F4F | Josh Chavez: Junior Reviler


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough, I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now, let me put this out as a disclaimer up front. There is no joy in having to do this episode.
It's a necessary episode, and necessary not only for the sake of the to remind them of a very serious sin, but also for the sake of Joshua Chavez, or Malone, or whatever his name is,
I'm not exactly sure. Yeah, that's kind of the problem. And the channel that he puts out.
And so we're gonna be talking today about a forgotten sin, the sin of reviling.
If you've read the Church Fathers, and if you've ever heard of the sin of calumny, calumny was the way they would talk about people who are revilers.
This is a little bit more than merely breaking the commandment that says, Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Instead, calumny or reviling is going to go into a direction where the slander is just straight out denigrating, intentional, malice -filled, it's intractable, it's abusive, is the best way to put it.
So if you've ever heard of calumny or the sin of reviling, never heard a teaching on it, go ahead and hit the subscribe video, subscribe to the...
hit the like button, that's it. Hit the like button and subscribe to the channel down below so that we can get the word out about this particular video.
We're a good place to start. And we're gonna take a look at a few passages, and so let me pull this up, and there's my
Bible. By the way, just so you know, you can always find out what programs
I'm using down below. The name of the Bible program I use is called Accordance, and I have been using this, wow, since my undergraduate.
So I was using Accordance Bible software when it was... it wasn't even called Accordance at the time,
I forget what it was called. Anyway, I've been using this for a long time. But we're gonna take a look at a few passages, and I want to talk about the sin of reviling, and just how serious it is.
And this is one that we need to pay attention to, and why it's important that if you're listening to discernment ministries, that they actually are engaging in discernment, not calumny, not reviling.
I'll explain that in a minute. So 1 Corinthians 5 says, it's actually reported there is sexual immorality among you.
Yeah, the weird thing was going on at the church of Corinth. So if you think your church is messed up, believe me,
Corinth will make your church feel like, you know, maybe the things you're struggling with in your church are really not that bad.
Well, maybe they are, but... So they, for real, had a guy at the church of Corinth who was sleeping with his father's wife, and they were actually proud about it?
I don't know how one does that. You know, maybe they were thinking, isn't it great that the gospel, that Jesus forgives sins, and so it's okay that he's committing adultery with his father's wife.
I'm not sure how that went down, but I speculate along those lines, you know, because that's about the only thing that makes sense to me.
So it's actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you of a kind that's not even tolerated among the pagans.
Even the pagans are going, right? So, and you're arrogant. Ought you not rather to mourn?
So let him who has done this be removed from among you. For though absent in body,
I am present in spirit, and as if present, I have already pronounced judgment on the one who did such a thing.
Now, a little bit of a note here. There is mercy and forgiveness in Jesus Christ for all who have sinned, because Scripture says all have fallen short, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and so the gospel is for everybody to be hearing, and so the idea here is is that when it comes to church discipline, you don't just discipline somebody because, well, there you go!
You just went and sinned! No, because we all sin daily, and we sin much.
But the idea here is that where there is impenitent sin, when confronted with something egregious like sexual immorality or even reviling, you'll see this in a minute, that the person needs to be brought to repentance.
They need to recognize that they have sinned, that God's law commands that they not do such things, and that they have fallen short of what
God has commanded, and then say, you know, I'm sorry. I was wrong.
God, have mercy on me, and if necessary, reconcile with those whom you've heard. That's kind of the idea. So Paul says, although absent in the body,
I'm present in spirit, and as if present, I have already pronounced judgment on the one who did such a thing.
So when you are assembled in the name of the Lord Jesus, and my spirit is present with the power of the
Lord Jesus, you are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the
Lord. Now, it seems a little bit weird, because what he's describing here is the act of church discipline, where somebody is excommunicated from the
Christian fellowship. Now, that doesn't bar them from coming and hearing the Word of God, but the idea here is, in this particular case, you hand them over to the devil, the guy's impenitent, all right, fine, you don't want to be forgiven, you want to live in sin, turn the gospel into a license to sin?
We're gonna hand you over to Satan! See how that goes for you. And the idea here is that so that they repent.
