The Prophet Jeremiah Part 33

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The Prophet Jeremiah Part 34

The Prophet Jeremiah Part 34

So let let's pray Lord Jesus again as we open up your word We ask through your Holy Spirit help us to understand what you have revealed there
So that we may truly as you have commanded us Love you with all of our heart soul and mind and also love our neighbor as ourself and concerning our neighbor.
We lift up to you Tony Jennings we ask that you would be with her as she is on the wait or already at the emergency room
Pray the physicians would find what is wrong and that they would be able to fix it and that she would be
Recovered to health we ask this in Jesus name. Amen Last week we were working our way through the book of Jeremiah and You'll note just by way of a recap the the
Those people who had fled the armies of Nebuchadnezzar Had also, you know, they became refugees
They kind of disappeared for a little while and after the armies of Nebuchadnezzar had had gone back to Babylon they had left a fellow in charge of Judah he was the governor there the official governor of the
Babylonian Empire and He was put to death by a fellow who we can basically describe as kind of like a brigand you know kind of like a warlord type of fellow and That this left the refugees the the few that remained in Judah that to basically lose heart
And they were concerned with their safety so they had enough sense
You know to inquire of Yahweh as to what they should do And if you remember again, we summarized it in the lyrics of the song should we stay or should we go right?
Right and God said stay and they said you're lying
God did not say stay and and so they have had it in their heart the entire time regardless of what
Yahweh should say that they were going to head down to Egypt and now in chapter 44 the
This is kind of like one of those big reveals. You remember remember watching Scooby -Doo, right?
and always in again the the paranormal and Scooby -Doo was the result of somebody trying to scare people for their own
Purposes of power or money or whatever and so and so always at the end they would unmask the ghost
It's mr. Smithers. No way. I can't believe that. It's mr. Smithers So this is gonna be kind of one of those reveals.
Why is it that these? Refugees of Judah had it so much on their heart.
They had intended to go to Egypt. Why? What well now we're gonna find out why it's because of mr.
Smithers so Ruh -roh, okay
So so we so we continue with Jeremiah 44 The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the
Judeans who lived in the land of Egypt now remember they had drug Jeremiah with them. Not only are we not staying we're going to Egypt and they drug
Jeremiah with him Jeremiah gives a prophecy that God's gonna call for Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar is gonna come and he's gonna sack
Egypt the same way he sacked Jerusalem, so the Word of the Lord concerning all the Judeans who lived in the land of Egypt at Migdal at Tafet Tafet Tafen Hess at Memphis and in the land of path
Ross thus says Yahweh of armies Oh always and again, I remind people the Greek Greek the
Hebrew word sabba Means army when we think of hosts we think of like somebody in the hospitality industry
Okay, this is this is a military term This is talking about the armies of heaven the
God Yahweh of armies the God of Israel You have seen all the disaster that I bought upon Jerusalem and upon all the cities of Judah Behold this day.
They are the desolation. No one dwells in them because of the evil that they committed
Provoking me to anger in that they went to make offerings and to serve other Gods that they knew not neither they nor you nor your father's yet I persistently sent to you all my servants the prophets saying
Oh Do not do this abomination that I hate but they did not listen or incline their ear to turn from their evil and Make no offering to other gods
Therefore my wrath and my anger were poured out and kindled in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem and they became a waste and a desolation as at this day and Now thus says
Yahweh the God of armies the God of Israel Why do you commit this great evil against yourselves to cut off from you?
man and woman Infant and child from the midst of Judah leaving, you know remnant
Why do you provoke me to anger with the works of your hands? Making offerings to other gods in the land of Egypt where you have come to live
So that you may be cut off and become a curse and a taunt among all the nations of the earth
All right Now always and again it is always a good idea to pay attention
When somebody else is being punished for their wrongdoing They will serve as an example so if you grew up in a household like I did
I had a younger brother, all right, and if my brother screwed up and He got punished severely
Guess what? I would not do the same thing that got my brother in trouble, right?
