F4F | Che Ahn Modern-Day (Restoration of) Apostles


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've been taught that there are modern -day apostles and that God has restored those apostles to the earth today, you need to get yourself under some apostolic covering and stuff.
Yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring the bell, but don't tell Dr. Michael Brown because he doesn't believe in the
New Apostolic Reformation. No, no, no, no. It's only the so -called NAR, but talk about so -called
NAR. Shea Yon did a recent sermon on apostolic ministry, and to boot, let me show you this.
He's also published a book that just like came out like a week ago titled, Modern Day Apostles Operating in Your Apostolic Office and Anointing.
Yeah, that's the book right there, and Shea Yon, it just just hot off the presses, if you would, forward by Bill Johnson.
We're gonna take a look at that, but we're gonna start by listening to Shea Yon try to twist up Ephesians 2 .20.
Ephesians 2 .20 and conflate it with Ephesians 4 .11
and we'll do a little bit of Greek work along the way on this one because we're gonna need to, but let's listen in and we'll kind of springboard off of what
Shea Yon is saying here because in the things that he's saying, it's disturbing on multiple levels, but doesn't take into consideration what he's published as of late.
So yeah, it's kind of strange because clearly he's drawing on the material that is in his book, which was still forthcoming when the sermon was preached, but is now out.
So I think you get the idea. Hopefully I'm not confusing everybody. If you're confused,
I'm apologizing, but we shall carry on. Here's Shea Yon. And so we're members of God's house, or we're members of his family, having been built on the foundations of the apostles and prophets,
Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. All right, now just so you know, what he's quoting from there is
Ephesians chapter 2, 19 and 20. Let's take a look at it in context.
We'll talk about how to properly understand this, and then work it out with Ephesians 4 .11.
I'll explain that in a minute. So context, context, context are three rules for sound biblical exegesis, and I'll start at verse 17 so that you can see.
So he came and preached peace to you who were far off, peace to those who were near, for through him we have access in one spirit to the
Father, talking about Christ. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets,
Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a holy temple in the
Lord. A little bit of a note here, you only lay the foundation once. Yeah, I don't know anybody sitting there going, yeah, you know, we did our foundation work on our house, our new garage last week, and we're looking forward to relaying that foundation the week after that, and once we get the superstructure up and running, then we'll relay that foundation again.
It doesn't work that way. So talking about the fact that it's the foundation of the apostles and prophets, the apostles being, you know, the twelve apostles plus Paul, that was a good thirteen, by the way.
How many tribes of Israel were there? Twelve. How many names? Thirteen. I'm just saying. But anyway, so the
Apostle Paul is included in the mix, and so when you confess in the creeds that you believe in one holy
Catholic, Catholic small c, meaning universal, talking about the faith once delivered to the saint, so one holy
Catholic and apostolic church, you're confessing that you, you know, what is a church that's apostolic?
It follows the teaching, the same teaching as the apostles, and the prophets, by the way, referring to the people who are responsible for bringing us the
Old Testament. And you'll note, Moses is called a prophet, and then the people who compiled the rest of the
Old Testament, the Tanakh, they were all prophets as well, and so, you know, so the foundation of the apostles and prophets, this is what the
Church is built on, Christ Jesus being the cornerstone. You don't lay a foundation multiple times, that's what this text is referring to.
Shayon hates this, and hates the fact that that's what this means, so he's gonna try to find a way to rework it, if you would, and try to make it sound like, that's silly.
But we're gonna take a look at his book, his new book on modern -day apostles, forward by Bill Johnson, by the way.
But don't tell Dr. Michael Brown, because it's only the so -called, anyhow. And we'll take a look at some of the implications regarding what he's written in that book, as to what he's preaching in this sermon.
So, coming back then to Shayon, let's continue. The whole building being fitted together grows into a holy temple of the
Lord, in whom you are being built together for the dwelling place of God in the
Spirit. And there's so much here, I just want to just highlight two things. Number one, you are His dwelling place.
You're the Church. This building is not the Church. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. That's why we're to keep our body pure and holy, as 1st
Corinthians 3 .16. And so, you are carriers of the glory, as Colossians 1 .27,
carriers of the glory. Sounds like a virus, the glory virus.
You know, it's up there with Ebola or something. Of glory. This is amazing. You are to bring heaven to earth through the
Spirit of God within you, as Zachariah 4 .16. I'm supposed to be bringing heaven to earth?
I can barely get out of bed in the morning. How am I supposed to bring heaven with me? Let me back this up just a few seconds.