They come to their senses at some point and go, what am I doing here? You know, kind of like the prodigal, you know, as he's feeding the pigs, you know, that's kind of the idea.
So you hand him over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit might be saved in the day of the
Lord. And then he goes on to rebuke the church at Corinth. Your boasting is not good.
No, no, you should not be boasting about a guy sleeping with his dad's wife. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?
So what are we to do? Cleanse out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened.
For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. Great text, by the way, and I love how the
Apostle Paul always brings it back to the Gospel, okay? Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed, and this is one of those texts that helps us recognize that the
Old Testament, that the types and shadows all have their terminus, the fulfillment in Christ.
So the Passover lamb, all those Passover lambs that died, and you know, they were all pointing to THE Passover lamb,
Christ. So let us therefore celebrate the festival not with old leaven, the leaven of malice and of evil, notice malice, big deal here, and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
So then he goes on, and here's where we're gonna see the sin of a reviling mentioned.
So I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people.
Now, not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy, or the swindlers, or the idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world.
You're sitting there going, if I couldn't associate with all of those people, how am
I supposed to work? You know, working in the marketplace, you know, serving in a restaurant, you know, just, you know, customers and workmates and things like that.
Paul says, no, no, no, don't sweat that, you know, you know, in the world you associate with them because they don't claim to be brothers.
But now I'm writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality, and I'm going to basically say if he's guilty of sexual immorality and is impenitent.
That's kind of the bit, all right? Again, there is mercy and grace, and you'll see this in the next text, for all who are in Christ Jesus.
So if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, yeah, that shows up, or is an idolater, and here's the word, reviler, loideros, loideros in the
Greek, and this is an abusive, denigrating, slanderer, somebody who has no respect whatsoever for people in authority, and is constantly just tearing people down and just reviling, teaching others to revile them as well.
In fact, kind of, you know, if you want to see, like, the ultimate example of that, I was just remembering this, hang on a second here,
I'm going to duplicate this tab, and I think it's in 3rd
John, hang on a second here. Doing this for memory here, you know, going on a bunny trail. John writes, and let's see here, yes, it is, okay, so 3rd
John, this is one of those tiny, tiny, tiny little epistles in the New Testament, and you want to get an example of a reviler?
Deatrophies. Okay, so let's go ahead and just read this in context, because it's that good.
So the Apostle John writes, The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth.
All right, so this is a brotherly letter. Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health as it goes well with your soul.
By the way, this is not saying that God's promising you wealth and health and stuff like that, this is just a standard, you know, greeting.
Hope all's well, you know, hope you feel, you hope you're healthy, you know, hope your job's going right. You kind of get the idea.
It's a general greeting that, you know, hopefully things are going well for you. I rejoice greatly when the brothers came and testified to your truth as indeed you are walking in the truth.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. So beloved, it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts.
For these brothers, strangers as they are, who testified to your love before the
Church, you will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the
Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support people like these so that we may be fellow workers, fellow workers in what?
For the truth. For the truth. Now, I have written something to the Church, but, now here's a reviler,
Deotrephus, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge our authority.
So, I mean, consider the irony here, they're just craziness, okay? The Apostle John, the disciple whom
Jesus loved, eyewitness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who, as an
Apostle, is able to operate in the signs of the Apostles, and there's a fellow in the
Church who doesn't acknowledge, doesn't acknowledge John as an Apostle.
What? So, listen to what he does. So, if I come,
I will bring up what he's doing, talking wicked nonsense against us, and not content with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers, and also stops those who want to, and puts them out of the
Church. You want to acknowledge John as an Apostle? Get out! We're putting you out of the
Church, how dare you acknowledge John the Apostle? Everybody knows that John the Apostle was seen at the same conference as, well, let's see, as Polycarp, and Polycarp was at the same conference as Eusebius and Tertullian, and then, you know, those guys were seen with Augustine, and John MacArthur read
Augustine, and so, therefore, we got to get rid of the Apostle John. You kind of get the idea.
