Matt Slick Live: September 4, 2024



Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 09-04-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Matt Announces CARM Patreon Availability King James Version Wordings Questions Did Paul write The Book of Ephesians Will we have Free Will in Heaven Matthew and Luke’s Genealogy differences Is Faith dead without Works/James 2:26 Is Women being forbidden from being Pastors a new Doctrine Does The Church have a School Of Prophets? September 4, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at CARM .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. I hope you're listening to Matt Slick Live. I hope you're all going to have a good time listening.
We have nobody waiting right now. If you want to give me a call, the number, as usual, is 877 -207 -2276.
All right, all right, all right, all right. Hey, so we got a caller coming in. That's good. Let me kind of fill you in on a little something.
Not a big deal. So last night was the first, I don't know how to call it.
We have Patreon, patreon .com forward slash CARMorg, C -A -R -M -O -R -G,
CARMorg. And Eli Ayala and I, I asked him to join me. We did a video response to an atheist video for questions that will make you an atheist or might make you an atheist.
And he and I just, you know, we responded, we listened to the video and then commented. And the goal here is to produce a lot of videos like this and some other topics.
I'll do a lot of reaction videos as I listen to videos. I just said, I'll just be doing a lot of myself, just going through and saying, well, what about this?
What about that? You failed here, failed there. You know, good point there, there. And if you want to see what we did, and I released it yesterday, you can go to YouTube forward slash
CARMvideos, YouTube CARMvideos. And you can see,
I wonder how that works, you can see, let's see, I'm going to do this right now because this is as though I'm you, see,
CARMvideos. And let me go there.
Yeah, it has CARMvideos right there and has me doing an intro. I'm going to redo that intro, it's years old. So to see the latest, the latest video we're talking about, and I got to figure out how to get that going.
And, oh, Ben, there's a lot of stuff on the site. Well, I got to work on that. Anyway, what you could do is just search for,
I got to figure that out now, how do we do that? I think you go to live, the live tab, there it is, go to the live tab, and you'll see a thumbnail, four weird questions that might make you an atheist.
And so we just released it yesterday, and the goal is to make a dent in a lot of stuff that the atheists are doing, the
Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, there's going to be a lot to be able to discuss.
Also, I'm going to be in Salt Lake City area this coming weekend. I'm going to go down and I'm going to hear someone preach,
Ed Romine, and tease him. He's a great guy, though.
So I'll be down there on Saturday and Sunday, and come back late Sunday. And then the weekend after that,
I'll be in Southern California, Yorba Linda, at the Ministry to Muslims conference, and I'll be speaking on Saturday, I'll be in a panel discussion on Friday night, and then on Saturday, I'll be speaking three times, and then on Sunday, I go to Calvary Chapel of Norco, and I'm going to deliver a couple of sermons.
So there you go, just saying, and if you are interested in that stuff, check it out.
But we are going to be doing a lot of the current videos, and I'm going to tell you, I'm going to be doing this inside of Patreon, because we are trying to raise funds to support the ministry.
And so Patreon .com forward slash CARMORG, C -A -R -M -O -R -G, and you can go there and sign up if you want, and we're going to be working it.
And so the first video, we'll just put it out to the public so you can see what kind of stuff we'll be doing.
Maybe we'll do one more like that, and then from then on, everything will be behind the Patreon wall. And if you want to see the stuff that we do, then you get to sign up and support us, and then you can see them.
And then what we'll do is two months later, is we'll release the videos, two or three months later, release the videos, just so everybody can watch, so you get to see stuff on, you know, when it comes out.
All right, I think that's about it. Just letting you guys know what's going on. All right, let's get to Travis from North Carolina.
Travis, welcome. You are on the air. Hi. How are you doing,
Mike? Doing all right. Hanging in there. So, Mr.
Guy, I've called you from prison a couple of times, my family's been on vacation, and I ain't had anybody to three -way you, so.
Yes. Quick question, have you ever heard of a Christian app, it's called Pando, they, you know, have different churches and their ministries and stuff, they put up videos.
