F4F | Prophecy Bingo June 2023


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now there's this thing that we used to do from time to time.
We're bringing it back. We're gonna keep doing it from time to time. And if you know what I'm talking about, well, well, get excited because it's time for Promise You'll Make It Back Home.
And today we have brought on Joshua, who's like a standard guest here.
Joshua, your beard is looking a little trim there. You've done some grooming or something? Yeah, well, my wife took her her magical clippers to it and, you know, fixed it up a little bit.
All right. And then in center square there is Daniel Chapman. Daniel Chapman, good to see you, sir.
And so you have a YouTube channel illustriously named
Daniel C. And we'll put a link down below, but you've been doing some discernment type videos and you even have a recent video out talking about how you you left the
Word of Faith movement. Tell us just a little bit about yourself and your channel. Yes, sir. Well, thank you so much for having me on.
I really appreciate it. I'm definitely a fan of Prophecy Bingo, so I'm honored to be here. But yeah, so I was saved in the
Brownsville Revival, late 1990s, under Michael Brown, John Kilpatrick, Steve Hill.
Wow. Yeah, I got to see some some things and also some stuff and some things and some stuff.
So these are theological terms, things and stuff. This is deep. We're going like doxology, soteriology, things and stuff.
Right. And so I spent, I want to say the number is something like 22, 23 years as a charismatic.
I was a touring musician for seven, eight years. And, you know,
I spent most of my time honestly really getting into apologetics. You know, eventually
I ended up probably about two or three years ago. I think I was just hanging out my apartment, just browsing the
YouTubes, and I come across this pirate type individual talking about Todd White. And I'm like, well,
I like Todd White, so let me see what this guy's got to say. And then he starts talking about how Todd White's teachings are wrong.
And I'm like, what is this Roseboro guy talking about? No, no, this guy's completely wrong.
So I spent about two or three years ticked off at you. And then you started...
Which is normal for people in our audience, by the way, you know, two or three years ago. Right. Yeah, I think that's like when you deconstruct from Word of Faith or Charismatic and all that stuff, you're ticked off for two or three weeks.
But when you started to put the Bible up on screen and I was like, OK, then you would often say,
I don't need an open mind. I just need an open Bible. So I was like, OK, all right. So this guy is speaking some sense here.
And then pretty rapidly, my whole belief system revolving around soul ties, rebuking, binding and loosing, pretty quickly crumbled down.
So that was about two or three years ago. And, you know, there are still people in my family that unfortunately suffer the spiritual shipwreckage that quite often is a
Word of Faith. And so I started a channel to kind of speak a little bit from experience and hopefully open up some eyes and maybe throw in a little sarcasm and stupidity as I go along.
Why not? I mean, you can. That's my strong suit. Right. Yeah. We like to demonstrate absurdity by doing some absurd things, you know, like playing
Prophecy Bingo. And just so you guys know here, you know, as we get into this next installment of Prophecy Bingo, we haven't done this in half a year and I've legitimately enjoyed the mental break from Prophecy Bingo.
But all that being said, I've previewed all of the prophecies. No real prophecies are going to be hurt or injured in this or despised in this episode of Fighting for the
Faith because none of these are legitimate prophecies. This is all just wingnut wackerdoodle -ism, just run amok.
There might be a theme. Yeah. And the idea here is why do we do this?
We do this to demonstrate by playing Prophecy Bingo, these aren't real prophecies.
How many years ago do we put these Prophecy Bingo words together, Josh? Was it like five, six years ago?
It's 2018, I think, was when we started this.
Oh, gosh. Yeah. No. We've only updated once. Yeah, we did give a big update to our word list to kind of bring it into the present prophetic scene, you know.
So, all right. All right. So, gentlemen, I'm assuming you each have your own Prophecy Bingo card up and rolling.
There is a link down below for anybody who would like to play along. And one of the rules are this, is that while you're playing
Prophecy Bingo, if and when you get bingo, you are then going to be required to prophesy using the words that you got bingo with.
So, Daniel, no pressure on you, but there's pressure on you. Since you're a former charismatic,
I expect you to bring the fire, you know. Bring it on. All right. I am the prophet.
I'm the prophet for profit. So, I got this. Got it. Yeah, that's right. You're not
Hank Kunneman. Pickle him, Lord. Just pickle him. All right, let's do this. All right.
So, Emma Stark. You're going to start with Emma Stark. Okay. The lady who said you could...
The lady who literally said you could play, you know, bingo with the prophets. Don't. That's right.
And she said, don't. Well, we're going to do that with her. This is Power Hour Live. Well, actually, it's recorded.
And there's a big old moth flying around my office right now.
It must be summer in North Dakota. Anyway, I can already feel my skin moving, man.
Okay. All right. All right. So, here we go. We're prophesying because actually we've got amazing things.
You guys need to hear this. Right. There's actually some controversial stuff in here. There's snakes, demonic serpents.
I was in a pit of them in the spirit. She was in a pit with serpents and snakes in the spirit.
Spirit is one of the prophetic bingo words. Yeah, I think she was in a pit with serpents.
Then that would be a pit of demons, wouldn't it? She's still in a pit with my books. Okay. All right.
Let's keep going. I'm going to need to want to hear this. Shall we dive in to some things that are moments.
Get your pen, get your paper. Let's go. A few, maybe two or three weeks ago, very recently, very, very, very recently, the
Lord gave me a word. We always like to be on the moment. I don't like to be bringing stale revelation.
Okay. Don't want that day old revelation. We need some fresh. I'm sorry.
This revelation has an expiration date. You didn't put it in the proper Tupperware container. It's like going to Pizza Hut.
You know, once they run out, you know, once they're unordered pizzas, they end up in the garbage. You know, you need fresh pizzas here.
I didn't know this. Oh, I'm going to make a drive. Spent too much time under the heat lamp, starting to look a little bit like a pizza you'd pick up at a gas station.
Yeah. Or worse. One of those hot dogs on the rollers, you know, sit there for weeks.
Like at the gas stations. Yeah. Yeah. You don't want a prophecy that's like one of those hot dogs, you know.
So like a gas station hot dog prophecy. That's what this is. Well, we're not getting this live.
So now it has expired. Right. Yeah. In fact, what was the date on this one here?
This was streamed 12 hours ago. So it's still fresh -ish. It was half day. Right.
And by the time this episode of Prophecy Bingo airs, then this will definitely be a stale prophecy. So yeah.
All right. Let's keep going. But a few weeks ago, I had this word about the need to go into the foundations to restructure and to rebuild.
And the Lord started to talk to me about the war in the air, which you and I, I mean, if anybody is a war in the air specialist, let me know.
That'll count. Yeah, I have warfare. First blood is mine. Of all the people,
I didn't want to win. I haven't won yet. Yeah, it's just one one word, you know, let's keep going.
And that is I'm preying over regions. I'm decreeing over region.
Decreeing and declaring is a prophecy. Bingo word, please be on my card. And let's see. All right.
Hang on. And I'm third blood here with declare. There we go. And we all know first blood part three is just inferior.
What about third blood part one? Gentlemen, gentlemen.
Yo Adrian. All right, let's move on. I'm taking responsibility for the spiritual atmosphere.
I am managing the atmosphere as a prophecy. Bingo airwaves. If you've worked with us for any length of time, you will know we keep talking about make sure your decrees are outlawed.
Make sure your Bible reading is outlawed. Make sure you are in air war mode.
Are you in air? When was the last time you were in air war mode? Joshua, you were a submariner, so you were never in air.
I never I never put the submarine to airplane mode. I never did that. OK, I go into air war mode all the time.
It's usually like a post dairy meal kind of thing. You know, it's your lactose intolerant.
Oh, yeah. So you need a chemical worker. OK, this is something, man.
This is this is. Yeah. All right. Sounds important. These two other folks,
I don't know what their name, but they're on screen. Just, you know, one guy's asleep. Yeah, you are never reading your
Bible just like in your own head. But there is a sense of a stewarding of an atmosphere, your own, your regions and beyond air war specialists.
