The TRUTH about TONGUES (many don’t realize this)

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In this episode of The Holy Nope Podcast, I sit down with brother David Lovi to ask him some crucial question regarding the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues? What is the nature and purpose of this gift when it is biblically understood? To find that answer, we must travel back to the beginning…


So tongues for me was The doctrine that really got me interested in cessationism because years ago
I Happened to listen to a sermon from John MacArthur and it was on Isaiah 28 11 to 13 and he said in that sermon that Tongues was a sign of judgment on the unbelieving
Jewish people during the time of Christ That had rejected
Christ and that what tongues were was a sign that The gospel was now going out to the
Gentiles and that was the first time I had ever even conceived of that being a possibility hearing
John MacArthur talk about it and that got me very Interested in learning more is he pulling this out of nowhere?
reading books on the subject doing stud Bible studies on the subject particularly of tongues and What the meaning is and I've come to a place where I think there is a much more beautiful biblically significant
Meaning to the doctrine of tongues than what we see in the world Today as the
Charismatic Church calls gibberish tongues that that's actually the exact opposite of What the gift of tongues in the
Bible really was? Welcome to the Holy Note podcast. I am the Holy Note and with me is of course
David Levy and today we are going to have a discussion about the
Gift of tongues. So I've been recently posting some some content about tongues arguments
For Our view of tongues and I think we'll find out in this discussion whether or not we
Ourselves have some differences about some details, but it's you know, it's it's a mysterious subject it's a controversial topic and so it generates a lot of discussion and But what it also does is it it gets us into the scripture it gets us into the word and we want to just talk about the nature and the purpose of the gift of tongues in light of the word and what
I'm gonna do in this episode is field David some some questions some general common questions about the gifts of tongues and We'll we'll see where it goes
So David, are you ready? Yeah, man, I'm ready. Yeah. All right. Here's the first question
I have for you David Do you believe that tongues as described in the Bible is a true and biblical
Spiritual gift distributed to God's people as he wills Yes, it is.
Yes, the gift of tongues was a miraculous ability that God gave to Christians in the
New Testament Starting in Acts chapter 2 at Pentecost with the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit which was the miraculous ability to be able to speak and even prophesy in foreign languages that the speaker had never previously learned that the
Holy Spirit gave this ability to the speaker to Proclaim the wonders of God.
That's what we see in Acts chapter 2 We'll probably get into this in a little while anyway but that's what we see that they're proclaiming the wonders of God in languages other than the language of Hebrew and that these people were
Hebrew speakers who the Holy Spirit endowed gifted with the ability to speak
Arabic or Phrygian or some foreign tribal dialect and that it was used for the foundation laying of The church to the
Gentiles. That's my belief about what tongues was or is It's was all right.
So you mentioned prophecy So let me ask you this question. What kind of spiritual gift is the gift of tongues?
Is it? A Healing kind of gift is how does it minister or is it a rel a revelatory gift a revelatory gift?
Yes, I mean it it's described as a revelatory gift in Acts chapter 2
Let me just go there real quick. I have my NKJV here with me
Usually I use the NASB But the school where I teach at uses
NKJV and I've actually learned this is really a first time by the way Speaking of tongues man, just like language
English is a tongue, you know I've learned to Love this translation the
New King James Version after teaching Middle school kids about the
Lord with it. Okay, so in Acts chapter 2 It says this and there were
Sorry, actually, let's just start at verse 1 when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one accord and in one place and Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were
Sitting then there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire and one sat upon each one of them or each of them and They were all filled with the
Holy Spirit and began to speak with other Tongues as the
Spirit gave them utterance. So it is the Spirit giving them utterance It is a revelatory gift because the
Spirit is the one who's revealing to them what their utterance should be And this is what they say verse 5 there were there
There were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews Devout men from every nation under heaven.
That's amazing. It's so amazing they're from all over the world and they were there to celebrate
Pentecost the Feast of Weeks and when this sound Occurred the sound of this mighty rushing wind the multitude came together and were confused
Because everyone heard them speak in his own language
Then they were all amazed and marveled saying to one another look are not all these who speak
Galileans in other words, that's an interesting thing too because Peter as you'll recall was identified as a
Galilean when he was at the outside the trial of Jesus sort of You know
Galilee was in the north. I Accent the
Galilean accent was a podunk sort of accent to the high -class
Jerusalem Jewish community and they thought they could tell just just by the way they spoke their
Hebrew, but they were up there Right, okay, and so they say are not all these who speak
Galileans and how is it that we hear Each in our own language in which we were born
Parthians and Medes and Elamites and those dwelling in Mesopotamia Judea Cappadocia Pontus and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia Egypt in the parts of Libya adjoining
Cyrene visitors from Rome both Jews and proselytes Cretans and Arabs we hear them speaking here.
It is in our own tongues the wonderful works of God So, what were they speaking?
