My Last Video

AD Robles iconAD Robles


(In this house) - Sorry. :)


Well, I don't want to scare you. This is just my last video in this room. 🎵 Sorry about that, guys.
No despair, baby. No despair in 2020. Well, God willing, this isn't my last video. I don't know if you caught this, but yesterday, the video
I uploaded... If you haven't seen it, give it a watch. I think it's... I think it'll help you out. And that was my 500th video on YouTube.
500 videos. I cannot believe that I've edited 500 videos on YouTube.
It's just... That's just unbelievable to me. I never even thought I'd have 100 videos on YouTube. And so,
I'm moving. I was supposed to be moving early April, end of March, but we had to pump it up because I'm just...
I'm a little concerned that there are going to be some serious travel restrictions very soon.
The people in charge certainly seem hell -bent on ruining this economy as much as they possibly can.
And that has me concerned. So, when you're concerned, you make plans. When circumstances change, you need to change your plans.
That's just how it works. I think that most of us right now have hopefully been starting to do a little bit of reckoning of our budgets, our finances, just to make sure that we're prepared for an extended stay at home.
For some of us, especially those of us who work at home, the lifestyle really isn't that different. I've stayed at home the last week, but that's not too unusual for me.
Maybe in the past, I would have gone to the store just on a whim, and I haven't this week, but that's not really that unusual to be at home most of the time with my kids and my wife.
But for some of us, I'm sure you're going stir crazy. I'm sure you're going stir crazy. So, this is a time for planning.
This is a time to consider your next moves and things like that. I just want to encourage you guys all in all that kind of thing.
I know we're in uncertain times, especially with the economic stuff. I've gone on record many times questioning how serious the virus is.
I have no idea. I just don't know. I don't know how to determine the fake news from the true news. We know there's fake news out there, and we just don't know which is which.
I mean, you can't trust CNN. You can't trust MSNBC. You can't trust Fox News to always give you the straight truth.
That's just the world we live in. I don't think about stuff I don't know. I think about stuff I do know.
What does God require of me? What am I supposed to do for my family? That's stuff I do know. How do I help my neighbor whose industry was banned?
That's stuff I do know. This virus stuff, who knows? So, that's what
I would encourage you guys to really focus on the stuff you do know, the stuff that's real, that you don't have to decipher fake news from real news.
That stuff, it's impossible to do. So, just focus on that stuff in this time. I just pray that God gives you wisdom, and that God protects you, and that God provides for you like he's promised to do.
All that to be said, I wanted to thank a lot of you guys. There are so many people that have been watching my videos since almost the beginning.
A few weeks ago, I hit 500 ,000 views on YouTube, which, you know, it's a small channel, relatively speaking.
It's a lot of views. It's a lot of love, guys. I just want to really sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I'm honestly glad that you find it helpful. I put a lot of really stupid content out there sometimes, and you guys love it.
It means a lot to me that you comment. I can't always respond to the comments. I try to do my best, especially in these times when there's just so much going on.
I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate it. I also want to say that for those who support this channel on Patreon, thank you, seriously, from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you. It means a lot to my family. I don't make a ton of income on YouTube or Patreon.
My primary business is something completely unrelated, and it's in jeopardy right now, no question about it.
There's a lot of uncertainty as far as economics for our family in the future, a ton.
And I'll do what I have to do. Obviously, that's the case. I'll work anywhere, you know what
I mean, to make some money for my family. But the fact that I have some Patreon support means a lot.
It means I can continue to do these videos and justify the time. And I know that it's a sacrifice for some people, and I appreciate it.
I really do. There's been a few people the last couple weeks that have become patrons of mine, and I thank you for that.
It just means a lot to me and my family in this uncertain economics time.
I just wanted to really just take a minute, and for this last video at my house here, just say thank you.
I know that I could say lots of stuff right now about lots of topics, or coronavirus, just coronavirus.
That's the only thing we talk about anymore, right? But I hope to get back to some of the social justice content very, very soon.
I plan on getting up and running at my new house right away. The internet's already on there, so I should be putting out videos pretty quickly.
And so I don't expect any hiccup in that. We'll probably get right back on the ball on Monday. So seriously, thank you.
Even if you don't like my content, and you comment, and you say how much I'm an idiot and stuff like that. I'm a racist, stuff like that.
Thanks for interacting. I appreciate you taking the time to watch the videos and interacting with the content. It's just much appreciated.
One thing I thought you might like is if you could get a sense as to what I see when I do these videos, and get a sense from the other side of the camera.
So let's do that. All right, so this is the room.
This is my setup here. You can see my camera is usually right here.
And I got a speaker there, a Millennium Falcon. This is my computer screen. It's a little messy because I'm packing.
There's some mess over there as well. Got a picture of my son. We went to Chuck E. Cheese one time.
Chuck E. Cheese is probably, I don't know, that seems like a corona factory to me right now.
So I don't know if they're gonna survive. This is my stuff up here. It's just some of my customers and things of that nature.
And then, you know, here's the back. That's my AR -15 right there, getting ready to travel.
No despair, baby. Yeah, no despair. By the way, those of you who bought a No Despair t -shirt, thank you very much for that.
I have a view out here. I don't know if you can see. It's probably way too bright. This is my backyard, and there's a little stream right there.
I'm gonna really miss the sound of the babbling brook and all of that. So yeah,
I mean, this is my thing. I have a little Star Wars poster there as my closet. This is it. And that sound you hear up there is my two older sons and my wife singing
Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen. They've been into Bruce Springsteen a lot lately. I don't know why, but anyway, guys,
I just wanted to take a minute and say that. I've got a lot of packing to do because I'm picking up the U -Haul truck tonight, and we're hoping to get it all done very soon.
So I may put another video out today. I don't know. It kind of depends on what happens and how much
I get done. But again, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everyone who watches my content, shares it, comments on it, interacts with me, people that support me.
Seriously, guys, thank you so much. I just want to say as well that I'm praying for just so many people and definitely people online that I've interacted with, maybe people
I've never met before. I'm praying for you guys, man, for this weekend. I think that we're going to come out of this much stronger for it and much better prepared for future situations like this.
I'm thinking, to be honest, one thought that I've had is that this is sort of a test run, so to speak, and I don't mean like it's a conspiracy test run.
What I mean is that this is a warning shot. That's one way to look at it,
I think, because the virus doesn't seem all that scary compared to what we could have.
And I think that this is the kind of thing that you need to read the times. You need to read the signs.
And as a Christian, we ought to be prepared. It's just that simple. And so trust
God, fear God, obey God, and I'll see you in the next video. I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless. I didn't plan this, but I just realized that I'm wearing the same shirt that I wore on my first video that actually got some traction.
This one had about 800 views, something like that. This is the very first video that actually fed head. This is interesting. I get some viewership.