Pando, no I haven't. Nope. I had mentioned to you a couple of times ago when
I called, that in here, in prison, on these tablets, they have a couple of places where you can upload videos, but they just added this new app that's strictly
Christian stuff, and I was just, it's free to post your content, you can post podcasts and all that stuff,
I was wanting to throw that out there too, and see if maybe you'd look into that, see if you could get your stuff up, because I cannot pick up your radio station at the prison
I'm at. Okay. So, I think
Charlie was working on that, and let's see, I don't know if Charlie's got, if he's still, if he found anything out,
I think he, Charlie was trying to figure out how to get onto the, to the radio station stuff on that, because you called a couple of months ago, and I think he had some difficulties, so, we, anyway, that's what he was working
Yeah, the other one was, the other one was Edovo, and it's, it's not strictly
Christian stuff, they got educational radios, and books, and all that stuff, so, if, if he would want to look into Pando, it would probably be a whole lot simpler,
I had my nephew look up how to post, and he said it looks really easy, and it's free, and it's strictly Christian stuff.
Okay. Pando, P -A -N -D -O? Mm -hmm. Okay. Yes.
All right. Great. So, maybe we'll check it out. Okay.
So, what's up, what do you got? My question is, um, out here on, on my, uh, in my, during my day room time, the other guys that are on my tier, we come out together, and I've got a couple of them together doing
Bible studies, and I'm trying to, you know, get with them, I have a, a really nice copy that I was blessed to get from somebody of John Calvin's Institutes of the
Christian Religion, so I was running to look by him, and there was this one guy out here, he was being really argumentative, he's not been a
Christian long, and when I got to unconditional election, he started kind of getting fidgety, then when
I got to limited atonement, he was just done, and he hit me with, well, you're preaching out of a Bible that I don't believe in, if it's not
King James, it's not authorized, and I was like, okay, well, here's how you're wrong about that, because the only authorized version was the original handwritten documents from the apostles themselves, so that's done for, but I thought about it, you, um,
I've heard you a couple of times use, um, Romans 518 to show that the
King James Version mistranslates, and I have, right here in front of me, I have an
ESV and an NASB open with the King James Version, so I see the difference in wording, um, my question is, how is the difference in wording in Romans 518, um, problematic, and do you have any,
This call is from the North Carolina Correctional Facility. Sorry about that, um, do you have any other verses besides that, that I could go to, and what is the significance of the difference in wording?
Well, the King James, you know, I wouldn't really argue too much with them about it, um, I would just, uh, just work with the
King James, because the King James is a good Bible, it's just not as good as the newer ones, and a lot of people, when they're just so loyal to the
King James, they just say, oh, that's it, that's it, you know, if it's not the King James, I'm not going to believe anything, you know, okay, whatever, and I said, let's just go to the verses, let's just go, and, uh,
Romans 518 and the King James is badly translated. I'm sorry, but it just is, and also
Titus 2 .13 in the King James is wanting, but it's more technical stuff, has to do with, uh, translation principles and definite articles and stuff like this, you're not going to be able to get in there and really convince them of anything, so I would just use the
King James, don't worry about it, and, um, just, just approach things with that, because that's what you can do, it's easy, it's not hard at all, the
King James will support, perform theology, you just got to know where to look. Okay.
Yeah, I have a lot of respect for the King James, I grew up on it, it's just, I think
I listened to Matt Stoick too long. When doing apologetics, I recommend people don't use the
King James, and when you, while witnessing, don't use the King James, you know, these and thousands, that's not how people talk.
If you want to have your own study, that's fine, people want to preach out of it, that's fine, but there are some problems with the
King James, and, um, they need to be known and dealt with, if and when someone is using it, that's all, preaching and stuff like that.
Okay. I'm not sure how true it is, I heard some kind of rumor from history that, um, that there was a more reliable text that was found, and King James went ahead and authorized what he had in front of him, and they had it published, and then later come to find out that there was a newer
Greek manuscript that he could have used or something. Yes, so basically, basically, at the time of the
King James work, they had Greek manuscripts for example, from the 5th, late 4th, early 5th, 6th century range, that's what
I understood. But since then, even more ancient manuscripts have been uncovered, been discovered, and so the general rule is the older the manuscript, the better, the more reliable, the more accurate.
So a lot of what will happen is the King James people will say that modern translations take out biblical truths, but the reality is the
King James added things that wasn't really in the Greek, because of the original manuscripts and the old ones.
