On Living to Please God Galatians 1:10

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February 21, 2021 Morning Service of Faith Bible Church, Sacramento, CA On Living to Please God - Philippians 1:10


Well, good morning Well, we're on time we're not always on time here with doing the videotaping thing and so on but For those of you that are home.
We're always on time, right? So Anyway, I want to welcome everybody that's here this morning glad you're here to worship with us and Lord willing we'll just be a blessing to you and And we're looking forward to pastor
John and his message and singing and raising our voices to the praise of our
Lord Announcement wise as you know, we had our business meeting last week and there are notes if some of you didn't get those you can
Contact Victor and he will get those to you and we had a good time there of being together as a body and And just continue to see what the
Lord is going to do with us and through us so we just need to continue to be patient and prayerful
And that's the best and the most important thing that all of us can do So, why don't you join with me in prayer?
Lord God, we thank you that you have brought us this morning Father to to gather as believers as fellow worshipers of you father
Lord I pray that our hearts would Just resound in the truth of your word that we would be encouraged that we would be looking forward
To what you're going to do in our own personal lives in the life of this church Father in the life of this country
Lord, there's there's so many needs in our in our world in our country in our state
But father, we know that you are the Lord of overall and Lord we must be patient and waiting on you and trusting you and not to worry
Lord as pastor John shared last week and times past that we need to Give our lives to you and to be focused on the truth of the gospel and not the truths of man
Because they are all fallible. So Lord, we thank you this morning. May we honor you Lord? maybe we just be a blessing to each other father and you would go before us and That the
Saints would be edified we pray in Jesus name. Amen so this
I was looking I was preparing for this morning and the words were worship and praise
Appear over a thousand times in the scriptures and there's some relevance to that when when two words appear that many times
You know, there's something behind them and and praise is really oftentimes just something that's outward that we're going to do this morning
With our singing and our songs and and we can praise family members We can praise people for doing different things, but when it comes to worship
There's only one thing that we worship and that's our Lord Jesus Christ And that's really some of the praises some of the things that happen on the outside It can happen inside but worship comes from our heart and let's remember that that that's what we're doing
This morning is we're gonna worship the Lord from our heart. This is not an external exercise This is not something we just want to do because we do it every week
We're gonna do this We want to do this because that's what the Lord would have us to do and that's how we can honor him
So let's stand together. I Want to read a few verses as you stand give to the
Lord. This is from Psalm 97 96 give to the Lord Oh families of the peoples give to the
Lord glory and strength give to the Lord the glory do his name Bring an offering and come into his courts.
Oh worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness Tremble before him all the earth
That's a great picture for us as we approach the throne of God That we would tremble before him because of his majesty and his greatness
Come now fount Oh Blessing to my heart to sing my grace streams of mercy never ceasing comfort songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious on it sung by flaming tongues of Praise his name on fixed upon it name of God's redeeming
Hither to thy love has blessed Thou has brought me to this place
And I know Thy hand will bring me safely home by thy good grace
When a stranger He to rescue me from danger by me with Precious blood.
Oh to grace how great a debtor daily,
I'm Constraint to me Let my goodness like a fetter by my wandering heart to thee prone to Lord I feel it
Here's my heart Lord take and seal it seal it for the courts above Let's now sing praise to the
Lord the Almighty Oh my
Now to Me Praise to the
Lord So wondrously Wings yes
That bad Praise to all that is in me
Raises before Sound from A excellent we praise you.
Oh God. Oh God our Redeemer Tribute we bring we
Before thee we We bless thy holy name
We see we worship thee
Tempest our God When When Thou will make and with we
Isis united our praises we to the
Anthems we raise Beside to thee our great
Redeemer Be praised
Excellent you carried me through that one nicely the time he's a little different on that the church is one foundation
She By water and saw
His own blood he and for her life
He Every day
Hey Holy And every grace and Yet she
Union with Three -in -one
Young with those who rest in one.
Oh happy ones That we
Like them Get Excellent you may be seated pastor
John Well, praise the Lord and good morning Wasn't it a blessing having so many people in church last week
Wow Praise God good to see you. Good to be here. Thank you
Barb so much She got a lot of notice to play What was it
Friday morning Victor? I can't remember. So thanks very much so if you have your
Bibles turn with me to Matthew chapter 7, I Don't know about you guys, but not only am
I a slow learner But sometimes man, it just takes like a two by four up the side of the head
Can anybody relate to that I Mean, I don't think it's like we're bad people.
