Matt Slick Bible Study - Catholicism Soteriology - 6/7/2017




Okay, what are you looking at, 1 Timothy 2? Well, yeah. Because, you know, my friend said that, oh, you know how men are, they don't have to tell me, don't go over to the tree.
I'm hearing enough feedback, again, Lindsay. Okay. Okay. And here in 2nd, 1
Timothy 2, 9 -15, the commandment submitted to the man that God made
Adam first, you know, yeah, that's cultural, but the other stuff is primogeniture, which is, yeah, we'll get to it.
Okay. Can you hear me now? I don't hear the feedback. Yeah, feedback's gone. Okay, we're good?
All right. Let's go. What? What's that? I'm just trying to... Well, I was trying to just...
That's good. Right there. I wish we had a room like this permanent.
We could come in here and set this thing up. There you go. Okay. All right. So what's the frame area?
Here? Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
Perfect. I know they're warped.
They're mutant. Take one if you want. I'll get some more later. Yeah. Okay. You guys ready? Okay. We're going to go.
Where's your wife? Okay. Tell me when we're on. We're on?
All right. We on? Testing. Testing. All right. Here we go again. This is
June 7th, 2017. We're going to be going into Roman Catholic Doctrine of Soteriology.
Soteriology is a doctrine of salvation. And it is in this area in particular that Roman Catholicism fails so miserably and disqualifies it from being a true
Christian church. We'll be getting into that. I'll be going through slides, as you can see, and explaining stuff.
So we only have a few people here because the radio show is no more in the area. But we've got some new people. And good, and a little cutie there.
And then what we'll do, we know we've got a lot of people listening. So we'll do about an hour and then we'll take a break as usual. And then we're going to do
Q &A for a while. All right. So let's just start by praying. Jump right in.
Lord Jesus, thank you for what you've given us in the truth of your word and the truth of your son.
Lord, we just ask that you would bless this time. We come before you through Christ. We ask for anointing.
We ask for hearing. We ask for wisdom. We ask for truth. And we just want to compare everything with your word and be truthful and faithful to you.
Lord, let our agendas fall by the wayside. And may you be glorified in our words.
May you and your word come forth. Lord Jesus, as we tackle the issue of Roman Catholicism, we ask that you bring people to hear what needs to be said and that the truth of your word would be just a bright light shined upon the false teachings of the
Roman Catholic Church. We ask this of Jesus in your precious name. Amen. Now, if you're a
Roman Catholic, yes, you heard me right. False doctrines, false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, because it is a false church.
It is not a Christian church. And the reason it's not a Christian church is because it violates at least one of the essentials of the
Christian faith. Now, if you go to CARM, you can go to CARM slash doctrine hyphen grid, and you can look up the essentials of the
Christian faith. Let me give them briefly because we're going to get into some soteriological issues. Soteriology comes from the
Greek word soterios, salvation, logos, word or study. And so soteriology is a doctrine of the study of salvation.
And the biblical doctrine of salvation is monergistic. And what that means is there's only one truth, one way of salvation.
Salvation means to be saved from the righteous judgment of God. So that's what we're saved from.
And the who we're saved from is God himself. And so what we need is to be saved from that.
To be saved from that can only be achieved through Jesus Christ, who's God in flesh, still is. John 1, 1 and verse 14,
Colossians 2, 9 tells us that. Now, soteriologically speaking, we teach what's called monergism, again, monergism.
I'll slow down a little. Monergism is the proper, the biblical, the
Christian perspective. Anybody who disagrees is flat out wrong. Now, the
Bible tells us in Romans 3, 28, we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.
We'll be going through this again later. Justification is a legal standing before God. Now, remember,
God gave us the law, for example, the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, verses 1 through 17. When we break the law, we sin.
That's 1 John 3, 4. When we break the law and we sin, there's a punishment. The punishment is separation from God, Isaiah 59, verse 2.
And the wages of sin is death, Romans 6, 23. So what we want is to not be under that judgment that the breaking of the law brings.
Jesus, who did everything properly and never sinned, 1 Peter 2, 22, because he had made under the law,
Galatians 4, 4, did everything right. So he did everything that we need to do and can do or cannot do, whatever, because Jesus is the one.
Now, because Jesus did everything that's necessary, because he became sin, 2 Corinthians 5, 21, and he bore our sin in his body on the cross, 1
Peter 2, 24, because he did this, we've got nothing left to do because our righteous deeds are filthy rags.
Isaiah, no, Isaiah, what? I'm going to see if anybody, I'm going to try to get some people to help me out here.
64, 6, Isaiah 64, 6. Our righteous deeds are filthy rags before God, okay? Rags there in the
Hebrew means use menstrual cloths. Our sin separates us from God. No one does good, no one seeks for God, Romans 3, 10, 11, and 12.
We're by nature children of wrath, Ephesians 2, 3. And we have got no hope, there's no way, there's no possible way that we can be forgiven of our sins by keeping the law, because the standard of the law is perfection, and that is
Deuteronomy 27, 26, which Paul quotes in Galatians 3, 10. And we are to keep the whole law and not stumble in anything, and that's what the
Bible tells us. You go to James 2, 10 for that. That's really fast stuff, I know. And I know some of you are scribbling really fast and your hands are cramping up like that.
That's all right. We're going to be going through some stuff and you'll be able to see what the
Roman Catholic Church is teaching in its heretical view.
And I mean heretical. I'm going to say so much so that the Roman Catholic Church is in the service of the devil himself, in its teaching of its false doctrines, in its promotion of mereolatry, in its heresies.
We're going to have to go through a lot of stuff here and I'm going to show you. This is exactly what I believe. I'm not going to retract it.