So that's it. Now convincing people of this kind of thing is very difficult to do. That's why I just don't worry about it.
I say, if you want to use the King James, that's fine, use the King James, you can do what you want. But I ask them, did you use the original
King James? Are you using that, or are you using a later version? Because, for example, in Genesis 1 .15,
it says, And I'm just pronouncing it the way it's actually written.
So Exodus 20, verse 3, It's H -A -U -E, instead of have.
And the word dogs is D -O -G -G -E -S, dogs have. So there's a lot of old phraseology, like scissor word,
Romans 5 .24, original, this King James. So they're not using the King James, they're not using the original
King James, they're using an updated version of the King James. And you can bring that up. Just ask them, which year
King James do you use? And then just leave it, don't go too far with them. But if you want to go to unconditional election, you go to James 2, 2 -4.
God does not show favoritism. And then you go to Ephesians 1. And just work with those.
And say, look, are you saying that God picks somebody based on that? Yeah, when he started arguing about limited atonement,
I told him he needed to go get some scissors and cut a few things out of his Bible. The ones, you know, just remember 1
Samuel 3 .14. 1 Samuel 3 .14 really is a very critical verse.
And I'm going to go to the King James. What it says is, and wherefore,
God speaking, wherefore, I have sworn to the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering forever.
And just say, well, did that include Jesus? And just see what he says. So, yeah.
And, you know, when people aren't reformed, that's okay. I don't care. What I have a problem with is when people go in and start calling it heresy, start calling it evil.
Then I'm going to step in, I'm going to say, you don't know what you're talking about. You need to be careful. And I'll correct them.
But if they say we don't agree, okay, fine. No big deal. The more important thing is the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, okay?
Absolutely. Absolutely. There's a break, buddy. We can do nothing in and of ourselves, and he did it for us.
That's right. I appreciate it. I will give you a call in the next week or so and try to have your people look at Pando.
All right. Sounds good. God bless, man. God bless. All right. Hey, folks. We'll be right back after these messages with Cheryl from Richmond.
So hold on. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
Everybody, welcome back to the show. Hope you are listening and having a good time.
The number is 877 -207 -2276. Cheryl from Richmond, Virginia.
Cheryl, welcome. You're on the air. Hi. Thanks for taking my call. I have what
I think are two quick questions. The first one is, a pastor told my husband that Paul, the
Apostle Paul, did not write Ephesians. Is there any basis for that?
Well, you see, what happens is that people will say, well, you see, scholars have debated it.
Well, you can have scholars who debate it, but it doesn't mean it's true. And so people will try and add credibility to the idea, well, you know, the scholars debate it, so therefore we can't know.
No, that's not the case. What we do is go to the Word and go to what it says.
And the very first verse says, Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to the saints. It does.
I know. Okay. So what we would say is that Paul wrote it because it says that Paul wrote it.
And the early church recognized that he wrote it. So we just say, well, he wrote it.
If somebody wants to say he did not, I'm going to say, well, then please demonstrate with evidence where, you know, who really wrote it.
Okay. Good. Excellent answer. Next thing is at a funeral recently, the same pastor said that when someone passes away, they go for three days in sort of like a holding,
I'm paraphrasing, but in this holding place. And they can decide either to stay or come back.
And if they decide to come back, all memories are wiped away. To me, that sounds like reincarnation, which
I don't believe in. Somebody called him about this last week, but that pastor needs to be kicked out of the pulpit flat out.
He's not qualified to teach something like that. It's just foolishness. It's not biblical. A pastor is, by definition, an elder, and he's supposed to be able to teach sound doctrine and refute error.
And he's not teaching sound doctrine there. To say that we go to a holding place for three days, you can decide if you go or come, that's absolutely asinine.
It's just ridiculous. That's what I thought. So he doesn't know what he's doing. Hope I didn't say a bad word there. But it's ridiculous.
It's just stupidity. And he's not qualified to be a pastor and to teach stuff like that.
Sorry, but he's not. You're not going to tell this to people, because this is something that a lot of people just don't know, but it's true.
He has to hold fast to the faithful word, which is in accordance with the teachings, so that he'll be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict.
I bet you if I were to get a conversation going with him, I could find out a lot of stuff and say, well, what about this?
What about that? What about that? And find out what other errors he has, because heresy is never by itself.