I mean if we're really Christians I Don't think it's like we're bad and we wake up and say, you know, how can
I be stubborn today? You know, I really want to take 40 years to learn this lesson about life right,
I Don't think any of us are like this But you might recall that we've been in a series of messages on the gospel of Jesus Christ, right
What what is the gospel what is the true biblical gospel and I hope that I convinced you that That a false gospel there were false
Gospels in the early church and there's false Gospels today I mean they're on TV all the time. They're in churches all over the place
You know, if you if you walk an aisle and pray a prayer you're you're born again. You're saved not necessarily
Can you get saved that way? Yes, right when that TV preacher looks in the screen and says, you know, just pray this prayer
Is it possible to get saved? Yes, absolutely But that's not the biblical gospel that Jesus Christ preached and died for so I spent about four or five weeks
Kind of laying a foundation From here in Galatians, which we'll go to in a minute on what is making sure we understand
What is the biblical gospel as we move forward as a church right as we're praying and seeking a pastor?
And again, you know, I wish we could but we can't we love you guys and it's a blessing and a privilege to our family to be here and to be able to come alongside men like Victor and Harold and all of you and encourage you so I wanted to be sure that we were clear on the gospel and secondly
Simple question Can there be anything in life more important?
Than knowing for sure Where you will spend eternity
Can anything in life be more important? Anything there's two choices.
Will it be eternal joy in? Heaven or will be eternal judgment in hell with the devil and all his angels, right?
That's it notice what
Jesus says here in Matthew chapter 7 beginning at verse 21 Not everyone who says to me
Lord Lord Shall enter the kingdom of heaven
But he who does the will of my father in heaven Many will say to me in that day
Lord Lord Have we not prophesied in your name cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name now understand
Verse 22 in the language of that day if you spun forward to 2021
They will be saying now this is what they would have been saying had they lived in the first century
What would they say today Lord Lord? Have we not gone to church? Have we not sung those hymns that sometimes are hard to sing
Have we not given money to the church? Have we not given money to the homeless guy on the corner and And really we've never murdered anybody
We've been faithful to our spouse that's the language and Jesus says then
I will declare to them. I Never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness
So it doesn't have to be murder to be sin, right You understand right
Jesus didn't just die for the murderer and the adulterer he died for the liar He died for the guy that stealed pencils from his office.
He died for all sin Big and little This is serious serious stuff
There will many there will be many people who go through their whole life thinking They're a Christian and they're truly not and do you notice?
Do you catch verse 22? It's many will say not few What's many mean?
majority undefined number Now over in 2nd Corinthians 13 5 look at this 2nd
Corinthians 13 5 Okay, we got phones Let's put those cell phones on stun 2nd
Corinthians 13 5 Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith
Test yourselves Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you are disqualified
So the point is it's biblical and proper for people that go to church To examine themselves and to ask the hard questions and to make sure that they know they're saved over in 1st
Corinthians chapter 11 there's many historians to suggest the early church practice communion the
Lord's table every day when they met and notice it says in 1st
Corinthians 11 verse 28, but let a man examine himself and So let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup
For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself not discerning the
Lord's body So it's biblical and it's proper for people that go to church
To examine themselves and ask those hard questions and it's not something that we're to do every day
It doesn't say weekly. It doesn't say yearly, but there are times in the Christian life I remember as a young Christian for many years once in a while I would wonder am
I really born again? Am I really saved? But there are times in in our life
You know God may prompt you even this morning To do deep soul -searching
Heaven is a real place and so as hell and therefore all eternity
Now go to Galatians chapter 1 Because what
I want to do today is big is to pick up in Galatians where we left off and I just want to I don't know we might do just a couple of more
Sections. We're only going to cover one verse this morning Because I want to Take us to some verses that are so helpful when it comes to living out the
Christian life And one of them is this very simple verse verse 10
Galatians chapter 1 Galatians chapter 1 for do
I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men
For if I still please men would I not be a bondservant of Christ Now hold your place there real quick and just go a book over or two to Colossians You got
Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians Okay, General Electric Power Company.
I Mean for years as a young Christian, I could never find Colossians I would and then
Philippians I'd always get them mixed up and then the senior saint at our church said hey John Galatians I mean, yeah
General Electric Power Company. Can you remember that and I never forgot it? Look at Colossians 110
That you may walk worthy of the Lord Fully pleasing him Being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God now go over just a few more pages to 1st
Thessalonians Huh if I can remember we're in 1st
Thessalonians Maybe it's 2nd sess well,
I Didn't plan to have you turn there go to 2nd Timothy That's called digging yourself out of a hole 2nd
Timothy 2 for Paul is
Comparing a Christian living with that of a soldier Right. He says you therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ If you want to know anything about that talk to Richard talk to anybody that served in the military
Dave right being a soldier is a totally different world You must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
And here's the verse no one engaged in warfare and Entangles himself with the affairs of this life why?
