Matt Slick Live: July 25, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 07-25-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: What is The Order of God’s Decrees Are the RCC and EO Loyal to their Church or Jesus; including a Basic Understanding of Ontos as it relates to God and Man; Bible Study Techniques What does Let US Make Man in Our Image mean (Gen. 1:26) Are NDEs Biblically Valid Concerning The Power of a Demon-Possessed Person July 25, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at CARM .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, how you doing? It's a nice day, at least for me it is,
I stay here and we do some shopping and stuff. And now I'm doing radio. Hey, if you want to give me a call, all you have to do is just give me a call at 877 -207 -2276.
You can also email me if you have a comment or a question, you can email me at info at CARM .org,
info at CARM .org, and just type in the subject line, radio comment or radio question.
All right, see? All right, so we've got calls coming in right now, why don't we just jump right on and get to Travis from North Carolina.
Travis, welcome, you're on the air. How we doing, Matt? I'm doing all right, hanging in there, man.
What do you got? Dude, did my letter make it to you? Your what?
My letter, the guy calling from prison. Oh yeah, uh -huh, my wife said, hey look, we got two letters from a prison, so I have to get to them.
In fact, hold on a sec. There it is.
Hey, Travis. I've got it in my hand right now. Okay.
All right, I'm going to check them out. I was reading a little, I think it's called a pocket dictionary of theological terms, and I came across something that I was, they didn't give too much information about it, they gave a basic definition.
I was wondering if you could expound a little bit for me on superlapsarianism and infralapsarianism, and which one you hold to.
Superlapsarianism and infralapsarianism generally are within the Reformed camp, theologically, and it deals with what's called the order of God's decrees, the order of his decisions, logical decisions versus temporal.
So, supra means before, infra means in, or after,
I should say after, okay? So, infralapsarianism and superlapsarianism, all right.
Does God elect people, does he do that by deciding before the world exists, before the consideration of the world and all the people in it, and chooses whom he's going to elect, or does he look into the world and picks those within the world for whatever reasons he has?
Those are the differences. So, how does that work, right? And I don't really hold either one, because I think that all of God's knowledge is eternally the same, and that I see truth in both of them.
Let's put it that way. Because he would know all that he would create and who he'd create, and it's also concomitant with his infinite knowledge and decrees.
And so, therefore, in that, the election is simultaneously known before, in, through, fall, after everything.
So, I don't see how supra or infra solves some issues.
Okay? That's just me. Okay. All right. All right.
Well, I greatly appreciate it, and I hope everything's going good with you. I look forward to hearing your prayers, and I look forward to hearing back from you.
And I will talk to you in the next week or so. All right, man. God bless, buddy. God bless.
God bless. All right. I like it when... I do. I actually like it when guys in prison are listening, and when they call and they write.
I mean, I don't have a whole bunch of time to answer a lot of letters, but I did nine years of prison ministry in California, up and down California, all kinds of places.
I did this for nine years, taught Bible studies, just did all kinds... And then I did some stuff here, in the
Idaho area, and I was there for a year or two, where I'd go in once a week and hold a study and preach or teach, do a
Q &A and things like that. And I've always felt comfortable with the guys in there.
I've never felt threatened. No, just once. Once I felt threatened by a guy, but that... You know, just once in nine years.
But I've always felt comfortable with them, even when I'm under the gun. That's a phrase they know.
And so, you know, out in the yard and the whole bit, it's not ever been a problem. So praise
God. In fact, I actually learned to, in my opinion, be a better preacher in prison, going to prison ministry, because these guys...
It's really interesting. The guys... I like it that they say what they think.
I love that. And they would come up and they'd say, I really like what you said about whatever, or this or that, or what about this thing?
Are you sure about this? They were really listening, and I loved that. And they accidentally called me to be a better preacher and a better teacher.
And I was always thankful for that. So anyway, there you go. Hey, look, if you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to Alan from Virginia. Alan, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt.
How's it going? It's going, man. I'm hanging in there. I'm hanging in there. What do you got, buddy? I want to ask a question.
