F4F | Patricia King and Katie Souza on Time Travel


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now, if you've ever heard somebody say, we as Christians need to reject counterfeit time travel while embracing biblical time travel.
Yeah, I'm not making that up. Go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video and ring the bell. You've been taught something that is not taught in Scripture.
Case in point, we are heading over to the YouTube channel for Patricia King.
She's invited her good friend Katie Sousa on to talk about time travel, and I assure you, time travel is not a biblical doctrine.
It is not a Christian practice. It is nothing that you need to aspire to. This is going to be just a textbook example of making stuff up and making up definitions for Greek words and stuff like that, because Katie Sousa, she puts on pretenses and airs like she knows the
Greek and stuff. She's never studied Greek. I have a degree in biblical languages, so I know both
Greek and Hebrew quite well. She doesn't know it at all, and we're gonna demonstrate that definitively as we work our way through this.
Now, I want to point out that, before we get started, and that is that Patricia King recently addressed
Benny Hinn's repentance, and if you're wondering where I stand on this,
I am hopeful that the Lord will continue to work in Benny Hinn to work real biblical, true, godly sorrow for the sin that he is engaged in in manipulating
God's Word and teaching for shameful gain things that ought not to teach, but I do not.
I am not confident at all that we've seen true repentance from him. So if you want to know where I stand on that,
I'm with Justin Peters, and I'm also with Steve Kozar, and we're hoping to do a livestream next week on this topic, but that's in the works, so we'll let you know when that comes out.
But Patricia King, in responding to Benny Hinn's repentance, she had to kind of distance herself, because she also is a prosperity preacher, and she believes in biblical prosperity and stuff.
So I found this kind of interesting, a soundbite that I might come back to from time to time. Let's let
Patricia King explain to us what the Scriptures say regarding who should be teaching in Christ's Church, and what they are to be doing as it relates to God's Word.
It says, "...be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."
That's right. She's quoted 2 Timothy 2 15. This is the requirements for a pastor, by the way, to be diligent and to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed or blushed with embarrassment, who can accurately handle the word of truth.
So Patricia King has publicly stated she's aware of the biblical standard for teaching in God's Word, that somebody must accurately handle the word of truth.
So that is our setup here. Let's head over to Patricia King's Supernatural with Patricia King program, which also airs on YouTube.
If you can call it airing, I guess it shows up over Wi -Fi. Here is Patricia King and Katie Sousa.
Let's see if they accurately handle the word of truth here. Welcome to Supernatural Life. My name is
Patricia King, and this week we are going to talk about a very exciting subject, time travel.
Yeah, so you know, are we going to do this Doctor Who style, or are we going to do this, like,
Back to the Future style? I particularly enjoy the DeLorean.
I like the DeLorean, you know, version of time travel. But hey, you know, if you're into Doctor Who, I'm not going to quibble if you're into the
TARDIS. Anyway, so we're going to talk about time travel. Where in the scripture does it teach time travel?
I'm going to just say nowhere. It doesn't teach it anywhere at all. This is not a biblical doctrine.
This is not a Christian practice. That's right, because in the Spirit, there's no time or distance.
In the eternal dimension, there is no restriction on time or distance, and we're going to...
Now, this is, no, what is she referring to? That, okay, in eternity, time and space, that's, time and space is part of the creation, and that in eternity, in the eternal kingdom, time and space do not have, you know, they don't have a meaning like that.
But this is an extrapolation, not an actual biblical text. In order for something to be a biblical doctrine, it must be taught in scripture.
It must be laid out in scripture, and just simply making an allusion to the eternal does not make it, therefore, ergo, we can engage in time travel.
Nope, this is not a valid implication of the concept of eternity.
See, through the Bible, that even Jesus operated in this dynamic, and with me...
Jesus operated in the time travel dynamic? No, he didn't. Not during his earthly ministry, no way.
Today, I have a special guest and a special friend of mine, Katie Sousa, who's a revivalist, who has a powerful testimony of the
Lord, who has transformed her life and taught her so much on the supernatural. So Katie, it's so...
