Dead Men Walking Podcast Greg Moore & Jason Hamlin Total Depravity Episode 18
Listen to all of the Dead Men Walking episodes here: Although this is the first episode in a five part series on TULIP, what didn't we talk about on this episode? Greg & Jason touched on John MacArthur's epic rebellion, Todd White's repentance, catching a shed on fire, celebrating 75,000 downloads, and of course the doctrine of Total Depravity. Enjoy!
- 00:00
- That's not it. It's not the 60 % hold on. I had to go back over this way
- 00:05
- Larry. Okay ready? Yeah Exploring theology doctrine and all of the fascinating subjects in between Broadcasting from an undisclosed location dead men walking starts
- 00:27
- Well, hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of dead men walking. I'm Greg and this is
- 00:34
- Jason. Hello, Jason How are you, sir? Doing awesome, man. Good to have Jason back in studio.
- 00:40
- You were out for a few episodes Mm -hmm. It's some call -ins You were out working that real job working that 50 hour
- 00:49
- Yeah, man 10 -hour days right now at old FOMO Co. Yeah, man, and a little hot
- 00:55
- I missed you Yeah, bro. This is uh, this is gonna be exciting tonight. Yeah, it's good to be back in In the studio with you and I mean, yeah, it is tonight
- 01:05
- We're doing like a we kind of do these in the evenings, don't we just in case? Yeah, we put the kids down.
- 01:11
- Uh -huh Because you never know how long we're gonna go. I Think that first episode it was like and then we talked average you like whoa, it's one o 'clock, right?
- 01:21
- I gotta go Got a baby at home to help out, right? but so we wanted to Talk a little bit about Tulip we had some requests on that the
- 01:35
- T the U the L the I the P the doctrines of grace Where it came from?
- 01:41
- What's it all about? Where's the biblical founding for it? And when we talked back and forth
- 01:48
- We said well, that's a lot to jam into like an hour even an hour and a half that could be like a five -hour for one for one for one
- 01:57
- So what we thought we were gonna do is maybe try to limit it to An episode a piece for each letter.
- 02:04
- Mm -hmm. So T UL IP and we'll get into what those stand for But before we jump into that, how's life going man?
- 02:12
- It's going good Really? No complaints, man. I mean You know just watching some of the dumpster fire in the world
- 02:23
- It seems like the whole world's on fire. I mean, there is some crazy stuff going on out there
- 02:30
- You know the the mail -in ballots that people Are starting to talk about recently.
- 02:36
- Yeah, you know the black lives matter movement
- 02:42
- Covid still going. Covid. Us here in Michigan. We just got put back to lockdown. Yeah. Yeah. Less than ten people.
- 02:48
- Yeah, right Yeah bars and restaurants are closed again Heading into August. What's the new the newest?
- 02:56
- Development on that $500 fine not wearing the mask. Yep Bigger fines if you're a business and you open really?
- 03:07
- Yeah, you can't have any more than ten people indoors. I Know right. I mean, how can you even do that with the restaurant?
- 03:13
- I need we need John MacArthur as our governor. Oh Speaking of news.
- 03:19
- Yeah, right in the in the church. He's basically defying, California and said no we're gonna still worship man
- 03:24
- You can't tell us not to freely gather or I was associate. I I was grace
- 03:30
- I think it's a grace to you or grace. Yeah grace community grace community church, right? I was literally watching that all
- 03:37
- That day and just like I don't know you get a little emotional just seeing someone stand up Yeah, you know for the
- 03:45
- Lord in that way, you know, and it's and it's not to put MacArthur on a pedestal It's just someone
- 03:52
- Going to the scripture and being like this is what I see and this is how I'm going to live because this is what the
- 03:58
- Lord Said to do, you know, yeah In taking his role as Shepherd very seriously.
- 04:03
- Yeah, he even said in his Post on I think it was grace to you The one that got circulated around everywhere like he's like I take this very seriously and I'm at the stand before God one day right for my flock and like you said just So biblically sound on why he's doing what he's doing.
- 04:22
- It isn't out of some type of Rebellion or defiance for defiance sake it's no we have a biblical mandate
- 04:29
- To gather and to preach the gospel and to do these things and we see
- 04:35
- God's law superseding man's law Yeah, and what we've been talking about for the last three or four weeks at least, you know, right five or six episodes
- 04:42
- Yeah, and I mean, you know, he brought us some really good points. I mean just from you know from the standpoint of why our
- 04:52
- Abortion clinics essential why our liquor stores essential sure, you know, why can we not even sing?
- 04:59
- you know to To our Father in heaven, you know, yeah but they're deemed essential and And he said more than just the fresca comment as well
- 05:12
- So if anybody just saw the yeah, did you see that going around where he said something about fresca? No, he was like I can't even get my fresca because they're using aluminum cans for beer and they stopped making fresca
- 05:24
- I guess right Yeah, but yeah, there's oh I saw mentioning fresca, yeah, that's what it was and I was like, what is that right?
- 05:32
- I didn't see that part of the clip. But yeah, it's a fresca drinker. I Saw one and he's holding a
- 05:38
- Bible and it says I'm here to defy the government and drink fresca and we're all fresco What okay, you must drink fresco
- 05:46
- Yeah, so that was crazy. I saw that come out and I was like, well, that's a huge That's a really huge thing for the reform community obviously with John MacArthur you know kind of just a
- 06:00
- You know a father in that in the reform community and I go how could this? Get any bigger and then the next day
- 06:07
- I see Todd white quoting Charles Spurgeon, right? I was like what is going on? Repenting.
- 06:13
- Yeah, man. That was that was cool. I haven't watched the full 45 minutes I got about 30 minutes into it then had to work with the client come back to I did post a little
- 06:22
- Two -minute. Yeah, your Instagram page the part that I did watch where he's talking about, you know
- 06:28
- I don't think that I he said for 16 years. He didn't fully understand the gospel
- 06:33
- He thinks that you know, and then he started basically doing a Ray Comfort sketch Yeah, I don't know if he caught any of that, but you know the are you a liar?
- 06:41
- Are you a thief? Well, then you've broken the law of God and your need of a Savior, right? and he was saying basically he doesn't feel as if he was presenting the full gospel and That's tough because at once you're
- 06:53
- I'm cautiously optimistic about that, right? It was really funny He's in front of like 600 people, you know giving this sermon and he goes man
- 07:02
- Have you guys listened to Charles Spurgeon guys rock and mean he's like if you guys heard of Charles Spurgeon, right? And everyone's silent.
- 07:08
- He brought a Whitfield No one knows who and I go. Oh my gosh a group of 600 Christians and not one woo or yay the
- 07:15
- Prince of preachers right probably had some of the biggest impact on the last two centuries of Christianity and they're going no, we don't know and now he's like he's rocking my world like he's been rocking my world since 20 years.
