and there could be other things that you do that may be indicative of What we might expect a
Proverbs 31 woman to be but it's not spelled out there in Proverbs 31, right? So when
I'm reading that from Elsa what I'm saying is this should not be some sort of legalistic thing Oh, I totally agree with that right and it has been in the past It has been with some people that we've encountered and it shouldn't have been yeah
And it was hard to explain to them why it shouldn't have been Like you should not hold your wife to this and you and the wife should not hold herself to that right like that That was difficult to explain to them
That they were going about it. Sure correctly. Yeah but anyway It was a good.
It's a good comment. Okay, I agree with it good. Yes Just acting like I'm saying something wrong or that I should be saying you're doing great
I was just I was curious if you knew where I stood on that particular comment if you if you thought
I agreed with it or disagree But you asked your husband at home
I did cuz see here we are at home recording from home Yeah, this would be a good place to stop because now we've brought this whole thing for a full circle
We started talking about the studio at home. I got a few more comments So we're giving you we have one more subject.
We're giving you an extended episode. Mm -hmm. Yeah So Claire whose location is unspecified.
Okay she says a woman's place is not in the home because God did not call every woman to be married or to have children any
Church that promotes this as a woman's primary objective or the ideal Needs to reevaluate scripture and teach that women are image bearers first and foremost
Hmm, I think that that kind of diminishes Yeah, like what a church should be encouraging women to do a
Church can encourage a woman to get married and have children. Sure not make it a legalistic requirement, right?
But this is this is almost like she's saying that a church shouldn't be doing that shouldn't even be encouraging women to be doing that You're getting into the
Beth Moore area, yeah like the light part but I mean,
I'm not saying it's a woman's primary objective Right to get married and have children
That's going a little bit far. Yeah, that's going way too far But I'm still I would encourage men to get married and have kids women to get married and have kids.
Yes That's what the Bible says. Yeah, but if you if you don't find that special someone for you to marry then there's nothing wrong with Going and being a missionary or taking partaking, you know in different Places in the church.
Yeah, there's different service that you can do in the church Yeah, and then I mean washing the feet of the
Saints. Yeah, that's talked about some things. Yeah, I can do Lady Oh localist.
I don't know what that means A slanderous gossiping woman disqualifies her husband from deaconship and he should be removed or stepped down from consideration
Yes Yeah, because there are requirements for a deacon's wife in 1st
Timothy 3 and as I Mean, he's not really a leader, but he is kind of of leader.
Yeah position, right? He would know more things about people's private lives and if she's gonna just talk about everything
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Absolutely, right It says that she can't be a gossiper or slander or even herself addicted to wine because that probably leads to gossip and slander
That's now there are not qualifications that are given for an elder's wife But if an elder's wife has developed a really bad reputation for going around and gossiping about things about people in the church and stuff
Like that. Well, then he becomes disqualified because he's not managing his own household. Well, right, that's true
So though there's not just there's not a qualification for her to have to meet as a pastor's wife He still needs to be leading his wife and children biblically
Mm -hmm, and if they're exhibiting behavior that indicates that he's not doing that at home Then he's he's become disqualified as a pastor.
Yeah, true Jamie in Oklahoma pregnancy doesn't suddenly make it right with God To be a modest and post half -naked pictures of yourself for all the world to see cover it up ladies.
Thank you I'm always awkward Yeah in visa from Uganda you can have an education and still make a good wife and Whereas I agree that we're supposed to take care of our homes first.
Some of us are also wired to read our books Sure, my wife has a higher education degree than I do
Yeah Sort of You do you have a higher do you have a higher graduate degree than I have graduate degree, okay, sure.
Yeah All right, so one last thing we're gonna mention here and then wrap up with this this was another one of those things that I meant to say at the very beginning and Forgot we're talking about where we've been recently.
So some of you might be familiar with the story of Aaron Edwards He worked at a seminary in the UK and he said something controversial on Twitter that went viral and he got fired from his
Seminary. Yeah, because of something he said on Twitter. He lost his job
On February 19th, dr. Edwards posted homosexuality is invading the church
Evangelicals no longer see the severity of this because they're busy apologizing for their apparently barbaric homophobia
Whether or not it's true This is a gospel issue, by the way, if sin is no longer sin.
We no longer need a Savior for posting that On his private on his
Twitter page his private Twitter page. Okay. Yeah. Well, I mean it wasn't like locked Oh, it was his own
Twitter page. Okay, and he got fired for that Wow from the article I'm reading from out of Christian concern comm the tweet sparked a debate that went viral
There were users who posted in support of dr. Edwards in his message, but also many who harassed and abused him
Dr. Edwards insists and clarified in subsequent tweets that the post was not homophobic and That it was addressed to evangelicals who agree with this message, but feel they can't say so for fear of backlash
Furthermore he addressed that the aggressive response of the tweet illustrated the problem it addressed. Yeah, the very fact that he got fired
Yeah, that's called backlash That proves exactly what he said.
