Tape 3 - Reconciliation Through the Blood


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


I was pleased to Romans the third chapter for those of you that are visiting with us and We're not with us last evening
We are just simply looking into God's Word and we're studying about the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ Many people talk about the blood many people sing about it a lot of people throw it around quite loosely today
And there are a lot of misapprehensions and misconceptions about the blood of Christ and just to name one
I heard a pastor not too long ago I happen to be in a revival meeting in the state of Georgia and he just said
Lord We take every person here in this congregation today and put them under the blood of Christ and we claim the blood of Christ Over this entire congregation.
That's an impossibility. You can't do that. The blood of Christ only applies to a Christian It only applies to a believer.
You can't put the blood of Christ on a lost person You can't claim anything that longs person on the blood of Christ until that person meets
Jesus Christ Then the blood of Christ has no effect upon that person whatsoever Until they reach that point of conviction
Under the power of the Holy Spirit who of course is the only one who can convict of sin? So there are many people who are throwing the blood of Christ around loosely
But what we're trying to do this week is just talk about the blood of Christ what the Bible says about it What's it mean to you and myself as a
Christian if you are not a Christian? Then we have to go back to last night's message and say to you that the Bible plainly teaches without the shedding of blood
There is no remission of sin You can never have forgiveness of sin until the blood of Christ is applied to your life
Spiritually as it was applied to the lintel and the doorpost of the people of Israel as they came out of Egypt So it must be applied to the lintel and the doorpost of your heart by faith in order for God to pass over the sins
Of your life and my life and so we're talking about that now tonight. I won't talk to you briefly
About reconciliation through the blood of Christ and that's a long words a theological word and although it is a biblical word
Being reconciled unto God by that I mean in tonight We will only deal tomorrow and I will deal with a second portion of it
But tonight I want to just deal with the topic of removal of guilt Getting rid of your guilt before God and there's no question that we're guilty before God There's no question that every person has guilt before God and something has to be done about that guilt tomorrow night
I want to talk to you about the cleansing power of the blood how the blood cleanses you from the pollution of sin and the
Defilement of sin and guilt. It's something entirely different than being reconciled to God You can be reconciled to God and if it was not for the cleansing of the blood of Christ You would still have the pollution of sin upon your life and your being and so you'd be with us
We'll be talking about the victory through the blood how to be victorious through the blood out of fellowship with God How you have power through the blood of Christ?
You don't need anything else All you need to recognize is what has been done for you through the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ And you have all the power you'll ever dream about you'll have more spiritual power you'll know what to do about if you'll just acknowledge and appropriate what
Christ has done through the precious blood and What God has accomplished through the blood of his dear Son in Romans the third chapter beginning with around verse 22 23
Let's just read verse 23 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ now,
I want you to pick these words out carefully you don't have to work for your salvation if you do how much work you're going to do and When you're gonna know you've done enough and when you're gonna know you haven't done enough
When you're gonna know you got it and when you're gonna know you lost it watch it Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe and That word believe means of course and you know it as well as I and I've preached it to you before in Revival meetings dear people the word believe means to those that adhere to commit yourself to place your trust in put your dependence upon That's what the word believe means in the
Greek language and it's translated into English here believe for there is no difference
For all have sin now, you'll notice this for there is no difference There's no difference unto all and upon all in all on all around all surrounding all and there's no difference
God is no respecter of persons If you're saved you just as saved as I am and if I'm saved
I'm just as saved as you are There is no difference for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God Here's what
I like being justified freely by his grace
Not baptism not the Lord's Supper Not any sacrament
Not any works that you can do or I can do being justified Freely by his grace
Grace is unmerited favor grace means something we do not deserve
But it is given by grace it show me a little grace That's what we always say show me a little grace get on the golf course and say
I'll give me that putt Show me a little grace. Give it to me. I mean don't make me have to make it because I might miss it
Huh? Oh, I'd make that one. Anyway, you know, I can give it to me Now God does
God knew that if he tried to make us make it we couldn't make it so he gave it to us watch it
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation
Through faith in his blood So now it tells you what you got to have faith in faith in his blood to declare his righteousness
For the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God to declare
I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him who believeth in Jesus in Jesus just put your faith in Christ and you have sold so many things.