- 07:27
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. You know, obviously through the Holy Spirit using his words
- 07:32
- We're not putting Charles Spurgeon, you know, right on any type of weird pedestal. We're just saying yeah when
- 07:39
- A man's or woman speaks the truth of God it, you know It can cut you in a good way
- 07:47
- Yeah, so I was cautiously optimistic I go well, you know The the way that you see true repentance is through the act that come after Not that you have to that good works is required for repentance
- 08:02
- But true repent repentance reflects acts right and in good acts, so, you know hopefully he won't be a
- 08:08
- Benny Hinn who repents in 2019 for asking for a thousand dollars and then three months later is on TV and asking for a thousand dollars
- 08:16
- Like literally like wow his repentance lasted right not even 90 days. Yeah, it's so I'm Voting.
- 08:24
- I mean, I'm rooting voting. Here we go with that. I'm rooting for For Todd white for sure, you know, right you know because I mean he was a huge part of when
- 08:37
- I first Was regenerated. I mean I fell into the NAR right apostolic
- 08:43
- Reformation stuff For about six months Realized that I was in complete error because of it
- 08:53
- You know and yeah found You know reformed Teaching and it just rocked me
- 08:59
- So I pray that he's going through some of what a lot of us have been through.
- 09:05
- Yeah, you know, we are hurt by You know the works -based gospel the the breakthrough gospel the
- 09:13
- I need a platform gospel and without you know with with without Christ as As the center of Everything in your life.
- 09:25
- I mean without it being all narcissism all about me gospel You know, it's like man.
- 09:32
- Oh man, like that's where you want to be, you know And that's where reformed teaching has been for me Yeah for the past couple years
- 09:39
- So and the only thing that I would say that people might get a little upset and go
- 09:44
- Greg that seems harsh but this is the way I truly feel and I only and I'm saying this about Todd white out of a place of Love is if you're saying you did not for 16 years
- 09:55
- You did not understand or preach the full gospel. Then what you were preaching was a false gospel Okay, if you don't teach the full gospel you're teaching a false or So, you know him just coming out in one sermon and saying
- 10:09
- I've read a little Spurgeon, right? I don't know if that's enough look at Todd, you know I doubt you're listening to this podcast never has to be true repentance there that means for the last 16 years when you are, you know doing sideshow magician tricks by Changing the angle of people's legs to make it look like they're growing out and saying that You know
- 10:30
- You haven't sinned in the last 18 years because you have hyper grace and are so righteous that Christ has removed all sin from you or that you
- 10:38
- Have said that Christ emptied himself fully of divinity and was 100 % man or you know
- 10:43
- All the egregious things that you have said that have impugned the name of God there needs to be repentance from that and I would say
- 10:52
- He needs to then sit under a shepherd or an elder or a pastor with sound biblical doctrine
- 10:59
- Right and probably not not hold a position Quite a while.
- 11:05
- Yeah, if you're teaching a false gospel You should not be in a position authority in the church and that's not to demean or to discipline or well
- 11:12
- It is the discipline a little bit, you know church discipline biblical discipline biblical. Yeah, but to you know too often
- 11:19
- It's we've let we let leaders go so far into the kind of Heresy playground and then when they just back off just a little we're just so grateful that they come back a little bit
- 11:29
- You just go. Oh, okay. Well, you know, he said a couple things. I wanted to hear well No, they're repentance and that usually comes with some actions right some restoration some
- 11:41
- Time of discipline some time of learning and I would really like him to see to step back a little bit
- 11:47
- Yeah, you know, you know and he's got a school as well What is it lifestyle
- 11:53
- Christianity? Is that what I think it is? Yep and I know he You know, he has kind of Kenneth Copeland on his
- 12:02
- I Don't know if he's I don't know if he's he calls him a church father or is he it's his church father
- 12:09
- I gotcha praises oral Roberts praises Kenneth Copeland just a few months ago, right and I'm not saying people can change
- 12:16
- But if you're gonna elevate The heretic of heretics, right and I will call
- 12:21
- Kenneth Copeland that I mean you look at that guy and you're like He freaks me out, you know, he needs
- 12:27
- He's just as demonic looking in his eyes and the things he says in the way He blasphemes the name of God and you know brags about his wealth and riches and all those things
- 12:37
- Yeah, and then actually says oh well This is what Jesus taught and totally twists the scripture if you're calling someone like that, you know
- 12:44
- Two or three months ago Todd was in an interview Todd white and he said You know,
- 12:49
- I honor him and bless him and he's like a church He's a church father and he's like a father to me It's like well look at there's got to be a pretty big paradigm shift if you're going from all the way over there, right?
- 12:59
- You're calling Darth Vader Your father and you're the Luke Skywalker and you've crossed to the dark side and then two months later.
- 13:06
- Oh, well, you know I repent I you know, yeah, I didn't really preach the full gospel, right?
- 13:11
- That's great I like to see that step in that direction But I would pray that the Lord continues just to reveal himself to him yeah, because I think he could be in an asset for the
- 13:24
- Gospel and for the Christian community if he preached sound doctrine, you know That's you know in preach the gospel, right?
- 13:31
- I Man I should have I should have pulled that up as well. Dr. Jim.
- 13:37
- Dr. James White had a great had a great. Oh I have it. Okay, that's not it
- 13:44
- Here we go. We're we're gonna find it. Here it is. Okay, so Dr. James White About the whole situation.
- 13:52
- He just said Your overall understanding of theology may be far more
- 14:00
- Consistent than Todd White's has ever been but I have to ask myself and anyone else
- 14:06
- When was the last time you cried when speaking of God's gospel and your unworthiness
- 14:12
- Just a thought Like three days ago. I mean, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, well, you know, but it every time
- 14:19
- I worship on my piano, right? There's but there's you know daggers going straight at him, you know, right even though he is
- 14:27
- Trying to I don't know. He might he might have watched the American Gospel finally instead of calling it a
- 14:33
- Demonic movie and that was just you know to go to yeah, man I mean when he said that it was like you obviously haven't watched it, right, you know
- 14:42
- And anyone that that hasn't seen it out there, please Go watch that movie
- 14:49
- We're working. I just reached out to the director and writer of those We and we're gonna try to get my podcast for you guys
- 14:56
- But yeah, no, I'm not trying to be like this holier -than -thou Like, you know reformed
- 15:02
- Calvin is sitting up there like oh he didn't say the right things I'm about to put you in a cage, bro cage stage
- 15:09
- I'm just saying The older I get and the more mature and the more wise
- 15:15
- I get by the grace of God I've just noticed be cautiously optimistic about everything.
- 15:21
- Don't be a pessimist and don't be negative But don't jump in Head first and right deep end without first testing the water and seeing if there's a lifeguard on duty it happened, you know, it happened
- 15:33
- Forget the for the Kanye West situation. Yeah, I mean like I you know, I mean Everyone's fallen.
- 15:39
- I mean every we're about to talk about total depravity. Yep, you know and it's like I mean We're dead in our trespasses, you know, and I mean with Kanye I was just rooting for him
- 15:50
- I mean he said that he found Christ, you know, and it was like all these people were jumping in on him like Do you ain't a
- 15:57
- Christian, you know, he isn't gonna do anything It was like man, where were you know, where was everyone when they first came to God sure
- 16:06
- I mean well when when God drew them in, you know, it was like where were we, you know at the beginning of that?