So, you want to see a reviler in action? It's Deotrophus, okay, who puts himself up, doesn't recognize authority, speaks wicked nonsense against people, that's the idea, and then refuses to welcome brothers who recognize the
Apostle John as an Apostle. Okay, so coming back to our first text, then, so, and now
I'm writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality, impenitently so, or greed, or an idolater, and here it is, a reviler, all right?
Again, loidaros here in the Greek, this is an abusive slander of the type of Deotrophus is what we're talking about here, or a drunkard, or a swindler, not even to eat with such a one, for what have
I to do with those judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the Church whom you are to judge?
God judges those outside. Purge the evil person from among you. And you're gonna note, then, that when it comes to purging the evil person from among you, that now
Matthew 18 would be in play. Matthew 18 is the text that gives us the, what do you do when somebody sins against you, and I'm gonna say these are gonna be private sins, you know, unless, of course, all of those sins are now being aired publicly for the purpose of calling people to repentance, or because of protracted impenitence, and along the lines like that.
So the idea, then, in Matthew 18, there is a standard, a procedure set up when it comes to putting somebody outside the congregation, and yes, the
Church is to judge, and charges have to be established within particular parameters, okay?
There needs to be eyewitnesses, there needs to be people who are testifying to these effects, and so you get the idea.
But Jesus here, I'm gonna say this, that when it comes to putting somebody outside of the
Church, that this is in the context of a parable that many people are familiar with.
The one lost sheep that Jesus leaves, 99, leaves them to go find that lost sheep, that's clearly the context, then, of Church disciplines.
So Jesus says in Matthew 18 10, sees to it that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that in heaven their angels will always see the face of my
Father who is in heaven. So what do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the 99 on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray?
Now by the way, that's kind of like not standard practice when it comes to being a shepherd, but Shepherd Jesus, he cares about the one that's gone astray.
So if the shepherd finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than the over the 99 that never went astray.
So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.
So you're going to note that individual Christians are precious to Christ, and he pursues them when they go astray.
And this is for his own rejoicing, his own glory, but also for the sake of the sheep that he loves.
So it's then in this context that we hear about, you know, the procedure for Church discipline.
So if your brother sins against you, this is gonna be a private sin, okay? Public preachers of falsehood, you know, those who are teaching rank heresy, they get a public rebuke, they get warned against publicly, okay?
But if your brother sins against you, you go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you've gained your brother.
If he does not listen, take two others along with you, and then watch this, so that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.
And this is a standard that goes all the way back into the Old Testament, it is a standard that is required when it comes to bringing a charge against a layman, it is also a standard that is required when bringing a charge against a pastor.
You need charges to be established with witnesses, you can't just...and
the reason being is that, well, Scripture's clear. One of the commandments is you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
And there are slanderers, and there are revilers who traffic in lies and half -truths for the purpose of denigrating somebody's character, of tearing them down, okay?
But that's never a motivation for, you know, following these steps, establishing a charge.
The purpose of establishing a charge is so that the truth of the charge can be established to call that person to repent, so that they can be forgiven.
This is Jesus, then, his means by which he goes and hunts for that lost sheep, okay?
So you get the idea. So if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church.
Now, this is not for the sake of gossip, okay? When somebody is privately refusing to repent, you eventually bring it to the church for the purpose of the church calling the fellow to repent, or the gal.
Sin is an equal opportunity thing, it affects both sexes alike. So yeah, so then you tell it to the church, so the church can plead with the person, repent, okay?
If he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile, as a tax collector, which, by the way, you sit there and go, how did
Jesus treat Gentiles and tax collectors? He preached the gospel to them, called them to repent of their sin, you sit there and go, ah, okay.
Now, you know, to somebody who's an impenitent, who refuses to repent over these sins, that does mean they have to be put out of the church, but they're welcome to come and hear the gospel.
What they're not welcome to have is to have you treat them as a brother when they're not, alright?
So you get the idea. So truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth shall be loose in heaven.
Again, talking about the forgiveness of sins here. So again, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my
Father in heaven, for two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them. And so you'll note that Christ says where two or three are gathered in his name, and in this context is specifically referring to the context of for the purpose of casting a fellow out.