That he may please him who enlisted Him as a soldier now go back to Galatians and look again at what
Paul says in verse 10 see the goal of a believer's life the focus
God's will for a believer's life is To live in such a way that we please him
Now this may sound counterintuitive when you think it through Because in John Jesus says
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly and he says when the Sun sets you
Free you are free indeed But then Paul says in verse 10 if I still pleased men
I Would not be a bondservant of Christ and actually the word in the
Greek which I will get to in just a moment after we pray is the word doulos doulos, which
Translated is our word slave not bondservant So the message titled today if you have notes is on living to please the
Lord. Let's pray God, I thank you for this day so much for this powerful text
For the ministry the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit Pray father
God that our hearts are open to receive your word today God, especially that the seed of the word would be implanted in our hearts
God that we might Father see the fruit of your word borne out in our lives as a result of being together today
We ask in Jesus name. Amen So we understand that the one true gospel sets a
Christian free But at the same time the gospel teaches us that Christians are in bondage. In fact many times the
Bible Compares the Christian life with that of being a slave Now I want to reacquaint you with this chapter.
So follow along I want to start reading at verse 1 and get us into the flow of Paul's thought here and His line of thinking there's a big transition verse 10 is a linguistic grammatical bridge between verses 1 through 9 and then verse 12 to the all the way into chapter 2 because Paul is going to present a
Defense of his apostleship remember Judaizers had come into the Galatian churches.
They come into churches today Understand that Judaizers false teachers
Coming to churches today. They came into churches. Then there's nothing new under the Sun and They come in different shapes and sizes
So Paul is going to defend his apostleship his authority the Galatians were already shaken up by these guys and he's going to first come back to his authority as an apostle and Verse 10 is the bridge between the introduction his rebuke and his solidification of the gospel
It is it is a bridge between that and now his defense of his apostleship. Okay now look at Where we are when we get to verse 10 verse 1
Paul an Apostle Not from men nor through man. So that's very key in this letter
If you can try to read Galatians, okay and plug what we're going to cover today into the rest of the letter
It'll be very helpful Paul an apostle not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the
Father who raised him from the dead first gospel reference right and All the brethren who are with me
To the churches of Galatia four or five of them Located in the modern country of Turkey, by the way, there is no church in that area today
Did you hear me church? Yeah Turkey is a predominantly
Muslim country and when my mother worked there She served in the Foreign Service and she worked at the embassy in Ankara the capital of Turkey and I tried to find a church
There I met one missionary online talk to him and they were very nervous about telling anybody where they met
So when you go to this region of Turkey today, you will not find a gospel preaching church
Lesson learned Be right on the gospel Grace to you in peace from God the
Father and our Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins That he might deliver us from this present evil age
According to the will of our God and Father to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. I Marvel that you are turning away so soon
From him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different gospel Which is not another
In other words what there's only one gospel But there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ What one gospel
But even if we are an angel from heaven Preach any other gospel to you than that which we preached to you.
Let him be accursed anathema That's the word that refers to being under God's cursed.
It's not a general curse. It's God's curse as We have said before so now
I say again if anyone preaches any other gospel to you Then what you have received let him be accursed.
How important is it to be solid on the gospel? Very, thank you. Who said that?
Thank you very and Here it is
For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men?
For I if I still pleased men I Would not be a bondservant a doulos of Christ What is
Paul saying look carefully at verse 10 with two rhetorical questions Now the reason they're rhetorical is because the answers to these questions would have been obvious to the
Galatians Paul was in those areas for about a year and a half No doubt because of the way that he did ministry.
No doubt. He was moving They would have been relatively close together. If you look at a map sometime look at the back of your
Bible Colossae Laodicea Hierapolis were all within a short walking distance of each other
Most likely these churches in Galatia would have been fairly close. We don't know what cities they were in they were in that region
So you would know this right? He's saying that as a bondservant and this word like I said
We'd be more accurately translated slave that as a slave of Christ His life and ministry had nothing whatsoever to do with pleasing men, but rather with pleasing
God and as I said Verse 10 is the bridge over to verse 11
But I make known to you brethren that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man
For I neither received it from man nor was I taught it But it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ and then he moves into his testimony.
Okay? The conjunction for at the beginning of verse 10, is that Link to verses 6 through 9 and what it's doing is it's tying together the exclusivity and the divine origin of the gospel that he preached and Then the defense of his apostleship and the nature and the origin of the gospel that he preached when he was there and Here is what is so important to get a cornerstone the cornerstone of his defense right is that he lived as a slave of Christ and to please him listen or He would not be a true
Christian ergo the
Judaizers You with me? Who were living to please men?