- 16:13
- you know, yeah in that in that I Say this yeah and without liking the term baby
- 16:20
- Christian, but you know So I was like I was rooting for him and then
- 16:25
- I saw these people just like like dogging him You know, I was like man, you know give him a chance, you know
- 16:31
- Give him some grace not to mention was two billion people watching your conversion, right?
- 16:36
- Exactly. Exactly. And I mean, I I don't know what he's going through right now. I've heard and Seen a couple things on Twitter Unfortunately But I but you know what
- 16:49
- I mean, yeah Fallen, you know, I mean we're yeah.
- 16:55
- Well, I just pray for him too because he he has You know, he has some mental health issues, right?
- 17:02
- And You just go that cannot he has mental health issues. He's surrounded by two different groups of people things all the time then you have to deal with the
- 17:12
- The struggle of the monetary riches and things like that that can become an idol all those other things and you just go wow what a
- 17:20
- Hard situation. Yeah to convert in but God's grace is enough and if he's truly crying out
- 17:28
- God's grace is enough and What that's another one cautiously optimistic.
- 17:33
- Yeah, but there was you know He was talking about these things for the last 15 years
- 17:38
- I mean his one of his first big singles was Jesus walks and everyone just went
- 17:44
- Oh, well, it's because he grew up in a you know with his I think it was his mother was you know a believer?
- 17:50
- And he went to church and it's like so I mean You bring up a child in the way they should go and from that way they don't depart
- 17:57
- It's not that they don't stray right and do worldly Secular things it's that truth can never leave them.
- 18:04
- Mm -hmm truth truly does set you free and so as much that Once you're exposed to truth, it's not like you can read, you know hide it again, you know it
- 18:14
- Yeah, once you know it, you know it right and you can't depart from that you can ignore it Mm -hmm, but that doesn't make you unknow it right and I think that's what's really going on with Kanye It's just we're seeing a 30 plus year spiritual battle right of Knowing the truth and actually having to live out live it out truth.
- 18:33
- You know, you know But anyway, so wow, we talked Kanye Todd white and MacArthur all in man all in the top we get down up in here
- 18:44
- Yeah, I was thinking about making like a little like a little drop for like if we talk about current events or news
- 18:50
- I know you're gonna have to Yeah, think about you know, we could how what we should do, you know, you know
- 18:58
- You know You're a musician you need to figure something out for me on your guitar and Record it.
- 19:07
- It'll just be you going a metal thing. Does anybody have any metal stuff? I want you to be singing falsetto though You got it right there like You know hair and 80s like falsetto.
- 19:21
- Oh gosh, man. This is the only other thing about the kovat situation I guess they want the government if you get kovat
- 19:28
- Yeah, they're gonna keep they want to take your plasma, and I'm like you are a plasma
- 19:34
- Yeah, I'm just like you are not taking my television We got dad jokes around here
- 19:44
- Yeah, I didn't know you were telling a joke and I tried to do a joke and then I stepped on your out.
- 19:50
- Dang it great Yeah, that's right man, man, that was a committee where our comedic comedic
- 19:57
- People that we've had on the show here, man. We got some jokes up in this piece. That was a good dad joke No, you're not taking my
- 20:03
- TV Who still has a plasma out there by the way, I know right we have somebody might have a plan
- 20:09
- Do they even call it that is there is that technology still around? I don't know I don't honestly which is weird having blood in your
- 20:15
- TV like that. I know it's weird Oh Did you just look right at the camera?
- 20:22
- Yeah, like people are like they zoomed in on me. He'd like broke the fourth wall. Hey, I am
- 20:27
- I'm gonna try to zoom in on you on that all right, so Now that we got all our dad jokes out of the way, let's jump in.
- 20:35
- Let's jump into what we wanted to talk about here We were talking about tulip. Yep, right.
- 20:41
- Yep, and people go. Well, this isn't a gardening show Why are you talking about tulip?
- 20:47
- Yeah tulip is a is an acronym for the five points of Calvinism That came out of the
- 20:57
- Synod of Dort in 16 18 16 19 and they were a response to the
- 21:04
- Armenians five points Okay of essentially Defining their faith, right tulip stands for total depravity unconditional election limited atonement irresistible grace perseverance of the
- 21:21
- Saints so tulip Okay that is in Opposition to facts
- 21:33
- Not like the facts but like F a CTS which is many and which is kind of the
- 21:39
- Armenian points, which is F freed by grace to believe a Atonement for all instead of limit limited limited atonement
- 21:49
- C conditional election instead of unconditional election T buddy, so we have a but Those two depravities mean two different things and we'll talk about those and then s security in Christ.
- 22:02
- Okay, so what did happen around 1610 the Armenians come out with a
- 22:09
- Oh, what's what's the word the articles of reference stance remonstrance? How do you say that? Someone's got me on how you say it.
- 22:16
- I'll just basically like oppose something Remonstrance remonstrance remonstrance remonstrance, whatever it is.
- 22:24
- Yeah rem and pants Ramen pants Like what you used to wear in college when you were when you were poor and hungry
- 22:35
- I still eat ramen So, you know, I the biggest thing for me when I start talking tulip what the biggest misconception with people
- 22:43
- Think that it's like Calvinism, you know reformed theology come out Martin Luther You got is you know, 95 theses it starts to grow explodes
- 22:51
- Calvin comes along a little bit later starts this whole thing with the Institutes of Christianity and oh and then all of a sudden we have these five points and now
- 23:02
- Calvinism has redefined what the What the Bible is and that's these five points. It's like well the five points
- 23:10
- Tulip or the doctrines of grace as they're also known as Was a response to our minion ism giving their points.
- 23:20
- So We're gonna focus on just total depravity tonight So we don't go too long like you said at the top of the hour
- 23:27
- This could go on for four or five hours. You could spend an hour two hours on each one obviously there are
- 23:34
- People who have explained this many times over probably better than us as well, too.
- 23:39
- Definitely But let's let's give it a shot and just talk about it a little bit. Yeah, so my understanding of it is
- 23:48
- Man is completely and utterly Unable to save themselves.
- 23:54
- They're completely fallen born into sin Don't have the power for salvation
- 24:04
- Unrighteous and depraved Meaning we are actually spiritually dead and by no means unto ourself.
- 24:13
- Are we able to save ourselves? We're in desperate need of a Savior. Does that sound? About right. Do you have anything to add to your definition of that?
- 24:20
- It's very right That's very right Yeah, I mean dead and transgression transgressions and sins, yeah
- 24:31
- Ephesians 2 yeah, and just going on the on what you said about Tulip and Martin Luther and John Calvin.
- 24:42
- I I Have personally not really read Calvin Luther Okay, a lot of Spurgeon.
- 24:52
- Okay, you know I John John Edwards You know a lot of reform teaching.
- 24:59
- Okay. Um, I mean, I've read a lot of memes, you know, but Yeah, but it's funny though because I just read the
- 25:15
- Bible You know, I read where you're going with the Bible and this is where you arrived.
