God’s Sovereignty Over Everything


A few biblical passages that declare God’s sovereignty over everything. Full sermon: https://providencebaptistar.com/imi_sermon/the-sovereignty-of-god/


Like eight verses, so let me just share with them with you, Psalm 115, three. So write them down. You look at them later.
Psalm 115, three. Our God is in the heavens. He does all that he pleases.
Proverbs 16, 33. Proverbs 16, 33, the lot is cast into the lap, but it's every decision is from the
Lord. Proverbs 21, one, 21, one. The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the
Lord. He turns it wherever he will. I'll just make a comment in those two verses. God is sovereign over dice.
God is sovereign over kings, little things, big things, accomplishing ability.
Daniel four, verse thirty five. All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing.
And he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. And none can stay his hand or say to him, what have you done?
Job 42, verse two, Job says, I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours,
I'll repeat for emphasis, no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Amos 3, 6, the second half of that verse,
Amos 3, 6, does disaster come to a city unless the Lord has done it?
Isaiah 46, 9 and 10. Remember the former things of old, for I'm God and there is no other.
I'm God and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times, things not yet done, saying my counsel shall stand and I will accomplish all my purpose.
And then I'll give you one New Testament verse, Ephesians 1, 11. In him, we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things, repeating for emphasis, who works all things according to the counsel of his will.
So listen to me. I'm saying that the sovereignty of God means he has accomplishing ability, meaning he does accomplish whatever he ultimately pleases to accomplish.
Should he desire to have every soul in heaven? He could have done that. Should he have desire to send every soul to hell?
He could have done that. And should he choose to pour out his grace upon some to passing over others and to show his justice?
He can do that. He does do that. It is his sovereign right. It's his sovereign prerogative.
All that God desires to accomplish, he accomplishes. He has the ability to accomplish and he has the will to accomplish.
And he does accomplish. The men are going through a Bible study book right now by Brian Borgman. It's on the book of Ecclesiastes.
I give you a quote from that book. Brian Borgman says the Bible is not shy in declaring