So Paul's first rhetorical question For I do I now? persuade men or God So there's three truths in the in this one verse the first one is in Order to live a life that is pleasing to God In order to live a life that is pleasing to God we have to understand
That we are here to please God Paul the idea in the first question for do
I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men? The idea here is am I now as a
Christian? Persuading or living in such a way that by God's grace
I'm living in such a way that I am seeking daily hourly
Monthly yearly am I seeking to live in such a way that I am pleasing
God? Truth number one truth number two in order to live a life that is pleasing to God We must guard against seeking to please men
Do I now seek the favor of or persuade men or God or Second do
I seek to please men Paul's asking do I Paul, you know me I was with you for a year and a half
Do I seek to please men and The clear answer that the Galatians would have understood is no pleasing men was not what
Paul was about Now you say well John, how does that apply to me? You want a quick one?
By the way, can I apologize in advance if I step on anybody's toes this morning we get mad at Paul not me please
Okay Can I can I ask you a question simple? That dirty joke at the office
Do we laugh? to please men Even though we're uncomfortable and then we come to the last part of verse 10.
That's the focus This morning the third truth about living a life that is pleasing to God Which is we must live in the light of the truth
That a Christian is to consider themselves as a bond servant as a doulos as a slave of Christ Friends living a life that is pleasing to God requires believers to consider themselves as slaves and I want to break this truth about the
Christian life down a little because on the face of it at least It doesn't make sense. It sounds counterintuitive.
Wait a minute. I thought the Sun set me free now. You want me to be a slave? So what
I want to do a very simple two -point message Number one I want you to consider with me the meaning of this word doulos
Because we have an American understanding a history with this word Okay, it is very specific it is very key it has a very specific meaning it has very specific
Application to the living the Christian life and if we pass over the word and we don't see and understand what it means
What he's saying it's kind of like It's kind of like going to Disneyland and missing the exit
We're not gonna get there, right? It's kind of like going out to dinner and forgetting your wallet Are you gonna be able to pay for dinner?
Not anymore You run into that We don't accept cash you run into that.
Yeah, some businesses are no longer accepting cash. You might get kovat from this So we want to make sure we understand this the word bond servant in some translations is the word doulos it's found over 120 times in the
New Testament and It means slave now go to Webster's. What's what's the word slave, but we're gonna develop this a little bit further
It's someone who is an indentured servant that has no rights or one who is completely subservient to a dominating influence so roughly a hundred out of the hundred and twenty seven times depending on the
English translation the word doulos is translated bond servant or servant not slave
So in other words, the word doulos has one meaning right But when you see it as bond servant or a servant, right?
You don't go to slave but the word behind it is doulos. That's slave
So that's number one just the basic understanding now secondly Once we have this understanding at least basically of what the word means now
What does it mean to live as a slave of Christ?
See a slave is someone who is an indentured servant. They have no rights
They are someone that must be completely subservient to a dominating influence
Now, what does that mean practically when it comes to living out the Christian life number one?
the very definition of the word doulos is A person who is held and servitude as the chattel
Which means they are the tangible property of another a doulos is a person
That is held in chattel. They are the tangible property of another and here is
Paul saying I Am the property what of Christ?
with no rights I Am one who is completely?
subservient to this outside Dominating influence So the idea of being a doulos listen
This gets hard. That's why I said I asked you in ahead of time, right if I step on any toes
You're gonna get mad at Paul Or you can get mad at Galatians, I guess see a doulos provides service and they don't have a choice in it a doulos has to perform whether he likes it or not
Because they are subject as a slave to someone else's will not their own the will of their owner
Why do you think in the Lord's Prayer? He says not my will but what? Thy will be done in truth a slave's will is
In total bondage to the owner's will So the idea of being a slave in the
Greek was being this is so hard Especially when you spill your milk in the morning
Or when that guy cuts you off when you're driving down the road right or when that person is mean or when your wife or your husband
Does something horrible like forgets the half -and -half? The idea of being slave in the
Greek was being in the complete control of someone else Completely controlled by someone or something and the property of someone else and being completely
Subservient to the dominating influence of another person. So the understanding here see is
Americans especially in our age In all
I mean throughout the history of our country really since the Civil War is We don't understand how slavery operated in the first century
It's not how we define slavery in our country It is estimated that at the time of Jesus Christ So first century
Middle East in the Roman Empire over one -fifth of the population were slaves douloses, okay one -fifth
Now what we're talking about is 12 million people if you take the population of the