There's always something else associated with it. You ask about open theism. I'd have to ask about Molinism.
I'd have to ask about annihilationism, soul sleep, various things to see if he even understands.
Is Jesus a man right now? Why was he baptized? What did he do to get saved? These are the questions that I would ask someone who is teaching something like that, because it's so far off, and it's so whacked, that it's like, what else has he got wrong?
I know. I refuse to go to that church. But anyway, there were several others who were questioning this after the funeral, like, have you ever heard of that?
And where did that come from? So we were right. Okay, good.
You're absolutely right. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, you are.
And good for you, you know, that you're just saying, no, you know, it's not working. I'm curious to know who this is.
I would tell you, but not on the air, because my husband would get very upset because he goes to that church.
I know. I tell you what, what you can do, if you want, is you can e -mail me who that is.
Just info at karm .org. I'd love it if you did. And I can go check and stuff.
And maybe I'll respond back to you if I look at this church of whoever it is.
And if I say, yeah, there's some other serious issues, I can e -mail you back with my phone number, and you and your husband and I can have a conversation on the phone.
That would be good, because my husband thinks that this pastor knows everything.
He doesn't. He obviously is wrong. So just because they're a pastor doesn't mean that they know what's going on.
There's a lot of pastors who don't know biblical theology, and a lot who do. There's a lot of good pastors out there.
There really are. There are. But just every now and then you find someone who says things like that.
You go, uh, no. Sorry. Okay, thank you so much.
I will do that. E -mail me ASAP. I will. So I can check it out. I am curious.
Okay? Thank you. All right. Well, God bless. Bye. Okay. All right.
Hey, we have two open lines. Why don't you give me a call? 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to Mark from Charlotte, North Carolina. I'm trying to say it like Joanne does.
All right. Hello? Hi. You're on the air. Can you hear me? Yes, I can. Hey, Matt.
How's it going? Hey, I got a question about free will.
Okay. And I'm curious, is there any scriptural, anything in the scriptures that talks about our capacity for free will once we're in heaven?
It says we'll worship God. And I don't have the verses memorized, the addresses. We'll worship
God. We'll serve him. I will cry out to God and things like that. So there's a will that's involved.
Now, we need to define our terms. First of all, what is free will? Free will is simply the ability to make choices that are just out of your own heart, out of your own nature, that are not forced on you.
Now, this definition includes God, because God is holy and he cannot sin. So he operates out of the consistency, what his nature is, and no one forces him.
That's the freedom. We have that too. So in heaven, we're still going to be made in the image of God, Genesis 126.
We're still going to have the will and the freedom that we need, just because that's defining what a person is.
We have personhood. We have the ability to make choices. When we go to heaven, we don't suddenly stop having a will and stop having desires and thoughts, because a will is part of what a person is.
It's an essential property, not an accidental property. Let me explain. The essential property of a circle is roundedness.
Without roundness, there's no circle. But an accidental property of a circle is its diameter.
You can have a diameter of one foot, one inch, a mile. It doesn't matter. That's an accidental characteristic to a circle.
But an essential characteristic or property is its roundness. An essential property of being human in personhood is having a will.
And so without that, you're not a person. To say we don't have a free will in heaven would be to say we're just automatons without any thought, without any consideration or intentionality.
So we will have free will. But it's going to be redeemed free will. It's redeemed.
All right? So then how was Satan and the one -third of the angels that he took with him, how were they?
How were they what? How were they able to choose to sin against God?
Because it was within their nature to choose to sin against God the same way it was within the nature of Adam and Eve to sin against God.
They were fallen. I mean, they weren't fallen. They were good. But they weren't holy and perfect. Because nobody could be that except God.
And so they had the ability of sinning. Hey, hold on. We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned.
It's Matt Slick Live! Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to... Oh, yeah, we're back on here with Mark from Charlotte. Okay, Mark, you're back on here.
Okay? Okay. So you said the angel just...
They had the... It was within their nature to have the capacity to choose either. Otherwise, they couldn't have done it.
Simple. But even in heaven. What? Before... Yeah, even in heaven. Before they were...
Okay. All right. They had the capacity to do it because they did it. You see, it's really simple logic.
Right, right, right. They did it. That's why they had to. They had the capacity, so they did it. And, you see,
God alone is holy. I'm just wondering what will take our capacity away to choose evil once we're in heaven.