This is assuring the Church that when it comes time to excommunicate somebody who's an impenitent, that you have the backing of Christ behind you.
Now, this is also a promise that where two or three are gathered in the name of Christ, he is truly present.
This no way takes away from that, but in this context, this is an important context, so that when you do the hard thing of turning somebody over to Satan after they refuse to repent, that note that this goes all the way to the top, you have the backing of Christ behind you, you know, and again, this is all in the context of Christ chasing after his lost sheep.
So, you know, if they won't repent, they refuse to be found, well, sick
Satan on them, you know, see how long that lasts. Maybe they'll want to come back. You get the idea.
Hang on. Okay, so all of that being said, coming back to our text then, that as Christians, we are not to associate with Christians who are impenitent, sexually immoral people, greedy.
By the way, if we were to, you know, like, get rid of the greedy, the openly greedy in the visible body of Christ, well,
TBN would disappear, man. I'm just saying. Somebody who is an idolater, a reviler.
Reviler is our focus today. Now, I'm going to show you another text here, and show you the importance of this, because this is the lost bit that a lot of people are forgetting about.
And so I want you to pay attention to what I'm about to say here. So much of what's going on in the woke left and their despising and denigrating and slandering of Trump is a form of reviling, and I'll show you how the
Apostle Paul dealt with this when he was confronted with the sin of reviling.
Well, yeah, this is an important bit in all of this, but anyway, let's come back to our other text here. So, do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
And you sit there and go, yikes, I actually am one of them. Well, I understand, me too, but...
and the but comes with the gospel, it comes with Christ and Him bleeding on the cross for our sins. He says, do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral, nor the idolaters, nor the adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor the thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor...
watch the list here... revilers, nor swindlers. So notice, revilers in this list are up there with adulterers, up there with idolaters, up there with the greedy, up there with drunkards, and the swindlers, and the whole list.
They're all on an equal standing here. So pay attention to this, because the reality is that all of us, at one point or another, are guilty of this, and that's...
the issue is not whether or not we're guilty of it, the question is, are we repented and forgiven? And so Paul says, so they will not inherit the kingdom of God, nor the swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God, and such were, past tense, such were some of you, but you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified, you were declared righteous in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. So the idea, then, is that where we are all guilty, to one degree or another, of committing sins in this list, that no, the thing that negates that is
Christ and what He's done for us. A good way to look at this, then, is why that is the case.
I always like coming back to Colossians 2, because when you read a list like that and you sit there and go, yikes,
Pastor Roseborough, you know, I've done those things. Yeah, I know.
I'm guilty of committing all kinds of egregious sins myself. But notice it said, but you were washed, you were sanctified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, you were justified. So this is where the Gospel comes in.
Colossians 2 11 says, in him, in Christ, you were circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by the putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God who raised him from the dead.
And you, you, you Christians at Colossi, you Christians who are watching me on YouTube, you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in the uncircumcision of your flesh.
But God has made you alive together with Christ. And listen to this, having forgiven all.
And I always like to say this, all here in the means all. He's forgiven us all of our trespasses.
And here's how he's done it. By canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands, this he set aside, nailing to the cross.
Let me explain. So we've heard that on the last day, on the Day of Judgment, books are opened.
And if you've ever thought, yikes, you know, I know what's in my book. Believe me, I know what's in mine.
Mm -hmm. And I can tell you, there's one man, who also happens to be
God and man at the same time, whose eyes I don't want to fall on that list, and that's
Jesus'. And if you're honest with yourself about your own sin, you don't want your sins to be listed in a way that Jesus' eyes fall on them on the
Day of Judgment. None of us do. In fact, all who do, that's a terrible thing.
No good thing happens on the Day of Judgment for those whose sins the eyes of Christ look at on the
Day of Judgment. So how do we escape then? Because we're all guilty. You see, this is where the
Gospel comes into play. God has laid on him the iniquity of us all. And so you'll note then here, it says that God canceled the record of debt that stood against us.
The record of debt is that portion of your book, my book, that listed out every one of our transgressions.
But you're going to note, it says he canceled it, he set it aside.