And if you're a Roman Catholic and you again have the nerve to say, oh, I'm fighting against the truth and I'm going to be a
Roman Catholic one day, no, it's not going to happen. It will never happen because I believe the
Word of God. I don't believe in the Pope. I don't believe in Mary. I don't believe in the papacy. I don't believe in the magisterium.
I don't believe in your sacred tradition. I believe in the Word of God. Now let's just jump in. Salvation in Roman Catholicism is a process that includes many steps, actual grace, faith, good works, baptism, participation in the sacraments, penance, indulgences, and keeping the commandments.
So what we're going to do is we're going to look at these in three categories. Attaining salvation, maintaining salvation, and regaining salvation.
Let me tell you folks, Catholicism is apostate. And I won't say it.
Actual grace is the first step to attain salvation. Actual grace is what God gives to a person to enable the person to seek and respond to God's call of faith.
It's kind of like prevenient grace in Arminian circles. It helps a person move towards God where he freely chooses to accept or reject
God's work in Christ. This is similar to prevenient grace. It's a problem. Prevenient grace is the grace that comes before.
And then it enables a person to be able to believe. Now we know what the doctrine of original sin is. The doctrine of original sin is
Adam's sin and his sinfulness became ours. His sin nature became ours.
Now Adam and Eve were in the garden. She sinned first, but sin ended the world through Adam, Romans 5 .12.
Because he was the federal head. He was the one who represented us on the cross, in the garden.
When he died, we died. So what has happened in church thought, unfortunately, particularly in some
Arminian circles, Wesleyan circles, is this bad teaching of prevenient grace.
Even in Molinism, Luis de la Molina taught prevenient grace, but a different kind.
But what prevenient grace is, is this idea that you are a sinner and all you need is
God's grace put upon you, working through you, around you, whatever it is, to bring you to a place where you can freely choose
God. So people have the mistake, they erringly think in the
Christian church, that Christian, that the unbeliever, all he needs is proper information and he can believe the gospel.
That's not true. It is not true. I know that's very common.
I know that that's what most of the churches believe, but it's not true. It's not biblical. You won't find it in scripture, that in their sinful state, the unbeliever only needs to hear the true gospel, and then get saved by their free will choice, within their sinfulness.
Not true. Let me explain why. And then we get into this. I'm laying the foundation. We're going to see what the truth is so we can expose what the errors are.
The Bible clearly tells us this, that the unbeliever is a slave of sin, Romans 6, 14 -20.
He's a hater of God who does no good, Romans 3, 10, 11, and 12. His heart is full of murders and adulteries and thievings and lying, things like that,
Mark 7, 22 and 23. The heart is desperately wicked and deceitful, cannot be trusted,
Jeremiah 17, 9. First Corinthians 2, 14 says a natural man cannot receive the things of God for their foolishness to him.
He cannot receive them. He cannot understand them. The condition of the fallen man, he's a slave of sin, a hater of God, at enmity with God.
That's Ephesians 2, 15. He cannot receive these things. He cannot. First Corinthians 2, 14.
Now what most people do is they judged truth by experience, subjectivism.
They'll say, look, what I did was I made the choice to believe in God. And yes, you did, because God enabled you to believe, okay?
But you're born again, not of your own will, John 1, 13. You're caused to be born again, 1 Peter 1, 3. The idea of prevenient grace says that when two people exist,
Bob and Frank, and they're identical in every way, that Bob will believe and Frank will not because of prevenient grace and a person's free will.
One person will believe, but another one will not. Why? Because that's what they choose. Why does one choose differently than another?
Because that's what free will is. It doesn't answer the question. We can get a libertarian versus compatibilism and we won't do that.
But the issue is here that what the Roman Catholic Church is teaching is this doctrine called actual grace, a kind of prevenient grace that builds or that enables a person to freely choose
God in his sinful state. That's not biblical, but that's what most of the churches teach today.
It's unfortunate. So nevertheless, actual grace from the Catholic Encyclopedia, supernatural help of God for salutary acts granted in consideration of the merits of Christ.
Now faith is necessary for salvation. But unfortunately, it's faith that must affirm what the
Roman Catholic Church teaches. Now this is paragraph 183 in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Faith is necessary for salvation.
That's no problem. The Lord himself affirms, he who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned.
Mark 16. 16. Now that's not a good verse to go to. We've gone over this before at the ending of Mark 16 and the variants.
Another topic, another time, we can talk about it after the hour if you guys want. Paragraph 1814.
Faith is the theological virtue by which we believe in God and believe all that he has said and revealed to us and that Holy Church proposes for our belief because he is the truth itself and that Holy Church, the
Roman Catholic Church. Good works. Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 2010 and 2080.
Check this out. The specific precepts of the natural law because their observance demanded by the creator is necessary for salvation.
The precepts of the natural law are necessary because their observance is necessary for salvation.
Look at paragraph 2080. The Decalogue, that's the Ten Commandments, contains a privileged expression of the natural law.
So, the Ten Commandments and this expression of the natural law and the natural law is necessary for salvation so you've got to keep the commandments to be saved.
That's it. If A equals B and B equals C, then A equals C. Proper inference.
So what it's saying here is that you've got to keep the natural laws necessary for salvation, an expression of the natural laws, the
Ten Commandments, you've got to keep the Ten Commandments to be saved. But, Romans 3 .28, we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.
Apart from it. Romans 4 .5 says, but to the one who does not work but believes, his faith is reckoned as righteousness.
The one who does not work but believes, that's faith alone. The Roman Catholic Church is teaching false doctrine.