OK, so if you're doing that, come on, tribe. That's amazing.
If you're not, make sure you're speaking as you drive your car. Make sure you're winding your windows down.
Yeah, don't do this. The cops are going to pull you over and make you walk a line. You know how much have you had to drink, sir?
You know, I remember the last time I was in a car that had the hand crank. It's been a while. I was just thinking that, like, do people even know what that means anymore?
You know, just driving around in a Volkswagen bug from 1995. Five. Speaking of those aren't nearly as fun as the 67 bugs, but that's true.
The bar you're saying this region will have a move of God. This region will have salvation.
This region will come into harvest. So make sure you harvest is a prophecy. Bingo. We're in air war mode.
OK, it's on the air war. Yeah. Yeah, I'm in air war mode here.
Oh, man, that's a lot of words about nothing. Uh huh. Yeah. She said absolutely nothing, but she said it like really confidently.
You know, you got to appreciate the vigor. The energy is high. High, high. The lucidity is about as low as it gets.
Let's let's keep going there. Let's see if she brings anything worth saying or listening to here.
Totally. I mean, this is this is really where profits, especially and love to be. I think it's probably been our expert place.
Well, so so he's doing color commentary on this air warfare mode prophecy that we just heard.
Degrees need to hold a nation. What words need to come forth to hold a nation? It's very much the air war nation.
I got a nice place. Yeah, that is a promise to bingo word here at the sword. Oh, all right.
I'm going to I'm going to we're going to kill this prophecy. Oh, OK.
Now, Josh, just for you, we're going to do check this out. OK, we got Kay Nash followed by Kay Nash.
Oh, that's just that's not right, man. That's your kid. But yeah, but see, see, see,
Josh, see. She did a video on what's going on with me. And since it's been six months since we've had to hear from Kay Nash, Kay Nash, I thought it would best at least get a little info on like what's the latest regarding her, since she did a whole video updating on her, updating us on what the latest is from her.
You know, there's a sharp implement that I can stab myself with. OK, well, she has some amazing talent.
Like I've never seen anybody to be able to just insert the word Jesus in so quickly. So you can just say like, hey, for this ingredient or for the for this recipe, you can boil two, three cups of water,
Jesus, and then add three cups of salt, Jesus. And then you can melt down 14 grams of Jesus.
So I'm just like, like, it doesn't mean anything. I think she's suffering from Tourette's, you know, but that's all of the story.
So basically is the poster child for using the Lord's name in vain because it means nothing. That's a fair point.
You know, I had Jesus on my car. I need it. Well, we'll see if she delivers.
All right. Let's see what she does here. The last section of things I want to talk about today is the things that we are birthing.
And so birthing. Hang on. I think I got that one. Hang on. Oh, guys, that happened really quick.
Hang on a second here. Birthing. All right. So I need a breakthrough supernatural awakening. OK, we're doing good.
We're doing good. So we're off to a great start here. Let's see. You know, I really believe that prophets birth a lot.
That's kind of part of our job where, you know, birthing things, tearing down things, changing things.
We are movers as prophets. And so God has been having me birth some things behind the scenes.
What? She's been birthing stuff, you know, behind the scenes. You know, some things.
Just a normal everyday circumstance. Like, yeah. Yeah. You know, that just goes to being a prophet.
You got to do all this birthing stuff. You know, to be a prophetic midwife. Hey, can you imagine that?
Look, continue. I was just going to say, can you imagine bringing that up in normal conversation? Hey, man, how's it going? I have been birthing some things out back that you would not believe.
Like, dude, we have it. We have internal plumbing for a reason. You don't need to do that in the yard.
Yeah, that's one of the one of the words I just saw on my card. They mentioned in the last video nation.
So I have nations on my car. I'm going to that'll work now. That'll work. Yeah. Yeah. Some things publicly, some things behind the scenes.
But some of the things, you know, you saw me birth. Now, she said, no, we didn't. No, no, we did.
No, we did not. Yeah. Hang on a sec. She said something. So I'm grabbing that one because I can't.
Yeah, the book writing with Jesus download that tense. You got Jesus. Jesus download.
OK, hang on a second. I got it. All right. I got Jesus. Do I have a download on here? Hang on.
I'll have to keep looking. You know, it I have a double outpouring of deliverance.
No, I don't have no downloads. Bummer. All right. Let's keep going here. She's doing really well on this update.
You know, it wasn't quite the long drawn out Jesus, but it is her saying. Yeah, it is. Yeah, it is rebirth.
And basically, like a lot of you have already gotten that. And I'm so excited because so many books can come out of that.
So that's great. I I've really been wanting to do this for years to kind of take my conferences and teachings on that, that I've done, you know, in a physical setting and make them in a digital setting.
So so many people can write the books that God put on their heart and really kind of check that off their list. But I also am doing something huge, which is
I am going to be doing Prophetic Women Worldwide 2024 in Fort Myers, Jesus.
And I know I didn't just throw it in there.
Just drop it. Yeah. Yeah. Prophetic Women 2024. Jesus. All right. I think that's enough of an update from this.
Yeah, it's only two or three hours away from me. Yeah. And since I can now choose from prophecies going all the way back to February, February of this year.
Boy, do we miss Princess Ebola, man. Anyway, let's let's let's check in with the prophetic word for May for the month of May.
Hi, I'm Kate Nash and welcome to my channel. If you're new here, I'm a prophetic messenger and I have a times and seasons anointing. So I deliver prophetic words monthly.
I deliver prophetic words annually. And there's other prophetic things on my channel as well. So if that's something you're interested in, make sure you hit subscribe.
If you are subscribed, welcome back. I'm glad to have you. Jesus. Hallelujah. Thank you. OK, today we are going to be talking about what
I'm feeling from the Lord for May. And what I'm feeling from the Lord for May is this. It's the season of Kairos.
Jesus. Hang on a second. I haven't heard that word in a while. I have Kairos right there.
Yeah, I had on one of my earlier cards. I didn't think I have a I have. I feel like I feel like does that work?
That'll work. Yeah. All right. Why not? I feel like that. I feel like we'll work.
OK, so. All right. And since this is last month's prophecy, we're almost through the month of June.
We'll find out just how useful this is. Yeah, accurate is not even the right way of putting it.
Now, I do feel like this word is going to kind of carry out a little bit into June. So you might feel some of this in May and you might feel some of this in the beginning of June.
I also feel like this is specifically a word for believers who seek him. So if you've been seeking the
Lord, this is for you, Jesus. Your Kairos season is coming. This moment where things align for this season, though delay has tried to stop you, you will succeed.
So wipe off your brow. Put down your hoe. Put your shovel aside and see truly the hand of the
Lord. Put down your hoe. She had to specify. Oh, wow.
I didn't even see that. I'm not talking about your girlfriend.
I'm talking about your garden hoe. Golly. Wow. No words.
No words. There's a parenthetical also from God. Is that what we call a hoe down?
Anyway. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, God, I don't even have the words.
Oh, your garden hoe. That is so funny. OK, my cheeks hurt.
Wow. OK. I just got to back it up just a little bit, just because this moment where things align for this season, though delay has tried to stop you, you will succeed.
So wipe off your brow. Put down your hoe. Put your shovel aside and see truly the hand of the
Lord is upon your life. It is not shortened that it cannot save. I know.
I know all that is going on with you. But I am the God of alignment. And in a moment,
I can. Do we have alignment on? I don't think I have that. How is this person holding both a hoe and a shovel?
Well, you got to have two hands. Yeah. Haven't you ever garden that way?
Like this? This is how you garden. Oh, no, no, no. That you got to be kind of.
Oh, it's a little hand tools, you know, like, you know, kind of go at it. But the longer thing. No, no.
Yeah, that's just silly. Don't be silly. Can't expect these prophecies to be lucid or make any sense.
Change everything. I am a God who moves. I am a God who sees. I see you.
I promote you in time. So rest and see my hand is on you. Provision comes when you do my will.