Let's pray for just a moment father Once again, we lift our hearts to thee thanking you that you always hear us and you always answer us because we're
Christians father As we try to talk about something of which we know so very little our minds fail us
The English language will collapse under us. We do not have the vocabulary the capability. We do not have the mentality
We do not have that within the human body That would allow us to fully comprehend and fully apply
All the things that this Word of God tells us about the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ So we must attend depend upon the great teacher himself
We ask that the Holy Spirit of God father would come and open our minds and our ears and our eyes that we may see and understand and perceive and that we may be able to take the truths that we see from God's Word and apply them to our daily life and Lord that we'll be grateful to you for what you've so freely given us help us to walk in it
And if we ever receive it then father We know that it'll change our lives to such a degree that we'll no longer want the past life
We'll no longer desire the past life. We won't even wonder about what's happened to the past life
We'll just rejoice that it's gone Father bless every member and every visitor as we look into your word and we thank you for it
Because we believe it and ask it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ until he returns Amen now there are several distinct blessings that are given to us through the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ that have been bought for us by the blood of Christ as we've looked in this passage of Scripture and we'll be looking
At those from tonight on through the rest of the week reconciliation Cleansing victory fellowship power and all these things that we'll see that have been brought now
They all come under one word Everything that a Christian has in the blood of Christ or in the
Lord Jesus comes under one word and that word is redemption Redemption we just read about it here in this passage of Scripture It says through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus that one word
Incorporates everything that a Christian has in Christ everything that Christ has done for you
Everything that he does do for you everything that he will do for you tomorrow and on days throughout all eternity
On into the everlasting future is wrapped up in the one word Redemption now among these of course is this word that we talk about?
Reconciliation it takes place first reconciliation always comes first Reconciliation means that there has been a separation if there's been a separation before two can become one.
There must be Reconciliation those things must come back that which is separated must be brought back to its unity in order for it to be the
Effective whole that God wants it to be now if the power of the blood is
Redemption and it is rooted in reconciliation Then we must have a fuller knowledge and a fuller understanding of what reconciliation is and that is necessary to do
So we must go into the fact that reconciliation by the blood means we must understand What sin is because sin is the separator?
The only thing that stops you from being filled with the Holy Spirit of God is sin You don't have to go out here looking for another experience
You don't have to go out here and get some gift that people tell you you've got to have all you've got to do is Get the sin out of your life and you will be filled with the
Holy Spirit of God the only alternative To being having sin out of your life.
Is that the Holy Spirit? My Bible says that he that has not the Spirit has not Christ He that hath
Christ hath the Spirit if you are a Christian you have the Holy Spirit now
He is the third person of the Trinity. He's a real spiritual person and you don't get part now and part later you know that as well as I do that you get all of him you ever gonna get but sin quenches and Grease them to the point that he doesn't have total control of us
And when that ever happens to you when you confess all your secret sins and Confess all the sins, you know about that is such a traumatic and dynamic thing in itself that most people confuse it with a quote
Second working of grace when all that has happened is that you die to yourself You release yourself to the control of the
Spirit of God. You do not become passive. No, sir God will use your personality.
He'll use your arms and your hands. He'll use your legs and your feet He will use your body, but it will be dominated by the
Spirit of God And how do you know it is you know? It is because your life will come into conjunction with the
Word of God and your life will live According to the precepts of the Word of God Anytime you do anything outside the
Word of God anytime I do something that's contradicted to the Word of God You just mark it down that that's not the Spirit of the
Lord leading you He'll never lead you in contradiction to the written Word of God always endeavor.
It's the written Word of God now So let's just look quickly at sin Which has made reconciliation necessary It's sin way back there trace it all the way back to the beginning of time in the
Garden of Eden in all the work of Christ God's one object is the removal and the
Redestruction of sin and all that Christ does for the Christian The one object of God is to remove sin from your life and to destroy sin in your life
To remove it from it and to destroy it in it. Just get rid of sin in your life
That doesn't mean you're gonna be perfect but sin can be defeated and you can have power over sin and Dominion over sin instead of it having dominion over you and you still not be perfect And that is what has taken place in the
Christian realm Sin, you have to have a knowledge of sin in order to have a knowledge of reconciliation.
What is there? I ask you a question. What is there in sin that needs reconciliation?
And how does reconciliation render sin powerless? Well, it's obvious sin had two effects. We only know of one
Sin had an effect on God as well as man Now all you hear emphasized in churches in preaching in teaching and in singing is what sin has done to man
That man's been separated from God that man has been degradated that man has been
Contaminated that man has been cast away that man has broken that communication with God that man has become selfish and greedy and egotistical that man goes his own way that man walks away from God and man has become sinful and unholy and all these things but What about the effect of sin on God?
That is far more serious And it's far more terrible the effect that sin had on God That it ever has been the effect it had on man
But all we do is emphasize the humanly the material the earthly because that's where we live
That's where we oriented we oriented materially and earthly but all listen the effect that it had listen
We need to emphasize the effect that had well, you say well what effect did it have on God very simple in his divine nature?