The Council of Trent, Canons on Justification. Remember, justification is a legal standing before God of righteousness.
If anyone sayeth that the justice, the righteousness received is not preserved and also increased before God through good works, gosh, it just makes me mad, but that the said works are merely the fruits and signs of justification obtained, but not a cause of the increase thereof, let it be anathema.
So, the Roman Catholic Church, in its filthy lies, is telling us that if you believe in justification by faith alone and Christ alone, you're cursed.
This is Satanism right here. I said it last week, I'm going to say it again. This is from Satan, because it directly contradicts the
Word of God. Look what it says, but that the said works are merely the fruits and not a cause of the increase of justification.
You do not have any increase of your standing before God based upon anything that you do.
Nothing upon what you do. If righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died needlessly, Galatians 2 .21.
We do not need to do anything because Jesus did everything. This is the heart of the Gospel.
In fact, this is the heart of the Reformation that happened 500 years ago. And the heart of the
Reformation was Martin Luther getting back to the doctrine of justification by faith in Christ, not justification through a series of ceremonies and rituals and rites and works, because you cannot be saved this way.
The Roman Catholic Church is teaching false doctrine from the pit of hell. Now, I don't know how much
I can say it a little bit more strongly, but I don't want to get in trouble, get censored, or have people say, you can't talk like that, my children might be listening.
Let me tell you, this is a scoubalon, scoubalon is Greek for dung.
That's a nice term for it. Baptism is necessary for salvation, paragraph 12 .57,
that's what it says. Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed.
Baptism is necessary. All right, what does that word necessary mean? It means there's no exception, otherwise it's not necessary.
That's it. It's necessary means you can't have an exception to it. The sun is necessary to be where it is in order for the earth to stay in its orbit.
If it's not there, we fling off into space. Necessity means there is no exception, otherwise it's not necessary.
Now, at baptism, a person is restored to a state of innocence before God by erasing original sin.
So justification occurs in baptism, and sanctifying grace, that's the grace that saves, is infused into him.
Now remember, actual grace is the grace that comes before, it's like prevenient grace that enables someone to believe.
You believe in the Roman Catholic Church, you get catechized, it's called being a catechumen.
Then when you're ready to get baptized, that's when all of your sins are right there removed.
And through the participation of the sacraments, it's called sacerdotalism. Let me write this on the board. It's called sacerdotalism, and it's an interesting phenomenon.
Now, sacerdotalism means that through the sacraments, grace is infused through the means of the sacraments.
Now we can do a theological study on what sacraments are, generally in the Protestant group we have baptism and we have communion as a sacrament, but what is sacrament, a means of grace?
What does that mean? Well, I could get into all this. But sacerdotalism is through the authority of the Roman Catholic Church's priesthood, the grace that is earned by Jesus and Mary and the saints is like a repository in heaven someplace, and then the priest does his thing through his authority and grace comes down into the person and it gets infused into you.
It's like a substance. So if I had a glass of water and I put a color in it, you see it get infused into it.
The more you are infused with grace, the more just you are.
The more just you are. Now, okay, look down the bottom, paragraph 1999, the grace of Christ is the gratuitous gift that God makes to us of his own life, infused by the
Holy Spirit into our soul. See I'm not making this up. This is what it says, it's infused, that the grace of God is infused into you.
Now who has the authority to infuse this grace into you? The Roman Catholic Church. So in order to get the grace of God, you need to go to the true church, which has the true authority, which has a true priesthood, which has a true sacraments, so that by going and submitting to what it says, you get grace infused into you to make you more righteous.
That's a life in the pit of hell. That is demonic doctrine.
Having therefore been justified by faith, Romans 5 .1, that's what it says, having been justified by faith.
Now the Roman Catholics will say, Matt, you don't believe in, where in the Bible does it say faith alone?
It doesn't say the words faith alone, except in James 2. We can go to that sometime later maybe, and that's a different context.
I'm well aware of it. But the thing is that Roman Catholic Church is teaching the infusion of grace, and the
Bible does teach that we're justified by faith without works of the law. By simply stating, we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.
You have faith and you have works. If it's no works, then faith is alone. Simple.
I mean, Romans 3 .28, and I'll repeat this again. You guys got to know these verses,
Romans 3 .28, Romans 4 .1 -5, in particular verse 5. All right,
Romans 4 .5, but to the one who does not work but believes, his faith is reckoned as righteousness.
That's Bible. This is not Bible. This is a load of crap. Scooblon in Greek, which means the stinky stuff.
Now, in paragraph 1129, the church affirms that for believers, the sacraments of the new covenant are necessary for salvation.
Okay, there's so much to cover. After receiving the initial justification at baptism, each sin a person commits results in a loss of the justifying grace that has been infused into the person's soul at baptism.
But when a Roman Catholic sins after his baptism, it means that he's no longer fully justified. He's only partially justified.
Therefore, to regain the grace that was lost, he must participate in the sacraments so more of God's grace can be further infused into the person.
Enabling him to do good works and keep himself in a state of justification before God. Now, can we say demonic doctrine?
Demonic doctrine. Oh, man.
Roman Catholics, you know, the Roman Catholic Church is the greatest gate of damnation of any religious system on the planet.
And the reason it is the greatest is because it's got more people in it than Islam. And Islam is certainly a gate of damnation.
And I've certainly taught on that as well. But Roman Catholicism is a false gospel.
And if it's not the whore of Babylon, it's certainly a good candidate for it. All right,
Catechism, paragraph 2016, the children of our holy mother, the church, rightly hope for the grace of final perseverance and the recompense of God their father for the good works accomplished with his grace in communion with Jesus.