Do you do any one -on -one private sessions for learning?
No. When I do, if I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it so that a lot of people can hear. And the only one -on -one
I do is one -on -two, and that's in marriage counseling. That's the only time I really do the one -on -one.
Unless I happen to just be talking to somebody, and I go, let me explain this or that. That kind of a thing.
Do you have any study groups that you work with? I teach a Bible study the third
Thursday here at the house. People come over. We don't put it online because it's just an impromptu discussion.
And then I go online, for example, I'm on Clubhouse right now. And there's a lot of, let's just say, antagonistic people who hate
Reformed theology. And then there's a lot of Muslims. There's a lot of Catholics and stuff like that.
So it's kind of a Wild West situation. But I go in there and I handle it. And then I go to Discord.
And Discord, I was on last night for a couple of hours debating teaching and things like that.
And, you know, rooms 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 people will come in. Things like that. And we have discussions.
I was near Discord for a while, but not too much was happening. I actually was on the same channel as you once, but I think you were busy doing something.
Yeah, I try not to do an absolute regular thing.
Because my life is a little chaotic sometimes. I've got a wife with health problems. And sometimes
I'm just exhausted. And I don't go online. So I had to have a mental acuity level that has to be ready.
Because it takes a lot of mental energy and work to answer questions. Because when someone asks me a question,
What's 2 plus 2? It's 4. Done. Next. When they ask me a question, what's the relationship between There's like 4 or 5 layers of information that I have to sift through in my mind.
And then how do I deliver it in a particular order? And so it takes a lot of mental work.
So sometimes I'm just too tired, you know. Yeah, I feel you.
Was that group, I think you had something, was it something in Romans that was on Rumble?
Yeah, I did. That was a mistake? Yeah, I taught through the book of Romans for about a year.
That's on Rumble. And I've taught through other books as well. And when
I do it at the house here, it takes me a lot of work to prep. Usually an entire day. And what I'll do is when
I teach, At least in the house, is I will work up an outline on paper.
And with each verse and the comments in that verse. And then I have to convert, I put it in Word, I print that up.
But I also have to convert it to an online study. So anybody online can watch. And really, just to be straight, not a lot of people would watch.
And not a lot of people were attending here. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. And so this went on for about a year.
And you know, that's fine. But after a while I go, I'd rather do something where more people can be influenced.
Because that's what I want to do, is teach more and more people. Okay. Makes sense. Yeah. Okay.
Well I appreciate it, Matt. So what do you want to learn? Right now,
I initiated a conversation. I was on Discord and someone made a meme about the
About a meme about U .S. soldiers fighting a giant Afghanistan. And someone mentioned it was like, Hey, it's the
Nephilim, or whatever. And then I commented a little bit about that. And then someone said that it's a non -canonical story
Because it's from the Book of Enoch, or whatever. And then it got into the conversation where someone was talking about sorcery.
And then someone said they were Eastern Orthodox. And then made the comment that I don't believe
Eastern Orthodox follows all of Scripture. Good.
And so I'm kind of getting into that. As I'm wanting to study some Eastern Orthodox right now.
And I've looked at some of your resources. I'm on your... I'm on a third debate you did with some people right now.
Listening to it. Okay. What church do you go to? I do not go to a church at this moment.
But I am wanting to find one again. Okay. Because, let me ask you.
Do you know... We have nobody waiting. And we have a break coming up. Do you know that Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy Each preach a false gospel?
Do you know that? I believe it. Good. And you affirm the
Trinity, right? Yes. Okay. And do you know the doctrine of justification well?
I don't know it as well as you. And I probably have some things wrong with it. But it occurs at the same time.
Or right after you gain a regenerated nature. Right? You have been competent with.
Yes. That's good. You actually got me thinking. And on my cut and paste section
I don't have anything on Eastern Orthodoxy. So my notes on EO are over 100 pages long.
So maybe tonight I'll work on doing a minor outline. Just cut and paste stuff to put in there.
So that you and others could use it. I find it interesting.
