Was the Japan Earthquake Prophecy Fulfilled??

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The whole counsel of God concerning everything essential for his own glory and man’s salvation, faith, and life is either explicitly stated or by necessary inference contained in the Holy Scriptures. Nothing is ever to be added to the Scriptures, either by new revelation of the Spirit or by human traditions. - 1689 2LBCF


Do your small group gatherings go this hard? I hope not.
In this clip is a young man with a following on social media who is going to give a prophecy. That is, he's going to speak for the
Lord in first person. He assumes the role of the mouthpiece of God, not to deliver what
God has already said in his sufficient word, but a new revelation about shaking, waves, and stars falling from the sky.
This took place around midnight on New Year's Eve, and Japan experienced a 7 .6 magnitude earthquake the next day, which is supposedly the, or a, fulfillment of this prophecy.
Let's break it down. If this young man is a prophet, and he has spoken the word of the Lord proven true by the earthquake, where are we writing these prophecies down?
Where are we recording their fulfillments? And why aren't we adding them to scripture? Some will say, well, we don't believe modern day prophecy is on the same level as scripture.
But this clip is a thus says the Lord moment. He is very clearly supposed to be speaking the very words of God.
The confirmation of the earthquake would prove that this word is authoritative. I mean, if God has spoken, he hasn't done so in a non authoritative manner.
So while in God's providence, we don't have every recorded prophecy spoken during the New Testament era, if we're getting confirmation, like next day confirmation, that God is speaking new authoritative revelation today, we'd be crazy not to canonize it, or at the very least, record and compile it, right?
Right, right. Tom Pennington notes, The New Testament doesn't distinguish between Old and New Testament prophets, but teaches that both groups functioned as channels for God's revelation.
The Old Testament prophets communicated God's revelation primarily to the people of Israel, while New Testament prophets communicated primarily to the church.
In both cases, the prophets spoke new revelation from God that was infallible or without error.
Most charismatics, however, believe in a kind of prophecy that is fallible, a second tier, second level prophecy that has less authority than scripture.
One example for proof of this is that both Old and New Testament prophets use the same or similar formulas with their prophecies.
The Old Testament prophet would say, for example, Thus says the Lord. Agabus in Acts 21 .11
says, This is what the Holy Spirit says. The real biblical gift of prophecy and today's charismatic version are irreconcilable.
The biblical text defines the gift of prophecy as an infallible means of communicating new revelation from God to his people.
In the case of the New Testament gift, God was giving new revelation and direction to the church as the
New Testament was being written. Both the nature and purpose of the New Testament gift were identical to the
Old Testament prophets and their prophecies. Moving on, I'll give him credit for prophesying woe and judgment as opposed to the regular, stale, repeated formulas of new seasons, shifting atmospheres, refreshing winds of promotion.
The Lord said to me to tell the church that this year, 2024, there will be a sudden promotion that is coming.
Sudden lifting, sudden exaltation. Things will blow the time of refreshing, wind of refreshing.
But the judgment oracles recorded in Scripture by actual prophets are always location -specific.
A brief look at Isaiah, for example. It's prophesied that Babylon will fall to the Medes. There's judgment on Assyria, judgment on Philistia, judgment on Moab, judgment on Damascus, and it goes on.
But Japan is not mentioned in this prophecy. Now, in Isaiah 24, someone could push back.
We do have judgment on the whole earth, but all the nations that have been specifically mentioned in the preceding judgment oracles is what's in view there.
Now, a good point was made in the comments. If this prophecy is about an earthquake in Japan, why is
God telling it to a small gathering of white Americans on the other side of the world? You might say that Isaiah, if we use him as an example again, didn't necessarily go to these different nations against whom he prophesied.
That's true, but these different nations had much to do with Israel, against whom
Isaiah also prophesied judgment. What does an earthquake in Japan have to do with the people in this living room?
The issue really has much to do with the sufficiency of Scripture. Many people, like the ones in this video, would say they believe
Scripture is sufficient, but continue in a practical denial of it. What do we mean by the sufficiency of Scripture?
Allow me to quote the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. Either by new revelation of the
Spirit or by human traditions. So was the earthquake in Japan the fulfillment of this prophecy?