Well, they were proclaiming the gospel to these people they were proclaiming the wonderful works of God In Christ and what he has done
So they were all amazed and perplexed saying to one another
Whatever could this mean? What's the meaning of this? I think that's why we're making this video today to actually find out the answer to their question
We're looking for the answer to the question that the Jews and proselytes from every nation under heaven came to Jerusalem for Pentecost were asking on that very first Pentecost after Christ ascended into heaven
Okay, so so tongues is a revelatory gift by which a person speaks by the
Spirit of God Now acts 2. Well, this is the day of Pentecost It is acts 2 is is not in the context of a developed
New Testament Church And so the argument goes that the tongues spoken of in acts 2 are categorically
Distinct from the tongues that Paul is speaking about primarily in 1st
Corinthians 14 so what do you say to this this this idea that there are different kinds of tongues?
There's the speaking foreign languages and then there's also other kinds namely the prayer language the heavenly language that you pray that a lot of people think every
Christian is supposed to have and You know David I've heard that there are up to seven different kinds of tongues
What do you say to that? Yeah Seven different if you go to a to a
Pentecostal church today, you'll hear 500 different Personal interpretations of what tongues means
Okay for real and so I think it's crucial for us in order to answer that question categories of tongues or what is there like a language one and a prayer one a secret one a kind of a special communication one or an angelic one that Paul refers to in 1st
Corinthians 13 and tongues of angels Maybe like maybe it's a heavenly language that we're speaking that just you know
Earth doesn't have any conception of what it is, which is why it seems so strange to us but that betrays an ignorance of What the purpose of tongues was in the first place?
So we'll shed light on the nature of tongues by looking at the purpose of tongues is what you're saying
Yes, absolutely. Okay, that that's exactly right that once you understand
What the gift of tongues was actually about? Then you will understand what it is and what it isn't
Okay, and I would go so far as to say as I said in the introduction that What calls itself tongues and charismatic circles today is actually the exact opposite of what the gift of tongues?
Really was in the Bible and it has the opposite purpose
Okay, I'll explain so if it's if you don't mind maybe
I could Make a very short nutshell case for what
I believe the scripture teaches about the purpose and meaning of tongues in the
Bible I say have at it, but I want a viewer to time how short
David lovey's brief presentation Let's time it So we can we can set a we can get the record.
Oh, all right All right, I'm looking at my my clock here.
Okay, we're good. We're good. I believe in order to understand what tongues was in the
Bible we have to go all the way back to the fall in Genesis chapter 3 and see how sin entered into the world and Death through sin and corruption and in Genesis chapter 4 we see the very first murder of brother against brother
Cain killing Abel Genesis chapter 5 we see the death of The generations after Adam I think eight times it says and then he died and then he died and then he died
So that the promise that God made to Adam in the garden When you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall surely die
It's exactly the reason why we find death in the world today and then in chapter 6 we see how corrupt the earth had become and God chose
Noah alone of all the people's on the earth to save along with Noah's family
Noah's family then went on the ark that Noah built and in chapter 9 of Genesis the ark has landed
Noah and his sons Shem ham and Japheth get out of the ark
So I'm going over this history, but I think it's still yeah Crucial for us so that so that people can actually understand.
You know, what is the argument that's being made here? Okay, so Noah 9 Noah Noah 9
Genesis 9 Noah and his family get out of the ark and The Lord tells them to be fruitful and multiply and then ham does this like really weird thing he goes and sees his father naked and then he tells his brothers his brothers cover their father walking backward and Noah pronounces blessing and curses that that Shem would be blessed and that that Canaan ham's son
Canaan Would be cursed and be the lowest of slaves and that Japheth That ham would dwell in the tents of Japheth Okay, then now we're getting to the part that I really want to focus on in chapter 10 of Genesis we see the table of the nations the descendants of Shem ham and Japheth, okay, and these become
The nations of the earth Okay, the descendants of Shem ham and Japheth become all the peoples that are on the earth even now in 2024 all of us are some mix of the lineage of Shem ham and Japheth and In Genesis chapter 10 in verse 21.
It gives the descendants of Shem This is what I'd like for you to pay attention to Genesis 10 21 and children were born also to Shem the father of all the children of Eber isn't that interesting so Eber must have been an important person for The Moses the author of Genesis to say that Shem is the father of the children of Eber Okay, Eber is really important the brother of Japheth The Elder the sons of Shem were
Elam Asher are Pakshad Lod and Aram the sons of Aram were us whole gether and mash our
Pakshad be got Sala and Sala Begot Eber all right just keep this in mind
To Eber were born two sons The name of the one was Peleg for in his days the earth was divided
What most Bible scholars believe that's referring to that the earth was divided in the days of Peleg is
Speaking about chapter 11 the power of Babel the earth was divided Because God came down and confused the languages and the nations of the earth then
Scattered by family across the face of the earth and by their language across the face of the earth
Okay, so this is in Peleg's day Peleg the son of Eber I believe that is when the tower of Babel is built in Peleg's day and the
Lord comes down We're gonna look at that in just a moment so then What language
Did Eber speak and Peleg speak in? Genesis chapter 10 before the time of the tower of Babel what language did they speak?