Well, there is something we have that the angels don't have, and that is regeneration. Now, we don't know what's going to happen in heaven.
An illustration I give is that, you know, shadows in a room exist when there's a light there. But if the light is everywhere, there's no shadows.
Could it be that the light of God's presence everywhere in our hearts and our souls means that we might have the actual capacity to sin but never will because no shadows can exist in such light?
That kind of a thing. I don't know. Is it going to also be, or instead, will it be that we're going to have such a changed nature that we just won't sin anymore?
The redemption of our bodies, that's certainly possible, too. Don't know which is going to be. It could be a combination or what, but that's what's going to happen.
Okay. Okay. Okay, great. All right. Can I give a shout out to my church here in Charlotte?
Sure. Go for it. So yesterday, you were talking about how, you know, you were explaining about how the government is, you know, just incrementally getting more and more hostile towards Christians and laws.
And you said it's time for Christians to fight and stand up and defend themselves.
But there's a lot of mamby -pamby pulpits that aren't pushing it. But I go to Freedom House Church here in Charlotte.
And we are, our church absolutely does not back down from speaking out against this kind of, all this woke crap and, you know, standing up and defending our beliefs and the truth.
Wow, I like that. Freedom House Church. Yes. I'm looking it up right now. Sure. Pastor Gerald Brooks, Pastor Steve, Pastor Lee, I guess that's a guy.
Actually, Freedom House is Pastor Troy and Penny Maxwell. Okay. Oh, and they have
Diana Henderson, South End Campus Pastor. That's a problem. Yeah.
Because women aren't to be pastors. I appreciate your answering my question.
Uh -huh. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I wish that they would stay to the
Bible instead of dealing with... Oh, man. All right. Well, if they stand up for the truth so much, why do they have women pastors?
That's what I want to know. All right, buddy. Hey, thanks. That's another discussion for another time. Yes, it is. Appreciate your answer.
That's a really good one. God bless. Okay. And by the way, since I brought that up, I'll do it again.
Here we go. I'm willing to do a formal in -house debate on the topic, does the
Bible support women pastors and elders? That's it. And I'd fly out to your place and we could have a debate.
It needs to be recorded. And both parties would be able to use it unedited, just put it on their respective websites.
I've got that challenge standing out. I've done it for years and years and years.
Not a single person has taken me up on it. I'd like to be able to have that debate.
I'd even fly to North Carolina and go to a church where they have women pastors. Oh, I would love to debate a woman pastor.
Oh, oh, oh. Man, that would be enjoyable. All right.
Having said all of that, let's get to Kathy from Richmond, Virginia. Kathy, welcome. You're on the air.
Hi, Matt. Thanks for taking my call. Sure. So I'm just starting the book of Matthew, a study on the book of Matthew.
And I wonder why is Jesus in the genealogy of Joseph when
Joseph was not his biological father? Why not Mary's genealogy?
I know the Holy Spirit was his father, but I don't get the connection there.
Mary, genealogy, we have an article on this. Mary is the biological line and Joseph is the legal line.
So when Joseph said his name is, you know, and named him, he is exercising his authority and recognizing that who
Christ is in his line by adoption. So in adoption, the legal line can go through so that he's legally in that place.
But biologically, it was through Mary. Okay? Okay. So legally. Okay. That's a good link there.
Okay. Legally. There's a little bit of a little something. There's a curse in the line of of Joseph line.
I think it's God. Yeah. Jeconiah was right. Also called Kaniah in Jeremiah 2230 for no for no man of his descendants will prosper sitting on the throne of David or ruling again in Judah.
So some have said, well, because of that, then Jesus is from the line of Joseph.
So therefore he can't hold that place. Ah, but it says descendants. Jesus is not a descendant of that line.
He's adopted legally into the line. Okay. God's clever. God knows what he's doing. All right.
Um, you said there's, you have this written, there's somewhere and you're, um,
I'm calm that that's written up. Can you tell me where that is? Or what does it call? Sure. Just look up a, why are there different genealogies for Jesus?
And you'll see it. It's in Matthew one and three. Why are there different genealogies for Jesus? I wrote it back in 2008.
Okay. Okay. It goes through. Thank you so much. You're welcome so much.