Okay At least don't get caught right, right I may become I may redouble my efforts at Covering and hiding my my sin and obfuscation
But the idea then is is that God is pointing to the fact that he is given a definitive theological reason for why
Jerusalem lays in ruins and why all these people are dead and why there's only a minor remnant of people who survived the ordeal
Most of whom of the survivors are in captivity in Babylon and the refugees that had remained in Judea You'd think that they would have go what
I said, you know Maybe worshiping a Shira and Molech and all them other deities is not a good idea, you know but no
They continued worshiping false gods and so by doing so They were overtly saying that the gods of Egypt were real and that the gods of Egypt were the ones that they were looking to To protect them as they were refugees in Egypt Do the gods of Egypt exist?
Yeah, not on your life The whole source given in Scripture for other deities is the demonic all right, it is the activity of Satan and demons that led to the worship of Osiris and and Isis and Horus and all the different gods of the of the
Egyptians and here if you Remember these deities were all judged by God.
There were ten plagues and the gods of Egypt were utterly powerless To prevent them to bring them to an end or stop them and so none of this makes a lick of biblical sense and You'll note that the problem here is idolatry makes you stupid it really
Legitimately does we're talking about really questionable life decisions and now
God Speaking through the Prophet who they drug with them to Egypt is basically saying what gives
Have you guys not learned the lesson yet? Okay Why do you provoke me to anger with the works of your hands making offerings to other gods in the land of Egypt?
Where you have come to live so that they may be cut off and become a curse and a taunt among all the nations Have you forgotten the evil of your fathers the evil of the kings of Judah the evil of their wives?
your own evil and the evil of your wives which they committed in the land of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem and Here it comes.
All right This is a first Really a first God here is singling out
Women because here's what's going on.
All right Do you remember what the state of the temple was at the time of Josiah They had set up within Solomon's temple they had set up incense altars to but all
They had put an a Shira in the Holy of Holies Why?
They were giving God Yahweh a wife. I Okay, think of it this way
Pagan religions have a real hard time with with biblical monotheistic
Judaism and then later biblical monotheistic Christianity Here's part of the reason why because in the pagan way of thinking and in the
Gnostic way of thinking there has to be gods and goddesses
You Have to have not only the divine Masculine you also have to have the divine feminine.
Does any of this sound familiar to any of you people? Okay, the Da Vinci Code was in part based on these concepts
Which is at the heart of Gnosticism which has its root in the ancient religions of Egypt Okay, so who's really?
Really steering everybody wrong here answer. This is a form of theological feminism pagan theological feminism and it manifested with them giving
Yahweh a wife a Consort. Okay, and what's really funny?
In fact, hang on a second here. I'm gonna see if I if I have this All right My Kindle app on this
Macintosh behaves badly ever since they switched the code base over to the new Apple silicon the the folks at Amazon are not good at Updating this now you can see that my library is chock -full of Gnostic research.
Okay, don't let that freak you out. And yeah, that's Heinrich Himmler there. He was a pagan Gnostic himself.
Okay Let's see here. I'm just gonna do a search for the word wife Ah, here it is.
Okay, one of my pagan books. Okay, give me a second while it downloads here
I have this on my iPad. Yep, and it crashed. Give me a second. I told you it's you know,
I've actually written Amazon about this and They have no intention of fixing anything until Until the the new
OS comes out. All right, so let me do this. I'm gonna go to the cover. Here we go
When God had a wife Okay by Lin Picknett and Clive Prince by the way
Lin Picknett makes an appearance in the movie The Da Vinci Code her and her husband and her and her husband
Clive and She is also just a very well -known Gnostic lady.