Well interestingly enough we get this word Hebrew From Eber this is the reason why these are the children of Eber Hebrew Okay, he is the father of the
Hebrews He spoke Hebrew his name is where we get the word
Hebrew from so I would make a case now some might disagree with me This is not crucial to my case for tongues
Okay, but I'm just saying my opinion is this that if we know what language
Eber spoke before? Before the tower of Babel Happened then that means that the whole earth spoke
Hebrew before the tower of Babel, and I would I Think that there's another
Point in the case for that which is that God reveals his word in Hebrew to Moses to the prophets to the entire
Old Testament He reveals his word in the Hebrew language and if the earth is divided by families and this family of Eber is the
Hebrew family then And we see just a few generations later is
Abraham I think I did the math recently Abraham did not live very long after the tower of Babel happened
He did not live very long after Shem, I think it's eight generations
Maybe eight generations after Shem, so I don't know two three hundred years there are some who might
Also dispute the time between Shem and Abraham so Let's go on so then
Chapter 11 during the time of Eber anyway Before Peleg either the time of Eber and then
Peleg's time Chapter 11 verse 1 now the whole earth had one language and one
Speech and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east they found a plane the land of Shinar they dwelt there
They said let's make bricks and bake them and they wanted to build a tower that goes up to heaven We don't have to cover that whole thing
So this is what the Lord says verse 6 the Lord said indeed the people are one and they all have one language
And this is what they will begin to do now that nothing they propose to do will be withheld from them come
Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not understand one another speech
So the Lord scattered them abroad From there over the face of all the earth and they ceased building the city
Therefore its name is called Babel because the Lord confused the language of all the earth
Why was it called Babel? Because the people the neighbors were babbling okay like suddenly as they're building this tower
They're building this city Suddenly Joe is like hey, can you hand me a hammer?
Buddy can you hand me a hammer Austin and Austin is like por que? Speaking Spanish all sudden what what on earth are you talking about can you hand me the hammer?
Okay? No say I don't know Right and then you ask this one. Hey What's going on here, and they say konnichiwa?
Japanese or whatever all the languages of the earth are suddenly their babble there
They don't understand each other okay, I think that people as they read
Genesis chapter 11 don't really quite Understand the
Severity of that judgment that God poured out On Babel and the people who were building that place.
I don't think they understand the severity of it because God then for the entire rest of Old Testament history
Chooses one man of the sons of Heber okay of the sons of Shem and of the sons of Heber He chooses one man
Abraham, and he promises Abraham in Genesis 12 This is what he says look at now the
Lord said to Abraham Get out of your country From your family and from your father's house to the land that I will show you and I will make you a great nation
I will bless you and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you and in You all the families of the earth shall be blessed
One big problem with that okay? Here's the big problem with this promise is this how shall all the families of the earth be blessed?
How is that possibly going to happen because? God chooses this man and to this man and his family his children he gives
The prophets who reveal God's Word did the Chinese people have the prophets?
Absolutely not he gives the promise of Messiah through the prophets did the
Europeans have the promise of Messiah Absolutely not he gives the
The guiding hand of God to the people he gives them a land to dwell in he promises to work in them and provide for them and protect them and None of that and other nations on the earth have the prophets the revelation of God the sacrificial system anymore they are totally covered in darkness the darkness of Satan all of the nations on the face of the whole earth are under Satan's rule in complete darkness, so I think we're
I think we're listening to you, and we're starting I hope I hope the listeners are starting to pick up on the theological significance of the judgment at Babel and The giving of the
Spirit at Pentecost in what happened so continue Yes They are they are connected so intricately and beautifully connected so this judgment was terrible because the only time then that nations outside of the
Hebrew nation the nation of Israel Ever received the words of the prophets was when
God was judging the nation of Israel Okay, when God was judging them what happened foreign nations speaking foreign tongues?