A good way to think about it is this, is that God has taken that record of debt of yours, of mine, and he's torn that record out of the books, and it says he set it aside and he nailed it to the cross.
So whatever was in your book, you who believe in Jesus Christ, and you trust in him for the forgiveness of your sins, that whatever was written in that book, in that record of debt, it was torn out a long time ago, and it was nailed to the cross.
And I always like to say that, just for a little bit of flair, that you know, I always like to picture Jesus, you know, taking his blood -stained finger and writing on the front cover of that record of debt, debt paid in full, writing it with his own blood.
And so that's the idea. So you'll recognize then that we all have sinned grievously against God, and so this is why the
Apostle Paul is speaking so clearly about how you were these things, but you are not these things now.
You've been washed, you've been justified, you've been sanctified in the name of Jesus Christ. So again, watch the list.
Do you not know the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? So don't be deceived. And so, you know, we've got the list here.
The sexually immoral, the adulterers, the thieves, the greedy, the swindlers, the revilers show up, that again, that's our focus today, and here's the resolve.
And such were some of you. Such were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified.
Dikaiao means to be declared righteous, because Christ was declared to be the sinner for you. That's the idea.
So in the body of Christ, then, the love of God, everything is defined regarding the love of God through what
Jesus has done for us. God demonstrates his love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for our sins.
And so that being the case, if we're forgiven sinners, there is no place for the reviler.
None whatsoever. And the purpose of a rebuke, or even the purpose of establishing a charge against another
Christian or a pastor, the purpose of establishing those charges is not for the purpose of reviling them.
Instead, the purpose of those charges is to call them to repentance. And if they won't repent, then to warn the
Church about this impenitent sinner. That's the high...so you see, reviling has no place in the body of Christ.
None. And so slanderous denigration of people's characters, just to tear them down, that's the language of the devil.
The devil is the slanderer, he's the reviler. You are most like the devil when you revile.
Keep that in mind. Now, I said we'll talk about the Apostle Paul. The Apostle Paul actually had a run -in, shall we say, with one of the high priests, and he didn't recognize that it was, and he ended up reviling him.
And he got rebuked for doing it, and he apologized. I'll show you. Acts 23, 1. So, looking intently at the council,
Paul said, Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day, and the high priest,
Ananias, commanded those who stood by him to strike him on the mount.
Ananias commanded Paul to be struck on the mount. So then Paul said to him, God is gonna strike you, you whitewashed wall.
Are you sitting to judge me according to the law, and yet contrary to the law you order me to be struck?
So those who stood by said, Would you revile? And there it is, the verb form of this.
Loiderao. Would you revile God's high priest? So Paul said,
I did not know, brothers, that he was the high priest. For it is written, You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.
So when called on the carpet, when Paul reviled somebody in authority, he apologized.
He apologized. Alright, so let's consider that then, okay?
Yeah, so in this particular case, I think Paul was only guilty of like really strong language, but you get the idea.
So all of that being said, and this is the part that's not fun, this is the part that needs to be done.
Joshua Chavez Malone, he goes by the name Service Christi, but he's not, he's not a service
Christi, he does not serve Christ. This is a man who is a reviler. He is, he exhibits all of the classic symptoms of somebody who's a reviler, and his ministry is all about reviling, and we'll talk about some of the details here.
Now, we're gonna go back to June 19th, 2020, and he did a whole video through, this one was almost three hours long, just denigrating
Justin Peters, bringing him up on false charges, false charges that he lied and hid emails regarding Doreen Virtue's vision of Care Bear Jesus.
That Care Bear Jesus is what I call her false vision of Jesus. But the thing is this, charges have to be established.
All he did was give allegations. But what he did is that he not only gave allegations and did not actually provide proof that Justin Peters hid these emails, he then stood as judge and jury over Justin Peters, and I want to give you an example of just what kind of rhetoric
Joshua Chavez is known for. This is textbook reviling.
You're a fraud. You're a fraud. I expect it from Benny Hinn. People think you're above board.
You're a fraud. You've been found out, Justin. This is what he said of...