Okay, and Her thesis is that true
Judaism true Judaism was the Judaism in the temple at the early years of Josiah when
God had a wife and Her claim is it's it's the meanie poopy head patriarchs who who oppressed the divine feminine and They are the ones who got rid of the divine feminine and that carries over into Christianity today and they say that this is an absolute religious abomination and aberration and that there has to be gods and goddesses and so she points to the time of the of the apostasy of Jeremiah's time and she says that's true
Judaism and Rome and the subsequent generations are suppressing this and they don't want you to know the truth
Okay, and so she points to that a Shearer inside the Holy of Holies at the time of King Josiah When Jeremiah was prophesying and say that's that that's the truth
It's what follows that's the lie That's how Gnostics operate. Okay, you should read this.
It's just loads of fun And by fun, I mean not okay So you'll note here
God now is talking to the refugees of Judah in Egypt and he's
Singling out and this is you'll note that God normally operates via patriarchy he rebukes the husbands the fathers, but now he's rebuking the women and There's a reason for it.
Okay Let me back up have you forgotten the evil of your father's the evil of the kings of Judah the evil of their wives
That's almost what the the emphasis this would have and also your own evil and the evil of your wife of your wives
Which they committed in the land of Judah in the streets of Jerusalem They have not humbled themselves even to this day
Nor have they feared Nor walked in my law and my statutes that I set before you and before your fathers
Therefore thus says Yahweh of armies the God of Israel behold I will set my face against you for harm to cut off all of Judah I will take the remnant of Judah who have set their faces to come to the land of Egypt to live and they shall be
Consumed in the land of Egypt they shall fall by the sword and by famine they shall be
Consumed from the least to the greatest they shall die by the sword and by famine and they shall become an oath a horror a curse a taunt
I will punish those who dwell in the land of Egypt as I have punished Jerusalem with the sword with the famine with pestilence so that none of the remnant of Judah Who have come to live in the land of Egypt shall escape or survive or return to the land of Judah To which they desire to return to dwell there for they shall not return except for some fugitives the vast majority of the refugees are gonna die and It's gonna be horrific
Then all the men who knew that their wives Had made offerings to other gods and All the women who stood by a great assembly and all the people who lived in path for us in the land of Egypt answered
Jeremiah and what they should have answered is We're sorry We repent ask
God to forgive us, right? but watch Here's what they say as for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of Yahweh We will not listen to you
Right doesn't that sound like a woman talking We're not gonna listen to you we will do everything that we have vowed make offerings to the
Queen of Heaven Gag me with a spoon. Come on serious.
Okay All right. So so who's who's talking here?
Who's making these offerings to the Queen of Heaven? right It's it's these women right you'll note that that if we take a look at kind of the pattern of The apostasy of Jeremiah's time which the
Prophet Zephaniah makes the definitive connection that the Apostasy of Jeremiah's time is the foreshadow of the apostasy that precedes the return of Christ Okay, and the great apostasy that Paul prophesies of in 2nd
Thessalonians 2 Zephaniah makes the connection between the two So we have a biblical anchor you'll note follow the pattern
Homosexuality rise of perversion along those lines and you have an overt theological feminism and an overt unrelenting impenitent worship of the
Divine Feminine When confronted they say me No way, we're gonna not listen to you.
Right? What's what's the big rise right now in our day and age?
Homosexuality and Down with the patriarchy you patriarchy bad bad bad.
We need to embrace the Divine Feminine Yeah, that's that's that's part of it, too
And and I would remind you hang on a second here of this particular fun ELCA congregation
Liturgy of the Divine Feminine at her church, San Francisco Okay This is an
ELCA congregation in good standing Okay Okay Yeah You are absolutely correct, where were the men you know where the men were they were acting like women
Okay, let me just be blunt about that, okay Yeah, that's right, okay
Uh -huh Yeah, you'll know you're right you're absolutely correct
You'll know what the increased obsession of sex that humanity the distinction between male and female disappear
Okay, and here's another fun thing that I learned just this past week in my research into Gnosticism, which has been fun
That there is within the Rosicrucian form of Gnosticism There is a belief and a so -called prophecy that as humanity evolves
Humanity would become overtly androgynous That's part of the
Rosicrucian Gnostic cult, okay, very fascinating stuff. Yes They're what
Well Nobody can nobody nobody should expect that feminist artists should actually have any kind of precision or good
Practice when it comes to the brushstrokes and their compositions. I'm just saying Right, okay
So Yeah, yeah, the men are totally permitting this they're standing by their wives who are in flagrant feminist
Rebellion against Yahweh They're hiding under their skirts, yeah, there we go.