Roman Empire in the early first century one -fifth So the they estimate the population of the
Roman Empire 60 to 70 Could be 90 just depends on who you read another reason we miss the incredible significance of being a slave of Christ is because of the general history the horrible history of slavery in our country and not just our country, but many countries of the world a
Number of scholars believe that is it is because of this very negative history horrific history horrific history of slavery
That translators of the English Bibles very often listen instead of translating doulos slave
They translate the word bondservant So they were even practicing political correctness in the
Word of God But regardless of these kinds of problems We need to settle in our mind that the
New Testament makes it clear that Christians are to consider themselves slaves of Christ and the scripture is not
Talking about being a slave like the ones that were so horribly treated by plantation owners in our country and other countries not slave like those that were kidnapped and ripped from their homeland in Africa John Newton was a slave trader who wrote amazing grace and fought
Fought strenuously to have it outlawed, but nonetheless listen a slave
With no rights Whose master is the Lord Jesus Christ That's one thing being a slave of Jesus Christ means secondly in terms of understanding what it means to be a slave of Christ Jesus taught that he requires his slaves to be servants
Okay, this is where it gets a little dicey it gets hard Jesus taught that his slaves were to be servants
See one of the core principles that Jesus taught About life in the kingdom of God and being one of his slaves was the requirement to serve others
See if we want to live in such a way that our lives are pleasing to God Then we must learn what it is to be a slave and we must learn to serve see if you think about it and You can read some books on this there's some fantastic books on this slaves
Service was hardwired Into the life purpose and duty of a slave because it was their life those many
Roman masters Treated their slaves like employees like members of the family.
Okay. Yeah, there were some cruel ones There's cruel people and everything right but very often. I mean the the there's a whole
You could a whole study on this a pierced ear Club they call it where the slave would would take a dowel and or a not a dowel
That thing and you poke poke your ear on the doorpost of the master's house And then you basically give him your life because he treated you so well and so fairly but basically
Service was hardwired into the life purpose in the duty of slave They lived in the complete control and they live solely to serve their master and they were at their master's beckon call now
Mark your place here and go to the gospel of Mark Go to the gospel of Mark And I want to go to Mark chapter 9 verse 33 because we learned a few things about what it means to be a slave when you come to Mark chapter 9 you come to the tail end of Jesus's ministry in Galilee and They're they're working up in Galilee and they work their way down to Capernaum and when they arrive in Capernaum They come into a house and if you look at verse 33, you can see kind of the setting
Because Jesus begins to question the disciples about what they were talking about as they walked
Towards Capernaum down from Galilee. Take a look at this verse 33 Then he came to Capernaum Jesus and when he was in the house, he asked him.
What was it that you disputed among yourselves on the road? Now look at this But they kept silent
Oops Remember Jesus is God so he knows exactly what they were talking about, right?
Don't you love that? Especially like in the garden when Adam and Eve sin Adam, where are you like he didn't know where he was
Right, don't you love this stuff? I mean, I love this stuff I mean, I really I get goose pimples with this kind of stuff
I mean here we have a proof of the deity of Christ because he knew exactly what they were talking about They were so embarrassed.
Look at this. They kept silent Why? for on the road They had been disputing among themselves
Who would be greatest right? So Jesus sits down and he says, okay.
I got something to share with you Look what he says Okay, listen to me guys
If anyone desires to be first He shall be last of all and what?
Oh Whoops Different word by the way, not doulos the word there the word there is actually serving serve
Now what's the difference? Please? Listen, this is so important The slave has no choices, right?
The slave is a property of Servants were hired They could quit
They had a choice But see Jesus isn't done The disciples and really the
Apostles are having this discussion on the way to Capernaum. Jesus talks with them now a few weeks later the
Lord and his disciples are about to enter into Jerusalem for the last week of his life the Passion Week and He's going to address this subject of who will be first again.
And by the way, it's not the last time but go to chapter 10 So there's three times that this whole issue of who will be first and Jesus addresses it three times
But pick it up with me at verse 35 and look at how this thing circles back to this whole discussion beginning in verse 35
Okay chapter 10 verse 35 Then James and John the sons of Zebedee came to him saying teacher we want you to do for us whatever we ask
Now I actually have heard a false gospel preacher use this text to pray for riches
Come on, they asked Jesus. Why can't we? Well, he forgets the next verses has nothing to do with money and He said to them.
What do you want me to do for you? They said to him grant us that we may sit one on your right hand on the other on the left in your glory
But Jesus said to them you don't know what you're asking Are you able to drink the cup that I drink and be baptized with the baptized baptism that I am baptized with and they said?
