We Have a Situation Here! - Stephen Wolfe's Tweet Preview

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And then as far as the lone bulwark thing, you know, the voting blocks are not a bulwark. I think this is just a matter of just refusing to allow the context to dictate what you're talking about.
It would be like, I said this on Twitter today, I said, it would be like, you know, you've got a group of shock troopers or, you know, just troopers that are like well into enemy territory, right?
And they get surrounded by the enemy and they're there and they're like commandos and they were dropped in there.
And now now they're like surrounded and like they're going to die. Like they're going to they've got no hope of escape.
Right. And they say, oh, and one of them says, hey, hey, hey, I remember seeing a radio over there from one of our fallen comrades.
Our only hope of salvation is to get to that radio to let our our guys know where we're at and then they can come save us.
And then somebody goes to him and they get all furious and an argument starts because they say, what do you mean that's our hope for salvation?
That's not our only hope for salvation. Salvation is only found in the Lord. And you look at him like.
Are you are you freaking insane, dude? Like, I'm not talking about that.
Of course, Jesus is our salvation. We get it. I've got a situation here. Like, my goodness, like, why are you lawyering me to death?
I just don't get it. I just don't get it. It's like. In our country, we vote, unfortunately.
Yeah, I hate democracy. I'm just going to come out and say it. I hate it. In our country, we vote and and, you know, we get to decide who to put in charge.
And we've got our our agendas and, you know, they have to cater to our agendas in order to get our vote and stuff like that.
And and so in our society, one of the ways we decide what kind of evil gets restrained is through voting.
And so when somebody says, you know, this voting bloc, which has historically voted so well, is the lone bulwark.
We're not talking about ultimate salvation, ultimate regeneration, ultimate moral foundations.
We're talking about the situation that we're in. We're in a situation here. So so so so I just don't understand, like, the complete refusal to allow
Stephen to define his own context. You can still disagree if you want to. I don't care about the tweet.
I don't even know if I would have said it. But again, it just didn't even I saw it and that was it.
I moved on and I didn't think to myself, what about me? I'm also doing stuff. I'm a Latino evangelical.
I vote the right way, too. I mean, what? Stephen just forgot about me. It's like like we don't have to all get credit for everything.
You know what I mean? Like I people question the wisdom of the tweet. You know, well, he's got too much pride.
He wants credit for everything. Maybe there's a criticism there. I don't know. Maybe there's a criticism there.
I don't care who gets the credit. We're in a situation here. That'd be like the same group of commandos.
He's like, you know, Ernesto over there goes to get our Patrick. It's like, I'll go get the the radio.
I'll go get the radio. And and then Ernesto is like, oh, you think we need a white savior?
Dude, let him get the radio. We're in a situation here. Anyway, this video has gone way longer than I thought.
I thought this would be a 20 minute video. I was foolish. And here we are at 50 minutes. I hope you found this video helpful.
Once again, let me just I love the guy. Dr. White is just a blessing to so many people and to the church in general.
And I am so grateful for him. I'm grateful for you. No, I'm serious. I really am.
And so that's it. That's all I want to say. And I think that's probably the last thing
I'll say about it for right now. Hope you found this video, this podcast helpful. God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the