Okay, it's it's it's absolutely fascinating So I would note pay attention
This is the same Pattern we're seeing happening in our lives
I kid you not if somebody had told me 30 years ago 30 years ago when
I was studying apologetics and theology at Concordia University, Irvine that in 30 years
There would be churches Embracing the divine feminine overtly and still be in good standing within the denomination.
I would say you are out of your mind Okay that they would be ordaining
Practicing homosexuals, I would say you are out of your mind In fact, I think protest you did something just a couple of days ago.
Hang on a second here protest Yeah, I don't go there very often test you calm
I want to show you this because if this doesn't kind of Elca pastor tells pro -choice congregants your church stands with you.
Your rage is holy Rage against the overturning of Roe v.
Wade Okay Just work this out and by the way, okay back in the day
Infanticide was very much practiced by the ancient Jews in the sacrifice of their children to Molech all right, they didn't have the
Scientific medical instruments to perform abortions. So they just wait until the child was born and then offer the child to Molech Right, it's the same thing and the same motivation and this obsession with I want to have sex on my terms
And I don't want to have any consequences whatsoever But you're right Marilyn the obsession with sex is where this really comes from So coming back as for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of Yahweh We will not listen to you
We will we will do everything that we have vowed make offerings to the Queen of Heaven and pour out drink offerings to her as we did both we and our fathers our kings and our officials in the cities of Judah and In the streets of Jerusalem for then we had plenty of food and we prospered and we saw no disaster
Right Forget it. So basically they've closed off their ears to the actual words of God God has definitively spoken.
I Prophet Jeremiah has a thousand batting record right now, by the way, I should let everybody know
I'm in deep mourning The Dodgers were eliminated from the National League playoffs by the San Diego Padres I'm Thinking about imprecatory
Psalms, but not sure how I'm gonna get through this day today should be a day of lament That's I'm wearing black.
So Alas that's how baseball goes anyway
But all of that being said you're gonna note here. This is just absolute defiant
Obstinately defiant and God has spoken and said you had this disaster come on you because of your idolatry and you're going to die
Because of this in Egypt and they're having none of it How dare you
Tell us to repent how dare you tell us to stop making offerings to the
Queen of Heaven, right? Since we left off making offerings to the
Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her We have lacked everything and we have been consumed by the sword and by famine.
They refused to hear God's words So the women said when we made offerings to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her
It was without was it without our husband's approval that we made cakes for her bearing her image and poured out drink offerings to her
The husband's were fully aware of this
So now mr. Withers has been unveiled. I should I'd say miss Withers, right and We see what was really going on Tell us
Jeremiah. Should we stay or should we go? You know, we will do whatever Yahweh tells us to do
Yahweh says stay you are a liar We're going to Egypt and we're taking you with us, right?
it's it's it's nuts and Why is it because the women the whole time with the full knowledge of their husbands were?