Would come in into the land okay, or they would be in a foreign land like Egypt, and they're speaking
Egyptian and who did Pharaoh get to hear Pharaoh got to hear
Moses That's amazing would Pharaoh have ever got to hear Moses with the
Egyptians have ever gotten to hear Moses or or any? prophet or Aaron you know
Had not the events of the Exodus taking place absolutely Not had not
Israel been enslaved for 400 years Absolutely, not what about other instances like when
Babylon comes Nebuchadnezzar? comes into the land and the Babylonians speak
Babylonian and they Take the Israelites into Babylon Do they get to hear the word of the
Lord yes through Daniel and Shadrach Meshach Abednego as a matter of fact
I do believe that the Magi from the east are Direct descendants of those who had heard the prophets during the
Jewish exile, okay? Probably during like a time of Darius and Cyrus Okay, that that the prophets had been preaching the people in Persia and Iraq area heard the
Jewish prophets and And The Magi knew that there was a king of the Jews who was going to be born because his star would come and they would
See the star in the east amazing just mind -blowing stuff But other than these very few instances like the
Queen of Sheba comes into you know Jerusalem because she had heard reports right other than like the
Queen of Sheba Egypt Babylon Assyria Lebanon like these areas
Tyre and Sidon other than like the very close surrounding areas that got to hear the prophets and the saving word of the
Lord no one else on earth did as a matter of fact think about this there was an
Entire group of people who probably crossed over somewhere near Mongolia Russia Over a land bridge into the continent continent of North America and They became forgotten for like you know four thousand years
Okay, forgotten people for four thousand years, so this is a
Severity that you were talking about the judgment at Babel thousands of Generations upon generations of people who never heard the word of the
Lord and I just want our listeners to note again that the Crucial point that you stated that it is the pattern in the
Old Testament that when Israel comes under judgment The Gentiles hear the word of the
Lord Yes, that's exactly What we see over and over and over I mean even from like the
Assyrians coming in attacking the the Hebrew prophets We're speaking to their generals and stuff so so that for a very long time
You know God sent his prophets to Israel, and I mean this is this is the
Argument that the Apostle Paul is making in Romans 9 through 11, and when he says you know what?
Advantage is there of being a Jew I think that's chapter. What is that chapter 3 no no 2?
and and he says you know theirs are the patriarchs and and they're Beloved and there they have all the advantages the
Jews had all the advantages the Gentiles Literally had no
Advantages, and you think for literally thousands of years thousands of years
Generation after generation after generation after generation of pagans are
Without hope and without God in the world Those who had dwelt in the land of deep darkness right?
That's what the Bible calls them They dwell in the land of deep darkness, so that is what?
Babel Really was about we think like all languages like who cares
I order Chinese food like no no That language Judgment to me and my estimation.
I would even maybe go so far as to say this Probably more people died without Christ without hope without God in the world after the flood and Before Pentecost I mean
I mean it rather after yes after the flood then died before the flood Okay in other words that there were more people who are without God because of the judgment of the
Tower of Babel Throughout history from that time until the time of Pentecost.
It's truly truly to me the most one of the most profound things in the whole
Bible and so okay, this actually really is one of the most profound things in the whole
Bible because God promised to Abraham in Genesis 12 right after the events of the
Tower of Babel That in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed
How? How is that possibly going to happen? They don't understand
Hebrew? They're totally cut off from God's I mean it really is an actual remnant that God saves
Not just a remnant of this tiny remnant of Israel. I mean the remnant of Israel There's a tiny bit of that, but Israel itself is a remnant in the world
It's like you could go from one end to the other in a car in a few hours Yeah, and God chose to reveal himself to them
But he made this Amazing promise to Abraham that he's going to be a blessing to the whole earth.
Yeah, so glad I'm so glad that you went to Babel Because we we can't understand tongues just like we can't understand most things that the
New Testament covers We can't really under comprehend them unless we Understand their foundation in the
Old Testament so the Babel Isaiah 28 these are foundation texts for the gift of tongues but unfortunately
They are typically passed over so Isaiah 28 then the prophet Isaiah the
Lord is Speaking in this passage and he gives a an
Amazing promise of what's going to take place? Isaiah 28 starting in verse 11 for with stammering lips and another tongue
He will speak to this people which people well in the context of Isaiah 28.
We're going to see it's the people of Jerusalem Okay, so he will speak to the people of Jerusalem with stammering lips and another tongue to whom he said
This is the rest with which you may call you may cause the weary to rest And this is the refreshing yet.
They would not hear so when did the Lord say to the people?
This is rest fine rest for the weary when did the Lord say that well in Matthew chapter?
11 and verses 28 and 29 Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden
And I will give you rest Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble at heart and you will find rest for your souls
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light Jesus said and what does he say to whom he said?
This is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest Christ is the rest
He's the one who gives us rest, and he said that to the to those people and this is the refreshing yet They would not hear
So they didn't want to listen to Jesus as he said come to me and find rest But the word of the
Lord was to them priest at the palm precept priest at the palm precept line upon line line upon line Here a little there a little that they may go and fall backwards and be broken and snared and caught
Therefore hear the word of the Lord you scornful men, which by the way when it says
They may go and fall backward Haha, listen to this Pentecostal charismatics.
Okay, you're talking about being explained in the spirit every single time
Absolutely every single time in the Bible when it refers to someone falling backwards it is a sign of Judgment in every case in first Samuel when
Eli hears that the Ark has been taken by the Philistines.
He falls backwards and Breaks his neck here it says they shall fall back go and fall backward and be broken and snared and caught when the
Soldiers were going to arrest Jesus and they said and he said who are you looking for?
They said Jesus He said I am he they all fell backwards Every time someone falls backwards.
