Atheist TikToker: Calling People “Christlike” Is WRONG!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. In today's video, we're going to be listening to an atheist
TikToker named Rachel, who consistently makes videos which are extremely critical of the
Biblical worldview and of Christians in general. In a recent clip she made, she talks about how dehumanizing it is to call other people
Christ -like. Watch this. My cousin died a couple years ago, and when I arrived at the funeral,
I realized pretty quickly that I was the only non -believer there. There was a portion of the funeral where they passed around a microphone and allowed people to say a few words about him.
And I watched as person after person stood up and talked about how Christ -like he was.
How he reflected Christ. How people could see God in him. I ended up being the only person who actually shared a story about him.
Every other person there talked about how well he reflected Christ to the world. They completely and utterly dehumanized him.
His worth and his value had nothing to do with him, and everything to do with how well he mirrored
Christ. So in this video, I'm going to respond to her arguments here and demonstrate why Scripture gives us a much better framework through which to view the world.
Her argument is fundamentally rooted in this story of a funeral she attended. And at this funeral, everyone apparently spoke of the deceased person in terms of how
Christ -like they were. This is something that Rachel takes great issue with. She says that the other people at the funeral, they only talked about how well he reflected
God and reflected Christ's character to others. She says that she was apparently the only person who actually talked about him.
Essentially, this comment was made in the video as if it was objectively better to talk about him and to not talk about Christ.
In her view, it is more moral, simply right, and proper to talk about the deceased person and their individual qualities, rather than dwelling on how much they reflected
God's character. But this argument has absolutely no moral foundation whatsoever. In her worldview, the deceased person's life has ended completely, and they're simply going to be put in the ground.
There's no soul, no ultimate destiny of this person. They're nothing. They're just a random product of time, chance, and evolution.
Ethically, in the atheist worldview, there is no objective reason that this person should have a funeral service at all.
After all, we don't have funeral services for dead pigeons or deer that get hit by cars or dead goldfish.
In Rachel's atheist worldview, humans are just the random products of nature, living in a completely uncaring and meaningless universe.
They are no more valuable in any objective moral sense than dead pigeons or a dead deer or your five -year -old little brother's dead goldfish.
Yet in this video, she seems very upset, almost angry, that people did not honor and respect the legacy of this deceased person.
They talked about God, she said passionately, not about him. My response to that would simply be, why do you care?
Humbly, I just want to ask, why should they talk about him? Why should they have a funeral in the first place?
Ultimately, none of this matters in the atheist worldview. There is no objective ethical standard.
So who is she to force her morality on these Christians? By what standard is their behavior improper?
Her feelings? Her subjective emotions? Again, I will humbly ask, what right do you have to force your subjective emotions onto everyone else and demand that they honor your past loved one at the funeral?
In her atheist worldview, this person is no better, no more special than any other dead animal who dies in this pitiless and ruthless universe.
In a hundred years, no one will even know they ever existed. That's all there is to it. Do you see how her whole argument falls apart?
She's demanding that this person be treated well. She's asserting that they ought to be valued, honored, and respected.
But in her worldview, there is absolutely no objective reason that they should value, honor, or respect this person at all.
Except, of course, her subjective opinion and feelings, which apparently she wants to force on everyone else.
The irony here is that she wants other people to treat her loved one with respect, but her worldview undercuts and removes any level of objective respect which might have been placed on this person in the first place.
The whole argument is a walking contradiction, an example of the emptiness of the atheist worldview.
Psalm 141 says, quote, The fool says in his heart there is no God, end quote.
Now, if on the other hand this dead person was made in the image of God, as the Christian worldview says, that changes everything.
Genesis 127 says that all people are made in God's image and therefore are objectively valuable.
Psalm 139 verse 13 praises God because he made David. The writer of the psalm wonderfully and intimately knitted him together in his mother's womb from the very beginning of his development as a person.
Indeed, all of the commandments of the Bible about how other people ought to treat each other are predicated on the idea that God has an objective ethical standard for how people must be treated with respect and dignity in a society.
You see, if they were created by God, and if this God cares about them and has given his word which demands that the person be treated with respect, if that is the case, then there is some level of respect which this deceased person at the funeral is owed.
But without God, and without his commandments, with just a universe that doesn't care, Rachel has no point, and her argument fails utterly to accomplish any of its purpose.
But the next statement she makes is that all the other people who talked about how much like Christ he was were dehumanizing him by failing to recognize his own personal value.
Again, this argument fails miserably. If there is no God, and this man was just the product of an apathetic universe, then who cares if they dehumanize him in the first place?
If human beings are just one particular animal that has arisen out of the random process of nature and evolution, why should we care about humanizing or dehumanizing anything?