God is unchangeable God never changes in his nature His nature his essence his character never
Changes it always endeavor is the same but in his relationship to man his entire attitude has changed
God's entire attitude towards man has changed Completely and in the
Hebrew, it's the word knock on and in the Greek. It's the word metanoia and it means a change of mind
God changed in his attitude toward man because of the blood of Christ now sin is
Disobedience, listen to me carefully Your character is the factory that produces sin
Uh -huh, you sin because of what is down in here out of the heart out of your being out of your character comes sin sin is
Disobedience to God it is open rebellion against God's authority
It is open opposition To God it is a man or a woman or a teenager standing and shaking their fist
At the God of the universe and say I know what you say do But this is what
I'm going to do and like it or not. And that's what every sin is Every sin in thought word or deed that's exactly what it is
Open rebellion against God's authority and it comes out of your heart.
Sin is a matter of conduct a matter of conduct
But dear people rebellion comes out of the heart Heart Rebellion against God brings sin.
Anytime you sin in your life anytime I sin in my life You can just check it out in your heart. There has rebellion Rebellion produces sin.
It's just that way now sin is determined opposition to a holy God. It cannot only but it must
Awaken his wrath the moment God does not become wrathful and angry The moment
God that God does not rise up in his holy wrath against sin the moment He lets one sin pass by he ceases to be a holy
God He loses His holiness and that is an impossibility
That is an impossibility Sin has compelled God to become an opponent of man
Because of your sin in mind because of our rebellion and disobedience we have forced God into being an opponent.
He didn't want to be God didn't desire to be but we have forced
God to be an opponent and I know the verse of Scripture says if God be for us who can be against us
I just like to just kind of paraphrase another one in edit and it's not in the scripture But if God be against you who can be a foil you
If you ever get God against you you in bad shape Oh I hear all these people school teachers and some little old 17 18 year old kid running down the street in their nose
Run in their eyes water in their sunglasses on living their own life Go out near some university and all that stuff and so like some little ant standing on the planet earth shaking their fist at the
God Of the universe, you're not gonna get me. You're not gonna get me If God be against you who could be for you?
Nothing could help you if God ever turns his wrath loose Upon a human being and there have been those in history that God has dealt with in such a way, but listen to me carefully
God's love has never changed towards mankind God's love not one time has
God's love changed towards people his love remains unchanged, but sin has made it impossible
For God to admit you are me mankind any person into fellowship with him without something happening
It has made it impossible for a person to go into the presence of God Sin has caused that much of an effect on God.
That's the effect It's had on God God's love is there God wants to God wants you
God loves you God wants you to go to be with him. God wants you to come to heaven God wants you to be happy.
He wants you to be blessed, but sin won't let it Sin stops
God It causes him to rebel against it
God cannot tolerate sin and it causes him to be unable to admit a person with that sin in their life
Into his blessed presence So the question of the age is that it all has always been how can we be delivered from the guilt of sin?
How can we get the guilt which has caused us to stand before God in such a condition? How can we get it out of their life?
Can the effect of sin on God be removed can sin be blotted out before God and if that can be done?
Then the power of sin in your life can be broken if we get sin removed and the guilt removed
Before a holy God he can be removed from your life Most people are dominated by sin.
Do you know that most Christians live a defeated Christian life? Most Christians are defeated and discouraged their
Christian life. Most Christians not happy Many of you people here not you're not happy churches are dragged to you.
You're miserable Most people that way in each church you go to it. They just go they just like go through life
They think that's it All but listen to me When you find out what the
Bible really says about what you've got who you are And yes, there are responsibilities that come with it
But the word reconciliation dear people it simply means and I told you a little bit about the word Passover last night
Well, the word reconciliation means cover and that's all it means and don't read anything into it. It only means to cover
Reconciliation means to cover up to cover up Just put a covering over it a covering over so that you don't see it
If you don't want to see anything the old saying was you sweep the dust under the rug, right? Just drop the rug underneath and you just drop you can't see it a covering up so that you don't have to look upon it
Anymore and in Israel of the nation of Israel God revealed a reconciliation Which could so thoroughly cover and remove the guilt of sin that the original relationship between God and man can be entirely
Restored it must so remove the guilt of sin. That is the effect of sin on God And that's what the guilt of sin is.
It's the effect that sin had on God It must so remove that that man can come to God with the complete assurance
That not the least bit of guilt rest on him to keep him away
And it astounds people when I tell them that I do not have any guilt before God And if you're a
Christian, you don't either You say well, I don't know. I don't care what you think you don't
I Don't care what you believe it or not. You don't change it You don't have any guilt before God now you argue with the book don't argue with the
Jew Well, of course the Jew wrote that in two, but that'd be all right But I've never met so many people they say well,
I just can't they just won't accept what God wants to give them They got a foot man's pride man's got to do something.