So follow me and see fruit in your life. It will be good. It will be good. Now, the main verse,
I felt like the Lord was highlighting. He's just just hold on. OK, yeah, I I can't help myself.
I feel like there needs to be a teachable moment here. Pastor, would you be willing to to read us an actual prophecy from God just so as we can have like a, you know, which one sounds more like God?
OK, yeah. Hang on a second here. That that's going to require me to open up my Bible. But yeah, let me open up my accordance software here.
And it just switched me over. Hang on a second here. I'm going to move everything impromptu.
I apologize. Yeah, that's all right. Not a problem. Hang on a second here. I got to put it right there.
I need my brain to be cleansed with the actual word of God. OK, it's a prophet started opening the word of God.
You're doing it all wrong. Yeah. So, I mean, famous prophecy I can think of.
Hang on a second. If I go to Isaiah chapter seven, maybe. Yeah. I mean, what do you think here?
Yeah. Uh -huh. Hang on a second. Yeah, here we go. So again, Yahweh spoke to Ahaz. Ask a sign of Yahweh, your
God. OK, so Ahaz is preparing for an invasion. He's preparing for a siege of Jerusalem.
And he's not a faithful king. He's he's an unfaithful king. And God sends Isaiah to him and basically is saying, you know, you don't need to worry about, you know,
Syria and all these other guys. And so the Lord spoke to Ahaz. He says, ask for a sign of Yahweh, your
God. Let it be as deep as Sheol or as high as heaven. Ahaz said, I will not ask. I will not put
Yahweh to the test. Dunkov is the best way I can say this. He's not, you know,
God is the one saying, ask me for a sign. So he said, all right, here then, O house of David, is it too little for you to weary men that you weary my
God also? Therefore, Yahweh, actually this is Adonai. Adonai himself will give you a sign.
Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and you shall call his name Immanuel. Right. So this is this a real prophecy, right?
And so this is a prophecy where God says, all right, I'm going to give you a sign. The virgin is going to conceive and bear a son and his name will be called
God with us. And so where does this have its fulfillment? It has its fulfillment at the birth of Christ.
And you can see this referenced in Matthew chapter one. So, yeah, I mean, that's a real prophecy.
What Kay Nash just gave us here. Nah, nah, nah. Oh, come on.
I mean, you know, you got Isaiah seven and then put down your garden hoe. Put down your hoe.
And I mean, your garden hoe. Yeah. All right. Let's let me see here.
I'm going to do this. Before we get to Dr. Alexis, OK, it is it is incumbent upon us to to to head down to glory of Zion.
We haven't been here in six months. Let's see if the place has changed at all. What do you think? No, guys,
I'm hitting the play button. Here we go. And the Lord said he's giving you favor for a reason.
To enter into the Lord. Flag waving. Flag waving. I have that. I didn't know.
I thought you yelled my wedding. I was like, what now? Flag waving. Flag waving.
Right off the bat, right out of the gate. Yeah. In favor. We also count. You have been anointed with favor.
Anointing that counts. You've been anointed with favor to be strategic in your positioning, strategic and positioning or prophecy bingo words.
Invitation that's over all of us is to tap into the DNA. Yes. Yes, Daniel. Lord, saith the
Lord. Yeah, that'll work. I thought I heard that. Yeah. All right. Hang on a second here. I think I have that as well.
Saith the Lord. Yeah. One away. One away. One away. Oh, man.
Oh, no. I mean, it's luck. I need an opportunity to cheat here.
I can feel it. So take down your Roseboros. Take it down. Take it down.
All right. Heaven, I can hear it in the atmosphere whenever. Atmosphere. Prophecy bingo word.
Say happy Mother's Day and to greet the mothers. I could hear it was like wounds beginning to cringe in some people.
And the Lord is saying, I don't care how. Are your wounds cringing, guys? Yeah, I mean, not my wounds, but I am.
I am cringing. I am. Just checking. I'm a little wounded by what I just burst out back.
It. Well, yeah, it takes several weeks to recover after you've birthed something. Oh, yeah.
So, yeah, yeah. I mean, you need to take some time off of work. So you got here today.
You're here and I want to use you. You're here and I want to anoint you. You are here and I want you to wear the favor that is available for you.
What is that? What is that? Wait a second. Wait a second.
That lady that's dancing in the front, isn't that the lady that was on crutches for a while? I don't know.
She was the she had the voice of Mrs. Potato Head. I don't remember.
I know it's been odd, man. I've slept a couple of times. Yeah, I try to block this stuff after I watch it.
You know, I don't I don't want to stay in a hard drive for too long. So I've been so it is time to tap in to the
DNA in heaven over your life. And the Lord says, I must have a people who are comfortable in their own skin, but not willing to flaunt their own skin, says the
Lord. The Lord says, I am calling you to wear favor and to wear blessing.
But let me cause people to be jealous. Yeah, I would like to wear some designer blessing and favor.
You know, I mean, what do you think? I don't know, man. I just I'm still trying to figure out what it is to be proud of your skin but not flaunt it favorably.
And right, right. Maybe I should take the Supreme logo and then like come up with my own version of it and just call it favor, you know, and just use the
Supreme logo. You know, what do you guys think? Oh, man. I don't know.
I don't know. You just go with the term mediocre. And I don't need you to help me in my jealousy, for I am the spirit, the
Holy Spirit that draws people in. I don't need assistance in drawing.
You just wear what I have called you to wear. Be comfortable in your own skin and allow me to use you to draw them to me.
The Lord says, I am dealing with pride and flaunting this hour, but I want you to be comfortable in favor.
Comfortable. Yeah, and all of this is instead of hearing the actual Bible preached at Glory of Zion, so all right,
OK, Dr. Alexis here. All right, let's hit the play button and see what happens.
No idea. I feel like I'm about to get scolded. Well, we did get past Kay Nash, so but Dr.
Alexis is known for the occasional prophetic scolding, so just let's see. Oh, bring it.
Welcome, DMV UK. Welcome, Trinidad in the house. Oh, right. My mistake. Come on.
Welcome. Welcome. That's tongues. That's speaking in tongues there. I. Oh, yeah.
OK, thankfully, I have the ability to translate gibberish. And and so I definitely thought
I heard a seed there. You know, it was a short one, but she said the word seed. So what's the word?
If you have the word seed on your prophecy bingo card, you can pop that in there. Yeah, it's just it was it was a very brief.
Listen to the replay. Listen to the replay. Welcome, Trinidad in the house. Oh, right.
My mistake. Come on. Welcome. Yes. She said seed. OK, welcome. Welcome, you guys.
Welcome. South Carolina in the house. Alexandra Drea in the house. That's why it's important, you guys, to sit alongside teaching that helps to push you, push your faith, activates you.
Remember, we're activated as a prophecy. Bingo world. So what you are, words create world. So what you're sitting under some people use that language, what you're sitting under is what you will begin to acquire.
But if it is the right kind of teaching, I believe that. I believe that the right kind of teaching is the
Bible talks about the oil dripped from Aaron's beard to his son's. I believe that the Lord would cause whatever
I begin to release that you shall receive it, especially released as a prophecy. Bingo, those of you who have been walking with me for a long time, who know my story, who have worked with me, who have who have watched and seen what the
Lord has done. God will begin to activate your faith. And then you will start seeing the same way and even greater ways.
And you will start experiencing the supernatural. Listen, I believe supernatural.
Hang on a second here. That is one of my I got that one. Yeah, yeah, we're doing we're doing.
I'm so grossed out by the beard oil dripping on a onto his sons. Yeah, that was a little.
Yeah, but the mental imagery was not too good there. The optics was bad that God is priming us.
He is priming us for his greatest miracles yet. All he needs is a person who believes it, who steps into that.
Miracles is some step into as a prophecy. We should experience every day who understands that miracles.
That is everyday supernatural. How many of you believe that everyday supernatural? I expect the supernatural.
I expect it in everything that I do. And the Lord is not far. His hand is not too short to do what he did for me, for you.