There's nothing special about you being human in the first place if God didn't create you specially.
Again, this is where it's essential to believe in the biblical worldview in order to have a consistent moral argument.
Genesis 2 -7 says, Then the Lord God formed the man of the dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.
This is the only creature, by the way, which God created in this way in the creation account.
The reason, then, that we seek to humanize people as Christians is because God has set human beings apart with a higher level of dignity and worth.
Rachel denies all of that, but her argument assumes that it's true. She is an atheist who is unwittingly arguing like an inconsistent
Christian would. Because if she were a consistent atheist, she wouldn't care about dehumanizing anyone.
But then Rachel says that these Christians at the funeral service were doing something wrong because they said that this man's worth and value had nothing to do with him and everything to do with Christ.
Again, she seems to have missed the point entirely. Of course he has no worth apart from Christ, apart from God.
Because apart from God, you cannot declare that anything has objective worth or significance at all. If everything was created by a big bang, and then a random series of events after that bang, and it's all just random time and chance acting upon matter that made this person
Rachel speaking about, why in that case does this person have any value? You see, it's incredible how contradictory this is.
She declares confidently, with gusto, that calling someone Christ -like is dehumanizing.
But apparently, on the other hand, calling someone the product of random environmental forces is not dehumanizing.
She says that the Christian worldview has dehumanized this man. But in her worldview, he's no more worthy of respect and honor than a pigeon, a frog, or a clump of dirt.
The same random natural processes created all of those things, and there's no
God who cares about any of them, according to Rachel's worldview. I think you get the point. But let me tell you, as best
I can, where all of this comes from. This is very important. You see, the secular world, they want for everyone to have significance.
They love that idea. But they also want to cast out the idea of God, the author of all things, who makes things ultimately significant in the first place.
And the outcome of all of this is the clip you just watched, a jumbled contradiction in which no one idea relates logically or morally to any other.
2 Corinthians 5 .12 says, For our sake he made him, Jesus, to be sin, who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Jesus was completely without sin, good, righteous, just, and perfect in every way.
Everything that could be good or true about a person was good and true about Jesus.
In a word, Jesus is the standard of human perfection. The very pinnacle of what it means to be a great or excellent person, the ultimate standard of everything good and true, that is
Jesus Christ. So you see, the secular world wants everyone to be great, but they've left out
Christ, the standard of greatness. So they have to make up a new standard, all on their own.
And that new standard is you, yourself. It's all morally relative. The measure of how great you are is how much of yourself you are.
Rachel's relative, who unfortunately passed away, was honored in her eyes when she talked into the microphone about who?
Him, not God. Just his own self. There's no need for God. In fact, in this view, God is just a distraction from something much better, you.
And how often do we hear this now, in our culture? It doesn't matter what you say and do. Just go out there and be yourself.
Every standard is wrapped up in your subjective self. Your outfit is good, if it reflects who you are on the inside.
Modesty doesn't matter. Your behavior is good, because it reflects who you are on the inside. Ethics don't matter.
Your choice of lifestyle is great, as long as it reflects who you are inside. Lifestyle choices don't really matter.
This is the standard of the atheist worldview, the secular culture. Contrast this with the biblical model of Christ -likeness.
As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11 1, Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
This is an objective standard. There is only one Christ, and you must be like him.
And he is the most perfect person who will ever live. This TikToker should be like him.
Her cousin should be like him. I should be like him. So should you. We should all be honored to even be compared to Christ at all.
Christ is the good and perfect standard whom everyone should reflect. But the standard of be yourself is subjective.
It varies from person to person to person. A serial killer on death row, for instance, can say that he killed people because he wanted to be himself.
A person who steals the identity of other people and takes their life savings from their bank account, he's not immoral.
He's just being himself. For that matter, all the great brutes of history, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, between them they murdered millions of people.
But after all, they were just being themselves. Who are we to judge? Well, in Rachel's worldview, we are no one to judge.
There is no ethical significance to any of that. In the biblical worldview, on the other hand, we can call those people immoral and decry what they did as evil because it wasn't
Christ -like. So here's the summary. If, as Rachel has done here, you want to search for meaning and morality apart from God, you will find quickly that you have no meaning and no morality at all.
Just a ruthless and uncaring universe as you babble on about the supposed hypocrisy of Christians while you've undercut your entire argument against them at the very same time.
All you've got is a bunch of contradictions. So let me encourage you folks, be Christ -like.
You won't do it perfectly because you're sinful, but that's precisely why you need him in the first place.
His blood can cover your sins through faith. And remember that without God's grace, we would all be lost and without hope.
We were all once in the position that Rachel is in now. So please, let's all pray that she would repent of this falsehood and turn to the truth of God's word.
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