So she's an expert now on the supernatural, the woman who had a demonic yeast infection. Yeah, we covered that in Fighting for the
Faith early on in our recent YouTubage, sometime last year in 2018.
Awesome to have you with us, and especially to talk about this subject, because, you know, it's a controversial subject, because a lot of times...
No, it's not. This is not a controversial subject. There are no theologians who actually have valid credentials, who are sitting there going, we believe in biblical time travel, and a whole other group of theologians with equally good pedigrees sit there going, no, no, no, no, biblical time travel isn't a thing at all.
There are no theological journals, apologetic journals, there are no books on the subject where people are lobbing grenades back and forth.
Where do you stand on the great time travel debate in the
Bible? Nope, this is not controversial. In the New Age, there is instruction in New Age groups and cults on how to astral travel, astral project on that, and so a lot of...
Astral projection, yes, that's part of the New Age, and I would note that what my limited knowledge of New Age concepts is that I'm pretty sure astral projection has to do with getting your spirit to project outside of your body, not time travel per se.
A lot of times Christians say, well, gee, you know, that's demonic, we shouldn't be entering in anything like that, but I always say it's really important to know that Jesus is the truth, and everything else is the counterfeit.
Yes, yeah, that's true, but just because the New Age has astral projection doesn't mean that there's a
Christian or biblical counterpart to astral projection. You need clear text to actually show you and teach that.
So if there's a counterfeit, we have to find out, well, where's the truth in it, okay? So note, the setup is just completely abysmal, utterly abysmal.
This is just straight -out manipulation, and I would note that Patricia King, fully aware of what the
Scriptures teach as far as the standard, let me remind you again what she has publicly stated.
In 2 Timothy 2, verse 15, it says, Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
Yeah, there you go, so there's your standard, accurately handling the word of truth. Let's see if Katie Sousa can accurately handle
God's Word and make the case for time travel, Christian time travel.
A question from Michelle, she's from the USA, she says, what's the difference between astral projection and time travel?
And so you can speak into this, but one of the things that I do want to mention to our viewers is that source is everything.
All right, so source is everything, so yeah, what's the difference between astral projection and time travel?
Now the eminent biblical scholar, Katie Sousa, is about ready to unload on us and reveal to us what the
Scriptures teach regarding time travel. Like, what is the source?
If the Holy Spirit is leading according to truth, and that is the source, then that's the truth, that's the good thing.
Right, so where has the Holy Spirit in the Theanoustos, the God -breathed written
Word of God, revealed the doctrine of time travel? But if it's a demonic source, if you're submitting to a new age demon or a philosophy or something like that, then of course you're going to get a
That's right. But do you have any more to add into that? Well, to me, source is the most important thing. Yeah, source, yeah, so source is important.
So where in the Bible, that's our source for doctrine, where in the Bible is time travel taught? We actually had everything first.
God created everything for us first, and the enemy has taken everything and counterfeited it. So apparently the enemy has taken time travel away from us and counterfeited it.
Not making that up, let me back this up just a few seconds. Everything first, God created everything for us first, and the enemy has taken everything and counterfeited it.
So we have to not be afraid of things, we have to find them in the Bible, and then we have to take them back from the enemy.
Now, Jesus did move in this realm. The realm of time travel, really, Jesus moved in it.
What is your text? Of the supernatural. He did. Yes, he did. I mean, throughout the
Bible we see that Jesus would go back to the time someone was sick or had a curse or a disease or a disorder.
He would go back to the time. Can you give me an example of that? I can hardly wait for you to unpack this.
Yeah, me too. Yeah, this is gonna be abysmal. Okay. I am so excited. Okay. I know, yeah,
Patricia, I'm sure you're thinking that Katie Soos is gonna be ringing the cash register for you. He went back into time.
He did. Really, when did Jesus go back into time? Went back to the place, too, because time and space are linked together.
That's scientific, right? And he went back to the cause that made it happen, right? Now, where is that in the
Bible? Right, that's the $24 ,000 question before us. Where is this in the
Bible? It's one thing to just, you know, spin a yarn. It's a whole other thing to rightly handle the word of truth.
Again, let me remind you, Patricia King is fully aware of this important thing that we need to rightly handle the word of truth.