Yeah, exactly So I When I looked him up on Twitter, yeah a seminary right from a seminary when
I looked him up on Twitter I came to find that he actually follows me. Mm -hmm. And so I reached out to him and I just simply said hey brother
How are you doing? He responded to me and said hey brother. Thanks for reaching out. I'm doing okay. Thanks. It's been pretty relentless
I wouldn't have thought being unemployed would be so time -consuming But it's a good fight to fight and I'm content that God has us in his hands.
Whatever happens We've also been delighted with the many encouragements. We've received God is good
So I'm so glad to hear that about Aaron I'm praying for him and there is a way that you can support him
In fact, and I'm gonna put this link in the description I rarely put stuff in the description of the podcast.
Yeah, but I'm gonna put this link in the description It is a crowd funder in the
UK to help raise money for Aaron to provide for Just various needs that he has.
Yeah, so provide for him and his family. So pray for dr. Edwards Thank him for taking a bold stance lost his job over it even from a seminary,
I mean it's astonishing to think that that that Homosexuality is becoming so Protected even among evangelicals that for speaking out against it in Christian circles.
You will lose your job Yeah, and not as a homophobic but like just speaking out that just calling there.
They're wrong Yes, then just saying they're in sin and it's sin that will incur the wrath of God Yes, first Corinthians 6 9 and 10
Colossians 3 5 and 6 Against such things the wrath of God is coming.
It says there's a lot of 36 Yes, they have to be warned if we love them.
We will warn them So that they will turn from this sin to Jesus Christ putting putting their faith and trust in Jesus and be saved
Cleansed from all unrighteousness. It says in 1st John 1 9. Mm -hmm He will heal you and make you new but apparently we can't talk about that anymore
You could lose your job over that now used to be that You know We would we would warn people who work in secular environments, right?
You could potentially lose your job for the Christian standards that you have even now in evangelical circles you could lose your job
Yeah for taking a stance on what the Bible says and and and just being bold about it.
Yeah, you know, dr Edwards was just he was making a courageous statement. Mm -hmm, and he lost his job over it proving exactly what it was that he said
So brother, I'm sorry that this is happening to you But I'm glad to see that you're rejoicing even in the midst of this trial because that's what scripture tells us to do
Yes, when people utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account rejoice and be glad Jesus said in Matthew 5 for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you great is your reward in heaven
So remember these things Don't become shy or cowardly about what scripture says
Stand on the truth declare it boldly. You'll probably have swords drawn against you.
Yeah a Few but we are more than conquerors through him who loved us
As it says in Romans 8, let's finish with prayer. We'll pray for dr Edwards pray for ourselves even in the midst of this crooked in which wicked generation
That we would shine as lights in the world holding fast to the Word of Life Philippians 2 14
Heavenly Father we thank you for the goodness that you show to us It is because of what Christ has done for us that we could be called the children of God And you have called us out of darkness into your marvelous light
We are no longer children of wrath like the rest of mankind, but we who are in Christ Jesus We are children of God and may we continue to hold fast to the
Word the testimony of the gospel of Christ That was proclaimed to us We continue to share this with a lost and dying world so that these persons who are
Who are still under the wrath of God would turn from their sin to the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved
Help us to speak these truths boldly in the midst of a crooked and a brave generation
We would not try to soften the message so not to have to experience the backlash that comes with that But we we stand boldly in the name of Christ Jesus said in the gospel of Luke whoever is ashamed of me and my words.
I will be ashamed of him on The day that I return in In in the name of my father and with his holy angels
So may we continue to stand courageously in the midst of this culture
Holding fast to the gospel proclaiming it so that others who will hear it will turn from their sin to the
Lord Jesus Christ and be Saved we pray for dr. Edwards We thank you for his bold stance and may his needs and his family's needs be
Provided for in the midst of this trial that they are going through may we follow his example
Even if it cost us our job our livelihood, whatever else, but we stand on the truth
Because it is only the truth of Christ that saves Thank you Jesus for your goodness toward us in your precious name.
We pray. Amen Okay, we're rolling
Alrighty We're not rolling.
No, we're not. We're paused check. Okay check Do I need to eat the mic?
I don't know. We're closer together than usual. So I don't know how like Is your mic gonna pick up me?
And yeah, that sort of thing. Am I gonna pick up on your mic? I don't know Yours is always quieter because your voice is quieter.
Anyway, yeah So that's true got this pointed this way we'll see if this works.
All right I'll give it a go rock and roll Maybe oh man.
Yeah, see I have to I gotta get rid of fiddle I gotta get rid of this stand and get you one of my mind
Cuz this just isn't gonna work anymore There you go. Now. I got a bend way over.
Yeah I Still gonna flop. Yeah, you think so.
I hope you just don't touch it. I haven't touched it. You're the one that moved your computer See how that did anything, okay.
Yeah, it's still sound weird. Anyway It sounds like you normal we just have a little tiny bit a little extra echo that's what
I'm saying Yeah, I hear the echo feel like you're talking in a paper towel roll Better than a fan
I suppose This is when we were sooner than just be underwater.