The Good War - [1 Timothy 1:18-20]



Well this morning. I thought I might open up talking about World War two because This sermon let me just say this this message this passage of Scripture We're gonna be in first Timothy chapter 1 this morning
It is for a kid who started playing strategy games at like I don't know six
This is a great passage. I Mean this is it. This is this is
I mean I entitled the message the good war this is it This is all about warfare
This is military talk when I think about World War two
You know I was thinking about it, and I think it might be known as really the last kind of good perfectly clear war in our history by that I mean
It we had our ground troops engaged with a clearly defined objective and a clearly
Identifiable enemy there was no question about who the good guys were and who the bad guys were They attacked us, and we were going to take care of that situation
The enemies were out to suppress freedom, and they were in a myriad of instances frankly barbaric
Even from a humanistic standpoint from a humanistic point of view this was good versus evil on One side you had the death march of Bhutan the rape of Nanking the
Holocaust a bunch of other situations that were abominable horrible on the other side the sacrifice of Hundreds of thousands of lives for the freedom of others complete strangers
Now what it surprised you if I said that there is a better war a better war than World War two
It's being waged today, and it's not being fought in Iraq or Afghanistan it's not in any one specific place.
It's worldwide it is an unseen war and It is fought from our perspective to protect the truth to protect the gospel to protect even the glory of God Again, I would invite you to open up your
Bibles to first Timothy chapter 1 we're going to be looking at verses 18 to 20 and as you do so let me just Kind of catch us up to where we've been because as we preach verse by verse through first Timothy I Might take six or seven years to get through this, but it's because I'm not up here all the time so Just to kind of catch you up to where we are the overarching theme the purpose of this book of this letter that Paul wrote to Young Timothy can be found at first Timothy 3 verses 14 and 15 don't turn there.
I'll just read it I am Paul writing I am writing these things to you
Timothy so that you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God Which is the
Church of the Living God? This is a manual as it were for Timothy Not only in how he is to conduct himself as a pastor of the churches in Ephesus But also how the church is to be run what it should look like Paul wanted
Timothy to have this manual Because he knew that issues were going to come up and in chapter one.
He's dealing with one of those In fact quick review Paul had left Timothy Behind in Ephesus to stop certain persons from teaching errant doctrine
In effect Paul as an apostle had appointed Timothy to be the sheriff
You know, there's a mess in this town go clean it up Sheriff Timothy It's your job to straighten this mess out these men these false teachers were wrongly misrepresenting the law of God and Timothy was to put a stop and end to their nonsense
Paul goes on to explain that the law is good That it serves a good purpose
It shows the sinful nature of man versus the perfection of God. He gives a virtual laundry list of sins
And it's kind of curious that he does that but then he says that the law is good Why because it shows how far how far we fall short of the glory of God the law itself is perfect It serves its purpose.
Well and after Talking about all these sins and the law being good
Paul bursts into praise about his own salvation. I Would submit to you as I did several weeks or a few months ago
That as Paul's writing these things as he's even reflecting about these People who are distorting the law as he's thinking about this list of sins
He was reminded of his own sinfulness before Christ his own zealousness for the heirs of Judaism How he was a persecutor of the church how he set on the body of Christ trying to get them to conform to what he believed
That caused him to just practically weep thinking how good God had been to them
He had to rejoice and thinking of the great mercy of God toward him
And I would suggest to you this morning that that's how every Christian should think I can't believe that after all
I've done God would save me Me Why me?
I wouldn't save me. And so we come to first Timothy 1 18 this charge
I Entrust to you Timothy my child In accordance with the prophecies previously made about you that by them you may wage the good warfare holding faith and a good conscience
By rejecting this some have made shipwreck of their faith among whom are
Hymenaeus and Alexander whom I have handed over to Satan that they may learn
Not to blaspheme Now this morning. I want to draw your attention to three elements of Paul's battle plan for Timothy first We're going to look at the orders
Paul gave Timothy secondly, we're going to look at the implements of war he tells
Timothy to use and Thirdly we're going to look at the enemy that Paul identifies for Timothy Paul gives
Timothy Timothy three parts of a plan a strategy To wage the war that he wants him to fight first.