Worshiping the so -called Queen of Heaven yeah, right and This is what we are seeing on the rise of In our day right now
This stuff is raging out of control so then Jeremiah said to all the people men and women all the people who had given him in this answer as For the offerings that you have offered in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem You and your fathers your kings and your officials and the people of the land
Did not Yahweh remember them did it not come into his mind
Yahweh could no longer bear your evil deeds and the abominations that you committed therefore your land has become a
Desolation a waste a curse without inhabitant as it is to this day
Is it it is? Because you made offerings and because you sinned against Yahweh and did not obey his voice the voice of Yahweh or walk in his law and in his statutes and in his testimonies that this disaster has happened to you as at this day
Excuse me and Jeremiah said to all the people and all the women here knows he the women are included
This is again. This stands out among all the writings of the prophets
This is unique Because usually God speaks only to the men and that's all that's necessary But with the rise of the divine feminine and the worship of the
Queen of Heaven These women had put themselves on an equal standing with their own husbands and so God's talking to them and judging them straight out
Jeremiah said to all the people and all the women here the word of Yahweh all the you of Judah Who are in the land of Egypt thus as Yahweh of armies the
God of Israel? You and your wives have declared with your mouths and have fulfilled it with your own hands saying we will surely
Perform our vows that we have made to make offerings to the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink
Offerings to her now a little bit of a note here This is not a throwaway line.
We will perform our vows one of the unique features of Gnostic paganism are these
Gnostic initiatic Ceremonies and rites and in those Gnostic initiation
Rites the people who are going through them and performing them They they basically make all kinds of vows and oaths
All right, that is a standard feature of Gnosticism vows of secrecy of Silence that if you reveal any of these secrets
You'll have your you have your throat slit and your heart ripped out of your chest and things like this
Okay by talking in this way, you'll note most pagan religions
You would think don't require These types of things but these women are invoking the vows that they took in their
Gnostic initiation ceremonies Okay We will surely
Perform our vows that we have made to make offerings to the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink offerings to her
Then confirm your vows Perform them Therefore hear the word of Yahweh all you of Judah who dwell in the land of Egypt behold
I've sworn by my great name Says Yahweh that my name shall no more be invoked by the mouth of any man in Judah in all of the land of Egypt saying as Yahweh Elohim lives behold.
I am watching over them for disaster not for good and note the contra distinction then
God talking to these impenitent worshipers of the so -called
Queen of Heaven He uses the exact opposite language that God gave to the people of Judah who were in captivity
And in fact, let me even pull that up here Duplicate this and go to that much twisted passage of scripture from Jeremiah 29
Okay, where God says? These are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the
Prophet sent from Jerusalem to the surviving elders of the exiles to the priests the Prophets and all the people whom
Nebuchadnezzar had taken into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon this was after King Jeconiah and the
Queen Mother and the eunuchs the officials the Judah and Jerusalem the craftsmen and the metal workers had departed from Jerusalem The letter was sent by the hand of Alasa the son of Shaphan and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah whom
Zedekiah the king of Judah sent to Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon it said thus says
Yahweh of armies the God of Israel to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon build houses and Live in them plant gardens eat their produce
Take wives and have sons and daughters take wives for your sons
Give your daughters in marriage that they may bear sons and daughters multiply their do not decrease
Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile pray for Yahweh on its behalf
For in its welfare you will find your welfare for thus says Yahweh of armies the God of Israel Do not let the prophets and your diviners who are among you deceive you do not listen to the dreams that they dream
It's a lie that they are prophesying to you in my name I did not send them declares Yahweh for thus is
Yahweh when 70 years are completed for Babylon. I will visit you I will fulfill to you my promise and I will bring you back to this place for I know the plans
I have for you declares Yahweh plans for your welfare Not for evil to give you a future and a hope
Note that what God is now saying to the refugees in Egypt who are worshiping the
So -called Queen of Heaven. I am watching over them for disaster not for good
All the men of Judah who are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by famine until there is an end of them and You'll note this is one of the sad realities of apostasy is that sometimes the only way to get rid of the cancer is to cut the whole thing out and This was necessary because in getting rid of this idolatry
God was preserving the line of the Messiah Right It's brutal, but who's in the wrong here is
Yahweh in the wrong not at all The people who are in the wrong are the ones embracing this stubborn stiff -necked delusional belief in the divine feminine and Worshiping the so -called
Queen of Heaven right Those who escaped the sword
Shall return from the land of Egypt to the land of Judah few in number and The remnant of Judah who came to the land of Egypt to live shall know whose word will stand mine or theirs
So basically they said we had plenty when we worship when we worship the
Queen of Heaven and made offerings to her and So we are going to continue to do so and fulfill our vows to the
Queen of Heaven because then we will prosper and so God says Challenge accepted
And let's see whose word stands Jeremiah's or you feminist pagans
Whose word stood? Jeremiah's did right
This shall be the sign to declares Yahweh. I Will punish you in this place in order that you may know that my words were surely stand against you for harm
Thus says Yahweh behold I will give Pharaoh Hathrah the king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies and into the hand of those who seek his life as I gave
Zedekiah the king of Judah into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon who was his enemy and sought his life and Wouldn't you know?