This is amazing. You are to bring heaven to earth through the Spirit of God within you, as Zachariah 4 .16.
It's not by your might, it's not by your power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord. And yeah, not by might, not by power, but my
Spirit, says the Lord, does not mean that I have to bring heaven to earth. Taken to bring heaven on earth.
But the second thing that he says is that the Church is founded upon apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus being the cornerstone.
Yeah, no, he didn't say founded upon. It's built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets.
You don't lay a foundation twice. You lay it once, and if your foundation goes kaput, then the whole structure is gonna come collapsing down.
Just saying. It's amazing the interpretation of that. A lot of people who don't believe in apostles and prophets today will say, well, the prophets is referring to the
Old Testament, the Bible, and apostles referring to the New Testament. When you think about it, think about Paul's an apostle.
He begins Romans 1 .1. It says, Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ... Yeah, you didn't say the word foundation.
Isn't it weird that he just like omitted that word? He said founded upon. No, no, no, the Church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets.
See, just read the text in context, and you sit there and go, oh yeah, I get it.
To be an apostle, he knows what an apostle is, and he's traveling with a prophet named Silas at this point.
Began with Barnabas. Now you're gonna note here, it sounds like he's arguing that the
Church needs apostles ongoing. We'll get to that in a second, but I want you to note that.
This sounds like it's an argument for ongoing apostles, and he's going to go somewhere to try to prove that, which is gonna give you the heebie -jeebies if you think about it, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, shall we?
And then later, when Barnabas and Paul had their parting of the ways, he picked Silas, another prophet. And then he goes and says and elaborates this in Ephesians 4, verse 11, that when
Jesus ascended after he descended, because he had to first descend to take the spoils.
Okay, so now he's conflating this now with Ephesians 4 .11. We'll get there in a minute, but notice he's made the jump, and watch what he does here.
And it's important that your pastor's know Greek, and I'll explain that in a minute, because it's going to be very helpful to take a look at the
Greek, because he's going to put an emphasis on a word that actually doesn't appear in the
Greek. Uh -huh. Yeah, I'm just saying. But watch what he does. Or destroy the principalities and powers, taking their authority.
He ascended, and he gave gifts to the body. That's you.
He gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets. Now notice what the word he's emphasizing there.
Some. He gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets. Now I'm going to back this up.
I want you to hear his thought in context, and then we'll take a look at the Greek on this. To the body.
That's you. He gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, some to be pastors and teachers, to the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, until we come to the fullness and the full stature of Jesus Christ, until we become a mature man.
I mean, no, we're not there yet. We're not mature. We're not full yet of the fullness of Christ, and we haven't come...
So notice, we're not full yet. We haven't matured to this point yet. Therefore, his argument, ergo, is we need apostles, ongoing.
...into the kind of unity God wants us. Until then, we are always going to need apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, so...
Notice what he said. Until then, we're always going to need. Let me back this up. Listen again, because this is vital.
I mean, no, we're not there yet. We're not mature. We're not full yet of the fullness of Christ, and we haven't come into the kind of unity
God wants us. Until then, we are always going to need apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, so... Now, this is where we're going to do a little bit of work in the
Greek, and we're going to take a look at Cheyenne's brand -new, brand -spanking -hot -off -the -press new book about modern -day apostles.
We'll even take a look at what Bill Johnson has to say about it. But don't tell Dr. Michael Brown.
Anyway, so Ephesians chapter 4. It would help if I actually typed in the address here.
Ephesians chapter 4, verse 11 is the one in question, and let me pull this up to be kind of concurrent.
And so, we're going to look at the Greek. I'm going to read this from the Greek. Καὶ ἄτως ἐδόκεν, and he gave, τοῦς.
τοῦς is the definite article, you know, so it's the, and it's plural here. It's a plural accusative.
And then, men here, you could say means on the one hand. And so, when you give a list of things, oftentimes in Greek, men will be the first thing in the list.
And then, the next parts of the list will have the particle δε, and that means and.
So, and he gave, καὶ ἄτως, he, ἐδόκεν, gave. The apostles, men, you could say on the one hand, τοῦς δὲ προφητὸς and prophets, τοῦς δὲ εὐαγγελίστας, this is the evangelists, τοῦς δὲ ποίημας, shepherds, and καὶ διδάσκαλους, and the teachers.
For the καταρτισμόν, the equipping of the ἀγγελίοι, the saints, into the work of ministry.