Let's look at Timothy's orders We're gonna just two words verse 18 this charge
This charge charge is a directive an Order from an authoritative source a command
It's not Paul suggesting Timothy. This is something I'd like you to do if you get squeeze it in just if you would
It's Paul basically pulling ranks and look like I used to do in the jail kind of look walk up to the inmates and go
See deputy sheriff. You need to listen to me and he's saying look apostle. You need to listen to me
He's giving Timothy a specific order to follow and it's basically a restatement of what he said in verses three and four
He said as I urged you when I was going to Macedonia remain at Ephesus so that you may charge or order or command
Certain persons not to teach any different doctrine nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies which promote speculations
Rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith these false teachers were distorting the truth
They are creating all sorts of things as we'll see a little bit later And Paul says you need to stop these guys
They're gonna destroy this church You Timothy you are the man stand firm take care of this don't let it go on Paul gives
Timothy this task And it's a thankless task. I mean think about it Timothy Nobody was going to run around applauding
Timothy while he was kicking people out of the church while he was setting people straight There was only one place where he would ever hear
Thank you. Well done That was in heaven This is a war
Timothy couldn't say Paul. I'm not really sure if I'm the right guy Paul Are you sure you want this done
Paul? Isn't there another way Paul? Can't we did can you call somebody else in?
Timothy obeyed out of respect for Paul and out of a desire to please the Lord who had saved him
Who hadn't called him to this? And notice that the charge is specifically entrusted to Timothy He goes on to verse 18
I entrust to you Timothy my child Timothy as I said was the man for this critical work.
He was Paul's choice To keep up the military theme Timothy was in essence
Paul's right -hand man his most trusted officer If you go through history if you study wars and battles as I like to do
You'll find that the greatest military leaders of history have always had one lieutenant one
Right -hand guy one person that they trusted to get the key tasks done Just off the top of my head.
I thought about Napoleon and how he had Marshall nay as the guy who he always turned to Robert E Lee with Stonewall Jackson Eisenhower with Omar Bradley some of you might think
George Patton Patton was a wild man Bradley was the guy he trusted. What does it mean to be entrusted with something?
Well, the Greek word just means this It's a commercial technical term for giving something to someone for safekeeping in other words
Paul had great confidence That Timothy would be successful.
He trusted him completely implicitly explicitly every plicitly he trusted him
The way Paul addresses him shows that he had not only trust in him But he had the greatest affection for him he uses the
Greek term tekton meaning beloved child This is someone he had known for many years a couple of decades.
He had seen him grow. He'd seen him fail He'd seen him struggle But he knew that Timothy was capable of doing this task and he and he comes to him as a father
Basically handing over the reins of the family business Timothy. I am trusting you
You to set things right in Ephesus Notice also
God's sovereign choosing of Timothy in verse 18 in accordance with the prophecies previously made about you
I Found this very interesting. I mean think about have you ever had a prophecy made about you, you know
Unless you went to some wacky Friday night conference somewhere. I mean
I I have in the Mormon Church They do this thing called Patriarchal blessing where they lay their hands on you and tell you what tribe of Israel you come from and they make a bunch of other
Things but generally speaking we don't have that kind of experience and because we don't have prophets today
But it tells us something about the confidence that Paul had in him
Because these things had already been prophesied about Timothy. Let's get to know him a little bit and I think we'll see that Paul first took
Timothy as a missionary companion because he had a good reputation within the church the church leaders trusted him
Two decades before this they trust him in Acts 16 verses 1 to 3. We would read this.
You don't have to turn there Acts 16 verses 1 to 3 Luke writes
Paul also came to Derby and to Lystra a Disciple was there named
Timothy the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was Greek Which made him a little bit unique in the ancient world
Verse 2 he was well spoken of by the brothers at Lystra and Iconium Paul wanted
Timothy to accompany him and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews Who were in those places for they all knew that his father was a
Greek? He was well spoken of to be well spoken of means that they affirmed him.