I love talking to Eastern Orthodox people. I do. I think it's fascinating. And I have a way.
I can tell you. I have a way of proving that they're not loyal to Christ. But they're loyal to their church. I have a way of proving it. I can show it to you if you want.
Sure. I know they're not going to accept that as evidence. But sure. Oh. But they have to. And it works great.
I did it with Catholics. And I do it with Eastern Orthodox. I did it last night with a
Catholic. As a matter of fact on Discord. I said, look. Is Jesus God? Yes. Does Jesus have all authority in heaven and earth?
Yes. Does he say to pray to him? Yes. Does he forgive sins? Yes. If you were to pray to Jesus.
You're sincere. I mean you have a real sincere faith. And you are asking Jesus specifically.
Asking him to forgive you of all of your sins. Will he do that? That's the question.
And I find that about half of them won't answer the question. And about half do. The ones who don't.
For obvious reasons. Because they're loyal to their church. They're ecclesiologists. They worship their church. They serve their church.
It's their church. The church. The church. But for those who say, well yes he will forgive you. I say, okay.
If he does. Then why do we need your church? Can't we go straight to Jesus? Because Jesus said in Matthew 11, 28.
Come to me. All who are heavy laden. And I will give you rest. Not the church that gives you rest. Jesus does.
But it's not enough. You have to do stuff. Uh huh. And I say, oh well then you go to Romans 4, 5.
And in Romans 4, 5 it says, To the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly.
His faith is credited as righteousness. So now the question I'm asking with that verse is, Does Paul negate works?
When he's speaking about justification here. That's the question I started asking. And they have to answer in the affirmative.
Hold on man. We've got a break. Okay. If you want to know some more we can talk about it. Oh good. Nobody waiting. Hold on. Hey folks.
If you want to give me a call. 877 -207 -2276. Be right back.
It's Matt Slick live. Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Alright. Welcome back to the show. We have wide open lines except for Ellen.
She'll wait and hopefully. If you want to give me a call. 877 -207 -2276.
Alright. Let's get back to Ellen.
Hey. You still there? Yep. Alright man. Okay. So where were we?
Sorry. Talking about proving EO is false. Oh yeah.
Proving EO is false. Yes. If you want information on that I can do that if you want. But here's the thing.
You always have to know biblical theology. You always have to know biblical theology. I'll tell you.
But it's really important that you study. I've got an idea for you that I think is a good idea.
What I'd recommend that you do is you can do it on Google Docs or you can do it on Word or whatever it is.
I have Word documents that I use. And so for example, my Eastern Orthodox document is 148 pages in Word.
And it's in an outline form. And it's in an outline form. So what I do is when
I learn something I create a category and I put it a heading 1 and then I put a level 2 on it, you know, indent, and I put notes.
And on the left side of my screen I can put the navigation. So I'm like, for example,
I'm scrolling through my document right now through the navigation. And so I'm clicking on salvation.
And it instantly takes me to that page. And the page,
I don't know where it is. It's like a hundred and something, whatever, it's only 70, I don't know. And so it takes me there instantly.
And so I have the documentations and I have stuff like questions about salvation.
I have it in there with them. I also have the issue of just salvation. And I have quotes from their sources.
And the reason this is so valuable is because as you use it, as you develop it, say you talk to an
EO person and you want to know what they believe. What I have done, for example, is gone through and asked
EO representatives, tell me what it is for salvation. I want to write it down and then
I'm going to read it back to you and you tell me if it's correct or not. I've done this with three, what's that?
I'm sorry? Getting it from the source basically instead of presupposing. Right. And I've also gone to official stuff, official
East Orthodox sites. So for example, here's one. Adam lost the proper relationship with God through his sin.
Jesus restored the ruptured relationship through his resurrection. Therefore, by participating in the energies of God, that's the graces that lead to good works.
You slowly become divinized, being made more like Jesus ontologically and in this process become justified.
What is ontologically? Ontos means the nature of being in essence, it's metaphysics.
So what's the nature of a bowling ball? What's the nature of a cat? What's the nature of a tree?