Yeah, that's kind of how that works. So, we're going to note here, when we just walk through the Greek words, καὶ ἄτως ἐδόκεν, he gave, τοῦς δὲ, men, you can say on the one hand, apostles, τοῦς and prophets, and evangelists, and shepherds, and teachers.
It doesn't say some. In fact, the
ESV does a really good job of pulling this across almost word for word. And the
ESV, which is right here in the middle, and he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds, and the teachers.
And so, to equip the saints for the work of ministry for the building up of the body of Christ. Now, a little bit of a note here.
Peter is still teaching the church today. So is Paul. So is
John. So is Matthew. How are they doing so?
Through the living, active Word of God that they wrote. They're still teaching us today.
So, now, Chaon makes a point that, oh, well, you know, that we, in order to equip the saints, we need apostles ongoing.
This is an argument for, this has had to keep going. Now, a little bit of a note here.
You talk to people in the NAR, even Chaon, and they'll note that, you know, apostles have only recently been restored.
Apparently, they were lost. Yeah, let me kind of prove that to you. So, Modern Day Apostles by Chaon operating in your apostolic office and anointing, that's the name of the book.
So, let's take a look at, well, the foreword.
And in the foreword, we're going to note that in this particular one, we're listening to, who's the fellow who wrote this part?
Oh, this is Bill Johnson. Okay. So, this is Bill Johnson. Here's what Bill Johnson wrote in the foreword.
We are in an hour where God is, and watch the word, restoring the apostle in a way that reflects his beauty while avoiding the pitfalls of prior generations.
One of the evidences of this rising water level for the miraculous in the church is just a byproduct of the restoration of that gift.
So, Chaon, on the one hand, is arguing that we need the apostolic, we need apostles ongoing for the equipping of the saints.
And yet, Bill Johnson, who wrote the foreword, is saying they've been restored. They've been restored.
In the endorsement portion, in the front part of the book, Pastor Jimmy Evans writes,
Chaon is my dear friend and a true modern -day apostle. No, he's not.
There is no one operating in the apostolic anointing that I respect more than Chaon as a student of the modern -day restoration of apostles and prophets.
Mm -hmm. Yeah, you note here, Jimmy Evans and Bill Johnson are saying that, you know, apostles have been restored, yet Chaon is arguing that apostles have, you know, that we need them ongoing in order to equip the saints.
Hmm. That's a little weird. Now, here's another one. Mm -hmm. This is directly out of the book itself,
Chaon, writing, he says, we can now say we are living in the new apostolic age because God is restoring the truth of that gift, and the office of apostles is for today.
Restoring. Mm -hmm. So, he might claim to be a five -folder, but how many centuries, how many millennia did the
Church go without apostles? You know, I just wonder.
Then, further into the book, page 29, Chaon writes, even though the latter rain movement has not been universally recognized in the body of Christ, I came out of the latter rain movement, by the way, it's a cult,
I thank God for its leaders. They are pioneers in that they taught that apostles are for today.
Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that when God restores a truth, some of his followers can become extreme in the application of that truth.
Chaon then on page 30 writes, similarly, let's see here, sorry, through a move of the
Holy Spirit also in the 1940s, I believe that the office of evangelists was restored. You see, not only was, you know, did we lose apostles?
Apparently, we lost evangelists too. So, there were no, how long were we without these guys?
So, there were no evangelists, there were no apostles, there were no prophets, you know, and so watch what he does here.
So, talking about, you know, how in our time, I mean, God is restoring all of this exciting stuff that somehow got lost, you know, for a long, long, long time.
So, through a move of the Holy Spirit, also then in the 1940s, I believe the office of evangelists was restored.
Besides Billy Graham and Bill Bright, during this time period, a lot of healing evangelists came forth. T .L.
Osborne, Morris Cirillo, really? Morris Cirillo.
Okay, all right. So, yeah, yeah, this is just nuts. Now, next page, then he also says this, the
Jesus People movement began in 1967, prominently, but not exclusively through Chuck Smith and the
Calvary Chapel Church movement, and the office of the teacher was restored. Apparently, we had no teachers in the church.
So, we had no apostles, we had no teachers, we had no evangelists. How was there a church?
There was nobody equipped for nothing, and yeah, you kind of get the idea here.
Moving to the next page, 32, also during the same period, a lot of prophets were coming forth, people such as Cindy Jacobs and Chuck Pierce of Cuckoo Banana Town.
Yeah, so because of that, he believes the 1980s prophets were restored. Not making that up, that's in Cheyenne's book.
Same page, just a little farther. So, we read, so what period are we in today? Well, Bishop Bill Hammond wrote a book called
The Day of the Saints, and he believes that God has restored the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors, and the teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry.