They supported him. They tested testified favorably about him His faithfulness had been noticed by the leaders in those churches
They said Paul can we commend this young man Timothy to you? He is faithful.
He's zealous This is a man who is fit for ministry. I Think that's a good model for today
You want to be in the ministry get the elders of the church to say this is a man that God has blessed
This is a man that God has gifted we recognize his gift and we commend him to the ministry
Now chapter 1 of 1st
Timothy isn't the only time Paul wrote of this gift. He also talked about it in chapter 4 He said to Timothy again urging him
He said do not neglect the gift you have Which was given you by prophecy when the
Council of Elders laid their hands on you And this term gift is the one that is used for spiritual gifts
In other words Timothy was gifted for the work of the ministry and this was recognized by the elders by the leaders of the church and he was
Ordained to the work of the ministry by the laying on of hands Paul also wrote of Timothy's giftedness in 2nd
Timothy Chapter 1 verse 6 for this reason. I remind you to fan the flame fan into flame the gift of God Which is in you through the laying on of my hand
Again, this idea of a of a spiritual gift being within him being given to him by God And it's interesting that he says fan the flame
It's almost like at that point maybe Timothy just had a little ember of that spiritual gift left
Maybe he was struggling Paul says fan it into a flame rekindle it Now knowing the source of his gift that it was from God From God recognized by Paul and even by these other leaders
Was going to be key for Timothy it was going to encourage him I mean when things got difficult
Timothy was gonna be able to think to himself. I mean the question always comes why me? Why am I here?
Can't somebody else do this? And Paul saying when those times come here's what
I want you to do I want you to think about the fact that God has gifted you That we as your leaders have recognized that and we've said you are
God's man That's gonna keep you going now
Another order here for him that he should war the good war
Notice I said war the good war because that's what it means literally in the Greek. It's not fight the good fight
It's war the good war look at verse 18 again that by them you may wage the good warfare will wage the good warfare is a nicer
English translation, but the the two Greek words are Almost identical.
It's just a verb and a noun from the same root and it means war the good war the reason he had to Remember the source of his gift the reason he had to be focused on that was so that he would stay in the fight
No matter how discouraged he got he would keep on struggling in this war Pastors get discouraged.
It is a reality of ministry. Do you know what the average life expectancy? I don't mean life expectancy
We don't die any sooner than anyone else, but the average amount of time that a man spends in the ministry is
Five years five years and I'm not talking about at one church and then they move on to another
I'm talking about total Five years, it's hard.
There are articles written about pastoral burnouts This has become a
Phenomenon in the church as a matter of fact why? Because the work is relentless
The pressure is constant. It's not a job in the sense that you know, like some other vocations were
Maybe you you leave your work you punch out and you're done That's not the way it is 5 p .m.
The bell doesn't ring. It's not like Fred Flintstone sliding down the dinosaur and going out to his car. It's not over There's pressure on your family.
It's pressure on you all the time demands on your time in many contacts with the flock
Are not always positive People come to you when things are desperate when there are crisis points when their marriage is falling apart
When their children are out of control When their finances are in ruin, it's never like hey, can you give me a little guidance with this out of the other thing?
It's like my life is a disaster meanwhile He's got his own life to live.
He's got his own struggles to fight It's hard. So what are encouragements
There are some definitely benefits to the ministry You get to see the growth of the Saints as they are equipped for the work of the ministry
You get words of encouragement from the flock you get to see salvations baptisms marriages all great things babies
It was great to go see Josh and Natalie right after the baby was born. That's fun.
But more than anything what Timothy needed to hang in there to keep going to persevere
To remain at his battle station and not leave Was the conviction that he was exactly where the
Lord wanted him to be without that he wouldn't last ten minutes And again as I said
Paul doesn't write fight the good fight, I don't care what your translation says I mean, that's a nice way of saying it or battle the good battle.