They're ontos, they're essence, the nature of something. And properties relate or emanate from the ontos, from the essence of what something is.
So a circle, we'll use really simply, a circle, we call it an abstract entity or an abstract object.
When we say object, it's not something you can hold in your hand, a circle is an abstraction.
And we can see representations of it when we draw a circle on a piece of paper. So by definition, a circle, the ontos, has the quality of circularity and a radial point equal distant from the edge to the center point in all directions.
So that's properties of radius and the properties of circularity. Those properties would not apply to a triangle, for example, or listen to a square, which has four 90 degree angles and each side is equidistant, and that's what a square is.
So circularity, it does with the nature of a circle, but not a square. So you can't take the properties of a circle and transfer them over to the properties of a square, for example.
And this kind of stuff is important because when they say that the bread and the wine become the body and the blood, they're saying the properties are transferred there without the essence.
But if they say the essence is there, then they're saying the essence is there without the properties. And both are logically impossible.
What are your thoughts about gaining natures since everyone has a sin nature but some gain a regenerate nature but don't lose their sin nature?
That's the duality of our non -resurrected state.
And so in Revelation 7, 18 -25, Paul talks about the things he doesn't want to do, he does, and the things he wants to do he doesn't.
He's struggling with his sin nature. We are sinful and fallen and yet at the same time in us is
God because the temple of what we are is indwelt by God because the blood of Christ has cleansed the temple, cleansed our souls.
So God lives in us, John 14 -23. So he is there. And so we are aware of the work of the
Spirit in us and through us and also in our own souls and fallenness that we, let's say, struggle.
So if I made this argument with them and they would be like, oh, so you can gain natures, so why can't
I gain divinity? Yeah, they're going to say theosis. But we are not.
Our nature is human. Our nature is not divine. Divinity belongs to God alone because that's his nature.
Divinity is triune by nature. That's what it is. We cannot become divine because we can't then become trinitarian.
We can't become trinity. It's impossible. But when this guy made a mistake, he says being made more like Jesus ontologically.
No, no, no. We can be made more like Jesus in character, in our behavior, in our attitudes.
But ontos deals with nature. So he made a mistake. And he either doesn't understand the terms or whatever.
I'm just going to repeat this. This is what you're saying? Yes. Ontologically? Yes. OK. And I go on. These are supposed to be guys who know their stuff.
Oh, excuse me. Oh, sorry about that. I cut my throat. So this is why,
OK, if you want to know how to do this stuff, two things are critical as a basis, theology and logic, theology and logic.
They go hand in hand. You have to study both. And if you study both and you learn them, you'll be able to adapt to 80 to 90 percent of all objections and all issues.
And so with an outline, you need to do this, get an outline going.
And then you write down the word, whatever it is, trinity. And then you go to CARM, you go to other websites, learn what the trinity is.
You word it in such a way that you understand what it is. Or if you copy it from CARM, that's fine, just put a little documentation, copy it from here.
People say, where'd you get that? Right here. And if someone asks you a question about that, then you write the question down in that subcategory of the trinity and then you research it and you find an answer.
This is how you learn. And you want the outline always available because then you can go back to it.
So I have outlines. My stuff on Roman Catholicism is 230 pages. I can't remember all of that.
So this is what I use all the time. I have them open a lot of times on radio, too. I'm going through and it makes me sound smart.
So hold on, we got another break, okay? Hold on. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages.
If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276, we'll be right back.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, buddy, welcome back to the show. All right.
Alan, we've been having a good time here. So I don't know if you got any more you want to add or ask.
Sure. Yeah, I was going to comment on what you were finishing on. I think
I definitely should create an outline. As it should help be a crutch at least for my terrible memory.
It would help provide things to references. Absolutely. Because that's one thing
I really wish I was granted is a better memory because it's like a one out of ten, man.
It's really bad. Well, here's the thing. The more you do, the better we'll get.
That's just a fact. So if you go to the gym and you do curls, you start crying for mommy the next day because you're hurting.
You keep doing that, not crying for mommy. You keep working out. After a while, your body goes, yeah, no problem.