He wants to work in it He wants to have a part in it. God doesn't need you. He doesn't need your part What could you do to save yourself?
You can't do anything to save yourself get yourself right with God you have come because the person who's lost isn't wounded
They're dead They're not sick. They are dead in trespasses and sin and a dead man can't do anything help himself
You've seen a dead man help himself That's why they take him to a mortician If he'd help himself, you wouldn't have to save all that money's later stay home do it himself and put him in a ground
Dead people don't have themselves and dead people spiritually don't help themselves. It's all of the Lord.
It's all of the Lord So let me just talk to you quickly about the holiness of God which caused
Reconciliation to be set in place that caused it to start the wheels of Reconciliation began to turn way back out into the history long before the world was ever hurled into space
Long before the universe was cast into being long before God ever spoke the words that put this vast
Universe that we know where the trillions and trillions of galaxies larger than our own Long before God ever spoke all of that into place the great council of redemption
With God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and the created beings of God They met and decided that the wheels of reconciliation would be set in place and they began to turn
They began to turn and they began to turn faster when the Lord Jesus made that great missionary journey
Now, what do we mean by God's holiness very simply this perfect? Perfection, that's all rim holiness of God means that he is perfect.
God is perfect gloriously Infinitely perfect it is infinite glorious Perfection that is the holiness of God now.
Don't forget that word perfection dear people. It is most important it is God who bestows bestows upon and works out what is good in other people and it is
God who works with the good and it is God who abhors hate and Convinced all that is bad and he does it perfectly and that's the holiness of God he always works with a good and God always condemns and hates the bad and That is the perfection of God and that's the holiness of God now.
Listen to me carefully in his holiness There are two sides most people only know one about all
Christians know about God is the love of God That's all but you see there's more because if God loves the good
And he doesn't love evil then there's another side and that's the wrath of God he has holy love and holy wrath and 1974 this world today in our generation there has never been a generation on the face of the earth that has hated to hear about the wrath of God and about a
Coming judgment where people are gonna have to stand up and with all their intellect. It'll mean nothing with all their education
It'll mean nothing with all their material gain. It'll mean nothing with all the wealth. They could amass. It'll mean nothing
They're gonna have to stand before God and be judged and this generation hates and cares about that They gotta answer to anyone but they will it's appointed on demand wants to die and after this the judgment the judgment it has been appointed a time or place in future a particular time a particular place with a particular person and the
Lord Jesus Will rule and reign and it all comes from the holiness of God But you see the love of God and the wrath of God are united I talked to you last night about the tabernacle at Mount Sinai When Moses got the law at the same time
God told him about the law within the same context the same time span the same chronological era
Area of time dear people God also told him how to build a tabernacle which opens up the avenue to God's love the law said wrath
Judgment and the tabernacle said love and approach come to God and there you have the holy love and the holy wrath of God love which bestows itself upon man and Wrath which cast out and consumes all evil and it is as the
Holy One that God ordained Reconciliation with the nation of Israel He took up his abode in the
Holy of Holies There were that Ark of the Covenant between the cherubim and we talked about that again last night
And it is as the Holy One that he in expectation of New Testament times he said so many times
I am thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel and it is as the Holy One that God wrote out his
Council of reconciliation in Christ the demons themselves said we know who thou art thou
Holy One They called him by the name of Holy One and then you now the wonder of this council is
That both the holy love and the holy wrath of God find satisfaction in the blood of Christ the blood of Christ opens the door to satisfying
God's wrath and Opens door to satisfying the love of God and it's all in the blood of Christ.
Holy love God wouldn't let you go God wouldn't let us go and I thank God for that God the holy love of God said
I won't let man go Adam you did it and not only have you done it everybody through the years that if God looks down on us today as he
Does this even? 1974 on this beautiful evening in Elgin, Illinois says I'm not gonna let you go.
I'm not gonna give up on you I'm going to love you. My love is here here It is God's holy love was unwilling to let man go, but his holy wrath said no, sir.
I Will not surrender my demands God must be upright. God must be perfect and So here's
God torn between these two things The love wanting to go out to mankind wanting to bless and to love and to pour his unwilling love out on man
Let's turn it loose and Let it go man unwilling to accept and God's wrath said no there's got to be payment
Sin me sinful. You can't can't love that sin. God can't love that sin
God cannot tolerate it. And so this is what we have. God's right must be upheld and the effect of sin on God It must be counteracted.
The guilt has to be removed. I'm the only salvation possible. Of course was reconciliation the bringing the two back together and this can take place only by satisfaction and Satisfaction through a substitute and what was the word that I told you to remember perfect?