We're able So Jesus said to them. Okay, you will indeed drink the cup that I drink and with the
Baptist baptism I am baptized you will be baptized by the way speaking of a martyrs death But to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give but it is for those for whom it is prepared verse 41 and When the ten heard it they began to be greatly displeased with James and John But Jesus called them to himself and said to them, you know that those who are considered rulers over the
Gentiles Lord it over them and their great ones exercise authority over them Yet it shall not be so among you
But Whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant and Whoever of you desires to be first Shall be slave do
Lowe's of all Here it is for even the
Son of Man Did not come to be served But to serve and to give his life a ransom for many
What does it mean to be a slave One scholar called verse 45 one of the great verses in all of Scripture For even the
Son of Man even Jesus Christ Did not come to be served but to serve and To give his life a ransom for many now
This passage is dealing with the greatness of humility and the greatness of the greatness of the greatness of God I don't have time to take it all with you
But the incredible example of our Lord in coming not to be served but to serve the
God of the universe God incarnate
Humbling himself washing the disciples feet Laying down his life
Whoever of you desires to be first Shall be a do
Lowe's of all So when Paul refers to himself as a slave in Galatians 1 10 and many other verses in other letters
He uses the same word and it's correctly translated here. At least in the
New King James as slave What does it mean to be a slave? Jesus taught that he requires his slaves to be what?
servants Slaves who are servants to others and this brings us to a third point about what it means to be a slave of Jesus Christ and what it means to be
Living a life that is pleasing to the Lord in it and that is that being a slave of Christ means we are to be servants of all a slave of Jesus Christ a true disciple of Jesus Christ Should live and breathe in order to serve everyone
See the role of a slave is to serve but the role does not stop there verse 44 whoever of you desires to be first shall be a do
Lowe's of all in other words If you want to be first and you want to be at the top then you have to be a slave to everyone you have to Live your life by faith
Property of everyone man. I can't do that. I Can't My rights are too important Jesus's slaves are to be servants.
There are people who do things for others. You're not served you're serving Can you imagine a home
We'd be tripping all over each other all the time. No, no, let me get that. No, no, I'll get that Let's fighting over who's gonna take out the trash right?
Can you imagine at the office? No, no, you take this parking place No, no, no, you take it you pull up you get out of the car.
No, no you take it right Please I have to serve you take it.
Can I wash your car? Can you imagine how life -changing that would be?
Do you notice it? Jesus doesn't say whoever
Desires to be first. I'll be a ruler He doesn't say you're you're someone special because of me
He doesn't say I Have a wonderful plan for your life Does he do you see that Oh Slavery He doesn't say if you want to be first be a person that argues for their rights
That's my desk That's my parking space That's my lane
You're in my lane Now there's two charges
There's two charges here One is if we want to live our lives in such a way that we're truly pleased
God We must purpose to give our lives to giving people what they need That is the charge in verse 43
Whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant We spend our life giving to others
I don't want to embarrass Anybody but there's a man in this church
It's been a part of this church for a long time. And that's that is the testimony of his life and it's humbling and his wife
Second charge is verse 44 Be a doulos of all Friends slaves.
Okay get the picture here slaves were inferior to servants Slaves were inferior to servants
Servants did a job they could quit any time they wanted slaves in the first century were owned and totally controlled so Jesus is saying here consider everybody a person to be served and Consider everyone to be your master
You're obligated Not only do you have the opportunity to serve you have the obligation to serve if you want to live a life to please me
And you go what's the model for that? What's the model Jesus for even the
Son of Man? Are you greater than the Son of Man? Even the
Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many Friends the greatest service and the greatest slavery was exact exhibited by our
Lord. He did not come to be served He's not like other kings. He's not like other rulers. He condescended
He didn't come like like like all kings to be served. He came to serve
He didn't come merely be Lord and master He also came to be a doulos to his father and to do his father's will that was his testimony
He came to be the servant. He didn't come to be served but to serve And it goes all the way down in verse 45 to his giving his life
You know what the word ransom is in Jesus's day
Listen to how Jesus drives this home. See we missed this stuff because we didn't live 2 ,000 years ago
They knew instantly they knew instantly what he meant the word ransom here
Was the word they used in Jesus's day? When someone paid for the release of a slave
It's only used here and in the parallel account in Matthew 20
This is when you went into the marketplace and there's the slave and you paid for his release and he's now a free man
Jesus Christ gave his life as the price paid for the release of a slave
Are there times when we can do the same thing can you imagine
Can you imagine going to the dryer Going to the washer going to the garbage can the garbage cans overflowing
Whose job is it I Guess it's mine Do you understand
No, it's not my job at work You walk by there's trash on the floor at the office
I Helped a friend of mine out his his business and the garbage cans were always the three employees
Garbage cans are always overflowing About my job Well, I made it my job
You know what I did now. Do you think any of them? I worked there a month to help during the Christmas rush Do you think anybody there got it?
