F4F | How to Use the Law of Attraction for Weight Loss


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube and if you've ever been told that you as a
Christian can utilize something called the law of attraction you know to attract like positive results in your life you know for like you know prosperity health maybe weight loss or whatever yeah the
Bible doesn't teach the law of attraction heretics teach the law of attraction if you've ever been taught the law of attraction as a
Christian go ahead and hit the subscribe button you've been taught false doctrine now case in point today we're going to be heading to the
YouTube channel of the Barbie girl herself Terry Savelle Foy and she explains to us how to use the law of attraction for weight loss yeah so I mean if you're like me and you suffer from rotundness and you know rotundness is just the thing that you struggle with and you're tired of celery sticks and carrots and treadmill time and all that kind of stuff just put it all away yeah
I know that you could use the law of attraction apparently to fix all that up let's check in with Terry Savelle Foy here we go hey
I'm Terry Savelle Foy your cheerleader of dreams hey I pray that as you invest in yourself today you're captivated and you're catapulted to live your dreams in fact if you've never seen right yeah because Christianity is all about living your dreams you know it's not
Christ said to like take up your cross and follow him and that we should expect suffering and persecution and stuff like that's what he said and apparently
Christianity is now about following your dreams and living your dreams and stuff grab to this podcast just push the little red button right there to get consistent teaching tools and tips to help you live your dreams today
I want to talk to you about how to use the law of attraction for weight loss yeah by the way the law of attraction is not found in the
Torah it's not one of the Ten Commandments it's more akin to like Buddhist thinking it's more like witchcraft okay of attraction for weight loss you know this podcast is specifically on the weight loss issue but honestly it can be applied to whatever battle you're facing right finances health you name it relationship issues you could use the law of attraction for that yeah fighting a financial battle a legal battle a health battle a marital battle whatever right
I mean if you're in a legal battle I mean have you considered using the law of attraction for solving your legal battle problems the law of attraction is simply expressing gratitude for what you want gratitude is the key you know the law of attract what so the law of attraction is just just express gratitude for the thing that you want
Oh Lord I thank you that I am so skinny I thank you that I am no longer suffering from rotundness oh thank you
Jesus and then voila you know it's no treadmill time needed for you this is absurd and basically states that whatever gets in your mind and stays there you will attract it in your life that your mind is like a magnet all right now
I get up I get back this up just a smooch and we're just gonna ask you important question which biblical text teaches this doctrine that you know whatever gets stuck in your mind is what is attracted to you the key you know the law of attraction basically states that whatever gets in your mind and stays there you will attract it in your life that your mind is like a magnet now is this in like fourth hesitations did you find this in the
Gnostic Gospel of Thomas where did you find this law of attraction law of attraction well as believers we call it
Proverbs 23 7 whatever a man thinks in his heart so does he become now we gotta we gotta do some biblical work here if you have a
Bible you can open it if not just follow along so we're gonna head over to Proverbs what did she say 23 7 now let me let me help you out here we're going to pull this up in the
King James Version which is what she is quoting and we're gonna note the three rules for sound biblical there are three three rules for sound biblical exegesis are context context and context and oh boy is that text small every time
I change copies you know translations it gets really small and so here here it is out of context as he thinketh in his heart so is he see there it is the
Bible teaches the law of attract no no
I mean this is so duplicitous it's ridiculous in fact it really easy to debunk using the three rules now
I mean we can do this of we could do this in the King James but I'll show you it in the
ESV as well here's what it says just by adding one one verse before Proverbs 23 7 eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye mm -hmm neither desire his dainty meats for as he thinketh in his heart so is he eat and drink saith he to thee
I sound like a Shakespearean guy anyway eat and drink saith he to thee but his heart is not with thee the morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up and lose thy sweet words
I'm gonna be performing in the Globe Theatre next week in London anyway so you kind of get the idea what does it mean the guy who has an evil eye this is an ancient euphemism or you know it's phrase talking about somebody who is stingy or jealous or you know things of that nature so let's take a look at like the
ESV the ESV has is a modern translation and here's what it says in the
ESV do not eat the bread of a man who is stingy do not desire his delicacies for he is like one who is inwardly calculating which is a good way of translating the phrase there in the
Hebrew eat and drink he says to you but his heart is not with you you'll vomit up the morsels that you have eaten and waste your pleasant words now see there you go as soon as you put it into context you realize whoa wait a second
Proverbs 23 7 doesn't teach the law of attraction you know that as I think of them my heart so am
I you know so I I imagine myself 32 -inch waist six -pack abs really big biceps and you know and all this kind of nonsense you know it just happens yet no no it doesn't work that way and the sad thing is just put the text in context and it cleans itself right up and you realize whoa these people out here who are teaching that Proverbs 23 7 says whatever
I think in my heart I can have they are lying to me and the reason you would feel that is because well they are lying to you they are deceiving you they are scratching your itching ears and telling you what you want to hear the
Bible does not teach the law of attraction but let's continue with Terry Savelle Foy here the words what you think about you bring about well here's the thing
God will go to work to fight your battles but you have to express gratitude praise and Thanksgiving oh
