I Love Money

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, guys, I'm gonna admit something to you. I'm gonna admit something to you right here, right now. I love money.
I mean, I love it. It's so awesome. Like, let the memes begin, man.
I love stacks, you know what I'm saying? I love stacks. And it's just like, and I know what you're thinking.
It's like, well, AD, hold on a second. Like, the Bible says that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
And that's true. I do, I understand that, but hear me out. I'm not saying what you think I'm saying.
I love money the way some of you love a nice sunset, right? Like, you see the sunset and you're just like, man,
God is awesome. Look at these colors. Look at everything he's created. Look at the ocean. Look at the mountains.
People love mountains. I love mountains too, don't get me wrong. People love mountains and they look at God's creation. Some people do this with animals.
Like, they'll see like an animal that God created and they just can't help but worship. It's just like, how good is
God? Like, he created this, he had the idea for this. And it's just so awesome how the animals like work together and there's this animal, that animal, and they're like have these symbiotic relationships.
Dr. James White, man, he's a nerd. He gets this way about fractals, you know what I mean? Ever hear Dr. James White talk about fractals?
He's got that weird fractal shirt and all that kind of thing. Like, he loves fractals and he's just like, man,
God is amazing. Look at this fractals he could just say. It's so awesome. And he just nerds out on fractals. That's how
I get with money, the idea of money. Like, I'm not talking about loving like the thing money, but the idea of money is amazing.
Like, have you ever thought about it? And like, let's just, let's make no bones about it. Like, we're talking about stacks here, you know what
I'm saying? Jesus's parables, like almost half of them have to do with money. There's like thousands of verses in the
Bible that deal with money. And it's just like, like a 10th of the
Gospels, I heard. This is on tithely. The 10th of the Gospels, like the 10th of the verses have to do with money.
Like, God's very concerned with money. He doesn't want us to debase the value of money. He doesn't want to trust to trick people out of money.
He's very concerned with money. And I think it's because he's impressed with himself on this creation.
And I, he should be. I don't know if God's impressed with himself, but this is an amazing creation. Think about money.
Like, I was ordering something on Amazon the other day. And it's something, it's an item that I just, if you told me to create this item or to make it,
I wouldn't even know where to begin. Like, it's just, I'm at a loss. It's just not in my wheelhouse.
It's not my skillset. But somehow I can still have this item because there's lots of other people that created this item.
They know how to do it, but I don't. So how do I get the item that I don't know how to create, but they do? Like, they can make it, but I can't.
Well, the way I do, I'm just a person, right? I'm just a person. I can't conjure money up out of thin air. I can't conjure items up out of thin air.
But I have a certain skillset. But I do have some value to provide. And like, me and this other person, or this other group of people decided that it would be advantageous to them to pay me money in order for me to do something for them.
And the thing is, like, we both thought it was advantageous. That's what's amazing about money. Like, money is like this idea that allows people to come together and work together in a way where they feel like they both win.
It's like, it's just such an amazing thing. Have you thought about this? Like, when I go to work,
I feel like I'm winning. Like, they're paying me to do something, and I'd rather have the money than the time.
You know what I mean? Like, they're paying me for my time and my skillset, and I'd rather have the money, but they'd rather have the time.
They'd rather have whatever service or good I'm providing them. Like, we walk out of that, and we both feel like we made out like bandits, and yet money was the thing that allowed us to do that.
It weren't like, I wasn't, like, trading my time for the item. No, I was trading for this thing called money, and other people want this thing called money in exchange for these other items that I might want that, and again, we both feel like we're making out like bandits here.
And it's just like, it's just amazing. Like, what a phenomenal idea. Money, it's just,
I love it. It's because it's like, think about it. Like, you turn the sweat of your brow into a
Bluetooth speaker. Like, it's just like magic almost. Like, how does this work? How did
I order a Bluetooth speaker on Amazon? This is a cheap one, right? It's just, you know,
I don't really care about Bluetooth speakers and the quality of them. They're just a cheap Bluetooth speaker. How did I turn that into, you know, my work into that?
That's just crazy. And then you think about Amazon. Think about all the people that were involved in getting this product to my desk right now.
Like, even like the logistics of the factory and the people that made the robotics in the factory, and then the cars and the trucks that drove the product here, and then the airplanes that took it, and it's a two -day shipping.
It's just like, everyone in that transaction was making out like bandits. And what made it possible is this thing called money.
Like, God was, God was like, listen, when he made money, he was like at his best right there.
There's no question about it. What an idea. What a fantastic, like, you guys, I know a lot of you guys are impressed by a nice sunset.
You see the colors and all of that. I know James White, man, he sees the fractals. I don't even understand what a fractal is.
It's like, I'm not impressed with a fractal. It's kind of cool looking, but that doesn't get me going. But I think about money, man.
Just like these exchanges that we make, and it's like, everyone wants it, and so your work can be exchanged for almost anything.
It's just so crazy. It's my words, like right now, my, this is magic, guys.
I'm serious, I'm nerding out right now. Look, James White can have his fractals, but I'm telling you,
I'm turning my words, like these sounds that come out of me. God created my body, he created my mind, he created like these weird muscles that make sounds coming out of my mouth, and then
I exchange other work for this microphone and this computer and the internet connection. Think about all the people involved in the internet connection, how
I'm talking to you right now. This is just crazy, it's blowing my mind. I'm turning these words into just a little bit of money, a little bit of money, and then if enough of these words, they add up, you know,
I get enough views and stuff like that, I might be able to buy like, I don't know, a better Bluetooth speaker or something.
I mean, a better microphone is what I need, right? I'm turning words into a microphone. That's amazing, guys.
Have you ever thought about this? Am I the only one? I love money, guys, I really do. I'm talking about,
I'm talking about stacks, you know what I'm saying? Gold, silver, hallelujah.
Oh man, money though, God was, God has created a lot of good things, man, but this idea of money and us being able to exchange our time and our thoughts and our muscles and our power, like for this thing called money, and then we take this money and we go, we feed our families with it, we create more of it, it's just so amazing.
Like, think about investing, investing is so crazy. Have you ever thought about investing, how you can create money with money?
Like, you're creating money with money and then you can go, you know, feed your family and buy a house, buy a
Bluetooth speaker, buy a better microphone. I tell you guys, like, you guys might love those sunsets, you guys might like going to the ocean, the mountains, watching
Animal Planet, you know, fractals. You guys might like that, but you guys can have it all.
I just think about, like, the economy and money and the idea that God created this, like he did this for us, he created this tool that we could glorify him with.
This is just unbelievable to me, it's just so awesome. That gets me going, man.
That gets me going. Anyway, have a great week and I will see you next week. God bless.
I was thinking about this, like, honestly, like getting the eggs from the nesting boxes, it's like magic too, man.