- 25:21
- This is where I arrived Yeah, yeah, this was not like oh man this
- 25:26
- John Calvin guy man, he's got some cool stuff man I'm gonna believe what he believes. Yeah, right. No, this was
- 25:32
- I read Ephesians 2. I read John 6 I read, you know, Romans 9
- 25:37
- Romans 9 Psalm 110 1, you know, like yeah I mean exactly man you you go all over that little
- 25:45
- Bible you got there, baby But but yeah, man Heck he could swing a cat hit 10
- 25:51
- Calvinist verses here. That was the best. I don't know why You could you could swing it
- 25:58
- That's that's a saying don't know that no No, is it really like if you go like you dream like no,
- 26:06
- I think that's a real thing You could swing a dead cat and hit, you know, seven Leonard Skinner fans. Oh, no,
- 26:11
- I don't know. I've heard madder than a wet hand Madder than a wet hand see only on this podcast.
- 26:18
- Will you get deep doctrinal and Theological terms and two really bad southern accents with sayings that may or may not be true.
- 26:27
- It's all right We'll be all right. So where were you? I'm Christianity's real. Oh Let me see here.
- 26:34
- Yeah, so the so that's what I was I I wanted to add in there. I mean this isn't You know, whenever you say
- 26:41
- Calvinism to someone a reformed he You what?
- 26:46
- Yeah. Oh my gosh That's so wrong. Well, what do you know about it? You know, usually you you can ask someone
- 26:54
- Okay. Well, what like what what do you understand about it? like or did or did a really or did a
- 27:02
- Calvinism come Calvinist come up to you and he should have been in the cage stage Situation right, you know where he's just like where he found out all you know about all this great great doctrine
- 27:14
- And then all of a sudden he just wants to tell everyone, you know, and it's just like he just went a little too far
- 27:20
- I mean, I was I was there for a moment. This is like I want everybody. I still get there sometimes.
- 27:25
- Yeah Yeah, I just I mean I get excited about this for sure, but I was there for a while Really?
- 27:32
- Yeah, I say that I say the secular world has their c -word that you can't say Evangelicalism has their yeah, yeah, right can't say in our
- 27:39
- C words Calvinism, right if you say that people go what? The reaction I got was oh my gosh.
- 27:44
- You just think we're all robots and yeah Well, and it's like well define what you mean by free will right like let's get the definition and robot and and robot
- 27:53
- Yeah, I mean if you think you have 100 % free libertarian will well then
- 27:59
- I mean You're saying that you have something that God doesn't even have you know, God can't sin
- 28:05
- He can't lie. He can't change those things. God can't do so Would you at least say there's things that you can't do under your what your will is?
- 28:12
- Yeah I mean you're trapped in a sin nature. It's your you know, our nature is to sin. It's we're depraved.
- 28:18
- We're fallen, right? Right. I mean Psalm says we were born into iniquity and to sin
- 28:25
- So for me when they would go right to the free will thing I go well, you know within my nature
- 28:30
- I have free will but my nature is to sin right and I need a Savior if I'm caught inside my sin nature
- 28:36
- How can I get outside of sin right that you know, you know what I mean? Yeah, I mean the way the way
- 28:41
- I see it the way I've heard it You know, you're an Adam or you're in Christ, right?
- 28:47
- And right when you're an Adam, that's the will that you're choosing Absolutely. I mean but when you're in Christ, that's what you want, you know, just like if you put a
- 28:55
- I heard this as well within this Conversation but if you put a vulture in a room with carrots and meat, what's the vulture gonna choose?
- 29:06
- Obviously gonna choose the meat. Sure. You know, it's like that our nature where the way we were born we were born into sin
- 29:13
- Dead drives our will like dead. We were dead in our trip. What what do you what does your body do when it's dead?
- 29:19
- Yeah, it doesn't it doesn't move wages of sinners death. Yeah, I mean it's not like I got an arm
- 29:25
- That's just barely moving or whatever, you know, it's like no you're dead like yeah You know, so so just you know and along that same lines for salvation
- 29:34
- You're being drawn in by the father, you know, it's like you're not you're not Completely making that decision.
- 29:41
- He's not standing in the corner like a like a Little kid going man.
- 29:46
- I hope they pick me, you know, and I guess that's going more into election No, absolutely, but but you know, it's like but it to your point
- 29:55
- Ephesians 2 1 through 3 says the natural person Meaning the person in this nature the natural person does not accept the things of the
- 30:03
- Spirit of God For they are folly to him and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned, right?
- 30:10
- So the natural person does not accept the things of God I mean, that's that's a perfect verse on what you're saying right part of being totally depraved.
- 30:18
- Mm -hmm Oh and you know salt Behold I was brought forth in iniquity and sin in my mother sin.
- 30:27
- Did my mother conceive me? You know Psalm was that Psalm 51.
- 30:33
- I Think I might I might have been reading Corinthians earlier. The natural person does not accept the things. Yeah, I'm sorry
- 30:38
- Yeah, first Corinthians 214 and the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God Another they're following a big one that Usually comes up Genesis 6 5 the
- 30:50
- Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth And that every intention of thoughts of his heart was only evil continually
- 30:59
- Wow. Yeah yeah, so we you have some biblical precedents of Depraved and depraved meaning we need a
- 31:07
- Savior. We need him to save us if we We really have no no part in our in our
- 31:18
- Meaning God chooses whom to save and whom not which that's getting into another point of tulip
- 31:23
- But the reason he does is because we're totally depraved right Ephesians 2 1 through 3
- 31:29
- What the name of this show dead men walking is based on and you were dead in your trespasses not unconscious not lost
- 31:36
- But dead so notice that wording you were dead in your trespasses and sins in which you once walked
- 31:42
- Following the course of this world following the prince of the power of the air the spirit that is now at work and the sons of disobedience
- 31:49
- Among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh carrying out the desires of the body and the mind and we're by nature children of wrath and What is wrath
- 32:01
- God's wrath like the rest of mankind? So not only is he saying by nature
- 32:09
- Children of wrath, but just like the rest of mankind so a very clear Repetition of all have sinned all are unrighteous all our children of wrath like the rest of mankind, right?
- 32:23
- Yeah mark 721 Through 23 or from within out of the heart of man come evil thoughts sexual immorality theft murder adultery coveting wickedness deceit
- 32:38
- Sensuality envy slander pride foolishness all these evil things come from within file a person
- 32:48
- Wow Romans 8 7 for the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God For it does not submit to God's law indeed.
- 32:58
- It cannot So the natural mind is set on the flesh and is hostile to God It does not submit to God's law why because it cannot
- 33:09
- Your natural state your sinful state cannot submit to God's law
- 33:15
- Okay, and what's God's law? Righteousness holiness the gospel, right?
- 33:22
- So that verse right there is telling you there is no way That in your natural state of sin that you're able to submit to God's law
- 33:30
- The only reason you can submit is because he first regenerates our hearts draws us in by means of grace and our eyes are open the moved as the
- 33:42
- New Testament says that wording right and Then Romans 3 10 and 11 as it's written none is righteous.