It is a bad thing in the Bible every time someone falls on their face forwards before the
Lord they're Worshipping the Lord they fall on their face not on their back that practice that we see so often
Called the work of the Holy Spirit on Christian so -called Christian television, which is really not
Christian at all That practice of Benny him pushing people over Garbage, it's a sign of judgment.
That's not the Holy Spirit. Who's that work? That's not slain in the spirit is not some biblical concept.
Okay so Therefore hear the word of the Lord you scornful men a man ruled it this people and relate a late amen in there
Amen amen Who rule this people in Jerusalem because you have said we made a covenant with death look at this
We made a covenant with death Does that sound like any places in the
Gospels where the Pharisees from that day on began plotting to kill Jesus? They made a covenant with death
Okay And with Sheol in agreement when the overflowing scourge passes through it will not come to us for we have made lies our
Refuge does that sound familiar when they put Jesus on trial they made lies their refuge
Oh trying to get their witnesses to agree having a kangaroo trial Exactly right and under falsehood.
We have hidden ourselves now. I do believe that there is penultimate sort of application of these words to the
Babylonian captivity that Isaiah is talking about But there is an ultimate fulfillment in Christ Jesus and the reality is that this sign to Unbelievers, what does
Paul say in 1st? Corinthians 14 tongues are a sign not to believers but to unbelievers.
What is he referring to? He's referring to Isaiah 28 when he's saying that yeah, those people it's not it's not a
Illusion or echo does it he quotes it? Yes Word for word he does so the reason why he does that is he's saying this is the sign that The Jewish people and Moss particularly the leadership of Israel the heads of the nation
Rejected their Messiah, okay, they would be broken and snared and taken captive.
Let's fast forward So Jesus comes upon the scene and he preaches the true gospel he never speaks anything falsely every word that ever comes out of his mouth is the truth and There's no deceit found in his mouth and he preaches only the good news of his kingdom and he goes around doing good things only good things ever for the entirety of his entire life and the leaders of the nation
Turned him over to be crucified by Pontius Pilate They reject their
Messiah once when Jesus was walking with his disciples They were looking at the beautiful stones in the temple and He said
I tell you the truth not one of these stones will be left upon another and in another place
He says this Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem how I long to gather you together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing and They will hand you in on all sides
Because you did not recognize the time of your visitation this is the reason why judgment came in AD 70 from Titus and the
Roman Emperor the reason why is Jesus prophesied that that very thing would happen and the reason why it happened was because they did not
Recognize the time of their visitation they were broken They were ensnared many of them were taken captive including
Josephus was taken captive You know the the early first century Jewish historian
Josephus He was a captive of the Romans, and he wrote that he he is the part of the fulfillment of Isaiah 28 he is so then
What does this have to do with tongues okay? many times
Jesus alludes in the Gospels to the kingdom being given to others being taken from these people and given to Those who are in the
Highways and byways the ones who are invited would not come to the wedding feast so he's going to go
And he's going to invite everyone To the wedding feast all right now now.
We're starting to see the picture now Okay, the Gentiles and their languages were completely cut off from all of God's Revelation from the sacrificial system from the prophets from the
Messiah cut off You had to Like be a proselyte if you're a
Gentile you had to be a proselyte in order to know anything about the true God if you're not a proselyte, then you don't know the true
God until the Holy Spirit is poured out at Pentecost and When that happened and the disciples began
Speaking and Declaring in other tongues, what did the people say we hear them?
Speaking in our own tongues the wonders of God the wonderful works of God That had not happened since before Genesis 11
Okay, they've not happened so the Reversal of the curse at Babel yep
Is taking place at Pentecost? And that is the way in which all the families of the earth will be blessed in Abraham.
It is the vehicle This is how
I feel when I think about this now Man Why Did God call the
Apostle Paul Who is a Hebrew of Hebrews, okay? He's a
Pharisee he He should be the Apostle to the Jews Right I mean you would think that guy of all people
He could argue with the very best of the Gamaliel's of the world He could argue the gospel to them and and as fat as a matter of fact when he goes through any place in the book
The very first place he goes to is the synagogue in whatever place he goes to because he has a heart for his people
Okay, but he calls himself the Apostle to the Gentiles Why did God choose
Paul to be an Apostle specifically to the Gentiles when I call a Gentile to do it?
Because I believe That the Apostle Paul Was like one of the very very first instruments in the hands of God as the fulfillment of Genesis chapter 12 verse 3
He is a descendant of Abraham and what is the descendant of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin the smallest of all the tribes?
Okay Why why did God call the least man in Paul to go and preach the gospel to the
Gentiles? because through Paul the gospel goes out and Abraham's descendant becomes a blessing to all the nations.
Yeah. Okay. Christ is really the fulfillment. It's the message of Christ Okay, Christ is the blessing to all nations
But Christ calls Paul to be his messenger of the gospel to the
Gentiles in fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham when
God calls Abraham This is the true and beautiful meaning of tongues man.
