Are There Modern-day Prophets & Apostles?

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The cults say people like Joseph Smith & Ellen G. White were prophets. The charismatics & Pentecostals claim new fresh revelations are being given. The Catholic Church believes the Pope can issues decrees of equal authority to the Bible, are they correct? How do we know? Does the Bible give us any information to help with this question? Listen and find out!


So let's just ask the question, are there modern -day prophets today? Yes. No.
No. Jesus was the great prophet.
We have his word, he is the living word, we have the written word, we have what we need.
Right. Anything that would arise would not be anywhere comparable to what he brought.
Right. He's the prophet, the priest, and the king. Okay. You can't improve upon perfection.
Yeah. I would argue personally, and I know people disagree with this, some people would, 1st
Corinthians 13 when it talks about tongues will cease and prophecies will fail, it says that will happen when the perfect comes.
I believe the perfect is God's New Testament revelation. So when John finished the book of Revelation, that was it.
There's no more prophecy after that, no more prophets after that. And John, at the very end of Revelation, just so happens, right, that he includes that statement, no one shall add any words to the prophecy of this book.
And I believe that's symbolic for you, no more adding to the Bible. Because really, if there was a prophet today receiving a direct word from God, why couldn't you add that to the
Bible? I mean, that's a good question. I say that because someone left a comment on my
YouTube channel and disagreed with me, and they said, no, no, no, there are prophets today. And God is still giving new revelations today.
And I have a Pentecostal charismatic friend who told me the same thing. There are prophets today, Mike, and there are still revelations being given.
And I always, my response is always the same. Who is it? This prophet, give me their name.
What's this prophecy, this word from God that they have? Tell me the name of the prophet, and what is the specific prophecy?
You know, no one's been able to do that. Because here's the thing, as soon as they say, yeah, well, it's Benny Hinn, and here's this great prophecy, then as soon as they give the name, then
I can go and I can test it, and then I can usually show that they're a false prophet. But no one's been able to give me the name of a true prophet.
So that's the position I have, the position of this church. And it's not the position of the church, because it's my position.
It's always been the position of Morse Corner Church and most Bible -believing churches that I know, that there are no modern -day prophets.
Okay. Well, I mean, this is how we get to the Book of Mormon. This is how we got Mary, Baker, Eddie. They've all written their own books saying that you can't, that the scripture needs to be explained further.
And of course, what's really happening is, is it's just trying to erode the perfect, as you say.
Yeah, you have that with the cults, right? The Book of Mormon, another Testament of Jesus Christ.
You have the Old Testament, the New Testament, and then the New New Testament of the Mormons.
Even with Catholicism, the Pope supposedly has papal infallibility, and he can make a decree or write an encyclical.
And that can be just as authoritative in their system as what the Bible says. So, I mean, either you hold to this view that the
Bible is the Word of God and nothing can be added, that that's the final authority. Once you open it up to other things, like the
Charismatics do, I mean, it's a slippery slope. But, okay. How did
I get off on that? I don't know. Yeah, we're talking about the prophets and the kings, and it's a relevant question of whether or not there are modern -day prophets.
Okay, any questions on that? Yeah, if you say there's modern -day prophets, you're gonna probably say there's modern -day apostles.
And again, I said, well, who are they? What are their name? And you can't find agreement on that. So, this is a juicy subject.