- 33:50
- No, not one. No one understands No one seeks for God. So in our natural state Romans tells us no one seeks for God.
- 33:57
- Yeah, so even when And I get this a lot from people who are not reformed they say well
- 34:05
- You know, I started seeking and I and I found God and it says well that faith to even look
- 34:10
- For God and find him is a gift from God right that starts with God, right?
- 34:16
- Does that make sense? Yeah Yeah, because if not, then he isn't the author and finisher of our faith, right?
- 34:23
- Right as the New Testament writer says, you know, so for me Total depravity is a very easy tea in the tulip for me to biblically see
- 34:37
- Exemplified in the Bible right, right. There's all kinds of verses for it. Um, what about Going into the problem of evil and God's sovereignty
- 34:53
- What about off of kind of off of this? This subject, you know, I mean this is within it within it and under it
- 35:02
- You know Yeah, if you want to tackle God's sovereignty in the problem of evil. Yeah, I mean there's there's a lot that we could
- 35:11
- That's another 10 hour. Yeah an hour session. Yeah. I mean we could we could go
- 35:16
- Pretty deep into this but um, but we could just scratch the surface a little bit I Don't know.
- 35:23
- I think we touched on the man -centered salvation You know and how?
- 35:30
- It just doesn't work You know when it's all about us sure, you know or you know when it when
- 35:37
- I you know, I still I'm still on the border with the whole saying
- 35:45
- Partnering with God because it almost makes us like a decision maker in it as well You know what
- 35:50
- I'm saying? They're more like a silent partner. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. That's what we are, you know
- 35:57
- But yeah, just the the freedom in nature What about uses
- 36:02
- God uses all his means for his glory? Yeah, and I'm part of those means. Yeah Yeah, that makes you know what?
- 36:09
- I mean when you say oh I partner with God or God partners with me. It's like well Those are definitely unequal partners, right?
- 36:16
- partnership first of all Second of all It feels like like you're saying it puts
- 36:23
- Kind of uneven footing. Yeah with God and although we've been called righteous because of You know as a
- 36:31
- Christ because of Christ we still are his son and daughter, right? I don't care how old my father gets
- 36:37
- I'll never be on equal footing with him Yeah, he's always my father and I'm always his son doesn't mean
- 36:43
- We're not when I say equal unequal I mean in stature not importance We're both humans.
- 36:49
- We're both made in the image of God, right? He's not worth more as a human because he's a father I'm just saying in stature that father -son relationship will always be there
- 36:58
- God is the exact same way in You know, it sounds a little blasphemous when you start saying
- 37:03
- I partnered with God to do that, right? Well look at no offense, but God didn't need you to do anything, right? His grace is so that he decides to show his glory
- 37:15
- Through your actions. Yeah, and thank God for it. Yeah, but no way do does he need us for anything?
- 37:22
- He doesn't need our money. He doesn't need our intelligence. He doesn't need you know, any of it
- 37:28
- He can accomplish exactly what he wants to accomplish Whenever he wants but but listen to this in Ecclesiastes Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins
- 37:38
- Surely there is not Romans 3 12 all have turned aside together. They have become worthless
- 37:44
- No one does good not even one Romans 7 18 for I know that nothing good dwells in me
- 37:49
- That is in my flesh for I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out
- 37:56
- Ephesians 2 1 and you were dead in your trespasses and sins just like we said before so so biblically under Total depravity and the tulip.
- 38:06
- I just see so many biblical verses that support that that doctrine I have ten more over here.
- 38:12
- Oh, but uh, but you know, we're yeah, we're moving along pretty good and I'm digging it.
- 38:18
- Yeah Did you want to jump into? Sam the sovereign man and evil.
- 38:24
- I mean, you know, just the I mean the the
- 38:31
- I Mean we could go into the restraint of evil You know,
- 38:37
- I mean Jesus Slipped through the crowd because it was not his time, right, right.
- 38:46
- I mean, I Don't know. I I just see oh my gosh.
- 38:52
- Jeez. Did you I just whacked that break it Yeah, I was like did that spider just jump over?
- 38:58
- We've got a huge spider on the windowsill that Jason's been eyeing yeah, man, it's freaking me out over here
- 39:05
- I've said freaking me twice now three times on this freaking me out Gosh I got so much editing to do this episode
- 39:16
- We won't they won't 18 minutes you going. I know I'm looking at my notes man.
- 39:23
- Oh, I can't stand it when I'm like The YouTube video though, because here's the thing
- 39:30
- Whenever you whenever you start taking notes on stuff and then you start talking Yeah, you you tend to jump around all of your notes and then you're looking at it and you're like, yeah
- 39:39
- I don't take any nice just talk. I just said that I just said oh dang I was about to say that and now
- 39:44
- I just said yeah, but most of our stuff's off the cuff though Yeah, which is good Because the word of the
- 39:52
- Lord is written on our heart, so what do you think about this here? I'll just It's true. It's true
- 40:00
- One of the biggest objections or just one of the biggest mysteries Because you know when
- 40:07
- I talk to someone who maybe isn't necessarily reformed It doesn't believe in the doctrines of grace or they get all weirded out about You know limited atonement or conditional
- 40:17
- Election or unconditional election all this stuff and I say well, and then
- 40:23
- I hear him say something like well God's in control. What does control mean? Right, like what are you saying when
- 40:28
- God's in control? Yeah, I'm control my car. I can do whatever I want with it I can drive it anywhere. I want my passenger isn't in control
- 40:36
- That means I'm taking my passenger wherever they want to go. They have no free will in that situation So well, no, no, no, we have free will but God's still in control.
- 40:45
- Well, those two are incompatible, right or people who You know believe in the free will argument or that that we choose
- 40:52
- God instead of God choosing us I say well, what do you pray for about just about someone who doesn't want anything to do with God God change their heart
- 41:01
- Okay. Well, what does that mean? You're are you saying God causes their salvation then? Well, yeah, well then okay we're but no, but I still think and I've just found that it's
- 41:11
- That when you think through it biblically and logically It's more of like a
- 41:16
- I don't want to say prop Well, it is it is kind of a pride issue, but not pride and like puffed -up pride, but almost like well
- 41:23
- No, I gotta have something to do with it. Yeah because that makes me feel like I contributed something and I feel like Until you get to a place to understand that yes
- 41:33
- God loves you and yes God wants to commune with you and yes God calls you righteous and yes He loved you so much.
- 41:39
- He gave up You know, he sent his son who gave his life for us at the same time I don't think you're worth as much as you think you're worth like you're a depraved sinful right fleshly person who will continue on rebelling against God unless God does something about it, right and That dichotomy is hard for people to understand like no
- 42:02
- God is righteous and holy So he needed to be satisfied with the spotless lamb And that's why we can have
- 42:09
- Communion with him and we are called just and have right legal standing before him as a judge, but That doesn't you know,
- 42:19
- I mean that doesn't mean you contributed anything to that. I mean I I think of it as you know,
- 42:25
- God has plan a You know when it comes to free will
- 42:31
- Quote unquote. I just did the did the finger quotes for air quotes.