Well, why not if you think about war the good war
It tells us something about about it. What's the difference between a war and a battle a battle is one little
Afternoon or three days Gettysburg waged on for three days. It definitely has a beginning and an end
No one knows when a war is going to end it can go on For years, you know think about history the hundred years war the thirty years war.
I mean those are long wars There are gonna be victories and there are gonna be struggles.
There are gonna be heroes and they're gonna be villains There are going to be Casualties and It's going to be hard Emotionally physically spiritually it is going to wear
Timothy down. It's not a fight. It's a war
When everything seems like it's calm and quiet on the western front something's gonna be going on on the eastern front
There is no time for resting. There is no letup. There is no end of this until death
Welcome to the ministry Timothy now go grab that shovel dig yourself a foxhole and get ready
Now what makes this a good war war the good war? Why is it a good war? Because it is the very gospel that Timothy is to fight for he's to stop the mouths of men who are
Distorting the truth who are telling lies So often people say and so many words you guys
You know you no -co guys Are too hung up on doctrine
I would challenge anybody who thinks that to read the pastoral epistles doesn't take that long
First second Timothy and Titus and look at how often Paul stresses to these young pastors
Sound doctrine good teaching words to that effect. It is so key and Paul makes it plain that the essence of ministry is to proclaim truth and Expose error in Titus 1 9 speaking of the qualifications of an elder
He wrote he must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught
So that he may be able to give instruction listen in sound doctrine good and also to rebuke those to correct those to confront those
Who contradict it that is sound doctrine? That's the good war
Why? Because the very glory of Christ is at stake
Doctrine is just another word for truths about God and his gospel What could be more significant than that?
elders exist to promote the gospel the truth about God man sin scripture salvation and the finished work of Christ Paul wrote elsewhere will be unto us if we preach not the gospel of Christ We've got to get it, right and We must warn of error for the good of those we shepherd
To do less than that would be to fall short of the charge that we've received MacArthur wrote
What better thing to live and die for Than the great war between God and Satan a war for the souls of men and women and The glory of God and our
Savior the Lord Jesus Christ. What better effort is there to? expend one's life upon So this is
Timothy's orders. These are his marching orders as it were Secondly, let's look at the implements or the tools of warfare that Paul gives him.
He gives him to first he gives him truth Look at verse 19. He says holding faith
Kissed marker notes that in warring his warfare against errors and Errorists in other words, there are false doctrines and those who?
Propound them. He must keep clinging to the truth of the gospel This is key for everyone here this morning for everyone who is a
Christian everyone who names the name of Christ to remind himself Of the truths of the gospel every day
We must preach the gospel as it were to ourselves every single day to remind ourselves of how much we've been blessed
Are you struggling with humility? Think of how wretched you were before the creator of the universe
Set his affection upon you for no other reason than to glorify himself Are you struggling with contentment
Think about what God has promised you in light of the finished work of Christ Do you struggle in preaching the gospel?
All I would ask you to do is think about where you would be right now If those who shared the word with you who taught the truth to you were shy about the gospel
Can you be certain that you are not the person who will bring the gospel to someone else and save them by the grace of God Timothy needed to be in a constant state of trust in the
Lord and reliance upon his grace He needed to preach the gospel to himself. He needed to be convicted consistently by the truth so that he wouldn't swerve from it
He didn't cling to it. It was in essence kind of a life raft to him in the midst of all the struggles and Difficulties he would be going through Timothy was going to be challenged.