Well, God bless. Okay. God bless. Bye bye. Okay. All right. We'll see you. All right.
Hey, if you want to give me a call, the, the number is easy. All you have to do is dial eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six.
I want to hear from you. Give me a call. I also want to just let you know that we stay on the air by your support. Would you please consider supporting us?
All you have to do is go to carm .org forward slash donate c a r m dot o r g forward slash donate and you can, um, we asked five, $10 a month and we like more, but we asked five or $10 a month.
It's not hard to do that. If we can get to, uh, what we need is a thousand people at $5 a month. We'll be able to meet our, all our bills because things are changing and things like that.
If you like the radio show, if you're being blessed, you're being fed, please consider supporting us. And that's one of the ways to do it easy, easy, easy.
Let's get to Mike from Dayton, Ohio. Mike, welcome. You're on the air. I have a question about, uh,
James chapter two, verse 26. I just had a debate with a friend and I was trying to remain friendly, but it didn't get to go.
So, well, um, now it works is that also, you know, his argument was that his argument was that, uh, faith alone doesn't say that there has to be works.
And I asked him what list of works needs to be accomplished to enter the kingdom of heaven.
And he got frustrated with that question. And I asked about, you know, deathbed conversions, people who have truly repented and seen the error of their ways and accepted
Christ into their heart, but may not be able to go out and do any type of work. And he doesn't believe that that type of salvation can be granted.
And I don't know how to, how to communicate it better than I did. And I was hoping that you could expand on that.
Yes, I can help you quite a bit. This is one of the topics, uh, that, uh,
I've gone through over and over and over hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times with people, literally hundreds, no joke, not two or three or four hundreds and hundreds.
I do it almost every single week, once or twice or three times a week, right?
Go on online and talk about it. So, uh, you asked the exact right question.
Well, if you are need to do works, if you're needing to do works in order to be saved along with your faith and what's the list of things you've got to do.
And when people give you a list to say, are you doing those? And the question then I follow up with is, are you doing it on the same level as Jesus?
Because he's the standard of what is good, right? Not you. So how's that working for you?
And you just press them on this, they get frustrated. And usually what I'll do at this point, I'll say, you don't know the true gospel.
Your friend doesn't know the true gospel apparently because he's adding works to salvation. I want to talk about this quite a bit.
He actually got angry and he shouted, he shouted, I'm a Catholic, not a Christian. And I said, well,
I agree to that. Yeah. Well, Catholicism, Roman Catholicism, it's official doctrines are not
Christian and it teaches a false gospel. And we'll go over this now that I know this Catholic you're talking to.
And it's a false gospel, a false priesthood, a false Mary and a false Eucharist.
So there's the breaks. We get back. I'll run you through some stuff.
I'll talk about how James two, we'll look at James two, look at Romans four and we'll look at the catechism of the
Catholic church and I'll show you why the Roman Catholic church is so apostate, so false and how to respond to them.
Okay. So hold on. All right, buddy. Thank you. Hey folks, be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned.
Be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back to the show. Let's get on with Mike from Dayton. Okay. You're still there.
I'm here. All right. Now, I want to just go through this quickly. You can go to my website, karm .org
and you can look up these topics and things like this. So you look at the Roman Catholic section and there's plenty of information.
You can go to karm .org forward slash cut for cut and paste. And if you go to carm .org
forward slash cut, you'll see a list pop up of various things. You can go to the Roman Catholic stuff and you can go in and see documentation.
All right. So let me just go to James two. Context is everything. James two is dealing with the horizontal, not the vertical.
The vertical is between God and man. The horizontal is between people. So Paul, I mean,
Paul, James starts off verse 14. That's where you got to start. Verse 14. What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works?
Can that faith save him? Now, the thing is, God's the one who grants us faith.
Philippians 129. And that faith is in Jesus, John 629.
So I asked them, is the faith that God gives us that's in Christ, is that real faith or true faith?
They're not going to have to answer. It's true faith. I said, good. So is this talking about true faith or false faith here?
False faith. It is not talking about the faith that God grants us, is it? Now, they're stuck. It's very quick, very slick, and it works.
And I go on. If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food and one of you says to them, go in peace, be warmed, you don't give them what they need, what use is that?