Your brain will do the same thing. It'll do the same thing. It will. If you don't use it that way, you don't.
See, I can remember numbers. I remember once I was fanning through the Bible, just bang, bang, page, page, page.
I saw a verse, looked at the number, kept going. I remembered it the next day. I did.
I went, whoa. And so, you know, because I do it all the time, but, you know, like being nice to my wife.
I'm rarely nice. I don't know what that means. So I have to practice it a lot. You know, I've got to learn. Make sense?
I got you. Okay. Yep. Do you have any,
I know you, I'm assuming with all your articles, you probably have some articles on laws of logic in relation to theology.
But it's like, would you recommend any other sources to learn that? We have a course, you know, we have a course,
Critical Thinking on karma. You can go to that, learn .karma .org. We charge for them.
But I also say this to everybody, that anybody who wants them and can't afford them, just email us.
Just say, can I have the school's match set on the radio? Can't afford them. Just ask. We give them to you. We don't ask. We're not concerned about that.
So if you need them, that's one of the things you can do. You can also look up the laws of logic on karma and look up the transcendental argument for God's existence and look up that and go through those things, and that will be a good basis.
I'd also recommend getting the book by John Frame, my old seminary professor.
Apologetics to the Glory of God. And look up presuppositional apologetics.
That will really help you. Okay. Do you think that everyone comes to debates with presuppositions?
Everybody does. Everybody has to assume certain values consistent with their worldview, values that they cannot verify as being true.
Outside of their worldview, they have to assume their value. So, for example, the laws of logic, or the universals like redness, roundness, tree -ness.
People assume these universal values. They assume the uniformity of nature, that science is based on philosophical assumptions of uniformity and the laws of logic and things like this.
Everybody does this. Well, as a Christian, we presuppose, we assume the validity of the Christian Trinitarian God, which
I'd also recommend you go to CARM and look up the Christian Trinity examined in depth.
That would be worth you studying. It really would be. And so when we presuppose that, and then we argue from that perspective, everything makes sense.
But if you don't presuppose Trinitarianism, then everything falls apart. Okay? And I can get the dots on that.
It just takes a while. Okay? Okay. All right. I appreciate it.
Is there any other comments you have for me? Just study, pray, and keep what
I... Your outline is what I used to call an ignorance notebook. Ignorance.
I don't know what I don't know. God's going to show me what I don't know, and then I would see,
I need to know that, put it in my ignorance notebook, which obviously is pretty big.
Okay? Okay. Make sense? I appreciate all your help, Matt. All right, man.
God bless. You too. All right. All right.
Hey, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276. Vernel in North Carolina.
Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. I'm back again. I have a question.
It's in Genesis 126. Help me to decipher this.
Okay. 26 say, and God said, so we know God, that's one speaking, let us, us,
I'm a little perplexed with the us, make man in our image, image as our likeness.
Please help me. I've been bothered with that for years. Help me understand that.
Sure. Not a problem at all. So when we go to Genesis 126, we're going to find something very interesting.
All right. And so what we find is this, that God, now the word God is
Elohim. And the, the I am ending in Hebrew is a plural ending.
So the word for face and, you know, F A C E is panin.
It's plural. Cause there's plural aspects to it, but it's one thing. So God said, now check this out.
How many times is there a plurality? Let us make man in our image.
According to our likeness, there's three plurals used. This is reflective of the
Trinity. Oh, how do you, how does that come about?
Cause I, you know, I sort of like the Trinity going on with a new, well, let's talk about that next.
Okay. But let's stick with Genesis 126. So what we're seeing here, hence at the
Trinity, God said, let us, the plurality of the persons. So God is one being with three distinct, simultaneous, co -eternal persons, father, son,
Holy spirit. Okay. Let us make man in our image. According to our likeness, three plurals and let them man and man, there, see what's really interesting.
Let them ride. Okay. And that is singular. Make man in our image.
According to our likeness, let them rule over the fish of the scene, over the birds of the sky, cattle over everything.