So what they'll do is they offer a kind of a synergistic system. They're going to say that there are some
Catholics have tried to play with the words and say they're monergistic, not synergistic, monergism, mono one, sinner,
SYN, in cooperation with. So what they're going to say is, no, we're saved by grace alone.
That's what they're going to say. But we say grace alone, by faith alone, they'll say grace alone, but not by faith alone.
So when they say grace alone, what they're getting at is they mean that God's grace to enable you to do good works.
It's a trick. What they're going to do is say, no, we believe in salvation by grace alone. God's grace works through you to do the good works and you can participate in the sacraments to get more justified.
So it's by grace alone, Matt. And I'll say by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone, without any works whatsoever.
They go, no, no, no, that's that's false. Then they go to James 2. We'll probably have to go to that later. Paragraph 2010, the specific precepts of the natural law, because the observance is necessary for salvation.
Paragraph 2080, again, the Decalogue contains a privileged expression of that.
Now, venial sins are sins such as drunkenness, lying about something trivial.
Venial sin is a lesser sin against the law of God committed accidentally and or without full consent of the will.
Venial sins do not damn a person. Mortal sins damn you. Venial sins are lesser sins.
And they only remove part of the grace. Mortal sin removes all of it.
So remember, you're baptized. Now, if you were to die right there, you go to heaven.
Guaranteed. No purgatory. You go to heaven because you're completely justified. Now, let's say that some guy,
Bob, he falls for the lies of the Roman Catholic Church and he gets baptized in Roman Catholic theology.
He's completely justified and he's very careful, doesn't think anything, doesn't want to think anything, doesn't want to lose any justification, any grace.
And he walks outside and he sees a hot babe walking down and she's looking good. He's just for that split second.
Hey, baby, I want to know what she looks like without it. And he just now lost a little bit of that grace, just a little bit gone because of a venial sin.
Now, if you were to die, both alighting, right? What happens? He goes to purgatory.
He's going to suffer in purgatory for a while because even though his sins have been forgiven, purgatory is a place where you're purified.
And by doing penance, you can get out of purgatory earlier. And who holds the keys to all of that?
The Roman Catholic Church. Oh, man.
So you can see paragraph 1862, one commits venial sin when in a lesser, when a less serious matter, he does not observe the standard prescribed by the moral law.
And we got so much, I'm just going to continue on. But paragraph 1863, look at this, venial sin weakens charity.
It manifests a disordered affection for created goods. It impedes the soul's progress in the exercise of the virtues and the practice of the moral good.
It merits temporal punishment. Deliberate and unrepentant venial sin disposes us little by little to commit mortal sin.
However, venial sin does not break the covenant with God. With God's grace, it is humanly repairable.
Venial sin does not deprive the sinner of sanctifying grace. See, that's what's going on.
Now, sin deserves punishment. And we'll just jump ahead. So there's a thing called purgatory.
Purgatory is wonderful. Council of Trent, Canon 30. If anyone says that after the grace of justification has been received to every penitent sinner, the guilt is remitted and the debt of eternal punishment is blotted out in such wise that there remains not any debt of temporal punishment to be discharged either in this world or in the next in purgatory before the entrance to the kingdom of heaven can be open to him.
Let him be anathema. The word anathema in Greek, anathema, found in Galatians 1, 8 and 9.
If we or an angel from heaven should preach to a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, let him be anathema.
Let him be accursed. If you preach a false gospel, you're cursed. Now, what the Roman Catholics are doing is saying, well, it doesn't mean you're damned.
It means you're cursed, but not damned. Now, in Galatians 1, 8, 9, you preach a false gospel. You don't have the gospel, you're damned.
That's what it means. Context. But here, purgatory is this place you go to.
Even though your sins could be forgiven, even though a priest can remit them, then what happens is if you were to die, the sins that you've committed that have been paid for deserve punishment.
So now you've got to go to purgatory for a while and get punished, get purified. Now, what is the purification there?
Well, we don't know because I've heard different things. Check this out.
Sin has a double consequence. Grave sin deprives us of communion with God and therefore makes us incapable of eternal life.
On the other hand, every sin, even venial, entails an unhealthy attachment to creatures, which must be purified either here on earth or in death in the state of purgatory.
I look down to paragraph 1475 here. That was paragraph 1472 for the tape.
Those who are expiating their sins in purgatory, to expiate their sins in purgatory, to expiate means to remove, to take care of, to cleanse.
Now, I know that some of you have been sitting with me for a while, for a year or two, three, and you know
I've been teaching the biblical doctrine of monergism satirologically. So you should know that this is just from the pit of hell.
And I can say it with confidence because I have the Bible. Raised up from the sin, paragraph 1459, the sinner must still recover his full spiritual health by doing something more to make amends for the sin.
He must make satisfaction for or expiate his sins. The satisfaction is called penance.
Obviously, Jesus is the one who did this. Jesus is the one who cleanses of our sins.
He bore our sin in his body in the cross, 1 Peter 2 .24. And he became sin on our behalf, 2
Corinthians 5 .21. He did everything that was necessary, 1 Peter 2 .22. And all we can do is receive by faith what he did in the cross.
That's why we're justified by faith, Romans 5 .1. That's it. That's what the scriptures teach. I quote these references because I want you to write them down.
I want you to know what it says. I want you to be able to go to the word and check what it says against the word. This stuff is serious.
Now, there are a lot of Protestant churches now. They're trying to court the Roman Catholic Church. They're trying to get in bed with the
Roman Catholic Church to fornicate spiritually with that idolatrous woman and any church that wants to say, well, we need to get back to the root with and unite with the
Roman Catholic Church. It's a complete sign of apostasy, ignorance and foolishness within Protestantism in any way to do this.