Hallelujah. Glory to God. Come on. We're in expectation for revelation.
Oh, man. Nobody likes a Lord with a short hand. No, no. What's what's the point of that?
We are an expectation for overflow. Overflow, prophecy being the word. I have fun.
Yeah. Do I have flow? Hang on a second here. I thought I had a flow, but you have that.
Yeah, I'm taking it. Yeah, you should take it. Continue to like share, tag the broadcast. Let somebody know that I'm on.
Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah. No, I will not. Thank you, Lord.
Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah. She's stuck looking at some kind of screen regarding the live stream.
Thank you. Looking at the chat. Hallelujah. Continue to like share, tag the broadcast. You guys, 1100 of you in the room.
What? 1100. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah. The words are coming back to speak.
You shall have what you say. The seeds are coming back. You shall have what you say.
She said seed. She said seed. That didn't help me. Let's go ahead and get into it, you guys.
Continue to like share. It is 18. I told you that's what she said. I told you I have the gift of interpreting.
That is pathetic. That is pathetic. See? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hallelujah. Thank you,
Lord. Hallelujah. And many of you are overdue. And so we just believe, God, that it's about to come to you.
Well, for those of you who don't know, last month, the Lord granted me and my husband a house.
We we signed for the house on the 30th of May. All right.
I'm going to randomly drop the play head somewhere into this. She looks like she's wound up here.
Let's see what happens at this heart and hinder. Pray for her dressers. She's got the ticker tape with all of that.
Give me money for them to begin to get more faith. I pray that the Lord will bless you with more clients.
I pray that he would cause whatever you need to come into your hands. Hairdressers and barbers and content creators.
Prayers against domestic abuse and suicide. Prayers for funding to be released in our sleep.
Funding grants and contracts. The know the know how the intelligence, the relevance, the intelligence, the input, the data.
Yeah, unfortunately, false prophets pray on people who are in dire need in their lives, and that's that's a terrible bit.
So I appreciate her releasing barbers and hairdressers into my life because I can't tell you how long
I've been praying for. Just three or four barbers, at least. Yeah. You know, one is never enough.
You know. All right. All right. This is a newcomer and this is
Ray Monet. And and I apologized audio wise. She has decided that she's going to have her air conditioner on and blowing in her face.
So her hair looks like she's a model while she gives this particular prophecy. I am not.
Oh, yeah. Hey, it says double portion on that. I'm just taking the word double. Oh, yeah.
Might as well. Hang on. I'll grab that, too. OK, so let's let's see what she has to say.
Hey, family, it's right. And I'm back with another bird. So this is what she has.
She has the air conditioner going in her face. She looks like a model. Do it.
I mean, about doubles, doubles, double portion, double blessings, pairs, connections, unity, all those good things.
So I'm going to get to the worst of the way that this word came to me was a series of cancer occurrences. But so this word comes to me on June 9th of this year.
And so on the morning of June 9th, as I was waiting to I was at work, but I was waiting in the car before I went in.
I had sold into someone. I sort of seen someone. Sewing is a prophecy.
Bingo. And as I was praying over the sea before I sent it, the Lord spoke to me. Now, what
I sold to this person was it was well over $20, but as I was praying, he spoke to me.
So after I sent it, I looked at the number 20 and he let me take up the number 20 and a strong and 20 means exaltation, gladness, exceeding gladness and joy.
OK, so if I have this right, she's so $20 into somebody's ministry. She looked it up in the
Strong's Concordance. And the word then has to do with exhortation. How is this not numerology and fortune telling?
Yeah. And yet she didn't prophetically know to turn the air conditioner off. No, no.
And I love the jump cuts in there, too. I mean, that means that, you know, she shot this all in one take and then decided to cut it all up.
OK, so that was the start of my day on June 9th. OK, so now we're at two o 'clock, two o 'clock, same day,
June 9th. And so if I've been here and I made a word previously about birthing multiples, I think I think that was the title of it, birthing multiples.
And and I was I was talking about how when, you know, when they have the babies and stuff like that, and they'll they'll play the lullaby over the intercom to let, you know, the hospital know, hey, we just had a birth or whatever like that.
So on June 8th, I had this thought crossed my mind about how it had been a long time since I heard that.
And in my mind, I was like, have we just not been having no births like that at this hospital or what? And so that was on June 8th that that randomly crossed my mind.
I was like, have we not been having births here? Like, have we have have we really not had no, no, no birthings at this hospital?
Because like literally whatever month that I had made that word birthing multiples was the last time that I heard it like that.
So I want to say that was April, I think. And so so in April, she did not see a birthing multiples.
So, OK. Oh, OK. So then we get to the following day, June 9th. After I had that random thought, do nothing.
It wasn't a random thought. It was the Holy Spirit. So so then on June 9th, why would you think that was the
Holy Spirit? Two o 'clock, right after two o 'clock, the intercom began playing the lullaby, you know, like the sound system.
And so it played twice back to back. So like I said in there, they'll play it once. OK, someone just had a baby.
They played it twice. It means two babies were born, you know, or you had two births or whatever like that. So two, it played twice back to back.
Then time went by. Not even five minutes, maybe not even three minutes. There was just a pause in between. And then it came back on again and it played twice again.
OK, so. Obviously, obviously, why on earth does this woman think this has anything to do with the
Holy Spirit? I. Wow. And that was it for the rest of that day. So then later, the
Lord reminded me of a dream that I had a vision, maybe a dream. I don't know. It was it was really quick, straight to the point. Simple.
It was me and another sister in Christ. And we were in a bathroom. We were in a bathroom, but we were we had our suitcases.
And it was it was like we had been packed in suitcases and we were like just zipping them up. We both were zipping them up.
So you're zipping up your suitcases in the bathroom. I don't have any of these words on my bingo card, but this is a train wreck.
At the same time. And we were put to put the suitcases down, pulled the handles up like we were about to leave out. So that was just it.
That was the end of the dream. Or if that's what I say, vision dream, I don't know. So then as I'm closing out that day, that shift,
I hear one of my co -workers talking about a unit. And it was a lot of noise.
But it's like when he started talking, it just got completely quiet. And so I heard what he was saying. And he mentioned the room.
He said room 222. So. This is all the occurrences and things like that, that he had been showing me,
I guess, on this throughout this entire day. OK. Am I am
I seeing this right, that that video at this point is four days old and it has over 4000 views?
That's correct. Yeah. Twenty dollars. She's strong as 20.
Yeah. Two babies, a melody, a zipper. And suitcases in the bathroom, right?
It all works in a pear tree. I don't know who I. Yeah. OK.
Honestly, we we already have mumble rappers. We don't need mumble profits. OK, just don't go there.
So lost. OK, we're done with her. OK, now
I got a note here, and that is that in the past, Albert Milton is known for his pie in the sky prophecies.
This guy will will preach sunny days in the middle of a blizzard. And and so this this caught my eye because he says the
Lord says, watch out for the next 10 days. I mean, this is the closest thing to a negative prophecy. I don't think
I've ever heard this guy say. So here we go. Me. How many of you believe that the
Lord is going to bring for powerful breakthrough in the nation and in your life? Breakthrough.
Hang on a second here. Yeah, I got that. Hang on. I got. OK, so I'm just I'm one breath or awakening away or a deliverance away from a bingo here.
Look at this. No, that's the word that I need. I'm looking good here. Looking good.
I got to call it first. And my cheating efforts were for not. OK, I should have picked a different word.
Next 10 days is going to be the extraordinary move of God as you enter into the month of completion. Seven is the number of complete.
Only 10 more days remaining for us to move forward. This month, the Lord told me even at the beginning of the month, it is going to be harder.
It is going to be challenging, but you will be an overcomer. You will be victorious. You will cross this month by my power, by my strength, because I'm going to melt all your mountains like a wax.
They are going to flow on the roads. You're going to melt all my mountains. Well, like a wax.
You know, I live in North Dakota. There is not a single mountain in sight. No, we live in the part of North Dakota that's so flat.