All right. So when it says we're made in his image, what that's called, what we deal with here is what's called a communicable attributes.
So God has communicable attributes and in communicable or non communicable.
They call them incommunicable. So the communicable attributes of God are, he can love, we can love, he can hate, we can hate, he can think, we can think, he can feel, we can feel the incommunicable attributes are he's omnipresent.
We are not, he's omnipotent. We are not. Okay. So the communicable attributes are the image things, the image qualities that we possess that are from God, that we in his image can participate in.
We don't do them perfectly, but that's what that's talking about. The attributes that belong to God that can be communicated to us.
And it's not as though the properties of God are transferred to us, but the attributes of his nature are, we receive them as an image form.
They're not transferred to us. That would be heresy. Okay. But they are just something that we emulate that God makes us able to think because it's something
God can do. And so it's called a communicable attribute. The quality of God that we can participate in, though we're not divine and the properties are not imputed to us from God, but they are designed in us after his, he's the mold where the imprint of the mold in the issue of the image in those areas that can be communicated to us, we can love and think and feel and stuff like that.
Beautiful. Yeah. Cause that threw me off and I was looking at this show, what some about the encounter encounters, but we have, they bring in a lot of Christian scriptures of like the alien stuff, the
Egyptians back in, you know how a lot of things were built back in the day. It didn't come from man knowledge.
Is that the omniscient God that we know? You should stay away from that stuff because people who talk about those kinds of things, they're usually not very biblically minded.
I've heard stories and I've heard shows and stuff. I'm like, you're messing up here theologically.
There are people that you don't, there, but here's the thing.
So, but I'm not sure which source you're looking at because sometimes it can be good though. But, uh,
UFOs, we can talk about UFOs. I can tell you what those probably are and where they come from and things like that.
We can talk about all kinds of stuff. Okay. But yeah, that's what, anyway, Genesis one 26.
There you go. That's basically what it is. Okay. Okay. And I had to say this to him. Okay.
We met real quickly. I have to say for all the people that go against you, they're fighting against the word of God with you fighting the word.
When we got all this craziness going on in the world, that energy should be, um, used where these people said death to America, doing burning the flag.
I just don't get it. Why are they wasting? Just like you took the time to make this show. They could do the same thing to create their own.
Yeah. It's because there are evil people in the world. That's why. Yeah. There's a break. We've got to go.
So God bless. Okay. God bless you too. Bye -bye. Thanks. Okay.
Bye. All right, folks. Hey, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned.
It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show. Let's get on with Catherine from Canada.
Catherine, welcome. You're on the air. Hello. Hi. Hi. I've got a question about near death experiences.
Sure. Are they biblically valid? Yes. Uh, let's go to second
Corinthians 12 to in the, and I'm going to modify what I'm saying, but yes.
And, uh, we don't, cause the Bible says, it says, I know a man in Christ who 14 years ago, whether in the body,
I do not know, or out of the body. I do not know. God knows such a man was caught up to the third heaven.
And I know how such a man, whether in the body or apart from the body, do not know. God knows was caught up into paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak.
That is what we would call an NDE. Not a problem. Now, what about the
NDEs that people have nowadays? Uh, well, if they agree with scripture, they're true.
If they don't agree with scripture, they're false. That would be the basic rule we go with. A lot of Christians are going to say they don't happen, but there's a biblical basis for it.
We know it can in or out of the body. There you go. What are you going to say? So I've studied
NDEs and read some books on it. And there's a wide variety of accounts.
Some agree with scripture and some contradict scripture. And then we would have to examine each one and go through and comment and things like that, but there's the basics, okay?
Okay, that's great. That's what I believe as well. I don't know. You must know Randy K.
No. You've heard of Randy K? Well, I may or may not because I read books, but I'm just not good with names.
That's all. Okay. Well, he vets every experience by the word of God and puts those experiences on his
YouTube. Really? They're very compelling, and I believe them.
And I'm going to go to his conference, but I just thought I should. I thought they were biblically valid too, but I guess that's the only verse that you can, it's just whether in the body or out of the body.