Amen How we could like how the church could somehow degrade that into tongues is this
Okay, that's tongues are you kidding me are you kidding me no no no
By calling that tongues. You're actually that sounds far more like babble than it does like acts do
That's babble when people like that The That's babble man, that's not the sign the sign is the opposite of what the charismatics are doing
Well, here's an aside. Here's an aside regarding the Apostle Paul and babble those who typically defend usually from first Corinthians 14 the the babble the gibberish the unintelligible
Speech they they'll say well Paul says that he speaks in tongues more than than all
And so we should we should in there assuming that he's speaking an angelic language and so we should do it too
But it does make sense that Paul Understanding that tongues are foreign languages that Paul is the
Apostle to the Gentiles Would speak in tongues wouldn't even anybody else
Of course, dude, because here's why he's like this. I want to go to Spain Guess what?
Paul doesn't have ten years to go to Wycliffe Bible Spanish translators Okay, he can't go to seminary for that long and like learn the
Spanish language in some seminary Spanish school Okay, he can't do that. He doesn't have the time to learn some tribal dialect on the island of Malta He doesn't have
Spanish and the Spaniards don't speak Hebrew Exactly, right or Greek and he's a
Greek citizen. I mean, I mean a Roman citizen so So Paul could speak Greek but he couldn't speak all these various dialects of all the places that he's going to and planting more churches than anybody else when the
Apostle Paul says I speak in tongues more than anybody else if we understand it through the lens of Scripture that I just Explained it in a nutshell
Then it makes perfect sense why he speaks in tongues more than anybody else because he goes more places than anybody else and the
Lord is supernaturally Like giving him the ability to communicate the truth of Jesus Christ to all the people that he goes around to and he is
Preaching the gospel to all of them. They instantly understand him. He has this miraculous
Holy Spirit given Gift to be able to communicate that man to call it anything other than that or to describe it in some other way is actually a
Degradation of what tongues really is. Yeah, I agree. I agree and and let's um, let's kind of let me bounce off you there
Paul is speaking in tongues as the Apostle of the Gentiles makes sense. What about today
David if a modern missionary stumbles upon a people Who he doesn't speak their language.
No one among them speaks his language. So interpretation is not an option Do you believe it theoretically possible that God would give that gift of languages to a man today
Yes, I think it's theoretically possible if what I'm saying is correct
And I think that it is and I have not heard someone demolish the opinion that I just gave
But I've also never really Heard very many people talk about this as their understanding of what tongues really is in the
Bible Okay, I think people have a very Let's say anemic view of this and have just sort of accepted the
Charismatic Babbling as oh, I guess that's what tongues must be then some ecstatic utterance or whatever and that's that's not really what it is
So You ask the question Could that happen to like a missionary in Papua New Guinea today?
I mean, I don't see any reason why not I've always said as a cessationist as the writer of the cessationist movie
I've always said God is God and he could Give even a gift of healing if he wants to to do that He could give the gift of time he could do that.
He couldn't he's God He can do whatever he wants to do. All right for sure. He can do whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to do it
I'm not going to limit the ability of God. All I'm saying though is this
What I articulated I believe was a sign of judgment to the unbelieving
Jews in Jesus's day and directly after the ascension of Christ who rejected
Jesus Christ And this was a sign to them that the gospel was going out to the nations
That's why Paul calls it a sign not to believers, but to unbelievers. It's a sign to them
What's the sign the sign is the Gospels going to the nations now because my people have rejected me as Messiah That doesn't mean
I don't I do not believe that that means that God is done with the Jews Okay, I think he still has a plan for Jewish people.
But but it means that That that was a sign to them
So if the question is today 2 ,000 years later, does God give this gift of miraculous language ability?
I don't know and and the best I can say is I don't know I have heard anecdotal stories of Missionaries who were on the field who have said things like I was suddenly able to speak to the people and I can't explain it
Okay, it's anecdotal. I don't think that there's ever been any Documented proof of such a thing.
I'm not saying that the people are lying I'm just saying I've never seen any actual proof of a person who instantly learned another language and it was recorded as such
I've never seen that before and I would also say this even if he does that it is extraordinarily rare because Otherwise there are many many many
Faithful Christian missionaries around the whole world in the farthest remotest parts of the earth who
Don't have that ability and have to study and translate I have some friends that were missionaries in Papua New Guinea and they were missionaries to a tribe of 400 people okay, there was 400 people in the tribe that tribe spoke their own language and it was not the language of anyone else and so that's this is like man the heart heart of the
Jungle, you know and the Lord didn't Give them or any other missionary that they knew the miraculous ability to suddenly speak
Pigeon or you know some language of the tribe They had to study study study study for years in order for that to happen and and I think that what we see in the
New Testament in the book of Acts is that this miraculous ability of tongues was
Given let me say one more thing not only to the Apostles, but the
Apostles had a prerogative to Be able to give that gift to others
How do I know that well Paul writes in Romans chapter 1? I desire to come to you that I may impart some spiritual gift to you.