God is perfect. He has perfect love Perfect wrath and in order for perfect love and perfect wrath to be satisfied
It has to be satisfied by someone who is perfect You cannot satisfy perfection with imperfection.
You can't satisfy God with you imperfect life You can't satisfy God with a little imperfect things that you do every day and you can't come in with this little pure thing
Well, you can't even sing songs of praise to God in a service like tonight half of you don't even sing Knowing that every song is a spiritual sacrifice.
No Most of them when they put people pray I look out and I look at people. They're not even praying Talk whisper past notes and do everything else and desecrate the house of the
Lord and you think you're gonna please God with that You better thank the Lord. He doesn't demand all your little imperfections and mine dear people.
He doesn't It takes perfection to appease a perfect God and that's where the
Lord Jesus Christ comes in The perfect one left the heavenly pinnacles of glory and came to this earthly plane
To live a perfect life and to offer that perfect life in perfect payment for perfect wrath and perfect love by shedding perfect blood and There it is the
Lord Jesus Christ, and that's how it was satisfied. Now. Listen to me carefully God's holiness could be glorified.
His demands could be met Christ could say well pour out all the sin on me I mean instead of judging the world put it on me and let me do because I'm perfect as you are
He thought it not robbery to be with God in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was
God and the word became flesh and dwelt among me. He was God Jesus is
God seen And so he could say take it all on me and let me pay for all of it
And then that would satisfy your holy wrath and it would open the avenue to your holy love going out to all mankind and So that's what
Christ came for now. We know how this took place in the Old Testament They took the blood we talked about again not to repeat myself too much like about last evening
But I have to refer back to it because so many weren't here But the blood or the life of the beast that took the punishment upon him what the wages of sin is what death?
Not just spiritual death but physical death death is in three realms There is spiritual death before there's ever physical death
You die spiritually before you ever die physically spiritual death Then physical death and then eternal death
Spiritual physical eternal and So this is what we have here now Instead of that they took an animal and we talked about last night how the animal is sinless animal doesn't sin
And so he took a sinless animal and it paid the price for the one who was offering it.
It became the substitute Looking forward to the time of the great substitute the
Lord Jesus would die on the cross and in a God said Passover I'll pass over I'll cover and that's all
Passover means God just covered them They being a shadow of the true it was not reality for the blood of bulls or goats
Cannot take away sin the Bible plainly states that as we read in the scripture our last evening again
How the stop by the blood of bull and goats? By more perfect sacrifice a picture of the great reconciliation and according to the counsel of God Nothing less than the blood of God's own
Son could satisfy God That's what he demanded dear people. Not your little penny righteousness
Not all the little petty prayers that we offer up to God our feeble praise
But I thank the Lord that it is not by my words It is not by my actions.
It is not by anything within myself that I'm justified before the Lord It's just by the precious blood of Christ that is always in the devil 24 hours of every day of your life
It's being constantly applied. That's why one saved always say That's why I believe once saved always say because my
Bible says that we are constantly being sprinkled with the blood of Christ by the Holy Spirit spiritually and as long as the blood is applied to your life and as long as Jesus stands in the right hand of God the
Father then you are always saved and the moment he leaves heaven, then you are lost He shall never
Lose his position or his place the blood and and the reason people don't believe in once saved always say is because they have a complete
Misunderstanding and they live in almost total ignorance of what the blood of Christ has actually done
It has been applied to your life you are born again, and I challenge you to get anything unborn
You just don't do it Born of the Spirit of God and the blood is applied and it's constantly being applied day by day moment by moment righteousness demanded
Christ death Righteousness demanded it and love offered it
Love offered it God's righteousness demanded death and The love of God offered the same payment for that which he demanded being justified freely by his grace
Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God hath set forth for reconciliation
Through faith in his blood. All right Let me just mention a little a couple more thoughts about the blood that brought about that reconciliation
Reconciliation must be the satisfaction of the demands of God's holy law the Lord Jesus accomplished that we know he fulfilled the law
Under which he had placed himself voluntarily. He bore the curse Which the law had pronounced against sin the wages of sin is dead
Law was perfectly satisfied in Christ. He kept it perfectly
It was satisfied in him Now, how can this fulfilling of the demands of the law of reconciliation be for anybody else
Christ did it? But how is it applied to you and me? Here it is because in creation in creation and the covenant of grace
Jesus Christ is recognized by God the Father as the head of the human race
Jesus Christ is called the second Adam in the scripture and the Bible says as by one man
Sin entered into the world through the first Adam so by one man
Shall sin be taken care of The second Adam is the Lord Jesus Christ and because God considered him to be so Because of this he was able by becoming flesh to become the second
Adam and when he became flesh he assumed the responsibility for all sin had done in the flesh
Against God as he satisfied the demands of the law by shedding his blood
This was the reconciliation the covering of our sin I mentioned that we talk about these
Old Testament studies that we're going to be producing here and be mailing out and those visitors if You're interested you get my address from the pastor or the church.