This is only part. I mean, there's so much more that I can go through. It's only part of it.
This should convince you that it is a heretical false church.
This is just in this stuff, mortal sins are such things as murder, adultery, homosexuality.
Mortal sin is a transgression of God's law that is willful, knowledgeable, and on purpose. Mortal sin results in the complete loss of all of justifying grace.
So let's say this guy gets baptized. Now all of the sin is removed. He's infused completely and totally with the sanctifying grace so that he's saved.
If he dies right there, he goes to heaven. But let's just say that he walks outside and he sees this old enemy of his and he immediately chokes him and kills him.
Then he has a heart attack and he dies, goes to hell because he committed murder and all of his sin,
I mean, all of his grace is removed. Now he goes to hell. So salvation in Roman Catholicism is through effort.
Effort found and rooted in the Roman Catholic church system. It's bondage.
So mortal sin is a radical possibility of human freedom. It results in the loss of charity, the loss of probation of sanctifying grace down to paragraph 1033, to die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting
God's merciful love means remaining separated from him forever by our own free choice. See, it's telling you what the
Roman Catholic church tells you. To regain the grace thus lost due to mortal sin, the
Catholic must undergo penance. Council of Trent, session 14ci, as a means of regaining grace and justice, penance was at all times necessary for those who had defiled their souls with an immortal sin.
Paragraph 980, penance is necessary for salvation for those who have fallen after baptism.
Paragraph 1468, the whole power of the sacrament of penance consists in restoring us to God's grace.
Reconciliation with God is thus the purpose and effect of the sacrament. Remember, a sacrament is a means of grace. So penance is what you do to get the grace of God back.
Penance is what you get grace back with. What's grace? Biblically, it's unmerited favor.
There's nothing you do to get it. But here, because grace is a substance that can be infused, think of it as a substance, it's not a substance, but think of it as that and it fits everything perfectly.
Then, through the participation of the sacraments and the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, then you can have it re -infused into you.
This is heresy. This is flat out heresy. It's demonic doctrine. It's false teaching.
Any Roman Catholic who defends this is not a believer, is not a Christian. Flat out.
Now, there are essentials of the Christian faith, and I've talked about them before, you can go to Karm and look it up, but in the particular, there's this one we can look at, it's in Galatians 5, 1 through roughly 5, and you can look it up, and in those verses, it says that you have fallen from grace, you are seeking to be justified by the law.
In here, in that pericope, a pericope is a section of scripture, in that pericope of scripture, it'll tell you that those who are seeking to be justified by the law, by what they do, you've fallen from grace, you've been severed from Christ.
It doesn't mean you lose your salvation, because no one is saved who's seeking to be justified by the law, period.
But there's a warning in there, severed from Christ, fallen from grace, you don't have it. This is how
I know that this doctrine of justification by faith alone in Christ alone is an essential, fundamental doctrine of the
Christian faith. That the Roman Catholic Church is clearly violating. Now, for example, in another doctrine that's essential to the faith, the resurrection of Christ, he prophesied his own resurrection in John 2, 19 -21.
And 1 Corinthians 15, verses 14 and 17, if Christ be not raised, our faith is in vain, you see, so he talked about the physical resurrection, and he says, if Christ is not raised, our faith is in vain.
So what he's doing, Paul is doing, is he's putting a requirement and a warning on this doctrine, this is an essential doctrine, because he states it, if he's not raised, our faith is useless.
So if anybody were to deny the physical resurrection of Christ, he can't be a true Christian.
That's not to say he's ignorant and then later comes, oh, I didn't know. That's different than an open knowledgeable denial.
The same kind of principle occurs here in the doctrine of justification by faith alone. We maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law,
Galatians 3 .28. I quote that so much, Romans 4 .5,
that the one who does not work but believes, his faith is reckoned as righteousness. Romans, excuse me,
Galatians 1 -5, you've got to read the whole thing, but it talks in there, I think verse 4, you have fallen from grace, those of you who are seeking to be justified by faith, you've been severed from Christ.
He's talking about receiving circumcision. Circumcision represents the law in this.
And so he's saying, if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you, you have fallen from grace, you have seeking to be, or who are seeking to be justified by the law, you've been severed, notice the word severed in the context of circumcision.
Severed. Later on, I think it's in verse 12, he talks about that you would mutilate yourselves,
I think it's verse 12. This is what Paul is saying, this is critical. But the
Roman Catholic Church in its apostasy, in its centuries of lies, of one lie upon another, is teaching this horrendously demonic doctrine.
And the result of it is people are going to hell because they are not trusting in Christ. They're trusting in the authority of the
Roman Catholic Church. At the very least, that great harlot. Those of us who study, those of us who know this, those of us who studied
Roman Catholicism, those of us who believe in the perspicuity, clarity, of scripture and its sufficiency, we don't have any problem standing strong and saying, the
Roman Catholic Church is apostate, it's a false church. Those who are weak, excuse me, those who do not know their doctrines, those who do not understand are the ones who want to bed themselves with Roman Catholicism.
The Protestant Church should have nothing to do with that harlot. Now look at this, penance is a sacrament of the new law instituted by Christ in which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the priest's abolition.
That's my phone. Who's it say it is? Oh, okay.
I know. No, it's all right. Good. It might be, it's probably
Glenn. He should, maybe he's watching. No, not Glenn Beck. No, Glenn Kelly.
Forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the priest's absolution, the priest's work, the priest's
Catholic encyclopedia, the absolution given by the priest to a penitent who confesses his sins with the proper disposition where he admits both the guilt and the eternal punishment of mortal sin.