You can watch your dog run away for two weeks. Maybe there was a previous prophet that had all the mountains around here melted.
You know, I want to have words with them. Yeah. OK. I'm going to see all the mountains disappear and dismantled.
It is all going to be powerful. Are you ready for such a move of God? This is what the Lord told me.
The Rockies are gone, folks. It's all over. If this is your last chance to go to Colorado and Wyoming and enjoy the
Rocky Mountains and parts of Idaho, you know, the Lord is going to melt them all. You know, it is in the next 10 days.
So get there while you can. Heard the cry of my people. Are you crying?
Are you crying for the nation? Are you crying for your life? Are you crying for your family? The Lord says, I heard the cry.
The same Lord who heard the cry of Israelites and brought them out of Egypt. The Lord says,
I'm bringing you out of Egypt. Literally, we are living in the Egypt like scenario, like literally,
I'm living in a Egypt like scenario. Wouldn't that be metaphorically? I'm living in an Egypt like scenario.
He said, literally, you know, I've never been to Egypt. All right. You know, the same situation spiritually, it is like Egypt where there are controlling elements, manipulating elements, attacking elements, harassing elements, taskmasters constantly doing what they want to do.
But they're called bosses. And you need to make sure that you turn in your time card on time if you want to get paid. So the
Lord says, I, the Lord, displayed my splendor, displayed my glory before Pharaoh.
I'm going to bring that glory. Yeah, that counts. Yeah, America, in your life,
I'm going to display my power. I'm going to display my splendor. I'm going to display my anointing.
I'm going to display my favor for my people. And I'm going to display and orchestrate amazing things.
I, the Lord, who submerged the Pharaoh's army is going to submerge every enemy elements against your life.
You are going to see them disappear. I, the Lord, will bring forth victorious marching procession. And this is going to be powerful, says the father.
You will come out of Egypt, enter into the land of Canaan. The Lord says, I, the
Lord, will transform your situation like a Canaan, like the land of promise. It is going to be powerful. Someone watching this, you are going through severe heart attack.
You're going through pain in your heart. And if you're going through a severe heart attack, please get to the hospital immediately and see a cardiologist.
I just imagine like they're watching the stream and not calling 911. It's like, please tell me more. Just let him finish.
I can feel the mountains. The mountains are melting. Pickle them,
Lord. Pickle them. All right. All right.
Let's let's let's do this. Let's come back to glory of Zion here. So this is let's says this is the securing
America's northern border with fire and blood prophecy. So they're going to they are there.
No, the spirit of God, just what just happened? Wait, wait.
Oh, we got props. Wow. I'm ready.
All right, spoke to me. Here we go. Just pierce me. Just spoke.
Now, turn north, put your hands north. The Lord said to those on our northern border, the
Canadians, he said, set a bloodline and set the fire of God, because in the north, there is a movement to try to quench what would happen in this nation.
And I say to you, oh, I know you are being blocked from.
Do you know what's going on here? It's the it's the fires in Canada. That's what they're that's what they're, you know.
Oh, OK. All right. I'm glad they're blocking that stuff, you know, because, you know, coming in to bring destruction.
I say a fire and blood will now be the northern border of the US. Get it.
Wow. That was that was unimpressively short. All right. How about let's create a faith space for the young people.
The Lord is saying, I provide the fire. I'm the one who provides it.
All you've got to do is bring yourself to it. Bring yourself to it.
Be open to it. Where are the young people here? Where are they? Man, if you will just come to the fire, the
Lord says, I will be the one to fill you up. I will be the one to burn and consume inside of you.
I'm the one who gives you the life. I'm the one who has the last say over your life. I'm the one who gives life.
I'm the one who is life. Now, real quick here. I'm just going to add a word to my list here because that was fire.
Fire. You know, I got I got to say, there's the whole thing about like putting a fire inside of you.
Is that just the Taco Bell anointing? I'm just asking. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
All right. It could be Yoki Aero Taco Bell. So and you will not find it anywhere else.
So here we are. Here we are. Here we are. You pour out your spirit.
We open up our lives. Here we are. Go back there with the microphones. Like, I don't even know what
I'm doing. I don't know what's happening now. Oh, their nose are paying me a hundred bucks to play guitar tonight.
Oh, no.
You got a microphone down because he's like, you gotta blow.
You gotta blow on the fire. You gotta blow. You gotta blow on the fire.
Got to blow. You gotta blow on the fire. And the Canada Rookie inflamed.
Got to blow on the fire. You know,
I heard Jane's word and in Jane's word, I really felt like, yes, it's for the younger generation, but God is calling his own children back to that fire.
He's calling all of his children back. She just manifested in the middle of the room.
It's a post -resurrection appearance. Back to that fire. One of the things that Chuck released that the
Lord has so been on in the past couple of days is when he said the thing that even
Jesus had to send the disciples away. That's one of the things that the Lord is speaking right now in this hour.
And he's saying, you're going to have to understand that even Jesus had needed a faith space.
I need my faith space. How do you guys do this?
How do you do this? Have you noticed that it's been a while since I've done this?
There's a reason for that. It's my mental health. Yeah. I guarantee you this is water. Jesus needed a faith space.
Oh, good grief. So basically Jesus was a religious snowflake and he needed a faith space.
Got it. Okay. Even Jesus needed a faith space. In other words, the thing that the
Lord began to speak to me and show me was that when the people wanted to get healed, when the guy wanted his eyes to be healed,
Jesus had to lead him from outside of the village. He had to create a faith space.
Oh, yes. It all makes sense now and that it doesn't. Right. Welcome to your scheduled 4 .30
PM lobotomy. Wow. I'm just curious at this point.
And God is saying most of my people are feeling stuck in this hour because they have not stepped into their faith space.
Daniel, have you created a faith space for yourself, sir? And then stepped in it?
Which is kind of the opposite, right? I'm just sitting here thinking about Peter rebuking
Christ, like, surely you will not die. And Jesus being like, Peter, just some faith space is all
I'm asking, man. It's just so weird.
When Jesus appeared to the 12 after the resurrection, he just appeared in the room.
Did he invade their faith space? He did. He did. That's right. He did.
He just blew right through their boundaries and he went right into the faith space. Absolutely. By the way, it was the 11.
Judas was already gone at that point. Oh, boy. Out of the faith space. Get out. All right.
Yeah. I'm done with her. All right. Moving on here.
So this girl, another, I cannot pronounce this name. Hang on a second here.
Shantia Daja. Yeah. I don't know. Shantia Daja. Daja? I don't know.
Daja. I don't know. All I know is that she had the courtesy of at least turning off the air conditioner.
But she shot it in portrait mode. Yes. Right. It's a portrait mode vehicular prophecy.
Yes. Okay. Okay. So let's see what she has.
We're going to get the ultimate upgrade here. Please be driving. But I got to work for y 'all today.
And the title of this video is The Ultimate Upgrade. Okay. The Ultimate Upgrade. And so God was speaking to me on The Ultimate Upgrade.
And any time that God is about to upgrade us, okay, what
I watch is I kind of watch certain patterns, right? Because God is an unpredictable
God. So he's never going to move the way that he moved last year. He's never going to move the same way that he moved previously in a situation.
Okay. You see, last year he did the cha -cha. And then this year he's going to do the Charleston. So never the same moves, man.
He's unpredictable. What was that, Josh? Also, the word upgrade, the way that she's using it,
I can't help but think of the movie Idiocracy. A gentleman who goes by the name Upgrade, which he spells nicely.
I can't help but hear that. But there are certain things that you will be able to recognize any time that God is about to elevate you or upgrade you.
Okay. And so something that I've noticed any time that the upgrade is about to come is
I start to notice, A, the people around me that were with me in this one season, right?
And so, anyways, the people around me, number one. And number two, the distractions, okay, that the enemy will be trying to continuously send your way to stop you from getting from the next level.
Okay. And so listen, let's just talk about the distractions. Oh, level counts. Oh, okay.