Nebuchadnezzar attacked Egypt and Pharaoh Hathrah Perished Just like God said this is sobering stuff, right?
it's the parallels to today that really stand out
I mean from the theology the the rank
Paganism that has leered its head within the so -called visible church, right the overt
Hatred of Biblical patriarchy the overt hatred of the pastoral office in the men whom
God calls to that office the overt abdication of the role and responsibilities of men
Who cowardly kowtow to the brow beatings of these feminists who demand to be given the same?
Authority as men right This does not end. Well This does not end well
Message to Baruch All right Changing gears up a little bit here
Maybe I should check questions because this was a this was kind of a dark thing But again, the parallels to today are are stunning.
All right. Let's see here. I need to go this way No There we go, all right,
I I saw somebody became mentioned about the Catholics refer to the Queen of Heaven. We'll talk about that.
Yeah, okay Okay, Stephen Elliot. Do you have a note from your doctor?
Is that what I'm looking for here? It says I have a good excuse for missing class yesterday I took my grandparents and my mom on a day trip to the
Blue Ridge Parkway to see the fall foliage That is a worthy endeavor. I will only give you an excused absence if you took good photos, okay
Sorry, we're gonna go by my standards of what makes a good photo Yeah, no, no, no,
I'm the law Josh is the gospel Okay Okay, so the
Jennings said the heart is fine. They're doing tests on lungs. It may be another blood clot. Okay good That's still not good.
But okay, we'll keep continue to keep her in our prayers Okay, unbelievable agreed.
Okay. So this complaining sound of the Israelites when they left Egypt It is interesting that the false
Mary of the Roman Church is called the Queen of Heaven to this day in some Eastern Orthodox Churches, this is
Lily writing and Lily knows Eastern Orthodoxy from the inside The women actually cook special foods for her and bring them to church in her honor still
Okay, no, no, this is okay, so let's talk about this for a second, okay, we we
Lutherans and others in Protestant denominations accuse Rome of worshiping
Mary Right Okay, and no no, no, we don't worship her but you do we don't pray to her
But you do right So here's the issue where did this
Really come from? Okay, and I have a working hypothesis we will just put this into the category of working historical hypothesis because the rise of Mary Olytree, which is what
I think a good name for this is also happens to run parallel to when
Gnosticism became overtly illegal and dangerous to practice Okay, and the best way
I can put it in reading many Gnostics some ancient some modern I can say unequivocally that Gnosticism never went away and they bear a huge grudge against what they refer to as the pristine
Christian Church who oppressed and persecuted them into hiding
Okay, if you were to read the book written by Erin Aeus Erin Aeus who was the disciple of Polycarp and Polycarp who was discipled by the
Apostle John Okay, Erin Aeus wrote a very long Book, it's actually multiple books and the name of it is called contra heresies and it
I kid you not It is the only existing document from antiquity that Catalogs the belief and overarching metanarratives of the
Gnostics particularly the Valentinian Gnostics and Gnostics to this day hate that fact
Okay, and it's the work of Erin Aeus that really really helped bring to a head the the
Gnostics among the Christian Church and they put them out as heretics and They really were not able to mount any kind of defense the way the
Aryans did and Instead those who were not found out pretty much operated in secret in plain sight for two millennia
Okay, and it's during this time When the Christian the pristine
Christian Church as the Gnostics call it with a pristine Christian Church was persecuting the Gnostics that you had the emergence of a document that purported that Mary was a perpetual version virgin, right?