Well, yeah, it's the primary one I go to. You can also go to 1 Samuel 28, and it's where the witch of Endor summons
Samuel. Oh, right. And so, and then you go to Matthew 17 where Moses and Elijah appear to Jesus.
So there are accounts of people continuing on afterwards. The question is, an
NDE is us seeing something and then coming back. That's different.
The only one I know like that is 2 Corinthians 12.
And some of the books I've read, they've commented about people born blind. And they have an operation, they'll die on a table for a few minutes, they're revived, etc.
And they're still blind, but they will describe what they saw. I saw so -and -so in the halls over there, in the rooms.
And you've probably read about those too. Well, those are the ones that I think are really compelling.
That really proves that these things are true. Yeah, yeah.
Okay, I just want to make sure that I'm on the right side of things. I know that there's lots of danger in spiritual experiences and things like that.
And also, I mean, I've heard the quote, it says, we're not physical beings having a spiritual experience, we're spiritual beings having a physical experience.
But I don't know if I like that quote. Yes, but we are designed by God to be physical.
Right. So we are both physical and spiritual, but we can exist apart from our physical body.
But the way we're going to be permanently existing is in a physical body. A resurrected, glorified physical body.
Okay? Yes, yes. I don't know who this guy is. If you could...
What, Randy K? Yeah, Randy K. I don't know if he's good or not. Well, I really think so, but I just wanted your opinion.
But if you don't know, well... But what you've said, I think you would like him. So, I mean, everything's by the
Bible. He vets everything. A lot of people say it, and I'm not saying he's good or bad,
I'm just saying, I like to check people out. And see, if you could email me, just, here's his website or whatever, then
I can go check him out and make sure he's not a Roman Catholic or some New Age radical who says he's
Christian. I don't know, I'm going to check him out. No, he didn't believe in these things until he had a near -death experience.
And so, now he believes. I mean, he was a hospital... something or other.
He was, you know, pretty scientific about things, but then he believed it, like his whole life fell apart sort of thing.
And then he met Jesus, so... Anyway, I just, you know,
I want to be on the right side of things, that's all, by the biblical account. So, I believe that I am, but I just wondered if you'd heard of him.
No, I haven't, but I found his website, so I'm looking online, and what I like to do is just get quiet, you know, ask him a few questions, make sure he's within orthodoxy, and go, great, but he's from my own stomping grounds down in Southern California, too.
I see. So... Oh, yeah. Well, I think he's from Chicago originally,
I believe. I think he was born and raised in Chicago. Not sure.
Okay. Anyway, yeah, I'm going to go to his conference, I'm looking forward to it, and so...
Where's the conference? I feel a little bit... Pardon? Where's the conference? It's in San Diego.
Okay. Yeah, I love it. And I just feel a little bit nervous telling people what I'm going to, because it sounds weird, you know?
No, it's all right, I get it. I mean, I'd like to go to something like that, and just to do some research. I could fly down there and hang out, you know?
I mean, I want to research that more. Yeah, well, there's some compelling stories. Sure. Like, really compelling stories.
I mean, they're absolutely, like, just... There's no doubt in my mind, like, these people have told, like...
They didn't believe it until it happened, like... Anyway, there's really good stories, and there's speakers that are going to be there, so I'm really looking forward to it.
Okay. Great, yeah. I'll check it out, okay?
Appreciate it. All right, thanks very much. All right, well, God bless. Okay. All right, now let's get to Alberto.
Alberto, welcome here on the air. Yeah, good evening, Matt. My question is, if a person was possessed and got, like, 40 demons, and that person happened to, you know, confront a full -grown male silverback gorilla, would they give the gorilla a run for his money or not?
Well, I've never been asked a question like that before. It's an interesting question. Can 40 demons inside of a person take on a silverback gorilla?
Yeah, a full -grown silverback gorilla. Yeah, that'd be interesting.
Probably, I would think the silverback would destroy the human, even with demonic forces. I mean,
I don't know, because that doesn't mean their bones are going to be strong in a person.