All right. So what does penance mean? Look at the underlined part here in paragraph 1460.
It can consist of prayer and offering, works of mercy, service of neighbor, voluntary self -denial, sacrifices, and above all, the patient acceptance of the cross we must bear.
They allow us to become co -heirs with the risen Christ, provided we suffer with him. The satisfaction that we make for our sins, however, is not so much ours as though it were not done through Jesus Christ.
So it's just works righteousness. Is this clear? Should be clear, right? This is, see, churches should be packed.
Christian churches should be packed starting to listen to this. Listen to Mormon, what
Mormonism teaches, Jehovah's Witnesses teach. But the Christian church is anemic. The Christian church is weak.
Here, let me see. Maybe it's important. May have to get this live here. Hold on. This from, uh, yeah, let's see if he knows better.
Hello? Hello? Right here.
Try it again. Oh man, they hung up. Okay. But on live stream.
Um, I think I know what, what at any rate, uh, a guy in a hospital and stuff who works in blah, blah, blah.
Okay. Uh, I'm sorry.
Yeah. Provided we suffer with them. Christ did everything that was necessary and sufficient on the cross. Look at paragraph 1459, the underlying part.
The sinner must still recover his full spiritual health by doing something more to make amends for the sin.
He must make satisfaction for or expiate his sins. Dissatisfaction is called penance. We already went over this.
We must do something to make ourselves right with God. That is to say that the cross of Christ is not sufficient.
That's what it's to say. And, uh, you know, it's just, it's ridiculous.
I'm going through this. I could take a long time to go through this slowly, but so the Roman Catholic church denies justification by faith alone in Christ alone, because it requires so many rituals and works to attain, maintain, and regain, regain salvation.
Now, Cameron in the bag there, um, on the bottom end of it on the next to the table.
If you open it up, there's some paper. And, uh, get rid of, you know, paper.
Yeah. Now take the top part off. Top one. No paper. Okay, good.
Now take that one off and pass the other ones out. Okay. All right. Because we're going to go through this.
This took me two weeks to summarize what this is. And, um,
I'm going to just read this thing. There we go.
It's right here. This took me two weeks to develop this for hours, going through reading, through summarizing what the
Roman Catholic church teaches. Let me read it out loud and we can follow it together. Okay. So you'll be reading, but I'm going to read it out loud and we'll just start over again.
Here we go. Salvation in Roman Catholicism is a process to begin with. God grants actual grace to a person, which enables him to believe in Christ.
And that's paragraph 2000 in the catechism of the Catholic church was his official doctrine. So I'm going to stop reading the references because they're all here, uh, which enables him to believe in Christ and also believe in the truth of the
Catholic church. After belief, the person must be baptized, which is necessary for salvation.
This baptism erases original sin, unites the person with Christ, infuses grace into the person and grants justification.
After baptism, he is saved, but to maintain his salvation, it is necessary for him to perform good works and participate in the sacraments, which provide grace that is quote property sacrament, close quote.
This is necessary in order to maintain infused grace. However, grace can be lessened by venial sins or completely lost by mortal sins.
Venial sins remove part of the infused grace, but not the saving grace known as sanctifying grace.
To remedy the problem of venial sins, the Catholic is to take the Eucharist, which the church teaches forgives venial sins.
I skipped some stuff. Uh, he must also perform various penance, which must be done in concert with perfect contrition.
That's an attitude of the heart. I feel really humble. Uh, but there's a problem. Sin requires punishment.
Even though sins are absolved by a priest, the punishment due to a person because of his sin can remain.
To deal with that remaining punishment, indulgences are administered to deal with the punishment due to the guilt of the sins already forgiven.
These indulgences draw upon the good works of the blessed Virgin Mary and of Christ and the saints so as to obtain the remission of the temporal punishment due for their sins.
Furthermore, the indulgences can be applied to themselves or the dead who are in purgatory.
Now, in the case of the Catholic has committed a mortal sin, then all his infused grace has lost.
To regain this grace, he must partake of special penance, since it helps restore grace that was lost.
To conclude, the Roman Catholic must have faith, participate in the sacraments, take the Eucharist, keep the commandments, perform penance, and do indulgences in order to attain, maintain, and regain his salvation, as well as reduce the punishment due to him for the sins of which he's already forgiven.
Literally, that took me two weeks to summarize. In the article on karma, I have every single reference listed there.
You can read the catechism. This is a heretical church.
It's a false church. The biblical response, for we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.
Or is God the God of the Jews only? Is he not the God of the Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also, since indeed
God will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith as one. Romans 4 .3,
and Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness. Romans 4 .5, but to the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness.
Romans 5 .1, therefore have him been justified by faith. Romans 11 .6, but if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works.
Galatians 2 .16, nevertheless, knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but through faith in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 2 .8, for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Now justification is the legal act of God where he declares a sinner righteous.
Now, as you guys know, one of my favorite verses in the Bible is Colossians 2 .14. Having canceled out the certificate of debt, consisting of decrees, which was hostile to us, and he's taken it out of the way, having nailed to the cross.
For those of you who may not be familiar with that, the context in verse 13 is forgiving us all of our sins, the word certificate of debt in English, the three words is in Greek, a single word, kairagraphon, the word kairagraphon is a hapexlegomena, a hapexlegomena, which means that a word that occurs only once in a body of text, the kairagraphon, kair, hand, graphe, writing, the handwriting of ordinances, the certificate of debt.
Now, Jesus called sin a debt. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, forgive us our debts,
Matthew 6 .12, forgive us our sins, Luke 11 .4. Jesus equated sin with debt, debts could be transferred.