You're too young. What do you know? You don't even have a seminary degree He was going to be threatened
He was going to be muttered about He was going to be slandered This is just the ministry his second weapon
Was living the truth living the truth look again at verse 19 and a good conscience
Now this is tough. This is difficult Every one of us as pastors and elders would acknowledge
That we're not perfect. And so in our minds we begin to kind of We look at ourselves and go who am
I to preach because we know that we sin We can easily despair and fall into that so we have to look back at the gospel and go
I am forgiven for those things. I need to confess them I need to agree with God about them and I need to put them behind me
But even as we get up here and we preach we teach I find myself thinking who is sufficient for these things
Who can get up and speak as it were the oracles of God? It's really ultimately a matter of being above reproach first Timothy 3 2 would say even with oneself our
Conscience accuses us and we must be able to say my conscience is clear. I have repented of of my sins
Timothy had to know that he was harboring no sin that he was confessing it that he was forsaking them and that there was no disqualifying sin in his life
In effect the conscience the warning system that we all have we know that by virtue of Romans chapter 2 is more keen We would hope by the grace of God in those who spend their lives studying and reading the
Word of God Than just about anybody else
Why because the more you know about the Bible the more you know about God the more you are convicted about your own sin
Romans 2 would tell us that God has written the law his law inside of us.
Why? so that when we go to break that law our conscience sounds and And listening to our conscience is vital
Failing to to listen to our conscience is like having a fire alarm in your house and when it goes off Pulling an extra pillow over your head and and just thinking you know what they make those things too loud
Can they make a quiet fire alarm wouldn't that be nice? you have to listen to your conscience a
Good conscience is the rudder for navigating the difficult waters of life When we listen to our conscience a conscience is very valuable it is
Not as valuable obviously as the Holy Spirit, but it's one of the most valuable things we have at our disposal
It tells us when we are going astray And it keeps you from going too far before Repenting Prevents you from committing many sins
So we've seen the war or the orders for Timothy The implements or tools of war
Paul urges upon Timothy and now thirdly the human enemy the human enemy
No decent general Since Sun Tzu wrote the art of war whatever dream of entering combat without knowing his enemy
To defeat him you must know his strengths his weaknesses and his tenancy This is a spiritual war so Paul focuses on their spiritual weaknesses and even names them
Look at their weaknesses first their error. They are absolutely rudderless look at verse 19
By rejecting this by rejecting a clear conscience That's what the enemies of Timothy were doing now the text doesn't say that they were ignorant
That they were dumb that they were somehow victims of some unjust system
Now it says that they had intentionally rejected in fact the verb would say thrust aside pushed forcefully out of the way any kind of idea of conscience
Robertson says that they even did willful violence against their consciences The picture would be that they mugged their consciences.
What happened? Did they wake up one morning and decide they didn't want to be restricted by rules any longer
I? Suspect that whatever sin attracted them was something that they just grew weary of trying to fight that they just think they
They were just tired of saying no no no no and They gave in to the allure of sin
And then having sinned and sinned and sinned their consciences became seared
Burned so that they no longer function properly no conscience and no
Holy Spirit is a recipe for spiritual disaster for spiritual shipwreck they know they are in sin and They're beyond caring.
They're done with worrying about things like the truth Sound doctrine, that's so yesterday
Look at their status. They are in fact shipwrecked verse 19 again
Some have made shipwreck of their faith. Well, what happens to a ship without a rudder?
What happens to an individual without a conscience? Has no ability to direct itself
It is carried by the wind and by the ocean tides and guess what it doesn't take much to figure it out shipwreck
You don't need you know to race for America's Cup to figure that out It is a done deal
You're going to drift and eventually hit the rocks and that verb make shipwreck means to be spiritually ruined
Give up believing Now these were not backsliders again They had an outward appearance at one point of being
Christians, but they weren't and Now their true condition is exposed as much like first John 2 19
They went out from us, but they were not of us for if they had been of us
They would have continued with us, but they went out that it might become plain that they all are not of us
They did not lose their salvation They never were saved and their ability to kill their consciences is proof of that How important is the conscience
John Calvin said this a bad conscience is the mother of all heresies a
Bad conscience is the mother of all heresies in other words when you have so defeated your conscience
That it no longer rings Bad doctrine is bound to issue forth
Note also that they haven't stopped teaching. That's what this whole thing is about Timothy's to stop these men
Who have completely abandoned any facsimile of the faith who've seared their consciences who are off the reservation?