They saw me this gentleman. Mr. Kane, right? I'm emptying the trash and changing the liners
Not these 20 somethings What are they Gen Z's I gins what are they
Jack who whatever they are? Yeah, but anyway, they'll just did not my job
Not that I'm any great because at home I'm a total failure so Get that Not necessarily die, but die to self and our priorities and our schedules on behalf of someone else
See believers are free, but they're not and that's how why we can go back to Galatians 1 and kind of wrap some things up Galatians 1
See in order to live a life that is pleasing to God We must live in light of the fact that a Christian is a slave of Christ a doulos a slave
Someone that is held in servitude is chattel or tangible property of another Second in order to love in such a way that we're pleasing
God a core principle that Jesus taught about being a doulos Was the requirement to be a servant?
Third a slave of Christ is to be a servant of all a slave of Jesus Christ lives to serve everyone
Paul refers to himself here as a doulos of Christ Doulos Doulos Most English translation have bond servant there
So in truth once we understand what a slave was and is What being a doulos meant to Christ and to Paul and what the
New Testament teaches us about being a doulos? We can better understand this word bond servant here much of what
Paul says in terms of his defense of the Apostle of his Apostleship the sternness of his letter his defense of the gospel the confrontational nature of this letter and so on all
Hinges all hinges on Understanding what
Paul meant here about being a doulos which instantly the
Galatians would have got Paul refers to himself as a doulos here.
He does it again in Romans 1 he does it again in 2nd Corinthians 4 He does it again in Philippians 4 look over at Philippians Just a couple general electric power company
Right Look at Philippians 1 Okay Think about how many times you see the word bond servant in your translation whether you use the
ESV the NAS King James New King James look at it Paul and Timothy doulos of Jesus Christ and I could go to all kinds of examples, but back to Galatians 110
Christianity wasn't listen This is so important to understand am
I truly a Christian Have I really been born again?
Christianity wasn't a hobby a once -a -week thing for Paul.
He was a doulos It wasn't a part -time job He didn't moonlight as a
Christian He was a slave his life wasn't his own and see when we understand this
When we understand Paul's slavery then by God's grace We can begin to see the application of his truth moment by moment by moment in our life
See as a doulos as a slave Paul wouldn't be pleasing God if he still thought about or worried about or cared about Pleasing men the word still indicates that Paul is saying that being a man pleaser was how he used to be in Judaism We don't have the time to read it all
But not now as a slave of Christ Paul wouldn't be pleasing his master if he was still thinking about pleasing men
Remember the Pharisees who stood in the temple so everybody could see him and gave alms
So everybody could see him finally as a slave as Indentured chattel as property that belongs to God Paul says if he still thought about pleasing men
Then he would not be a slave of Christ. He would not be a true Christian Matthew 6 24 man cannot serve two masters
No one can serve two masters For either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to one and despise the other you cannot serve
God and mammon Learning what Jesus meant about being his slave is a gospel treasure of infinite value.
We have barely plumbed There's a fantastic book. If you want to read one on it, you can see me after it is so humbling so Amazing on what it means to be a slave.
In fact, the title is slave Paul reserves to himself as a slave of Christ following in his masters footsteps
See on one hand Jesus said if the Son makes you free you shall be free indeed Paul's freedom in Christ Which by the way?
becomes a big deal Right because the Judaizers were trying to put people back under the law under the yoke of the law
We don't we won't cover it all I'm gonna pick a couple selected passages just to kind of tie this together for us, but We are free when we are slaves to Christ So, how can we live a life that is pleasing to God?
No one no one what's no one mean in the Greek No one
Right. Are you with me? No one can serve two masters For either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other you cannot serve
God and mammon and by implication Jesus actually Teaches that we cannot serve the one true
God and any other gods see that's the thing that people don't like It's so hard. There is no in -between with God It's either you love him with all your heart soul mind and strength or you don't
That's why Jesus said to the Laodiceans. You're neither hot nor cold You're lukewarm so you know what he said,
I'm gonna spit you out of my mouth Jesus said in math in John 8 most assuredly
I say to you whoever commits a sin is slave to a sin The Son makes you free. You should be free indeed So, how can we live a life that is pleasing to God first of all by purposing right now this morning as we in our closing prayer
To make that our goal God as you give me the grace
I get it. I Don't live that way number one
Second by guarding against the temptation to live in order to please men. I Don't want to offend anybody and tell them
I'm a Christian Sound familiar I Mean you might work someplace.
You can't talk about religion, right? That's true. But that doesn't mean you can't be salt and light
Hey, I'll get that for you How about that, can you imagine a co -worker I'll get that coffee for you
What do you want from me? Nothing. I'll just I'm going there. I'll get it for you. I guess you can't do that when you work from home, right?