This is a fascinating thing What does it mean impart a spiritual gift? I can't impart a spiritual gift if somebody doesn't have the gift of teaching just a regular gift
I can't go to them and say I lay my hands on you receive the gift of teaching you can't do that now
You have the gift of teaching now But it was an apostolic prerogative that the
Apostles were able to bestow Upon those whom the Lord wanted them to bestow it upon Miraculous or spiritual gifts
Paul was able to do it. That's why he said that in Romans 1 So this is the reason why people like oh, it's not only the
Apostles I know that I never said it was only the Apostles. It was during the apostolic era Okay, because the
Apostles were able to give this gift this gift to others And so my short answer to your question is
I don't limit the spirit in saying that he doesn't or can't do that today
Give the gift of foreign languages to somebody for the of course for the purpose of the proclamation of the gospel
That would be the only reason why he would give it is for that reason But I've never heard of it or seen it in any kind of documented way
Well, I think we could state conclusively that The gift of tongues at the very least is not normative for the church today as you said if the
God were to give that Gift to someone it's an extremely rare case. He has the ability to do it's his he's sovereign
He our Lord is in the heavens. He does whatever he pleases But it would be Extremely rare.
It's not normative in the church It's it's normative in some churches because they they do they do the
Babel, you know Every time they meet But this gift of languages now, we've established and I think we've established it very well from the
Old Testament that The purpose of tongues is as a sign of judgment to unbelieving
Jews but Paul also speaks of tongues or an all spiritual gifts for the common good and for the edification of the church in 1st
Corinthians and I think a lot of people sort of just are never told or they forget in their reading they miss that Paul is
Offering correction to the church at Corinth for their misuse of spiritual gifts.
They're the miss the disorder In their body. And so when he says that he he edifies himself when he these aren't these aren't commendations he's telling it you're doing it wrong and The the true purpose for its use among you in the gathering is for the edification of the
Body, you believe here's a question. Yeah. Yeah. So here's a question then for you
Austin What is it that edifies us
How how are we edified? like in other words Truth right.
So it's a proclamation of truth. But what is the You know, what is the truth?
Thy word is truth right, okay, so If the gift of tongues is for the edification of the church, it makes sense then in Acts chapter 2
What are they hearing as the Apostles are speaking in tongues what they're hearing is the wonderful works of God So it's in other words, he's preaching the gospel right they're all preaching the gospel so So if you apply it in those terms
Then tongues is for the edification of the church because there might be some people from Africa visiting that day
Okay in in you know early or late first century, whatever ad -55 whatever it is, there might be some people visiting from Africa and they're in the church and Someone who has the gift of tongues is able in a moment to speak the
African dialect of those who are visiting the church and they are preaching
The truth to them the gospel, but what does it sound like? Not a boy. They got a double door
That's just I have African friends, all right, this is how the kind of how they sound so So right they're saying like that who little okay, why does
Paul say you need an interpreter? Well, because there's two African guys in the church. Let's just I'm giving a hypothetical.
Okay, there's two African guys in the church Well, there's 50 non Africans there
And if one guy with the gift of tongues is preaching the gospel or giving a message from the
Bible To the two Africans who are there in their African dialect You need to have an interpreter so that the other people who are there aren't just sitting there like What good what am
I saying? Hope it's good. I wonder what's going on here It's just like a guy having a conversation with a couple of guys in a foreign language.
No, no No, Paul says don't do that. Okay, because then like it's not gonna be a benefit to the church
Unbelievers who might be there are gonna be like, what are we even doing here? These people are speaking foreign language to each other.
I don't understand why we're even here No, no, no, you need to have an interpreter
Who has the gift of interpretation? Ah He hears the African dialect and he's able to speak
Greek and he says, ah, this is what they're saying that are Oh, he's telling him about how
Jesus was born of a virgin now Whatever like and he's translating for them.
This is what was going on I want to say one more thing Which is of course the the argument of the first Corinthians 13 that people make where oh
It's the tongue of men and of angels. So it must be an angelic tongue except There's a couple of problems with that One is the obvious one that this is not what
Paul is even referring to he's actually making the opposite point He's saying hey, you're a clanging cymbal if you don't have love.
It doesn't matter what you sound like It doesn't matter how beautiful your words are. Okay, even if you
Speak the gospel in every language doesn't matter if you're not loving your brother. Okay.
There's the point that he's making You just sound like a clanging gong Okay, but there's another problem with it, which is this
What language? Do the angels always speak whenever they appear in the
Bible the language of whoever they're talking to Yes, dude. Yes They're not like this the angels aren't like showing up and saying to Daniel That's not what is happening when the angels show up and they're speaking they're speaking the language of the person to whom they're speaking to there's not some
Angelic tongue the point that Paul was simply making and even when even when
Isaiah is getting getting a vision or John is Taken up And the angels are speaking but not to the person
They're still speaking in a language that the recipient of that revelation understands
Absolutely. Look at the seraphim are flying around the throne calling to one another kadosh kadosh kadosh
Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty the whole earth is full of his glory Like the angels are saying that Isaiah could hear it.