this is the pseudo gospel of James is this the and it was It was determined by the church at this time at that time that that was a forgery
It was not written by James at all and that the history in it is not real but here's the thing that Then becomes the seedbed for where the
Gnostics embedded themselves within the visible church It's in their over pious opinions and feel
Theologizing as it relates to the Virgin Mary and her perpetual virginity and her immaculate conception and things like this, right?
that that that's where real Gnosticism is because in the Gnostic worldview
And this is the important bit. There is an unrevealed deity and that deity has emanations from it to us and those
Emanations become known as Demi urges and the Demi urges or these little Demi gods if you've ever heard the term
Demi gods Always appear in binary sets of male and female
Demi urges or male and female deities Okay, and so in that in there the
Gnostic way of believing it is Imperative that you have a divine feminine and the
Gnostics that embedded themselves within the Catholic Church did so with the open worshiping of Mary as a
Proxy for the divine feminine and what's interesting when you read of all people?
Muhammad and Muhammad and his Experience in dealing with Christians at his time.
What are we talking six seventh century, right? He believed that Christians worshipped father son and Virgin Mary and Christian theologians go.
Well, he had to be mistaken. He wasn't He was bumping up against this because where then did
Gnosticism kind of hide out Originally answer in the Arabian wilderness in the
Arab Peninsula in places like this that's where the Gnostics actually went to and There the so -called
Christians were worshiping overtly father son and Virgin Mary Virgin Mary being the proxy for the divine feminine
Okay When you put the pieces together, it actually makes a lot of sense but they moved out of the
Arabian Peninsula and re -embedded themselves within the visible Church during the Middle Ages and Especially, you know this this divine feminine worship also was in part brought back into Europe through the
Templars and through the Mystics like Bonaventure and others keep that in mind.
Yes So Luther is after all of this.
Okay, and Luther still kind of had vestiges of this kind of hanging on You know that he that he had to kind of work through so on the one hand
Luther He recognized that Mary was not somebody that you should pray to and he overtly taught that he still
Struggled with the belief in the perpetual virginity of Mary All right, that's still visible in his writings but the idea then is is that all of these things that went so then when you see then in the
Eastern Orthodox Church Lily who grew up in Eastern Orthodoxy Says in some
Eastern Orthodox churches knows she didn't say all That's the important bit here is that some
Churches don't go down this path and others are basically like a sleeper cell for it
Okay in some Eastern Orthodox churches the women actually cook special foods for the
Queen for Mary whom they call the Queen of Heaven and They bring them to church in her honor
I'm going to note something Lily. That is the Identical practice described in the book of Jeremiah of these women who make cakes for the
Queen of Heaven There is no Difference except they're using
Mary as a proxy for their divine feminine No, it's not a pious opinion.
It's not fine So I know I sound like a wingnut when I talk like this But that that's kind of the thing when you when you really imbibe hard on like primary
Gnostic sources You realize that it's the Gnostics who were the first conspiracy of people
Okay, because they had to come up with an explanation as to why they were outlawed why they had to live in secrecy
Why they couldn't practice their beliefs out in the open Okay, and it's because of the evil
Pope. It's because of the evil Patriarchy it's because of you know And so they came up with this this this whole narrative and you get a glimpse of that narrative in the
Da Vinci Code okay, when you get T bring talking about the history of Christianity after the death of Christ and Up to the time of Constantine Listen to that that that narrative that T bring speaks in the
Da Vinci Code during that part of the movie that is lifted straight out of Gnostic sources
Straight out of it and notice I did not say Masonic I Said Gnostic and there's a difference and if you really want to get a better feel for this
For really what this worldview is about. Let me give you another book this one written by Mason Secret here we go this.