The certificate of debt was canceled, having nailed to the cross. It's not canceled when you believe, it's canceled at the cross.
Romans 6 .6, we are crucified with Christ, Romans 6 .8, we died with Christ.
Now this gets into stuff that a lot of people don't want to hear, but too bad. Let me do this for a couple of minutes.
Federal headship is a teaching that the male represents the descendants, not the female. 1 Corinthians 15 .22, in Adam all die, in Christ all shall be made alive.
In Adam is a sign of federal headship, in Christ is a term of federal headship as well.
Jesus is the one who represented us on the cross and he took the certificate of debt, he canceled it there on the cross.
It's not when you believe, because it says right there, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, and which was hostile to us, he taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.
That's what it says. Our sin debts canceled at the cross. You're justified when you believe.
So the sin debt, Jesus bore our sin in his body on the cross 2000 years ago. So like this, here's the cross, here's now.
Okay. And here we are. All right. We're people, a whole bunch of us walking around here.
This is when the sin debt, that certificate of debt was canceled here. That's what it says.
Colossians 2 .14, the sin debt for us was canceled here.
Now, of course, who's it canceled for? If it's canceled for everybody, then it requires universalism and everybody has to go to heaven.
But it doesn't work that way. He only canceled the sin debt for the elect. Hence, Jesus only bore the sins of the elect, the chosen ones, another teaching.
But when we believe, because we're granted the act of believing, that's when we're justified.
Okay. And you can go to Romans 3 .28, and this is also important,
Philippians 3 .9. We have a righteousness that's not our own.
We maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. And Colossians 2 .14,
the certificate of debt was canceled here. Not here when we believe, it's canceled here.
We're justified when we believe. That's how it works.
It was canceled at the cross. Colossians 2 .14, we're justified. We're declared righteous when we believe.
Having therefore been justified by faith. Romans 5 .1. That's what justification is.
And Philippians 3 .9, you have a righteousness that's not your own. Righteousness of God.
It's not yours. It's from God and it's imputed to you. So here's you, excuse me, here's you, not too good of a looking person there.
Okay. So Christ is on the cross. There's what's called double imputation.
Your sin was imputed. To impute means to legally reckon to.
Your sin here, imputed to Christ.
The righteousness is imputed to you at the cross, but only in a doctrine of federal headship where Christ represents us and we died with him.
This gets more complicated theology, but I can back it all up from scripture. And we can do that maybe later.
This is biblical theology folks. And if you believe this, you can never believe that. And you can, you have to leave your church.
Probably most of you have to leave your church. You realize you're not, you're not teaching biblical theology because they don't study that.
I just insulted a whole bunch of people, but oh well, turn the channel if you don't like it. I'm just giving you scriptures, telling you what it says.
And this is what the reformers understood. This is what they, the reformers taught. This is what the people who founded our country taught this as the basics of the
Christian gospel. And justification and imputation propitiation.
This is what they taught. They don't teach this stuff now. Now they teach it's up to you and the wisdom of your own heart and how you feel.
And you got to believe in God. It's up to you and it's your choice. It's up to you, your wisdom.
It's humanism. Okay. Um, I think we've got enough there now.
I'm going to have to do this though. I'm going to have to go to, uh, James and, uh, go to James chapter two and answer the basic response that is given
James chapter two. It's interesting to see if it keeps up there or doesn't. I'm not going to read it.
Uh, James chapter two, starting at verse 14, faith talks about a man is not justified by faith alone.
It says so, but I'll explain what's going on in the context. Then people can go, oh, I finally get it.
Now I see what's going on and I'll show you. So get my Bible program open.
Sorry about that. Should've done it earlier. So if you're at home, you want to follow along James chapter two, and I'm going to go in the new
American standard Bible, which is what Paul, the apostle used. Just let you know. All right.
Pay attention. What use is it? My brethren, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works, can that faith save him?
What faith? If someone says he has faith, but he has no works, can that faith save him?
No, that faith cannot save him. The faith that has no works, the faith that is dead, the faith that is by itself.
We'll see that. Keep your finger in Romans chapter four, because that's going to be important too.
I'm going to show you something. Now, can that faith save him?
If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to him, says to them, go in peace, be warmed and be filled.
And yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body. What use is that? Even so, faith, if it has no works, is dead.
Be myself. That's exactly correct. We believe that. But someone may well say, you have faith and I have works.
Show me your faith without the works. I will show you my faith by my works.
That's called the horizontal. Now I'm going to read Romans four, starting at verse one.
What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, according to the flesh is found for, for Abraham was justified by works.
He has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the scripture say?
Abraham believed God and it was credited him as righteousness. Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but what is due.
But to the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness.
So the key here in the pericope of Romans chapter four is verse two.
For Abraham was justified by works. He has something to boast about, but not before God. This is talking about the issue of justification before God.
That's what it says. Something to boast about, but not before God. Right? That's called the vertical.
Man, God, vertical, James, horizontal, man to man. Look at verse 18 again, but something may well say, you have faith and I have works.
Show me your faith without the works. I will show you my faith by my works. That's horizontal between people.
So, you know, my friend Nathan over here, I've known Nathan for a few years. It's going to be too long and irritating, but that's what happens.
All right. So I know Nathan, I've learned a lot about Nathan. I've seen
Nathan's faith manifested through his works. I can't see his heart. I don't know his heart, but I can see the fruit of his heart.
I've spent time with them. We've gone fishing. We've gone shooting. We've gone traveling. We've gone witnessing.
We've flown together. We act like two monkeys in Washington, DC, trying to figure out how to get the
Metro thing to work. And I could see, we need help.