So, we're now in the Day of the Saints. Apparently, I don't know how long, maybe millennia, we had none of those things.
So, thankfully, God's restored all the stuff that we've been missing. And then page 39,
Cheyenne writes, the expression of Christianity has shifted from individual salvation to discipling nations, which includes social transformation to bring about this
God has restored the office and the gifts of the apostle through apostolic networks.
So, note, he's arguing on the one hand that we owe, we have to have the ongoing apostles, but then he keeps, in his book, he talks about restoration, restoration, restoration, restoration, restoration.
By the way, what's his definition of an apostle? His definition is listed on that same page.
An apostle, according to Cheyenne, is a Christ -like ambassador with extraordinary authority called and sent out by Jesus Christ with a specific assignment to align the church to bring heaven's culture to earth and fulfill the mandate to disciple nations.
Yeah, so all of that being said, we come back then to Cheyenne's video, and we note that his argument seems to be for ongoing apostles, ongoing.
But his book is all about restoration, restoration of apostles. So let me back this up just a smidge and see if...I
just want you to hear what he said again, and then we'll keep going forward. Until then, we're always.
Yet his book is all about restoration, so we haven't always. It's 220.
It's not talking about the Old Testament. New Testament's talking about gifts God's given to the church that we will still need until, really, until Jesus Christ comes.
It's amazing how in the evangelical church I was privileged to, in April, to be invited.
So notice, we always need these until Jesus comes back, but his book talks about them being lost and restored.
To a roundtable. And it was all the megachurch pastors, around 20 of them, in Dallas.
Oh, you've got to hear this. You've got to hear who was there. Texas Gateway Church, with Robert Morris was hosting it.
Church of the Highland, a 50 ,000 -member church was there. Chris Hodges and Robert Morris are part of the
NAR. Uh -huh, that's really what's going on. Listen to what he says. Chris Hodges, and the list goes on.
I don't want to just name drop, but they're all churches of 20, 30, 50 ,000. Huge. And I'm thinking to myself, what in the heck am
I doing here? I'm not even pastoring, you know? And so, yeah, I'm with them. But they know that I lead an apostolic
NAR, and the reason why they invited me was this, is that, and this is the paradigm shift that's going on in the body of Christ.
It stunned me. It encouraged me. They always describe themselves as a pastor, a
Ephesian 411 pastor. So they call them Pastor Robert, or Pastor Chris, or Pastor Larry Stocksdale.
So they're all called pastors, but they would say, we have a strong gift of leadership. So that was in the past.
But in the past several years, they've come to the realization, I am not a pastor. I am an apostle.
Yeah, Chris Hodges, an apostle. Robert Morris, an apostle.
Uh -huh. Out of the Ephesian 411 offices, I identified more with the apostle, but their church culture, there's no room for them to call themselves an apostle.
So how did the church get to this place where we don't believe in apostles anymore, or prophets?
Now, watch this, because this is going to be his explanation for the continuation of apostles, and wait till you hear where he puts this.
Uh -huh. And I want you to consider the implications. And now, this is not a cast on the spiritual, on the
Assembly of God church. I love the whole church. But the Assembly of God in 1948 came out with what's called the
White Paper out of Springfield, Missouri. They do this every year. They come out with the
White Paper affirming their values and what they believe. 99 % of it, we would say, yes, absolutely.
They affirm that marriage is between one man and one woman. Things like that, they'll do that. They affirm that life is in the blood and abortion is wrong.
So we would agree to all these things. But one of the things that came out in 1948, they came out and said apostles and prophets are not for today.
Isn't that stunning? Here's a Pentecostal movement that speaks in tongues and believes in the prophetic.
Well, remember in your book, Shea, you argued that, well, apostles have only recently been restored.
I mean, prophets in the 1980s were restored. You're quoting an Assemblies of God paper from 1948.
I mean, they were just products of their time, apparently, you know. And yet, they will come out with that statement.
So where did that come from? We have to go all the way back to the Reformation of 1517.
Because in that period, Martin Luther was coming against the teachings of indulgence.
So apparently, it's Martin Luther's fault that we lost the concept of apostles.
Yeah, that's kind of what he's arguing, but watch where this goes. I paid money to the church to help build
Peter's Cathedral, which is St. Peter's Basilica now. Beautiful building. Sue and I took our family to Rome.
I was invited to speak, and we took our kids because we wanted to make a little vacation out of it and do some sightseeing. And so you see that building was built on indulgence.