I see so God is gonna fight my battles for me but he's kind of like a mercenary yeah so there's
God you know me I can fight your battles for you mmm God right and you go oh that's so good that's great news
God I'm I got to fight the battle of the bulge I'm suffering from rotundness please
God come to my rescue fight my battle for me no no me no fight you must praise me first this is nonsense so God's the mercenary battle fighter and as soon as you give him praise and stuff then he goes okay me
I go ahead and I'm going to fight for you now this is nonsense give you proof
I'll tell you about my weight loss issue but let me just give you so to prove it she's gonna talk about her weight loss issue in order to prove this you actually need a biblical text you need passages that clearly say these things not something like half of a sentence taken out of context from Proverbs 23 proof about what
I'm sharing today you know we see the story of Jehoshaphat in 2nd Chronicles if you remember the story armies are coming against Jehoshaphat yeah he was completely outnumbered and it looked hopeless there was no way to win this battle so what does he do well the
Bible says he sent the praisers out ahead of him they were bowing down and praising
God expressing gratitude for how powerful and mighty he is okay so here's kind of the issue and let me explain it this way number one 2nd
Chronicles is a historical narrative and so you oftentimes people do these weird things with historical narratives they take a historical narrative and they take a descriptive text which is what's going on here this is describing a battle that Jehoshaphat ended up fighting and and so now you've turned this into a prescription and that's kind of the problem see this is not an example of Jehoshaphat going oh as I think of in my heart so am
I so and I know God is gonna fight my battles if I praise him first you see the
Bible is just I mean look at the Old Testament lots and lots and lots of battles were fought without the praise band
I and they were won you know David won a lot of them without a praise band and so so what's descriptive here is not a prescription for us that's this is another type of twisting of scripture so she's ripped a verse out of context and now she's looking for another story to kind of force this into this thing that she's teaching the law of attraction which the
Bible doesn't teach and the story of the Battle of Jehoshaphat it's not a story about that at all now the other thing is is
Jehoshaphat as one of the kings in the land of Israel he is in covenant relationship with God and as a result of that there are covenant promises and so he's invoking those and utilizing those and taking
God up on his promises to protect the land of Israel protect the the
Jews of Judea you know things like that so she's totally ignoring the bigger context here but okay and their praise confuse the enemy see the enemy doesn't know what to do yeah many praise bands confuse me also that's a different story different episode of fighting for the faith sorry when it does not appear that your breakthrough is ever gonna happen and you just start praising and thanking
God yeah it sounds crazy thank you God that I'm so skinny oh
Jesus thank you for making me thin and yeah
I cannot believe that people believe this
Bible says the enemies actually turned against each other and slaughtered themselves yeah listen to what
Jehoshaphat did that must have been how bad the praise was okay this I can't stand this
I'm gonna kill myself the solution he said Lord I don't know what to do and even if I did
I don't have the strength to do it but my eyes are on you and he just began praising and worshiping
God and he's right trusting God for deliverance because God had actually promised that to those who kept covenant with him in the time of the
Old Testament hello oh yeah and the armies are coming against me well listen to what the
Lord said he said to him the battle is the Lord's the victory is yours and he won the battle now think about it
Jehoshaphat's position was don't worry about it just keep my eyes on God now get this ingrained when you complain no matter what it is when you complain you remain when you praise you make progress yeah let me see that's my problem the reason
I've been suffering from rotundness for most of my adult life is because I keep complaining about it no biblical text teaches this okay
I am literally gonna explode how much more this can I endure hang on playing how
I discovered personally that one of the ways that we maintain our less than desired bodies is through the words of our mouths no complaining
I thought it was by putting food into my mouth who knew it was what was coming out of my mouth my words this is crazy -making simply focusing on the negative things that we hate about ourselves it causes us to remain that way when we're saying things like I hate my thighs my stomach is huge I'll never get this weight off no matter what
I do I can't lose weight this cellulite is disgusting well what we focus on expands now okay
I can be blunt not only is this not Christian doctrine I'm pretty sure this is bad psychology as well
I mean it's this doesn't even rise the level of pop psychology this is like New Age nonsensical psychology
I mean and notice that she's got just such a simple solution for what many people turns out to be a complex problem some people legitimately have slow metabolisms and get kicking their metabolisms into a higher gear becomes more difficult as age sets in oftentimes people have sitting jobs or things like that or they have you know other medical conditions to that they have to consider or high levels and so she is just basically put all of these you know complex reasons why different people suffer from rotundness and boiled it down to a super simple thing well it's just because you're complaining too much nonsense and no biblical text teaches this that she's teaching this woman is exploiting people with overly simplified explanations to the problem false doctrine
Bible twisting and of course you know she travels the world because she's she's the coach cheerleader for helping people achieve their dreams yeah buyer beware is the best way
I could put it if you're looking to lose weight the last person you should go to for helping you with that is
Terry Savelle Foy so if you found this helpful please consider subscribing to our you know to our channel of course hit that little you know that little ding -a -ling bell thingy and you'll be notified when we put new video blogs up for your perusal and enjoyment and teaching and of course if you'd like to support the the
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