In 2nd Timothy 2, verse 15, it says, "...be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."
Right on. So, accurately handling the word of truth is super important. Patricia King has publicly even stated that.
So, that being the case, let's see what Katie Soos does. Okay, well, there's many proofs, and just a couple is in Mark 3, the man with the withered hand.
All right, so Mark 3, the man with the withered hand. Let's take a look at the text, just without their intervention here, and see if we can find time travel there, shall we?
All right, so Mark 3, it starts at verse 1, "...again he," that's Jesus, "...entered the synagogue, and a man was there with a withered hand.
And they watched Jesus to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him.
And he said to them, said to the man with the withered hand, come here. And he said to them, is it lawful on the
Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill? But they were silent, and he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart.
And he said to the man, stretch out your hand."
In Greek, ek -tenon -ten -kaira, kaira, ek -tenon -ten -kaira.
All right, stretch out your hand. And he stretched it out, and it was restored. And the
Pharisees went out and immediately held counsel with the Herodians against him how to destroy him.
So did you see the time travel bit there? Yet neither did I. No, I didn't see any time travel, but this is the first place she's going, so she must believe that it's clearly taught here.
So Katie Sousa, rightly handling the word of truth is the standard. Please show us where time travel is in Mark 3.
Yeah, okay, he's got a withered hand, and the Amplified says it's from an accident or a disease that happened in the past.
Okay, so he tells... Accident or a disease that happened in the past. All right, let's take a look at the Amplified here.
So here's the Amplified, classic edition. So Jesus went into a synagogue, and a man was there who had a withered hand as the result of an accident or a disease.
That's in the parentheses. I'm curious where they get that from. Hold on a second here, let's take a look here.
Yeah, with a withered hand. It says dried up hand.
Yeah, nothing in the Greek really signals accident or disease, it just says that he had a withered hand.
Okay, so that's interesting. So let's come back then to the
Amplified. The Pharisees kept watching Jesus closely to see whether he would cure him on the Sabbath so that they might get a charge to bring against him formally.
All right, and he said to the man who had the withered hand, get up and stand here in the midst.
And he said to them, is it lawful and right on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to take it?
And he glanced around with vexation and anger, grieved at the hardening of their hearts, and said to the man, hold out your hand.
He held it out and his hand was completely restored. Hold out your hand.
All right, so the Amplified doesn't even amplify all that much. And by the way, the problem with the
Amplified is that it takes oftentimes all of the different possible lexicon different definitions of a word and uses them for like every instance.
We don't do this, by the way. We note that certain words have many different meanings, and so context is going to determine which meaning a word should have.
And when you when you pour every possible meaning into an instance when that word appears, the name of that error is called the illegitimate totality transfer.
So let me give you an example. Okay, so if we were looking the dictionary for the word up, up, up that way.
So up can be a direction that you're traveling. Now if I were to use it in a sentence, I could say I threw up.
Now if I say I threw up, am I saying that I threw a ball up? Or am
I saying that I vomited? Well, what the context is going to determine, and note that, you know, throwing up could mean either in the context is going to dictate.
So which which definition of up am I using? Well, if I said I threw the ball up,
I threw up, I took a ball and I threw it up. Yeah, you'd say, okay, you threw up in a direction.
But if I said, oh, I ran to the bathroom and I lost my cookies and I threw up, you would know that what
I'm referring to is vomiting. Okay, so the idea that context dictates, but it can't mean both definitions at the same time.
It only means one. So the Amplified oftentimes will take every possible definition and pour it into an instance of a word, but this is no way to study
Scripture, because context will dictate which definition is in play.
So she's come to this thing and she says, all right, the Amplified says that this weathered hand was a result of a disease or an accident.
Okay, let's continue. The man stand up, he says, stretch forth thine hand.
He gives him a command, and he said he stretched it forth and the hand was completely restored. So how did Jesus do that miracle?
Well, the phrase there, stretch forth, is the Greek word ektano, and in it, it means the time something happened, the place something happened, and the cause that made it happen.
Which biblical lexicon says that? So she says that the key word here is ektano, and so let's take a look at it.