What's indulgence? Well, if you pay money to the church, either for yourself or for your family members, you could have reduced time in a place called purgatory.
Right. Indulgences. Now, we're going to point this out that, yes, this is what launched, in part, the
Protestant Reformation. This idea that Rome was raising money by frightening people into purchasing indulgences in order to get out of a mythical place that isn't even biblical called purgatory.
And the Pope was complicit in all of this, and there's a reason why
I'm saying that. Because I think even Cheyenne will note that that's not a biblical doctrine.
And so there's a real funky inconsistency that we're going to see here in where he goes next, but I just wanted to point that out.
So let's keep going. We're not even talking about reduced time in hell. We're talking about reduced time in a place called purgatory, and there's no biblical basis for it, so Martin Luther nailed the nine...
Right. No biblical basis for it. Now, in a second, he's going to take a swipe at Sola Scriptura, while at the same time affirming something very frightening.
I'll show you this. Five theses on Wittenberg's door, and so salvation is by grace through faith.
We don't have to pay money to receive forgiveness. Right. It's freely given, and the
Reformation was on. Tremendous good came out of the Reformation, including translating the
Latin Bible into common German, and as a result of that, literacy rate rose in Germany.
Germany became one of the most educated and one of the most wealthy, and to this day, the education and wealth levels off the charts because of the
Reformation going back to 1517. But here's the problem. They swung to the other extreme, because you see, the
Pope was called an apostle. Yeah, apparently,
Luther swung to another extreme by denying that the
Pope was an apostle. Now I'd like to point this out.
If the Pope were an apostle, and he was an apostle at this time, then wouldn't the whole doctrine of purgatory and indulgences which came from the
Pope be legit? You see, Cheyenne quoted that this is not taught in the
Bible when it came to indulgences, but the Pope of Luther's time, he flat out, you know, like took full advantage of this doctrine and affirmed its truthfulness, and he's supposed to be an apostle.
He was the successor to Peter. He was called apostolic succession, and they taught infallibility of the
Pope, that whatever the Pope spoke was equal to Scripture, and Martin Luther said non...
Yeah, when the Pope speaks ex cathedra from the chair, yeah. Sola Scriptura, only
Scripture, and he's not infallible, and we don't hear from God, and he's not the apostle.
He is a priest like everyone else, so thus the priesthood of all believers, and we believe that. We're all priests, but he threw the baby out with the bath water to say there's no prophetic.
We have Scripture, so we don't need... And yet, what do you do with Scriptures like John 10 27?
My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I know the answer to that question.
Jesus said to his disciples, the one who hears you hears me, the one who hears me hears the one who sent me, saying to the disciples, yeah, because Jesus didn't write nothing, right?
So how do we hear the voice of Christ? Through the apostolic writing found in Scripture. Uh -huh.
That's how we hear the voice of Jesus. So notice on the one hand, saying, oh, Martin Luther went way too far, man.
He's denying that Peter's an apostle and stuff, and Sola Scriptura and stuff, and yet he quoted, he said that indulgences and purgatory were not biblical.
That's a biblical argument, and so, you know, he's really in a conundrum here because there's no logical consistency to his theology except that he wants to argue that we really do have an apostle in the church.
He's called the Pope. Yeah, this is a mess.
This is an absolute travesty if you think about it. So yeah, so we've got a problem here.
On the one hand, Chayon denies indulgences, but the Pope affirmed them, and he was apostolic.
He's supposed to be an apostle, and on the other hand, Martin Luther condemned indulgences and said that's not found in the
Bible, and Chayon agrees. Yes, and then Chayon argues early on that we need ongoing apostles, and yet his book says that we lost evangelists, we lost teachers, we lost apostles, we lost prophets, and they were all just recently restored like since World War II.
So we got a big problem here, and that is that this New Apostolic Reformation, but don't tell
Michael Brown that it exists. He doesn't think it really is a thing, but this New Apostolic Reformation is a hot, inconsistent mess, absolute mess, because it's not taught in Scripture.
It twists Scripture, and Chayon, I mean, I am not kidding. When I read his book, and I just finished it like a day ago,
I was on the ground laughing. It is some of the most pathetic argumentation
I've ever read in my life as far as, you know, a crack at teaching what the
Scripture says. He doesn't teach it at all, and what you saw as far as the inconsistency of his theology and his doctrine, it's like that on steroids in his book.
But then again, don't tell Dr. Michael Brown about Chayon's new book about modern apostles and that Bill Johnson wrote the forward.
No, no, no, no, because then he'll accuse you of being a conspiracy theorist and stuff.
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