That's good. I love how she's like, A, blah, blah, blah, and then two, blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, she has an outline of her thinking. And next, number
B. I was literally on my path, going wherever I was going, and God was talking to me as I'm on my path, okay?
And so as I'm on my path, there's like poles, like metal poles that are like falling in front of me, right?
And there's like just certain obstacles and things that are literally falling in front of me to stop me on the path that I was going.
But even as I'm walking on my path, the Holy Spirit is giving me instruction, right?
Right before the poles fell, He said, stop. Then He's like, move to the left, move to the right, go into this room, do this.
And so in this season... So God was treating you like Frogger?
I don't know. If God's telling you to stop, maybe you should. Anytime that God is about to elevate you and upgrade you, it's going to be the season, this is the most crucial and intentional season because you're going to have to listen to the voice, listen to that still voice, listen to God's instructions so that He can lead you and guide you into when it's time for you to move into the next season, okay?
This season right here is very strategic. I've been saying it, okay? It's very... She's not saying anything.
Strategic, I'm taking strategies here. You literally have upgrade on your card. I do hang...
Oh, there we go. Let me upgrade my card. There we go. She's spent it enough times.
I know. All right. Man, we're close to some major bingo -age here.
I'm just on the cusp here. You know what? I'm going to take dancing too because there's been dancing already in the...
It's just a little delayed response here. All right. It's looking good. I've got some opportunities here.
Let's come back to the ultimate upgrade. It's important that you're being obedient in this season.
That was one thing that I realized, right? Then the other thing that I realized was the people that you were around.
When God is about to upgrade you, there will be certain people who can no longer identify themselves with you, who can no longer go with you to the next level because they are still stuck on who they think that you are and not who you are becoming.
They're stuck on that level. They just can't seem to get past the fire pit. You just got to go down the secret tube to be able to go to the warp zone to get to the next level.
Yeah. I agree. Up, up, down, down. Yeah. All right.
Hang on a second here. A tunneling sound will bring restoration. Let's head back to Glory of Zion.
You cheater! That is...
Yeah. I'm feeling some...
There's some major bingoids going on here. I definitely, definitely... Yeah. I have to.
You do it. Yeah. That was definitely a deliverance that she was talking about. I got deliverance.
I got deliverance. Well, you can add it to your thing. And then, clearly, she was also blathering on about a big awakening.
I'm pretty sure that's what was going on there. Seriously? Yeah. We needed two words.
The cheatery. The sheer cheatery. I'm the pirate. I can do this.
I don't know as long as... At least give us some vision. Out of all of that, those are the two words that I heard.
So, Josh, I'm in need of some keyboardage.
All right. What flavor of keyboardage are we requesting? Cheating. Fred Hammond kind of stuff.
Oh, Hammond. Okay, Hammond. Yeah. All right. Hold on. All right. Oh. Yeah.
Do you feel it? Oh, that's good. Oh, yes. Yes. Hang on.
I'm birthing something, guys. It's about to break through. I can smell it. I can smell it.
I declare deliverance from your double Kairos awakening.
It's going to be supernatural. I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you. Let's go.
Yeah, that's all I got. Wow. That was surprisingly tame for someone who cheated.
Known factor. Yeah. Is this where I get hung up on? I'm going to get hung up on now, aren't I? Uh -huh. So, yeah.
Let's move forward a little bit beyond the speaking in demonic gibberish to the actual prophetic portion of this.
Here we go. Daniel, you didn't get a bingo, right? Well, I put deliverance.
I had deliverance. Did you have a bingo? Did you get a bingo? Yeah. That was bingo. Yeah. Okay.
Well, then, you got to do your thing. You got to do your thing. Okay. All right. What flavor of music do you want?
Ghetto reggae. I don't know. Just wing it.
Just bring something strong. Something. Something. Oh! I like this.
Yes. I feel the shorthand of the Lord. I feel the shorthand of the
Lord. Do you feel those mountains melting? I feel the Lord.
I feel like those mountains are melting. I feel like those mountains are melting. The place that isn't is, was, and isn't going to be, is this time.
I decree that your deliverance is on the way, and it's already been here, and left, and gone, and coming back again.
Jesus. I'm sweating, man.
There you go. There you go. That was pretty good. That was pretty good. That was pretty good.
I have a question, then. If Pastor has a win, and I have a win, but there's three of us, does that mean one of us is losing?
No, no. See, the thing is that nobody wins at Prophecy Bingo. We all lose.
That's fair. That's fair. I feel that. Okay. You should.
All right. Let's check in with Prophetic Liberace and see what he has to say here on this tunneling prophecy here.
How you've been pirated in the past season, I will cause you to find the booty that was taken from you.
I beg your pardon? I don't have booty on my card. It's right next to the garden hoe.
It's next to the garden hoe. Come on. I'm not that kind of man. That's the filth on this.
All right. In this season. Yeah. I do not have booty on my card.
I don't either. The Lord says, I am preparing a big hall for you to bring in, and I am going to give you the sound that is necessary that will lead you to the treasure.
I say, this will be a season of divine sound that causes you to hear your way toward the supply.
And I say, what you couldn't pull up, you will pull up this season.
And what you couldn't open up, you will open up this season.
And I say, the enemy will think he is drunk because he has.
Well, that's weird, because I thought you were drunk. What on earth?
Prophetic projection. This is just, these words mean nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Yeah, I know. A gift for saying nothing. A bill of kilter for several months.
But I say to you, you will find firm footing and draw in the treasure that has been taken.
Yeah. Woo! Woo! Josh, you look stunned.
I have to say, I was just not expecting to hear this man yell out booty.
It's just that was something different. I wasn't expecting that. Okay. And the
Lord would say to you that this is an hour where you must tunnel underneath what has been hidden from you.
And the Lord says, If it's been hidden from me, how am I supposed to know how to tunnel under it?
You got to hear the sound, man. Oh, sorry. What's the sound?
Help. Get me out of here. Yeah, right. I'm inside this prison.
Help me. I thought it was a sound coming from a booty, but that's a different thing altogether.
I have saith the Lord. Does that count? Yeah. Oh, yeah. As you begin to release your sound, the
Lord says you will begin to tunnel. You will begin to dig again, says the
Lord. So release your sound and start digging. But not with the hoe. And the
Lord says you will find what has been hidden. You will find not only the hidden treasures, but you'll find the hidden controls that have been blocking the supply line, says the spirit of the
Lord. The Lord says pick up your instrument again and dig the tunnels, for you will uncover, you will recover, and you shall restore, says the spirit of the
Lord. Put down your garden hoe. Now pick up your garden hoe and dig for sound.
You're right. Okay. Kent Christmas or Hank Kuniman. Let's go with Hank Kuniman.
Let's go with Hank Kuniman first. All right, get ready. This guy, when he's prophesying, he needs a band to do it.
And he always looks like he's passing a prophetic kidney stone. So while he's prophesying, it literally looks like he's in physical pain.
Come on, give God a shout. Come on, give him a shout. His walls. We shout unto
God with a voice of triumph. His walls are coming down.
Shakings have begun. Shakings. Yay. Yay. Yes, I got that one.
Nice. For there shall be great shakings that shall arise at this time.
Look to the places of these shakings, says the spirit of God. For they will be in places where they say that there is not usually seismic activity or even fault lines.
But this is not. What I would not give. What I would not give for an earthquake to hit right now would just collapse the whole building.
Yeah. The irony. I look at by way of fault lines, I look at those who are at fault and what they have done, says the spirit of God, and tunnels that are under the earth's soil that have led to much regarding children that must now come to the surface and be exposed as the spirit of God.
There shall be great activity upon the earth. This is quick fire, man.
Yeah. Great activity on the earth. You don't say. Yeah. And the shakings of the soil and even in the places of deep waters.
Why does the earth shake in the place of deep waters? Because there are those of the deep state that are in deep water with my justice, says the spirit of grace.
Oh, man. That's right. He's a political animal.
That's right. That took a huge circle, I mean. Yeah, it started going in one direction and of course, right back to politics.