All right, let me pull up my Greek and make it a little bit bigger. So, which is, you know, on Sabbath, which is to do good or do harm, to save life or to kill.
So, here's what it says, legeton anthropo ektanen kheira.
All right, so here's our word, stretch, and the question is, what does this word mean?
She said it had something to do with time and stuff. Well, let's take a look.
We're going to do a quick research here. We're going to look at our Greek tools. So, ektano, it means to stretch out, to lay hands on, to, you know, to exert power.
Okay, that's Mounce's Greek. The Strong's also says to stretch out, to extend.
Yeah, let's take a look. Let me close this up and we'll take a look at BDAG. Ektano, two primary definitions, to cause an object to extend to its full length in space or to stretch out or to extend in time beyond normal expectation, to draw out at length, for instance, to speak at length, to be long -winded.
So, the mention of time here is not what she said. Let me go back and let's take a listen again to what she says the definition of ektano is.
Miracle. Well, the phrase there stretched forth is the Greek word ektano, and in it, it means the time something happened, the place something happened, and the cause that made it happen.
No, that's not what BDAG says. Let's check Logos, shall we? In Logos, you know, here's our
Nestle Allen 28, and we did a Bible word search earlier today on ektano, and to stretch out, to draw out at length, those are your two primary definitions.
And here are all your possible definitions, to stretch, stretch out, or stretching, to reach, to lay, of laying out, and these are your only definitions at all given for that.
So, she says, let me back this up again, and she says that ektano means what?
Miracle. Well, the phrase there stretched forth is the Greek word and in it, it means the time something happened, the place something happened, and the cause that made it happen.
Nope. There is no Greek scholar who would support you on this. She's making it up.
BDAG doesn't say that. No, no, no scholarly Koine Greek lexicon will even say that at all.
She's just made it up. That's not what the Greek word means. It doesn't say what she said in BDAG, it doesn't say what she says it said in Mounts, it doesn't say that in any standard, you know, lay level, you know, concordance or anything like that.
Strongs? Nope. She just made up that definition. She's lying. She's deceiving.
She's not rightly handling God's word. So, let's see what she does next. So, when
Jesus said that command, stretch forth thine hand, he went back to the time the man's hand got withered, the accident or the disease, the place it got withered, and the cause, the accident or the disease that made it get withered, and he healed it right at the root.
And of course, that all happened. Yeah, she's totally making that up. No Greek lexicon says that it has anything to do with the time or the place that it happened or anything like that.
That's not at all what ectino means. Often in a moment of time, like, you know, in fact, in the kingdom, things aren't measured by time.
So, it's not like Jesus was saying, okay, I'm going to right now go back into time. I'm going to go back to the place.
It was just happening as a miracle through time travel that is like that.
Time travel did not occur in Mark 3. This is a form of eisegesis where she's sticking it in.
But the thing that she's sticking in here is a completely fabricated and made up definition of ectino.
He's accessing the restoration. Yes, he's accessing the eternal realm. Exactly. And we have the right to do that too, because we are seated in heavenly realms.
So, he accessed the eternal, and we have the right to do that too. Really? Which biblical text says that?
Christ, and we are citizens of heaven. Seated is past. This is all complete speculation.
No biblical text says the things she's saying. So, we're already there. We're able to access eternity.
And he accessed eternity where all time and all locations in space are located. He did that even to deliver people of demons.
And remember the man in Mark 1. He's in the synagogue. He meets up with a man that's demonized.
All right. Let's take a look at Mark 1. So, this is text number 2 that she's claiming has something to do with time travel.
So, Mark 1. So, let's see here. I'll start at verse 21.
And so, they went into Capernaum. Immediately on the Sabbath, he entered the synagogue and was teaching.
And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority and not as the scribes.
And immediately there was in the synagogue a man with an unclean spirit. And he cried out, What have you to do with us,
Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God. But Jesus rebuked him, saying,
Be silent and come out of him. And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying out with a loud voice, came out of him.
And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, What is this, a new teaching and with authority?
And he commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him. And at once his fame spread everywhere throughout all the surrounding region of Galilee.
Did you see any time travel here?