We send them to you No charge a unique things in the Old Testament, you know, I didn't just run your mind back to David and Goliath I just pick out one, you know, well
Goliath was the representative of the Philistines and he said you pick out one man out of your army of Israel And you let him be your representative and what he was saying was this whatever happens to me
Happens to all the people of the Philistines whatever happens to the one you pick out
Then that'll happen to all the rest of you. He'll be your representative Whatever happened to Goliath he lost and so the
Philistines were disbanded never get they never came in another power Had Israel lost which was an impossibility
She's not in a habit of losing wars, you know, and had she lost If David had lost then
Israel would have been defeated Jesus Christ is your representative Whatever happens to him happens to you and that is taught out through the
New Testament That's why again I quote you the verse it says we are seated in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus Whatever happens to Christ happens to you as a
Christian because you are an heir apparent You are a child of God. You are quote in Christ the
Bible says what in the name of heaven do you think that means you are in Christ? the body of Christ and whatever happens to him happens to you and Whatever he has available for you is all you'll ever need
It's all you'll ever need now So what I'm talking to you about dear people is that you must never forget that Jesus was
God You must never forget that he was God this bestows upon his sufferings a virtue of perfect infinite holiness
His sufferings were perfect in everything because he was God God does everything perfectly
God doesn't do anything halfway God is perfect in all and in power This makes the blood more than sufficient to deal with the guilt of human sin so much so that the holiness of God no longer
Behold sin it has been completely and totally blotted out When God sees you
I don't care what you did last night. I don't care what you did this morning If you sin God will spank you
God will chastise you God will discipline you God will whip you and if you continue to Rebel against God, then he'll put you to sleep and he'll take you right out of this world
But you'll still belong to him because your sins are blotted out by the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ The blood has been applied to your life
And you will sin But if you don't want that to be the controlling practice of your life and you confess that sin first Corinthians the 11th chapter says that God won't even judge you for that sin if you'll judge it yourself and admit it sin
Confess it to God. He immediately puts you right back like you were as if you never committed cleanses you from all unrighteousness
Check me out on 1st Corinthians 11 If you haven't read it lately and while you're reading it also read about the
Lord's Supper in there And I've told you about that when you take the Lord's Supper with sin in your life Paul said many are weak physically many are sickly physically and many are dead
Because they took the Lord's Supper with sin in your life And also you might read around the same passage of Scripture about something else that a lot of young men are doing today
You'll find it along about the middle of the chapter Read it But a lot of teenage young men are doing today a lot of mothers and dads are letting them do it
Because they don't know their Bible and their moral coward you'll find it down in there at 1st Corinthians 11th
It has a lot of stuff in it It's amazing But you can't get out of Matthew Martin Luke and John the book of Acts long enough to find out what the rest of the
Bible talks about If you get out of those and get in the scripture and find out the meaning of the word you still drinking milk like babies
Still take a little bottle in your Christian life. Some of you been hanging around church for 20 years 30 years hanging around church
And still don't know what the scripture says about the different things that we'll be doing in our life Well, what's all that mean?
It means that the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son has been shed atonement for sin has been made peace with God has been
Restored the wrath of God turns around and hides itself in the depth of the divine love the wrath of God is there
But it's completely enveloped with the love of God because of Christ the righteousness of God meets man and the righteousness of God confronts us and we tremble as the righteousness of God moves upon us but God reaches out the hand of love and said here's justification brother.
It's free I offer it to you the righteousness of God because of Christ can offer you
Justification Because of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and it's little wonder to me that it'll be a part of the everlasting song
And it says thou was slain and has redeemed us unto God by the blood the very word
Redeemed means bought back and when you redeem somebody you don't buy a part of them back when a kidnapper comes and catches somebody
They don't say well send me two arms and a leg. That's all I want to buy back When you ransom somebody you redeem them you redeem all that they are and when
Christ redeemed you he didn't redeem you for two days He didn't redeem you for a year. He didn't redeem you until you sinned again.