So he's calling Justin Peters a spiritual whore. Spiritual whore. John MacArthur, I just want to read this to you.
Justin has remained deafeningly silent. Deafeningly silent while his friends in the ministry prostitute themselves, commit spiritual fornication.
John MacArthur at this point is a spiritual whore. Yeah, apparently
Justin Peters is a spiritual whore. John MacArthur is a spiritual whore. Now, I want to make this clear.
I'm a confessional Lutheran. I have some pretty serious disagreements theologically with John MacArthur and my good friend
Phil Johnson, but they are brothers in Christ. And what
Chavez does, he traffics in false charges, false allegations, he stands as judge and jury, he doesn't actually back up with real evidence the things that he does, and then just reviles, reviles, reviles, reviles.
The guy is a slanderer and abusively so. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
I mean, this whole video that he put out is just oozing with the sin of reviling.
And yes, the terminology is deliberate. Very deliberate. Every time somebody in the Old Testament, when the children of Israel are playing with other gods, playing with people they shouldn't be playing with,
God likens it to harlotry, to adultery. It's sexually explicit. Why?
Because you're mingling with them. You're mingling. Their spiritually transmitted diseases now become yours.
That's what's happening. You're witnessing spiritual whoredom take place, and nobody seems to care.
I say this without any sarcasm, without any hyperbole, and I say this without any intention of vulgarity, because I know this phrase can be misunderstood and mistaken.
But if you think John MacArthur is a spiritual whore, and if you're gonna take your discernment cues from a man who says such things, then may
God help you. Honestly, may God help you.
Because I can't. I can't. Justin's just overwhelmed, like he's never heard the phrase before.
I just can't. No, that's not the problem. The problem is is that you misappropriated the phrase and put it on somebody who it doesn't apply to.
That's the issue. And the reason why you've done that, Mr. Malone, Chavez, whoever you are, is because the
Jacob Prash cult, that is a core central doctrine in their
Prashcatology, in their end -of -the -world schema. It is a non -negotiable.
That John MacArthur is the fulfillment of Matthew 24 24 when he's not.
And so you and your cult, and you and the other followers of the
Prash cult, any time anybody challenges your claim that John MacArthur is the super -secret agent weapon of Antichrist sent to deceive the collect, as Prash says over and over and over again in so many videos,
I've lost count, speaks at ad nauseum. It's like there's a particular litany that goes on.
John MacArthur, MacArthur, you know, he was in association with John Piper, and John Piper, he was in association with Beth Moore.
And so John MacArthur, he's sent, he's the super -secret weapon of the Antichrist. This is a non -negotiable doctrine in your eschatology.
And the reason why you're saying this is because your cult leader, who by the way was shown to be a fraud, a fraud regarding his lies to being half -Jewish, that you helped participate in, if he has any
Jewish blood in him, if James Aloysius Prash Jr. has any Jewish blood in him, the only reason why is because he was in an auto accident in Israel and needed a blood transfusion.
That's the only way he has any Jewish blood in him at all. But he was shown to be a fraud, and it was documented, well documented.
In fact, he then put forward documents to prove that he was Jewish, and all of those documents, including his application to get his lost immigration papers, which he was granted by virtue of the fact that he married a woman from Haifa, then that Nazi birth certificate for Adolf Brasch proved that he's not related to them, and then
TBC Kawai just totally blew the lid off that last bit. That DNA results of Jacob Prash, I'm sorry,
James Aloysius Prash Jr., showed that those his DNA results were a complete flam, a flim -flam scam, alright?
So you want to talk about frauds, you want to talk about people who are lying. You're gonna have to actually establish real charges, and you have done nothing of the case when it comes to Justin Peters or John MacArthur.
And so your rhetoric is one not of something that is said to actually warn the
Christ about a real danger or a real threat. Instead, your entire ministry is founded on the idea of tearing down men who are actually doing sound work in the body of Christ and are, for the most part, good, sound teachers.
Let me give you an example here. I'm gonna take a look at his YouTube video feed here.
We look about this, okay? So we've already talked about the fact that Mr. Chavez Malone, I'm not sure what his name really is, he, back a while ago, back in 2018, accused me of being a hypocrite.