And this will be a sign to the earth that justice and righteousness is increasing.
But watch, watch for there will be great winds. Yeah, like the wind coming out of your face.
There will be much activity in the atmosphere. And you will say, what is this by way of winds?
They will scream and say cat five, but it is not my hand. God says, yet there are those that must arise at that time to show the power that I have given in the earth to speak to the wind and to the sea.
But yet there will be great displays of lightning. And they will say these are but record, record, record by way of the length and the height of these bolts that shall strike and shall be displayed.
And some shall not even, they will look and say, where did it strike? I was under the impression nothing was going to happen on the earth.
Yeah, well, you know, lots of activity and bolts that don't even strike.
The way he just, why? Why? Yelling everything must be shouted in the most stupid way possible.
I told you, he looks like he's passing a kidney stone. He's a shouty man for sure. He sounds like it too.
Displays that I show shall be my justice. That is striking down the attacks, the efforts of he who sits in the high places of the earth and thinks that he can control as the prince of the power of the air.
Not so, I love. And I will show the displays of my lightning, but watch.
There should be shakings of the very atmosphere of the heavenlies where many demonic thrones and high places are.
He is so searching for words. Demonic thrones, like, I don't know.
And then when he runs out, he's just like, why? Stream of consciousness, nonsense.
Sign for you will hear my voice and it will be the sound of thunder that will shake your windows, shake the very ground beneath.
And they will say, what is this? With the thunderous noise that is coming from the sky,
God says, listen to me. You are about to see justice and righteousness that does not just affect those of you in the earth, but that which has been in the heavens, the strongholds they are falling since the living
God that I may reset the earth. And I may bring divine reversals to reverse.
I have reversal. Yeah. God says a revolution of light.
Yeah, honestly. Okay. So I would actually pay money.
I would pay money to see, like, hey, Kuniman and a doppelganger or like a clone of Hank Kuniman trying to perform local theater.
It would be so bad. It would be amazing. Yeah. I would go to that show.
Shakespeare. It has to be Shakespeare. You know, just over the top yelling and everything.
Why? For sooth. Out. Out. Damn spot.
And Macbeth is going to be or not to be or not to be.
You got to search for those words. Wait, what? Oh, dear.
So broken. Yeah. I agree. All right. Hang on a second.
All right. Let's check in with Kent Christmas here. Let's check. Oh, is this? Is this the channel that does that?
They repost? Yes. Interpreter. Yeah. So the guy down below who's going to be moving his lips and stuff, they just do this so that they can rip somebody else's channel off without the copyright strike, you know?
So this is a weird thing. But yeah, here we go. Why this? Such as precious spirit of the
Lord here. Wait, more gibberish here.
So Josh, what do you need in there, buddy? What do you need? You want to give me a battle? You want a battle?
I want a battle. I suppose Kuhneman didn't say that. Yeah. Let me check the tape.
Make sure that we stay with the integrity of the gibberish here. Hang on a second. Let me just back up just a little bit here.
Yeah, that's going to work. That's a battle there.
And then I got myself a bingo. Right on. Right on, sir. I demand a reversal.
I want a divine reversal now. Now. All right.
Hold on. Let me check with mine because I'm going to be. Oh, this is perfect.
All right. There's going to be a level and a battle with reversal and the glory of the free space.
Why? Why? Oh, man.
Oh, this is terrible. This is a good workout. Yeah. Pretty good there.
Pretty good there. All right. All right. All right. Let's let's come back here. We haven't even gotten into this prophecy yet here.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Right on there.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. God withheld my spirit, says the
Lord, in measures that people have asked for. Because if I had came, they would have not have valued me.
For if my spirit had come, says the Lord, it would have been used to promote men and not me, saith
God. So I withheld myself from my house and much has been.
Wait, what? Hold on. Hold on. You see a logical point here. Christ is present where two or more are gathered in his name.
And here God is saying, I withheld myself from my house. You know.
One, who let Grandpa out of the old folks home and gave him a microphone? Two. But also, did you notice that they have, like the overlay of the
American flag waving over the whole thing with this really weak transparency? They're just throwing a bunch of crap on the screen to try to make it so that we don't have a copyright strike.
And it's amazingly bad. Very distracting, too. Yeah. Built in my name, says the
Lord. But know this. I am tearing that down, which has not been built on the foundation of Jesus Christ.
No man, says the Lord, will be able to take my glory for that which
I... I think they put that music over it, too. Yeah. They're doing everything they can to keep from having this taken down.
Get it ready to release into the nation, saith God, will be of such magnitude that books will not even be able
This is so bad. What's with the lady doing the rosary?
What on earth? That which is being released out of heaven, saith the
Lord, for even this house, saith God, that which you are getting to erect, saith the
Lord, call it the barracks, because out of it, saith God, it will house an army of the
Lord that shall begin to shake your state, saith God, for there is a foundation in this house that has been built on the rock,
Christ Jesus, and though there have been many that have passed on, that have paid the price, that which other men have labored for, this congregation shall enter into, saith the
Lord, and that which you are releasing now and that which has already been planted in the soil shall come together as a mighty move of the power of the
Holy Ghost. Think it not strange that you are close to a military base.
Think it not strange that you have military in this house, for this is a strategic house, saith the
Lord, that I am raised up in this... Hey, I have strategies. I have strategies. Yeah, yeah.
And also, Dollar Store Elijah Wood is very distracting. Yeah. Okay.
Man, I've never even seen someone use the Lord's name in vain so many times within a minute.
Uh -huh. Yeah. All right, now we gotta check in. We gotta check in with Nate Johnston's prophetic encouragement for the month of June and July.
Months of June and July. Yeah, so hang on. This prophetic word comes from Nate Johnston.
This word is for the month of June and July 2023. No, it doesn't. Shine for God's glory.
June and July are the months of emerging from the tomb and crossing over. Thank you.
We now have prophetic Chet GPT. This is weird. Yeah, you're right.
Did you have Chet be GPT provide us with this prophecy? This is an
AI prophecy. Okay, hold on, hold on. In Chet GPT's defense, they would probably have a far more lucid idea of how to make a prophecy than anything that these guys string together.
Yeah, you're probably correct. I used it one time to throw together a quick sermon just for funsies.
It was pretty on point. Whoa. Okay. A few days ago during worship,
I went into a vision and I saw a person wrapped up in bandages standing in a tomb. I have vision. I have vision.
I have vision more. I have more vision. I have it gooder.
What? Sorry, bad timing. You have it on your card too,
Dan. Yeah, I have it. It's right there. I just need it. Oh my gosh. I need victory for another victory.
Or breath. Yeah, okay. Or river or outpouring. Yeah. Let's get back to the
Chet GPT prophecy here. I perceive this to be Lazarus because my spirit began to say,
Lazarus, come forth. Lazarus, come forth. Then the spirit of God came upon me and I began to prophesy.
People of God, it is time to emerge. It's time to leave the place that you have been in. It's time to leave the place of death that you have been dwelling in.
Okay, hold on. Hold on. So one point of contention for this. One of the good things about stuff like this is that it's far less charismatic than Nate Johnson or whatever.
The stilted computer -y talk of it actually detracts from its efficacy, which is what
I did with the Stephen Furtick, you know, Hey, haters thing. Hey, haters.
Yeah, okay. Hey, haters. The season of death is over. The season of your seeds falling to the ground and dying.
The season of death is over. Isn't that great news? I mean, you know, I just did a funeral on Monday. The season of dying is over.
The season of doors closing and things ending. The season of barrenness. The season where it's felt like there's been no fruitfulness.
The season where it felt like every single thing that I placed inside of you came to, it's better in, is over.
You are exiting that place. You are coming out of the place that you've been in, where you've been acquainted with the death of my burial.
You've been - What? The death of my burial? What? Acquainted with Gethsemane.
You've been acquainted with grief and suffering, but now I'm calling you out. I'm calling you from that place.
I just got another bingo. No. No. Yes. Yes. I don't have a flag to wave.