He redeemed you for eternity What kind of joy and peace is it to know one day you lost one day you're saved
What kind of peace is there? What kind of hope is there stand and tell me please? The piece is that God has redeemed us in Christ we are children of God Now if you've been redeemed you'll live like it
Mm -hmm. Yeah better put that in there Because some of you boy, I'll tell you what you go home and tilt that little thing up at home
You want him clean your refrigerator out? Now when you're redeemed you'll live like it but dear people all that simply means is that you've moved through life
Acknowledging that Jesus Christ is the Lord of all that you are and you strive under the leadership of the
Holy Spirit of God But making your life Adaptable to the Word of God that you live the
Christian life by letting Christ have your life You don't make any decisions that reflect upon your life that you don't consult him about them and that you keep no sin between you
And him you keep all your sins confessed and you learn to abide in Christ And as you abide in Christ, then
God matures you in the Christian life and you continue on not wanting not desiring Not looking for and hoping against that sin might come into your life
But when you sin, we have an advocate with a father Jesus Christ the righteous Well, I have an advocate why should he stand and make intercession for you if you're gonna be perfect, huh?
That's why he's there. That's why he intercedes for us because he knows we're not perfect. He knows we're gonna make a mistake
But my problem is that I find that we keep making the same mistakes all the time If you make the same mistake that in your car all the time, they're gonna take your license away from you sooner or later
You don't make the same mistake in your work. You're gonna get fired but some people got the same sin in their life now that they had 20 years ago and Brother that tells me one of two things
Either you're not into God like you ought to be or you're lost You either lost or so far out of touch with the
Lord, but the Holy Spirit can't speak to your life That he can't speak to your life. Just cold and indifferent
One of the two has to be one two, you don't continue doing the same old sin year in year out day and day
Now there's victory in Christ There's big what kind of Christ do you know? That can't take a cigarette away from you.
What kind of a Christ do you know that can't take criticism away from you? What kind of a Christ do you know that can't take bitterness away from you what kind of a
Christ Do you know can't give you love for another person? That's not the Christ I read about in this Bible the Christ I read about is the
King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and he'll do for you what you let him do Because of the blood of Christ.
Well, let me just close by commenting on the pardon that you receive That's what we're talking about in a pardon
Just getting a pardon for everything you've ever done a pardon for everything I've ever done in my life that overwhelmed me when
I found that out when I found out that God Forgave me of everything.
I've ever said Everything I've ever done and everything I've ever thought in my life When I thought about a
God like that, I couldn't I just didn't know what to do with it That'll overwhelm you when you just think about it.
Oh, I know you didn't have much to I know you don't do much in your life You hadn't had much for God to forgive you, but I wish you'd pray for me
I sure have a lot I need forgiveness for I know you don't but I'd like for you to pray with me I I have trouble sometimes with criticism.
I know you don't I have trouble sometime about reading my Bible and pray and witnessing I have trouble sometime talking to my
Lord like I ought to talk to him. I have trouble sometime loving people I know none of you have that problem But I wish you'd pray for me because I seem to have some problems in that area every now and then myself
I wish you'd pray for me. Sometimes. I don't even like to go hear my pastor preach. Excuse me pastor I just sometimes
I don't like to go here and preach, you know But and when I get there God blesses my heart because I've got enough sense to pray when
I get there But sometimes it's kind of hard to get up on Sunday morning But and I know that's not true in any of your lives But if you'd pray for me,
I'd be a much better Christian and I wish you would I really do but I'm just talking about pardon
The blood of Christ has made reconciliation for sin It's covered it and it's called such a wonderful change to take place in the heavenly realms
All this will avail us nothing unless we personally Appropriated into our life and take a personal share in it as long as you know about it up here and you agree that it's true
And you say I believe all that but until you take a personal share in it It is nothing to you
It is of no avail and it might as well have never Happened as far as your personal life is concerned until you take a personal share in it it's just that simple
God has a perfect acquittal and a perfect pardon from all our sin and guilt and after Reconciliation you have the invitation be ye reconciled to God.
It is a command It's not saying why don't you be reconciled to God when you are reconciled?
He is saying come Be mine be reconciled unto
God. It is a fact that it is done That's what it's saying. It's the affirmative. It's the imperative it is taking place
It's a transaction that is done be ye reconciled to God as if God was just throwing the blessings and hurling
It at you and stabbing you in the heart with a gigantic spear called reconciliation
He hurls it from the heaven with the power of the Holy Spirit and it embeds within your heart never to leave again and the quivering of that great shaft of God's love constantly stirs your being by the power and the ministry of the
Holy Spirit of God so much so that he says be reconciled unto me
Almighty God says that to every man and every woman and every boy and every girl who's ever lifted their heart in faith to the
Lord Jesus Christ Reconciled to God Isaiah 44 22
I Have blotted out as a thick cloud by transgressions and as a cloud by sins
Isaiah 38 17 thou has cast all my sins behind thy back Micah 7 19 thou will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea
So perfect is the reconciliation that whoever believes in and receives Christ is looked upon and treated by God as being
Entirely completely righteous. Nothing is necessary Except faith in the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ The blood has done everything one need only have faith in the blood of Christ faith in the blood works in the heart of a
Human the same wonder working power that it exercised in heaven. I don't serve God to get right with God I serve the
Lord because I love him and I'm grateful for what he's done for my life. I Don't serve him to get right with him
I serve him because of what he's done for me my life and I want to serve him more and many of you serve him
Because you love him and you serve him out of adoration and Glorification of his precious name and the magnifying of his name you serve him because you love him and you're grateful
You don't serve him to get right. I wouldn't know how much to do And I've reached 30 to 35 revivals a year
And I have opportunity to see more people say than all of you put together And all of that and I can still say to you and I've talked to millions of people every year millions and I still say to you that if that's what it takes to be right with the
Lord It doesn't come to the hem of the garment of the Lord Jesus It's just faith in the blood of Christ that makes us right with him, but we ought to live for him
We ought to live for him and that's why he drives you. That's why you're uncomfortable. That's why you don't have peace.