Accused me of being a hypocrite for not rebuking John MacArthur. Why was I supposed to rebuke
John MacArthur? For endorsing Beth Moore's heresies. We did an entire video about this.
We did a video about this, you know, in response to this ridiculous claim that John MacArthur was endorsing the the heresies of Beth Moore.
And we'll put a link to it, let's see here, we've got to go this way, we'll put a link to it up there. Poop stink theory of separation as it relates to this.
So Chavez, on social media, called me to account, called me a hypocrite for not rebuking John MacArthur for endorsing
Beth Moore's heresies. Well, back ten months ago, John MacArthur really created quite the kerfuffle when he rebuked
Beth Moore and told her to go home. Did I get an apology from Joshua Malone, Chavez, whatever his name is, saying, you know,
I got it wrong, I'm sorry, I guess John MacArthur doesn't endorse
Beth Moore's heresies. No, not at all. In fact, what he did is he doubled down and moved the goalpost and said
John MacArthur was exposed as a hypocrite after rebuking Beth Moore. Yeah.
Yet the original charge was I was a hypocrite for not rebuking John MacArthur for endorsing
Beth Moore, which he's never done. And if you just look through what this fellow does over and over and over again, calling
James White a hireling, uh -huh, claiming that John MacArthur is partnering with Bethel or with Hillsong, I mean, it's just nuts.
I mean, and then, you know, claiming to warn the body of Christ about Todd Friel, you know, you just sit there and you go, really?
And then there's another video back in here where he's warning people about Paul Washer, Voddie Bauckham, you know,
Kosti Hinn. You know, there's something wrong here, and that is that this isn't discernment that he's engaging in, he's not properly establishing real charges.
What he's doing is engaging in the sin of reviling, and he does it over and over and over again.
In fact, I would note that what launched into this big controversy regarding Doreen Virtue and Justin Peters was this original two -hour long video, which really wasn't about Doreen Virtue.
This original two -hour long video that he put up three months ago, he mentioned
Doreen Virtue's vision for the purpose of slandering
Justin Peters, and claiming that Justin Peters now, by virtue of however,
Malone, Chavez, whatever his name is, whatever his standard is for separation, which people have described as the six degrees of separation, you know, of Kevin Bacon, you know, it's kind of that silly.
But in reality, Scripture requires one degree of separation, you separate yourself from the heretic.
But all of that being said, the whole purpose of that video was not about Doreen Virtue, it was about going after Justin Peters and Phil Johnson.
And what is it that predicated that video? Doreen Virtue had
Phil Johnson on her YouTube channel to discuss the controversy regarding whether or not
John MacArthur, you know, believes what he teaches regarding the
Mark of the Beast. And so, because John MacArthur's teaching regarding the Mark of the
Beast is a non -negotiable, it is a pillar within the Prash -catalogical cult that Prash is, you know, created and that Mr.
Chavez is in the orbit of, that's a non -negotiable. So she dared to challenge the narrative and ask the question, is taking the
Mark of the Beast the unforgivable sin? And allowed Phil Johnson on her program to basically lay out what the controversy is, explain what
John MacArthur said, it was in the context of answering a question, and basically say, you know, listen,
Scripture's clear that the unforgivable sin is the blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit. If you were to believe the Prash cult and their thinking, you have now two unforgivable sins.
And so this is a non -negotiable, and so what did Chavez do?
Like a faithful follower of Moriel, he went after Doreen Virtue, but his real target was
Justin Peters. Justin Peters now believes visions of Jesus, which was just complete slander, and it was a twisting of everything, and so he's spun this all out.
So we watched part of the disqualified hidden emails. There were no hidden emails.
And so what did Justin Peters do? Justin Peters put a video response together, and the name of it is
Disqualified Hidden Emails? Here's the Truth. And he explained himself.
He had his board of directors on video. They've looked into this.
There was no sin at all that disqualifies him. He wasn't suppressing the truth or hiding emails as Joshua Chavez was claiming, and doing so in a reviling fashion.