Even so, faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself. Absolutely. That's true. Verse 18.
Now, this is critical. But someone may well say, you have faith and I have works.
Show me your faith without the works. I will show you my faith by my works.
That's horizontal. I'll show you, you show me. That's what is going on. You believe that God is one, you do well, but demons also believe and shudder.
Is that belief the faith that God grants to us? Of course not. He's talking about false faith, not real faith.
But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless? Of course. On the horizontal,
I got to see you. You say it, let me see it. You don't need that with God, and I'll show you why. He goes on in verse 21 of James 2.
Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up Isaac, his son, to the altar? Justified before who?
Not before God, and I'll show you why here in a little bit. You see that faith was working with his works and as a result of the works.
His faith was perfected and the scripture was fulfilled which says, Abraham believed God. It was reckoned to him as righteousness, and he was called the friend of God.
So I show them, what was it that was reckoned as righteousness? Because James says specifically it was faith, not faith in works.
And he goes on and on and on. He says, you see, faith without works is dead, even by itself. Of course, but that's not the faith that comes from God.
Now we don't have a whole bunch of time, and I want to get another caller because there's another topic that I want to get into. But I'll go to Romans chapter 4.
So James 2 and Romans 4. James 2, 14 through 26, and Romans 4, 1 through 5, 1 through 6 is good.
This is what Romans 4 says. What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, according to the flesh, has found?
For Abraham was justified by works. He has something to boast about, but not before God.
Now that's the vertical between God and man. For what does the scripture say?
Abraham believed God, and it was credited him as righteousness. That's the same verse that is quoted in James 2.
The very same verse in James 2, 23, which is a reference out of Genesis 15, 6.
That Abraham believed God, and it was credited him as righteousness. And Abraham was credited as righteous before the law came out.
Before God gave the law. Way before it. So, for if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God.
This is Romans 4, 3. For what does the scripture say? Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.
Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but what is due? But, verse 5, but to the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness.
Paul the apostle clearly says, the one who does not work, but believes. I ask him, if you have an apple and an orange in a bag, and you take one of them out, is the other by itself?
Yeah. So if you have two things being spoken of here, faith and works, and one is removed, is the other by itself?
Well, they don't want to answer at this point. The one who does not work, but believes. So works are negated, and I ask him, did
Paul the apostle negate works when it comes to justification? He says, but to the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness.
That right there proves justification by faith. And verse 6 says, just as David also speaks of the blessing of the man to whom
God credits righteousness apart from works. You see? There you go.
Very good. Hey, I appreciate what you do. I'll let you get on to your next topic. Thank you so much for answering my question and taking my call.
Okay, and before you go, check this out. In paragraph 2068 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, it says,
You attain salvation through faith, baptism, and the observance of the commandments.
And this is what Paul the apostle refutes right there. So the Roman Catholic Church preaches a false gospel.
Flat out. Your friend needs the gospel message. And the way to get him to see it is to climb on his back and jump up and down on his shoulders.
Because he's carrying the law. He's got to be justified by what he does. So instead of saying,
I don't want you to do that, say, are you doing enough? Have you done this enough? Are you good enough?
Are you this enough? You're pounding on him. You're just jumping on his back with that law until it kills him.
Because the Bible says in Romans 324, let's see, I mean,
Galatians 324, excuse me. It says this. The law has become a tutor to lead us to Christ so that we may be justified by faith.
The law shows us we're not capable of doing it. And you can go to, what you also need to do is go to James 2 .10
and Galatians 3 .10. And if you get all those, I know I'm giving you a lot of stuff. But if you go there,
Galatians 3 .10 says, for as many as are the works of the law are under a curse.
For it is written, curse is everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law. And then one more verse.
When you go to James 2 .10, it says, whoever keeps the whole law yet stumbles in one point and become guilty of all.
So if he's trying to keep the law to be justified, he fails. And he's guilty of everything. He's lost.
He's the real gospel. All right, brother? Yes, sir. Thank you. You're welcome, man.
God bless. All right. Quick and slick. How you like that? Let's get to you.
Andrew from North Carolina. Andrew, welcome. You're on the air. Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
I just had a quick question because I had heard something somewhere.
I know the Bible says that women are not to be in positions of authority, particularly positions over any man.