That's why you're disturbed That's why you're tossed about by every wind of doctrine that comes along people are grabbing grasping in any wonderful pack what
Pat Boone just said Pat Boone says the honeymoon is over He said there's got to be more to Christianity than this
Just came out and made that statement nationwide. There's got to be more to Christianity than what I've had.
I Fired him a letter just as fast as I get one to him Have some access to him, but his wife used to date a buddy of mine
That didn't help me any But he was from the same hometown Now people
I lived with when I was saved Lived about three blocks from his grandparents I remember him used to come out on the porch in his house coat and all the little girls and boys used to run by and scream
All that stuff and who he was living in the nightclubs and everybody called him. Mr. Clean Uh -huh, and he finally admitted that he'd been a liar.
He'd been a fake and a fraud and a hypocrite Uh -huh. And now so he does something else and people run to him again, don't they you have seen that I'm not knocking
Pat Boone I hope he knows the Lord But when I see people just running from one thing to the other dear people that instability shows me insecurity
It shows me insecurity and yet I find that They he admitted that he'd been living a falsity of life and he turned around says but I got something else now
And so now they run to him again, and he baptizes them in bikinis and whatever and that's fine
I guess and all we go but doesn't anything do the blood of Christ as I know it the blood's done it all
First John 14 herein is love that we've not loved God Here in his love not that we loved
God but that he loved us and Sent his son to be the reconciliation for our sins not because you love
God But because he loves you that he sent his precious son Be reconciled to God.
That's God's message be reconciled to God If you come as a guilty sinner longing for pardon forgiveness of your sin
You may rest assured that the blood will cover you and restore you immediately to the favor and the love of God Through faith in the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ. You can have reconciliation You can have the removal of all guilt in your life
So that when you approach the throne of God in prayer, you can have complete confidence and assurance
That God does not consider you guilty God removes the guilt from your life and gives you a pardon
Gives you a pardon through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I ask you one question
Have you ever been pardoned? Have you ever been pardoned? I didn't ask you if you joined a church and I didn't ask you if you've gone through some sacrament
I didn't ask you what you've done. I just said have you been pardoned through the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ? Has there ever been a time in your life personally? I don't care about denominational affiliation.
We're not interested in that at this point I'm just I'm just saying has there been a time in your life when you recognized you are guilty before God and You asked
God to take away that guilt and you in your own words and your own personality But with this truth involved in it you confessed your sins to God and you told
God you were willing to give up that old kind of life repent of that sin and Invite Jesus Christ into your heart and your life to be your personal
Perpetuation to be your personal Savior to be your personal redeemer to be your personal
Ransommer to be your personal Lord if that's never happened Then you don't have any pardon.
You may be a Baptist. You may be a Methodist. You may be a Roman Catholic You may be any number of things, but you do not have any pardon in your life
Until the blood of Christ is applied by faith Would you pray with me for a moment father?
We are overwhelmed by the love of God How hell -deserving we really are and I suppose
Lord that if there's any person in this auditorium tonight Who ought to be judged and sent away for an eternity
It would be me But I thank you That one day some people told me
And I'd listened and heard but Lord. I never listened and heard And yet Lord there was a time when you touched my heart
And I put my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in him alone nothing added
Nothing subtracted just the Lord Jesus and His blood was more than sufficient and he cleansed me and changed my life
You've done the same for many precious people here tonight members and visitors alike But we've sensed a communication of the
Spirit in our hearts And you said that the Spirit of God would bear witness amongst children of the
Lord Father there are those here tonight That if they died this night, they have no hope whatsoever
They are lost for an eternity Because they've never been pardoned. They've tried it man's way.
They've tried it their own way They've tried many things, but they've never tried it your way, and it'll never be done until it's done