- 42:36
- Yeah air quotes for YouTube When it comes to free will
- 42:43
- You know people think that they can make a decision that God's not gonna not gonna know about beforehand, you know
- 42:49
- It's like, you know, I'll like I mean what what kind of God would we serve that?
- 42:55
- Wouldn't know that had to change things around, you know, like oh my gosh. I didn't know Craig was gonna do that You know,
- 43:02
- I didn't know he's gonna say that, you know, and it's like wait a second Think about it from Genesis To when
- 43:10
- Jesus actually came to the earth, you know on the earth, you know was born like Everything had to line up From the beginning all the way through like the story is
- 43:22
- You know, it's it's perfectly put together You know you ask anyone who isn't reformed or Calvinist or doesn't believe in the doctrine of grace say well was
- 43:30
- Christ Death and resurrection pre -ordained before the foundations of the world. Well, yeah, the Bible says that So when
- 43:36
- Jesus on earth on earth, was there a chance that he could have not died and rose again? Well, no
- 43:41
- Yeah, all right. So all those circumstances around that the betrayal the disciples the miracles the the people in charge the
- 43:51
- Pharisees the high priest all those had to be pre -ordained as well to correct. Well, well
- 43:56
- If we're truly talking about libertarian free will where any any actor can make any choice at any time choice
- 44:02
- But this one thing is pre -ordained all those other things that led up to that have to be preordained. Well, okay now
- 44:08
- We're getting somewhere. So now you believe that the worst crime in humanity
- 44:13
- Yeah, torturing and killing a sinless Godhead was pre -ordained before the foundations of the world then you also then if you're okay with that then
- 44:27
- Knowing that a pre -ordained murder or a pre -ordained rape heaven forbid or a pre -ordained death or theft or Monstrosity of whatever.
- 44:37
- Yeah, that was pre -ordained then that should be no problem for you because I get the emotional card a lot
- 44:42
- Well, you're saying God pre -ordained this person to be raped or this child to be killed or any evil
- 44:48
- Mm -hmm, right? Yeah, and I just in this is for Christian listeners and I say but if you're a
- 44:54
- Christian and you also believe That Christ's death and resurrection was pre -ordained there is no worse sin than that, right?
- 45:01
- So that's a perfect example of God using what men meant for evil to glorify himself
- 45:08
- Right in that situation not only glorify himself, but redeem his people Colossians 1 16
- 45:16
- For by him all things were created For by him all things were created
- 45:24
- Yeah in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and For him, you know
- 45:39
- Wow, like exactly what you're talking about. Yeah so I forgot where I was going with the
- 45:50
- Or we talked about the proud evil and yeah, I kind of jumped into evil there but No, what were we talking about before that we had something else going on I thought no
- 46:02
- Man, we've been jumping around a lot which is always fun. I mean like I I love
- 46:07
- I mean, I love conversation Yeah, and I really feel like you know, the listeners might get a little bit out of it as well
- 46:15
- Maybe not the O's and the ums That's Yeah, so for me so so for me just to kind of bring it back around to the first letter and tulip total depravity
- 46:30
- I read that I read the Bible and when I Much like you
- 46:35
- I was reading through the Bible and I went well, this isn't what I've been taught I've been taught growing up in church that like I say a sinner's prayer and I choose
- 46:44
- God, right? You know raise your hand if you want to choose to be saved tonight, right? I went well, but the
- 46:50
- Bible says that I can't I can't choose Regeneration or to be saved because I'm a sinner.
- 46:56
- I'm dead. I don't do any good deeds I have the mind of the flesh which is unable to choose
- 47:01
- God How do I choose God if right if the Bible says I can't right and that really started to get me thinking
- 47:09
- So even before there was like these fancy acronyms that unbeknownst to me Yeah, I'd been around for 500 years.
- 47:16
- You know, I was just reading the Bible much like you and going well This does this doesn't make sense, right?
- 47:21
- It wasn't till years and years later when I saw these five points and I went oh my gosh. Yes total depravity
- 47:27
- That's a main point of what changed my view on what the Bible says, you know, and then you you know unconditional election
- 47:35
- Oh my gosh. Yes. It's nothing that I did. You know, it's what God does.
- 47:40
- He doesn't care just like you know Esau and you know who he hated and who he loved and all that That makes sense.
- 47:47
- And you know what? I mean? And then you're going down the unlimited atonement. Oh my gosh, that makes sense I asked my youth group pastor about that when
- 47:55
- I was a kid Like if if you know people go to hell for not believing in God But unbelief is a sin and Jesus died for all sins then like why doesn't everyone go to heaven?
- 48:05
- Yeah, you know Oh because his blood and his sacrifice was exactly for the people who it was supposed to be for right now one drop
- 48:14
- Is wasted right? It was for the you know what? I mean? I mean think about think about Saul before he became
- 48:21
- Paul Saul going around Holding holding cloaks while Stephen is is you know murdered?
- 48:28
- Yeah stone to death He's going around pulling Christians out of their home dragging them into the square, you know
- 48:36
- I mean just all these different horrible things that morning that he was about to be you know
- 48:43
- Kicked off his his horse, you know or fall out. Yeah. Yeah his beast.
- 48:49
- He has his beat whatever it was and You know, I'm sure it it had to have brought joy to the
- 48:57
- Lord to know what what he was about to do that day Yeah, you know even though Saul Did not deserve that whatsoever and Saul was not looking for that, right
- 49:09
- You know like he was not looking for that that day. He was looking to go find some more Christians to kill him yeah, you know and yeah, so I saw a meme years ago and it was like and it's a you know a
- 49:22
- Famous picture of Paul being knocked off his beast his horse Whatever donkey and it said so there
- 49:29
- I was on my way to Damascus Knocked off my beast when I chose And it's like yeah choice,
- 49:38
- I think what drives a lot of what Paul is saying and You know, you have some scholars that argue.
- 49:45
- Oh the whole reformed thing comes from Pauline theology It's mostly driven by Paul.
- 49:52
- He wrote most of the books of the Most of the books of the New Testament But then it's like okay, but you also see
- 50:00
- Peter you also see John you also see Isaiah you see
- 50:06
- Job you see I mean you see the sovereignty of God throughout the whole entire Bible, right?
- 50:11
- It's I don't know for me. I think it's kind of a It's kind of a lame excuse when people say oh, well, that's just Pauline now
- 50:18
- Paul hit it the hardest Yeah, and I think he did, you know Romans Romans I just read five right, you know
- 50:24
- Romans and Ephesians and you know, he's talking about it all the time But it's but it's because I think it had an effect
- 50:31
- Very greatly on his salvation because I mean he was he was on the road going to kill Christians Boom, Jesus knocks him off blinded for three days
- 50:38
- I mean if there isn't a better example of a sovereign God, right?
- 50:44
- Reformed conversion like that. It's it's Paul. You know, it's it's it's funny I mean thinking about my own regeneration day
- 50:52
- January 25th 2018 Okay, I was I was sitting in my apartment.