They were not speaking gibberish To him or he's not. Oh, they spoke words.
I just couldn't understand what they were saying They were talking an angel tongue, you know, it wasn't like that.
So there's so many it's tragic to me that This beautiful doctrine biblical doctrine that really is the sign of the gospel going brother
It's the sign of the gospel going to you man. Yeah to you
I'm the Gentiles. I'm the that Jesus talked about we're going to It's really really true that like ah, so when
I see it in that way What what I can I can praise the Lord That God gave the gift of tongues to the
Apostles and to those associated with the Apostles because if he hadn't done that those of us in America would still be
Completely utterly lost in darkness That's we would be and I'll go even one step further
Also, some might disagree with me about this, but I do believe this. I believe that This is the reason why the
New Testament is written in the language of Greek and Not Hebrew that that even
The New Testament's language is the lingua franca it is the language of the people and it is related to the sign of languages that it that God was going to bring his gospel to the
Gentiles and The New Testament proclaims that gives that truth to us
I don't believe that the early Gospels were written in Hebrew Like some people claim the these
Gospels were written in Greek the New Testament epistles were written in the Greek language, and I think that there is a corollary a relation between the fact that the
New Testament is written in Greek and And the gift of tongues that God gave for the promulgation of proclamation of the gospel
Amen, well, I think there's a lot more that we could talk about and perhaps we'll we'll talk some more about tongues at some point but to conclude
I want to ask you more of a Practical kind of a question. I posted a holy note broke down earlier today about tongues someone commented
You know, I used to believe all this stuff and by God's grace
I got out but now my family thinks I've totally lost my way because I don't speak in tongues and so there are people who are
Experiencing estrangement from family real issues over this topic. So David, how would you?
counsel Christians to respond to those who say Things like tongues is necessary for salvation or if you don't speak in tongues
It's because you know you need to experience God or you just you haven't sought God hard enough or you're not a spiritual
Christian or Something's wrong with your Christian life or deficient in your faith.
How would you counsel Christians to wisely? navigate those Those situations with friends and family members or even perhaps church members
Yeah, it's a great question, um, I Mean so my first answer to that is all
Always with grace, right you whenever we communicate with our loved ones
It should be with speaking the truth in love, but to me there's such a category difference between it's it's like talking about two completely
Separate things that are completely unrelated the picture of tongues that I have
Encapsulated delivered tonight is a
Completely different picture than what has been painted by the charismatic Church of what tongues is
I mean, I don't even think that they can explain What is the benefit of such a thing?
What is the benefit of? Babbling I have heard some saying this well it
I am allowed to do it for hours Okay, I can't speak in human words for hours in prayer, but I can babble like shovel
It up. I let it up. I let it for hours and hours Okay. All right But what does
Jesus say about that? He actually says Do not babble like the pagans who heap up their words and think that God hears them
Because they're heaping up all their words. What does that babbling? Sounds like Kundalini sounds like like Babbling it's babbling.
So I know I'm not answering your question yet, so I'm gonna answer it right now but but I'm just saying that like It's the first thing
I would say to that person is this that they need to maybe do should do a deep dive and Be a
Berean and see if what I've said about this is true and You know if if you believe it is
Then you know, I think you could talk with your family and say look
I Love you, and I just I have a different view on what this spiritual gift actually is
It's it's not given as some kind of sign today of regeneration as a matter of fact
Paul says it's a sign of judgment and Paul also says that not everybody speaks in tongues
Not everybody has the same gifting, okay, and so the
Pentecostal Church that has Really done great harm by saying that if if you're not speaking in Tongues as they define this
Then you're not even a Christian person is really wretched. It's really sad really wretched
I Don't know did does the Bible record that the Philippian jailer started speaking in tongues as soon as the
Lord saved him No There's other that what about? Not Lydia, what about when
Philip was with the Ethiopian eunuch did he start speaking in tongues like no no there there's many instances of conversions in the
Bible where the person did not suddenly start speaking in tongues when they were actually legitimately saved and converted and When people did speak in tongues and acts when they received the
Holy Spirit, there's a there's a reason for that And fulfillment of Acts 1 8 and that the it's a blessing for all nations.
You know, it's going to Gentiles and God fears so We approach those conversations with abundant grace, especially especially those of us who hold to the doctrines of grace patiently slowly
Clinging to the word with love in your heart for that person refusing to allow bitterness to creep in towards those who may
You know accuse you of being a bad Christian because you don't do what they do
Yeah, I would agree with that brother, yeah, well David, thank you so much for joining me for this hour to talk about this fun and as you said beautiful subject of tongues as the sign of of God bringing the gospel to us
Gentiles, it truly is a beautiful thing. I've been a little Man the holy dope is