A silverback could just, you know, just throw them all over the place. Snap his arm in half easily.
Yeah, yeah. I used to work out with a couple of gorillas in the gym back in the day. One guy, he was shot, and there was a misunderstanding of something happened.
I won't get into all the details. And he was shot, and part of his lung was blown out and sitting on the sidewalk. And, you know, the guy who shot him, and, you know, all this stuff.
And I said, dude, what happened to you? And he goes, well, I got mad, so I beat him up. You know? And stuff like that.
But, so, yeah. Not something
I've ever entertained. As a thought, if demon -possessed people can beat up a silverback gorilla, it's not something
I've really pondered on too much. So even though he's demon -possessed, that's not about strength.
A silverback gorilla got scraped by 20 men, they say. But still, he got the teeth, you know.
But even though he's demon -possessed, but he's still, like you say, he's still human.
He still has his bones, he can snap anyway, regardless, right? Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know how that would work. Okay? So all I can do is just, is just kind of meander around the issue, kicking stones at it while I'm talking.
Yeah, you know the guy, the demon -possessed guy, that had a legion of demons, and they're burying, and Jesus cast out all the demons.
He's got a legion. I'm just a legion in a way, really, when people say a legion. That's a lot.
People say 12 ,000, people say 6 ,000. I don't know, it's huge. Yeah, that's right. That's a large number.
Yeah. You can look it up and see. So is he the only person they know of in history that had that much demons in him?
Do you know of? I'm sorry, what? Have you ever heard somebody else? I mean, is he the only person you know of in history that had that much demons in him?
I don't know. Just look it up. A legion is considered 6 ,000 soldiers, so could 6 ,000 demons beat up a silverback?
I would assume so, but it depends on what kind they are.
I don't know. Are they weaklings? What if he's a demon of apathy? He wouldn't want it. He wouldn't care.
You know? Uh -huh. So the demon that guy had, that was not specific what type of demons he had.
It was demons, but it didn't specify what kind of demons he had at all. Yeah.
All right. It's just, it would be so far out there that I don't even know really how to really kind of tackle it.
Okay? Yeah. Okay. All right. Thank you. Keep up the great work, Maxwell. Okay.
All right. Thanks. All right. God bless. All right. Well, that was interesting.
It was an interesting discussion. But hey, at least I learned something. A legion is 6 ,000 soldiers.
I looked it up. So, man, that would be interesting. Mark 5, 9.
You know, we are legion, he says, to the demons, to the demon stuff, and stuff like that. I wonder. Man, that's a lot.
And Jesus was able to cast them all out. Let me check this out here. Mark 5, 9.
What's your name? He said, My name is Legion, for we are many. Now, it doesn't mean the demonic force or forces was telling the truth.
It could have been they were lying. You know, I mean, they are liars. So, it could have been three, and they said, we are legion.
You know, who knows. But, that's 6 ,000 people. So, I don't know. I don't know. It's not something
I really entertained too much about before. All right.
The NDE thing is interesting. I'm going to check out that individual and just see. You know, one of the things
I do want to do is go to Roswell for the UFO, annual
UFO convention. Now, that would be fun. I'd fit right in. Just wear my aluminum foil hat, you know.
My wife, if I were to say, hey, I want to go to Roswell, she'd go, of course. I can see you doing that.
So, you know, my wife's always got my back. So, she's always supportive. Hey, hon, after that,
I want to go to the new age convention. She'd go, uh -huh, okay. Most guys, they want to go to a sports event, right?
Maybe they want to go to Roswell for the UFO convention. Then I want to go to the new age convention. And then
I want to go to the... So, yeah. My wife, just a lot of times, she goes, uh -huh, yeah, okay, that's good.
It just rolls off her back, you know. And I said, I said, how would you describe me to your friends?
She just pauses and stares. It wouldn't be easy. So, there you go.
All right, folks, having fun there. Hey, may the Lord bless you and by His grace, we're back on air tomorrow.
And we'll talk to you then. So, have a good evening, everyone. God bless. Bye. Another program powered by The Truth Network.