- 50:58
- I was sitting in my apartment Totally, you know, I mean I was
- 51:03
- I was drinking like crazy right, you know minding my own business TV I was watching
- 51:10
- I I wanted for for some reason and I wasn't even like Practicing my tongue was not practicing tongues
- 51:19
- Just set up my fire tunnel. I Wasn't I wasn't into any of any of that at all.
- 51:26
- I was I was you know, I Don't know man, but I but for some look at if anyone out there's listening and you do fire tunnels.
- 51:34
- We love you, too That's okay. I had to drink, you know, the Bible says some drink milk and the strong meat
- 51:40
- So when you want to chew on that good that good ribeye prime meat, let me know Stay away from those fire tunnels in fire tunnels.
- 51:48
- Anyway, you were sitting I was I was sitting there. I was drinking I was You know not at all
- 51:55
- Yeah, it was fresca. Um, I was not trying to be you know in the word
- 52:02
- I was I was not at all following Christ at that time for some reason I wanted to watch
- 52:08
- What's the movie case for Christ? Oh, yeah, Netflix Netflix pops up case for Christ is right there.
- 52:14
- I'm like, is that based on Lee Strobel's book? I'll watch that. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I've never seen it watch
- 52:20
- Okay, and it knocked me off the off the chair like really dude
- 52:25
- No joke man, like at the end when he's like, he's real, you know Like it was just hit me and I started crying like crazy.
- 52:33
- I'm like, oh my gosh. Yeah You know like yeah, and I mean regeneration happened right there and yes,
- 52:40
- I do weep Okay, people. There's nothing wrong with a man crying. That's true
- 52:46
- But yeah, I mean, but just unless it's over a soccer game Soccer isn't a real sport.
- 52:51
- That's what I'm but um, so whoops. We do have listeners in Germany. Don't we just joking?
- 52:57
- Oh, no, we love I don't even know what soccer is. Like what are you talking about? Yeah, yeah
- 53:04
- Football Greg used to be a soccer player. So really Yeah, I used to kick the can down the road
- 53:12
- What so I don't know. There's was there a game called kick the can where kids is there? Yeah, like you would hide around the yard and there would be like a can in the middle of the yard
- 53:20
- You grew up in the 1950s. Yeah, I was older younger 60 yeah to yeah.
- 53:26
- Hey, we didn't we didn't have we had black and white TVs, you know We had the radio we'd listen to about 6 8 6 a .m.
- 53:33
- Did you have a really big did you have a really big like like a wooden rim and Dude I used to put um,
- 53:41
- I used to put cards in my spokes. Oh my bike
- 53:46
- I was that kid man. Did you care Mayberry? It was free Parents were like this we're putting a balloon in it today son.
- 53:56
- Look what I got. I got a balloon Yeah, okay. We're gonna have to edit this. Okay That spiders back and it's staring at me in the face.
- 54:05
- Did you did you play with cap guns as a kid? Yes Yeah, I did too. Those were awesome man.
- 54:10
- Just smelling that too. You wanna hear a funny story? Yeah about caps Yeah, okay. So nowadays you have like cats or caps.
- 54:18
- I could tell you funny story about cats, too But we'll go just with the cats CAPS A Sweating.
- 54:25
- Oh my god. No, you look fine. Okay good. So So nowadays you have like the little like five or six in a circle and you put them in like a revolver style
- 54:34
- And then turn around. Well, do you remember back in the day? They would come on like a paper roll? Yeah yeah, and they were red and then the dots were like a little darker and that's where the load was right and you would put
- 54:44
- That whole load into the gun and pop pop pop. Yeah, so we got like a bag of these
- 54:49
- I don't mean my brother who's 18 months younger than me. I'm probably like 10 at the time.
- 54:55
- My brother's like eight eight and a half My friends over he's about my age. He's 10, right? His name is
- 55:01
- Jeremy. Mama runs. He actually listens to the podcast So Jeremy, I'm gonna expose us right now. I won't
- 55:06
- I'll be gentle We're in the backyard. We had this old dilapidated like, you know, like eight by whatever eight shed you know with the two doors and like a riding alone, but this thing was like it was particle board and I was 10 years old.
- 55:21
- It had already been there probably 20 years. Gotcha Okay So like parts of the corners are all chipped off and you could see through like diagonally through like to the other side
- 55:31
- So we have these rolls right and we're taking them. We're stretching them out We're putting them on a brick and we're taking a hammer and pop Yeah, pop right and not even using them in the gun did that probably didn't even have a gun if I think about it
- 55:43
- So my friend Jeremy and my brother Chris who were pretty good friends They were both like I'm a firebug, but they are like extreme firebugs gotcha to this day still right?
- 55:53
- We're they're the ones poking the fire at a campsite and stuff Go what it would happen if we'd like double it over and do two at a time or like pop, right?
- 56:00
- What would happen if we do like three and we're behind the shed? Yeah, so my mom can't really see us my dad's at work
- 56:06
- And I think we were probably just naturally behind the shed because it was like we got a little cover Adults if we're playing with you know, we probably shouldn't be hitting these with a hammer
- 56:13
- So obviously then that within five minutes that escalates into what if we take a whole roll of 200 and just slam it with the hammer
- 56:21
- Right, so we do that when we get a flame and we're like whoa and it burns for like, you know, whatever 10 seconds or whatever and and so then my buddy or My brother
- 56:31
- Chris goes what if we take a whole roll put it on the brick? Then we take some dead leaves and pile it on top then smack it with a hammer and we're like, yeah so we do it and Now it's even a bigger little fire for a little bit longer so then of course
- 56:46
- Jeremy who's the ultimate pyro says what if we take a whole row and then put some leaves on top and then like put some gasoline on top of that and me and My brother like gasoline like what do you mean?
- 56:59
- He's like, oh no, it makes stuff burn a lot better Yeah, so we take a little cap full of gasoline, right and we smack it and this thing just whoosh
- 57:07
- I mean, it was probably you know to me it felt like a 30 -foot flame when you're 10 years old But it was probably good six or seven flame.
- 57:14
- Well It's in the fall time. So there's dead leaves all around So those catch on fire then catches the the shed particle board shed
- 57:23
- Which is just screaming to be burned because it's just so old It's like you could have like probably taken a sparkler and let this thing on fire
- 57:32
- I mean the shed itself was probably more flammable than the gasoline, honestly Dusty, you know what?
- 57:39
- I mean? Like crumbly particle board that's been sitting out in the Sun all summer and now it's a cool autumn
- 57:44
- You know this thing starts going up my brother and my I'm freaking out. I'm not good under pressure
- 57:50
- I'm like, oh my god. All I can think of is like I'm gonna get whipped. Yeah, I'm burned down the shed You know, we're gonna burn the whole place down my brother and my friend
- 57:58
- Jeremy they take they have jogging pants on they take off Their pants so now they're in their underwear and they're just whipping, you know, it's beating out the fire
- 58:06
- You know Now we got the fire out, yeah, I mean it was it was like half, you know
- 58:13
- But the whole side of the shed is singed. Uh -huh. So at this point we're like, what are we gonna do?