In the church, that is, yes. I know that's become particularly popular here in the
American churches. The heresy. What I heard was that that picked up popularity back in the 1940s, back when most of the men who were able -bodied had to go and fight in World War II.
Might have been. I don't know. Would you say that probably is about when that started? Or was there another time period when that might have picked up the popularity carried into today?
Chronologically, I don't know when it happened. But I would say it started happening when men stopped taking the word of God seriously.
Okay. So, that's what I'm saying. If you have women pastors and elders, you're not taking the word of God seriously.
Paul is very clear in what he says when he's giving instruction to the household of God, 1 Timothy 3 .15.
And he says, a woman is not to teach or exercise authority over man, but to remain silent. For Adam was first created, and the elder is supposed to be a husband and one wife.
Women can't do that. So, again, I offer the challenge, let's have a debate. Does the
Bible support women pastors and elders? I'll come out to your place, church, whatever. We'll have a nice formal, moderated debate on that topic.
I've been offering this challenge now, I don't know, maybe 20 years. No one's taken me up on it once. Not once.
Why is that? Because they know I'm going to go to the scriptures, and they know they're going to be floundering. And I'm going to call them on the carpet.
And they don't want that. Instead, what I say is, those who hold women pastors and elders, what they're doing is not taking the word of God seriously in this area.
They're licking their fingers, going up in the doctrinal wind to see which way the world is going. And they're following after false teachings.
They need to repent, they need to stop. And 80 % of women, excuse me, 80 % of dominations in churches, this is according to my research, 80 % who adopt women pastors and elders within two years, excuse me, two generations, are adopting pro -homosexuality.
So, women are not to be in the pulpit. Men, that's your job. And if you don't like it, I can tell you what verses in the
Bible to ignore or cross out. So make your life better. Okay?
All right, well, thank you. You're welcome. Well, God bless. Bye. Okay. All right, see you then.
Okay, bye. All right, let's get to Elaine from North Carolina. Elaine, welcome.
You're on the air. Oh, hi. Yeah, I have a question.
So, I noticed something apparently new in the church.
And it talks about the school of empowerment. The school of what?
I couldn't hear you. Empowerment. Empowerment. And how to operate in your gifts.
And I went to a prayer meeting. Well, I was told it was a prayer meeting.
And what I noticed after they prayed is that the leader was telling the people in the meeting to prophesy.
It was putting them in groups and telling them to prophesy to each other. And I felt very uncomfortable because I've never read that in the
Scripture where we have to prophesy to each other. You know, telling people, well, I think this is what the
Lord says. Or the Lord says X, Y, Z, whatever. So, is that something new?
No, it's been around for decades. It's in the heretical groups of the name it and claim it positive confession people.
And they very often will move in the charismatic gifts. Now, I believe in the charismatic gifts. But these people and these groups are known for excess, misuse, misappropriation, incredibly bad theology, not understanding how to exegete
Scripture sensationalism. They say that God wants you healthy and wealthy and things like that.
The issue of prophecy in the New Testament is in the context of the church gathering. It's not for, hey, let's get a group.
Now you prophesy. It's not how it works. So if we read 1 Corinthians 14, you'll see that's not how it works.
And if you haven't wanted to do this in the church and must be with interpretation in tongues and all this, you know, be quiet.
Do it for edification. What they're doing is sensationalizing stuff and manipulating people, and they need to stop it.
Okay? Okay. All right. Okay. Okay. Thank you.
You're welcome. Okay. All right. As part of the positive confession and more recently in the
New Apostolic Reformation, which has present apostles and prophets, and they have authority, and they can designate what happens, what doesn't happen in churches, and all this kind of stuff.
Instead of the Holy Spirit being in charge, they are. You know, folks, there's just so much heresy and so little time, and we're out of time.
And I just want to say thank you for listening. Hope you enjoyed it. Hope you enjoyed the challenge of the truth of God's Word.
And if you want to hear more, please consider supporting us. We would appreciate that. All you have to do is go to karm .org,
C -A -R -M dot O -R -G forward slash donate. You can set everything up. It's really easy to do and easy to undo when you want.
We do need that support, and we're asking for it. And may the Lord bless you. And by His grace, we'll be back on the air tomorrow.
And we'll talk to you then. God bless everybody. Another program powered by the