Um, I could see the manifestation of his faith. And so I say, okay, he's a
Christian and vice versa. It's a horizontal. You show me your faith.
I'll show you my faith by what I do. You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also believe and shudder.
Now, verse 19 is important because it's talking about this. Ascensia, mental ascent.
True faith is fiducia, belief. Ascensia is ascent.
That's what James 2 .19 is. You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also believe and they shudder.
That's Ascensia. They're aware of God's existence. It's a false faith because what he's saying is you have a false faith.
I'll show you my faith though, by what I do, but I don't know your faith. You have a faith that you don't even do anything.
That's not even a real faith. That faith doesn't do anything. That's what he's talking about in James.
Are you willing, verse 20, but are you willing to recognize you foolish fellow that faith without works is useless?
He's saying, look, if you say you're a Christian, let's see it. That's what he's saying.
You say you're a believer. I want to see it. Because if you say one thing and you do another, you're a lying hypocrite.
That's 1 John 2 .4. You say you know him and do not keep his commandments. The truth is not in you and you're a liar.
Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up Isaac and his own son on the altar? Was he justified before God by that work or before men?
The context is on the horizontal. You see that faith was working with his works and as a result of the works, faith was perfected and the scriptures was fulfilled, which says that Abraham believed
God and was reckoned him as righteousness and was called a friend of God. He was justified by what he did, but not before God because notice that James 2 .23
and Abraham believed God. It was reckoned him as righteousness is quoted by Paul in Romans 4 .3.
Abraham believed God. It was credited him as righteousness. Both are using the same person and the same quote for different reasons, different contexts.
James 2 is horizontal justification. So now we can see the faith and the work of Abraham. We got it.
In Romans 4, oh, I get what Abraham's justification before God is not by his works.
But by faith, that's what's going on. And a Roman Catholic needs to understand that.
I need to repent. You need to come to Christ. I'll prove you don't. If you're a Roman Catholic, I'll prove you don't trust in Christ.
And this is how, if you're a dedicated Roman Catholic, I'm going to ask you a question, a series of questions.
Does Jesus, is Jesus God in flesh? You have to say yes. John 1 verse 14,
Colossians 2 .9. Does Jesus have all authority in heaven and earth?
Yes, he does. Matthew 28, 18. Can you pray to Jesus? Yes. The church prayed to him.
1 Corinthians 1 verse 2. Can you pray and can you ask
Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins? Yes. Jesus said, ask him anything in my name and I will do it.
John 14, 14. So if he has all authority in heaven and earth and you can pray and ask him to forgive you of your sins, and he does forgive sins,
Luke 5, 27, 48. And you do that, then are all of your sins forgiven?
And if they are all forgiven, do you need a priest? Do you need the work of Mary? Do you need the penance?
Do you need the sacraments? No. Now, so what I'll do with Catholics when
I teach them this, say, can you just pray and ask Jesus right now to forgive you and are all your sins forgiven?
And they don't do it. Now, one week ago, a Roman Catholic did it. Jesus, will you forgive me of all of my sins?
There. Okay. I said it. I went, yeah, right. That was sincere. I said, do you need the priest now?
Yes, we need the priest now. You know, he just said the words that went on. It was, it was kind of a mocking thing. The fact is this, that if you put your faith and trust in Christ, you don't need your priesthood in your
Roman Catholic church. It's not going to get you anything. I trust in Jesus.
And if you have your priesthood that you're going to rely on, it's because Jesus isn't enough for you. And that's what the truth is.
And we don't want that. We don't want that at all. Do we? But you guys do.
Now, uh, yeah, here we go with Jay. Oh, I should have just gone here to James. I had my notes. All right.
So we'll just, uh, we'll just leave it there and we'll pray. We'll close, take a break.
You got questions. You can do it on Facebook, um, put them in on YouTube and I'll answer your questions, but let me say this.
Um, that the Roman Catholic church is apostate. It's not a true church. And all who believe in official
Roman Catholic theology are on their way to hell. The Roman Catholic church claims to be the original church.
It's not. It's just had a lot of time to go into apostasy and to teach lies and the devil's had a lot of time to work through it.
How do we know what I'm telling you is the truth? Act 1711, the Bereans were more noble minded because they checked even what
Paul said against scripture. Check it against scripture. Now remember Catholics, you're not to exceed what's written in the word of God, your sacred tradition, not going to help you go into the
Pope, go into your church, don't exceed what's written. Don't go beyond the scriptures. That's what first Corinthians four, six tells you.
Don't exceed it. Praying to Mary, penance, indulgences, all this stuff, all the scubalon, all of it is going beyond scripture.
And you need to repent because eternity is a long time to be wrong. You need to put your faith, your trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ and trust him only, ask Jesus, forgive you of all of your sins, trust in him only and nobody else or nothing else, not your own self, not your penance, not your work, not your sincerity, but only what
Christ has done because only through him can he be saved from the righteous judgment of holy God. Roman Catholic church is not true.
And you wait, when we get to the stuff on Mariolatry, man, does it get bad there too?
All right, let's pray. We're done. And then we'll hang 10 minutes later. We'll come back and you guys can fire questions at me if you want.
Lord Jesus, I thank you for the time and ask that you would bless it in the hearing of all the people who are listening and will listen and that they might, by your grace, by your grace, if they're not saved to be saved, if they're not repentant, to become repentant, if they are saved to go closer to you, that they would seek your face and throw themselves at the cross and not trust in anything they can do and not put any hope in their sin stained efforts.
Lord Jesus, be merciful and save more people, bring them out of Catholicism and bring them to yourself.