You tell the screen I'll get that coffee for you What do they call it telecommute
How do we live a life that's pleasing to God first of all by purposing to make it our goal? Second by guarding against the temptation to live in order to please men third in order to live a life that is pleasing to God We must seek by God's grace to apply what we learn about Living as a slave in God's Word We must consider ourself a slave of Christ Christ and we must seek to live this truth out
Please look at Galatians 2 20 Can I just say something to you, please?
That standard that Jesus lays out is Impossible to do did you hear what
I said? We cannot do this 24 -7 because we're sinful human beings
Okay, and this is why Galatians 2 20 is Such a pivotal verse not only in Galatians, but also in the entire
Christian life. Look at Galatians 2 20 I have been crucified with Christ What's that mean?
Dead It is no longer I who live
But Christ lives in me and the life which
I now live in the flesh. I Live by faith in the Son of God Who loved me and gave himself for me church?
Let me just say something very encouraging to you, please. I Fail at this
Please don't talk to any my wife or children Okay My report card says
F Please listen to me here Remember how the disciples were talking amongst themselves on the way down to Capernaum about who's going to be greatest remember that Okay, the way that this letter was delivered to the
Galatian churches an elder in that church would get up and read it Okay, he wouldn't preach it.
They didn't have seminaries then So the elder would say hey, we got a letter from Paul So here's the church.
The church is in a house and it's about you know, it's no bigger than that right there and He starts reading it
Now when they got to verse 10 They knew immediately what he was talking about What are you talking about slave of Christ because they knew what slavery meant instantly, right?
We have our understanding they had theirs Then he goes through this whole thing about defending his apostleship
He's got this conflict with Peter verse 11 of chapter 2 when Peter had come to Connick I was stood him to his face because he was to be blamed for before certain men came from Jade James He would eat with the
Gentiles But when they came the Judaizers, he withdrew and separated himself fearing those who are the circumcision.
So Peter was pleasing who? These men he didn't want to like be like an outcast.
I Have been crucified with Christ It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life
Which I now live in the flesh. I live by faith
Dear beloved Christians at Faith Bible Church We are saved by grace through faith right that is a simple act
We can only live this way the same way. I Cannot in my own strength
Get frustrated by the driver that takes my lane Nobody relates to that.
I can't I Cannot in my own strength
Constantly be a servant of all I Could tell you stories working at a
Christian school. I Finally put a stop to it There's all kinds of little things that people do right even in a
Christian school even in church But we have this little refrigerator
And everybody buys their own half -and -half So we have three things a half -and -half in there who's
Half -and -half is it and you run out of half -and -half, right? So this one lady and I we've got to be kind of close
You know what? We're now taking turns buying the court a half -and -half. There's three of us that drink coffee at four
There's four of us that drink coffee from this coffee maker Where I where my office is my desk is and so now we each take turns
I mean it only took me a year and a half, right? I said,
I'll get it. I'll get it. No. No, that's okay. No, I'll get it. No, that's okay. Okay So I finally sent the email point is as We close would you take a few moments?
to think about your life You understand as a preacher I got a look in the mirror of the word and realize it's a big fail
And I got to remember that I have been crucified with Christ It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me in the life
I now live I live by Faith the same way I got saved Let's take a few minutes and then
Harold will come and lead us in our closing him. Please pray Please ask the
Lord to help you Father God, you know how convicting your word can be we're reminded of Romans 3 23 all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and Father what in all honesty?
There's not a one of us here that if we did not look in the mirror Would forget what we look like God we need your grace
No doubt even today as we leave this place will be tempted To not be a do -los
To not serve one another You know that God, you know the struggles we have with the flesh and sin and the cares of this world
So Lord, I pray for your grace in our lives that this text
This verse might bear fruit in our lives We pray in Jesus name.
Amen Carol Thank You pastor John Another powerful gospel message, which can't we can't get enough of that.
Really? We should never be satisfied or content With anything less so let's let's stand together.
We're gonna sing made the mind of Christ my Savior We're gonna sing six verses
May the word of God dwell richly in my heart from hour to hour
So that all may see I triumph only through His power
May the peace of God my father rule my life in everything
That I may be calm to comfort
Sick and sorrowing May the love of Christ fill me
As the waters fill the sea
Him exalting, self -abasing This is victory
May I run the race before me
Strong and brave to face the foe
Looking only unto Jesus As I onward go
May the beauty rest upon me
As I seek the lost to wait
Seeing only Him And may that be our prayer as we go out this morning and May they forget the channel.
May they forget me and seeing only Him Let's try to do that praise