- 58:18
- What are we gonna do and we say you wanna what? We just we take all the burnt leaves. Let's go bury them spread them all out, right?
- 58:26
- And we just make sure mom or dad and don't come behind The shed for any length of time and see this huge black
- 58:33
- Because back when you're a kid time almost healed everything like if your parents found out you did something, you know
- 58:39
- Like when me and my brother were wrestling and my arm went through the drywall and there was a you know Six inch by six inch hole. We just put a hamper in front of it
- 58:45
- Yeah, if they don't see it for at least two months that softens it right right because then when they see it you go Oh that's been like that for you know forever
- 58:53
- Well, you know, so that was our plan. Don't let don't let mom or dad see behind it And I think it worked for the most part
- 59:00
- I think it was almost like a full year before they saw behind it and by that time they were just kind of like Really, you know
- 59:08
- They were mad, but they couldn't be mad because it was like it was when our friends were over a year ago So it kind of did the timing helped it, you know
- 59:15
- Going that long and then we told the full story to my parents years and years later They were like, I can't believe like you guys could have burned so they didn't even find it like I've been never
- 59:24
- No, it was all you know Like how often does someone do you go behind that little space between the fence and the shed where we were kind of hiding and you?
- 59:32
- know doing that Luckily, you know to this day though my brother and Jeremy my friend
- 59:38
- Jeremy member NC I I I tell them you were the reason we didn't burn down that shed.
- 59:43
- I mean they acted quick serious I mean, I laughed and made fun of them for years because they're out there in their underwear in the fall
- 59:49
- Just whipping their tighty -whities just whipping this shed You know sin and I think
- 59:54
- Jeremy had to my friend when he went home He had to explain why his pants had burn marks all and smelled like you know, yeah, but that's my and so Bringing it back home.
- 01:00:05
- Yeah total depravity My nature was to disobey to start a fire. And then what was my first instinct lie about lying?
- 01:00:14
- right liar so that's 10 minutes of All the listeners life that they'll never get back never with my story
- 01:00:22
- Yeah, but we hit the one -hour mark you want to kind of you got any final words for us on depravity?
- 01:00:28
- Anything you wanted to add to that comment said we're gonna go through and try to do five episodes right in a row for T you
- 01:00:37
- Li P. I almost said T up. I am like for topple for top to lip tuple.
- 01:00:43
- So total depravity At the old notes here does God put a gun against our head and make us do bad things
- 01:00:52
- No, we answered that question. No, it's our nature to do that There's no such thing as meaningless evil and God is not trying
- 01:01:01
- All of this has meaning Well, that's the scary thing to me is people who don't believe that God has preordained everything in this world
- 01:01:10
- Then the evil that they espouse to is absolutely meaningless and has no no meaning, right
- 01:01:17
- The Bible I read says what what we meant for evil God means for good good And that his glory is shown in those times
- 01:01:28
- And I think it goes back to the very simple kind of example of You know, even what
- 01:01:36
- Todd White was saying not Todd white in a point that I'm trying to make Yeah in a reform podcast, but God's glory is shown brighter against his wrath one
- 01:01:52
- Two if you don't think you need a Savior It's gonna be real hard to get saved.
- 01:01:58
- Mm -hmm You know, you have to understand that you are sinful and depraved to be able to understand
- 01:02:06
- What it is that God did in his grace by sending his son to the cross and in redeeming us
- 01:02:13
- Does that make sense? The worst place you can is a comfortable blessed
- 01:02:20
- I'm a pretty good person type of place right and we see that throughout the Bible I always talk about when David start counting his men
- 01:02:27
- That's when things went south when he wasn't clinging to God by you know that string
- 01:02:32
- Oh, I need you right up in his own pride and go. I got I got some stuff going on here
- 01:02:37
- I got 10 ,000 men to the left to the right to the east to the west. I'm King Yeah, go out and take a census of our men so I can see who
- 01:02:44
- I can evade next that's where it went downhill because that's the minute he took his eyes off of Christ off of And put them in his own power right the minute
- 01:02:53
- Peter took his eyes off of Christ and oh what what's going on here? That's when he sank I mean this is like a reoccurring theme and if you think you're good in and of yourself
- 01:03:03
- And that you can choose God and that you have some merit for why God chose you
- 01:03:09
- I'm sorry, but it isn't it is gonna be a hard road for you and your salvation and sanctification
- 01:03:14
- Yeah, because if there's just one iota of pride in us Just one bit.
- 01:03:21
- Yeah, that's why God says the the worst sin is pride all sin is rooted in pride Rebellion is rooted in pride, right, you know
- 01:03:30
- So that's all I have for this episode. Yeah, you got anything for us on our way out Yeah, no,
- 01:03:35
- I think we think we covered quite a bit of stuff. All right guys as always. Thanks for listening
- 01:03:41
- Thanks for listening us ramble on this episode. Yeah, but like I said, we're gonna try to do all five through a five -part series
- 01:03:47
- So make sure you stick around as always You can reach out and find us on instagram at dead men walking podcast if you want to talk to me personally
- 01:03:58
- I'm at Gregory Moore jr. And Jason, what's your handle on Instagram? If anyone
- 01:04:03
- Instagram Jason at? Jason Hamlin 81 and is that the year you were born or your
- 01:04:10
- IQ that is Man Man Man so Man So yeah, reach out to us there and if you go to a dead man walking podcast,
- 01:04:28
- I've actually tagged both of our personal Instagrams in there if anyone wants to reaches out to us as always if you're listening to us on like one of the like Apple or Spotify or I don't even know them all to Pandora or tune in or what high heart
- 01:04:45
- Well, leave us a little parlor to run parlor to dead men walking podcast. We're about to we're about to get rid of Facebook I know we're gonna join that we should have an episode on that.
- 01:04:55
- Jeez these big tech companies and their censorship, but Yeah, make sure you reach us reach out to us there and then also, you know
- 01:05:03
- Leave us a comment or review that helps with boosting our you know, you know what you call It's our rankings all the algae rhythms and all that but okay them to suppress us
- 01:05:13
- And then and then once we get to the top they can suppress us Yeah, once once we're saying too much, which we probably already are great.
- 01:05:22
- Okay. They just don't know about it We float way under the were under the radar
- 01:05:28
- We're still in the stage of this podcast where we can say whatever the heck. Hey, I mean Tell everyone we didn't celebrate the 75 ,000 downloads 75 ,000 downloads
- 01:05:38
- April 11th on on one on one platform though, right? No, that's cross -platform.
- 01:05:45
- That's cross. Yeah. Oh, that's going out everywhere, but that's still pretty good That's just two dudes talking on a exactly, you know sitting in a studio and just talking like we do
- 01:05:55
- I mean praise God that 75 ,000 Plays have been made.
- 01:06:01
- It's all been for the glory of God not for our glory whatsoever. Oh, yeah Oh, we're definitely not getting any glory out of this.
- 01:06:07
- Oh, man. We are Amen Theological hacks that Just love the word and love
- 01:06:15
- God and just trying to know him. Yeah, man. Talk about it and Seek his face