Is Gluttony a Sin? | What does the Bible say about Overeating? |


Gluttony. What does the Bible say about overeating? Is gluttony a sin, one of the so called, seven sins? What is gluttony, the first deadly sin on the list of the 7 sins? If you’re asking the question, “ is eating too much a sin ” Pastor Nelson with Bible munch offers the answer in this video from the biblical perspective. So, what doe the Bible say about gluttony sin, watch this video to find out. *** Check out, Bible Munch! *** Recent Bible Munch Videos: John 3:16 - What the most popular Bible verse REALLY means | Bible Munch God’s Plan – What is God’s Plan for my Life | Jeremiah 29:11 | For I know the Plan I have for you... If my people who are called by my name _ 2 Chronicles 7:14 _ Bible Munch *** Source Article: *** Related Questions: What does the Bible say about what foods we should eat? How should a Christian view addiction? How should a Christian view weight loss? *** Recommend Book: The Bible Intro/Outro Music: Note: Some links are affiliate links which cost you nothing, but help us share the word of God.


Today's question is, is gluttony a sin? What does the Bible say about overeating? In this video
I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective. Afterwards, as always, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.
Gluttony seems to be a sin that Christians like to ignore. We are often quick to label smoking and drinking as sins, but for some reason gluttony is accepted, or at least tolerated.
Many of the arguments used against smoking and drinking, such as health and addiction, apply equally to overeating.
Many believers would not even consider having a glass of wine or smoking a cigarette, but have no qualms about gorging themselves at the dinner table.
This should not be. Proverbs 23, 20, and 21 warns us, Do not join those who drink too much wine, or gorge themselves on meat.
For drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags. Proverbs 28, 7 declares,
He who keeps the law is a discerning son. But a companion of gluttons disgraces his father.
And Proverbs 23, verse 2 proclaims, Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.
Physical appetites are an analogy of our ability to control ourselves. If we are unable to control our eating habits, we are probably also unable to control other habits, such as those of the mind—lust, covetousness, and anger—and unable to keep our mouths from gossip or strife.
We are not to let our appetites control us, but we are to have control over our appetites see
Proverbs 23, verse 2 and 2 Peter 1, verses 5 -7. The ability to say no to anything and access self -control is one of the fruits of the
Spirit common to all believers, Galatians 5, verse 22. God has blessed us by filling the earth with foods that are delicious, nutritious, and pleasurable.
We should honor God's creation by enjoying these foods and by eating them in appropriate quantities. God calls us to control our appetites, rather than allowing them to control us.
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