Rally Highlight: End It Completely!
We were able to be apart of submitting another bill of equal protection in Pennsylvania! This clip is from the rally at the Pennsylvania State Capitol where Dennis Sarfate from Action For Life delivered a piercing speech!
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- 00:02
- The pro -life industry knowingly decriminalized abortion in the state of Arizona.
- 00:26
- We are going around nationwide getting legislation to end abortion, not end it after six weeks or ten weeks or twelve weeks, end it completely.
- 00:56
- Good morning, wow, praise God for this turnout, amazing weather, we thank him for this.
- 01:03
- I'm going to make up for the sins of my brothers and I'll be short because if you know my pastor, if you know my pastor
- 01:08
- Jeff Durbin, you're going to better bring snacks for those kids because we're going to be here for a little bit longer. So my name is
- 01:14
- Dennis Sarfate, president of Red State Reform, Action for Life is our major group right now that we are going around nationwide getting legislation to end abortion, not end it after six weeks or ten weeks or twelve weeks, end it completely.
- 01:29
- As Christians we have to stand up and not applaud ourselves or celebrate bills that do not bring justice to the pre -born.
- 01:37
- I might wear a suit but I'm just like all of you, a believer in Christ and I want to end this atrocity.
- 01:44
- I'm asking you to support Representative Zimmerman and his courage, like he said earlier he is going to need your prayers.
- 01:52
- Any representative or senator that comes on to this bill as a co -sponsor is going to need our prayers and support.
- 01:58
- So we thank you for today and you showing up just shows that as much. So let's talk about it.
- 02:03
- What recently happened in the House, they just passed a bill yesterday that's probably not going to pass in the Senate, but they want to overturn all pro -life bills.
- 02:11
- They want it to be the most grotesque bill ever, that you can murder a baby full term. That's what we're fighting against.
- 02:18
- This is not Christians fighting amongst whatever, this is Satan and evil fighting against Christians and Christians have to take their sword up and fight this fight.
- 02:28
- If we don't do it, no one's going to do it. The church has been silent for far too long.
- 02:34
- We've worked in 26 states this past year, we had bills in 11 of them. Pennsylvania will be the first one this next cycle.
- 02:42
- This is a movement that's happening. Like Sal said, this is the start to the end. We have to end it.
- 02:48
- I hope in my lifetime that I get to do it. I tell my girls every day, I steal it from Paul Washer, but I go out there and I slay dragons for a living.
- 02:59
- So, how can you, all of you from Pennsylvania here, do your part? Not only prayers, but we need you to reach out to your local magistrate, your local state rep.
- 03:10
- Get them in on this bill, get them to support Representative Zimmerman. Without that, this bill ain't going to be heard, it's going to get killed.
- 03:18
- We need to be bold, do what Sal did. I think you went through a whole call list, right? He just grabbed the yellow pages and went down through it.
- 03:25
- No, there's no yellow pages, kids probably don't even know what that is. But he went and called the state reps and Mr.
- 03:30
- Zimmerman answered that call. Now we must hold all of our local magistrates accountable. If you don't know your local magistrate, email me and we'll find it for you.
- 03:41
- I'll do the hard work, I'll find it for you. But thank you so much for coming out. I praise God for this moment, for Pennsylvania to stand up for the pre -born, and I'm looking forward to doing it more here.