Who I am and What I Do - AD Robles

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This is an introduction to my channel. A little about me and my purpose here on YouTube.


My name is A .D. Robles, and I thought I would do a quick introduction video to talk about who I am and what
I do. I am an elder at a small church in Vermont. Probably if you go by the percentages, we're the most ethnically diverse church in Vermont, so I guess
I got that going for me, but it's this five -family type church, something like that, and I've got a co -elder as well, and it's great,
I absolutely love it. I was converted shortly after the recession, the last recession, and, you know,
I didn't go to seminary or anything like that, I took a few classes at Liberty, but I took,
I left New York City, that's where I was working at the time, I left New York City to come to Vermont to actually be an intern sort of thing, kind of like a pastoral training residency program with Jared C.
Wilson, and after he left the church to do what he's doing currently, I actually took over preaching duties for about a year, and then we were sent out to plant a church in the neighboring city.
And so that's my background, and so that's what I'm doing, and I started getting interested in the social justice movement after the
Trump election, and so what I'm doing now is essentially trying to provide some kind of a response to the absolute colossal tsunami tidal wave of social justice warriors within Christianity.
It seems like every day there's a new conference speaker, a new author who's coming out as a social justice warrior, and I think that this is a very dangerous thing.
A lot of these guys seem to think that this is a biblical thing, it is not a biblical thing, and it's really, the spirit of the world is all over social justice, in every way,
I mean, I'm a big tabletop gamer, and I like that kind of stuff, and, you know, for a year or two, tabletop gaming has gone completely social justice warrior.
Every kind of industry has gone completely social justice warrior, and it's the spirit of the world, and unfortunately we're seeing that come into the church.
And so I'm trying to respond to that, and I try to provide an element of humor into my videos, and so you might not like that.
A lot of people say they don't like my tone. A lot of people do like it, but a lot of people are not used to this kind of thing, and they think, well, are you mocking these people, and things like that.
And the reality is that I'm not going to be swayed by sort of people that are trying to release my tone, and the reason why is because these social justice
Christians are vicious. They're absolutely vicious. They don't have sort of the direct, you know, sort of, they don't call you names, and they don't, well, actually they do sometimes, but they don't really speak directly too often.
They usually put it into very flowery language, but they'll constantly, you know, say that you're unregenerate, or that you're reprobate, or that you're anathema.
They're lobbing anathema bombs across the battlefield constantly, and it's vicious, and they'll do it to people they don't even know.
I've seen many people that I respect very greatly called millions upon millions of white evangelicals unsaved because of their vote.
And so, what I see my role is, is I'm ready to go to war as well.
I mean, I'm not throwing anathema bombs. I know a lot of you guys are, and I understand that. I understand when you see someone, like, they basically question the salvation of anyone who doesn't agree with his immigration policy.
You see that, and you're like, well, you're adding to the gospel, and then you're a heretic. I get why you do that. I'm not saying you shouldn't. I'm personally not choosing to do that.
I'm fitting here. I'm not, you know, if you're bringing anathema bombs to the fight, I've got my anathema bombs too.
I'm just not going to throw them yet. And so, I'm hoping that if you, if we come at this with enough force, if we come at this with enough,
I'm doing it with humor, but other people are doing it other ways, and I think that that's totally fine. I'm hoping that they'll stop.
You know what I mean? I'm hoping that the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sin. You know, when
I want, here's a perfect example. Dr. Eric Mason, in his talk, you know, he's a good preacher, and in his talk, at one point he says that black people who are woke, they're essentially black on the outside and angloid on the inside.
I mean, that's just an unbecoming thing for a pastor to say. It's insane. It's not correct. It's not true.
It's not biblical, and it's just not charitable in any way. I want Pastor Eric Mason to be famous for saying that. I want him to be the angloid guy, the one who said the angloid thing, and it's not because I want to embarrass him.
I just want him to stop. I want him to think about what he's become. That's what I want. And so, you might see me mock something like that, because I think it deserves to be mocked.
You can't call, you know, you can't call black people that don't agree with you angloids, as if it's some kind of an insult, and it's just a weird thing.
So, anyway, that's what I'm doing on this channel. Every one of these brothers that I am criticizing their ideas,
I care about them. I respect them greatly, and I want them to stop what they're doing. That's what