He's to stop these men from spreading their false doctrines Next Paul gives
Timothy a a couple of his most wanted Individuals he identifies them among whom are
Hymenaeus and Alexander You know some folks hate it when preachers named names
Paul didn't seem to mind So people say why do you have to do that isn't
God their judge who are you? Shouldn't you just focus on what you're in favor of and not who or what you're against Beloved these are not trifling issues.
We are talking about spiritual life and death Eternal destinies are at stake
This is not mere, you know, he says amen and I say amen. These are serious issues
Both of these men are Greek which is natural since they're at Ephesus, but it's difficult to know much about Alexander Could he be the
Alexander mentioned in Acts? Yes, could he be the Alexander of the coppersmith? Yes, and there are a number of Alexander's mentioned and that's part of the problem
Alexander was one of the most I mean, it's a bit like naming your child John and why would that be? I don't know if you're Greek Alexander the great you you might want to name your kid
Alexander Very common name on the other hand Hymenaeus not such a popular name named after the
Greek God of marriage I don't know why that wasn't popular, but it wasn't but he is identified for us in 2nd
Timothy 2 verses 16 18 if you'd turn there for just a moment 2nd
Timothy 2 16 18 After he's encouraged
Timothy to be a workman who does not need to be ashamed. Listen to this He says but avoid irreverent babble
For it will lead people in a more and more ungodliness and their talk will spread like gangrene
Among them are Hymenaeus a good friend from 1st Timothy and if I lead us
Who have swerved from the truth saying that the resurrection has already happened. They're upsetting the faith of some
Hymenaeus is called out here in 2nd Timothy by Paul as someone who does not handle the word rightly and Instead engages in godless profane empty
Talk and it's not harmless. How do we know it's not harmless? This isn't some small thing because he compares it to gangrene a disease that causes
Decay of tissue in a body part where the blood supply is obstructed what do you do with an arm or a leg or Some body part that develops gangrene you cut it off Cut it out
Why? In order to save that person's life And in the same way as gangrene is crippling to the physical body gangrene this mindless babble this godless profane talk this false doctrine is gangrene within the local church it cripples it and evens threatens the life of the local church
Hymenaeus also claimed the resurrection had already occurred. That's kind of an obscure thing and there are a lot of theories about it
But here's what we know we know it was dead wrong Some say that he spiritualized the resurrection meaning that he equated resurrection to salvation
We'll think about that for a moment You've become a Christian and he says salvation is the same as resurrection.
You've already experienced the resurrection There's nothing else to look forward to That could be pretty tough to accept
Maybe it's he was gonna say that there was only one resurrection a physical resurrection. You've already missed it.
Well, then you're gonna be Without a body for all eternity in any event. That would be a problem
Christianity would lose a lot of its meaning Hymenaeus was a false teacher who was spewing wacky unbiblical theories and causing all manner of trouble
We can only presume that Alexander was a similar caliber of preacher Maybe he was
Hymenaeus his opening act a lot of these guys if you watch them on TV They kind of travel in twos, you know, one guy gets the open the crowd ready
Whips him up into some kind of fervor and then the other guy comes out and does his saying maybe it was like that But in any event, he did not ignore
Paul did not ignore either of them. He called them both out Let's go back to first Timothy and we see their discipline the discipline for Hymenaeus and Alexander Verse 20 whom
I have handed over to Satan Now one writer suggested that this could even have meant that there was some kind of physical infliction of suffering that Paul was or had pronounced upon him and they reasoned that if Paul had the
Capacity to heal that maybe had the ability to afflict someone with an illness or condition
I don't know about that MacArthur writes though and the word learned talking about Padua is to train through punishment to train
Through adversity it is used in Luke 23 verses 16 and 22 and it's translated chastise and it speaks about the scourgings that were given to Christ It is to train or to punish someone with the afflicting of physical blows
Now Whether they suffered physically or spiritually Paul had the authority to put
Hymenaeus and Alexander out of the church and he did it for the good of the church
To cut the game green out But he also did it for their own good
Anyone in unrepentant sin is to be put out of the church And we don't know we can't tell it here.