Let's see Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians fantastic book, but the one that is a little bit more encompassing is this one?
That the the secret teaching of all the ages by Manly P Hall Okay, that's the book that kind of lays out all the different Gnostic threads and their meta narratives
It almost reads like a dictionary of Gnostic groups, which would include the Freemasons but he is
He was a he was a Freemason at the time. He wrote this 33rd degree. So interesting stuff
But the Rosicrucians are the ones that are most notable in their overt
Gnosticism within Europe after the Crusades Okay, so just keep that in mind.
So all of this Mary all the tree is in reality my working hypothesis
Just straight -out old -school feminist Gnosticism the worship of the
Divine Feminine, okay, so that that's that's again That's my working hypothesis and I stand by it.
I can provide bibliography if you like. Okay. All right. Let's see here Catholics refer to Mary as the
Queen of Heaven. Yes, they do. So does William Tapley You guys remember William Tapley doom and gloom
Coming soon Anyway, William Tapley has like gone off the
Mary all the tree band. He's like Every day he does a live stream on YouTube You know do offering prayers to the
Virgin Mary and it's he's not as fun as he used to be but oh well Okay, you know it is what it is.
All right. Let's see here. Yeah, the Roman Catholics a reminder October 19th pagan statue Haka mom is
Brought into the Vatican and approved by the Pope. Thank you John for letting me know about that I'm gonna end up googling this
I know and I'm just I'm gonna regret googling it Yeah, okay
Sometimes to get rid of all the rats you have to burn down the barn You're not wrong.
Okay So much for winning 111 games Yeah, okay
Daniel, okay, I see what you did there Yeah, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits, okay
Yeah, I remember a long time ago. Someone's saying that the Roman Catholics adopted the idols like Imanja Isis etc to help people convert to Christianity.
I would note that's not really true Okay, that that's that's that's a false narrative to try to explain
How this this Mariola tree came into into Catholicism in such an overt way
And that almost sounds identical to one particular Gnostic narrative that I read a few months ago
That's but that's not literally how this worked Okay The better way to put it is that Gnostics always operate in secret and there's they're the ones who smuggled these things into Christianity.
All right, and they've been hiding in plain sight for two millennia so All right.
Let's see here. Let's read in the message to Baruch. Shall we? All right The word that Jeremiah the
Prophet spoke to Baruch the son of Neriah When he wrote these words in a book at the dictation of Jeremiah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah the king of Judah Thus says
Yahweh the God of Israel To you Oh Baruch You said woe is me for Yahweh has added sorrow to my pain
I am weary with my groaning and I find no rest Thus shall you say to him thus says
Yahweh behold what I have built I am breaking down what
I have planted. I am plucking up That is the whole land and do you seek great things for yourself?
Seek them not for behold. I am bringing disaster upon all flesh declares Yahweh But I will give you your life as a prize of war in all places to which you may go
So Baruch here is was basically complaining, you know that you know, he's he's seeing sorrow and pain and experiencing all of these things and God is basically giving the context.
Listen what I planted I'm plucking up what I'm building. I'm destroying but I'll save you Okay, you'll have your life as a life of war
Baruch goes into captivity in Babylon That's his fate and so kind of interesting that he gets singled out for an actual epistle but now the next section of Jeremiah is one where I don't think
I should start it until next week Because if you look at how the outline works for the following chapters
You're gonna have God speaking judgment against Egypt against Syria against the Babylon against the
Persians against the Chaldeans and again And so you'll note then this kind of gets into kind of a bigger theme and that is is that although God is exacting judgment through Nebuchadnezzar and the
Babylonians by no means are the Babylonians clean as the wind driven snow
Okay far far from it and God is going to judge them the same way he judged
Judah But in order to do this justice, we cannot jump into this section of the study until next time