So, here's the command of Jesus, by the way, to come out and be silent. So, Iesus Legon, phimotheti, be silent, kai, and this one's ex elthei, which is from the
Greek verb erkomai, which means to come out, it's an imperative.
You come out, ex elthei, you come out, ex altou, you come out of him.
So, we're going to note here that the Greek word for, you know, come out is not ektaino, it's erkomai.
In fact, let me double click on this so that you can see this. So, when I double click, BDAG comes up, and it says erkomai, and it means to move out or go away from marriage, to go, to come out, to go away from, or to retire.
So, here in this second text, apparently, that teaches time travel, we don't even have ektaino being used, we have erkomai being used.
All right, so let's see where she goes with this now. He speaks to the demon that's in that man.
He says, come out, come out of that man. Well, that phrase, come out, is the exact same phrase as stretch
No, it's not. It is not at all. It is, it is the
Greek verb erkomai. So, let's, let's, let's do this. All right, all right. So, see if I can pull this up.
So, I want my Nestle Allen. A few moments later. And Jesus said to him, be silent and ex elthei.
Let me do a quick word search here, and Bible study word, and I'll show this to you in just a second here, and what
I'm looking for is the word study that comes up, and here it is.
Let me pull that over, and here it is. Erkomai. To come out, to go away from, to retire, to go out, to die, to go out, to proceed, to depart, to escape.
Erkomai. That's your word. It is not the ectino.
You know, ectino was used stretch forth. Jesus said to the demon in the imperative voice, come out, erkomai, and so what she just said, so she does not know what she's talking about at all.
Remember Patricia King, she understands the biblical standard that is necessary for teaching in Christ's church.
In 2nd Timothy 2 verse 15, it says, be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth, and as a...
Yeah, accurately handling the word of truth. To claim that Jesus in Mark 1 25 said ectino, stretch out to the demon, is not accurately handling the word of truth.
Katie Sousa is making stuff up, and she's showing she doesn't know what she's talking about. Let me back her up again and listen again to the claim.
Remember the man in Mark 1. He's in the synagogue. He meets up with a man that's demonized.
He speaks to the demon that's in that man. He says, come out, come out of that man. Well, that phrase, come out, is the exact same phrase as stretch forth.
It's ectino. No, it's not. It's ercomi. You don't know Greek. You've never studied it.
You can't read it. You can't even pronounce it. You're making this up, Katie.
And Patricia King is the accomplice in the crime that's going on here. All of this is supposed to teach us the importance of regaining biblical time travel, which apparently was stolen by the devil and counterfeited in the new age.
And so when Jesus said, come out of that man, he was commanding that demon. Right, he was saying ectino. No, he wasn't.
He said, ercomi. He was commanding that demon to come out of the time it came into that man's life. He was commanding it to come out of the place it came in, the location, and the cause that enabled it to come in, the sin, the curse, whatever.
And that demon was pulled out right at the root. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Katie Sousa it basically used to cook up crystal meth.
Now Katie Sousa cooks up the doctrinal equivalent of crystal meth.
This is a straight out lie. She does not know how to handle God's word properly. She's not qualified to be a teacher in Christ's church.
And the biblical standard is anybody who teaches in Christ's church must rightly handle the word of truth.
I've just demonstrated that this woman does not know what she's talking about. She's making up definitions for words.
She cannot read Greek. She doesn't even properly handle the word of God at all.
And it's embarrassing just how far off she is. And of course, Patricia King just sitting there going, wow, whoa.
And it just shows you that Patricia King, she's not a solid teacher either. Avoid Katie Sousa and avoid
Patricia King like the plagues that they are. These are women who are teaching for shameful gain, things that they ought not to teach, and they are deceiving people and anybody who's done any biblical study, actually been trained to properly handle
God's word, knows Greek or knows Hebrew, knows that these women are complete con artists and they're lying through their teeth.
And why? Because it's all about the seed money that you send them into their ministry.
These are women who basically have sold Jesus into false doctrinal slavery in order to make a buck.
That's what they do. So avoid them. Hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can support us, that's right, we need your support in order to keep doing what we're doing.
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And so just want to thank you for those of you who do support us. We truly cannot do what we are doing here without it.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.