Just find a random thing to wave. I have a, I have a, I have a, like a - A Santa wave.
Perfect. Why is that there? Hey, is this in my office? Anyway, hold on.
I have to figure out how to wave something. Actually, hey, you know, Daniel, I'm going to call on you.
You have to be my flag waver. Oh, I have hair. Yeah, there we go.
That'll work. That'll be perfect. Just let the lice all over. All right.
Mission! The battle is calling! Double flag waving!
Why? Why? Why? There we go, that's it.
Why? Why? Lazarus, come forth!
All right, hang on a second here. We're going to check in with Stephanie Esters and let's, and I got to -
Hey, everybody. Stephanie here. I hope you're having a great day. First, I want to say
I miss you guys so, so much. And of course,
I'll let you know what I've been up to at the end of this video. But I'm just going to jump right into this word.
And the Lord really was highlighting June, June. And what
I saw was like a catapulting. Like God was using June to catapult us into many spears, even of influence.
He was just using the month of June to set us up for the rest of this year.
And I saw open doors, sudden expansion, sudden wealth.
I saw joy and celebration. I saw growth, productivity, you know, the answer prayers.
We saw results, you know, we saw expansion. But we also experienced a divine rest.
Like the Lord was fighting for us. It was like, it was like a mighty move, like a mighty power move of God to set his people in the right places, to connect them to the right people.
And so I really felt like divine connections, you know, open doors, like increase new territory, even land and home ownership.
I saw a lot of that going on as well. A lot of land and home ownership going on there.
Yeah. Wow. That pretty much happens every month. Catapulting into the spears.
Yeah. Into the spears. If you got catapulted into a spear, that's the last thing that'll happen to you. I think she meant to say spheres as in S -P -H.
Yeah. But she did say spears. So, you know, yeah. So, yeah.
It's either something really sharp or a member of Brittany's family. So, you know.
Well played, well played. Catapult us for the rest of the year. So some of you, he may have you, you know, dot every
I, cross every T, because this is your launching month.
This is your launching season. And so, you know, summer usually represents harvest time.
And he really - No, fall represents harvest time. Summer is still a growing time. And, you know, does she live anywhere near a farm?
Highlighted. He brought me back to, well, first he told me to do a three -day fast, the
Esther fast. And he said it's not just a fast, but it was more of what took place.
It wasn't just the Esther anointing, right? Yeah. Make sure everyone knows about your fast.
That's good. Right. Yeah. That's right. God's not having me do any fasts right now.
I'm doing a bunch of slows. It was the power move of God for his people.
There was such a takeover anointing in the book of Esther. Yes. We want to beautify her.
And yes, she was born. She was queen and everything else. But there was such a takeover anointing.
I never heard about the takeover anointing until just now. Displayed in the book of Esther.
And he really highlighted Esther 8 -17. Many of the people of the land became
Jews, for the fear of the Jews fell upon them. Now at this time,
I believe they were second class citizens. But when God moved on their behalf, everybody, many of them wanted to become
Jews. Can you imagine many people wanting to become Christians because of the work and what he's done for his people's lives?
This is what is about to take place. I really feel this. This is a harvest of souls.
Harvest is a prophecy. Bingo word. You know, revival. The great revival. Okay. Hang on a second here.
Yeah. Circles. Yeah. That's what they all do. All right.
So this is the time that you will see prophecy. And by the way, you can see the transcript on this one.
Note that they added the musical notation here. Tiffany Smith, music. The Lord says, there are some of you, music, who come week after week.
Just wanted you to see that. All right. Let's hear it. Here we go. The Lord says there are some of you who come week after week, and you sit there.
Oh, this is bad Broadway. Oh, this is Disney. Oh, no. This is bad imitation
Disney off off Broadway. And watching for a sign. But this is the week that he is going to open your eyes to see that signs and wonders were following you this entire time.
Everyone in the body is coming alive. They're coming alive.
This is the time. This is the hour that you're going to see that signs and wonders and miracles have been following you.
Because my love, my heart, my goodness has been following you.
This is the time. The whole body is going to come alive, going to come alive.
This is the time that your eyes are going to be open and see the signs and wonders have been following you.
And I'm more than enough. A whole new reversal.
Melted, a melted mountain at my feet. I think about not knowing where to go because you're lost on stage.
Oh, this is horrifying. Who's cringier, this lady or Nina Jankowicz, the lady who was going to be the head of the misinformation department that Biden was trying to put together?
Oh, I remember her. She didn't really last long, did she? No, no.
She didn't. I would note that if she's looking for a career, she should really consider moving to Texas and going to Glory of Zion.
She'd fit in well there. I'm more than enough.
I'm more than enough. God says you've got to believe. I'm more than enough.
I'm more than enough. I am more than enough. She'll be reprising the role of the
Little Mermaid in the next live -action version of The Little Mermaid 2. He's breaking off apathy.
He's breaking off deception. He's breaking off witchcraft that's kept people locked in their seats.
The Lord says this is the time that your eyes are going to be open, that everything that is glassed over your eyes to keep you hidden.
Aren't you just talking about the entire congregation? I have no idea what on earth is happening at this point.
Get out of your seats. Stop it. All right, gentlemen, we've been at this for a while.
I think it's time that we have mercy on the people in the audience and bring this thing to a close.
Why? Why? Why? We give two words away at the end of every episode of Prophecy Bingo.
One, if you're a subscriber, and then two, if you hit the bell. It's on the honor system, but if you cheat, just remember
God's watching. So if you are a subscriber to our channel, go ahead and you can take one of the words
I will give, and if you also have hit the bell to be notified, then you also can take the second word.
Josh, help me out here. What should be one of these words? We could definitely give people some health, because they're going to need it after this video.
I have that word. Come on. All right, so health if you're a subscriber.
And I'm going to go with victory if you hit the ring the bell notification, which then gives me another chance to prophesy here.
Yeah, isn't that great? Hey, I too have another bingo. Oh, come on.
I'll go first since your prophecies are better than mine. What flavor of music?
Okay, so what I need for this prophecy is like random music in odd places that don't make any sense with what
I'm saying. Oh, hold on. Sure.
Yeah, but I need some chords in there too. You know, you got to really build it up. Hold on, hold on, hold on.
I have another drum kit. There we go.
Oh, that's awful. That's perfect. All right. So the Lord is telling me that vision is a vision that is double the vision.
And if the vision isn't doing the thing, then the Kairos won't be doing the awakening.
And so if you need the Kairos to do the double vision thing, then you can plant a seed.
And the seed will lead to victory, which will birth Jesus.
Burst it. That was a cacophony. All right. Yeah. That worked.
That worked. All right, all right. Hold on. All right, I'm going to go with a completely different vibe on this one.
Okay. Oh. There's a
Robocop. This is the Disney electric light parade, you know.
This is like a Tron prophecy. Oh, I feel the health.
And the movement. Would you look at this? There's a free space. And I said to you that Jesus was going to give power to the nations.
Because reasons. Because reasons. I love that.
Oh, I feel the health. Why? Why? Why the pickling?
Daniel Chapman, thank you for coming on, fighting for the faith and playing
Prophecy Bingo with us. You are a good sport, despite all my cheating. Yeah.
And again, we're going to put a link to your YouTube channel down below, so that people can check out the fine work that you're doing in warning the body of Christ, now that you've come out of the charismatic word of faith and all that kind of stuff.
Let me sign up. Josh, thank you again for your minstrel skills and such.
And I'm going to sign off with everybody. And then I'll come back and chat with you guys here in a second here. So if you found this to be helpful, is that the right way to put it?
Prophecy Bingo. All the information on how you can share the link is down below. And a big shout out to all of our crew members.
It's you who make it possible for us to bring Fighting for the Faith to you and to the world. And if you would like to support us financially by joining our crew, the information is down below.
You can click the link and you can become a crew member as well to support the work that we're doing here at Fighting for the
Faith in warning people about false prophets, false apostles, false teaching, and then giving people a sound doctrine as a counterpoint so they can better understand the
Scriptures. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.