Not at all. In fact, Justin Peters' wife made an appearance on there, which basically makes me have to ask the question, will
Joshua Chavez's wife be making an appearance on his channel anytime soon to defend his ministry and the way he conducts himself?
You know, I have to ask, because there's some very serious, serious allegations out there regarding Chavez's wife, who is in South Africa rather than in Albuquerque right now.
So, you know, I just have to ask the question, will Chavez be having his wife on to defend the way he handled the
Justin Peters thing? The answer is, of course not. Of course not. And so all of that being said, when we look at the ministry of Joshua Chavez, it is just teeming with, brimming with hatred and the sin of reviling.
And he does not follow the biblical standard for establishing a charge against somebody.
In fact, he, I would say, egregiously misuses information for the purposes of establishing false charges, and then goes on a tirade and just denigrates, denigrates.
This is, again, the sin of reviling. I can't believe it. Now, I don't know, is your problem with the term spiritual whore, or is your problem with your idolatry of John MacArthur, right?
If I had described... Justin Peters is not guilty of the sin of idolatry when it comes to John MacArthur.
That's slander. This is reviling. If somebody else is a spiritual whore, would that have been okay? Or is it just John MacArthur, or when he says, somebody who says such things?
Well, I guess Justin's holier than God, because... Really? You see what
I'm saying here? This is not discernment. This is not any kind of sound or solid warning for the body of Christ.
Justin Peters is not a threat to the body of Christ. Chavez is.
Malone is. Because he's a reviler. This is what this is. This is just teeming with the very thing that Scripture says, that when somebody is doing this in your midst, you are to put them out of the body of Christ if they don't repent.
I got this language from the Bible. I guess Justin Peters... You're misappropriating this biblical phrase.
...missed Ezekiel in all of his Bible studies. Ezekiel 1628, thou hast played the whore also with the
Assyrians. That's what it says. Because... Yeah, that's what it says. It doesn't say anything about Justin Peters and John MacArthur fitting the bill.
...thou wast unsatiable. Yea, thou hast played the harlot with them. You know, like a prostitute.
And yet couldest not be satisfied. Ezekiel 1615. But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playest the harlot because of thy renown, and pourest out thy fornications on everyone who passed by.
It was his. So I don't know if Justin Peters is just not familiar with the concept? Is that it?
Or is it just because you're an idolater of John MacArthur? Yeah, there we go again. Idolater of John MacArthur.
This is the reviling. And just because Justin Peters refuses to believe the outlandish and ridiculous, prash -catalogical doctrine that John MacArthur is the fulfillment of Matthew 24 -24 does not make him an idolater.
This is slander, this is reviling, this entire man's ministry is predicated on not teaching people soundly what the
Bible teaches, but teaching people to revile men who are actually out there preaching and teaching soundly.
And that's the problem. That's the issue. So hopefully you found this helpful.
Like I said, no joy in putting this video out, but it needs to be done. Hopefully you found this helpful, and all the information and how you can support us is down below in the description, as well as the information on, you know, the software that I use and things like that.
And I would just basically leave with this appeal. Pray for Joshua Chavez.
This is a man who knows nothing of the love of Christ. I've never seen him give a meaningful presentation of the gospel.
I never hear anything about people being forgiven of their sins at all. This is a man who plays gotcha, mishandles information, comes up with false charges.
He's as sound in his charges that he brings against godly men like Todd Friel, Justin Peters, John MacArthur, Phil Johnson, myself, and others.
He's as sound in the way he prosecutes people in the public as Adam Schiff is, in the way he handles his charges being, you know, against Trump and stuff like that.
That's what we're talking about. I mean, I see no difference, no difference whatsoever in the way
Chavez conducts himself and the way Schiff conducts himself. Both of them are utter revilers and people who twist the truth in order to establish false charges for the purpose of denigrating, and they are not sound or solid.
And so pray for him. Pray that God would soften his heart. Pray that he would see his own sin, and pray that he would be forgiven, and that he would be reconciled to the men that he has slandered and reviled.
And also pray that he would be reconciled to his wife. I think that's a good prayer for him, because in praying for that, we're praying for his good.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.