Certainly. This could have been a four -step church discipline process of Matthew 18 situation
But Paul uses the active voice and first person to indicate that he himself did it These two false teachers have been put out of the fellowship of the church not as Merely punishment to them.
Although there appears to be that I mean you're given over to Satan but for the purity of the church and for their own good
They're turned over to Satan they are put outside the church outside the church's influence and protection
To suffer all the buffeting of a world system, which is controlled by Satan himself
But he's not done look at verse 20 their possible restoration That they may learn not to blaspheme
It says Paul's Apostle his heart his pastor's heart He has put them out of the church so that with the purpose of they may suffer discipline and repent he wants them to learn
To not blaspheme Blasphemy is to speak irreverently or impiously or disrespectfully of Or about God when anyone distorts
God's Word they commit blasphemy He has given us word his word that we might what know him
Jesus said that all of Scripture speaks of testifies of him and so when they take doctrine when they take the
Bible and they twist it they're not just Teaching falsely they are blaspheming
God Finally that we've seen the human enemy.
We've seen Hymenaeus and Alexander, but what about the unseen enemy? The unseen enemy ultimately all spiritual conflict
Which is what the fight for truth the war for truth the good war? Ultimately is it is a spiritual conflict between the forces of God and Satan Now I'm no expert in spiritual warfare.
I know the Bible speaks of it in passages like 2nd Corinthians 10 verses 4 and 5
Ephesians 6 verse 10 and following But here's what I do know
I Know that there is a struggle of ideas, and I know that behind bad ideas.
We would find Demons we would find Satan that they are those who propose it
I drew up a chart the other night in class And I said here are all the things that I didn't have a complete list obviously But on the right side these are the things that God commands that God wants and on the left side
I put What demons wanted it's exactly the opposite? God demands that he be glorified that his son be glorified
That his word be held high so what did demons want they want God to share his glory
Which he says he will not do they want Christ to be blasphemed. They want the word to be distorted to be watered down to be changed
This is a spiritual war this is The good war
Jesus said that he will build his church the demons want to tear it down The Bible teaches that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone the demons want you to believe anything else
God emphasizes sound doctrine and the effective teaching of it demons promote false doctrine false teaching
There is no gray area there is no place of neutrality We like Timothy either stand for the truth and against error or we don't we either enlist as it were in God's army or we don't
Warren Wearsby says this we must defend the faith against those who would corrupt the church with false doctrine and godless living
The battle lines are drawn on One side is the truth the gospel and the glory of our
Lord Jesus Christ on the other side heretics
Satan deception and eternal damnation This is the good war and each one of you
If you love the Lord Jesus Christ, you have a part to play sometimes it could be as simple as offering a kind word
To your pastor your elder some other leader in the church praying for them
I Mean when we think about what God wants what versus what Satan wants praying for marriages
God says divorces an abomination demons want to make it easy God says marriages between one man and one woman demons say the exact opposite There is a spiritual world.
We see it playing out every single day. I think sometimes we don't recognize How vicious and how violent it is and how sometimes even if you know subtle little things
We need to be more accommodating. We need to be more accepting. We need to be more Ecumenical.
No, we don't We need to go again and again and again to the truth.
We need to stand for the truth We need to fight for that truth Let's pray father.
We Praise you this morning that you have given us your truth that we might know you that we might know your son
Jesus Christ That we might marvel at his work on behalf of sinners Of which we are some
Lord the idea that your son Jesus Christ would leave your side Leave your fellowship and Come to earth to die in the place for sinners like us is
Incomprehensible father let us not grow weary Even as the world system
False teachers Outside pressure gather to get us to compromise
Lord would you make this a place free from doctrinal error? But also Lord would you balance that with love knowing that we all stumble in a variety of ways?
We're all sinners saved by grace Lord let us each Before you today think to ourselves that we will preach the gospel of ourselves every day and marvel at your goodness
Lord, would you keep us a place free from error? free from false teaching free from false teachers
Would you make this a place? Where the Word of God is proclaimed and the glory of Christ is front and center